The Wingham Times, 1895-02-22, Page 7am To And Wit I s it Attica, the land of the , was about the size of Con - cut. atemala and Louisiana have ly the same area, 48,000 square B THE WINGLIAM TIMES, FEBRUARY 221 istgi, Comparative Areas. Rica end West Virginia are le same size, 21,000 square In T But those resolves for ninety-five Are made conditionally. And that is that the girl I love Does not go back on me. To MASON. --, - e .. • • ._ . • ]famous' Ramos. Sam tetra means the 'happy land.' Hayti means 'mountain country.' The Transvaal is the country be - lend the Vaal. Java is the Malay weed for 'land. Y of nutmegs.' Moldavia took its name from the River Moldau. Columbia was then called in honor of Coltembus. Arabia was so called from its in- habitants, the Arabs. Mexico is the City of Mexitli, the Mexican god of war. Finland is properly Fenland, 'the land of the marshes.' Chili is a Peruvian word, signify- ing 'the land of snow.' Prussia was at first Borussia, the •eountry of the Borussi. Canada i an Indian word mean- ing4collection of huts.' Costa Rica is a Spanish expression dignifying 'Hell coast.' ., • /Corsica has a Phoenician name, meaning 'wooded islands.' 1' Abyssinia was the land of the Abassins, or 'mixed races.' The -word Borneo is of native ori- gin, signifying 'the land.' Nicaragua was thus named in honor of a chief named Nicaro. Formosa is a Portuguese word signifying 'beautiful country.' Argentina has its name from the silvery reflection of its rivers. Manitoba commemorates the Mani- tou or great spirit of the Indian. The Sahara is so named from the Arabic word signifying 'desert.' - Egypt to the Hebrews and ever "einee was 'the land of the oppres- sion.' je Ecuador means 'Equator,' an allu- 'sion to its geographical position. Bohemia is so ealled because it was settled by the boli; a tribe of Germans. Janziber, more correctly Zangue- bar, signifies 'the coast of the . negroes,' Bulgaria was formerly Volgaria, so called from the Volsci who inhab-1 ited it. The word Ceylon is of Sanskrit erigin, signifying the 'island of ! ons. Algiers is so called from the Ara- bie words AleTexair, meaning 'a peninsula.' Ontario is a corruption of the In- dian word Onatac, 'a village on A, 41101111taill.' Guinea was named from a West African word, meaning 'abounding in gold. e Marquesas Islands aro about roa of St, Louis County, 550 mil are five states of the Ger- man Lutpire each smaller than Rhode Island. Greece has 25,000 square miles, being almost twice the size Of Mary- land. Italian Africa has 60,000 square miles, •or about equal to Alaska and California. The Orange Free State has 41,000 square miles, and is exactly the size of Ohio. Tho Persian Empire, hi its pal- miest days, comprised about 1,700,- 000 square imles. New Zealand has 104,000 square miles, or about the area of Missouri and Indiana. The United States of Columbia, and Alaska are about the same size 500,- 000 square miles. Iceland, 39,000 square miles, lacks only a thousand of being as large as Kentuck y. Hawaii has 6,000 square miles, the combined size of Connecticut and Delaware. India has 1,800,000 square miles, or nearly two-thirds the eize of the United States. The Solomon islands have 0,000 square miles, a little larger than Massachusetts. Tho Cape Verde Islands have a combined areti, about equal to that of Rhode Island. France has 201,000 square miles, a little smaller than the Colorados combined. The territory of the Spartans com- prised a district about the size of Delaware. Ohio and. Kentucky are nearly equal in area, each having about 40,000 square miles. For Over Fifty Years AN 8CLE1 AND WNIAL•TRIED •RENIZDY.— Mrs. Win slow' S.,othinir Syrup has boon used Mr over fifty years by millions of mothers !or their children while trething, with perfect 811COWS. It soothes the child sotfens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is thebest meetly for Diarrhoea. Is pheasant to the taste. Sold by Druggists in e cry part of the Work,. Twenty.flre cent y a nettle. Its value is Incalculable. Be sure end ask for Mrs. IVinolow Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. Remedy for Sleeplessness. I venture to suggest a new but simple remedy for want of sleep. Opiates in any form, even the liquor opii seclat and chloroform, will leave traces of their influence the next morning. 1 therefore prescribe for myself—and have frequently done so for others—onions; simply common onions raw ; but Spanish onions, stewed, will do. Everybody knows the taste of onions; this is due to a peculiar essential oil contained in this most valuable and healthy root. This oil has. I am sure, highly soporific powers. In my own case they never fail. If I am much pressed with work and feel 1 hall not sleepI eat two or three small onions, and the effect is magical. (Aliens are also excellent things to cat when much exposed to intense cold. Finally, if a person cannot sleep, it is because the blood is iu the brain, not in the stomach. The remedy, therefore, is obvious. Call the blood down from the brain to the stomach. This is to be done by eating a biscuit, a hard boiled egg, a bit of bread and cheese, or something. Follow this up with a Iglass of milk, or oven water, and you will fall asleep, and. will, I trust, bless the name of the writer. • eteasons for Success. 1 The success of 'Norway Pine Syrup as a cure for cooghs, colds, asthma, bron- chitistandah throat nateIrttrct?is dlIlathtfactand pantesrernocbevoraiscoverj. and because its action is prompt nod certain h, Why didn't yea come when fratig? said a lady to her servant. 13ecause I didn't hear the bell. Hereafter when you don't hear the bell, you must come and telt 1116 110, Coneuteption follows neglected olds. Norway Pine Syrup come coughs, sore throat, asthma, bronchitis and lung troublee. ctinl through the blood, Hood's , Italian] I a not only oures scrofula. salt rheum, etc., but gives health and vigor to the whole body. For good. or evil, for weal or foe, ! every matt ts his Mit architect ; he &builds himself. Like a poor mechanic _ r he fray !mild wrongly and suffer, or, possessing knowledge and. under- standing, build wisely, and. thereby enjoy contentment and prosperity. The measure of success in the things we undertake depends upon the knowledge wo possess concerning' the methods to accomplish a certain • Ila and the strength of will em- ployed in its aceottiplishment. 1,k Jules D'Esttrattiville Cleniont twin avintreal: "I was suffering from tikin disonse, and atter all drugs failed tried I3Ortitek Blood Bitters, of Nthich three bottlerestored me to good health. I recommend it also for dyripepe site" No Use of Making a rUtite sat in the Sheriffs office talking with him about a man in hie charge who was to be hanged three days later, when a woman was announced, and in walked a female who had passed, flfty, lier face was wrinkled, her hair thin and white, and her voice seemed to come out of a reed as she asked Hev yo' got a inau in this yore prison named Thomas Jackson? Yes'rn, remelted the official, Did he ldll somebody about three months ago.? He did, ma'am. And has he bin tried for murder and sentenced to be hung ? He is to be hung on Friday, ma'am. He is, eh ? she queried, as she took a pipe from her pocket and proceeded to Ml and light. Ar' yo' them= who is pin' to hang him? I shall have to carry out the law. Yates, of wise. Folks hev got to be bung and we hav got to hav other folks to hang 'ern. How does Tom b'ar up under it? Very well, indeed, ma'am. I thiuk he will die like a man. Ile will, oh? Wall, that's iuore'n he ever lived. Tom's allus bin mighty, onory. Are you a relative ? Used to be his wife, but done left him. Yaas, lived with Tom fur sixteen years. , And you have come to say farewell to him No, sir. I'm on my way to Collins- ville, and thought I'd jest run in fur a minit. No, I don't care to see him, but ye' kin say I called. Yes'in. And that Pin sorry he's to be hung. Yes.m. But that as long as he's got to be hung and can't get out of it thar hain't no use in fussin"round. If he axes fur anythin' yo' kin say that I'm ivall ; our. boy Sam ar' well ; the dawg ar' dead,' and I'vejest put in two acres of co'n and am gettin' ready to go to. camp meetin' next week. That's all. Some folks hev got to be hung, and other folks hev to hang'cin, and TOM Jackson might jest as well be puttin' in his time on the plias as loan' around and wishin' he was rich . -- Memphis Avalanche. • • Neea clear Heads. Working people need clear heads, sound sleep and good digestion; for if sickness comes, wheal then ? It is cheaper to keep well. That "queer feeling" springs from indigestion. First you "pooh, pooh !" Then you grow alarmed and send for the doc- tor. No need of that. A box of Ripens Tabules well set you right and keep you right ; so you can eat, sleep and work. Ask the druggist for them. What is Wealth? Does wealth consist in money, houses, lands, bank stocks, railway bonds, etc., alone? We think not. The 'young man starting life with no money, but with .good digestion, good sleep, good health and ability to work in some profitable employment, has what the aged capitalist would be glad to exchange all his millions for. What compensation is money for sleepless nights and painful days, or the misconduct of dissipated children? Which brings the greater hanpi- ness---•the glitter, show, jealousies and falsity of fashionable life, or the heartfelt friendships which prevail se largely in the homes of the in- dustrious poor ? , • In how many of the palaces of our millionaires will yott . find greater happiness in the parlor than in the kitchen ? How many millionaires will tell you they aro happier now than when starting in life without a, dollar ? On the tops of mountains we find rock, and ice, and snow. It is down in the valleys that we find the vine - Iyards. Let no man envy those richer than 1 himself until taking all things into aecount—age, health, wife, children, friends—he is sure he would be will- ing to exchange.—George T. Angell. • Relict in six hours.--Astressing risy and Bladder diseases relieved in at hours by the "Great South American Xi& ney Cure." This great remedy is a great surprise and delight to physicians on ac- count of its exceeding promptness in rehev, ing pain in the bladder/ kidneys, back and every part of the urinary passages ni male end female. It relieves retention of water and pain in passing it almost immediately. If you want quick relief and cure this is your remedy. Sold at ChishoIm's drug store. Way Men Bemoan Bachelors, Quite recently at a well known club the subject " Why men remain bachelors" came up for diseussion. The majority of those present came to the conclusion that our ex- travagant style of living, as eompar- ea with that of former times is ' one of the effeetive influences, The cost of supporting' a wife and raising a family isenuelt larger than it used to be, and this feature of the matter often causes hesitation on both sides. Tho young people are disinclined to start in a humble way, and gracle natty improve their situation. They want) all that their peeeats had. withouttevaiting and striving for . it, Many proposals are unquestionably delayed or:rejected on this account, Then it is well known that the new avenues of employment open. to Women have made them more in- dependent, and probably 111$0.niore exacting as to the qualifleatione of husbands. It is not nearly so common as it once was for girls to nutrry simply in order to secure a home and ing. • They are able now to earn good wages, and to take their Vale about assuming the duties of wives and mothers. — "elleral Helps and Hints.' Ants can be driven away by the use of pulverized borax. Charead in the s tL lia3 a te udeucy to sweeten it and keep it pure. "Jecqueminot" is pronounced "Shackmeno," with accent ou first You cannot grow violets satisfac- torily in the house. The air is too dry and warm for them. Chryanthcmum lic can be gct rid of by drtYting the plants with tobacco du-tt while they are damp. The. Dutchman's Pipe Vine—Aris- tolochia of the catalogues—is of very easy cultivation. In order to secure n strong growth all yeu have to do is to give it ric-h tofl. Tt is a rapid grower and scop coveis a trellis With large luxuriant foliage. It is quite hardy. If there are webs on the leeves'of your rubber plant you will doubtless find red spiders at work on exaraina:: tion. Cleae water is the best remedy. Wash the leaves thoroughly •and after that keep them showered. Can- nas would do well about- your Penn- tain, also ealadiums. Mildew rose 3 come from too much dampness or from a low degree of vitality and in the house frequently from low temperature or sudden chill. It shows itself in a white powder on the leaf. The '1,est remedy, after removing conditions which cense it, is flour of sulphur dusted over the plants. --Ladies' Home Journal. The Modern Wahl Has tastes, medicinally, in keeping with other luxuries: A remedy must - be pleasantly acceptable in form, purely wholescme in composition, truly beneficial in effect and entirely free from every objectionable:quality, If really ill ho con- sults a physioian ; if constipated he uses the gentle family laxative, Syrup of rigs. It pays to be loving and kind, be- cause kindness and consideration are wonderful coals of fire to heap on the heads of our enemies. To save • life from the ravages or disease is nobler than to win a kingdom. v - dock Blood Bitters mires till blood rils- sorof Lila, blotches, Min plos, sk diseases, etc., by its cleansing power over the entire system. It pays to be eheerful. in bad weather and in good weather, for a eheeful heart makes good weather even when there is no sunshine. Doctor What ie_good for cleansl the Scalp and flair, I aeem to have tried everythuo and am in clopair Why Milk the very best thilcr is PALMO ;TAR SoaP U'a 5/Ana for Washi4 the head it proventsdryne55 thus puts 811, OKI tO Dandrulf and Fe511ens the hair nicely. 25C FOR A LARGE TABLET viropores 3E9EiosrizorraNm. creeat English Remedy - Star Packages guaranteed to promptly, and permanently cure au forms of Nervous Weakness,Rmissions,Sperrn- atorrhea, Impotency and all effects of Abuse or Rxoesses, Mental Worry, excessive use Before anclilfter. of Tobacco, Opium, or Stimu- lants, •whick, soon and to In. Insanity, Consumption and an. early grave. Etas been prescribed over 35 years tti thousands or cases; is the only Reliable and onest JWscUaZe known, Ask druggistfor Wood's rho pph odine; If he offers some worthless medicine in placo of this, lactose price in letter, and wo will goi4 by return mall, Price, ono pack:age, el; six, 35. One jvW please, six will cure. Pamphlets ree to anyaddress, The 'Wood Company/ Windsor, out., Canada, Sold legIntin I* V 3, w1.1)ItaIs Drug GEO. SHAW CUTS DOWN THE PRICE OF RAJ AGAIN. STEAK000. PER UL and other meats in low propel tirY , PORK SAUSAOE 0,180 an bond. 1 I am prepared to pay the highest price for all kinds of fowl, They must he drawn and well dressed, C+0. viTinghain, Oct. 1.0th, 1808. ; BANK of HAMILTON WINGHAD/1. Capital, 61 ,260,000. Rest, t6r,0,000 1 eresident—Jou,ev=identmA. ur. rooisAr. narturrorm 11)1 E P ROOT )ti. CVO, tt htf;lt, WM Guises, i P, T Wenn, A. 11. bus (Toronto). Cashier—a, TUliNSULT,.. Savings Bank—Hours. 10 to 3; Saturdays 10 • — - • • • • - Deposits of el and upwards reteh ed and atere.. • allowed, Special Deposita also received at current Within and the United Stltes . ;-...............m..2.___ .......„) botigat aim su.d 1 In, I If you want, your FALL A 21.7.1r: ai . ton.1,.. t .4. hi q,1 I' ' 11. WILLSON. AM:NT • L. DIO.S.LISON, cAvEATVRADE MARK COPYRIGHTS,, CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT? For a prompt OIETNN2:sVil.,agoagagrl experience in the patent businesio snear. uomLlea.. Vona strictly confidential. A. nandbook of In. formation concerning Patents and bow to Ob- tain them sent free. Also a catalogue of mechany teal and scientific books sent free. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive tlEattaLoslictirt(illelittb4ltbLeirergh2lesitsgleadgiRriaparne cr.!, issued weekly, elegantly illustrated, has by far the 4. •,„.. 1/2„.t , „ out to h inventor.n en largest circulation of any scientific work in the world. $3 a year. Sample copies sent ree. Building Edition. monthly, $2.60a yeas. Single copies, 25 cents. Every number contains beau- tiful plates, in colors, and photographs of new houses. with pians, enabling builders to show the , k F. latest designs and secure contracts. - Address MUNN t CO.. NEW YORE, 361 13-iteAnwAN; op'. itoli•or Every production of genius Must be tile produetion of enthusiasm. The Veal heauty of woman never fades, A doctor's 'bill seldom reminds us of the comfort he beotight when we I needed him. Two souls with but a single I thought feel the need of 'more before they are through with each other. ' The one lttttfl ft men always hes a feelingof sympathy for is hie wile's husband, Long Cone t ':,hape9 Best 144 merle, aist, Combined with the best filling in the world, makes the " Featherbone Corset " unequalled. rig Ilre 'a.' 1P1'21.31 • .J"w-4e/ 1,1L51 Y-14144. c LDS and Burns are soothed at once with 0405 Perry Davis' It takes out the fire, reduces the inflame!: illation, and prevents blistering. It is `- the quickest and most effectual remedy for pain that is known. Keep it by you. 1111' ' '1,07107'm CUkzs iAb.400b .111.1•00.6001..........11".• • 1•••••••••••••••,11•••••• .I.100, • ..4114.1.01•Mil If' THE MAN IN THE TOOK 3ICK WHAT WOULD DO? -;i -i .1.3'S'r SPEND HIS POUR QUARTERS FOR A BOTTLE OF 33111DOCK BLOOD BITTERS AS ALL SENSIBLE PEOPLE, DO ; 'BECAUSE 1T CURES DYSPEPSIA, GONSTIPATION, I3IWOUSNI3SS, 13A1 BLOOD, AND A146 DISEASES OF THE STOMACH, LIVER, KIDNEYS AND tiownt.s. 1'