HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1976-09-16, Page 18lifts:- M. Sholdice gave the
•• treasurer's,,report. A bale will be
picked after the Thanksgiving
weekend in Qctriber;::::.,
Mrs. Bennett cldietit. the
meeting with a poem, "take time
for ten things". Lunch Was served
y Mrs. Allan McCall, Mrs.
Harold Bolgereemrann:Mrs. Ernie
Mr. anti . Allan McCall
visited Sunday With Mr. land Mrs.
Harold Brown iii Burlington.
The Orville Beuermann House,
R.R.4, Walton was burned on
Saturday night. It was reported
the back part was badly burned
while the front had smoke ' and
water damage.
Those from this ' area that
attended the 50th Anniversary
Open House on Sunday in
Stratford for Mr. and Mrs. Alvin
Stimore were:Mr. and Mrs.
Nelson Reid, Mr. and Mrs.
Murray Dennis and Mr and Mrs.
James. Williamson.
Mr. and Mrs. Torrence, Dundas
spent last week in Kitchener and
Toronto, also spent a few days in
Sutton on Lake Simcoe visiting
Mr. and Mrs. Clem Galbraith l:
they • returned home with the
Duna's, for ; the weekend and
attended_ the Blyth Thresher's,
Mr. ,and Mrs. Gordon Mason
and family of Blyth; Mr. and WS.
Bruce Bromley and family of
Blyth; Mr. and Mrs, Harry
Rhiodan and family of 'Strathroy;
and Mr. and Mrs. Roger Reines
of Seaforth spent a week ago
Sunday at the home of Mr. and
. Mrs. William Blake when they
celebrated several birthdays .of .
the families with a barbecue.
Sunday guests with Mr. and
Mrs. Herb Traviss were Dr. Brian
elects officers
Hoegy took up the offering which
was .dedicated by John Huether.
Officers elected are President-
Ron Godkin, Vice President-
Patricia Hackwell,
Secretary-Cheryl Fraser,
treasurer-Cathy McGavin;
Member were all reminded to
make an offering for Unicef for
the October meeting. .
"Everything is-Beautiful" was
sung before they went into their
new classes with their teachers.
Doreen . Hackwell, Dorothy
Sholdice and Margaret Bennett.
Peggy and Laura Dennis took
over yesterday for Marie
McGavin's class.
McGavin children
sing at Duffs' service
and 'Mrs. Herb Traviss
greeted the people at the door to
the regular service on Sunday
'morning at Duff's United Church.
The McGavin children, Cathy,
Brian, •Jeffery and Heather sang
"Jesus Loves Everybody"
-accompanied by their mother,
Marie McGavin at the piano.
Rev. E.S. a Stephens of
Brucefield will be the, guest
minister, at the Anniversary
Service next Sunday --at -11 a.m.
and 8:00 p.m.
The following Sunday the
Moncrief members have been,
asked to join Duff's at the
morning service, remain for lunch
and a social get together.
The proof book has come back
with the picutres of members
taken a year ago May of both
Walton and Moncrief
congregations. Anyone wanting
extra books are to get in touch
with Mrs. Herb Traviss.
Fr. Laragh tells ONL
of his trip to UK
Cones,.Sundci s, Shakes,
Slushies t Floats, Banana Boats
Smith's Geperal Store°
Open Nightly Till 9
Sliced baby Maple Leaf football style
rTh. Beef & Pork
' •
by the piece,
Our own -
BEEF LIVER lb. vd z HAM 11,. $1.29
HIND of BEEF Fully processed
SIDE of BEEF Fully processed •
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BEEF' PATTIES "lb. bag
BEEF PATTIES 4 lb. bag
St r 262-20.17
lb. 890
Abbatoir 262-2041•
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Blade or Shoulder
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lb 891
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Ar' *7.90
Ittit ,t1tt t t•ot-t . IttlIttittittitit: :1
1,41 -
.9.76 Walto n
5,000 darn ome
and Mrs. TraV,iSe and! girls Pr- and WS,. Ray Huether who had -Waterloo; - Mr. .and 46! • Kell Ithalkt her Now later, ThPYillsa-Moffett ht Stratford and Mrs, called on Mr,.and Mrs.. Wilbur Hilda Sellers of Seaforth. - Turnbull in Brussels,
Dave Brady and. Mrs, Lew -Kirkby of Lettdcht and -daughter Kathy of London were Mrs. Gib Smith, of Mcicillop Saturday 'supper guest 'with the visited on Stinday*with Mrs.-Jean formers grandmother Mrs. Miller. Mrs, Kirkby remained for Maud Leeming, Others called at a few days. • ' the same bOrne that day were,t. _,Mr. and Mrs,Pavid. Allison of
Mrs, Lola Mr WS, jean - London visited eh Saturday with
Dickson both of Edmonton, Alta, Mrs, jeah Broadfoot. On
Mrs. Watson Webster of Clinton Thursday. Mrs, Brea:4foot
`Pards of Thanks
T; Wish to express my sincere
--4 4ppreciatinur to my -nieces and
u011eY.'s and sisters for the
wonderful birthday. party they
galle ate, to the .atives,
neighbors and frier. is who
attended and to those who, sent
cards or otherwise remembered
me. Mrs. John •Hillebrech
I wish to express my thanks and
appreciation to my relatives,
neighbours and friends for cards,
best wishes and visits while I was
a p atient in the hospital. — Joy
Scott. 24-62-1
I wish to express my thanks to
Father Laragh, Cannel Malone,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Phillips,
R.S.Box Funeral Home, Catholic
Women's, League for Rosary, t
neighbours for bringing food
the house, the'vall.
Whitman and nurses
hospital for all the kin
shown me during the recent
bereavement of my sister.
Everything was appreciated. —
W. S. Flannery. 24-62x1
Sincere thanks to everyone for
helping to make our 50th
Wedding anniversary a huge
success. Thanks to those who sent
cards, gifts and contributed in
other ways. Special thanks to our
family who had all the arranging
to do. It will always be
remembered and deeply
apprecaited. — Kelly and Janet
Dalton. 24-62-1
25 In Memoriam'
THORNTON — In loving
memory of Joseph Thornton who
passed away September 10th,
1966 and Kenneth Thornton who
passed away August 21st, 1942.
A smile we will always
A voice we will n ever forget,
Fond memories to treasure
And a loss we will never forget
Sadly missed and always
remembered by Mary, Idella ,
Ed. grandchildren, nieces and'
nephews. 25-62x1
,-- A DOERR -- In loving memory of a
dear father and grandfather,
Jerry#Doetty;Whom,,GOd. called—.
hothe September 16th, 1969.
Please, God, forgive a silent
A constant wish that he were
,Others were taken, yes, we
' know,'
But he was ours and we loved
him so.
' He bade no one a last fare-
Nor even said good bye;
He was gone before we knew it
And only God knows why
If all the world were ours to'
We'd give it, yes, and more,
Td see the face of our dear
loved one
Come smiling through the
Please God just take
To him in Heaven above,
Tell him how much we miss
And give him all our love.
—joiringly remembered and
sadly missed by the- family.
26 Personal
Mr. and Mrs. "Carl Vock,•
'Brodhagen wish to announce the
forthcoming marriage' of their
daughter. Joyce Elaine to Dennis
Westman, son of Mr. and Mrs,
Charles Westipan, Mitchell. The
wedding/• will take place on
Saturday, Qctober 16, 976 at 7
o'clock in St. Peter's Lutheran
Church, Brodhagen. 26-62-1,
27 Births
WAMME --Ed. and Nellie of
R.R.#2, Seaforth' a proud to
announce the arrival of- Mark on
Septeinber 9, 1976 at St. Joseph's,
Hospital, London. A little brother
for Ronnie. 27-62x1
Gerry' Linda (nee Nesbitt)
leman er are
pleased to announce the a val of
their son Richard Her an on
September 13 at Kitchener
hospital. Another grandchild for
Mr. and Mrs. George Nesbitt,
Clinton. 27-62-1
PARATCHEK — To Mr. and
Mrs. James Paratchek on
September 9, 1976 in Stratford
General Hospital, a daughter,
Beverley June. 27-62-1
Mrs. Allan WWI
The McKillop 1.I.C,W. of Duff's
Church, Walton met at the home
of Mrs. C. McCutcheon last
Wednesday evening ".with 1.3
members and 3 little guests
Mrs. L. grociltin presided for
devotion. Hymn, '"My Faith
Looks up to Thee" was 'sung.
Mrs.C. McCutcheon read poem
"Take Time". Donna Godkin,
sang "He's Got the Whole World
in His Hands" accompanied by.
'Scripture taken by Mrs.
Godkin was Psalm 142: 1 - 7,
followed by the prayer of General
) Thanksgiving. Hymn "Jesus
Keep Me Near the Cross" was
sung. Ofifering was taken by . Mrs.
M Hackwell and .dedicated by
singing, "We Give Thee but
Thine Own". Mrs. G. S. Love
read a poem entitled
"Happiness". A musical record
was then played. Worship
concluded by... singing "Now the
Day is Over."
Mrs. N. M cGavin gave her
topic what she experienced
during the three days she spent at
Alma school -for leadership in
August, the •theme being,
"Called to Be" with Rev. Sue
Seymour as theme speaker.
Mrs. S. McCall presided for the
business. Mrs N. Schade read
poem "A Tone of ' Voice":
Treasurer's report was given
Mrs, M. flackwell. Roll Call was
length of arrn in centimetres
contributed to the Sunshine Box.
Mrs. Schade closed the meeting
with prayer.
Lunch was .served by hostess,
Mrs. M. Dennis, Mrs. D. Dennis
and Mrs. J. Burch.
Unit meets
Wisdotil was the-theme for the
Walton Unit meeting on
Wednesday evening held in the
church basement with 19 ladies
Mrs. Bill Coutts opened with
the "Though for the Month".
"Sinkto the Lord Otharvest" was
sung, accompanied by MrS':* 'Ray
Huether. Mrs. Coutts gave prayer
and Mrs. A. McCall read the
scripture. Collection was received
by Mrs. Mac Sholdice and
dedicated. Mrs. Coutts read a
poem, "The Master's Hand" and
"Come ye thankful people,
come" closed the devotions.
'Mrs. W. Bewley gave the topic
reading, several articles from
Mrs°. Ron Bennett presided for
the business. Minutes were read
by Mrs. Howard . Hackwell, also
thank you cards from the Porter
family' and the Achilles family.
Cards were received from Gail
Traviss, Lynne McDonald and
Brenda Bewley for gifts at their
community showers.
Discussion was held on quilts
that are to be quilted this winter
and it was left with the committee
to set the price. Mrs. Jack
McEwing offered to go on the
supper committee.
Mission Eland
Mission Band of Duff's 'Church
ed meetings Sunday
ng. There were 30 members
in a endance. Call to Worship
was gi en by John Huether. "I'd
like to teach the world to sing"
was sung with Mrs. Martin
Hackwell at the piano. Prayer was
given by Blaine Rackwell.
Secretary Peter Bennett .gave his
repoit. Treasurer's' report was
given by Cathy McGavin. Benny
Walton boys win
Two ball games were played
Sunday afternoon at the Walton
Recreation Park. The Squirts won
over Blyth 'boys 3-1 , and the
Intermediate team won over Eden
Mills 5-0.
The Squirt""'Tournament is
re-scheduled for this, coming
Satu •Se'pternber 18 at the ball
pa beginning at 9:00 a.m.
attended the funeral of her niece*
Mrs. T.A. White in Windsor,
Miss Connie ceetts R.N. and
Tim Steele of Guelph SPPut
the vveeltend.at the home of ha
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Courts
and attended the...
in '
wedding on
Egmenclville. ti
Mr. and •Miry. Allan Carter and
Pamela of Clinton also were
dinner guests on Sunday at the Ai
Coats hone.
St, James, .Catholic Catholic,: ,italk on his trip. to Ireland and
"Leagne,,inef an TueSdaY, Sept: 7 ""trigland.' He was tharika -155,
when Mrs. EWart Wilsork:presi- Mrs. Wilson.
dent, opened the meeting 'with Lunch, provided by Mrs. Vin-
the League Prayer. cent, was served and a social time
Mrs. james Kelly, library con- spent. '
vener, reported there were' three
new books, "Light on the
-Gospels:" "Inward' Stillness'
and "Praise to the Lord of the
Right to Life convener, Mrs.
Ken Vincent, reported that a
booth had been arranged for the
Fall Fair. The visiting committee
for September will be Mrs. james
Devereaux and Mrs. Joseph
Convener§ for the Bazaar Draw
are Mrs. Ray. Hutchinson • and
Mrs. Peter Jansen avid tickets
were given to the members.
Members 'were encouraged to
participate in Devotions to the
Blessed Sacrament to be held in
the church from Sept. 27 to 29th.
Fr. Laragh gave an interesting
The value of Canada's imports
in 1975 was 34,751,1 millions of
dollars. The value of exports was
34,814.4 millions-of dollars:
26 Personal
Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Kunder
announce the forthcoming
marriage of their daughter, Susan
Elizabeth to Mr. James Henry
Taylor, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Edward G. Taylor. The ceremony
will take place on Saturday, the
second day of October, 1976, at
•seven o'clock in Seaforth.
6 Web Folding
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