The Wingham Times, 1895-02-15, Page 66
Orke Qmr uuuug t
w tJ
uS Tan ...qtr.--:S\'i.' ll;'TL.00s,.
FRIDAY FEBRUARY 1:,, lees. Kea. •lattit'& Yittrltr, :It flu' SolifII
\\'areYlltu N'efi rtlt i'uliwe'lltiuil, spoke
--- -- - as feliew : I aur 'relighted t1, see the
EDITORIAL NOTi'°$l, cotivetttf„n s'1 largely and infl►lential-
lilt. J. J. llaeLalteet, t' has 1\' altt'•litlt'd. It ,ihttwl'(l that the
' heart of :"'11(11 Waterloo loo \Vas still
been appointed by .+i:• C)liver 11ti11111 tells' tti ;''.et: rel, and till veterans he
to argue before the Privy Council the saw present, as well as the large
appeal (..lf the Ontario UOvernlllent ULUU1ler ('t ` ouli}'•,r men, the flower
from the ''l't'.ent dete:IUn of the and hope of the fort\ , assured 11i1)1 of
Supreme 11( i 111 1 t \ ith reference to the victory futile t't'111U)geontest. (Cheers.)
i tlxlet t
power of the P1 Cvitieial Parliament He had now ionght !many politica
to grant ')rol11b'MMUn, battles, but he never felt a stronger
desire for the aneeess Of the Liberal
. 1 i party u the illa54(.It
1 10
fthan at tl
. .,
>the Deminion it
t I lllltl
.11 ,1
oronto six aldermen of p);edl'1tt t'eisis, His chief reason for
rs, must, within eight this, was. that) Canada badly needed a
muse why they should chane of Government. \S't' had
ired of office this year 11au1 fifteen _ears of Tory misrnle,and
from ruilu[n1r Ile -t the recent visit of Minieters Foster.
lar it O1'(
chambers at
;t. Catharin
day;9, show
not be de
and di`(pt Lllflt
It i5 ;111 ed that the aldermen t
aI r 1 eft failed Ives, (iostigan andothers to Galt
.during 894 to collect a certain sum proved that the Cabinet had become
rcqulrrbci to be raised to provide for a as weak in talent as the public 1'C- i these figures ehl'\\'s that the fail}u•os thef olcl decayed or
sins; ilg fund. cords prove it i, wickets in practice. ! . „ ()dgecl fruit from the Bulb. lac•h a
i n1 our n1an11fecturino' industries
(Applause,) \\'illi sir .John 14Iac : \etre. 12 per scut, testi than in 181)3, apples, Pears, and "mummiecl plums."
TAKE editor of the Farmer's Sun in donald gone, their brilliant though while there Were 1;21 per cent. more . These should be destroyed, as they
•\ trhino, of the cost of our govern- unscrupulous leader ; with
TIS 1 F I (k1Jk1t1,,F r IMES, i,F.IJ.71 14RTA . Y 15 1695.
xwvmq,tq„w :.seww•i.., rmnzxsra.lw,M •i. ', '. . ' . +1! ... ... '
.. .. H:c•'.Ma+R 4,uc m• u:+n, rrt-,•alt.YS.-'+ M- rv :ea a.• +•. +.w -w'n'-va-,.vavt ummn.,••ayRscu+q•r ..+rr.+#r+.xr+r.1uy..r, .. , '.... •, ..
predict. as be tl:tl Itt 11R t)tt:1\la ('Un- ;hill( the trunk 011 the snow i`( also hours •Of the mernillg. - However,.
wt'1I Lt%12, tit:(:• :ilia tiler t -.N' 1+11'('1711 ..I Il+•('. rt/1' rabbits, pitiable. ti'lUIk tollsideritig tilt (lit I,:1(••Kt3, the
party are ;;,'i,.e to lwtn all over the in ('all with solution of one 110110(1 (1i t'.rnitlty lneet311g, :t1:h•,t, ' ll somewhat
1)ona:lie 1, :led that the I.ilteral flag litter aloes to itvt' gallons of water is smaller in numbers than on previous
will ('800 213.'rt• wave over tlit' glitter- ((rents; e1R'a1'er still, shoot the lab- oceasi. l)t', \V:1:i a s U0,'e.:i. and malty
111,+.," Fier(!-, t.f' tint Otta\w'£ buildings. bits. 'f'il'l'; thltt are found builly questions of vital llllpuli:allt'(( to the
((helix.) tCtt(tlt'ti i11 1+p'ei1P;, that have been (eater', ger• in an agree.
• titttrotted, are often saved by using able and masterly spirit. What it
,Not ie A .."r o.:ilvl'oi? 4 Oslider. c,:noclife sclia2'.i, CUnneetin the lacked ill ]lumbers was l ounterbal-
:lnre)1 by (man-via:on. There were
pre:4e911 tlt'13 '.t le; fl't411 the (Extreme
llurtllern corner of lloll•ick, and atse
from the extreme ,outs( of Hays, as
well as from north of "111114(1 and
intervening points, shoving that
Patronient is still very 121uc11 alive ill
this et inlay.
'1 11 )1'1' I)('(•11 Y'e\'leR'ii1('• '"Falf 111" i tC l0tl t1 tl(.till„ aL map of
The following were elected t 'll l } 1 ill than
t i ti loom
Board t 1 •+.
. fin• the year ,
• .r, •,•'s a •u o l.ts r
Ahu,ti u to is t t Mum, 9 ra cl Si u io 0
the buii:llzsl situation of the year. orchard, locating varieties ,old mill:,
This is what he says:—
8\13: ^ • ing elUttl;';es, so ala to be ready to ',„To. President ---.A, T. Dean, Dash. ',lc ,p;trt il, krtlertuv ti}antotl, notu,:cooding stlinee
Messrs. it. 1 i. 1)nn & ('0's report beglil work systematically ill the wool, i !louses told A'artus for (tale, not oxreeding 8 liner
Co. Vice -Pres --J, (z (ivi'111OC1i sea. i ^1 ter a item
(i 1 bu per Aridly
for Canada gives 1,,85n failures, with spring. If Ut•ehard hind needs, •fltnsc lu•ms tv[II be strictly adhered to
t11'aillhl^' R map of the drains shotdd forth, apeelul i,tecs for local advertisements, or 001
liabilities et : 1iX;5,215 ill 15:11 i„ • In,,.°erla'rivaa.
t ( with be 11112(10 til( surveys beingtaken
Co. Sec. Tress, --•\V. S. Lawrence, 9dvcatisunialts and lural notice uithotttep41cifie
• compared red trill, 1,3 r , failures, , ' s Clinton. directions, will 1•u inserted till Morbid emit charge(
liabilities of : i-1,tl' 11,TO 1 hi li':1;3, an during warm winter days, and Ciir nccordingly. 1'r:u•$t•ory advertisements must
Carefully dri111'21 out for future' Co. Sentinel -'-,J, S. P 1011•I2, 4)ea- 1,i,t (u Idose
1 lI1C!'E est' for hist gest' of 40 per cent. Changes for contract adverb( •.nests must be
1 An exemlillat"tun of the details of reference. Another important point forth. too:5ce I,)• wettest*. noes, (n order to Appetit
is re111OV1114; 0' , < • CO. Auditor i —.J. S. Philips, Kip- that week
pen, and It. Common, Sctfortil. j reeloNTO& AND PUDLIalfxa
Delegate to brand AelSoeitttion-•-- . . . _ .
R. Common.
11'lrite lion. Mr. Foster has been 1':1rk allow the wound with that 1,e-
1)Oa`ttil1g alimtlt the p'1'Utj,•rt's9 that has low.
I)('011 12(i1'.t'vl•(1 112 1'tliluda 21n(1('1• the .\t the bt`„ ining of the NOW •lite,
N. 1'., and tl'.l' 'Toronto World tells while the merchant is tassels:'' an
us that thalt 42 (•llatlge I1' Iiuver1111tei7t ventury of his St0013,
the f.(Yni!'r
woi11(l 11t.hor 1n alis era ul' lnlsiness $htsl•141 be taking an inventory •'1' hie
stagnati,nl, ti r. Hugh blain, the 1e- orchard trees and plants, 11101ng
t[i•il;'" :'i t na,l,'ta• l,i'
;lie Tot -into, where trees lll't'(i re -setting, pruning,
Elft x 1 .N • t'Jj
-48 PUJILlsitlil,
Eli Efts 11tll)A.Y MORNING
—AT Tau--
filtbserllltici aprtoe,S1 per y(+1tr, Ira ativanao
bp„,ar .3 1 yr. I b u.u. -- : 1.
ow, comma L1tIn 09 x•10 OA j ethl 00 0 00
)teat •• 4e tae 3 :a of 12 00 I 4 00
quarter " .0 00 12 fie 7 00 2 00
vue tars, i 1 on I :) n0 ( 't 00 I 1 Oil
ta';;muunl other easual advertiseuends, }Ie, per line
for stat insertion, and (1. per line to 11 'tl subsec'uonb
Lo'i4 notices lee. pt. lino for first insertion, and
, , , ° trH! U nlwnl:' 0111C('1', \10 l
5e. per line &O1,9,s,l,•.equtn oxer cr, No ooa
11a11'( (: a 1 e, a ,- •'+' • ,: - nV len Will ,e t' llrgel eat fall 2113,
Tupper I in purely trading concerlis the iia- furnish storehouses for germs of
entsays : "There is certainly 110
and 'Tilley out; with the tragic death
Of Sir .Jolla Thompson, suddenly of fourteen or more Ministers of called from before his• earthly sov-
the Crown.. In the United States ereigtl into the presence of the august
Er there are eight who get $8,000 a
each. Our Ministers get $7
salary and $1,000 as sess'_onal al
ince; all but the Premier, 1t
salary is $3,000, and sessional al
a ,nee. We Have Ministers to r
year Sovereign of the universe, in whose There has been a marked shrinliage'etc.; Ynspectnt„ cracks Of •balrrel5
,000 presence all honors pale, unci prince' in the volume of business and a de -'for pupa 0f insects, suds •as codling
low- and peasant stand alike—with these tided fall in the value of goods, and 1 moth, which often hibernates in this
'hose and other eminent men out, the once t manic(.
low- powerful Tory Cabinet, had become also a considerable contraction in the 1
1 y mal•g[n of profit Altogether al -1 Trees should be inspected for the
bilities in 1831 being $11.459,258 as fungous diseases living tinting -1i the
against t4,831),118 in 1893, This is; winter. Great care should be eleer-
not the only unfavorable feature in ;deed in winter packing of apples to
commercial business during the year. destroy all refuse, olcl apples, leaves,
sent the Roman Catholic body and
the Orange body, the prohibitionists
and the liquor interests, the English-
speaking half of the community and
the French-speaking half. The
Cabinet is constructed on the crazy -
quilt principle, except that we rarely
hear of any one being summoned
because be is a good Canadian. A
reduction of the number of Ministers
is the essential preliminary of any
large measure of economy lower
TRADE restriction orators are 'tell_
Alternate --- .Janes Connolly, q )il IIACUUNALU,
Iioluiesville, CENTRE STREET:.
After the election of ollicers, Mr. `.
Forrester, Patron candidate for the ; wises". • - ONTARIO_
Commons for West Huron, was call- ' — `-'- '- -- ----
cd upon, who, in hid usual able man- ' T_ 13• To1VLEil, a1,,
ner, addressed the meeting at some : Member College Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario
length, a11(1 partly outlined his post- j --Coroner for County of Boron—
tion, and who would have entertain- i! Oifteete•t:tatrs, next to Mr Morton's office, Wing.
ed the meeting, much lodger to its hem, one
Orman II of:as.-0 to 12 a, m. 1 to
J ofit and satisfaction. had it not . imide) Dia Ronalbtreet. • p. m.. or a
like the play of "Hamlet" with the though the tot•ll amount of fni]ures bark -louse and scraped,—exercising P' 1 + 1
Prince left out. (Loud cheers.)
Their boasted National Policy had
proved a fraud and a failure. Emi-
nent Conservatives like D'Alton Mc-
Carthy and Col. O'Brien joined with
' been for the lateness of the tour.
for the Dominion- has been larger calve with young trees, --letting the
other' years, I all! of the Opinion that scales fall upon the Snow; using a 115' 12. (:gI1li11Ult, the Patron Can- 1 J' P. KENNEDY, M. D., M.C. P.3 0,
7 South (' . (SueCee°or to Dr, J. 9. lieldrunt.)
for purely trading CO))Ct l'ns, with, hoe 017 large
tl'eCS". Tile tat' pipet' Clidate f01' the (.01111110119 111 G, Id 111(c1nllst of IVestorn Utdversity: vp scialRaattesp
p bands, for preventing Of canker Huron, W22S then
called Orl, who had dor, ooutoLondon Guuoral110801tnl.
crhaps the exception of lumber and < ' p 7 ,
leather, the year may be regarded
I words, should be renewed fl'C(tnCiltl\' also t ill eat
toi h( 11)111 sreni`CItty, ow What he
' Of11no—Fonuorly mop! :t1 by Dr, Mcldrum,Cornor
the Liberals in declaring it had help- I as the most unsatisfactory, if not the with printers ink. On bright, the nig being p r 1 of Centre }1dtPRtrlCk streets. ONT
eel to depopulate and impoverish the ;most disastrous, since Confederation. sunny days, in passing through the did say, however, was to tile point,
country. Thee thttcl increased the i It is impossible to give a reliable orchard, look for the cluster of eggs and went to show to the Patrons of
p $ forecast of the future. The outlook of the tent caterpillar, found in al South Huron' that they had a candi- i r.. Iitcasll,
annual expenditure ,13,000,000. ,
The had 'increased the public debt f . rhat circle 41horst Young twigs, easily date Of whom they need 'not be
over ;100,000,000. They had taxed ,can bid is encouraging. that ibusiness e best to In (Iisccrnible. The black -knot that
ashamed, as he i5 ; good clear speak- '1' 11• Toronto, snrembcr College Physicians and
the masses to benefit the classes. They hardly be worse than it is now and infests the plus) and cherry trees er and close reasoner.
had a deficit of about one and a half i [ must, tl 'f should ) Phe fosse\vola,( nlutlon \\ is then L'Piontva
miIlfons last year, and it was estimat- , the direction' of an i111provemPnt knots cot off and burned at once
Mon pall to diseases of WOtllen and children.
that any e hange fere ore,be 1 e looked after and the- r
as passed :—Boyce( by W. S. Lawrence,
ed it would he three or four during ;111 lir. Blain dot. < not take much they are now filled with winter J Northcott,
k,' 1 (, t' 1' t
ing the electorate that the N. P. inn- the current year. They had pet -
stock either in. the claim that the
posts fall chiefly upon luxuries. The mitted the Dominion 'Treasury to be savings bank deposits are an index
Toronto Globe, however, points out robbed by political railways and, to the pru.lperity- of the country. He
* camp followers and then they;
that du the month of December continues:—
ontinues —
Clinton, seconded by .. 1 ort (tett, . , vANSTONE,
Exeter, that this 'oun \ Association ion BA1taISTER
spores inclosed. in little sacks, which, SOLICITOR, lata.,
tender its thanks to the Town Conn-
b111'St Open in the Spring ;rill are Prtvntc .nd Company funds to loan at loa•eat rate
distributed b the wi11Cl. T11C Ctlt
ail of Clinton, for its kindness in al- i interest. a coluntisaton chatl(ed, atortgages, town
(goons, Ontario.
a p surfaces should be treated with an lowing us the free use of the hall for i and arta property bought and sold
tel ting bled thele both for funds to celery our meeting after which the associal- OFFICE—BeaverBloek WneonAt,
$:,,305, worth of rice was imported We should stop.borrowing stoney* application of kerosene or turpentine, „'
P their elections with. (Hear, hear) mem rubbed on with a *doth. When
tion adjotu nets, to stools in Clinton, ' -
on which the duty WAS x•4,133, 01' They 1):a l jostled the voters' pis(:; tlit savillx,('fltiaorct,autry,lfurlinterest trees or limbs are hasty affected, the first Tuetlaly in 1'e:,lulry, 1ti:)(i. J. A. MORTON
over 78 per cent.; 587,1.15 tons of by 'thy: fratllchi:e not and the con they should be rc:nluccd inn ilurne(, —Coal- 1
coal. with duty of x+14'•.) 523, or `)1 stittT_tLe;u by the gerrymander, told on borrowed caj,itatl, male slick ins-
„ inen.e sum; of money are held un -
percent.; :13,077 cotton clothingthere were fele political sins of which : mtanurt boatel51x11 (1 never )e
with a. duty; of ,$"4,28.), or 30 per they had not been guilty. Such was employed by oer own people • ill a• negle to during the $mete. An
t his
cent.; $75;037 cutlery, hardware, the Government, that the Liberal most serene i lust `n e of; the : itnar,pr.l• llorsc -manure. hen\)1 1ra Jt+`dt tkl+ ye.d DR
tools and. implements with a duty of party- of the Dominion were =kin°. a '1 reduction of the rates of interest I
P' ' •y nn d • t • b * t t v •• 1 , r lel last winter by bosons This I6
$`2'2,130, or almost 30 per cent. ; supreme effort to dislodge from
. eposi I, y the io e1 ,1 llt..l t at g. „• i ' • ' q1
11i.1`r3 bootsa.ndshoes with a duty power, and it would be a bright day the banks, with a. corresponding 1enle(Pe,rl by mixing' other u14221U1'(18
`' 1 reduction to the borrower , In sy lupal_ \rit,i the he tip, or !l,' ad(lin„ earth.
of $4,033, Or 5 per cent.; sw53 03.1 for Canada it they were beaten frons , • ,,. F
thy \with the 1' thine. 2 ttCS 111 tlic '%'VItf11)1, thoroughly and Will KIDNEY
coal oil with al duty of .s48,e2?, or ocean to ocean. ((=feat alpplaln.-e.l
over 92 et' cent.; $8,885 of soil But he had other mesons fo • wishim°• great enunnat'eia11 centres 01 the also serve the purpose, Too' nr11}:v
p' , p aadvantageous , rens their inailnl'G heaps to stiffer. PILL
world' wulth1 be adv; haat eons to 1 [
with a duty of $;3,111, or over 3.1 per success. IIx believed the adoption our business lllrn. Tlie merchant This is wrong, ea stable: innnure. i, ei
cent.; $18,125 of woollen clothing of the Liberal policy 'would reduce • , 4 one: of the great agents in )1 t,fit:lltl5
with duty of $(1,123, or 33 per cent.; taxation, take the steal ekles off' our who pays the, eu14021 rate of interest a I '
r here is not doing business on equal orchalydjng ; its presence in the :oil
118,<153 of dress goods with a duty commerce, restore prosperity and regulates to a large extent the heat
'of ?°,35,733, or almost 0 per cent. good trines. It was well known he
terms WWI a competitor r.1Fe \\,here and moisture, which con7inel•cial
who berm: WS alt snore, favorable rates.
It may be possible to convince the did not quite approve of the trade
t11at rice cotton,tools and n Besides the present 2;1121211 margin Of fertilizers will not (lo. All the
people , it advocated by some Liberate
implements, boots and shoes cool oil at last election,but the ' platform p.ohts will 3101. jn-til;} the artificially manure possible sh•toles he applied.•
p , ,
high •I 0 kept u t c,
„ re 1 ,+ 1 r, i' . ep t [ chiefly
tlroltgll and thin, if 11eees1:11•y, l,l3eed out;
soap and clothing are. • lusu.ries, adopted at the great Liberal conven- the atcxlon of the i;ovl:rluuent. The with cannlercial fl'rtill:r.:z. Ti:c;.
but it *ill be found a rather uphill boll held at Ottawa was entirely
reduction of interest on deposits cutting of apple ,tion, fl,r winter!
job, satisfactory- It
'?,0!)i) deleealtte from all pangs of tht
lment of our idle duns :,tic capital in
Dominion an was presidedo over y ,
Premier Mowat, ex -Premier JOly i:llsotdevelopment
rees of tilt wintry. 1
de Lotbiniere of Quebec, Premien',
was attended by \1'o111d h11) 1 :d) I:ItCulll'l1.17'C. elle invest- root -grating shuttle be done now.
-REFERRING to the meetings of the and stored away in a. cool cellnit in
Canadian Press Association the To- 1 1 '1 b
tee c l ( opnll iix of Mut
ec£t salol; leaves or sand, until ready to he
°•rafted upon the i'oot s of seedlirb's
ronto Telegram says: Papers out- ''
t cr Premier
--..-- -.--
and Attorney -General 4Sifton of
Manitoba. It was by far the
grandest political convention ever
held in Canada, and toe have now a•
platform, DM a written one, on
tariff reform, on reciprocity with
the C nitecl States, on economy and
purity of the Administration, reform
of the Senate, sato of the, public
lands to actual settlers, on temper-
ance, and on restoring to the people
fair elections and an honest count
1)y abolishing the franchise and
r (nim ortantindividuals
r7lo colt 11tsoft p
Man is seldom Unimportant to him -
ry (sander nets upon which
self. People have alt importance lie and every tone Liberal could
'Which their friends recognize, and proudly take his stand at the
1 c• ,
grown from apple seeds. These
side of Toronto, whether daily or I ieldin„ of rola Scotia, I tents l Faints OD EI7111tnr r MO Of 14 seedlhe can he easily reise*1 or can
weekly, area credit to the nation.
Blair of New Brunswick, Premier r I r•' be purchased froth nureerylnen for
The writer who is in any sense fit for
Peters of Prince Edward
Island + from three to four dollars per thous -
the responsibility of newspaper work and, and every fruit grower should
do his own root -grafting„ the process
has too much sense to be at all con-root-grafting,
either in his thoughts or being easily au(pdred, - thn:1 keeping _____4, __ .
'words about provincial Newspapers. - down the. Nursery expense. These , ,
The papers of Ontario, and of all are a few of the many ' point:( than . -,l' ; ' I''11 ;t1
Canada -outside the cities, are improv-
ing, riot so touch in tone, for their
tone WAS always good enough, but, in
capacity for duty. City people who
know nothing of their neighbors
sometimes sneer at the prominence
which the weekly papers give to the
There 134 too often a prevailing
ion running riot among the average
fruit „rower; that as soon as the
harvest is gathered and the „round
frozen the orchardist should have at
l011g winter vacation. It is all Ur
N V= L /E
1. newam, Manager Standard Hank, Brad -
fore t1.t.. says, Chase'i, Kidney -Liver Pills are a
ere• J ,n: 1;eise for the Kiddeys and Liver.
W. 1 . 041(¢(8;. lig McCaul St., Toronto, re-
pr1memm,1 \i.,ntrs:0 Star, says, Chase's Pills art
lit •• vt ;;.r for tltr (,•lief of head -ache, bilious attack
nr.! cn••ie••tion. Sold everywhere, or by snail on
.,.n• ra'Cr. r., EDMANSON, BATES & 0O.
44 1 i-1.,:ia 3r. TCO0810. OHL
- enter into "well table winter oreitarn
disputed truism that most people in;.---1'rc f. I E. Foville, Nova seottat
enjoy vacations, but the successful school of IIo:'ticulture, tht li a nler,"
falrnter, .artisan or philosopher, lllust Advocate.
keep ever before hila the motto : - •
"'Forego the lesser pleasure f)r the -------
better good." fruit growing, like
every other innnstry, in order to
secure the 130st,resllle:, i11VU'YCs care-
ful att.etlti011 to theterchard in all the
SCRIMS, ,5,r the hinter problem in
tt ' eoiIlit g ere t1Ui1 (I cud cheer .) the orchard le a most interesting and
the country press of Ontario 1s d1s- But he ((lust not detain theta longer.' important otic'. Tools or utensils of
charging a patrlotie duty when it
He would conclude, by saying we any description should be carefully
does Its best to dignify the life of the 11ac1 a goon platformof reform, and housed, brightened and sharpened,
communities\vhieh it servos. On -\whilst proud of Geo'. Brown, Sir A. velely fur 11Se. 'I"iineis' never wasted
Ude has probably a better service of Dorton, .Moxa Miteken de and Edward in sharpening tools. -Where drifts
*eolly papers than any other 00m- Blake:, their leaders of the past, they of snow lodge in young orchards, •
Yrluntvealtll of equal size f12 the
had nand a worthy successor in the theee is great clanger of atttaeks from
Anglo-Saxon world. person of their present able, eloquent mice and rnhbtts. Manuro shnllid
.. - -- and stainless chief, the lion. Wilfrid never' 1,e, used as at mulch in the fall,
*ate over 'rte hears Laurier. Much applause.) Iris
AN str.0 ANO 1Ytr°l.•'rltille %CMFov.--Mea. loin labors in ()vitae. leis remarkable
Slow 8:.othin¢ Syrup Ilan been used for over fifty l
years by millions of mothers for their chlluren while campaign to the F)aeific and back,
ter t na. ',
tai µ'nirlurCectsuccess. Itsoothes
rhechitll the tour' he yet contemplates 1n
sol lens the gems, allays nit pain cures wind coli,:,
arritaca. Is
the 'rt ' 1t Cxert1U119
pleasant to
fanti b thche tt rtniedy for DI p
Ontario f t f to
as fait'. Sold LY Droggtbtft far e( ors' pard et the
CS i yy 'Ca
Warta. 9'a'euty- v1neots a bottle. Iter taluo is Whleh 110 at1(1 his able colleagues (182
f tiealculahli for
Toros +y r ) ,
tt•( it serve,s as winter gutters for,
112100, whose depredations ltnly be
(Moppets b;' ph1ein.1 bands of zinc or,
strips of bark atiluttt the trttxik , ex-'
tending ` +'• height; v
otwo i hl t•1 't,
grol11111. These e'•11} 1,,• 1'('1111,4'*"I and
Do euro and ask other
kir;. ns OW 8 malting a ventured againused '
andtakanoaEherktnct, , 11C1 11C vc,llturcd to tl„(.(1 :1,.;aIll isle!::. :•t•a1:5•r,l.
County Patron 6.,,,soo11`ion.
'rhe Huron County A'0einti•'n,
Pat.'ons of' Indnstry, met in the
Council Chamber, Clinton, 0n Tine -
day i1"chruaay 331.3►, The llleel.111e'
for 5011132 time prevtott'+. • promised tel
be a gond 131tCress, but the stunsy
weather and bawl condition of the
l'Oilds militated 121213211 against it, a:3
many of the delegates ilec32:1san'ily 1
hatcl to drive, 12nd even those who
could conte by train were prevel)1('(1
from being on time, o)who to the
early train between Kincardilu' all cl
Wingham Mug cancelled. On this;
account Mr. (Jaunt, Co. PreSidctlt, :
and Mr. Gardner, Co. Secretary,
could not get here until 4,20 P. 111.1
instead of at 10 a. 111, at which time I
the meeting should have opened.
This, of course, caused the (meeting
to be prolonged into the' Wee small
,13.-cp. Years
PO list
t,.+ a , •
A it IST ,
111 he: In I. ant
Barrister Ete.
OOLICI'r011 TO 111\I1 01' ) WIIL'itri. )10N11Y T&
OHiee—Stover Block, 14Ltghatu.
DENTIST 8. JEtt031E, L, n, S.,%%INGRIAM.
Is mauufuernrtt11; fhr.t.., less sets of'
. ' ten•h t.s cheapx41 they x.11 be made
+i, iu t e l,nlninion. Teeth extracted
•abs•oi utely Wit hent psi , , by his near
process, 1(uarantetel role t1y safe.
USIYUE: 111 the l:re.,•r Block, :1 (site the
Brnnsa'iak House.
Wm, 11. Macdonald, L. D. S.,
Will visit Gorrie1st and 3.r(1 Mondays
of each month.
DEANS, Jn., twe,Ol1,04,
Sales attended in any part of the Co, Chargee'
JOHN C1:111h11i, WINonaDr,
Licr:ro (:b at7CTI(S111(it NOR THE C0(7$TI,E'6
I2(3832 AND H22t4CE.
411 orders left at the Tains Office promptly attend
ed to. 'Perms reasonable,
J AMI:S i(11$PI;I:SON,
Aucrao311Ef J3 3, Commits ttnaoty Anti
All sales attended to profnptly and on the Shorte64
Char}tes Moderato and Satisfaction Guaranteed.
All necessary arrangements can be made at 11t
Ttatn8' otflco
1wtNUllala 0N8
.:11Vottos7 to Loan on Notes.
(Tnn n$Mtc;V;F' 444%4 .„2,210.,,e
reiprWLtivorho3ad )u,
iaairrr5•w4)o.1,1 •o?+auf20 n•u•be•r,rupa1ea)}atignthrto.0Pinr
,.• 1 lrorms.,-
aces Discounted =018014Al3LE RATES
, 11
*monoadmen]on ort a of
(t x at 5} pet Oontlrlt
privileete of 1' S"1l s at the end 0f any ylar. Nota
and accounts collected.
Itontf i. 11101M:100.
Bearer Block 2Vintthem, Ont