HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1976-09-30, Page 20GOOD TIMES - GOOD VALUE
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The Ratepayers of
Tuckersmith and Stanley Townships
to a meeting in
Huron Centennial School
on Wednesday, Oct. 6, 1976 . at 8 p.m.
For the Purpose of discussing proposed
school boundary changes
D.J. Cochrane
H. Turkheim
Director of Education
(Continued from Page 17)
Eleanor married J. G. Standard, of. Detroit. She
died in 1927.
Beatrice married (1) A. K. McDougall, of Toronto,
and (2) F. Boulton, of Newcastle. She died in 1970.
James, with the Bank of Montreal, married
Aldyth Walcott of Quebec. He died in 1969.
Alan Balfour at the time of his father's death was
serving with the 74th Canadian Infantry Battalion
with rank of captain. He died in 1969.
John Ure, lieutenant in the Canadian army, was
killed in action in 1916.
Charles, second son fo Hon. J. T. Garrow, was ...
born June 12, 1875, received his early education in
Goderich, attended Woodstock College, then the
UniVersity of Toronto, graduating LL. B. in 1896.
Completing his law course at Osgoode Hall, he was
called to the Bar in 1900.
In McKillop and O'ciderich
While a partner in his father's firm, he married in
19Q1 Marion-Elizabeth Shephard, eldest daughter of
Capt. A. M. Shephard, in what the Signal described
as "one of the, prettiest weddings ever celelitated in
Goderich." Rev. Mark Turnbull of St. George's,
officiated; bridesmaids were Beatrice Garrow and
Emily Shephard; the bridegroom was assisted by his
brother, E. F. , Toronto, and Helen, youngest sister ,•
of the bride, was maid of honor. Ushers were Philip
Horton , Charles Shephard and Fred Shephard.
The bride was given, away by her mother,
"Captain-Shephardhaving failed to connect with the
train • at Cleveland," the newspaper explained,
adding that the newlyweds "left on the 2:30 train for
' a honeymoon trip which was to include leading cities
on both sides of the line."
(To be continued next week)
When Henry Uderstnkt,
O,L.S., who was 1.4- -0-
discussed and explained the cost
of the proposed work Mr.
Buchanan decided to keep the tile
in Lot 10 but leave "E" Drain
open in Lot 9. A motion by
councillors Greg Brandon and
Tom Duizer to refer the report on
the Dubs Drainage Works back to
the engineer for changes to the
"B" Drain extension and to
change closed work to open on Lot
11, Conc. 8 and relocate the
ditch and that the closed work on
"E" Branch, Lot 9, conc. 10 be
also changed from' closed to open
work was carried.
Court of Revision on the
Gibbings "A" Drain Improve-
The hall was decorated in
yellow bells and streamers and
also included a special cake made
b Mrs.. Lila Storey for the
occasion. Lunch was served and a.
social hour was spent.
Miss Debbie Woods of London
spent the weekend with her
grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Weekend visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. John ThOmpson, Jim,
Sheila, Sharon and Bob were
Mrs. Robert Reynolds and Nancy
Jo of Southfield, Michigan. Mrs.
Hazel Bennett, Mrs. Joe Arm-
strong, both of Detroit, Mr. and
Mrs. Terence Hunter of
Colborne, Mr. and Mrs. Andy
Thompson of Etobicoke, Mr. and
Mrs. Barry Powley, Jason and
Jonathan 'of Ottawa, who are
remaining for this week:
Mrs. Perrin of London visited
over the weekend with Mrs; W.L.
Whyte and Bill and
Harold Whyte. .
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riley,
Miss Debbie Woods and Mrs.
ment and "C" Drain was opened
but there were no appeals.
A report on the Nott Drain was
considered and adopted after
Wm. Shifflett of Gamsby
Mannerow the engineers, who
were present and discussed the
report. There were no interested
owners attending. Court of
revision was set for Oct. 18.
A request for a re-assessment
on the Wilson Drain, on advice. of
Mr. Uderstadt, was filed until
such time as work is to be done on
the drain. At the time an engineer
would be appointed to bring in a
complete new report and the
owners who requested the change ,
are to be notified.
Council rescinded a motion of
its September '6th meeting
regarding the appointment of an
Engineer on the Wilson D rain.
Tom Riley of Clinton attended the
Lucknow Fall Fair on Saturday.
Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Reg Lawson, John and
Elizabeth were Miss Marilyn
Ttirnei of Toronto, Miss Evelyn .
Woods of New Westminster,
B.C., Mrs. Harold Turner, Barry
and Bonnie, John Turner, all of
Tuckersmith, when they
celebrated Mr. J. Turner's
The Sam McClure family, John
Thompson family and the Baker
family all enjoyed a, barbeque
held at McClure's bush Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riley, Kim
Riley of Winthrop •took Debbie to
Mr. ant Mrs. Gordon
McGregor of Clinton, Mr. and
Mrs. Mark Smith, Chris and Julie
of Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie
Knox of Embro were Sunday
visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Southgate and Jennifer.
London on Sunday where she is
attending school at Western
at $85.60 and add option
Z95 -Regular Gas No Charge
subject to Ministry of Transport
approval." Carried.
Record Vote-For: Milton Dale,
Joe Hunking, John Jewitt
Against: Greg Brandon, Tom
Motion #19 by Tom. Duizer and
Greg Brandon:-
Council accepted the petition of
John Wiersma and others and
appointed E.H. Uderstadt as
The Clerkeer. was instructed to
-advertize for tenders on the
Gibbing "A" Improvement and
' "C:' Drain and Gibbing Extention
and 'Repair and also, for tenders
on the Nott and Flynn Drains. The
tenders are to be in the Clerks
hands October 18, next.
The Road Superintendent also
was _Instructed to aaieriise for
Snow Plow tenders.
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This house on Montreal street,, Goderich, was
built for John B. Gordon, a lawyer who became
insolvent. J. T. Garrow bought- it and lived there
until appointed to the Ontario Appeal. Court in 1902.
It was for some years a funeral home, and is now
remodelled into apartments.
Hullett hears drain appeals
Silver Spurs have last meeting
ii4de 1060'
Marl! Hauwert and the late
Theo Hauwert wish to announce
the marriage of their daughter
MAO Ann to Lawrence D.
- Schweitzer, son of*, and Mrs.
Victor.Schweitzer, Rodney. The
ceremony will take place on
Saturday the sixth of November at
4 o'clock in Duart. 26.64-1
27 Births
KENNEDY -.— Ray and Sheila are
happy to announce the arrival of
their daughter, Kerry Ann, on
September 17, 1976 at, Clinton
Public Hospital. Proud
grandparents are Mr. and Mrs.
Stan Bray of Seaforth and Mr.
and Mrs. Elgin Dale of Clinton.
28 Deaths
HOWE: At Niagarafalls, Ontario
on. Wednesday, September 22,
1976, Gladys Dalton Howe,
beloved wife, of Harry A. Howe,
3919 St. James Avenue, Niagara
Falls. Dear mother of Dalton,
Alex and Malcolm Howe, all of
Niagara Falls, Ontario; . Mrs.
Marvin Stievers (Margaret) and
Mrs. Donald Cook (Aileen) both
of Niagara Falls, N.Y. Sister of
Kelly Dalton, Seaforth, Mrs.
Robert Christy (Aileen) and Mrs.
Robert Beare (Alma) both of
Toronto; Mrs, Murray Savauge
(Herrietr), Niagara Falls, Ontairo
and the late Mrs. Foster Fowler
(Leta). The funeral was held from
the funeral chapel of
Hetherington and Deans, Niagara
Falls, Ontario, on Friday,
September 24 at 3 p.m. with the
Rev. Merrill Graham, Minister of
Stamford United Church
officiating. The interment was
made in Fairview Cemetery. The
pallbearers wereDouglas, William
and Alexander H owe, Glen and
Kenneth Stievers and Bruno
Ariganello. 28-64-1
Moncrieff WI
has anniversary
SEPTEMBER lb. 1.976
Municipal drains highlighted a
special meeting of Hullett
Township Council, Tuesday,
September 21 when council sat as
a court of revision on three
drains, let a tender on one and
considered several others.
When Reeve John Jewitt
declined to act on the court of
revision on the Dubs Drainage
Works and declared a possible
conflict , of interest, deputy Reeve
Joe Hunking was named
There were two appeals
concerning the assessed cost of
tile installation.' Gordon Hoggart
decided to leave the drain
through Lot '11, Conc. 8 open.
Don Buchanan wanted his part in
Lot 10 & 9, Cont. 9 tiled but
questioned the fair, allocation of
groups to discuss their project
and took up their exam.
Members discussed' the trail
ride to be held in October.
Shower S. Baker
A community shower was held
on Saturday afternoon Sept. 18 in
the Foresters Hall for Sheila
Baker prior to her marriage to Jim
Thompson. on September 25'.
The bride-to-be, here mother .
Mrs. Meade Baker and Jim's
mother Mrs. John Thompson
were seated in decorated chairs
and received •corsages. Others
receiving corsages were, Mrs.
Hunter and Mrs. Plunkett,
grandmothers of the groom and
Mrs. Drager, grandmother of the
Mrs. Neil Williamson
welcomed everyone and during
the shower the clothes pin
contest was played which was
won by Valerie Nillson. Musical
package was played with Sharon
Thompson at the piano. Those
winning were Kerri Medd, Mrs.
Boven and. Mrs. Eric Anderson.
Mrs. Robert Reynolds read an
amusing address and many useful
gifts were presented to Sheila by
Sharon Thompson and Nancy Jo.
Sheila was also presented with
a Bride's Book made by her
-bridesmaids, Mrs. Jack Storey,
Mrs. Neil Williamson and Mrs.
Andy Thompson. Sheila thanked
everyone and invited them to see
her gifts and to , visit her and Jim
in their home.
Now is a good time to
compare your; Registered
Retirement Savings Plan
with the G.1-.C, Plan
available from V and G. •
Currently each $1,000
invested is guaranteed to
be worth $1,648.40 five
years hence under our
plan, How does this
compare with your
present plan? Discuss
R.S.P.'s today at,
Victoria hod Grey.
MaitibetCtia'cla Deposit i .
. Coirespondent
Mary Merner
Weekend visitors with Mr.
and. Mrs. John Thompson,
Sharon and Bob Were Mr, and
Mrs. Robert Reynolds, Bob,
Nancy Jo and Doug, Donlan 'que
of Southfield, Michigan and Janet
Reynolds. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew
Th ompson of Etobicoke.
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Herman of
Stratford spent:the weekend with
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Stevenson,
David, Darren and Luanne.
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan
McConnell, Bryson and Lesleigh
of Mt. Brydges visited over the
weekend with Mr., and Mrs.
George Counter, Richard,
Kassandra and Vicky.
Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson
entertained 35 people including
the Thompson-Baker bridal
party, Rev. .Stan MacDonald of
Londesboro, Mr. and Mrs.
Terence Hunter of Colborne
Township, Mrs. Joe Armstrong,
Mrs. Elmer Bennett of Detroit,
Michigan at a rehearsal party on
Friday evening Sept. 24th.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riley,
Mrs. Jean Riley of Clinton
attended the Ripley Fall Fair on
Those from the area attending
the Thompson-Baker wedding in
the Londesboro United Church
'and the reception in the Seaforth
Community Centre on Saturday
evening Sept. 25th were Mr. and
Mrs. Ed, Dorrance, Mr, Alvin
DoddS, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Eckel,
family, Mrs. Mary Scott, Brenda,
John and. David, Mr. and Mrs.
Mr. andMrs, Sam McClure and
Nelson McClure, Mr. and Nils,
Bill Millson, Mr. and Mrs. Carl
We would like to welcome the
newlyweds Jim and Sheila to the
community, they will be residing
in the former Walter Scott house.
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Powley
Jason and Jonathan returned
hOme to Ottawa on Sunday
following a week's holiday with ij
her parents Mr. and Mrs. John
Thompson, Jim Sheila, Sharon
and Bob, they also attended the
Thompson-Baker wedding and
Mr. . and Mrs. Hector
Kingswell of Clinton were
Sunday visitors with• Mrs. George
Mr. and Mrs. Meade Baker of
Winthrop were Sunday evening 9 dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs.
John Thompson, Sharon and Bob.
Miss, Margie Whyte of Guelph
spent the weekend with her
mother Mrs. W.L.Whyte, Bill and
Mr. Harold Whyte.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tardella
and Christopher of Mississauga
spent Sunday with' her parents
Mr. and Mrs. Don Buchanan,
Paul and Gary:
Court of Revision on the Flynn
Drain was opened with. Reeve
John Jewitt as chairman.
There were three interested
owners represented. Court was
told that , although Mrs.
Govenlock was not present she
previously had expressed
Court on the Flynn
Drainage Works accepted the
re-distribution of acreages as
forwarded by Mr. Uderstadt.
Three tenders on the Wester-
hout Drainage Works' were
received but only one included
both open and closed portion.
Radford Construction for the open
portion at $650.00 and Brickman
Drainage at $25,000.00 for the tile
motion of councillors Milton
Dale and Joe Hunking council
accepted the tender. of Postill Tile
Drainage for the complete work
on Westerhout Drain at the sum
of $24,877.60.
Council-gave two readings to a
by-Law to provide for a Drainage
Works in Hullett and Tuckersmith
and for borrowing on the credit of
the Municipalities an amount up
to $14,189.00 for completing the
Tenders on the provision of
truck for the township' were
opened and there was
considerable discussion on the
three tenders received concerning
how the replacement, value of a
cracked windshield in the trade-in
affected the submissions.
Eventually a recorded vote was
requested when the seconder of .
the motion voted against it.
The motions as recorded
were: Motion #17 by Greg
Brandon and Milton Dale: "That
we accept the tender of Reg
McGee & Sons for a new pick-up
'truck ,.at a tender price of
'$2,990.65. This tender subject to
Ministry. of Transport approval".
Recorded Vote: For: Greg
Brandon, John Jewitt.
Against: Tom Duizer, Joe
Hunking, Milton Dale.
Motion #18 by Milton Dale and
Joe Hunking:
"That we award truck 'tender to
McCutcheon Motors for the price
of $3,101,.93 and optional 350 V8
Mrs. Mary Merner
Seaforth Silver Spurs held their
last 4-H meeting for the summer
season at the home of Ann
Powell. The meeting opened with
the 4-H pledge..
The senior and junior group
each took their own roll call and
read the minutes of the last
meeting. Senior and Junior
groups broke into separate
Ken Appleby
Spray & Brush
E xterior
Celebrating the 25th
anniversary of the 'Moncrieff
Women's Institute was a gala
event for .the 225 persons
attending at - the A twood,
Community Centre., It was
recalled that the group originally
consisted of 23 members with
Mrs. Janet "Richmond serving as
the first president; ,Mrs. Alex
Speiran as vice-president and
hostess; and Mrs. Charles
Harrison as secretary-treasurer.
Archie Mann, R.R.1, Monkton,
was a genial master of
ceremonies and introduced a
delightful program of local talent,
including vocal and violin solos,
tap dances, readings and
mouthorgan.. duets.
Mrs. Kenneth Smith, R.R.1,
Monkton, reviewed the history of
the branch and introduced the
present executive... They are:
vice-presidents, Mrs. Adrian
Verstoep, R.R.3, Monkton; Mrs.
Hans PedersoicKR.1; Mcinktbn,
Secretary, Mrs. Jos. Smith,
R.R.1, Mbrikton; treasurer, rs. -
Kenneth Crawford, R.R.1, Review
Monkton; publicity director, Mrs.
Anniversary cake high- u yolr Wayne Hood,R,12.3. Monkton.
lighted the smorgasbord. It was
followed by dancing to records in
charge of Maurice Wager.
Wm./ties newlyweds
to-Constance area