HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1976-09-16, Page 19Tel.V7 '4110
ooligmcg ST. EAST
• :SEAPiiitTPF:'
The Pine Ridge Chalet was the
setting . for the "Peter
McNaughton" evening held
Friday and was largely attended.
John Baker, Reeve of Hensel]
presided and Mrs. Harold Parker
said grace. Representatives of the
various organizations _pf which
Mr. McNaughton was a member
took part.
Following a brief addreS ^,by
the Master of Ceremonies Percy
Hear report on WI
national convention
We invite you to' see _ouy
full selection of
and the full line of .
White -Etna
sewing machines
lin on '*
Mrs. M anion Schenk and
Jeanette Lipper visited' Hugo,
Schenk and Harold Glanville.
Mr. and Mrs. Clemance
Jeffrey, Blance Bechard, Darletie
Stump and Mr. and Mrs. Leg'
Jeffrey, Goderich visited with
Mrs.• Pauline Jeffrey.
Leslie Mitchell and daughter
Brenda visited Louise 'Mitchell.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Smith
visited Lynn Latimore' and other
ladies. •
Kr. and Mrs. Ivan Taylor ,
Bride -to-be
Mrs. William Inch was hostess
at her home at,,Huron Park when
she entertained relatives in honor
of Miss Cindy Parker, bride-elect
of this week. Contests were
enjoyed by all and Cindy was
prese nted with a shower of
miscellaneous ,
Mrs. Ross Corbett was hostess
at her home on Wednesday,
evening when she' entertained
relatives and friends in honour of
Miss Cindy Parker, bride-elect of
this week. Mrs. Jack Corbett gave
a reading andMrs, Don Mousseau
read an address after which Ci;dy
t was presented with many
fitiacellineous gifts. A social hotir
followed during which refresh-
Intents were served by the'
The Ortib6d3Man
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Imagination, few materials
make great decorations
' Hilda M. Payne-
Felt, fancy braid; sequins,
chicke'n wire and other materials
plus • ,lat-p amount of
imagination can be made into
fascinating Christmas decorations
as illustrated .by Mrs. Kay
Williams of Kitchener at the
regular meeting of Unit, 2 of
Hensall "U.C.W.' Much time was
spent at the end' Of the meeting
admiriftg 'the artistic samples
displayed. •
The meeting was chaired 'by
Mrs.Roger Venner who took as
her theme, "Friendship"
opening the meeting with a poem,
"Thoughts on Friendship". Mrs.
Dave Brock followed with a
deVotional on love and friendship
and gave the story of, "The
Praying Hands'''. , Two ;artist
friends Albert 'Darer and Franz
Knigstein roomed together but
when finances got bad Franz went
to work as a laborer while Alberdt
studied Art. Some time later the
roles were reversed but Franz
found' that his work-gnarled
hands would no longer paint th4
fine lines needed for his Art, aS
he retnrfied:'Itrilis work and
Alberdt to his Art. Coming across
began the fall term with a
pot-luck dinner on Thursday.
Mrs. James McAllister chaired
the meeting. Mrs. George
Armstrong spoke on, "Thinking
about our friends and what they
mean to us". She read from Luke
. 10 and mentioned the great •love
Jesus had for His friends, Mary,
Martha and Lazarus.
Mrs. Tom Sherritt and Mrs.
Laird Mickle provided the
program which was a sing-song of
hymns accompanied by Mrs.
Mickle. A humorous reading was
given by -Mrs.—Bert Riley on
"Aunt Lily trails the • '
Absentees". Mrs.' Mickel •
contributed a fine piano solo and
plans were made to quilt and
provide flowers for the church for
September. Benediction - was
given by Mrs. J. McAllister. =
Mrs. Janice Bisback and Miss
Cheryl Riley are holding the first
meeting for Hensall 2 - 4-H Club,
"The Cereal Shelf" on Tuesday.
evening September 21 at 7 p.m..
at Miss Riley's apartment on
Nelson Street.
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Olson,
Campbell spoke on behalf of the
Independent Order of Oddfellows
and recalled Mr. McNaughton
had ,served for nearly 40 years.
MVS:" Bertha MacGregor, Noble
Grand of Amber Rebekah Lodge
extended, greetings on their
behalf. '
Barold Knight spoke for the
Parks Board of which Mr.
McNaughton was a faithful
member. Mr. McNaughton was
very active in sports and gave
much of his time to baseball and
hockey assisting the boys in -many
ways. Steve Kyle of Tillsonbing,
and a former ball player told the
'guest of honour that "although.
you never really were a team
uniform, you're .number one with
us": Bruce Glenn, Toronto a
former Hensall ball star gave a
humourous address and extended
best wishes.
The event also comme morated
Mr. McNaughton's. birthday. and
Mrs. :Don Moussean presented a
lighted birthday cake and all
'joined, in singing ,"liappy •
varions ,speakers. Creed" and, followed with a Birthda ". William Coleman
he r meeting began, with a.....,..,„4.40tion*,4,,,c,aikagiOn.7,,arid., ,repres rited-:4hal,,South,41t1,,ron;
061-fitek andThe p'r'ogram Alit4iiiitle'S Of " 'AtricultUre Society and told ffie
OPened. • with Diane Verlinde truth • on love, . happiness and .gathering of the years Mr.
playing several selections on the friendship. "I am ine, 0 McNaughton had served as
accordion.Diabe is an Lord" and "What a Friend we secretary treasurer. He
accomplished player having won have 'in .Jesus" were sung and introduced Ed Starr director of
several awards at music 'festiYals interesting ' letters froM Agriculture and Horticulture.
around Western Ontario. At the 'missionaries were read, telling of Branch • of the Ministry of
buSiness session members were' dedicated men and women Agriculture, Toronto who spoke
helping to proniate Christianity. „and presented, a plaque•frorn the
Mrs. Don Joynt gave a report Agriculture Society. A letter was
about the unit's., adopted girl. It read from Dr. Robert Mickle, of
was decided to send her .the,-; Enivronmental Research,
Christmas gift this month.The Toronta; indicating cis regret. that
"An invitation to SeaforthW.I. study was taken by Mrs. Mabel he and Mrs. Mickle were unable
Shirrey4who „outlined the life of to attend. Mr. McNanghton was
the people of China and how agent for many years for' the
.conditions have changed in the Wanasea Insurance Company and •
last thirty years since the a letter received from the London
Communists hive taken over. Branch regretting their absence.
Ken Parker in a brief address
presented Mr. and Mrs.
McNaughton with a coloured
television. Robert McNaughton
their son of Clinton expressed a
sincere thanks on behalf of the
Queensway Happenings
of the former
Miss Jaonne Bell of Russeldale
spent the weekend with her
grandmother; Mrs. Glenn Bell.
Mr. and Mrs. William Brown
Sr. and granddaugahter Julie
Carter, Seaforth, Mr. and Mrs.
William Brown Jr. and daughter
Andrea, Guelph, visited recently
with Mrs. F. G. Bonthron.
Mrs. F. G. Bonthron and'Mrs.
Bertha MacGregor were recent
visitors with Rev. W.A. Young
and Mrs. Young in Elora.
Rev. W. D. Jarvis conducted
sevice in Carmel ' Presbyterian
Church on Sunday delivering a
message on "The Double
Commitment". ,••Mrs. Malcolm
Dougall presided at the organ.
Rally,Day Will be held on Sunday,
September 19th. Sunday School
teachers will meet on Thursday at
7:30 p.m.
Mrs. D'oris Bonthron and Miss
Janice Bonthron, London visited
realtaives here recently.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Shaddick and
Mark of London spent the
weekend with the former's
mother, Mrs. Pearl Shaddick.
Mr. and Mrs. John Baker and
Elizabeth and David visited with Rebecca spgnt the weekend in his friend unexpectedly one day, the latter's father Mr. Wilbur Kingston attending a wedding.. Alberdt saw him praying' with
Dilling, last Thursday;and . also Constable Gerry Chapman
hands clasped in supplication and with her mother, Mrs. Anna MrsChapman and daughters of
painted them to illustrate the Dilling in the Queensway-plursing weekend with the former's Burlington visited on the
Home, virtues'of love, sacrifice, labor
and gratitude. - Miss Joan Alexander is parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne
Karen McAllister gave two attending Huron College, London Chapman. piano selections .
Mrs., Vennera followed with an this year. Mr. and Mrs. Earle Rowe have
original reading, !'Saga of a 'returned from a delightful trip to Summer Shopping Spree". Roll the Gatineau Hills 'for four days was answered by naming your last week. favorite book of the Bible and
Mrs. Walter,Spence' read a, letter IV. isitors with' , Mrs.
from a previous foster child from Volland and 'Mrs. Daisy Ivey at
Hong Kong now living in the residence of Mr. and Mrs.
Canada. At the business session, GOrdon Schwalm last week' were
conducted gy Mrs. Carl Payne, it Miss Flora Macdonald of
was announced that the next' goderich and her sister Miss
meeting of Unit, 2 would be held Hazel Macdonald who is a retired
,at the Country Spire and that Unit missionary who has worked in
2 is responsibte for flowers in the many areas, among" them
Sanctuary during- 'October, POrmosa India, Kenya and
including Thanksgiving. The, next' t tiopta, Mrs. Brownley of
general meeting of the • W. Goderich; Mr. and Mrs. Cecil
will be held on October 4 Robb of Lucan;. Mr. and Mrs.
preceded by "Lunchefn is Gary Finlayson, Karen,, Randy,
Served" and' the South Huron Ronald,. Cathy and Kim of
Presbytery meetings will be held ttippen; Mr. and Mrs. ,Lewis
at Hensall on October 6. Taylor of Varna; Mrs. Margaret
ArrangeMenIs were discussed for Hoggarth and Janet of Kippen
preparing for the luncheon' and and Mrs, Vera Johnston of
for catering at a forthcoming Brucefield. Local visitors were
• wedding.
Lunch was served by Mrs. Ross
Forrest, Mrs, Roy 'Brock, Mrs..
Ross Corbett and Mrs. Grace
Unit 4 Meets
Unit .4 of Hensall U.C..W.
Highlights of the W.I. seventh anthem, "Holy, Holy, 'Holy"
•Tri-annual National Convention in Several new members were in the
a. Charlottetown in. June were choir and we welcome their help
described by Mrs. Elizabeth in this capacity. Next Sunday will
Alexander, Mrs. Rosa Harris and be Children's Pay Service at
• Mrs. Carl Payne at the September Hensall at 11 a.m. and
meeting of the, Hensall Women's Chiselhurst will hold their 116
Institute on Wednesday, in the .. anniversary celebration at 2 p.m.
LegiOn Hall. • Slides of .the A •
"aceornpaning trip were e-also Unit 1 .U.C.vy. met for their
shown and songs • used a? the regular meeting on Thursday,
Convention were sung- at the September 9 with Mrs. Audrey
meeting. The theme was Focus: Christie presiding and . Mrs. Bill
L. Facing our Challenge-Unity is. Fuss at the piano. Mrs. Christie
Strength and was stressed-by the opened with a poem, "A Summer
die reminded of the County 'Rally at
Dashwood on October 4, and
volunteers were asked for the
campaign for the C.N.I.B. in
4••,: October.
.for October 12 was received. The
roll call was "Show' and. Tell".
Dates were chosen to entertain at
both the Blue Water Rest Home
. and Huronview later this year.
The next meeting will be on Mrs. Ken McLean conducted
Wednesday, October 13, at 8-.the„ business. The general
P.M. in the Legion Hh11, meeting will be held on Monday,
october 4 beginning with
The Hensall United Church "Lu ncheon is served". The
Service was conducted by Rev. South Huron Regional meeting is
Don Beck assisted by Mrs. John to be held at. Hensalr on October
Turkheim at the Organ. The 6.
sermon was on the topic, "Who A record of religious songs was
do you say I am?" and urged us played by Mrs. Bill Fuss. Mrs.
to establish our identity as Jack Consitt and Mrs. Don Joynt
Christians. The choir sang the served lunch.
Marlene Koehler, Kitchener and
Brenda Wolper,. Exeter, visited
With Adeline Taylor, Coral Craig,
Vera. Britneli. Dorothy Brintnell
spent Monday with Isobel
Brintnell to celebrate her
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Wright,
Mr.• and Mrs. John Ridley, Mr.
and Mrs. Chester Dunn visited
with Vera Lammie, Harold and
Lauretta Glanville. Lea and Judy
male visited Harold Glanville.
Mr. and Mrs.W. Huxtable,
Mrs. Elmer Willis visited
Florence and Vera Lammie.
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Parsons
visited with Almeeda Parsons. "—
Roy McDonald "vans visited by
his wife Mrs. McDP ald.
Howard Johns , v sited his
Another Mrs. Mabel Johns.
Shirley Prouty visited Lynn
Latintore, Alex. Barrett and Roy
Isobel Alcock, Jessie Ingle,
Mrs. Elsie Evans, Brussels
visited Cora Alcock.
Mrs. Rochus Faber and several
other ladies of Carmel
Presbyterian Church took a
number of residents for car rides,'
ta the park in Seaforth,CiOrnertf,
and Staffa and treated them.
ReV. Den Beck candUcted the
Church service , on Friday
nccoritpanied at the piano by
Louise Mitchell. .
Birthday Greetings to Jackie
Lowe celebrating a birthday Sept,
11th and to Jean Hewitt Sept,
, • Mrs. Donna Allen, Mrs. Blanche
Miller, rs. Winnie , Skea and
Mrs. Bona Clark.
Mr. and Mrs. Murray Keyes
and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Corbett
spent the holiday weekend at
Haliburton district at the cottage
announces that members of his staff will be available
for private interviews at:
frOm 9:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., Wednesday, September 22, 1976
and at
from 10:00 a.m. to 9:110 p.m., Thursday, September 23, 1976
for Individuals, groups, organizations
complaints to his attention. These Inte
, the obligatitM on • the Ombudsman o
d their representatives who wish to bring
laws shaft be conducted in, private, due to
make no disclosure of any Information
It would be appreciated, alth
organizations or their repreSentat
dge complaints, provide copies
ssed to:
gh not essential, if individuals, groups,
es, wishing to, present briefs or statements, or
f such material prior to the above dates, ad-
Fall Fair -
fully guaranteed at reasonable prices.
• We Do accept Trade-Ins
• Repairs to any makes.
We now have b laige
selection of good, fully-
reconditioned '
STORE' 110011ii'
mondoy Y Saturday
• 14:60 540
" • Friday nights
;tit 940 p.m•
Now in stock - Reguller, Desk,
and Desk-Console Models.
will be at our store for denion- '
strations and repairs
Our Sewing Machine
Expert Technician
RECOGNIZE SERVICES — Mr. and Mrs. Peter McNaughton were honored Friday
When Hensall and area friends gathered at,Pineridge Chalet to recognize the many
yeOrs he had served the community in various capacities. They were presented with
a colored'T.V. (Staff Photo)
11). •
Peter McNaughton honoure