The Wingham Times, 1895-02-22, Page 5k
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R. T. LancefieId, of Ifamilton, will
lecture here on Feb. 28. Subject: of Brussels, and Miss 1''ilust:in, of
TIM \'ViNiiiI G V. Ti
1i1+P� 1t1 ? t A r.';?..‘. ‘.
"Tile Utopias; a Search for tail £dual Kineardlne, were visiting ate, air. THE PRODUCTION OF THE DRUG
Comulonwealp.--,J. S. Bowman has Alex. Bruce's last week.—Mr. Torn CALLED ARSENIO.
given up the dry goods l)nsillese in Johnston, who has lived 111 thio _
town. He is still continuing„' the vieinity for over a year, has gone to it is :Mined, and tae biters, it is Salt,
producer shipping business. ---The Saginaw, Allele, to join leis brother
lamely no?set suffer front its i:freets-
It merald trio of temperance evange- in the hack business. --,Miss Maggie
lists will ooticluet a week's Gospel I)lifl', of Toronto, is visiting relatives now Hutt whore it Is Obtained-tlueer
temperance sneering,:, in Listowel, lee- in the village. --Miss Carrie l3lain, Reset of the Poison on Linen rabric>s.
ginning Feb. 2.1. -•-John Mendelson, who spent the Sumner here with her
who had a stroke of paralysis recent- aunt, 11Irs. Bailey,. returned to lier
ly, continues very poorly, and it is home ill Manitou, Manitoba, this
doubtful, at bis age, whether he will week. ----Rev. Dr. Gifford, of Wing -
ever quite recover from its effects.--- hairs, preached a sermon to the
Invitational are oat for tate marriage children in the Methodist church
of Adam Zilliax, of Palmerston, son here, on. Sunday afternoon, A large
1\tuny points of interest are brought out
In a description in tL technical journal of
the away 111 which arsenic is obtained from
one of the most famous mines its England,
the Devon (Teat Consols. The mine was
originally worked for copper alone and
would have been abandoned but for the
(limn -cry that the waste thrown out as
wortitIese when copper was sought proved
of mind 11ost of the Queens here, to audience was present. --Rex. J, S� . rick in Itrsensc. Although coppea is still
Miss Effie Richardson, daughter of Pring was unable to be out last Sab- :'alae'£, itis i,r small gttatttittes, sand the
Wm. Richardson, of Ma1litub L, for- bath, owing to a eel's. --air. John mine has been resolved into an 1Lrsen�c
snarly of this place. The ceretnonl Bargess is at Cxodericlt this rvicelc w`11.1".
e>, cent r,e iron, 12 ll to 14petes r ecucif s
takes pbtee at the Queen's ou the 20th. assisting to audit the county books. of aLl ento all(l elle teat of eat t1]y illatter.
----A society has been organized in He is the auditor chosen by the After• being eruslled this is sorts+cl by gills
Listowel, to be known as the Listow- Warden. -- Mr. James Robertson of from 13 to Its years of age, It is then
, , washed incl "jigged" or sifted and passed
el Horticultural Society, including attended a wedding in I eeswa ter, on on to the fret calc•iner, where it is burned
IN ednesd:1y.-Duff & Stewart have with low eines coaland produces "arsenic
the contract to build Forbes' and soot" --that is, arsenic so mixed with
Clarke's bridges, boat in MorriS,nest smoke Hoot froul the coal as to be a gray
summer.—Mr. George Haney has e°1°1"'g The al:,enie and soot deposited in cam -
among its directors representatives
from all the surrounding townships,
in fact the townships have the major-
ity of the members of the board.
Mayor Featherstone was elected secured the job of doing the carpels- bluatien in the chimney or condenser, are
president by acelalnation, the other ter work and are. Joseph Pugh the scraped out and taken to the second car-
r Powell's for urifaeaation. The ealeiners con-
oiiieers being; Vico president, Win. brick work of Mr. Tom K. i owed s asst of revolving iron drums; through
Keith, Eburs; directors, G. V. Poole house, to bo built in Tnrnberry, next rr.itiCh a fire of a11th1flCite roa11 its carried Ori
and H. Hemsworth, Wallace; James , summer.—Mr. Appleby has sold his rotating Iron furnaces kept red hot. As
Penton and Samuel McAllister, house and lot to Mr. John Wansnlan, the arsenical soot is subjected to the influ-
Elnla• Atmos Smith Grey Graham blacksmith and intends moving back ewe of this heat the arsenic is sublimed
Jackson hTarybora;Henryand condensed. The operation has to be
Iienr Goddard, to his farm near Belmore. carefully watched and ifthe workmen burn
Thos. Male and J. Perrin, Listowel; the arsenic badly they have to pay for it.
auditors, A. J. Collins and S. S, BELGRAVE. Three men in four weeks make 100 toes of
Rothwell. There have boon already The road between Blyth and arsenic, The chimney in which the arsenic
is condensed is a mule long. It is carried
300 men)bere' names enrolled. -The V4 inghatn is in a bad condition at to all incline up a hill, with iron doors in
organization of the Listowel Horse present with pitch holes.—Rev. Mr.
Breeders' Assoeiatiou was ,completed Farms from Knox, College. Toronto,
at Listowel on Monday. The officers conducted services in the Presbyter
the side. As the hot blast passes upwards
it deposits a crust of arsenic crystals on
the brickwork all around to a depth of
-veru oleeted as follows : Robt. church,last morning and from twos three inches, and mfhe smokeSunday r, of cryatals fall tQ the floor. The smoke , rg�tT1�T
Brown, president; ,J• P. Aitchison, , evening, Mr. Enda is an able has then to pass into an upright chimney I i'Y 11�i DSOR
A 18 95,
Mr;;• 1,1t1113Li
1 rinds comfort and improve:n a9 an
teutis1 to personal erljOymext 1•rben
rightly used. The many, who live
tor than otllorsand enjoy lifotnoro, -al: :1
legs expenditure, by mor„ prorn2f4a
adapting the world's best proeluvis i a
the needs of physical boing, s•iU tate'
tet:: value to health of the pure liquid
laxative principles embraced, ;.zl the
remedy, Syrup of Figs.
Its excellence is clue to its pzosentln5
in the form most acceptable and pleas-
ant to tb o taste, the refreshingand tru'_y
beneficial *properties of u, perfect lax,
ative ; effectually cleansing the s,; ate::,
dispelling colds, headaches and fevers
and permanently curing constipation.
It has given satisfaction to millions and
mot with the approval of the medical
profession, because it,aots an the Till.
Heys, Liver and Bowels without '
eningg them and it is perfectly,. -
_very objectionable substance,
Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drr�-
giste in 'i'5o, bottles, but it is masa:.
i:.eturcd by the California Fig Syr
Co. only, whose name is printed on every
package, also the name, Syrup of Figs,
and being well informed, you will not
,,c3ept any substitute if offered.
Wilt TEltt
• vice-president; S. M. Smith, secretary -1 speaker. He will preach next Sun- 125 feet high, but jnet before doing so it f '
treasurer; and W. C. Kidd, mana- I day also. -Miss Kate Barrie was has to traverse a shower of water, which SOMETHING OF THE FAVORITE HOME
ging director.. A board of seven
11 visiting at A, Halliday's, the end of catches what remains of the arsenic, no -
tiling ]nit sulphurous acid being allowed J OF HER MAJESTY.
directors was elected to take charge j last week. --Mr. R. Leishman had a to escape.
of the affairs of the association, the isale of farm stock, 011 Saturday last. The arsenic is liable to produce sores if I now the hueeu's Residence is heated and (
objects of which are to further the ; The sale was good, eonsidering tile permitted to lodge in wrinkles and folds
of the flesh, or about the mouth and nos- i Lighted -your Method• sunt materials
of a better class of' horses,' hares times. ---At the uncting of the trjls. As a rule, however, this telly hall- i and ttoty They Aro Employed—Coalmater by
recognizing the fact that it no longer East i arvanosh council, held at pens when there is carelessness as to per- 11
pays the farmer to breed to the cross- Marnoch, on Tuesday, 12tI1, Mr, sonal cleanliness, and the arsenic workers I the 'rr,ttit Load• l
road stallions that were formerly so John Anderson was appointed As- t f 1
much in vogue in this section. • The sessor for 1895, and Mr. Finlay An-
. electing resolved to purchase the dcrson, Treasurer.—Mr. M. H. Hen -
bay stallion Oliver Wilkes, dam 1 demon has received his car load of
Bessie Turner, dain of Oliver K.,
2.161 by Virginias.
• The entertainment given by the
Misses Webling, under the auspices
of Court Victoria, Canadian Order of
Foresters, on Thursday night of last
'week, was a most successful affair. at Mr, el No in s, at pi eseri .— eyes is most painful, ttnd a further curious f
The acting of Miss Lucy was highly The Misses Martin, from Seaforth, evidence of the wirnlenee Qf the pervading
appreciated, and, in fact, all did are visiting at 1'Ir. Geo. Taylor's, atmosphere becomes manifest. The men
their parts well. During a recess, near I3elgrave.—John Wightman, of wear linen garments. lined with flannel
Mr. John Skilling nave a short ad- Leamington, bas about completed and the the linen acid. moes completely
a b destroy the Linen in a few moments, leaar•-
----.-I''01/ THE ----
It is now nearly twelve )months, since we first opened up our tlot,l•te, un-
der the present mnanttgelnent. At that time, when we announced (,U1 inten-
tion of doing a
The knowing ones looked very wise, •and declared it could not be done in
Wingham, but we have proven clearly, not only to ourselves, Int to the
public at large, that it can be done in Wingham. We have had tetany
years experience in the LONG CREDIT SYSTEM, under every existing
condition, and pronounce it a failure every time. Now after one year's
experience of the CASH SYS'T'EM, and that in a time of great depression,
we have conte out on top, and pronounce it a success. We have in the past
by keenly watching the Markets of the world, carefully studying the wants
of our customers, small profits, and close attention to business, succeeded in
our aim, in placing good Goods within the reach of all. We are happy to
state, that this . year we are in a much better position than ever to give
you the benefit of close buying. Now before STOOK TAKING, and in
order to snake room for SPI iN'X GOODS, we will, during• the remaining
days of our financial yens, snake SWEEPING REDUCTIONS in prices; all
FUR and HEAVY GOODS will go, REGARDLESS OF COST. It will pay
you welt to call on us during the next THIRTY DAYS and see what CASH
BUYING and cash selling will do for you.
G. McIN�� Y R, � ,
simply have to Wash themselves thorough- 1 For lighting the aLstlo four methods are
ly every day on returning from work. ;
Otherwise the work is considered healthy. i available, all of which are more or less in
nd the
It prevents all eczema., and the fumes of ' operattou, viz: Gas, oil, caudles as
sulphuric acid, as • well as the arsenical : electric light, while for warming and cook-
ing, wood, coal and gas are used. During
the residence of the court some hundreds
of persons are in the castle, besides the
roe al family and the visitors, consequently
the adequate provision of all these proces-
ses is of a somewhat gigantic nature
keeping many servants constantly e
For the general lighting and heating
gas and coal are adopted, but this isnot so -
in the Queen's own rooms, nor in many
other of the royal apartments. In the
matter of fires for her own rooms the
Queen strictly banishes coal. She has a
confirmed preference for wood only. Spe-
cial supplies of wood have to bo obtained e.-40
for this purpose from the thickly timbered
hills a few miles up the river, above Wind- y9 1
sugar. Farmere, buy your sugar by dust, are fatal to germs of the disens•.
the barrel and get the reduced Most workmen remain at the works for a
number of years without suffering, but
rates. ---A great many of our village occasionally the sylnptouts of inseuicul
people and also of the surrounding poisoning,
eacl che'end as naemia declaretite, ethem c l est
country attended the Reform demon- \won this takes place the work has to be f
stration iu Winghant, on Thursday given ttp entirely. The greatest clanger to i
evening, and reported a goo's time. wllieh the workmen acre exposed to 18 ?tet ,
Bray, from Oakville is visiting• when it is neeessatry for IL11v purpose to j
, S enter the upright shaft. The effect on the
dress on the aims ' apes objects of the the purchase of Mrs. Tilos. Mitchell's ing the flannel intact, so that the men go ser, where a number of workmen are re
Canadian Order of Foresters, which I farm, at a good figure. ---W. Mason into the shaft in linen stud come out clad neawy rel to odi
l on offs task. 'she eire-
Was listened to atteritfveIy and and sons have Ieased .Mark in wool. Fortunately, heshit is seldom neces `
Buchan- sary to enter the shaft, or great loss of her, when f lied avid roughly trimmed on
Buchan -
greatly appreciated by the large, an's farm for a term of years, at a sight would ensue. the spot, is brought down to a wharf on
audience.—The Epworth League of reasonable figure. Mr. 13. intends - - the river side, where it is dressed and cut
P The Boy and the Col,. up into blocks of fixed sizes. It is then.
C. E. of this village have been for- moving his family to Wingham. The boy was fishing from the tail enol of stacked to get seasoned, and as required
Innate in securing the Rev. Mr. 'T '---' a boat anchored about fifty feet out in the supplies are brought down to the castle
Cobblediek, M. A., B. D., of Brussels, LONDESBORO. river, and a policeman on shore was watch- for consumption in the Queen's rooms.
to conduct the services for "League The Rev, J. IL Fair reached ing him' - Gas and oil are excluded from her Ma -
Sunday," to be hold on March `.3rd. Missionary sermons in Blyth, last
3 ""uprate you doing there?" called the josty's apartments. Her light is provided
officer, •when he saw the boy paid no sure?- by nteaus of wax candles, all of one special
The rev. gentleman will (D. V.) Sunday.—The essay on " Ambition," tion to him. pattern, their daily removal being tele
preach appropriate sermons both given by Henry Fair, at League, On "Who are you?" asked the boy, with an. duty of a special official. In some of the
morning and evening in the Mabee Monday night' was very well render- eye on his bob. other apartments gas is utilized, and in
"I'm a police officer." other parts oil lamps are burned, gas sup-
. dist church, and at the salve place on eel.—The Rev. Mr. Iiuggin, of Blyth, • "Where?"plying the quarters of the staff generally.
the following Monday evening will will preach Missionary sermons in "Right here in rho city of Detroit." Moreover, although the Queen barshe but has
lecture on some feature of his re- the Methodist church, Londesboro, Tho officer thought perhaps he had i candles for her own private use,
cent trip to the old country, which on the coming Sunday.—The Metho- caught a runaway from the Canadian side, I permittedsant the Tei sr od ction laced of an electric th ti
and conclude it to p1aay 11im a bit before i s P p
promises to be exceedingly interest- dist pulpit was ably filled on Sunday hauling him in. , north terrace, and •fs in charge eof a special
ing: As Mr. Cobblodick has bad a night by Mr. Webb,the Rev. Mt'. "«stat state is Michigan in?" asked the i engineer, under the general supervision of
large experience with Christian En- Fair being in Blyth. --There was hes. I a prominent electrician. This plant has
deavor and Young People Societies, quite a number of the youngfolks at- "Michigan," replied the officer, without never been largely used, but the light has
q been led into and applied to the main cor-
ridors, to one or two of the royal apart
Endeavor work sbould not fail to burn, on Tuesday night. ---Mr. and "Jolla Smith," • menta and to the library. A year or so
hear him. --Mr. a Geor Dalgleish, an Mrs. Geo. Snell and fancily are visit. The officer was halving lots of fun. ago the original plant was replaced by
George g '"Are you sure?" flaked the boy. newer and more powerful machinery,
esteemed resident of this village, ing friends at Belfast this week.— "Of comae; T ottuht to know my own
which would probably suffice to light the
passed away on Saturday week, in Miss Addie Crisp spent Sunday ill name, oughtn't I?'+ whole of the castle if the Queen so willed,
his 69th year. In early Iife Mr. Clinton. --There were quitea number "Sure; but a boy can't always tell what but this has not yet occurred, nor is she
Dalgleish was a sailor, and be visited from here attended the district meet- a copper knows by what he tells sum:' t likely
i k ly to sts al>t on ittt.r Ele out retric bs ell castles and
T.+ China, India, Africa, Australia and ing of I, •0. G. P,, heldin Blyth, on "Well, I'd like to know why 1 oughtn't tetqRuiknowtepuzzledmy oval Hanle," said the officer, butplaty electric light is allowed very limited
Allir all the principal sea ports of the Friday. .they report having spent a .
world. When he settled down he pleasant time. Most of them stayed "I can't tell you," said the boy, "and I The coal required for Windsor Castle
made his home for almost 80 years for the concert at night. The next can't tell, neitlter, why you don't know I'm chiefly conies front certain collieries in
fishitt' when you see I1 ain't dein' nothin' North Wales, brought in train loads of
in the. Province of New Brunswick, district meeting will be at Constance. else," and the boy slapped out a fish about ttel'hHP.•s to) tons at a time. frons the .std-
from which place he removed to —Mr. and Mrs. Henry Modland are tell inches long, "There," he exclaimed, tacit it is carried to the castle, in various
'J'oeswater. renewing old acquaintances ht the "do you know any more now ?" and the parts of which are deep and spacious eel -
officer had business elsewhere. ---Detroit lars, into which itis tipped.Thence it is
If , t rooms
- -- vicinity of Londesbora.—The second
WHIT ECHURCIL son of James Oliver, of this place, is
A tea -meeting will be held in the at present dangerously ill. --Miss N..
Presbyterian church here, on Tues- Webb has returned after spending* cooks confess ltniostrvofutf •tloraneo on
p t, from the cavernous cellars and carried
r ,
day evening, I'ebtu.aty 26th. Tea two or three weeks with her Grande flit all-important subject at the time "they hither and thither by Coal porters. The
will be served in the Manse front 0 mother at Stal A. --Tho good. Tem- were marrIed." Ancl the aider ones de- i,,,1.1Cl,ishinx of the. fires Is carried outupott
to 8 o'clock. Addresses will be de- plar Lodge here are eitteudin,g an fm elate that "in their day' there mere Iso a nto*t carefauf Hurl rtltetent pearl, tootnteir
. hooks fit to study upon the snbjectof cook. ni 1 other higher aet'vants racrivin,(t the
livered in the Church by Ileus. R. S. vitatfon to Myth, Auburn, and Con i d applied
t t
;r. Anderson M. A.,13. D. Wroxeter• lodges, for a week frons ties. o If •sae. through,
Lo ex experimented on feeding ler day.
husband, but declares that the exl>et irn(:Itt l':aus11 official cnnncrted with brat tdgrand
• Fot - Over Fifty Yeats
proved tt str'e'ss, as his dyslitpaia vanish. Misting the enstic• has his allotted ditties
thus& Attune will be provide She says re ASO Mita. Win
Thereen b••ewilli oma of prospers for their Odium while Z
readings personstrethb,v with porteet•nenoaa. It soothes the c
Tribune. conreyncl asreq !' and ofl]ces, numbering some hundreds
vuietuifio cooking. Lifts are almost t(nknotvlt its the castle,
Some of the present celebrated sefetttiflo consequently the coal has to be hoisted
ing, as Chemistry had not yob been atpl) to (•ons trot)► the porters 11111 pausing 1 ou o
7 f 7 stance. to the art. One scientific Cook C t ( s the lO�ai (Ll,lLltlit( apartments .lt illt01Yala .
Andrew I•Tendol.`son, M. A. ,A.ttvbbd; day next. haying p d f li 1 out the , y
A. Y. Hartley, Bluevale ; host.
Burton, Methodist Minister, White-
d by aioN scochln,,t S rup has baen luac 1 torro(er fifty �� piled walx tlltlart aftnlaking knowledge
tto slracer's
end mecum i'L/'(l l)UN111o11, (a its ttht t+tpt00 is
Y quire(' (,(tic a of t,lt(, higrhe..l hay the choir and others 7 hel0 will also s re Y t thchild best bread. And then eniehot y r, t a lays lighted and warmed ni efficient Inatnnet
be ad' by various , 111• eotfnns the aunts, nllpyw<.01 lata eusil sine collo. tints she 1s gla(1 tharole. se says *their best 175 plan$ and I'm' pl'UL'L'Rsl'd. +I.Qlltlon
eluding 1Fl c. S. Glace •
of Win hat». sud to thebes17a7nedy aur �isrrltma. Is plCaeantto sterns" for roost of baker's bet ad in ,.
r7 y7 b the taste. t;r,1d byg 1)r,rttr rata 37> star, pert n1 rho thts aotultl'y is atrocious—an £lessees tQ a 1` t:trrr.
AdlnisSiOII 25 Cents; Children 1h tvorla. . saiiiY.lty±u7,ta n borate. Ire value i• sol%teatitIyl "stQnutlh.
dn(wlaulah1e. no
ac�k fol tet. 1Yir11arsi 1 b
t a�s, soOt1lla, syrup, and (*kts oal..t1•r kind.
Having b
old and well•kno
possession of the sa
you that we intend c
the firm•bame of Holm]
support we beg to solicit
we intend to conduct our bu
will be more satisfactory, to ou
as to ourselves, namely, Fon 0.4
our Goods at the Closest Fie;
satisfactory to all concern
Wingham, February 13t
out the business of the BE
firm of ORR & Hiseoc'us,
e on the 1st of March,
ducting the both st
"Hess 0
from the
d shall take
e beg to advise
es as usual, under
anking yon for past
of the same, and as
a system which we feel
nerous customers as well
OIt PRODUCE, and selling
feel that it will be most
J. J. H'i' RUTH & SON.
P. S. to account of the changes about to 'tke place in
our bus ess, as will be seen from the above, we , ust bave
the b' •ks of the present firm closed up not later tha the last
of a present month and must ask an immediate set • spent
o till accounts by that time.
Respectfully Yours,
J. J. 111OJ1.11 TB ac, SON,
Wbat's t
bill"? In the 1
Good of waiting for it to turn up and then not be , • e to "fill the
rval, get yourself in shape by taking a tour:: n the
w` �:c �•= J' � iii .r. �tY I :I ��_
• ,i'�'^� jr � �' . �- '� �_ "�s (site- .�i:= A.
orest City Rosi and Shorthand ege of London, Ont.
Oasis on our practical course. See o, •roof, our successful
. Stewart has received the position as travelerauditor with the
Harvesting Co., Winnipeg, Write ua for cataloger• d particulars
g carefully,
.�. • W. WJ STERVELT, Pen 'pal.
ege re -opens Jen. 2nd, 1805.
We lay great
tock Taking Sale.
Every line of Winter Goods clearing out at .a:,
' _ m WILL PAT " O17.