The Wingham Times, 1895-02-22, Page 88
W� A b
II A. 6.. TIMES,
.-,aww.• Hwa,,,,n, w....,-.. . -,-.. .,v....,...w..r,eau..e,-ar s.rsw...o•..rr............nM.,,.,..n,......Y..-.,.• ,.'.....r v.,...,nm.i,.
�,1�ND00 tine leaders were so full of their own
fit.• • importance that they thought all.
wisdom wciuld die with them. The
i Liberals had beeu too modest. Ile
would pray with his fellow -country •
men, "Lord, gig ll. it good conceit o' •
oursels." Since the tragic death
at which had taken place tit Windsor -
ins ct our very large and beautiful Castle the braius of the Dominion
I g were in the possession of the Liberal
;stock of spring goods, We are in a party: The Conservative party, Mr. .
position to quote very low prices, for Gibson declared to have been thor-
oughly discredited by its failure to MUSICAL
High Class Merchandise, on accountperform the promises it made in .
SP ING)1895
We cordially invite you to call an
`r7 M :">•. its extravagant pr(1lni e . Where
the trouble ? Ia• asked. The vointla- .
ti011 w11,: fl(t beet', 11W1 tit(? ettnlltll,
111114 1171 Vt. ltitl,lil:ttic :11. '1'hP 11'15011
of buying in largo quantities for i 1878. Since the accession of the DURABL a CTION.
3 �" • Government $128,000,000 had beon li-
cash. The stock this season is supe- taken from the people, `whose money Catalog n a pP
rior to any former year, both in i had been wasted in unproductive
sent free
innet be found in vrt11s-ce: out$ dti the
country and the people that were in
the eoutlt'V•. The Liberal party
,believe t?1::t, ono of the e.0 see that
tendered to the depopulation of the
country WAS the reeti•ietlon of' lte
'trade and eonimerec', and also be-
Ilieved that the developillent of the
t country could best be fieeticedl by 1ti'
I widening as far as and as tree as
possible of its trade and its eonnucrce
with other countries, Tho Liberal
party recognized that if it could be
secured on honorable terms a fair
reciprocity treaty with. the United
{ States meant development, expansion
and increase of wealth to our country.
The last echo that followed the
demonstration of enthusiasm proclnc- Plo Strength, No Ambition
Cottons, Cottonades, Shirting.. , Hastings, o . ed by Mr. Paterson's impassioned •
Tweeds, Carpet and Lace Curtains, acres of land and x?08 for valuing immigrants to the viten States, as ego uen;:o had scarcely died atv;LV Hood's sarsaparilla Cave Perfect
$189 worth of land, and the payment tho Government had been shown by When there was .mother outburst Health.
Ready-made Clothing, Gent's Fur- of excessive salaries to an unneces- tlto census returns to have done. that developed into an ovation to Dr. Tito following letter is from swell -known
'Agave, Boots anti Shoes and Gro- sary number of ciiicials in the They would dispense with the civil 1merchant toner of st. George, x. Ba..
Northwest , an hospital for ladle servants who ctid not give an rule- b'iaeclon tkl•
The • doctor. would "e, I. hood & Co., Lowell, k of
ducks, Mr. Gibson called it, gtiate return in wort: for the money scarcely have been lilumui hid he "Geatiemen—I am glad to say:thatHood's
that they received from talo country. not felt gratified at the testimony Carsaptu•1nannt1 Hood's rllls have done me a
AIR. MCMULLEN, M. P. that a he give 'R'Olild 11101•e effect- gtven by his constituents of then' lto grip in the great deal of �iuterod. Iand after getting ovhad a severe er the
The chairman introduced Hr. Mc- malt- promote the interests of the confidence in hint. When quiet had fever I did not seem to gather strength, and had
b d D Macdonald biti Hood's sarsaparni•t proved to be
va ys .fter the boodler with a sharp with the United States. The Liber-,ccecled with bis addlesy, leas s,.tlstaetory,
,• all who are a
and useless projects. The speaker �,� R, S - CO
quality and assortment. gave several examples of the extrav-
In Dress (.foods, Silks, Satins, ; ageism of the Government, mention-
SLY PARK. Agent, W
ins" among them the Tay Canal job, I GnAM
Prints, �Iuslius, Embroideries, Laces, l the payment of 11r. Wood, late of
Ii t' r i 5"08 for valuing four
Dir.,.T. W. Dyi'cema,
St. George, New Brunswick.
After the Grip
We will be glad to see you and
show our goods. All goods sold at
thelowest price quality con-
lIullen as an Irishman who is at farmer than extended trade relations gen restore r, wpro- spam on.
vert' OtC%a . r i just what . needed. ars results were very
i `and 1 recommend this medicine to
hsteiicd to attentively and apps ov tng- :afflicted with rheumatism or outer young men line wo
.leered, for Cash, Trade or Credit stick. lir. 11ic.1iullen was given a al party could obtain reciprocity, anti 1 •Taking tt the statement of the ria'+ ' at
Also the very large discount of most cordial reception; and in the they would motto an honest, earnest Minister of I Railways and Canals that • ' i ��P IiaCLUCesathi are
1 which h the le charged r �V `"
Z'upii of z ,
of the Toronto Conservatory of !kluge
prepared to receive pupils in
For terms ripply at Dinsley House.
10 per cent. off for cash, at
trraduat of the
vigorous and practical speech w plc 1 effort whenever le peep
t ' 1't f doing only about $1 000.000 Of t11C expCln afflictions caused bypoison and poor bloc 1. 1
he delivered he elle not disappoint them with the responsibility
n who graduate".
did ditures was controllable he s':owecl 'tv'ayskeep ilood's Sarsaparilla in nay i:ous: CH . HAM, ONT.,
tl audience If after four years ` ver' use it when I need a tonic. We also ].ori. exceedingly fortunate In snoring good positions
advised. e ' C'lll 1011' promise, that as a. matter 0' act the ex�en 1- liege's 1.111. on hand and t n c highly o 1 in • tines set depression
had forruo i kiln. e co 1 tele controllable b the Conservative J. V/. DvasmAx, st. George, ew runaw e.t.
electors to give the Closest possible n.,„t., r1,.,,, turn them out and rive 3'
ie public expenditures, scrutiny to tl p
the expectations that le :,o . aro
enc . ,
• c the people : f f h d" d tl t i f ti e
He d' 1 the 1 11 p P NB 1• sten during Miss Clara Old. of Cur ,erry, 11
P t•t ,
�erhllps Air. Iitiggart was speaking l?y'oe t.6' t.�• are purely vegetable,
� curfcl u gond itosittmt e•tth the Calgary perste as
f the evpcnditurC controllable by the ';oto art;}Ilial or. ips. Bold by alt 'd" g:;:ats Steuottrapher cud Rook.scepe,s
and he added that until they diel pesple of Canada should be given Couserv;ttive Government. Did he
that they would not have honest or opportunity of buying in the cheap-
in--- 1'
capable administration. Mr. McMul- est possible market and of selling
upon Indian n affairs as those to which
a• Master Michael Macdonald of the ---
inan, but he denied that be had ever try needed, and he dict not think it bel"• McMullen had referred, and up -first line has been on the sick list for
kissed the blarney stone. Ilepaid a was possible to bring it back to the on such works as the Curran bridge,
high and well merited tribute the condition of prosperity that prevailed
were controllable. If' Mr. Iinggart some time. --The probabilities are, if
character and abilities of Dr. Macdon prior to the adoption of the protection • �i'il5 • to be credited with having this severe weather cpiltinucs until
P saved the country $700,000 a year spring, that a nnmbe,, of�'parmers will
(From last Friday's Toronto Globe.) old, and there was a hearty round of s ysteln until it SCclltad trade relation- ; ` short of feed:—ITenr; Robb, who
An audience, large, intelligent and applause when the speaker compli ship with the united States. 11r. in the management in tic' Intel colon bees been fll almost all winter, is
b I pp Iln1'Rnilwn.v the Government • ns71s
enthusiastic filled the Town Hall },mented the people upon their excel- McMullen substantiated tic, (teens-, bl •tl - fo • h'tvbig ei mtttecl
not thunk that such expenditures liOl�lfli�'s
len admitted that lie was an Irish- the dearest; that was what this conn_ up 1 nc is
Write for Catalogue if interested. Address, ,
.. ... Chntham, Ont.
lent judgment in such a ation against the Government of re ' , atne-wet ly i a p somewhat improved in health. —
selecting that enormous loss in the years past. Marshall Breckenridge, who has
.capable and worthy representative. sponsibility for the withdrawal from been livingin Algoma for some
Ile found fault with the Government the farmers of Canada of the privi- , Discussing the fiscal policies of the a
to two patties the doctor said that if time, hos returned to• Morris on ac -
do `so long keeping the pey re e going Glereat
of sending When eir the asseive eted some men were encouraged tlie rest count of ill health. — Alexander
to uha e bt as t.i sessiono r oft Parliament or that the National Policy had had a
must pay for it, and if all were ern- Eaket lost one of his valuabfe French ench -
cauraged it was just the same as if mares which he brought from To -
were about to appeal to the country. suffielently louse existence there was ionto last fall. The callse'of death
He reminded the audience of the e P applause. a' res onsive burst of a lause110 one was encouraged. The Liberal
; party °proposed to place the duties in is supposed to be indigestion.—Cattle
travagant promises of the Gov C AIR. PATERSON M. P. r as
buyers are around anion°• the lam-
and asked, " Where as. >. Mr. Paterson was presented to the ;such a way as to rest as lightly ors offering from 4} to 4? cents per
furnaces? Where is the si - 0;• 4'taudience asa Canadian manufacturer possible upon the great consuming s
people. r evening Where •is •the iron . They arta' not to 'who seemed not 71f'rciicl of Faalkee brasses, and as frilly as possible on Pound for cattle for May delivery.
eo le. Phe oratory of the
be seen. Where is Sir Charles Tup- 'competition. The member for Brant the shoulders of those who were attic
per? He is feasting; living a lordly poke with his accustomed eloquent to bear them. That was the policy HORN..
for the advocacy of which Hon. J. C. , Mosoaovx—In Wingl]am, on February
life in the City of London, apt $20,- forcefulness upon the public goes- Patterson said that, the Liberals
000 a ear, after humbug ing fool- flans of the day. But before enter -21st, the wife of Me.'
A. H. Musgrove; a
ing and deceiving the people of this Inas upon the general t:nhje(:t he told would have been .thrown into prison son.
5 >ras traitors thirty years ago, and for `PA1oSsI—Iii Wingham, on the 14th
the audience linty well and faithfully ti. , cilune• .1.• of which sir Laurier inst., the wife of Mr. James Parish ; �a
last night and eheered the patriotic
sentiments eloquently uttered by
worthy .exponents of the Liberal
doctrine of commercial emancipation
and civil equality. The object. of
the meeting was the promotion of -the
candidature for the Commons of Dr.
Macdonald, who bas so well repre-
sented East Huron in the past,and the
futherance of the principles upon
which his party is appealing to the
was of a superior quality, for in ad-
dition to the strong practical address-
es of Mr. James McMullen, M. P.,
Mr. Thos. Gibson, 31. P. P., and Dr.
Macdonald, the great audience was
delighted and convinced by the
graceful eloquence of Mr. William
Paterson, the gifted member for
The chair was occupied by Mr.
Jas. A. Cline, President of the Wing -
ham Reform Association, and among
those present from a distance were:
• .Robt. -Miller, Geo. Fortune, Geo.
'Thomson, Dougall Fraser, Andrew
Mitchell, George Bryce, Turnberry ;
:Robt. Carrie, John Anderson, Finlay
Anderson, Wm. Linklater, Alex. Mee
'DeugalI, John Menzies, East Wawa-
;niosh; Wm. Isbister, Hugh Ross,
Robt. Armstrong, Jos. Smillie,
atiXorris; J. D. Cameron, Finlay Scott,
.Tas. McAlpine, G. F. Blair, Brussels;
H. McQuarrie, J. S. McKinnon, A. E.
Bradivin, Blyth; H. D. Henderson,
country in the policy that has made
you poor in place of making you they had been represented at Ottawa . sou L
„ by Dr. Macdonald, and he hes once was licensed of disloyalty. Dr. Mae- GInLrY—In Blyth, on the 8th lust.,
rich. Then Mr. McMullen recalled P domed exposed the injestiee of the the wife of Mr. S. LI, Grdley ; a daugh-
the gross deception the Government for him an increased measure of gerrymander and of the franchise ter.
had practised upon the people whin support from the people of East >,e1' lawns—In Morris, on the 8th inst.,
act, which on an almost equal divi-
on the eve of the last general elec- Huron in tient to come. .alluding : , gave the vette of Mr. Samuel Irvine • a son.
to the recent visit to Wltl�'hlitn of the. .pori of voters in this Province evince , i� e Mcf l\Tosx—Ia Kinloss, on Friday,
tion they made it appear that the
Ministers, Air. Yatcrsou utile that the Government 5x1 supporters and b'ebruary 8th, :he wife of Mr. George
Id 1 F •• rl' : the Opposition 81. Reverting to the McIntosh, near Whitechurch ; a son.
Unt o'
United States Government had in -
thele won i( . 1C , , MalAuonar -At Clinton
treatthem to negotiate reciprocity trade uestion lie demonstrated the
treaty.. "We have been governed t that the Liberals q Frtdoty loth February the w
had and that they had all rig e
tion m the statement
t sea i( l ire of C1. D.
utter fallacy of the arguments ad- NlrTa art, banker; a daughter.
by humbug from 1878 to the present noe policy13 1 vanced by the Ministers when they MABtR.I2ttri
time," declared Mr. McMullen, and I ad -
manner of policies. Lrttclfter telling.; I visited ZVint*h•tnh in defence of the 4,//
earnestly hope that there is ho Intel the people that the Liberals had no
system. SLOAN—IiRAl3Lrfi0- Iu 1lorri
13th, at the residences of -the bride's
protective • s, on Feb.
ligent elector, either in this riding or i ' 1tell
policy they were at them what the ei•al policy was. great p1isto
n i lie meeting closed with cheers for father, Johann ,
in any other riding of the Dominion,
eldest daughter of Mr.
Ile proceeded to point out to the the Queen, Dr. Macdonald, Mr. George terabling, to st daughter
that will permit himself to be hum -I a.terson and Mr. McMullen. ]Ii` til. ' �i
audience the distinctive features of se .'rloPanasolr—W'snn- At the residence
bugged scheme
some other will o' the- the policies of the two parties. rThe ' �' of the bride's father, on February eth,
wisp scheme to try to carry the policy of ploteetfon he said shut out el itOX TI' R
by Rev. A. McKay, Mr. William Mo -
country for the fourth time. Mr.
' lir. John A. itarenrd, or the flim of Meek Bar- Pherson.
of West WKWanosh, to Miss
receipts and gave a close Market to nt rd, lifilers, has ennsented to notas Agent Bella, daughter of Mr. John Webb, of
McMullen, in discussing the home the manufacturer, and any money inr the Ttattt in tt'rowetmy and will receive sunned)). SG. Iielens.
market contention of the Conserva- , ileo., etc . ter snore.
The Chairman made a brief intro- paid noon !roodss that came in went Another carnival will be held in DIED.
duetory speech, in which he men- tine party, pointed out that the price
la the principle e D the. 1 t .egg „ o
markets. Though the manufacturer McKenzie, eI aged Feb.years.
from that to be enunciated by the e be the collection• of revenue to be put young people drove over to Wingham Dioesoe —In Brussels, on eb10th,
into. the treasury merely as an in- the rink shortly.—Mr. Thomas Gib- DALGLrIstr—In Teeswater, n the 9th
tinned the fact that an invitation of every article that the fasr mer pro- eident and not as the principle of the son, M. P. P., left on Tuesday for inst., George Dalgleish, aged C8 years,
had been given to gentlemen taking duces is regulated by the prices that
tariff. The Liberal party claimed Toronto to attend the session of the 10 months.
i1 d different of public questions 1 the surplus will bring nn the foreign that tl 1� t f tl ' tariff ail o lid I stature --1 sleigh load of purr MoKExr,I>;—In Turnberry, n the 8th
'3=1 Andrew
speakers of the evening to be present benefited by the home mai et to an into the public trea'sliry, and tl'rlatif last week to attend the Reform Mary lsltbel, infant daughter of A. G.
and participate in the discussion. but inordinate degree in some eases there there were any protection involved demonstration. --Miss E. McKillop, of Dickson, aged 10 months,` add 2 days.
none had responded. Mr. Cline was nothing in it for the farmer. it should be an incident and not the Harriston, has been visiting friends . c.
Stated that any questions addressed Turning to theieonsideration of the principle. They claimed that the here.—Charles Henry, son of lir. DRESS AND ' -
showed how lavishly the momey of the the treasury and pay the current ex- aged 15 years. He had been an Ducsf3 .A:G IF,
GIBSON, Ar. P. P• people was being disposed of by the perms of governmentshould betaken invalid for some years having been
°C,,, SALE.
The untlnrsigned offer for sale his fare,, being
south half rf lot: , co session 14, Last wawaoostt,
r•nntalniug 100 a..,s, nom or loss, There are about
75 acres under' tlti - tion, the balance is principally'
bush. There ,•e a the place a comfortable brro,t
house and lar e amu barn, with stabling under.
Heath, also st •°did bearing orchard and a goal
spring well. he farm is situated f. miles froth
tt br;ham and 1; from Whitechurch ;-aitd not far from
asdwot. The farm Will be sold reasonable. For
Particulars apply on tho premises or address. White.
therm P, 0.
TfOIIAS C00X, Prop.
Baittt'awano+h, Feb. 31,'85.
to the speakers would be given a public expend `tures, Mr. McMullen least possible amount necessary to fill Thomas Evans, died on Sunday last, 1 +
courteous answer.
Has decided
to op Diced rpii;�kii,,lt�l,+antlo
' The first of the speakers to be call- Government. The wasteful opera and that if under the operation of the injured when quite young. The Making business her inapt#, Ff7. 83,
ed upon was the genial representa-• ation of the superannuation system, tariff there should be an advantage funeral was conducted on Tuesday +dtturd tntr�t•t, 11' ntham, neur''litiptist
ive of lo:ast Huron in the Local Le- under whieh about 500 persons were ' say of 11, or 17 per cent, given, and burial took place in the Corrie
gislature, Mr. Gibson, whos the lemming' a ou a year 0 every man in the community would cemetely —•- r er ipso
enjoy tem -which about '5200 000 came oat of t r
•would l31 th LI visitin in the village.----(,ur
11 tinction during Dr. Baxter s , bo on the same footing, andy , g r,
porary absence of being the pa- the treasury, supplied the speaker under that state of things go on con- curling club returned from . London
triarch of the house. Mr. Gibson 1 with a most convincing argument in ; ducting his business. He held that on Saturday last. Though not sue-
.. did not consume much of the time of support of his contention that the , the manufacturers of this eountry cessful in winning the Tankard, they
the audience, but he said some good - country was being robbed. He stat- worthy of the name, who possessed made an excellent record. They
things while he occupied the plat- ed that during the twenty-two the pluek and eharacteristies of the defeated the two London clubs and
form. Ile did not intend, he said, years that the system had been in Canadian people, would be in a bet- were only beaten in the final snatch
to occupy 'the attention of the audi- force $3,500,000 had been paid out ter, safer and more substantial posi- played against Paris. Even in this
face very long, for they were wait- in superannuation allowances, of tion under a stable policy such as match one of our rinks (skipped by
ing to hear no less a person than which the treasury had eontributed that than they would Under what the ineineiblc Thos. Rae) defeated
'' "Billy Paterson " of Brant, and Mr. over $2,300,000. Ile asserted that a might be called special acts of Par- the opposing one. Our players speak
McMullen of Wellington. Mr. Gib- Liberal Administration could reduce liament, by which one manufacturer, highly of the treatment they reoeivcd
ace"expreeeed the opinion that the the public expenditure by $5,500,000. night get 25 per cent. on his goods, while in,;the Forest est City. A banquet
0, Liberian leaders in the past had not They would cut off the suporannu- another 50 per cent. and Another 75 was tendered them here upon their
t,. Amerind themselves with sufficient ation system, and while pursuing an per cent. Mr. 1Paterson showed how return. Our elub has a record of
p vigor. • Moderation was the right effective immigration policy they completely the policy of tho Govern- which few towns tan boast. They
fats to erf upon, but the Conserva- would ,not spend money in sending nient had fabled in the fulfilment of have won 61 games out of 75 played.
oho ',',. 0,1ting and fitting a specialty.
li-11 II 111 11l 111111111 III 1
Cure SICK HEADACHE and Neuralgia _
in .20 r.•ifxuT6s, al_o Coated Tongue, Dri-
_ ness,13il,ousness, izPain in the Side, Constipation
Tcrpid Liver, Bad Breath. To say cured and -
regulate the bowels. VERY NICE TO TASTE.
with snap shot bargains to
suit the times,
Elgin, Waltham, Rockford,
Columbus, warranted for r..
four years,
1R, $6.75_
From $2.5() up.
Wo have the largest and F.
most complete stock of
suitable for wedding and
birthday presents, in. the
TWatches, Clocks and
Jewelry repaired at lowest
rates, and fully guaranteed,
The Opticia
Wingham, Nov. 15th, 1894. •
Protect and Adorn Your Head.
Is coming, and ill be
March, with a rge st
Waves and of or Ha'
needs Style:. Re y
lady and . nil ,an
who is bald or hose
hate has be ne thin
shnttld take advan-
tage of this visit and
,� > nunsutthlm. If ere
is any char,, n set resterinr the itrowth ho wiltlhad•
vise those preparations hes adapted In each ease.
the Brunswick lintel, W1 igham, on Wednesday,
t of Ladies' and Gents' Wigs,Toupees,Bangs,5P•ttcl
Ills Goods are morn by 11 ou,ands Pith gratifying result,..-,-..lten:ember, at
Brunswick Hotel, Wednesday, March
Ilaving put
all the interes
the old and w
& Hiscoeks, b
patrons and tl
they will ass
same on Mond
and can assu
. ;same Bear,altl
supply the wa
the future, as
the past, as on
doing so are
will be strictly
Our stock, evil
the I3
.able toear suitfee
variety', as
In this line t
very choicest a
•constantly asso
can assure its 1
supplied with e
good, with whit
Here again tl
to contain a 1ae
In adding thi
to our business,
make this depat
thing ever hefol
will be placed
supervision of
from the city, sc
depend on it tht
be thoroughly s
The Mercian'
Although a part 7
will still be uarrie'
late J. J. Homuth
be found the beat
Overeoatings and
will be made up v
and in our well.k
.cut and work=
We have all the,
Collars and Cuffs,
particular taste.
in all the very 1a1
Department wo le
shall carry a more
than hag over bee
before and being 1
flguree for spat ea
to defy the iteenel
The Bear beg;
Faris Produce a
superior induce]
TTII'. (,
'EE I3EAl,,