HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1976-09-16, Page 5milimailm.sommummisomemon AIRPORT TRANSPORTATION SERVICE .r • From You/. lf)4 and NTO INTERNitilONAL AIRPORT !• PASSENGER PARCELS/ • AIR EXPRESS, FREIGHT ~n climate controlled comfort ' UNITED TRAILS INC. SEAFORTH 527:1222 iJr enquire at your local travel agent • TCIR tot Lower , Interest Rates - NOW AVAILABLE ON 1st and 2nd Mortgages anywhere in Ontario on ' RESIDENTIAL — INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIALand FA RIVI,PROPERTIES Interim financing on new construction - or land development REPRESENTATIVEINNOURAREA • , PHOI4E 'it SAFEWAY INVESTMENTS & CONSULTANTS LTD. fiend "Office: 56 ViteberStreet, Kitchener, rg19I 744-65M, Branch Office: 705 Goderleb Street, Port Elgin. [519) 832.2044 WE BUlt EXISTING MORTGAGES FOR INSTANT CASH in Thonder -Bay • WhiterlOh-/ Ont. 'VlOited• With; his aunt Mrs-, .:Mary MP1vcr anctwIth, alsc) *900. Mr. and Mrs,,.T.hoO.:MeQqaidt, WindSer, wIth"*Ain0 E, • MeQUairli. . attended • the Ormiitort440_Queid Wedding in Kitchener .on Saturday And spent the weeliend here before return- ' ing Sunday to Windsor. ThoS.'Ityan of Canadian limper.. Jai flanlvof Commerce, Chealey, spent the weekend a the "tome his parents, Mr, and Mies, Frank Ryan. Mr.ond *Saes.' M014e0*; spent the weekend with and Mrs. Vine. Lane, and Attended the Niteroi of her,cousin Florence Flannery on Monday. Barry Lane, who was. peeding a couple of months '''touring Europe, has arrived home From the short conversation I had with him, I gathered that this country looked pretty good, and 'after explaining the high cost of food and transportation, I thought be "looked anything but StarYed-.---He did say however, people in most countries were very kind. Water Well DRILLING W.D. Hopper and. Sons 4 MODERN ROTARY RIGS I PHONE Neil 527.1737 Durl 527-0828 Jim 527-071A Seaforth Wi • 40 J I • . e HPRC Se.04rcite -.c.hooit Board. . Some ...comer trustee distribution jlig.HURP.Nr.EXposrrOn MI3ER:11,,, IOTA. When copies of. the redistri- butionbf schoolard members for the Huron-Perth County Roman Catholic_ Separate School Board were handed out at a board meeting in Dublin Monday night, concern was eltpressed by the Stratford trustees over the - reduction from, four trnstees to three to be elected td the board for 1977 to represent the city of Stratford. Trustee Donald Crowley of .Gadshill noted that the number of represenatives will be unchanged, only the distribution changed to seven from Perth COunty and seven from Huron county. (Presently on the board there are eight frpm Perth and six from Huron) - iced, Stratford truste on Marcy was especially eo cerned ,that in Stratford, with representation . based on' assessment, it is on residential assessment only with commercial • not added in. He considered this unfair compared to rural areas where it is on farm assessment, not residential only. Director of Education John Vintar proposed that a resolution be sent to the Minister of Education to show how the board members were reacting to the impact of the redistribution. When Howard Shantz of Stratford made, a motion that the resolution be sent,. John O'Drowsky of St. Mary's said, "This is. a' great injustice here. I would make a motion to table the motion until the next meeting, on September 27 and name a committee to take time to study thig carefully." A committee composed ,of 'Ronald Marcy, Howard Shantz, Ted Geoffrey of Zurich, Business Administrator Jack Lane and John Vintar was named to make recommendations for a resolution to the Minister of Education. Mr. Marcy suggested that Mr. Lane contact the regional office of education at Waterloo to find out if the additional money that is to be available from the ministry for school boards can be used for an industrial _ arts , and home economics addition' at St.' Michael's School, Stratford. ,$100 given to crippled kids liquor Ioitoenstibbeis given. The the, petition so that they will be Correspondent . , percent , of the eligible voters. names before approval for a effective September 1. ' Mr. Shantz and Mr. 9Tirowsky were named; to an ad hoc committee to arrange a ,presen- teflon to the two supe.rinteedenik (Joseph Tokar and. Alexander Easton) who have, left the administrative staff _ They are to buy a. gift' for another retiring employee (not named). Mr. and Mrs. Ted Geoffrey-of Zurich and Mr. and Mrs. Michael Connolly of. Kippen will attend the 25th anniversary of the incorporation 'of ' the catholic/ Parent-Teachers Association convention to be held in St. Catharines on Octpber 1, 2 and 3. Fuel oil tenders were received from five companies ranging Price from the highest at 39.0 cents to the lowest, which was accepted, that of B.P. at " 34.4 cents, for the 1976:77 schbej term. Dublin Trustee Joseph Looby and Seaforth trustee Francis Hicknell were the only two trustees to vote against accepting the tender of Dave DeVries of -Seaforth as custodian at the board officelp Dublin from September 1, 1976 to September 1, 1977, at the same salary he received last year of $4,000h. Mr. Looby objected on the basis a lower tender of $3,000' was made by Frank" Williams of Dublin. Mr. Looby.was told by the • personnel committee that Mr. Williams, who has a full time job with the board as custodian of St. Patrick's, School and the Kindergarten room, had not given his tender on' the prop.er tender form confirming his duties. pertaining to the work as had the other two applicants., As, well the committee members felt he would not have sufficient time to do the work at the- board office with his full-time work at the school. Mr.Crowly presented a copy of the proposed agenda for the official blessing of the addition to rSt:-Patrick's School at Kinkora on • Octeber 31 when w Bishop Sherlock. of London will be , With less than one month left, to collect signatures for a liquor vote, Hibbert township council gave authority , to the clerk to ask- the LCBO for a plebiscite once sufficient names have been entered on the approved petition lkforms. , .—The "petition'' requires 25 architects wished to donate to the bdard. wording On the proposed gift' Mr. Crowley had a copy Of the listing the names of the present, hoard members ' and pertinent -information. Mr Crowley said that When the school was built in 1966 no. placpre, WAS'.7 . pet on the building and he asked' permission, to add- the names of the three trustee$ on the foinier 1966 school board plus that of the secretary treasurer. He said. he was sure the architects would Correspondent accept ,the additional wording as Don MacRae the same architects and buildera Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Benninger, erected the school that year.: Dublin, Ben Benninger, What followed Mr.Crowley's U▪ niversity of Waterloo, Mr, and simple request was a long Mrs. Don Benning6 and Lori involved IdiscUssion on plaques, Hespeler, Mr. and Mrs, •jas., updating plaques, not putting up Ouellette, Dona,, Danny, laura any plaques until all schools could. Ann, Windsor, Mr. and MrS. Tom have new plaques or Updated Simonsen, R.R.#2, Liublin,1 Sister, plaques, not doing anything until, Marie Brebeuf and Sister Mary the . cost of all this could be Magdaline, London attended the Benninger Forysiak wedding in Thunder Bay the weekend of August 28th, 1976. The wedding party consisted of bride, Eva Forysiak, - Groom - Marvin Benninger. Best Man, Don Benninger, ' Hespeler. UShers, Torn Simonsen, lt.R.#2, Dublin,-Ben Benninger, Dublin, Andy Pory.siak, Thunder Bay. Maids of Honour - , Theresa (sister of the bride) Thunder Bay, Mrs. Tom Simonsen (sister of the groom) nee Rose Ann B enninger, Dublin, Mrs.' James Oulette (sister of the groom) nee Patricia' Benninger, • Windsor, Donna Forysiak, Thunder Bay (sister of the bride, Don Ouellette(nephew of the groom), ringbearer , Lori Benninger (niece of the groom) Flower girl.' Personals ' Mr. and Mrs. Danny Costello able , to• obtain special occasion permits for their recently completed pavilion.' Robert Ni'cholson, Construction of R.R.1, Sebringville was awarded the , contract for the Geary Creek Drainage Works for - the price of $2245. 'Work on the drairlis to start in October and be ascertained, motions made, amendments to motions made, motions withdrawn, amendments withdrawn, new motions made, new amendments made . When the final vote .was taken„, Mr, Crgwley appeared, a bewildered man. • He was even more bewildered when another motion was proposetrs that he accept the plaque from the architects with the added names if all were given free with no charge to the board. "Do you mean 'I can go ahead with the additional names?" he asked. ' Then several' trustees spokeup to explain what they thought they had been voting on. • With this Joseph Looby interrupted, ''Better, watch" out, Crowley, or' yoti will lose the whole thing!" ibbert council awards new drainage contract completed in November, 1976. council. Road superintendent Drainage petitions were .Chappel said that stance of two or received and accepted by Council distance for• repairs and improvement on would be enough. the O'Reilly drain and the Tyndall drain; Engineers will be apppints514theitte4 rneeting ; J council.. It 'tiva deckled to repair"' the Shepherd 'Creek drain fey' $4138 with Tuckersmith being the initiating township. and , the Hooper drain for $50843. A grant of $25 was given to' the Perth Ploughmens' Association. The annual ploughing match will be at the farm of Perth Warden Ed. Doerr A resolution by- the township of West Carleton to the Ministry of Energy concerning the placing of hydro poles some eight to ten feet from line fences was endorsed LIN Attend weddirig and family, Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. John Krauskopf and family, Guelph with M. Dan Costello.. Mr'. and Mrs. Ron Agar and family, essex, with Mr. and Mrs.Edw' in Stapleton. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Haggarty, daughter of Mr. Peter Maloney Sr., visited with friends and . relatives in Dublin before returning to Accra, Africa, also visited with Mr. George Coville. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Maloney and Mr. and Mts. Frank Kistner attended the Soontiens - Bannon wedding at St,Patrick's Church,. ,Kinkera on Saturday, reception at Brodhagen Community Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Steve and Rosemary of Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs Hector Cornell of Lindsay, Mrs. Millie Evans and Mrs. Helen O'Rou'rke, ,Mr: and Mrs. I-1 arvey Latta of .Lucan visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred on Sunday, M. Keith McCarthy has returned home from University Hospital ,. London and is recuperating at home. Mrs. Millie Evans has returned from a trip to Long Island, N.Y. where she visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Mayman and family on her return she visited with Mr. and Mrs.Bill Evans and family in Niagara Falls, Ontario. Ed. maximum three feet At the September meeting of Council having received a Logan Township Council, with all , petition from Elma Township; members present, the August that the Main North West Drain is minutes were adopted and they out of repair, appointed •Jas. A. clerk was instructed to apply for Howes,O.I.S„ -to ,examine' the the Interim Road Subsidy on drain and report back to Council. $118,384.87. The Road Superin- The minutes of the Mitchell tendent is to call for tenders for and District Planning Board of Plowing Snow by truck and August 16 ,and Mitchell & Dist. maintainer at the October meet- Protective Inspection Committee ing. • of August 19 were approved, The reports of the Kistnet Due to the lateness 'of the Extension #2 and the Bode Drains season and no approvals having were adopted. Court of Revision • been received, it was decided to to 'be hold October 4. cancel the plans :for . the Hill' There being no appeals on the Bridge on ConCession 3 & 4 for Reidy Drain, the Court of Revi- this year. ' sion was, diSpensed with, the General Accounts- totalling • bylaw finally passed and the $61,878.58 and Road Accounts contract awarded to Robt. Nichol- amounting to' $8,364.79 were son Cdnst. Co. for $2,045. $25. ordered paid. The ' meeting • was granted to the Perth County adjourned at 1:30 a.m. to meet Plowmen's Association,. i . • again October 4 at 8:00 p.m, Mrs. Mary Merner Congratulations - are extended to Mr. and Mrs.-Ed. Wammes on the birthefa son Mark 10 lb. 4 oz, Londem St. leSePh's Hospital on Thursday September 9th, another grandson for Mr. and Mts. Joh n Wan-Imes, Sunday dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Stevenson, David, Darren and Luanne were Mr. and Mrs. Grant Koch, Andrew and Suzanne, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Steckle , all of New Hamburg. Mr. and Mrs. George Murray of Cambridge, Galt and their daughters, husbands and grandchildren spent the weekend at their summer home. • Mr. and Mrs. Marris Bos, Steven Sharon, Kenny, Michael, Andy and- Kathy ,..kiisited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Leo Sanders, Jennifer and Jeffery of R.R.#4,' Brussels. Mi. and Mrs. Andy. Thompson of -Etobicoke spent the weekend with his parents Mr. and Mrs, John Thompson, Jim, Sharon and Bob. Mr, and Mrs. Reg. Lawson, John and Elizabeth . spent Sunday in London with Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Warren when they held a family gathering.• Mr: and Mrs. Archer Baldwin - meetings and members 'hope to of Cohoconk are spending a few hold a tupperware display. at days visiting with Mrs. W. L. sonic meeting in the near future Whyte, Bill and Mr. Harold Father Oostveen closed the meet- Whyte: . • ,ing with prayer. A mystery- prize Sympathy of thp community is donated by Mrs. Mary Melody extended to Mr. and Mrs. was 'Won by Mrs. Rita Moylan. Carman Riley on their recent Lunch was served. PCIFO.$0900.4 • , One pf Vt4hr respeeted, Otte. tune resident of T4ibbert-Township died in: NOW. Grace Hospital, , Detroit, 'Sept. 7 at the ngent9l3 She ;WaS-. the Wife ..4f. John Cronin, .and waS.the f4r4er Margaret Downey, who.; r-tp..0.01.0 DetroitThe in l with.' their. - moved to, funeral mass celebrated .by the Pastor Father P. Oostveen and burial followed in St. Columhan.,Pernetery. Her husband predeceased her in. 1946, but she is survived by one 'graduates from Dublin. have'Adaughter, Mary, Mrs. McLean of started on their future" careerss Miss Dianne Boisens is attending the University of Windsor on a Bachelor of Science in Nursing. Miss Cathy Bros'ens at Centralia College of Agricultural Technology, ' .Huron Park her course in . Food Service. ,Management. 'Miss ,RhOnda Ferguson to . University of Western Ontario, tin . a 'General Arts .course Mr. Ben Benninger to 'University of Waterloo - his field is "Man and His Environment: Mr. Mark Looby is Grade X111 at Regina Mundi London. Miss Cynthia Looby - to Mount St. Joseph Academy, London. 'Both Mark and Cynthia Looby , son and daughter Of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Looby spent most of the summer in the employment of Looby Construction .Ltd. ,with head office.in Dublin. . The second annual, ladies night and steak barbequefor the Dublin &. District Lions Club was held last ,Friday with about. 36 in attendance. It was held in the new pavilion at • the Dublin_ Athletic Grounds , Entertainment was by tapes and dancing - the usual bike rodeo assisted by young lion pup Cleopatra. A pork barbeque , at• Mitchell and area Arena is :being sponsored-by Dublin and. Mitchell Lions in c,onjunction with Perth County Park Producers on Friday night. Congratulations are in order for Mr.. Jim and ' Mrs. Donna Paratcheck on their baby daughter. • ' Logan to call for snowplow tenders present. A comic situation developed when Mr. Crowley asked the Mrs. Jean Stapleton was hired board members, to give approval as a teacher of Grades S and'6 at to the wording on a plaque for the St. Patrick's /School, Dublin,. school • which the. Stratford Atie .4, 'Constance ). '04' bereavement. Court. Constantine L 1842 'met Thursday. Business diScussed included plans to have a Ladies Night., A dance is plarined for, NoveMber 6th in. Seaforth with music . by the Country . Entertainers. The committee reported the pork barbeque which they catered to was successful'. A gift of $100 was given to the Western Ontario Provincial Assembly project to purchase• a para-lift and small tools for the crippled children's centre „ at Chatham. , .Sts Col urn ba.n CWL, rn.6ets . The St. Columban C.W.L. met on September 7 in'the parish hall with 14 members present with the president, Mrs. Mildred Cronin presiding. Father Oostveen opened the meeting with 'prayer. Members were invited to attend the Deanery meeting in Listowel on September 22. Arrangements are to be made to have a guest speaker at some of the future Its back to school time again., St. Patrick's School in Dublin is in 'full swing with an increased enrollment of 208. The other East' Pawas, Michigan; and one son Joseph of Detroit;, 3 grand-. children and 10.great-grandchild- ren. Pallbearers were: Tan Cronin, Michael Cronin, Irwin . Harrison, Detroit, Steve and Leo Cronin, 'St. Columban, 'Ron O'Connor, Dublin. Those attend- ing the funeral from a distance included Mr. and Mrs. „roe Cronin, Mrs. Mary McLean', Mrs. Harrison, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Cronin, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Cronin,, Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Harrison, all' of Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Rowland, R.R. 1, Dublin, provided the setting for a Rowland family reunion on Sunday, September 12. Attending were Mr. and Mrs. Lou Rowland and family, Dublin; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lane and family, , St. Columban; Mr. and Mrs. Dave Murtha, Listowel; Mt. and Mrs. Martin Purcell and family, Kitchener; Mr. land MrS' Frank Rowland and family, Oak- ville; Mrs. Ted Gallant, Windsor; Mr. and Mrs. Leo Rowland of 1976 Meteor Rideau 500 2 door hardtop in light green with .green vinyl roof, 35.1 V8, automatic, double power o radio, dual • rear speakers, fender skirt, side moldings and . cross country suspen.sidn. LUXURY AT A REASONABLE. PRICE! 3 11 11W lli 19-76 Ford Granada 2 door sedan in dark red with white vinyl. roof, 250 cu. in 6 cylinder engine, automatic, double power, rear defogger, radio, color keyed remote control mirrors, aluminum wheels. LUXURY & ECONOMY! William E. Bennett Disability Insurance, • Group Insnrance; Mortgage Insurance. Registered Retirement Saving Plans, Life REPRESENTING Crown Life Ins.Company ,.[Since 19001 Tel.Office 527-1610 Res. 527.09,13 Yoo're. Way -Ahead. In A:19.76 Ford' or Mercury ViO* 1976 Ford Custom 500 2 door Pillared hardtop in silver blue , metalic. 351 V8, automatic, double power, electric clock, AM Ridio, Heavy duty , suspension, Body Side Mouldings. A BEAUTY! 1976' Mercury Comet 2 door sedan in coral red with white vinyl roof, 250 cu in 6 cylinder engine, automatic, power stteeeing,• rear defogger, AM radio, left remote control mirror. Body side moldings and deluxe "wheel covers. TRUE ECONOMY! • • •