HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1976-09-16, Page 4M. rise parents Scotia Po i ani ssiNG TiivG 14/ bjf Co/ est°rn r Lab. e, ei PLO t4, Delhi T.V. Towert Antennas- Rotors SALES AND SERVICE H. ELLIOTT- Phone 262-2829 NOTICE ARCHT SUNOCO Wishes to Announce • ~,IV,EW HOURS The Station wiltbe. close 11:00 pm to 5:00 am Sunday to Thursday OPEN 24 HOURS Friday & Saturday . - the managernent 8 staff wish to thank everyone for their support • le unoco SEAFORTH Pick Your Own Macintosh Apples Bring rYour Own Containers Lassatine Orchards , • + ......... 2(2 MILES FROM• NO. 8 III , TOE IN ROAD-SOOTH OF 524.7172 WAY ON - DERICH • Hurry' Hurry Save Now at BOX'S See our outstanding exhibits of WestinghoOs Washers, Dryers, Stove's & • Refrigerators Frost Free Standard 15 cu. ft. Refrigerator FALL FAIR PRICE Trtrf ,rop-IERIR * 4 , Westinghouse 30" Range Deluxe Timing Centre • with Automatic Oven FALL FAIR PRICE AV Come to•BOX'S Now'for 'Our Fair Days .. .. Save Like Never Before! "t. 0 , t • • , 1.. 'EARLYWORNING — Loss estimated at $15,000 resulted when 'fire destroyed a . portion of . the residence of Orville Beuermann, R.R.4, ,Walton, ..40,..evz-t,i,eanlY—Sunciay:-morning. Neighbors were quick to assist the family in removing contents to safety. (Staff Photo) Stoffa Community shower honours bride elect Correspondent Mrs. John Templeman Miss Judy .,Jeffery chaired a community shower in the Family ,, Life 'Center on Wednesday, evening honouring Miss Eleanor Butson on her forthcoming marriage. A mock wedding highlighted the program, aidng. with step dancing by Sharon FeiL and readings by Mrs. Bert Daynard. An address of , good wishes 'was read by Judy and Eleanor was assisted in 'opening her gifts by her mother, Mrs. Bill •Butson and Mrs. Hugh Scott. • Eleanor expressed her appreciation. Recent' visitors with' Misses Ethel 'and Laura Balkwell and Roy, were' Mrs. Cecil Marlott, Tillsonburg ' Mrs. George Go dale, Mr. Fred' Welsh and" Vera Otterville. Paul Miller and Ernest Dow have returned to the University of Guelph fof their second' year. Elizabeth Templeman has' returned 'to Centralia College for her, second year. Joanne ROSs.. has accepted a poSition with Viictoria & Grey, Stratfoid, Nelson Dow.is home again after being apa don. in Victoria • pospitar,` Lon :Mrs:, Duncan Scott is home again 'after being a patient in Seaforth 'Community Hosp-ifl. Gordon Colquiumn is on a motor trip to the western provinces. • Visiting on Sunday with Mrs. Sam Norris and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Norris and family were, Mr. and Mrs.Divid Kemp and Christine, Clinton- and Mr. and Mrs. John Burleigh and Jack, GOd'erich. Visiting at the J. Templeman hdme on the weekend were Mrs. Jim Neilson, Owen sonnd, Darlene -Templeman, • Waterloo and Mrs. Dale Martyn, Wanda and Michelle, Russeldale. Present petition to ban smoking in cockpits The smoking sign in airline cockpits may be turned off one of these, days. Permanently. A group, of commeroial pilots, and two public interest organiza- dons have petitioned the Federal Aviation Administration to ban smoking in cockpits of all commercial airlines. The 'petition also requested a government rule- to prohibit 'smoking by any member of the' flight crew within eight hours of takeoff.' A 52-page report filed by the Health Research, Group said, "An airline pilot who smokes during or before a flight is not - 'merely di:dosing to poison himself, but he is also endangering the lives of possibly hundreds of other people." The 'report points out , the 4:harniful effects of carbon Monoxide from cigarette smoke on smokers and nonsmokers, Carbon monoxide 'robs the 'body of the oxygen it needs and can ' impair visual and auditory perception, disturb psychomotor coordination, and slow down reaction 'time. Pilots flying higreart,-get a double-whammy effect. Smokers usually hAve -carbon . monoxide leve15jn_their blood which range from four tO1-5'per Cent. Flying at high altitudes, a crew member with a 5 per cent level of carbon monoxide in the blood may eXPerfenee -the equivalent 'effect of a 10 per -cent level. • Even., a who doe-es not smoke May experience eye and throad - irritation, headaches, nausea, and increased carbon monoxide levels if others smoke in ' thy' cockpit.A survey of hundreds of pilotS showed that 86 per cent said they could not do their best work when others in the cockpit were smoking, especially during an approach to a landing. To find out more about 'the hazards of smoking, contact your lung association • the Christmas Seal people. It's a Matter of Life and Breath.. MACLANoWALL SYSTEMS .cONOtOTE.W. $1(40$: 4. ,14014E:f0ON1)100:Nii 4814182' ,CONCRETE FORMING CONTRACTORS P.O. Box 130 Winghom, Ontar; I • .THE HURON EXPO!ITQR, FiRTEM RFI .16! E3rodha Nova Seafortli Community 'Hospital after spending a -few days at home. _ Mrs. 'Wm. Brown 'has returned heirreCafter spending some her grandchildren Mr. and,Mrs. their vacation. to Wolfe with Stratbroy while Kettlewell were Mr. and Mrs: on Sam and ,,n,wronottrtv. Correspondent Mrs.. Laverne Wolfe The sympathy of the commuqty is extended to Mr. and Mrs.-Kenneth Hinz, Mr. and "Mrs. Jerald Hinz, Mr. and Mrs. Dafrell Adams, Mr. and Mrs. „„.„„Glexaricknien and grandcWidren in the sudden death-of their father, Mr. Dalton Hinz, who passed away in the Seaforth -Cornmunity Hospital Saturday morning. .Mr. and Mrs.'Laverne Wolfe are double cousins of the deceased. Flowers graced the altar of St. -,Feter's Lutheran Church,. 4,1rodhagen in memory or the late Mr. Kenneth Reihl. They were placed there by his family. Visitors with Mr. Norman Bennewies were Ruth Wilcox and Lillie 'Henry from Spring Arbor and Mr. Frank Fischer Gladwin, Michigan for several days. -• Guests with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mogk were the latter's sisters and brother-in-laws, Mrs. and Mr. Melvin Voll and Wanda --from Kitchener, 'Mr. and Mrs. Roy, Doer and Keith Dewar from Aubirin and all attended- the cemetery decoration at St. Peter's Lutheran Church. / It was a pleasant surprise to grandparents, Mr. and Mr,s Laverne Wolfe, his father Mr. Lorne Wolfe and 'brother Dale when Marcel Wolfe motored from Halifax, Nova Scotia accompanied by his girl-friend Elaine. At the same home were " Miss Kern Schneider from Stratford, Mr.- and Mrs. Don Wolfe,, SteVen and Jamie , London. Marcel is attending university in Halifax. Mrs. Lorne • Wolfe is a patient in the General Hospital in Stratford where she underwent surgery. We wish her a speedy recovery. Mr. Norman Bode accompanied his son and daughter-in-law Mr. and " Mrs. Donald Bode and family to spend some holidays •with them in K4tchener. Congratulations to Mrs. Mae Hillebrecht who celebrated her 80th birthday. Guests with Mr, and Mrs. Milton Bode and sons on Sunday were the former's brother and sister-in-law,. Mr. and Mrs. ' Mr. Sills is a former chief of the volunteer fire brigade in Seaforth. Mr. Sills graduated from Seaforth Collegiate and attended the Uni- versity of Toronto before joining the Canadian Air Force where he served overseas for four years. Returning • home, he took a one-year course in Business Administration in London and for a short time was an administrator with the Wartime Housing Corp-, -oration before -returning to the family hardware business, which had been a familiar feature on Main Street for 75 years..Atleast ° one member of the Sills family has served' on the Seaforth' 'Volunteer Fire 'Brigade since it,, was formed to serve the town in 1874. The present representative is James F. Sills. Donald Bode, Debbie and Duane, brother-in-law and sister bf Mr, and Mrs. -Joe Kerkey, and Denise from Kitchener and all attended the Cemetery decoration at the First Lutheran Church, Logan. Mr. and Mrs. Robert . Fix, Casonville, Michigan visited 'with their cousins Mr. and Mrs.., Harold Wurdell and Wayne over the weekend, later spending some holidays with Mr. and Mrs.- Herman Bauer at their cottage in wasaga ,Beach. Rev. Calvin Gilk Philftlelphia joined his wife.:Mrs. Calvin ,Gilk and daug hters Brenda and Carol who h ave been holidaying for several weeks with her parents, Mr.' and Mrs. 'August Scherbarth and other relatives and friends. All. have returned home to Philedelphia. Relatives and friends of Mr. Orval Beuerman will be sorry to hear he is a patient in Seaforth Community Hospital. A frontier style smorgasbord was held at the Community Centre in Brodhagen Friday evening. Thos.e who attended enjoyed...-hoCks,,, 'kraut, ham, beans and corn. Mrs. Wilfred Ahrens spent,thc:::.'. long weekend with her broiher- in-law and sister Mr. and Mrs, Norman rode in Detrbit and enjoyed touring the Ford plant. Children have gone back to school. The beginners from here are Kirt Eickmeier, son of Dr. and Mrs. 'Roger Eickmeier and Chris Hoegy, son of Mr. and Mrs. 1 )BOB & BETTY ) 111111111/MiniMalmalaffil 71- for a 808 Glt BETTY'S ri • Maynard Hoegy. Miss Carol Rose has accepted a position in Waterloo. Visitor with _M,,r.„...-and Mrs. Manuel Beuerman. was•their -son 11P-Y- B.PM.W1, from Toronto for several days through the Week. We aresorky to hear Mr. Wm. Bennewies has returned Mr. and Mrs. Laverne • Wolfe attended the funeral of Mr. Harvey Beirns at the Heinbuck Funeral Home in Stratford on Saturday. It wag a shock to learn Mr,. and Mrs. Orval ,Beuerman had the mistbrtune to have the back part of their home burnt, . remier appoints F.C. Sills to council Frank Sills, a former 'Seaforth work these public servants under- Mayor, has been named to a take and to encourage the public six-member advisdry council by . to recognize the major contribu- Premier William Davis. The tions made to society through council will administer a new their efforts. award to be presented annually by the Province • of Ontario in recognition of outstanding perfor- mance and bravery 'by firefighters. ,. The awards will mark the first time in Ontario's. history "that a provincial award will be made to either professional or volunteer firefighters in recognition of their out§tanding contribution to the security and safety ol the public. 'Winners of the Firefighters' Award will be presented with a - medal in recognition of their service to the people of Ontario. The recognition program will be .simiJar to that announced by premier Davis in ,1975 to honour ,--outstanding members of police forces in Ontario. Both programs • are aimed at focusing attention on the often hazardons nature of the time, in 114