HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1976-09-30, Page 10QUILT EXPERT-HERE Lance, of Bayfield and Oakland County, Michigan, brought about 50 of the antique quilts in her collection and talked to a huge crowd about old quilts and patterns/at an evening sponsored by the Seaforth Hospital Auxiliary last week at the Legion. Here Mrs. Lance, left, talks to local quilter, Phyllis Dallas. Mrs. Aaron Jantzi, R.R.1, Dublin, won the evening's door prize. (Staff Photo) 2 YEARS AND 12 YARDS — Phyllis Dallas shows Ethel Dennis the:Cathedral Window pattern quilt top that she's finished after two years work. The pattern,. which involves a lot of folding, used 12 yards of 81 inch material. (Staff Photo) Library staff to stagger lunch hours 'ARK THEATRE' GODERICH 524-781 1 hrograini subloct to Ohne without notice SEPT. aCT, 5 ONE SNOWING ONLY THURS., SUN .• MON TOES I 00 TWO SHOWINGS fat. WS, 7 15 t v 30 THE EXORCIST *VARMINT CERTAIN ;CERES LANCIJACt MINIS Rig VAT OEFERII MK` -41,10VOLO ADULT ENTERTAINMENT EVENING COURSES THIS FALL Registrations at Conestoga College, Clinton Campus are still, beingaccepted for the following courses: DraWing and Painting Bartending Techniques - English - Level I I or IV(by home study) - Mathematics - Level III or IV(by home study) Course starting'dates will be established as soon as sufficient registrations are received. If you are interested give us a call at 482-3458 from 8;00 a.m. 4:30 p.m. • Pratchett of Downsview have returned from visiting in Saskatchewan. M. and Mrs. Jack Matthews' and their daughter Jacqueline moved to Kitchener last vvea, After Jack being employed hi the shoe industry 'in Seaforth for twenty years and, foreman in cutting and pre fit at the Genesco Plant for six years; he now has started a new job as foreman in cutting and pre fit in t1 •Greb Skate Indnstry in Kitchener. His wife Mona will also be emplbyed with the same firm. Their (laugh- ter Jacqueline will be attending Forest Heights Collegiate there. Mrs. Melissa Holnies Snowden from La Peer, Michigan is visiting Mrs. Nellie Gale. Douglas Wright I of . Kingston; formerly of Seaforth, has received a .transfer to the Main Dffice Branch at Brockville as Assistant Manager of the Toronto Dorninion Bank in that city. Douglas commences his new Odes 'on October 4, Douglas is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Art Wright, 104 John Street. Mr. and Mrs, Neil Smale of Onaway, Mich., spent last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Smale of town. Mr. and Mts. Frank J. Smale spent a day last..week with Mr. and Mrs. Vein Reynolds and Kimberly in London. Mrs. Keith Sharp, Harpurhey, and her daughter Mrs. Anne 1 Registration. For SEAFORTH MINOR HOCKEY Saturday, October 2.1'976 SEAFORTH ARENA, 10 A.M. —12 Noon . Fee: $15.00 per child or a maximum of $35.00/family- PLUS an additional $10.00 per player for all players who register with a travelling team. FORMS ARE AVAILABLE AT THE SCHOOLS OR THE RECREATION OFFICE OR ON REGISTRATION • DAY • The Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority invites the public to "COME CLOSE TO NATURE" at the Bannockburn Wildlife Area, 1 i/4 miles east of V a rna, on SUNDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1976 There will be guarded nature hikes leaving the parking lot from 2 - 4 p.m. For further information contact: THE AUSABLE BAYFIELD CONSERVATION , AUTHORITY EXETER 235-2610 4 BEECH ST. CLINTON An Event... ADULT ENTERTAINMENT Golden Wedding Anniversary The family of Wilfred and Verna Glazier Huron Street, Clinton Cordially invite friends , neighbours, 'and relatives to Saltford to share with then, in celebrating 50 years of marital bliss on Friday October 1 8 — 9 Social Hour 9 — 1 Dancing to Norm's Rhythm Pals Lunch served Best Wishes Only Your presence is their present- Nu„ 4 NW. 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111i111110 a a a a a a , a WINN a o ba a a a a▪ , a a a a a a a a a a a • a a a a a a a a a a Because of the closing of Goderich arena, the annual Goderich Car Show will be combined with the Clinton Auto Dealers for Auto Show '77 at Clinton Arena FRIDAY, OCTOBER -1 • 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 2 - 2 p.m. to' 8 p.m. Free Coffee Free Admission Door Prizes Chovrolet-Oldsmobila • Lorne Brown Motors Pord•Werttiry-Lincoln • Green & Parent Ford' American MotiA-Jeep ,„ 4, Stiickiand Auto Mart' Chrysler•Plyntouth , 0.Clinton.Chrysler.Plymouth , COrysler.bodge • Schutz motor Sales ,Toyota Strickland Motors . , County courril bloc • area' recreation idea it Oct. t SAT. MATINEE ONE SHOWING 1 10 WHALE:OF A TALE Under Flex Time the office opens at 8: 30 a.m., closes for lunch between noon and 1:00 p.m. and closes for the day at 4:30 p.m. In their report to council the board noted that. the County Librarian had attended the Canadian Library Association conference in Halifax and had been elected as Vice-Chairman of the Regional Libraries Division of Public Libraries Section of the group. Duties for this position will involve planning workshops at the 1977 conference in Montreal. At the Halifax convention these' had been "Multi-Cultural Mosaic" and had included workshops on various ethnic and cultural activities in Canada. Clagsified Ads pay dividends. Queensway Happenings (By Mrs. Bertha MacGregor birthday greetings to Vera Lammie who celebrated her birthday on ThUrsday. Visitors with Mrs. Pauline Jeffrey were her son • Edmund, Madge Oesch, Mrs. Ethel Hous- ton., Mrs. Leon Jeffrey, Mrs: Elaine Ducharme, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Jeffrey and family of London. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil•Smith, Mrs. Lillian Kleinfelt visited Lynn Latimore, Vera Lammie and several other ladies. Pearl Passmore visited her sister Bernice Lavery. Mrs. Marjorie Hooper, Diane, Wayne and Donald and Orville Mitchell visited Mrs. Florence Mitchell. Visitors with Hugo Schenk were Marion Schenk, Edward Schenk, jeanette and Lisa Lippert, Debbie Glanville, Lossie Fuller and Beatrice Tait. Jim and ' Agnes McQuaid visited with Dan Matthews. Mrs. Roy McDonald and Mr. 'and Mrs. Ted Prouty visited Roy MacDonald.. The church service was conducted by Rev. Henry Van 'ESsen of Exeter. Every week more and more people discover what mighty. jobs are accomplished by low cost Huron Expositor want. Ads. Dial 527-0240. You are Invited to Attend an OPEN HOUSE CELEBRATING THE 60th WEDDING ANNIVERSARY of MR. & MRS. HERB TRAPNELL on SUNDAY, OCT. 3 from 2 — 5 Please no gifts as Mrs. Trapnell is a patient, in the Nursing' Home. 40,10.04WAMergeOMMON.Ai A proposal to have Huron County. establish an annual grant of up to $1,000, on a matched dollar for ,dollar basis, as an incentive to municipalities to form and operate co-operative area Recreation Boards was 'defeated on Friday by tine council. The vote shoWed 33 opposed and only 20 favoring the motion. County Council did support•the theory of forming such area boards to facilitate "better co- operation between municipalities and to encourage better utilization of facilities and services. The Clinton Town Council had first asked Huron County Council to investigate the financing of, recreation services within the County in January of 1974. Since that time, the County Development Officer, Spence Cummings, in co-operation with representatives from the Ministry of-Ctiltdre and Recreation and several of the Recreation Directors from municipalities within Huron County, have worked to assess and evaluate the current status quo within the County. In September ,of 1975 'this group submitted a report to County Council which investi- gated the areas of existing facilities, facility uses, a break- wn the recreation financing in the County, population statistics, the planning piocess for recreation in the County, the extent of co-operation in planning and action that exists at present, future individual plans of municipalities and the attitudes of both elected and municipally appointed officials to the question. As a result of that study, the committee recommended to council that Huron become more involved in the assessment, planning, development and support of recreation in the County. They 'also suggested that neighboring municipalities , be Fourteen members' enjoyed a pot luck supper at the Club House on Tuesday evening. In place of bowling after three tables played euchre. All ladies are reminded that on Monday afternoon at 2 p.m. there will be a meeting for the ladies at the Club House. As many members as possible are urged to attend. encouraged to develop methods of co-operation in the delivery of recreation services and .education in changing trend's in the philosophy of leisure. It was also' suggested that equitable and fair system for cost sharing and decision making among municipalities that ..are sharing programs and facilities be developed, using an appropriate formula system. County Council accepted that report, as presented, and asked the Development ' Committee to research the topic further and to come back with suggestions on how those recommendations might be carried out. The Developme, Committee then formed an' internal Recreation Study Committee to deal with the issue, composed of three members from the Development Committee, • the County Development Officer and two • Recreation Directors from within the County. This subcommittee, together with 'the Development Committee, held three meetings, at Exeter, Clinton and Wingham, for local councils and recreation 'committees. A questionnaire, was completed at the meetings and. based on the results the committee presented Friday's recommendations to County council. Development Committee chairman Frank Cook (Deputy Reeve of Clinton) told the council that he did not believe the grant, which could reach a maximum of' only $26,000, would solve the problem. "But it could serve as a carrot, an encouragement, to the municipalities to get together in local boards." Goderich Deputy Reeve B ill Clifford asked just what the criteria for receiving a grant would be, pointing au+ that Goderich has ' work( , in co-operation with Colborne Goderich Townships for some' time. St. Mary's tournament was cancelled lastSunday due to the inclement weather. One of our most ardent men bowlers is confined to Seaforth Hospital and we wish him well and hope he will soon be feeling tip top. There is a men's doubles tournament • in Exefttr on Wednesday afternoon. a a a NMI a a M▪ INN a NSA a a NENN a Va▪ l IMINS MIN YEN Clerk Treasurer B., Or Hanley explained that any such co- operat ive ` board operating programs valued at $6,000 would be eligible. He weitt-on to point out "that formation of the area boards would in no way effect the existing recreation committees in the municipalities. Those committees would continue to operate as always. Finlay MaeDonald; Deputy 'Reeve of Ashfield told the meeting that in his opinion this is a time of restraint and th' County was "into too ' many things already. We don't need to go into Recreation as well." , As the final vote on the recommendation reflects, number of the councils were willing to endorse tile proposal to encourage the area boards, but not to sweeten the pot with any financial assistance. IVIcKillop Reeve Allan Campbell ' suggested that at present a great deal of voluntary assistance goes into operating the community arenas across the county, especially ,the smaller ones,' and told council that introducing more grants might well serve to destroy this "home effort and local philosophy." Hensall Reeve John Ba ker said that in his village there was a real need for area recreation. "Even if this proposal is defeated, I want io sit down with the surrounding townships and talk about area recreation." Noting that council seemed unwilling to put up the n ecessary funds to introduce the grant system Harold Lobb, Reeve of Clinton, even suggested that the• County consider starting their own lottery to raise the necessary funds, BENEFIT DANCE MR. & MRS. Orville BEUERMANN Friday, Oct. '8 FAMILY PARADISE OWILBEE'SORCH ESTRAi • Ladies Please Bring Lunch $4,..ammeroaummoomi!i!,:nai Huron county Council supported a recommendation by the County Library Board at their meeting on Friday to continue the use of Flex Time at the Library headquaraters office for the balance of 1976 but that arrange- ments are to be made for the office to be open the entire day with staff taking staggered lunch hours next Vear. CASH BINGO Legion Hall, Seaforth OsC t 8:15 p.m. 15 Regular Games for $10.00 THREE $25.00 GAMES $75.00 JACKPOT TO GO! — TWO DOOR PRIZES — Admission $1.00 Extra Cards 25e or 7 for $1.00 (OHILDREN UNDER 16 NOT PERMITTED) —Proceeds for Welfare Work— Auspices Seaforth Branch 156 Royal Canadian Legion, Seaforth- Onii 0 grrrlqi °I11, GO • filNIPIVE NUM .- 14!C440 Poo Dm Sum' mum ;! ,wko. mum. 41,- 9, NOV NNIVID p G MEN , MINN , NINO a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a UMW a a a a a a a a a a a a a a Lawn boWlers play euchre COMMER• CIAL M HOTEL Entertainment Friday & Saturday Don Thompson Friday SPECIAL ALL DAY 'Hot Beef • Sandwich • Fri., and Sat. Nite • Chicken Wings igasoWiiimamisialimorro SEAFORTH 74110111111011111111111111111111111111111111111111111011111111111 0 •