The Wingham Times, 1895-02-15, Page 88
cI�»'rt O i :1fA1%:1tn' lI.
' ' Oa 'fees itty warning last, the
i new frame basil: barn tend outbuild-
ings of Mr. Richard Leishnutit were
totally destroyed by fire. Mr.
Leishman was doing the chores in
I the barn about 5.80 a, m., and by
some means upset the lantern. which
he was using, from which the straw
caught fire. All the noel: was got
out and the contents of the driving
sheet removed, but nothing was got
out of the barn. The buildings con -
stock sisted of a barn 50 by 65; straw shed
28 by 40, and driving sited 26 by 40.
we herewith offer you your choice of . The loss is estimated at 63,000, and
there is an insurance of $2,000 in
any Lathes' Cloak in our House at the Howiek Mutual. As Mr. Leish-
man has no feed for his stock, he
50 per cent.. off, commencing on will offer it for sale by public auction
Sa ttrday, *wry 12. on Saturday next. Air. Leishman
has the sympathy of the community
! in his heavy loss.
The cloaifk stook is still in a very
complete' condition, embracing full The next horse fair will bo held
$20.03 Mantles fork 1O.O0.
i310.(X Mantles for f3,5.00-
.:,)•00$5.00 Manttes for $'250.
to dear out every M• antle in
fI}!;;c rel Sri 4
Catalogue sent free on appli,
Mr. 4. R. 13ri11 shipped two car
on the 28tn inst.---Somebody is like- loads of butter to British Columbia
lines op Smooth and lough Goods, ly-• to get into trouble over selling I the other day. Their value was
liquor to minors. Last week there about :lull the freight charges
in L ag,Short, as well as Fur -trimmed was a ease of this kind and three I were St) O. --Mr. l,. A. Brink, the
youths were aliuost helplessly intoxi-! new postmaster. lets made a slumber
J'a}ckets, thus affording a great op- Gated. We hope diose who thus of improvements in the interior
orttinity to select a fine and stylishtransgress the law will be made to' arrangements of the post office that
sweat for it. It is said the case has • better its appe:u•arlce and will pro-
The contract
bridge to he built
this place has be
Stratford Bridge
Tho cost will be.
'fanner has imide
all his personal
Hamilton. This
not in any way
banking firm of
for the new iron
over the creek. in
en awarded to the
and Iron Works.
„425. ---•Mr. 0. I'1,
an assignment of
'effects to Mr. 0,
assignment docs
interfere with the
Lucas, Tanner ;Ft
~food's Cured
Others ailed
Scrofula lir, the 6lcolt—ilutnchoe All
The I. O. G. T. here still holds its
own and there was one added to the
number on Saturday night. Tho
election of officers took place result- E
ing as follows ; C. T., Wm Wright ;
V. T., Miss L, Greenly ; P. C. T„ D.
A, Harkness ; See., Miss 11[. Grecs ;
A. S. Jno, Hamilton ; F. S., J. j
barroch ; Treas.; Mrs. M. Scott ; I
Chap., Mr. Scott ; Mar., Jas. Ham11-1 ; D. M., Miss M. Dennis, Guard,
Miss M. Scott ; Sentinel, Jas. Wright.
Jas. Wright and D. A. Harkness
were appointed delegates to attend
the meeting of the district lodge at
Blyth on 15th inst.
The Modern Invalid
Has tastes, medicinally, in keeping with
been reported other luxuries. A remedy must be
/garment at half price and less, at ported to the Inspector by mote in no small degree the comfort
the friends of the boys. --Capt. Rowe ! and convcnicueo of the publie. A pleasantly acceptable in form, purely
I wholesome in composition, truly beneficial
and wife farewelled at the barracks !large number of new hetes have
in effect and entirety free from every
MCM0001d„ here last Sabbath week and have! been put in and the office furniture
gone to Toronto for orders as to new includes a fire proof safe. ---The objectionable quality. If •really 11 h
-:� •_=•___.:-::.T � _ _-..:,���� sults a physician 1 hif constipated h
e uses
their next appointment.—Tito Dick ; Grand Trunk Railway have closed thte gentle family l xative, Syrup of riga.
LEND A te n' Concert Company failed to material- their agency in 'reeswater, '
[The following lines were suggested by ize. The Canadian Order of Fores-1
the excellent address of Dr. Macdonald, ters, under whose auspices they were ; EAST WA31'!txOSII.
at the Temperance Hall, on 3rd fast. i . to appear, have had no reason given
Ye friends of freedom and the right, them for the disappointment. --Root. i Miss Mary Halliday, who failed to .
Sing Alcohol is in our land, i get admission to the Normal school
Iiis minions ready for the fight, was pretty severely 14111.- ` t '
Came one, come all, and land a hand 1 ed at the salt works, last week, by t •
.Porouto, was isle successful applicant
some salt cavinn' in on slim He is for the position of teacher in Union
Against our ]sappy hemee he fights
Be tights for souls, at sin s comical.: 1,
' improving nicely now ----A very sac- •5, S. No. 3, Morris and East +T'atva-
He robs his victims of their rights, Cess
And sends them downward; lend a hand! on Tuesday evening of last week. ! than the other applicants she was "Body Rested, Maud at Ease." „ M7Li,LrR—WrnsoN —cit the residrtnce of
Hosing that the best is the Cheapest.
That is what it is when traveling on of Howiek, January 3'Jth, by the Rev.
Past hope of peace or Heaven gran BLUI;VALE. i the fast trains of the Cbicngo, Milwaukee Miller.
To $amen of torment and of fire; Miss Lottie fell of Toronto is' —A cheese factory will be erected 361.1)e
St. Paul Railway; besides theta is no Mr. Stewatrt,of BelmorA. Mr. er,
' visiting her sister, Mrs. George coming -_� a s•eseencis.
w as slain, rt nt along gnu goo snore on tiros. 'mese
'Unnumbered sorrows he has farmed o sons have leased liiat'I: I3nC11arilU1'3 30th. by haw. D. Rogers, At the residence
of Brussels i5 sp ndin�• a feiv dtiVs lines thorou ht cover the torritory -a "__ ,____.,_,_ father. .�,__„____._ Farm,
To fiery trials, for the gain
Of souls and cash, so lend a hand !
fu1 carnival ?vas 11eId in t11e rink !nosh. Although considerably higher
—A copy of Rennie's "Illustrated Guide
to Amateur Gardeners” for 1895, has been
received. It is filled with valuable infor-
mation for gardeners and florists, in fact,
every one who grows vegetables and
flowers. The firm of WVm. Rennie, Toron-
to, Ont., are well-known dealers in reliable,
tested seeds of all kinds.
4 t1t'. x,tej,itefe
file, Maine.
"C. I. Hood & o , Lowell, kilns.:
"Geutleine feel that I cannot say enough
in favor of I' • • ti's Sarsaparilla. 'For five years
1 have beet roubied with scrofula in uty neck
and throat. Several kinds of medicines which
I tried did not do me any good, and when I cont-
meneod to take flood's Sarsaparilla there wore
largo bunches on my neck so sore that I could
oasrai ' F re
not bear the slightest touch. When I had taken
one bottle of this medicine, tale soreness had
gone, and before I had finished the second the
bunches had entirely disappeared:' Be txcne
.Twoon, Sangerville, Maine.
N. B. If you decide to take Hood's Sarsapa•
rilia do not be induced to buy any outer.
Hogd's Pills curd constipation by restor-
ing the peristaltic action of the alimentary canal.
.N'oLLis—In Turoberry,
inst., the wife of Mr. Jas.
HUPirER—in Wroxeter,
25th, the wife of Mr. W.
nn the loth
Follis: a son.
on January
J. Hny.fer; at
the choice, the I3oar'd, no doubt, be- y ` _ the bride's parents. the 16th c'r)ncession
He sends them down to darkness dire,
P H d
of Morris, to Miss Maggie Wilson, of
To cava his victims lead a Mynd ! near lfeGo i efts s st heel house site ebance to Lick for the acuominodations
Millions of men thie foe has
with her sister, miss Wynne.—Miss farm for a term of years ata reason- between Chimera, La Crosse St Paul,
able figure. Mr. B. intends moving t, , u x Ber J. G. Anderson, of Lneknow. to Mies
Emma Jones has returned from tb , r, iadinneApolls, ciberdesn, .vlit=;hell Sioux
tea A., d ing1 ter of Alox. Pe:ttla acs
Ye fathers, waken from your sleep, '. Vigit t0 Manchester, ---Mt'. and .Mrs. his family to Vringham.—Mr. and City, X ankton, Council Bluffs, Omaha Esq., of West Waannosh. .'
To fight this foe and right demand,Urs. Samuel rolls air both down and INorthorn biichil;an. All Lhe princi- IRwrN—ColtNir;Jrus—At the re,+idtrnoe
Your homes to guard, your joys to keep,^ AlJt1i1 i3os111an, Of I3aLt Portage, are t latter , pal cities and towns in that territory aro of the bride's borne, Mr. .Teen Moiler.
Morris.—Mise Jennie Campbell, of, seriously. Their tion John is also pectins at St, Paul, rimmed i Bluffs and A. McKay, Mr. 'Mos. Irwin. of AiahHeld,
y y visiting relatives and friends in sick a present, the at et vert reached by the "St. Paul" lanes, con -
To 4tiAWII00Sh on Jadit 9')th l,v Rev, To save our boys, come lend a hand. 1
Ye mothers, pray to God on high, r confined to his had with la grippe. ()maim with all lines fur points an the to MaryCynthia Cornelius.
Be hears the prayers' your hearts coartmanct, i'tT zil CTry,lliss Lizzie and lily. James • far *est. Write to A. J. Taylor, Can • y Feb.He knows the anguish, hears the si h Robertson, of the villatn'C were visit -1 — - '—, GORDON—GORDON—On Fnth, le
g , o , adieus Pass'r Agent. 87 York curraet, Pur -
And answers those who lend a hand! • - ing at Mr. Malcolm's, of Kincardine, ' LOND1--hl3URO•' onto, Ont., for one of their new map
Is prepared to receive laupiis iu the
above, Par tc'rn;s,apply other residence,
10 Francis Street, \1 Ingham.
MISS its. eINB �`� �3 ,
mil of Sig. D',Aurin and Mr, Elliott
Opera for Concert Engagements.
WLlsou. a , - UNTARto.
Pupil of
1 of the Toronto Couservatory of Music is
prepared to receive pal>ili; in
For terr_,s apply at Diutslev house.
'LECTU f E n
T co 'r;r' :L Cr
1 3iy i eprossaone of Seotfand and Ireland. Collor.
tion taken ,tp. Boyr, to bo ucetnnpnied by pateiata
or gadrdr:u,. Pros Pnronniewiad examinations on
stain: att,'r lecture. Tho Prof. trill bo prepared to
make examination. in Parlor of Quoeu's hotel for
a few dans, or at the homes of til desiring'.
�. ..,, Ye boys and girls, so young, so brave, this -week.--Leslie, the infant son of • Snow shoveling is the order of the time table and a brochure giving
" Laird, Algoma. to Mary, second daugh-
i'on surely now will take a stand Mr, sacs. Ries. Thomas ' CorneIl, •died • day.—Mr. and Mrs. D. Roberts,f 1 description of the Compartment Sleep- ter of Mr. William Gordon of .EIeron.
= int; Cars. Tiekete furnished by any MoPstrnsoa--Wean—At the reiaiciene
Against this foe, and help to save i on Wednesday morning. ; Ripley, are visiting in the village' coupon ticket agent in the United States of the bride'al lather on Feb. 11th i.slew
Your falling comrades, lend a hand .
Rev. A. McNay. Lur•nnow. and at his
residence; Alexander Edward Gordon, of
Come Tend a hand to break his power,
And save the millions nnmanne elec, . ihieago and wa ukee & ed t
= and Mrs. Wallwin s marry friends in trip to Calgary,—Mr. W . E. A. Best of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul • rimy.
Coma forth and fight him, for the hour and about Btu- 1' 1 this
A d ill" still d
The following is taken from the; this week.—Mr. W. L. Oubliette and Canada. The finest dining cars in .. McKay, Mr. William McPherson. of
Stratford Herald of this week. Mr. returned home on Monday from his the world are run on the solid vestibuled, West �Vawanosh, to Bella, clanghter of
rains Mr. John Webb, of St. Helens, -
Is ripe for conflict, lend a baud! ' 1 • ova a willbe pleased is In Oodel ic'h this week on business. Railway. STCCTTON—In Morris, on February 1st,
Hazel, infant daughter of James and
Emily Stretton, aged 8 inonths- acid G
Stamping Patterns Free.
All our readers should send to the pub-
lishers of The Home, 141 Milk St , Boston,
Mass., and get a set of their beautiful
S tamping Patterns. They can be used for
•embroidery outlining or painting. All
,desirable and good size; some 8 x 10,others
to note the success they have met —The entertainment that was an -
with in Stratford : "Rev. I. B. Wall- • nonnced in the Methodist church for I Trinity College School, Port Hope,.
win, B. A., pastor of the Waterloo Monday, 11th, is postponed hided- was destroyed by fire shortly before
street Methodist church, who is eons-' nitely.—The Rev. H. J. Fats was midnight on Saturday. , No. lives
pleting a very successful three-year unable to get to Kinburn appoint- were lost, though many of the
term, will remove at the end of the ment on Sunday, owing to the roads students and others had a narrow es -
present year. At the February . being so blocked.—Several of the cape. The loss is covered by insur-
Quarterly Board he announced his : children while coming home from ante.
intention to remove, stating that he school on Friday night got their
To flare life from the ravages of disease
had completed the usual term and hands and faces frozen. ----,.n essay nobler than to win as Kin d
.5 x 8 inches. There aro ninety (91) one that he believed he had done his om. rsur-
on "Ambition" is to be given by dock Blood Bitters cures all blood dis-
d ifferent patterns and two alphabets, one a duty by the church. The Quarterly Henry Fair, at the League, on Mon- eases, scrofula, blotches, pimples, skin
large forget-memot pattern. with this Board unanimously passed the fol- day night, February 18111. ---The diseases, etc., by its cleansing power over
-Outfit the publishers send The Home, a 16- lowing appreciative resolution : 'That Foresters intend holding their annual the entire system.
page paper containing Stories, •fashions, our pastor, the Rev. I. 13, Wallwin. supper on February 28th, and Dallas Ilyams and II. P. Hyams,
brothers, and Americans by nation-
ality, were arrested Tuesday in Tor-
onto, on the eharge of murdering
William 0. Wells, a young English-
man who died about two years ago
Fancy Work, etc., for 3 months, and only B. A•, having signified his purpose to Mrs. and Miss Sago, of Walton, are
ask for 10 cents to cover cost of postage on remove from our midst at the end of expected.—On Thursday evening,
patterns and paper. Our illustrated pre- the present conference year, we February 7th, at the home of the
mium list sent free to any address. desire to place on record our sincere bride's father, Mr. Samuel Woodman,
The Agricultural Societies.
' The following figures, from the annual
reports of the agricultural and horticultural
societies in the West Riding of Huron,
which we take from the Goderich Star,
shows the standing of each and gives an
idea of what they did daring the past year.
The odd cents aro omitted:
When se many people are taking and
+lafriving benefit front Ii'ood'a 8arsapas
fir, why don't you try it •ourself i' It
is highly reenterat nded.
thanks for his earnest and successful his only daughter, Jennie, was
labors in connection with our church, united in marriage to Ur, Iloward
and we also express our earnest T. Riddell, of Hallett. The Rev.
appreciation of the devoted Iabors of Mr. Fair officiated. The bride was
Mrs. Wallwin, and we wish to them the recipient of many beautiful
continued success and the blessing of presents, amongst the number . was
God in the future.' Mr. Wallwin is a beautiful bed -room suite from the
deserving of great credit for his Methodist choir, of which she was a
work done in Stratford. He found inember for some time. --Owing' to
the church in financial straits, and the storm last week, there was no
has succeeded by his hard labor and Good Teanplar lodge meeting, and
financial ability in placing it upon a the installing of the officers had to
sound foundation, Not only has this be left over until this week. The
been done, but all the other depart- officers for the present quarter are :
meats of the work are in a flourish- C. T., Wm. Longman ; P. C. T.,
ing condition. The membership of Addie Crisp; V. T., Lou Ouiinette;
the church is very largely increased, Chap., Albert SleGre;or; Marshal,
as are also the Sunday sehool and John Henry Shobbrook ; D. M., A disastrous piteh-in occurred on
Epworth League, both in numbers Hannajr Riddell; Sec., Walter the Grank Trunk main line on Fri -i
and efficiency. The church has been Cunningham ; A. See., A. Brogden ; day afternoon, two miles west of
receiving some aid hitherto from tied F. Sec., R. Reid ; Treas.., L, Slog- Weston, between the Chicago flyer
missionary society, but by resolution ridge; G., Bella Cunningham ; Sen., and the local passenger train from
the board has declared its indepen• Frank Longman ; Organist, M. London. Mr. Il'raneis Joseph, assis-
dence after this conference year and Mogridge; S. J. T., Aggie Riddell. tant law clerk of the Legislature,
thanked the conference for its goner- The delegates elected from. North 'was instantly killed. Mt Justice
ons aid heretofore. Mrs. Wallwin is i Star Ledge, No. 317, to attend the Burton was somewhat seriously in -
an able helpmate to the pastor, being district meeting in Blyth on Friday jured; Engineer Charles Mannering
active in Sunday school, Aid, League aro : 13ro.MeGregor, Sis. Brogden, of Stratford was badly hurt,. and J.
and mission work. Rev. and Airs. Mogridge and Crisp, and the alter. S. Monahan, official stenographer,
Wallwin will be long remembered- pates are: Tyros. Fairkwice, Reid, had both legs broken, while a num-
in Stratford and will carrry with and Sis. M. and A. Scott, --•-The Good her of others were more or less eut
- them the best wishes of a very large Teinplars Lodge Is steadily progress- and bruised. J. S. Monahan died,
I circle of friends both of their owning, There were three new them- on Wednesday. All the others are i
ehureh and of the city." E hers on Tuesday night. recovering nicely.
from a supposed accident in the
warehouse of the Hyams, and who
was heavily insured in favor of his
sister, 'who was subsequently married
to H. P. Iiyams.
Ballet in six hours.—Distressing Kid-
ney and Bladder diseases relieved in six
hours by the "Great South American Kid-
ney Care." This groat remedy is a great
surprise and delight to physicians on se.
count of its exceeding promptness in reliev-
ing pain in the bladder, kidneys, back and,
every part of the urinary passages in male
and female. It relirves retention of water
and pain in passing it almost immediately.
If you want gniek relief ard cure this is
your remedy. Sold at Chiaholm's drug
Lot 32,Con. 14
County of f'3.nrun.
or particulars apply
to the untxersigee et Winghatre
Rest Estate Agent,
Feb. 13. '993. Kent Block,
Anaemic Women
with pale or sallow complexions,
or suffering from skin eruptions
or scli of:tulo!us blood,will find quick
relief in' Scott's Emulsion:. All
of the•stages of Emaciation, and a
general decline of. health, are
speedily cured.
takes away the paie, haggard look
that comes with General Debility.
It enriches •tltc blood, stimulates
the appetite, creates healthy flesh
and brings back strength and
vitalit Per Coughs ,Colds,SoreThroait,
Cure SIOAC 1.1EAIDZICi9E and Neuralgia I
in go I.rrrlurgo, al.o Coated Tongue, Bier'.
n'ss, Biliousness, Yale an the Side, Constipation
Ti -phi Liver. 11•d lire ib. To 1tny cured and
regulate the bowels. Vr Rir WOE To TAKE. •
P.RIOE 28 °antra AT ',TWO 8TORCS.
14, ti
Elltd hilL4 100
with snap shot bargains to
'suit the tidies.
W T 0, E
Elgin, .Nitltham, Roo kford,
Columbus, warrantees for
€our years,
.1 .:_ 9 6.7 5 _
Prom 0130 lip,
We have the, l:tri.•a;at Land -
most complete n tock of
sui,atble for wedding. and
birthday presents, in the
e:°''"`a`stehes, Cleeloi and
Jewelry repaired nt lowest
ratters, and rutty guaranteed,
Elronehitis. Weak Luttgs, Consumption by
and Wasting Diseases of Childketh,
SendJar our pamphlet. laded • x%hi .i;'. '
Scott& dowse, Belleville, All Druggists. 600. itA Wingilly, Nov. let . islit.
't. he Optiolan.
714d to "Orin and Sear It"wean
had a pain. Yon can (trip and
fel;;11 at nceby using Extant n73Avis'
foto am creed •everywhere. A whole m cine ceche
Mttaeit. KHIs everyforrd et e*tetnd et imerndi pale.
1os}t'A teaspoonful in bait wet water or 011