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The Wingham Times, 1895-02-22, Page 1
F k VOL, XXIV.---NO. 1209. SOLD OUT. The Bear is rabout to change hands and tho present firm wishes to thank their many friends and patrons for their very liberal support during the past, and world say that in order to reduce the stook be- fore stocktaking they will sell all winter -and heavy goods at exactly cost for Dash, .(or short time to cash men,) It will be necessary for all those .holding Due -Bills -against us to present them at once for payment. This will also apply to holders of Cards in our "present Scheme." Our successors take possession tho be l nnin g of the month. We will be pleased to see all our friends during • the remainder of the month to personally thank them for their patronage and to solicit a continuance .of the same for our successors, Messrs. Homuth & Bowles. Yours truly, ORR & HISCOCKS, The Only Direct Importers. kft 'Tire Bran, Feb. 19th, 1895. PROF. CHAMBERLAIN, EYE SPECIALIST, 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE, S7 KING ST. EAST, TORONTO, ONT., Calls attention to following of Alindness upon •using wrongly adapted Speotacles. lie says, when we consider that seventy-five per cont. of people with defective eyesight have some amount of astigmatism, at least forty per cent. have two odd eyes, it will at once be apparent to any one of e s e their sight common sense that they should have tested by sono com eta t optician. if persons aro presnyopie only and have both eyes alike in focus. even then they are not capable of judging what is necessary for them, and no optometo• orother sight- seeing apparatus has ever yet been invented which will enable a novice to d$ tetmine the arrow of re- fraction in the case of astigmatism. Call •or write ter papers on the eye. All free, Marriage Licenses Issued by FRAM{ PATElesoN, No 23, Vic- toria street,Wingham, Ont. No witnesses required. •1D44 •'4©<>O.rvGt+ mB,<iA.444, Y9AA® ObA •PT.ace in Granada to • get a Business Edu- ? $ cation, Shorthand, 0 _ etc.., is at the Cen- _ tral Business Col- lege, Toronto, u ®, Ont., and Stratford, Ont. Unger tionatrf;y Ceua<ta's Greatest Corn. • mereaalttScboolo. Ca, a u,-ucs free. Men- . tion this paper.yShaw •'k l,lliott ,gqPri rinnc,i}paalpls. A LOCAL NEWS. ' INC WINGIIAM, ONTARIO, FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 22, 1.89 a. Eleatbfteld's Healing Balsam ourea colds, --The Provincial pworth League con• vention will be held n Toronto, on the r 26tt 0th 1 Land ' 27thi sto kits. 2 packages silver glaaa starch lr cents. II, E. SNELL. --A number of o yoking men went to Lucknow, on Friday night last, to see the skating races on th rink thele, The prizes were won by wars, MoLeod and Burnside, of Kigoard tie. te7 Baby carriage runners, to fit an car- riage, at T• E. Course's. Prof. Do • i .—Do of fail tenweu a s t to d Vr call on Prof. Doren endt Brunswick Hotel, on Wednesd r 0 1 f March, and see the veryle in 1adieee and latest Y d gent's hair goods. nsult hirn with refer- ence to your hair. 4Ie will give you the best advice free of charge. To let.-- Good 'corner store, opposite Dr. Chisholrri's, Mc0lure's old stand. Apply to Wm. Button, Wingham, Ont. —Standing room played by the Marks when the curtain we King. This compan 50 cent Teas for 85 cents. H. E. Same. `eef —A light snow torte, on Monday, de- layed traffic on the r ilroads somewhat. t Fresh oysters received daily at the Star restaurant, and served in any style. JAS, MCKEr m. -.-A. curling matt h was played in the rink here, on Thursday afternoon of last week, between the Arussels and Wingham players, which restated in favor of Brussels by coven: shote, ai'er a very keen contest, --Watches, clock and jewelry promptly repaired and fully warranted by Heiser PAlut, opp. Macdonald Block, Wingham. —Writs have le en served on a number n asking .'t of London, of ,Alderman of the ity , on e ground i lifted tlx theybe d s . a that q that last year's ct.ncil, of, , wktioh they were members, nsgi 'eted to provide for the sinking fund. , Sample pairs and odd lines winter mitts, tat half price. Large size heavy leather school bags 30 cents, for 00 days, W. J. CmaArMAN. —The celebrated *tura "The Fore- closure of the ortga ;e," by Mr. Geo. A. Reid, R. C. A.,' Tpro ito, will remain on exhibition in tl a 33es •er Bleck, Wingham, C a speciadtti• until a week fr Ss ;titday, March 2nd, Don't miss seeing it. . my was the sign die - Bros. Co. last night CI up on the Gold has done the Iargest business of any rope atiore company that played in Ottawa this season. — Daily Citizen, Feb. 2.—Tion Hall, Wingham, Feb. 25th to March kid. Priees 10 and 15 oents. The celebrated minting,' "The Fore- closure of the Mortgage," by G. A. Reid, 11. 0, A.., is on exhi ition in the Beaver Block. Admission 1 cents. —'Phe Liberal m ting, on Thursday night ht of last we wa a magnificent eeut Otter, the town hall being owdad to the doors, and standing room as at a premium. The committee put 'n 180 extra chairs during the day, and al the aisles and every available place was t en up, still there was not neatly room enough, and many wero not able toadmission. The gal am speeches were of a higd order, 'and were listened to very attenti ely till the close by the very large audience In other columns we give a,resume of t e speeeliee. taken from last Friday's Glo e. 1 A YEAR IN ADVANC Williams, the druggist, sells pure drugs —The GrandLo 1 of the .U.W geh ,O is in session in Toro to this week, and the Ontario Council of te Royal Tempters of Temperance'held i annual meeting in Woodstock this wee • Herrings by the Half Barrel 113,35. H. E. Sneeze —The operotte, i'Little Red Riding Hood," will bo given /-n the Town Hall, in the course of a wont t or so, by the pupils of the Methodist Sabbath Sct000l and` others. Those who vill take part are busy Praoti ing their part: nearly every day. Baby carriage runners, to fit any car- riage, at T. E. Coiu rN's. —On Tuesday evjning,Feb, 20th, a book social will be held n the Congregational church, oommeuei -og at 7,30 p. m., in aid of the establishment of a Sunday School Library. A good programme provided. All are cordially int+itad. —Private moneys to loan on mortgages at reasonable rate of interest. Apply to tf ,TosN NL•`ELANLs. —Aunionmeetin t of the East and West Huron Teachers' A. sociatiolts will be held in Clinton, on the 22nd and 23rd of May next. It is expecte t that either Dr.. Bigs. by, of Detroit, or Mr, J. L. Hughes, of Toronto, will be pr :sent on that occasion and address the meting. Coughs and Colds- can be cured by using Heathiield's Healing Balsam. For sale at 50e. at Williams' Drug Store, Winghanx. e .ee ' The last two stings Of Anchor of Hope Lodge, I. 0. . T.,were well attend- ed and good progra nmes rendered by the members. The fold stalled for the prese Blackwell ; 17. T., H. Park; Assisten F. S., J. W. Dodd; Chap., a Rebecca 0 Purdy; D.M., Mrs. Wells ; S,. Earnest pests ars fair fur th will be en open meet March. Out they gn—Thebalance of Cow Chains. and Cross Out Saws must go out at 000e, regardless of cost, for cash only. The early bird gets the worm. ,TAs. A. Caaee & Co., Wingham. 1,`/—A. meeting will be eld in the Town Hall,-Wingham, on Sa urday next, 23rd instant, to consider t e advisability of establishing a flax mil .in this town. Mr. Jas. H. Clarke, of Linw rod, Ont., a practi- cal flax manufacturer, • 'ill be present and give the meeting the enefit of hie views., Should sufficient encou agement be given 1 him, he purposes estaolishing a flax mill in town. Let there 1U a good turnout of the farmers of this a -einity and also the business men of the t wn, to hear Mr. Clarke, and consider h m proposals- The meeting will commence et 2 p. m. —G. T. R. trains for Toronto and east leave Wingham at 0.25 a. m. and 11.20 a. m., via W. G. ire B.; 0.35 a. nx. and 3.25 p. m., via Clinton and Guelph. Good con- nections by all trains. —A. Mission Band, Ili connection with the W. F. M. S. the Presbyterian church, was organized -on Saturday after- noon last. The Band, rllich is to be known as the "Happy Glom -era," starts with a membership of thirt . Tho following officers were appoint for the present year . Hon. President rs. Petrie • Presi- dent, Mrs. lKunshaw;; Vice -Presidents, Misses Matheson and Robertson ; Treas- urer, Miss Maedonal( Secretary, Miss Inglis ; Board of Ma agement, Mrs. Mc- Intyre, Mrs Carruth dMisaes Farquhar - son ar t r -son and McElroy. eetinge will be held "in the basement of th church every second Friday, at aquarter st•four, --Miss Charlotte ol)onald wishes to intimate to the ladies of Wingbam and vicinity, that the Dress and Mantle making busizlsrmerly carried on by Mies M. Johnefen, n'ili be continued by her in the old stand, Gregory Block. Pref. Mnody's tailor system taught. Cutting and fitting SALE REGISTER. Eteathfiold's . Healing Balsam 1e the Ail parties getting their sale bilis printed surest and safest cure for colds fn the et the Tines office will haw>il:,it- fi'eo. notitttt rl . rice cents, a trams rug FzunAr, %norit 1st.- -fJmN 1 Duction sale of farm stock • 'kid ITpl' ., s' wont half lot 86, con ..;illi '`bjM%' NTiVW_Wtnesh.` Duncan Meltelltar, prgtlrietoir„'l'o'se Cerriaw auctioneer. :. wo d Price 50 t t W'll' ' D inserted in this list up to tlydr` of sale, Store Wingham. —The anniversltr tion with the Wi ohureh, wero held Were very suceeasf, Principal of 1e'1 preached both Ino large congregation' 'Very liberal, and a church debt. services in tonnes, gham Presbyterian n Sunday Last, and 1. Rev. Dr. Cavort, College, Toronto,. Ing and evening, to The collections were et to g6 to defraying the wing officers were in- t term : 0. T., Milton hose Chapman ; Sec., Sec., Lillie Kinsman ; yeas., Bella Morrison; moron ; M., Walter . W. Dodd; G., Lottie Blackwe11.%;The pros - present term. There ng held 'some time in The wide-awake buyer catches on quick. We give the valve you are hunting for, but you must bring along the'money; JAS. A. CLrvn & Co., Wingbam. ‘,4.• --Mr. Thos. J.'Scou, lately leader of the Wingham Presbyter en church choir, has been appointed to .he leadership of the choir in new St. And=•ew's church, Winni- peg, at a salary of $710. Mr. .Scott took part in the BcnnS' ctfncort, in that city, ately,'fxd the musict'critic of the Tribune writes thus of hirn : 'For the new Scotch Salmoni'i1r 'ii}11is'i i8p: `tis is the host family Liniment in th41 o l d, Gectd for loan or beast. Price 25",ants, at Wiiliattts' Drug Store, Winghain. • tenor, Mr. T. J. Scott praise. No tinge of pleasant, even qualit ed manner, just ono- desirable, without l snort a very ae solo tenor ranks in tl Scott's musicianship platform abilit accorded him, His "Bonnie Prinoe Cha Freedom," and in a Ivor "The Promise," the writer has warm the vibrate there, A of voice, an unaffect- gh of the accent as is sing "gawky ;" in acquisition to the s eity; and if Mr. is on a par with his _ xigh place will be otos last night were lie," "The Slogan cf net with Mrs. Mc- •xcellently sung. "4 lbs Standard Granulated sugar $1. •;/. 11r, Crowell Wit B. E. Seem.. Hamilton, has bee, The man who sighs f When a barefoot b Is the same old boy "1wiehtIwuzam -Mr. S. 0, McG barrister. formerly applicant for the va Law Clerk of the Lel • the happy day be ran, to used to say : n.” , M. A., L. L. B., rf this town, is an ant office of Assistant, islative Assembly,' —For first -elites tailoring and cheap gouts' furnishings, try Webster & Co. Remember the place, one door south of 1 R. A. Graham'sgrocery store. oa fi Y —Mr, J. E.Davisof Medical ll the M dxoa Hall, Godericlt, and son Mr, II. Davis, of this town, is in Toroittc attending ,a course of lectures ill the Option' School, with a view to making the fitti•ig and supplying oft optical goods a speezal feature of his busi- ! nese. - i —Cash for' good butter and eggs at R. A, Graham's market grocery. Mi'. Herbert Irelan i, son of Mr. Isaac I Ireland, of this town and a graduate of the Txsuoe office, who now resides in Boston, Mass., has made Amself notorious by writing a song entitl d "Waiting for the mail,'-' and itlso corn hosed the music for the same. It has bean Bund with wonder - Vito theatres of Stor , s 1 . ye paralyzed trade.— We a = ov+ stocked with all kinds i , Cardigans, Overshoes, j we need 'money, we have fol success in all the lea New York and Beate . Luckuow branch o institution. 9,,,7 —A compilation ton, of the Bank of to h transferredtris that aonnd flnaneial laws; affecting child- ren has been made 'y Mr. J. J. Kelso, from the various statut s of Ontario and Can- ada, and will be i sued by the Ontario 'Government for fret distribution to phil- anthropic.workers. The collection will be a most useful one b those interested in child -protection. of Boats and S Rubbers, etc. cut the•prices ,.'cay down. No reasonable offer refused. GOOD BitoTnees. k -Port Elgin ant Tara are now without 1 electric light serv»tes, and the old system G. H. Irvin, the tailor, has put in an extensive stock of tweeds, worsteds, etc. Call and see them. Good goods, good work, good fit guaranteed. Opposite Bank of Hamilton. —eve take the foll ving from the New Hamburg correspond co to the Waterloo Chronicle. The deceased was a son -in-law of Mr. Jas. Cochrane, of East Wawanosh, our last - w e made mention in u Heal to n. V Mr. Ritz : We are sad o the death of t issue f to record the death of ur esteemed towns- man, Mr. Christian Ritz, after A very short illness, on the afters n of Friday last. Mr. Ritz bad been t. ming ice from the dam and caught a col whioh finally result- ed in inflammation o the bowels, pausing his death. Mr. Ritz :as a well known and respected citizen, t 'other of Mr. Dan. Ritz, editor of the Independent. He was also a member of the K. O. T. M. and of Nith Lodge, 1, O.O .F., the brethren of which lodge turned cyt en mosso to his funere in Tuesday . ast escorting the re- mains of their deceits d brother to the Vil- lage Cemetery. —Berlin e Netvs: '='hn tell agood etory y of au old lady in totem, who is unable to read a word, but we in the habit hf mak- ing people believe sl a could. A. neighbor lent her a Bible one lay, and in duo course same returned it. "P ell, how did you like it?" melted the nccghbor. "Oh, it's just like the rest," she relied, "they all got married and lived haapy ever after," Salmon's English White Oils cures Chilblains. Rheumatism. Sprains, Braises and Sore Back. For sale at23c, at Williams' Drug Store, Wingham. --The latest swindld is worked in this way.. A man represe iting himself as an agent,. calls at a bous&tnd shows some of the latest music ethic' he offers at the ex- tremely low price of _five cents. If the lady of the house be r ct prepared to buy, he asks for her addreee which he requests her to sign on a printed form, which after- wards turns out to he an order and note for $18 worth of music. -Dairymen's cony- ntions will be held in Kincardine,ou the Lf h and 13 • azristnn on • of illumination b + coal oil lamps is again . the 27th uxatants, nl.-der the auspices of in vogue, In Port Ekiri bbs plant is worn the Dairymen's Association of Western nificent lecture o out skit'rho perils who managed it will Ontario. Addresses rill be delivered by delivered. at Grin. not renew it or eve= supply the neoessary Hon. J. H. Mowed, -of Illinois, U. S. A. ; the gifted lecture power. The owns of the Tara plant rte, Professor Harcourt, c Guelph ; A. F. Mo- his autlieuoe will, ceased to operate lecauae the village cont}-; Laren, Esq., Toront •; R. Cleland, Esq.,. Tae public is oil will not contrace for street lights for Listowel; J. S. Pea •ce, Esq,. and J. W. aim hear it. A x Wheaton, E orin r st c o and others. Doers open at " •r 1+ r morethan '" n l t tyear.. ll4 tt,sln the ,. d at 8 o'clock slier the wat'th LE Epworth UNITND' Written for the Tame 'United lives—the tv. ensile one, Oue in their hope and cares, One in their every arrow, One in their love wad prayers; United iu their dart: tots, `Tbeugh eaeh mat=toil apart, Their joys are all tt ;ether shared, They're jojtted in .rand and heart. No jealous thought= are entertained, Each iu the Dole, trust, No secret thoughts are e'er withhold, To foster sad mi :trust ; The cheering word is often given, The blame, r T e enc xk i a1 they she • l to And when in trout le or distress, The load together bear, Thus day by (lay t'teir lives roll on, The months nuc years go by, Old age now finds _hem loving still, And will until Bey die; When death them =3art, no bitter thoughts Their memory ellen revives, Olt I may there p thing enter in, 'le part united ives. -1' sieve NETTEIIFreLD. One of the Wdndere of the World, "TEE 3r: 6XMOTIr CAVE" Is the subject of a er:ture to be given by the Rev. Dr. Gift mrd, in the Methodist °beech, next Tues, ay evening, 20th inst. The Doctor has : lade a personal visit to, the tiros and the iscture is a description oft what be saw in tl'_ at wonderful place. Re- ferring to this lett Ire, J'olxn R. Clarke, the celebrated platforr : =tier, says : "There are two distinct el exacters in public life. Preachers and le_,urers, some preachers can lecture,•a mad ` . Gifford is one of them. I listened with in nee delight to his snag - the 'Mammoth Cave,' by P:hrlt, and wherever atteml,ts its delivery I am sure, be delighted." ordialty invited to wine mission only 10 cents. f0, 'suture to comn.ence Under the auspices of ae. The Modern Invalid Iles tastes, modioinally, in keeping with other luxuries, A remedy must be pleasantly acceptable in form, purely wltoleMeme in composition, truly beneficial in effeot and entirely free from every objectionable quality. If really ill he tron< sults a physician; if constipated he uses the gentle faultily laxative, Syrup of Rigs. —In tbe matter r ie . MOne to y'7'in . e d being always ready the price of immu town in Canada appliances once a cisterns, see that t and will ring, take it working, inspec through it, strengt the weakest link. tions can it commui fire when it comes of fire protection, ire i Everyone interested • n the production of cheese and butter sh old attend, courses on the duty f Perpetual /egoistic c e --The foilowieg tratute to winter is of ity from fire- l &ry,-uraknown origin : "It snows and it blows mould examine its fire and it stings your nos—makes all creation onth, should test tete shiver; it bites your toes, increases your e fire bell can be got at 1 woes and freezes up t te river. The frost the eligine out and see ( nips all, both great an -1 shall; the dismal, the hose and play Idreary winter, freezes _types, it bursts the en the fire defence et . pipes, and vexes sore he printer. So let IN coal—it takes the e be kind and make ith the printer. my by such precau- her roll—we mean the ty be ready to fight ] Dash in winter ; so plea ae come it will. 1 up your mind to settle —The Mildmay G .tette is, responsible The Elevatice of the Stage. • tor the following : It s as reported around The Marks Bros'. Musical and Comedy ' town during the past -reek that a certain Company began, a ' leek's engagement on gentleman was going so Walkerton after Monday evening, au i hays steadily grown the storm had abated, :and when about half in favor since. way over the noticed %What he supposed a "It is gratifying iy know thab you have bottle Iying on the rot 1 and stopped his put on elevating, elan, decent dramas," horse to pick it up, be-. on trying to lift it —Chief Jttstic .armour has just renders - ed a decision in Grant, whioh will be of interest to tho .ethers of families and goose who have to do with life insnranoe. It construes th atnendineuta to the ace securing to wives and children benefits of life insurance '.y virtue of whicti a man may declare by instrument in writing an insuranes po1 y to be for the benefit of his wwife and chip ren, and such policy shalt be deemed a trus and shall not be under the control of th husband or creditors. The net and am ndments provide that he, may by instrumc,t iu writing alter and. vary the appor ioument as between wife and children. `hief Justice Armour's ' decision makes distinction between they words "iuetraine <t in writing" and "will" in tire emends -4 kits to sea. 6 of R. S. 0. eat that rt man who has e iosueanee policy to be is wife alone cannot by wife of this benefit and lildren. He eau, how- tis life by an instrument to or indorsed on ort_ said•an Observer re -sorter to the manager, he found it was impossible so he started to 130, and hold in Mr. R. W. Marks ; 'and that they have kick it, and failing th -s to dislodge it, tom- duly declared it li been presented in a manner with which no menced digging arou d it and found out for the benefit of fault can be found: 1 that it, was the insula or on top of a tele- will "You will never 1- his deprive 11 traed anything else with graph pole, mueh to 1 .s chagrin. will it to his us," he replied wi it emphasis, "We de y . not cater to the clams which requires coarse w;, —Another great strew storm, for which ever, do sa during jest, questionable illusion, anything but this winter has bccom _ noted. visited us ou iu writing itttacti what is pure and el- Dating. Should it ever Wednesday afternoou -ancl night, ahnost identifying the po cy by its number, trans - 1•n •1 d t aIle and badly Wools. far time benefit fret S. The afteruoon children atone or s cancelled when it apportionment the In the' to receive It on tho gine at p ;eep the road open. who is the wido from London was commercial trave and the C. P. 11. whole of the instil' coral hours late. iu it along with t the I,., H..2 B. or justice, linwever,'. whole e t it t:d to the h h that h•waasext G. T. .li . upto the s Thursday. The money, us her ht iband could loot by will aids Iiinctardine: substitute the el Wren for his wife, as. le a drift about a benelieiaries after having tirst declared the ;.- - policy to be for ill • wife's sole benefit, be necessary for us to do that, we shall para yzing lathes x ;piathe business. • let we do not think we ing the travelled roe • shall ever have any trouble on this account. train for Kincardine w. arrivedhere,and tbo e now,and I am lad isaw - Pttblic taste a„ upg of it. In prove of 11 fa, we have been known snow plow, to try and in Pembroke for th, past ten years, and The eight a'cloalr train are becoming more we never uttered on the most fastidiou The Company o • large, and the .e sot have a great qi scenery and suitaele costumes, and the . on Wednesday, got stool plays and speoialti is are well put on. One • nate this side of Ripley. wonders how the d.essrs. Marks can give the superior entet ainments they present for the small admis:ion fee of ten and fifteen atatmee on Saturday mitted for 5 cents. -Town Rall, Feb ,25th Mrs. W. Swan, of Listowel, who has been visiting her sot , Mr. ll. J. Swan, for some Weeks, roturne i to iter home on Wed- otting the despot. nesday. "meeting M ', at ono time leader of Mr. Rin, Linklat•r-, who has been work - At the 1'ebr[lttl` meetiri of the r scone tura re mile popular every year; yet about two hours ];i te, t was s fl'Om Toronto a irvothat would offend rd and refined." :'''here wero no trains o e lines of the i ardxn r Kincardine •' t' is • ext occasxo 1 the present g is excellent. They time of going to press ntity of magnificent snowy plow that went 0 Dents, and at the ohildren will be a Pembroke Observer. to March 2nd. Singing and Pre Mr, Jas. H. Irrionc the choir in the 'resbyterian church, in#t ie Walkerton t' , t d official Board the borclwiCla Wingham, hiss Istel a been appointed by home a wee . ' i' tht:tli lt, 'cil'cUit, Cordial tend title the Presbytery of Sarnia, at a salary of Miss 111:. Elliott, of Howlett, wlo bras 0700 per annum, free manse, and buggy, been on an exteu..?, l visit to friends in A'11t11011s ill"Vitlatkti-: