The Wingham Times, 1895-03-01, Page 311114`; I' Y W. C. T. U. COLUMN. she has not prayed fur her wander- F ing boy ? No, Mutely, I will ()illy ) teoNaveTl n BY TIM WING11431 n1t.(Nclr,) consent to write to your mother on 1 •333 i consideration that you. will llcirmit i b ,) and and Horneand1°n'ire band, line to write the whole truth, just as' one mother eau write to atlotll('1'. wen eel ns. attention, of the: mother+ and testers i to the teat, that the woman's Christian Temper- ' heieur mane argument his consent 1 anon ('thin nnats the third Monday teen' month , was fill€illi' Oa:deed, t thee.: A 1 k it r + ter one hour et eirs Helen s and a lett('!' 1 a etc.: c ,•o• t 1, , ... rooter e, Patrick street. All lanes ars wade web : • vaS hastily penned, and sent 011 it* oa,n:• } way, A week or so elapsed, when • ' ��' tical!. , P pw eaj1 pis it A+tholi•tor1119,ht111 ,,nutput0 s1 spneo, for out work., }e ash l le follolvin;; letter was received AMU! items of interest on all nun ul Iµ14, Haws of the 'from `I'e\as: env to tun of our nle,nberb. • .,<:a•x v„-,.•r.n- c•-mr�n -u.::uracv«z - + 1 "DearSister lel Christ:, cell TEE n1Jn �, �, I letter was this day rceeived, mid E=ME. 1 1 rr CURSE O e , UE = © 11€estell to tllttuk VOR for your words Mr:, Emma !Molloy relates the fol -;of tender rylnpatliy and fur tidings 1 lowing incident in one of her speeches, ! of my boy---thi, firve, we have had in ; referring to the relation Of temper- i two years, 1,Vhen Murray left home anee to crime : I we thought it wouldn't be long, .#s 1 In a recent visit to the heaven- ' the months rolled on the family had worth, Kate, prison, during Illy ad- I given hint up for dead, but I fell Ores* 94 Sabbath Miming, I ebset'v = !on elect moule giro mo b€tot: my ed it boy, not Itt(rc than seventeen boy. or eighteen years of age, etc the As I write from the conch of an 1 front seat intently eyeing me. The invalid, lay husband is in W look he gave me was so full of earn- nursing another son, who is lying at 1 est longing. it spoke volumes to 1110,' the gates of death with typhoidfever. At the close of the service I asked ' I could not wait his return to write the warden for an interview with `to Murray. I wrote and told hila, if him, which was readily granted. !I could, how quickly I would go and i As he a !preached me his face ,grew ! 7ilioly his head upon nil' breast, ,just 1 1 deadly pale, and, as he grasped my es 1 clid when he was a little child. I hand, be could not restrain the fast- My poor, dca.r boy—so generous, falling tears. Choking with emotion kind and loving, What could he have be said : done to deserve this punishment? "I have been in this prison two You did not mention his crime, but I years, and you are the first person say it was committed while under that lens called for pie --the first wo- the influence of drink. man that has spoken to me.” I did not know he had ever tasted "How is this, lny child ? Have you liquor. We raised six boys, and no friends that love Yon ? Where is never knew ono of them to be under your mother ?" the influence of drink, 011'. is there The great brown eyes, swimming. any place in this nation that is safe with tears, were slowly llpliftecl•t0 when our boys have left the home - mine, and be replied : v' fold "My friends are all in Texas. My Gil. God 1 my sorrow is greater mother is an invalid, and fearing than I call bear. I can not go to that the knowledge of :the terrible slim, and comfort hila as you would fall would kill her, 1,havo kept mer have some mother talk to your boy ; whereabouts a prof'oiind secret, For were he in his place. Tell him that two years I have,''borne my awful when he is released, his place is in Great Gathering homesickness in silence for her sake. the old horde -nest and his mother's As he buried his face in his bands, heart is awaiting him." and heart -sick sobs burst from his Then followed the toying mother's 0? NOTABLE WOMEN AT \v.i:;1IIrt:- tremblin/'t frame, it seemed to me 1 words for Murray, in addition to Tux-1.1DY ABERDEE', PRESIDENT could see a panorama of the days those written. As I wept !Jitter or •rut., wcrMEN'S COUNCIL. - and ni lits, the long weeks of home- tears over the words so full of heart- _ — sick ongirlg•, that had dragged their break, I asked myself the question : WABuixGTox, 1). C., Feb. 1ii.- - weary length out oven• two years. "How long will the Nation continue i The second triennial of the Nntionei o I ventured to ask, "Iiow a11011 to sanction the liquor traffic, cove -Council of R'omefl of the United longer have ,you to stay ?" Want with death, and in league with !States began thele morning. Mre. "Three years," was the reply, as hull to rob us of our -boys ?" 1 May Wright Sewall, of Indianapolis, the fair young head dropped lower, Lovers of Gocl and humanity, will I the president of the National Central and the frail littlu hand trembled von not work for the passage of Council, rapped for order. She, looked clown upon a representative gathering of women from every section of this country . and a few from other couutries, while the gallery above was crowded with nu The r -.per limo appreciative audience. Conspicious something for rnyselt'. Coming to •When the most henelit is to Om derived ' in the gathering, by reason of their Leavenworth, I round a cheap board- froma goodtuhclicine, i3 cele!~ in theprominence fn women's work, were ing-house, Feld one night accepted an year. This is the sensors when the tire,! the Countess of Aberdeen, president invitation frotu one of the young body. weatlened organs anti rlervarle of the International Council of Wo- men togo into a drinking saloon. -system yearn for a b+ailcling-up needicirte ,I n like Rood's Stli•sapariIi11. Ntuty walt for }nen ; Lady H. Somerset ; Miss I I For the first time 1n my life I tete open spring Weather :inti. in fact, cle- Willard, of Illinois, president of the drank a glass of liquor. It fired my lay Hiving attealion to their' physical National W. C. T. U'.; Mrs. Russell brain. There is a confused r•emem- i•rtnriiti')u 90 1nna' a1h11t ir.r font; .siege of Sage, of New York; Mrs. Elizabeth bcanee of the quarrel. Somebody .r)�thsy MI; ariitiesaecu,x fated doer tit; the B• Grannis, of New York, president was stabbed. The bloody knife was winter sansnn, to• purity the blood and to of the National Christian League for found hi my hated. I was indicted inveterate the whole system, there is the Promotion of Social Purity, who for assault with intent to kill. nothing won! to ?land's Snreapnrillr.. recently attained• some prominence }Five years for the thoughtless ae- 0nn't put it off, but tulle Hood's Sarsapa- 1 in the metropolis byfollowing in thee rill;! nrtw. It will do you good. Read 1 b ceptance of a glase of liquor is surely ti,µ testtmoniala rublished in behalf of I footsteps of Dr. Parkhurst; Mrs. .r. illustrating the Scripture) truth that Flood'. iJ trsapari►la, alt from reliable, Ellen Foster, of Washington, prest- the 'way of the transgressor is hard."" tx. i -1 i 7*i A1%( 1. l.t tAJC). What is Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor ether Narcotic substance. It is ib ]€nrrinlosu substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and 'Wind Colic. Castoria relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and iiatu:encyst Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cos.. tori: i:3 the Children's Panacea --tine Mother's Friend. Castoria. "Castoria is as macoUeut mei i:Ann for chil- dren. Mothers have repeatedly told mo oe. its good ot<oct upon their children." Da. 0. C. OacooD, Lowen, Maas. "C ntor:a is the heat remedy for ch:lirea of tri te`.i I 1.::1 req :aimed. I hops tho day 1,i rot Tar t:1.::::at when rmotherovsi:l consider the real inter.::t cf. tacit children, Incl tine Caston. in - Wad of the v::riouaquackuostrumswhioleare destroying their loved once, by forcingopi:::n, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurt't1 agents town their throw'.^., thereby sanding them to premature graves.' Da. T. IT. Kis ounr oa, Tho Comtl.'7.'^ ICo Conway,ry, fM+, Castori't, " Cantona is so Well adopted to children thou I recommence it at superior to any prescription known to Inc)." II. Is.. Anonym, M. D., 211 S0. Osfor.1 ,b., i.ruoLlya, N. Y. "Our physlciare in tho c'.tild:an's depart- ment have epo::en 11i:;h1;f at t fr =pati- ence hi their Outside practice w ::1 t'=.:toric, and although we only have among o,tr medical supplies what is known as regular products, yet Aro are free to confess that tice merits of Castoria has won us to look with favor upon it." UNITED HOSPITAL AND DISPENSARY, Roston, ltiass. ALL= C. Swam, l'e'es., 5.." -array Street, New York City, with surpressecl emotion. laws that will save the boys and "Five years at your age 1" I ex- the agony of mothers like this: claimed. "Flow diel it happen?" Similar eases are among us all the ' "'Well," 'he replied, "its a long tinge, story, but I'll slake it short. I. started out from home to try to do I was holding the cold, trembling hand that lind crept into mine. TIe earnestly tightened his grasp as im- ploring, he snid : "Oh, Mrs. Molloy, I want to ask a favor of you." At • once I expected he was fining to ask lee to obtain a. pardon, end in stn instant T measured the weight of public reproach thet refits upon the victims of this Legalized drink traffic. It is ail' right to legalize a man to craze the brains of our boys, but not by any means to ask that the State pardon its victims. interpreting my timed:, he said : "I am not geing to ask von to get lee too'•a. pardon, but T want Vett to write to J mother d get letter from 1 t;t•aterni people. They tell the story. A Quaint' Acceptance. dent of the Women's Republica') Association of the United States ; Mrs. H. Solomon, of Illinois, pres'- The comic paper's have been giving (lent of the National Council of us the joke of the American girl who Jewish le onien, and Mrs. Jenness was visiting in. France, and who Miller, the dress reformer. could not speak French, but could A number of fraternal organiza- say 'yes' in five different languages, tions not in the council were also This reminds us of a rather pretty represented These societies num- story told in a Yorkshire journal. A bered twenty. factory girl bad received a proposal The opening, session was merely of marriage. The young woman formal. It began with prayers, and this was followed by the introduction of the presidents and delegates of organizations forming the additional council. I happened to know that the writer The presentation of greetings from i wasa. deserving young artisan, so I the National Council of Women of, < fraternal ' could not write or . read anything, and one day she brought a letter to me to read for her, says the narrator. It contained an offer of marriage. said to her, Now, you must consider Canada and greetings by this matter very seriously, and if you delegates from organizations not int _ _ < itkPorbs but don't try to patch up a lingering cough or cold by trying experimental remedies. Take PYNY - PECTORAL and relief is certain to follow. Cures the most obstinate coughs, colds, sore throats, In fact every form of throat, lung or bronchial inaammation In- duced by cold. Large Bottle. 25 Cents. MOST SUCCESSFUL REMEDY FOR MAN OR BEAST. Certain in its effects and never blisters. Read proofs below: KENDALL'S SPAVDI CURE. Box 52 Carman, Henderson Co., 211., Feb. 7/,'20. Dr. B. J. KENDA,.L CO. • Dear Sirs -Meow. send me one of your Horse Books and obllRo. I have used a great deal of your i,endall's Spann Cure with good euecess • it is a wonderful medicine. I onto lead a mato that had an Occult Spnvin and ftve bottles cured her. 1 keep a bottle on hand all thetlmo. Yourstruly, Ones. POwatL. KENDALL'S SPAVnN CURED ( Carron, Mo., Apr. 3, 02. { Dr. D. J. Aaemett Co. Dear Sirs-I'bave usedseveral bottles of your "Kendall's Spavin Cure" with much success. I think it the best Liniment I ever used. Flare re- movedoae Curb, one Blood eipavtel and killed two Ixono $pAvinu. Hato recommended it to andkeep ise380:11:113 . y rlRedpew tuli'so,much plcssod with S. IL i°Lir, P. O. Box Sit POT Salo by an Druggists, or address Dr. ILO; ICEZITX3A1L1 aoDLISA.TlrT. FHOOnonott FAI.LG vv. an mg. .ler an . send it to w. a o • 't lel IT to conte to me when you have th0 council cane next on the p world tell her lwber Dt inn. fo/later made up your mind, I will write gramme. not tell her anythin^ about me. ,Tela a reply for you. A day or two .sloe session emu:h.i(led with the get a line from her, so 1 can look afterward Inlet the girl again, and triennial address of President loos Upon it! Ohl I am so lromesiekasked her if she wanted me to answer W- right S iti all, for the letter for her. Oh, that is all ..._ ...__ Ins mother 1 ` right, said the girl, looking radiant The Bead of the boy dropped down and pleased I've settled it T 1 I,u tie•lrt'lt rrllr, in:pu111l. t :inti ,frit irate lay lap, 1vitll rb walling sob : I answered s myself. Why, holy did there, front the fiyatntu b the work rat laid my hand upon his head. 1 li d 1 lir d lftt A tl s13 t3 k3 1) t 1 tsktd And then s dyspepsia, e sea Aonstip t v to) moments was silent, and let the out- ,.I," and that she ,tuck oil the paper stomach, liver, bowels and blood. !burst of sarroty leave aerate a piece of wool after it for wull--I Presently- 1 said : "lirlirray, If 1 wool, Surely one of it, quaintest 1 Make the farm both a produeor were your mother. and the odor of a aeeeptanees of an offer of marriage and a manufacturer, and, the labor thousand 'prisons was upon You, Still ever penned. account and. the by products all swell < r ur oc r ot) 1 sr ; to v he •t ion bad blattd thought of my boy, and for a fel on (o t,, € . euros y p p r + I(1tne that she could snake aeapital. biliousness and all diseases of the ,you would bo my boy. I should like to know where you wore. 1fae Is it right to keep drat ntothor yon ever n�itinutt how your itI aQ;;tl�jn r:r stns tel crave s1 (trim assist* the farm's produetion; tarn the hay and silage into milk and butter, hay and grain and fodder into beef, roots suspense? I)o you suppose that therq !lace in the Aprieg' Just the hells re. ,into wool and mutton, and the corn ever has been a day or night -dial quilretl is given by Hood's Sarsaparilla. and gra:'s into pork. Jo1lt sur Che }I and )liut5aular Pain "„gait Clic Why get try tile'; ,. �l%ntflot Neer, mywi&ejot me owe, ileured like make. WIN °III!! .7a".(31 PAPER, JAR. The undersignedin returuln,; tin/DIM isA for haat favorii,hog Immo to Pay that they; �1 NeW Journal for the Your have a very large stuck of 'M �,y q��•aa �i-�e of Canada. LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATH, Young people will read; the onlyques- BARRELS, tt + tion is, what aro they to f•t'ad? Thatit ®D, tC., 1 genealnewspavr.`In hIt Sta tneys on hand, which will be sold at very close ; several exceIleat periodicals are prepared prices to meet the requirements of the ' for their toonetit, but they aro oil mete. hard tulles. ) sive. Harper's Young Peo letNcw York) casts 82 a year; Phe Youth's Companion (L'oston) Sbiti; Golden lays (Philadel- µbio) 43; :and i t. a✓ieiyoias (New York) First Mass Shingles, 1.1p per 4 giiali,e' q f" 3. They are worth the woney, but they Wood �t �t are luxuries, lY W00d Mots. per Ori delivered. 'ghe'page)(journ PEOPLE'S PAPER c i9 €1 vt'eet3to (eight•page) journal just commenced to f l'fingston, Granada, designed for the peru- sal of young persons of both eexes be- tween the ages of ten and twenty, with a department for children, and iesued at a price within the reach of al!. It will contain the cream of all the leading McLEAN & SON. American periodicals of the Hanle class as well as the many publications of like nature to be found in England, in addi- tion to a chip proportion ,of original utatter. Young people like stories, and these will begiven in abundance. Among the miscellaneous contents of the paper may be mentioned accounts of travel, adventure and discovery, explanations of • wonderful inventions, instances of re, 111arkaiak) intehigeree in animals, anec• STONE Ft WELL1NUT(N, dotes,etc. Parents may rest assured that The only Nursery in Canada hatit„to ti"uerenreltalot, the MOM/ tone of the (1:+1,er AVill be the very highest. f";" Friel:, ilOe a }ear: trial tri), for two months, 10 cents. The beat w,ry °remit is by postal order at a cost of two cents, though smell silver is enrrind safely enough if wrapped in t"ft paper, Ad- dress T. J. Shanks, 63 Rideau et., Ring. Ston, Ont. Josephine Street • - *Thom, lint. n long time I suffered with Itheunitaisatin elk so severely that t ootl)d not even sit ter. 315' wile advised s. D. & 1,. iteathol ,•r. I tried it and was son» going nboatall S. C. iiusralt, Sweet's Corners. t e 26o. Pitta's Remedy for Catarrh Is tete Zest, Faaslrst to flee, and Chebpest,. !Sat int :sold by druggists or sent by matt, We. 7i. T. Triose!!!us. Warren. S+s. Everything else equally low, Come and see us before buying, as we will not be undersold. Wingham, June 7th, 1893. SBg�wr pp .__.L• velatm 'l'rareiim.; salesmen YU�9 915 i1I. to hnnale Mur Hardv Omeellan Grown Nursery Stook. We amount ro •'+t.faettou to representatives and Custpmers ; ur I in,ertee are the largest in the Dominion -over 7+.0 neres. En substitution in orders. Exclusive trr+ltcry and liberal terns to whole or pint time 0. nets. Write us. HALSTED & SCOTT J. A. HALSTED, J. W. Scram, Mount Forest. I Listowel Deposits Received and Interest allowed, Money Advanced to Farmers and Business Men, On long or short time, on endorsed notes or collateral security. Sale notes bought at a fair valuation. Money remitted to all parts of Canada et reasonable charges. Special Attention Given to Col- lecting Accounts and Notes. Agents in Canada -'rile alerchants• Sault of Canada Ofliee Beers -From P'a. m. to 5 p. rat. A. E. SMITH, A. en . ZETLAND SAW MILL GEORGE [RuSRn, Proprietor. Lumber of all kinds, First-class Shingles, and Cedar Posts. Car load Orders a Specialty. WOOD delivered to any tart of Wing - ham. te.rOrdersby mail promptly attends) GEORGE THOMSON, Box 116, u'htgbam . 0 YOUNG LADIES r,a Al AND GENTLEMEN. TD F S CORNY's xi i i.e„d iJ cents in stature. or 10 cents silver, and we Altt t will send you by return wail the FR __ _ j PERFECT LETTER WRITER, UND �� A neat little Boole, being a perfect Guide in the ant 7 . I of better Writhe:, It contains lettere of Love, Friendship and Business, ele., with valuable instruc• tion, and ari dee Every young man and woman �j ! should have this Hoc k. Acltrress, WIN GHA M, ONT. ;1 ' I OVELTY PD BLISHERS, A Blessing to Every Household. HOLLOWAY Ingersoll, Out IS AN 61EMENT These remedies have stood the test of fifty years experience, and are pronounced the !,tat h:tdicines for Family use. Till] PIi i surd) the blood, correct all disorders of tho LIVER, STOMACII, IIIl+NEYS ?1` 0 1 e.V IIS and Invaluable in R11 complaints incidental to females of all ages. Is the only reliable 'remedy for bad egs, sorra, ulcers, and old wounds. FOR BRONCHITIS, seas THROATS, COUGHS, r.OLDS, GOUT, REEUMATISAI, GLADULAlt SWELLINGS AND ALL SKIN DISEASES IT HAS N0 EQUAL. Manufactured only at 78, New Oxford. Late US, Oxford Street, London, end sold by all Medicine Vandore throughout the world. t=-'•1'urohasers should look to the Label on the Boxes and Pots. If the address is not, 533 Oxford Street, London, they are spurious. WEBSTER & CO. have decided, for a short time, to reduce the price for MANG MEN'S TWEED SUITS TO $4.00 SPOT GASH. If you haVe any Tweeds at home, now is the time to save a dollar one the making of etleh suit, and get It gond fit. lefirst-class Trimmings supplied at wholesale prices for spot cash only. If you want to buy a Suit or Overcoat yeti -can scare front $3 ,QR 10,00 on each, by purchasing from us. WEBSTER 8 Opposite the now Macdonald Block, Winghaln. Merchant Taft",