HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1976-08-19, Page 14-4 Help Wanted 4 Help__Wanted SALES LET YOUR KNOWLEDGE OF TRUCKS • OR CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT EARN YOU A PROFITABLE SALES CAREER. Vr'" I mainte nance prod: ucts, heav,Viduty-fasteners", special hardware and replacement parts to the construction and trans- portation, industry. Your knowledge and back- ground of trucks and the construction equipment industry will give you an edge in becoming a sucessful salesperson earning the kind of income you want ancl,need: • Complete training program • Special draw and advance programs • High commisSions with repeat business • Excellent personal advancement opportunities To learn more about our business, call collect for a personal interview A. KITCHEN E519) 744-6341 THURSDAY, AUGUST 19 9 sem: to 9 p.m. - FRIDAY, AUGUST 20 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 4-58-1 Classified Rates WORD COUNT Charges are based on the number of words. Sets of numerals as for serial numbers, Street numbers, Phone numbers or prices count as one word per set. Words joined by hyphens count as separate words. FIRST INSERTION - 20 Words $1.50, 6c per word thereafter. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS - No copy-changes, . 4c per word, minimum $1.00. SEMI-DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION - $1.68 per column inch. 'SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS -11..54 per column \ • inch. (Minimum size in this category 2 inches. Accepted in multiples of half inch.) BOX NUMBERS TO THIS OFFICE - 50c per • insertion. BrATHS 20 words, $1.50, 6c per word thereafter. MARRIAGES, Engagements, Death Notices, 20'words $1.50, each additional word 6c. IN MEMORIAM - '$1.50 phis 10c per line of verse. COMING EVENTS - 20 words $1.50, each additional word 6c, Three insertions for the price of Z, CARD OF THANKS - 30 Words $1.50 , each additional word 3o. 28e MISCOUNT FC1R CASH PAYMENT, AT , TIME GIP IftrgtriT1ON. No Cancellation of multiple insertion advertiaenients after Noon, Tuesday. QUARTER Horse' cross Gelding with Western Saddle and Bridle. 527-1169 after 6:00 P.M. 11-58-1 20% FASTER GAINS ON 12% LESS FEED! - On NEW PURINA NIGH OCTANE PIG STARTING CHOWS H. 0. Startena and, IL 0. Growefta are truly High Energy! • The Dublin Feed Mill Dtiblin, 345.2330 - • "quality at a Fair Price" Lon.and 'forego Maloney, Prop.. 11-58.1 -GEORGE R. JOHNSTON REAL ESTATE LIMITED BROKER BOX 249 WEST LOR -ONT. 1 .•'',4ev,•‘•• 768-1170 oulVioney 14 Property For.Sale 14 Property For Sale In e4sicax 11, siding;.,, l1/2 t3of ebyet;;Ifootes, ::: cations; fitiishe :17,irchaIser' s specifi7 insul needs `some remodelling, • * ** $24,500.00. Phone 262-2101." 300 acre farm dear Luekkow, 250 . 14-57-2 acres systematically drained, 2 beadilifeler classified ads is 12 Noon Tuesdays., • Phone.527 240 • r- . • ,• 4 HURON EXPOSITOR, AUGUST19, 1976' ACP erg Day is Bright and Sunrjr- . With an -"Aretion Ad" t 0; r • HELP wanted for construction work, contact Bearss Aluminum, 527-1295. 4-58.1 RELIABLE person to babysit 4 out of 7 days a week, 7 to 3:30 . shift.. . Reply Box 3245, The Huron Expositor. 4-582 3 Crossbre d, serviceable age boars. Call Tom Papple, 527-0940. 8-57-2 13 Good .Chunks, Steve Murray, 345-2199. - 8-58-1 3 York sows due the end of August, second litter. Francis Coleman, 527-1555. 8-58x1 20 Gilts• due soon, 345-2067. 8-5841 An ' Expositor Classified will pay you dividends, Have you tried one? Dial 527-0240. Or 10 Used Cars For Sale 1974 Chev Camaro, excellent condition Phone 887-6533.10-57x2 1972 Datsun Deluxe 1200, 2 door, excellent condition. 30,000 miles. Has many extras,, winter tires and. rims, all white wall. Rear de- icer and radio. Will certify. Phone 345-2757. 10-57-tf 1972 Ford Louisville truck with a tag axle, cabin chassis. 1969 Ford truck with .12 foot platform. Call Seaforth Creamery, 527-0610. 10-58-ff 1,1 Articles For 'Sale 8 Acres Alfalfa hay, Second Cut, 262-5008.. '11-58-1 15 coloured Cement blocks 15" x 15", reasonable, 527-1077. 11-58-1 1000 Ft 14/4 " flooring good for panelling 26 pcs. 2 x.10 x 15 wide pine boards. 2 x 4's, roof rafters. Phone _Mitchell, 348-9055. 11-58x2 1971 G.M.C. custom camper, Marlboro camper, 11'/2 feet. 482-9155. 11-58-2 SIX row banes Windrower; with. centre delivery. 3020 Diesel John Deere Tractor. 482-9155. 11-58-2 ONE 2120 John Deere tractor with high-low 'shift, 1200 hours. Apply Gerald Ryan, Phone 527-0527. ' 11-58-1 SEE the Mark-O-Sonic organs, a high quality, low priced instrument with all the automatic feat ures. Special prices and up to 6 months free lessons for first time organ buyers. Your dealer for Wurlitzer player pianos, pianos, organs, electric piano. Pulsifer Music, Seaforth, 527-0053, 11-58-2 Corn, Potatoes, Carrots, Onions (green cooking & Spanish) SwiSS chard, dill cu mbers and cut flowers. App 150 Market Street. 11-58x1 ONE 1974 MC9.0 Kawasaki motorcycle, 527-1729. 11-58.1 ONE chesterfield, one space saver in good condition, 482-9243. 11-58-1 BOX-type Utility Trailer $50. Phone 482-7234. 11-58x1 MIXED GRAIN. Tent trailer that \ sleeps six. Sunshine electric '\stove, Phone 345-2869. 11-58:1 EMPEROR tent trailer, fair condition, sleeps 4, 5250.00 or best offei. Phone after 6 p.m., 482-7126. . 11.58-1 GESTETNER INK AVAILABLE at The . Huron Expositor, • 527.0240, Seaforth. 11-51-tf SWIMMING POOL wholesaler must dispose .91 1975 aluminum pools hi stock': Sacrifice price for desperately needed • 'factory warehouse space. Brand new swimming pools include walk around deck, fence, filter and warranty . Size 15' x 27', 1 ,088.00 cash or terms. Call Gord collect days or evenings, 1-519433-2611. 11-511 TROPICAL, FISFI BUDGIE'S CANARIES , A complete line of pet supplies PAT'S fit SHOP 350 Main Street Exeter Phone 231s 5:lit 1 GET your side of beef before the price increase, Phone 527-1629. 11-58-1 1970 Mobile Home - reverse hall. 12 x 60 ft..with 3 bedrooms, frig and stove included. Very good condition, • 527-0168 daily or 527-0486 after 6 pm. 11-58-2 DINING room suite consisting of china cabinet, buffet, table with leaf and four chairs, 527-0576 or 345-2126. 11-58-1 TWO bedroom 62 x 12 Li betty mobile home. Front kitchen with new floor, Coppertone appliances, large living room with new rug. Four-piece bath Price 55,300.00 including delivery. Phone 524-7143. 11-57-2 SWIMMING Pool sacrifice: Leading manufacturer and distributor has aluminum pools left over from 1975 season, 1/2 price, guaranteed installation and terms. Call collect days or evenings. 1-519-433-1683. 11-51-tf ONE electric guitar and amp $90.00. Phone 527-1068. 11-57.2 SIXTEEN ft. 1967 Camper Travel Trailer, excellent condition, sleeps 6, 523-9623. 11.57-2 COPIES Copies of your important papers or documents while you wait. Letter size, 25c each. THE HURON EXPOSITOR 11.51xtf SWIMMING POOL: Deluxe, Redwood, above ground pool, 16 x 24, 1 yr. old. Repossessed by bank, sacrifice 1/2 price. 'Call Mr. Harvey, collect, days or evenings, 416-625-8819. 11-514 STRIP tickets for admission or refreshments, ' single and duplicate. The Huron Expositor, Srforth, 11.514 LEADING Pool manufacturer 'has. 197 ,above ground redwopd type pools "aVailable, Willing to- Sacrificeittqtalf Price. Call collect ' anytime 1-416-66721302. ONE Palamino mare, 4' years old; one Chestnut mare, 2 years old, both saddle broken. 482-9207 after 6 p.m. '11-58-1 27 acr of clean oat straw. Joe Hast' 345-2279. 11-58x1 MING POOL, 24' diameter 4 . deep. Complete with deck, filter and pump; One trail bike 1974, 175 Can. AM, 345-2124 after 6. 11-58-1 ORNAMENTAL iron fence, 527-0715. 11-58-1 DOMINION piano, $250.00; Ennis • Piano $150.00; wringer washing machine, good condition $40.00. 345-2087. 11-58-1 Roxboro Gardens, 527-0705 For sale or pick your own p6tatoes, carrots, beets, broccoli, cabbage, beans zuehini. 11-58-2 17 cu. ft. Gilson deep :freeze in good condit 345-2975. 11-58-1 PIANO in good condition. $175.00, 262-5040. 11-58x1 ROUGH lumber full 2" x 8', x 10', x 12', Cherry lumber 4" x 4" x 8', 2" x 4" x 8', x 10, x 12 . Phone 527-0720 nr 236-4157. 11-58x1 ADDING machine. rolls, • typewriter ribbons for most machines. The Huron Expositor; 527-0240, Seafortr 1,2 'Wanted To Buy A snowmobile trailer or trailer suitable for hauling motorcycles. Calvin James, 887-9319. 12-58-2 WANTED: Grade 13 Biology -Text. Contact 527-0867 after 4:15 p.m. , 12-56-3 • WANTED a cross watch dog immediately. Robert, E. Holley, 52748.567- 12-58x1 14 Property Vor Sale ANNOUNCEMENT ,,- '5" .,. • ,,,i4sargbriar: MORANNE DUDDY Don Hoist, President of Don Hoist Real Estate Ltd., is pleased to announce the appointment of Moranne Duddy, Clinton, Ont..to the sales staff of the Clinton Office. Moranne is a graduate of the Ontario Real Estate Associa- tion Course, and is fully qualified to serve you. M orann, joins her husband, John Duddy, and John Thompson to repfesent the H olst CoMpany in Clinton and area. If you are thinking/ of buying or selling Real Estate call today. Clinton Office - 482-3595 or Reg: 482.3652, DON HOLST REAL ESTATE LTD. REALTORS 482-305. 4024595 14-58.1 14 Property For Sale ONE seven room frame house in the town • of Seaforth for imutediate sale. 25' acres, barn and house. 37 acres of land Without buildings. K. L. REAL ESTATE 41144Campbell, Agent, 527-0445. 7 14-58x3 THREE' bedroom cottage, new alumitium .siding, new kitchen cupboards, gas furnace. Apply to 527-0896. 14-58-3 50 Acre hog,farm , 2 barns 40 x 60 silo 16 x 67 ft. cement. Liquid manure holding tank. " good drilled well,, 3 bedrooms, white brick house. 45 acres corn will sell with or without crop. No real estate. George Cook, R.R .5, Mitchell, 348-8317. 14-:58x3 HOUSE on aPproximnately 2 acres of land, on Market Street with approinmately 100 ft. frontage; Phone 527-0563. 14158-2 HURON STREET A 2 floor 3 bedroom home mostly. all renovated. Part basement, forced air heat. Detached garage. large workshop insulktted and heated. Nicely landscaped lot with lots of flowers. NEED A LOT With wide-frontage? We have one on West William St.. Priced at $8,000. A new listing at 107 East William Street. Brick three-bedroom, oil- heated home. -Kitchen is quaint and dainty. Women would call it cute and nice. The lot is attractive. Full bath upstairs; half bath down. A retired farmer would find it pleasing, Charming and restful; not too big and not too small and in a refined ,neighbourhood. The type of home 'that 'many people Would, desire. Ask us to find the -place that would _suit your, purse and your purpose. ****** • WILLIAM M. HART 527.0870 or 565-2855 GEORGE R. JOHNSTON REAL ESTATE LTD. West Lorne 14-58.1 t BAILEY 82 Albortttioet Phone: 482-9371 MASON BAILEY- -BROBERAVIANAGER Clinton, Ontario 081/2 acre farm' in , Grey township, 70 acres workable, balance hardwood bush, 2 storey brick home, 8 rooms, 5 bedrooms. * **.* ** • ' Thriving 'taxi business for sale in Clinton, no Competitiok,''' 2-storey fyame home in Clinton; 8 room's, .4 bedrooms; • 11/2 baths, mostly carpeted, oil. heating, large lot. * ** * * * A Priced_defettf!ell this/-storey, ,9 room hpme in clinton, 4 bed; rooms, 11/2 baths, nice corner lot,. sniCie a Tsvp. c ann u er. **** ** 0 2 storey aluminum sided home in clinton, 3 bedroorns, oil heat, nice dining . and' living room, lovely 'back. yard: 5 room' bungalow •in sVartia, 2 bedrooms`, firePlace, all in- excellent condition, workshop and garage. * * * * 3 building lots in Clinton. 89 acres near Westfield, 80 acres workable, balance mixed bush, no buildings. 2C.,-• c * * * *** °WC: Bruc * **s*** 1 floor brick', home under construction in Clinton, attached garage, electric heat, can be 17 Wanted To Rent RESPONSIBLE family of 3 adults wishes to rent 3 bedroom house in excellent condition. Please apply, giving full details to Box 3240, Huron Exposito,r. 17-57x3 19 Notices DAVIDSON Hearing Aid Service. .. • e" hearing tests; 45 day triaLsk HOME and farm repairs, cep ant work; masonry work, '43deidliiing in fireplaces, chimneys and other odd jobs. Free,. estimates. For more infoimatien please call Stan Kirkham, Mitchell. 348-8797..: 19-51-ff CUSTOM \-SI4GHTERING and . PROCESSING Beef-Mondays., Hogs-Tuesdays AL'S MARKET Phone 262-2017 19-51-tf Farmers THINKING OF BUILDING?• For a good job at a reasonable price. Phone RAY LAMBERS R.R. 2, CLINTON • 482-3305 19-53-10 Eavestroughing ':First in •the world! We n ow offer a.,k1eVeamless 5" K. Style heaVy duty steel 4 eavestroughing in white, brown and black, Graham Bros. CondOn '432-2451. Chatham, 354-6212. 1.9-47x22 VACUUM CLEANERS SALES & SERVICE • ALL MAKES Bob Peck VARNA 262.5748 - 19-51-if Additional Classif.i:et ' on Page 15, 'Coming Events Ileechwood Pottery's regular show anct sale Sunday afternoon 1 p-,m. to 6 p.nr. 2% in. north of St. Columban 345-2184 1:58-1 • SEAFORTH Centenaires present Sean Fagan and Dublin Corpor- ation, Seaforth Arena, Saturday, Sept. 4th, 8 - 1, advance tickets $4.00, at the door $5.00. Phone 527-0882 or 527-1224. 1-57-3 DON'T FORGET the mixed euchre in the Legion Hall on TUESDAY, August 24th, 8:15 p.m. 1-58-1 SEAFORTH LIONS 6th car club at• cabaret dance and car draw, ,Saturday, August 28 at Seaforth Arena $4.00 per couple including buffet. Music by Montego. 1-58-2 BROLitiAGEN Chamber of Commerce Fall Festival, Frontier Style Smorgasbord. Hocks, Kraut, Ham, Beans and Corn. Friday, SepteMber 10, 5 - 8. Dance to follow 9 - I to Shannon. 1:58-4 Fettes Tours and Travel 11 Articles For Sale J. F. 4 furrow semi Mounted plow, $1„20.0.09; Kewanee 131/2 ft. disc. -$700.00: 345=2'715. 11-58-1 19 •...Acres of second cut hay, 527-0467. .11-58-1 12 cu. ft., Frigidaire refrigerator, 2 &or, good condition,. $1,50.60, 482-9206. ' ' 1E-58x1 LIMITED 184 Main St. S.' MOUNT FOREST ONTARIO Fettes Tours have limited space remaining on the following tours: • AUGUST 27 3 day 1000 Islands, Upper Canada Village and Ottawa. SEPTEMBER '2 23 day European tour covering 8 countries SEPTEMBER 4 7 day Colonial Virginia and Washington Tour SEPTEMBER 20 and 25 5 day Agawa Canyon and Mackinac Fall Colour tour SEPTEMBER 30 3 day Lake Placid and Adirondack Mountains Colour tour OCTOBER 2 3 day Letchworth Park, Finger Lakes colottr tour • OCTOBER 4 4 day' Algonquin, Ottawa and Gatineau Hills colour tour OCTOBER 8 4 day Nashville and Grand Ole Oprey. (no night driving) OCTOBER 17, 21. day ,Califorina and Golden West (10 seats emain), NOVEMBER 7 15 day Hawaiian via Wardair 4 Islands (a few seats only) NOVEMBER 12 2 day WWVA Jamboree in Wheeling. Complete descriptive b rochure availablev for all tours. Phone or write for a free copy.,,Fettes Tours and Travel '323-1545 -Mount Forest or 348-8492 in Mitchell. 'Ml coaches washroom equipped: 1-58-1- - , 11 Aiticles For Sale CERTIFIED Frederick seed wheat, Russell Bolton, .527-1428 or Arthur Boltop, 527.0455 . 11-58-2 BOLEX B eight M.M. Movie Camera with 36 M.M.F. 2.8 lens and 12,5 M.M. F 1.5 lens on a turret mount, New condition case, light meter, filters included. Call 527-0064 after 6 P.m'. 11-55-ff SWEET corn; 5 miles west of Seaforth on Highway 8, 60c per dozen or 75c per dozen. Phone 482-3136.11-56-4 LEADING SWIMMING POOL ,. • ;‘ Manufacturer must dispose of brand new 1975, above ground aluminum pools,, made to sell for "$1890.00 willing to close-out for $1188.00. Full warranties in effect. Call collect anytime. 1-416-667-1302. 11-51-if GARNET, Beauty and Sun Haven peaches, now ripening. at Art 13ells Fruit Farm. Als(seating and cooking apples, new potatoes, tomatoes, fresh honey and maple syrup. 524-8037 11-56-tf SWIMMING POOL SACRIFICE: Leading Manufacturer and distributor has above ground -aluminum pools left over from 1975 season. 1/2 price guaranteed installation and terms. Call Credit Manager collect. Mississauga 416-625-8819- days or evenings. 11-51.if RALEIGH model twenty folding bicycle, one year old in excellent condition. Equipped with a • 3 speed rear hub, rear carrier, kick stand, and bell. Ideal for camp- ing, boating and travelling.. Call 527-0064 after 6 p.m. • 11-55-ff MARLETTE, mobile home, 55 x 10 with two tip-outs •- 4 x 8 in living room,.second in back bedroom.' Front ktttchen with separate dining room.. Price $3950.00 with delivery. Phone Merli n 689-4823. 11-57-2 16 Ft. Golden Falcon trailer and housekeeping building situated at Family Paradise Camp Grounds near Walton. Must be seen to be appreciated. Priced right for immediate sale. Owner has bought another trailer. ',Contact Keith Flynn, Atwood, 356-2845. 11.58-1 , ISABELLE STREET Like new 3 bedroom home, electric forced air heat, sun deck. Large lot and workshop. Modern 3 bedroom kingalow with finished room in- has- eilt.:O4nt. X-UNBURN •s Three bedroom brick and alumi- num bungalow, electric heat, drilled well. TAKE YOUR PICK Two, one floor.,,,,homes each 1400 sq. ft. one with 4 bedrooms, the other 3. Both on new high , ,,,,basements and renovated to new "'House standard.. Located in COUNTRY LIVING Excellent 2 bedroom brick bunga- low, 8 miles from Seaforth, Detached garage... 'Landscaped lot, LOTS Four good building lots 'on Mill St. $7000 each • COUNTRY LOTS In Kinburn, 1h acre,-for mobile or custom homes, water available. $4,000. Clinton Office 482-3595 John Thompson 527.0238 John Duddy 482-3652 .. • . . .. Moranne Duddy 482.3652 w'i 1161/St • REAL ESTATE LIMITED REaltors • 14-58-1, 20 VIC FOX 523.9525 CLARK 2INN 524-8620 HAROLD WORKMAN 482-7658 'LARRY PLUMSTE,EL Phone 527-6052 482'-3821 Membcr.of HurOn Real Estate Board ... Multiple Listing Service COMMERCIAL PROPERTY "nt Main Street building for sale, containing a, restaurant and income from 1 store and 3 agar tmentS; • Feed Mill - excellent rural location - thriving returns very good equipment. HOMES 3 bedroom home, close to downtown LMely cedar, 3 bedroom home with full basement, large garage on Elizabeth Street.' 2 storey brick, house on Adam St. 3' bedroom, house in good location in Seaforth 3 bedroom brick btingalOw in Egmondville Apartment house, 3 3-bedroom units, extra tot, close to downtown. New 3-bedroom, well-built home in Egmondville, loVely interior. COUNTRY PROPERTY AND NEARBY VILLAGES 3 bedroom, new home near Lake, South Bayfield 3 bedroom brick' home on 1 acre near Bayfield • 3 bedroom, 1 floor home, good condition, in Hensill 2 cottage lots, 75 x 200, Port Pranks area, docking facilities' 3 b edrooin brick home on paved rbad neat tayfield Estate home, family room in cedar, fireplace; 3Vedrooms, on 1.7 acres near Goderich. 3' bedroom home on Tilie lot, paved' diive;,' In Varna 3 bedroom hoMe prieed to sell, good condition 'in Vanastta. FARMS 50 acres without buildings North Of Holinesville 200 acre cash crop farm gOod bitildinga near Auburn We have a good selection of homes to choose from in Clinton. 14.68.1 storey .om home, 4 bedrooms, 11/2 b * * ** * * • FOOD FOR THOUGHT How a man plays a game shows ' something of his character; how he loses, all of it. 14-58.1 15 Property For Rent 2 Bedroom apartment, gas' heat, separate drive, adults only, Available Sept. • 1, 527-0043. -- 15-58x2 . WELL furnished 3 bedroom house centrally located. Available' early September, Phone 527-1171. 15-58x1 THREE roomapartmen1t5.5p8lx2us .garden. Phone. 5271674 or 5 7 0193 • ,^ • AVAILABLE Sept. 1, one large two bedroom apartment with sunroom. Apply to Box 3243, The Huron Expositor. • 15-58-2 NICE 2 bedroom apartment close to hospital. More information5-58ca.flfl Fullarton 229-6768 after 6 p.m. it 3 Bedroom house for 'rent, Gordon Nobel, 527-0840. 15-58x1 MODERN country home available „ September 1, 527-11618A5.:58x1 b.4tteMs'et targes, repairS. City "„ and'country house calls, 334 Queens Avenue, Phone 432-9951 London. :19 51-tf FOR complete sewerhookup,,call the experts for details. Frank Kling Ltd, 527-1320 .19-574 R•N•ik.' For part time, relief, night shift. Starting in. September Apply Kilbarchan Nursing Home 527-0860 4-58x1 7 Situations Wanted - - CUSTOM ploughing Dan J. O'Rourke, Dublin, 345-2855. • 7-58x1 WILL do custom combining beans and corn. Phone Dave- Hannon,• 348-8050, after 6. p.m, .7-57-4 8 Farm Stock For Sale