The Wingham Times, 1895-03-01, Page 24'.
71'74 .74 - •
TWO MANSCIVIOGS. narrow place will be kcope d for her, tears, and he Vowed if eloee Raving upstairs softly, arta then lie heard Ten Mother We Saved Uwe. TrilOtS to ITOnSoltopers.
lir lc. A.. M. R011,
the key in the back door, and then
and a low mound wiu tell to her aud hard work would gen
They had gone to the offiee. He Milk which has changed. may be
neighbors who have been eo kind to nneffied steps ctoesed the floor again, 4 trunirease STORY cos rumstex
her that her troubles are over, she is back, it ehould be hers again.
* * *
now the HEROISM AT tiEA.
— rendered fit for use by stirring in a
The very air shivered. The lead- must not make a ecrateh for little soda.
a * * * * "What is the gain's on down suller?
saving of the eafe with its contents NOW York. Feb. 17. ---The Sun's Powered pipe elay, mixed with
at rest,
en sky eeemed to drop lower and A I'd think there wuz forty cats down
depended on his care. Could he ever London cable says ; A thrilling story water, will remove oil stains from
lower until it almost touched the tenement of four rooms in J—. there,"
roof of the old-fashioed homestead. A family of three, a email sum of "Are any of the whitlows broken?" get that rano of glass out? Carefully of German heroism at sea, which wall paper.
The narrow road that went straight money, and endugh of. their -1- i don't know ; I jest erne. I he picked away, listening every goes far to offset some of the moils Fresh meat beginuing to sour will
up the steep hillside was full of
tura to make them comfortable M the
...erue ee
ain't got my coat off yet."sweeten if placed out of doors in the
moment and taking ere'y shaving regarding the loss of the steamship
that swept the Rant covering of dust they all feel will be one of privation be listened, but Carol declared there morning last week a
cement and attract attention upstairs, one stormy
for fear it should drop on the hard. Elbe, comes frem Schleswiganolsteint
stones all laid bare by a wintry blast II"' life they have begun' and which Henry didn't hear anything when air over night,
Fish may be scaledmore easily by
Again the polliceman went slowly by- fishing village was awakened by a
int) the shelter of tall rattling weeds and perhaps want. Henry goes to bad been great scuffling and he
looking all about him, and up and i gun -shot off the coast. Hastening to first dipping them into boiling water
that stood as gaunt memorials -of a the reading rooms at the library and ' thought 'twas eats.
dead Summer. A big, naked lilac reads oyer and over the papers, and Seeing Carol's evident reluctance down the front of the building be the beach the people saw a ship for a minute.
bush scraped back and forth against writes down the ,addresses of dozens to geeeown, Henry lighted the heard him turn the handle of the wrecked on a reef a mile away. The To color white pasteboard the
the Wall as if claiming a closer pro- of wants, that he thinks be might lantern, and started on ahead, with door, and. then as if satisfied that all crew were in the rigging. A life -
was right, go en his way, color of leather, soak in solution of
tecVon than its ancient friend could supply, but alas, he is just too late, Carol carrying a Stout stick some boat was run out, but Ifarro, the copperas and then in ammonia. .
give. The wind is rising, and the or they have been thinking about it distance behind. Only a bit more.. Now it is out. 1 leader of the crew, wastabsent.
I Cleen brass with hot • r t . ' 1
giant elm tree that guars the heav y and decided they cannot afford to "Come on, Carol, ,there islet any- He climbs down, takes off his coat I Fight men, how.ever, rowed out to , ' soft ma el, 1 U 1
and puts the glass on it, and takes! the wreek- • with a fcloth and lemon juice,
as if take on the extra expense of a thing here afterThe crew were got into
rinse in hot water and polish with a
rsont deur shrieks and. groansall, It must have
his place again at the window. He ; the lifeboat with the exception of one ,
in diet ;dr over the desolate presveet, gardner this year, or it may be he been your imagination."
can squeeze his hands between the I
The rot e vine that climbs over the is not strong enough to do the work . There was A quick blow on the
bars, but it is agony for his hande who was lashed high ep on the nuts . •
• t enamels
I He wits hell frpzen, and as the storm : A cup of hot milk flavored .with.
door hes hecome loosened, and tap, required. He goo; day after da, back of the. head and Henry fell like
and night after night he returns die- a dead man, while the la are lacerated so. Will the policeman! was inci•easing and the life boat over- orauger water, or one of beef tea, is
tap, type on the panels beneath, rap- Morn lvas
ping out a dreary fate that bas over- couraged, while slowly the money is overturned and darkness enveloped "levee eome agaie ? Will his work be I loaded, it was decided. that he could excellent for an invalid just before
taken the hands that trained its dwindling to a pittance. them witli horror. But S. loug,' not be taken off. When the lifeboat I retiring,
ter in vain ? There is not a sound no -
there. A. solitary snow The • , and . . , e • , •
fialte is whirled by en the wind, but hoPe for good weather now. lierirV fortheonting, eo hi a moment a pale that keeps steadily on save when the ; rived, He asked whether everyone
its mates find it to cold, and no has not earned mete during the light looked on while he bound the
he is epproachiug again. Horror, he ;
guardian of the night goes by, Now . had been saved, and was told that
one remained.
season. He has had a little shoveling man at hiejteet.
them from the sheltek of the gray en- of MOW, he took the place of a sick '•I'm even with you, an' 'fore ' is on the other side! If he should i I will fetch him, said. Harro, will
taunts of the wird enirits can &lee
folding clouds. ' 'coal heaver for a week ; but in all
There are no curt . ins at the win- that he could gather they have been
'obliged to draw constantly on the
dowt of the house, ai d they seem to
small savings, and. the way looks
stare at one like eek eat unwinking
eyes. At one of them an old lady very dark. Banks t & Co, want a
stands. She does not see the deso- janitor, a man of A work, and al -
late landscape before her because of most despairing. henry goes to see
her dimmed eyes. Ai beautiful old if' there is any chance for him,
face it is, with soft waves of white ' "What are your references?" is
the first question.
hair about it, but alow the mouth
droops as if life hade been so bard "I belong to the el urch and I have
that discouragement hitd crowded in a letter from my las pastor."
• ' • • e - returned to the shore Itarro had are ; Steel knives used at table, or for
• .- • . t tees staire of eteps, but a grating noise •
cutting bread, meat or anything for
which a sharp knife is needed,
should eater be used for stirring or
cooking anything in hot grease, as it
makes them very dull,
If you have your tablecloths and.
napkias hemstitched and drawn the
hem should be one inch on the table-
cloths and a half on the napkins.
If not, the hem should be as narrow
as it is possible to make.
To clean hair brushes quickly and
easily, take a desertspoonful of harts-
horn to a quart of cold water in a
wash hand basin. Dip in the hair
Of the brushes and rub them togeth-
er until clean. Then rime well with
cold water; rob dry with a towel and.
stand upright hi an open window.
'An authority on domestic economy
advises the housekeeper of limited
means to save her fire and strength
and do as much ironing with the
clothes wringer as possible. Plain
pieces, like towele,- pillow cases.
sheets, merinos and stockings put
through the wringer will be smooth
enough for all practical purposes, if
the rollers are tight.
Western People say of Stark's
For Sick Headache, Biliousness,
Neuralgia and Liver :
to take the place of streeng determin- "Ha, lia, ha! The last man we
mien and vigor. She 1 let her eyes bad brought a letter from the minis -
wander over the whohe scene. The.
hills everlasting, the fat away forests,
the steep hills, and thin the objects
close at hand, the tossing elm tree,
the moaning bush, and at sight of
the waving branch oftthe rose -vine,
she wipes away the tears that will
overflow. The dea4 skies outside
are a true symbol of the thick cloude.
Of misfortune that ha* settled over
the hearts of this houe'ehold. Bleak
November! Hope within has died
hard, but it is lifeless at last, just as
ter, the deacon and the president of
the missionary seeiety, and . if we
had kept him a month longer we
should have been. libliged, positively
obliged to go into asolvency," and
Mr. Banks laughed again.
"1 don't know What I can say
more. Mother said I had better take
the letter, for folks Would, be more
apt to hire me if I btonged to some
church. I was book eeper-for Mr.
Turner up in B --;.but that firm
has gone to pieces anel Mr. Turner is
every blade of grass, every twig, dead."
every green beautitul thing has "I don't think that argues very
=rain' J'll be even with Banks.''
.After all the laugh fitted the man,
and it sounded so hollow that he
looked behind him in fear. The
place *corned full of' accusers. He
hurried upstairs and sat down to
wale He went and listened every
little while at the stairs, but there
was no sound and- then went back
again to his place.
A chilly feeling was the first sensa-
tion that Henry was conscious of.
Where was he? What made his bead
ache so terribly ? „He could not get
cross to this side •alltis lost, Dare he : you go with me? The men refused,
wait another tifte4 minutes ? He , saying that it was impossible. Then
must. The great beg of St. Paul's ; I. will go alone, cried Harro, and
strikes one, and in at moment he has :sprang into the lifeboat. At this
thrust his bleeding hands through moment his mother eame running
the narrow apertures and is waving down and begged him not to venture
them as best he can.The policeman . out, reminding him that both his
looks in astonishment, then comes father and his brother Uwe had been
nearer and hears a whttper of "Help! drowned. Uwe was his youngest
help 1 burglars !" and the bands are I brother, and, as be had not been
withdrawn, while the man with.1 heard front for years, he was sup -
hardly a perceptible sten, goes on posed to be dead, For 'love of me,
down the street as if no burglars ever : Harro's mother begged, don't go.
existed, or at least as if they were:But the man on the,mast, exeladmed
his hands, up to bis eyes, and he was :Harm. Are you sure he has no
the smallest of his cares.
sure they must be ehut for 110 couldn't Now they have evidently gained i Mother to mourn his death ?
an entrance to the safe. there is inov- I Harro's mother said no More, and
see anything. He couldn't move his
hands or his feet. Ile was bottled. and then some! her son and four other men set out
ing about and non
He must be . asleep and dreaming. smothered 'noise thrilthe cannot quite; for the wreck, which was now quite
explain. Supposel he should not ! under water. The waves were so
How he wished he could wake. A
rat scuttled across 'the cellar, and • have been seen ? They will getetway :furious that it was difficult to ap-
with a shiver IlenrY realized where 1 before he can signal again. They preach. At last the lifeboat reached
he was and - what hod befallen him. i aro going. Shall he shout ? What 1 it, and Harro climbed the mast and
What had Carol done it for ? His I could one policeman do even if he fetched the half frozen man down.
first thought was revenge; but then 1 could make him hear ? There may He was laid in the bottom of the
he knew that Carol was bright ; be half a dozen of the burglars. ' lie lifeboat, and. Harrel bent over him
enough to see that he would lose his 1is so dizzy he feels ithat he must fall , and remained so u411 the boat was
place and be arrested for such an; if he does not get Own, and so he se near shore that hts voice could be
assault; and then betwondered if it . lies down on the cord floor and losee heard. Then he waved his cap and
going to set ; consciousness, and there they find shouted: Tell my ;pother we have
' . • - U • 4
died»n oTi been swept awa..y by the well for you as bookkeeper," could be Carol
chill wind. I "They didn't go to•pieces till long fire to the buildings, ler if he bad I •
Carol, the discharged janitor and ------. i---"
Mortgage! How many hearts has , after 1 left them, and 1 know the men whom he would let in to blow
oue other man as rough as they, A Humorous Must
years from severe headaches. NothingMr. Wm. Grey, foreman G. T. fi,,
that word caused to tremble? What ' failure killed Mr. Turner." open the safe. 'Diet must be it !
skulked out the back door carrying About Hood's Sarsaparilla—it expels
did trie good until 1 got Stark's Pow -
Hamilton : "3. suffered for ten or twelve
heavy burdens have been bourne un-! "See here, Carol," he shouted to a Mr. Banks had left, a large 1411111 of
' the money taken from the safe; but bad humor and creates good humor. A
money in the safe, for he heard him
: they walked into the arms of a dozen
eay that the bank was closed and he
- • • el • policemen, among them the one who
der the cruet lash den oblong paper slouchy appearing man who went
so carefully folded axed bearing such through the room oatside. "Come
a look of innocence op its exterior. and tell me if 1 shall' take this man
John Pierce bast brought Mary as janitor. He say e he's a church
Logan here as a. bride. His grand- , member and—"
father bad built the house, his father I "I will Serve youlas faithfully as
• had died here, and here John him- ; I serve my God," was the low, earn -
self died. Here where he had met est sentence that reaqhed- the mereh-
so many trials so many joys. Then ant's ear, and as Mr., Banks looked
.his son Henry, a bookkeeper in the ' at the man he could not help believ-
.eity, whose health had already be- ;ing that he really was different from
gun to fail, carie with his wife and : the former employee.
'ten year old son to run the old farm I "It'll make Trio 'work so much
and try what out of:door air would ; harder if you take lint cos I'll hey
do for the cramped lungs of the : ter watch 'im well's the store,"
worn bookkeeper. 'But the work and Carol laughed a disagreeable
that his sturdy father has carried on laugh that seemed to have a sneer in
so well is too hard for his son, and its depths.
then, Henry has no faculty for or- "Well, I'm going to take him, and
dering the work so as to bring the if your work is too , hard you can
best results. He borrows a little; he leave," was the Haughty answer.
sells things;off the farm, and then at "You may go now."
last gives a mortgage on the place, 1 With a muttered half' apology
battte for blood is what Hood s Berea -
Mr. Horace Wiles, chief of pollee,
parilla vigorously fights, and it is always
Woodstock.—"Stark's Powders are a
oughtvictorious in expelling foul taints and
sure (pre every time."
d so carelessly passed Henry's giviug the vital fluid the quality and •
There were footsteps overhead, and
signal. He heard ,the whisper, but quantity of perfect health. It mires jay,,nrayrd,KWeaotosd,stsosckm:
then the door at the foot of the stairs •
be knew if. there Were scrofula, salt rbeutn» boils and other
would be watching him and he dared
burglars 'OW blood diseases, M ' "V"
opened, but Henry ley still till he •
Hamilton :—"Suffered for years from
should think it out. :ale dared not dreadful headaches ; tried nutriber of
ho would came :not spealCor.stop. HOOD'S PthLs act easily, yet promptly
eall Onrol for fear.;
remedies and doctors without much
Ti v 1 ls e r d and efficiently on the bowels and liver.
down and fimsh the task he had be- , e, , 25 cents.
gan. 4 • I again an old lady Sands at the win -
Hie head ached s he could not 1 dory of the homestead on the 11111. The Revenue Cry.
move it, but lie. thoug tt it he tould 'But how different the day. To be
it is November, but -the " It cannot be done," cry Minis -
free his bends and ut the rope on I Stile'.stItt terialists. "Where is he going to dealers.
his feet, and bathe his head in the shines. : The snow has covered the I get the revenue ?" That is always
1 hills with white. The elm stands the way.
still in its stately beauty,i When the liberators of
tank hi the corner of the cellar used
for filling the heaters in the winter, I.PerfeedY
be i and the lilac bush tots bowed itselt ;British commerce took the field the
same question was ,Thurled at them.
he Amid feel butter. So dizzy
before the window tis if in grief that:It was thought to be a poser. Get
could only mewl, he got to the tank., I
by tbe side, it could have been se. troubled a
and pulling hinifelf up Year I revenue? said 'W. J. Fox. "Do you
lost himself for a moment mid his I before. Gettedma , is feeble ; she I suppose we can't do better than get
head went into the . water all. �e)' • , doeen't stand much now, but keeps iit by `elemming' the poor ? Mr.
but the plunge saved him, and aftej I her chair most of the; Laurier is not bound to produce his
time. She is:
pc' fectly -happy to bO again in the 1
a few moments he was better and budget now, but he can fairly say—
old "'nine, but her sta4y here will not
to which is added a second mortgage, I Carol turned, and then Henry, with sat down with a wet handkerchiefwe will say it for him—that it will
and now they must go from the old a voice he could hardly control, said: :hied to his head, awing to think the
a tong onci, or s is so tired and not be difficult to improve on' a sys-
place altogether. The scattering I "Thank you, sir, you will /lever I: what to do. His hands were bleed- . resting pate oil he hill looks so tern which levies $4,000,000 a year
eopie who :1101
v nothing of the on coal and iron to tlie injury of the
neighbors would help if they could, :. regret it," and be to went away. ; ing where he had torn the skin in Piellsaniu i
multitudinous interests in whole or
but it is very generally understood : Some weeks went by and one: trYing to pull them mit of the rough ..
that Henry has poor health and no morning Mr. Banks said: , ropes,
result, but Stark's Powders did the
work." She says : "They have been of
the greatest blessing to me, in fact they
are wonderful."
Price 25c a box; sold by all medicine
etierunstances, wonder that Mr. in part bottomed on them, and after
calculation, and if they did help it: "How does the tieW man work,' If there was a plate to rob thestore , . , buya sixteen years has nothing in, the
1 Banks, a man able to Summer •
reakience anywneee, should purchase
, he must thwart it. He wet the cloth shape of' a mineral development to
would only be putting- off the evil Carol? Anything wrong with him 2; an old. farmhousei among the hills.
'again and bound it around his head, show for it. His plan is to fight
day. I watched him well, eh?"When Orendina; to enother - e
Then the last blow fell. The boy ! "Well, I'm er watchin' of 'im, sir. hen working as carefully as possible `,. goes watt nature instead Of against nature
I T ;• '
net i he moved a barrel!! inch by inch home, Mr. I ieree ;is to be associated to let Ontario buy her material and
is in, and good old Dr Nichols, after i These good folks is mighty sly, panes ef. in sone way with Mr. Banks in,the
i beneath a window or, threeNova Scotia her foqd on the most
one look at the grey mucus in the expectin' anything of 'im sir."
knetv opened on to Qualm:* but it will not be as janitor. advantageous terms histead of handl-
swelling throat, sa: s : " We will do "Wed, report to me occasionaily. I glass wnich he
ithe sidewalk, It wais barred outside i
what eve eat, but It's a pretty sharp I rather like the man, and I hope '
lup put his knife \pis where be by Substituting bone t government
1 , c had curmd late the otirr night when it
first lain and he mak get that. He for boodling, and levying the taxes
But the mother had seen the pitying' "AII right, sir. Pin evidire enough was rumoured tliat war had been
:Frame and Ger. necessary after that in Buell a man -
look in the doctor"S eyes and knows sir," but he laughed the same sneer- bad removed his shpes, and in his
always stocking feet he erept carefully across declared between
ner as to give every industry fair
ear, and ronsodithe cold cement again, and many. The, possibility of such an
there is no help. Pnly a» few days ing laugh that some way
special privileges to none,
and Henry and WO wife tarry the :grated on Mr. Banks'
about found the knife and again
groping outbreak being imminent created the play, with
I mounted the barrel. The city cloek no
wildest excitement and Warne. And —
Toronto Globe
coffin over to the cemetery on the his temper, never of the best, and he
sunny side, of the hill, and there they said:
if / Just around the corner struck twelve wonder, for th8 result would, in-
Tiditigs frontZionvii. o.
find the minister Who says a prayer,1 "I'd never laugh at all, Carol, !
I and he made frantic haste while the
twclve, deed, be fearful. But, after all, is'
1 suffered evprythit g but dOath from
grave and will fill it again when. the take lessons of Pierce; he's the most!
reverberations lingered, knowing more fatal being waged everyday in
nut a war equally' terrible and far
irgiioltrerstiotroldouriecnit ft, yesw and tried
and two neighborS who have dug a couldn't do better than that. Better
prayer is finished: Pven New Eng- good-natured man I ever saw."
to and could not be opened. Ileclimed - capping both by abstt .cl restrietions,
A so.= iN ,r;it wzgr,.Exo and to make good the loss of revenue
ease of diphtheria. Deep his strength you. will have nothing but good.
up, and we wilt hope for the best." tell, Help him all you tan."
vrInle the clock was striking, for it I was ndvised etr' rilYurtIdoeoultt!
110tIrtilig bo heard. upstairs our midst? Everyt day, in civilized
joke in the store that every- ing
IiIngland, niers andlwornen are flight- Bittera, end before ft' ishing the severed
land fortitude can bette no more. Again the muttered apology. about
Life here will never. be the same, being just as be was rnade, and. Carol was a against the eduntless Iegioris I h d oti health
of , boattolelIa was as well as 1 could be, and
bod. bad to sto breathin to vel •
for St. Pant's to tell what time it ( mast, anda y BM. STZWA
and the sooner they go the better, went away. •
Ilenry thinks, : ' August days were nearly spent,
was, so loud and lrazen was its note, ill-equipped. for the etiaggle. Let
A% GrandmaRieree stands at the and all was going well with the
Then a foetstep 111 the distanee and them lay in a sto•ele of Holloway's
bare 'window she takes a last fore- Pieree family. Tba old lady hodPills. Against such artillery 111»The `dry rustle of
it Policeman wontslowlY bY swing- health can make no headway. Girl- leaves is the voice
well of all that she Ims loved best on stood the heat much better than they
in his club. Infteen minutes he diness, liver e,omplaints and all Imo winter. It rises an
tarth. and lierreyes rested. longingly expected, but she stood by the win -
would be back again. It was as he purities of the blood fade away like dies away With agr
on the little feemetery, wishing it dow and looked so vvisful sometimes
night be scot, very soon, when a that her son could not keep back the had feared. Carol crossed the floor Matabele before the Maxim gun. f as the Ben still does
vet altWO.
PoStIllaSter •
ZIOOVinet N. 13,
the withered oak
f the wood in
falls, sweIls and
cable alteration,
Pigs and Thistles.
Jesus Christ was poor but he never
Remember that the top side of a
cloud. is always bright.
A. lazy man loses heart every
gine he looks at the clock.
The beet advertisement for a re-
vival is the revival. itself.
God never says "Come up higher"
to any except the faithful.
Love is the only thing that more
than pays for all it gets.
Controversy in religious matters
pays no spiritual dividends.
The sin that shines the brightest is
the one most apt to kill.
Unless •we fina God' to -day some-
body else may lose Hirn to -morrow.
If we know how to aim, the bigger
the giant the better the mark.
In Asthma and Bronchitis.
Norway Pine Syrup gives great relief,
rendering breathing easy and natural
und walling the sufferer to enjoy re-
freshing sleep, While a permanent cure
often results.
If all the rich men were enterpris-
ing and liberal, and all the poor men
were sober and industrious, the hard
times would be made much easier
that the croakers would so be silent
for lack of a text.
Rhournatnm Cured in a day. --South
American Rheumatic Cure of Rheumatism
and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 clays,
Its action on the system is remarkable and
mysterious, It removes at once the cause
of the disease immediately disappears. The
first dose greatly benefits. 75 cents.
Warranteed nt Chisliom'sdrug store,
• f
to I
or I