The Huron Expositor, 1976-08-19, Page 8built in Ontario more, than -1() years ago could collapse in as little as 20 seconds - that the Most time anyone could expect to.have to escape from a collapsing arena of this type, would, be three minutes. Government officials,. maintainedthat warnings about unsafe arenas had been issued since 1969-70, but that these had been virtually ignored by munici- palities. Labour Minister.. Bette Stephenson made it quite clear to the Legislature that the provincial government will not back down from directives ordering arenas closed for safety. reasons, and denied charges that the govern- ment had been heavy-handed in dealing with this matter, since the municipalities had been warned on a numbecof occasions that arenas were unsafe because of- structural deficiencies in their roofs. She said that in most cases 'Arenas would be permitted to remain open until October 15 for summer activities, providing they were capable of withstanding a certain wind stress. In addition, she pointed out that the Province rbidustrial Safety Act was. changed in 1975 to give the . goviltiment the authority to close arenas which did not Meet safety regulatipns. Date Sack Virtually all the unsafe arenas are more than ten yearS old, and the majority of them date-back to the late 1940s, at which time the Federal Government offered grants to communities wishing to build centres asmemotials to the war dead. Many were built to a design intended for the almost snowless conditions of South Carolina, a design originated before ,engineers learned about technology which takes into accpunt uniform and non-uniform 111LAPP" FOOD STORES 111110... . „ = or* VOW 1011••• 11101•1 1111/1 1 POUND „ BLANCHED PEANUTS " ONLY FOR 9. (1 lb. per family) When you present this ad personally at COYLE'S FACTORY OUTLET 260 Tillsorr Ave. AT cost LE LANE; Tillsonburg 'Fresh Roasted Cashews; Peanuts and Mixed Nuts Bulk. Packs of Paper Plates, Serviettes Plastic Cutlery, Coffee Cups, Wine Glasses and Stir Sticks for Weddings, Parties, Banquets and Dances TORE HOURS: Mori. to Sat. 9 a•111). to 5 P,rn. PrI.9a,rn.te9nim. Annual Pixd Show Titisonarn ....community Centre entOitand1Silit F,Arns, Displays, Prizes and Pray Admission. ;Opera settit.4" SPEOALO9iiitTINO ATI P.14.4( Children must he actOmpahledit Adult/ This Offer Expires knet.90 1.976 = I 19 4, 3 at B09 * • Need assittance to keep arenas opeiatircg jack's `Jottings ON aXPOSITOR, AUGLlSt 19, 1976 Weddings snow loads, ft is now known that buildings ate subjected to three raain forces - their own "dead" weight, balanced or unbalanced snow, and wind stress. In the intinths since the Government's announcement about the closing Own_ of community arenas, there has been a great deal of discussion on the various methods of financing the necessary repairs to enable the arenas to remain in operation. Communities are , faced with the prospect of raising hundreds of thousands of dollars or loging the use of their arenas.V,9ntario funds are- being sought by • municipalities, community centre grants are being applied for, support is being given by the general public and various sports organizations. Some communities have found themselves in 'the very difficult position of attempting to- pay off enormous debts incurred by of the remaining costs. - Communities have latinched fund-raising, , drives, and everything ploSsible is b4ng done to ensure . that areans) Omani in operation. Some municipalities feel that without more assistance from the provincial government, it will be virtually impossible to cope with the financial' problems of bringing arenas up.to standard. In some . areas, the new government regulations - for snow load especially are considered to be unrealistic' in view of w Cher conditionse and recorded sn levels for the region. In ,our rural communities especially, the arena is the central location for much of the social life of the area. Hopefully, the Provincial Government will realize the importance of doing - everything possible to assist communities to keep their arenas operation. (By Jack Riddell, M.P.P.i In the early part of June the Provincial Government announ- ced that approximately 180 Ontario communities would be ordered to shut down their arenas permanently. because these facili- ties were too dangerous to use. An additional 120 communities were expected to he prohibited frem opening their arenas in the fall unless structural repairs were made. It was anticipated at that time that many of these latter arenas woad have seen their last hockey game also, because major repairs often cost as much as a new building. Reports indidated that probably Northern Ontario would be the hardest hit area, and that of the 360 arenas still to be inspected, some 300 would be ordered to close or make repairs. The director of occupational safety at the Ministry of Labour said- that an arena of the typo commonly improvements and alterations to arenas, which they will be unable to continue to use, unless they raise even more money to carry out the repairs and changes which are needed to bring the arenas into line With the government standards now being imposed. Confusion There is considerable confusion about the Provincial Governments intentions with' respect to financial assistance for communi- ties wishing to bring their arenas up to standard. Treasurer Darcy McKeough ordered a clampdown on funds whieh.ntay be borroVved for rinks and arenas, , whilst Culture and Recreation Minister Robert Welch hasapproved grants of Wintario funds for these facilities. At one point the Ministry of Culture and Recreation' announced that 25% of the cost of arena renovation would be taken care of, and wintario would pick up one-third .1 piiiiiiiiiiiiimiii11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111O111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111110111Miiiiiiimmimmimg1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111MM =NO NEON •0111.1 111•••• Mfm• 41•1•111111 MEMO 111•1111.0 •••• ••••• =MN MOORE - OKE - Mary The,Ima Oke, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Orville Oke, Seaforth and Mitchell , EL: --Randall Moore, son of Mrs; Eve' Moore, R'.R.#2, Goderich, were married on July 17, ,1976, at Northside United Churchl, .Seaforth, with Rev. rn Merv. Reuber officiating. The"tiffide was attended by her sister, Elaine Baker, of Mississauga, as Prices effective till animmommimilumnimimmn iiumniummiiiiiiimmg WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES #1 Tuesday, August 24 - 0111 44 F PICK•O-THE•CROF = Ont. Grown - EWAN MEM NEM •11•N• *MINS ••••• 1111.110.1.1rigir and Debra Moore, sister of the groom, fR.R,#2, = alia, aim Jolly Miller . izr°lr.oi 3/41 00; TOILET matron of honour, Vickie Miller, Waterloo, Anne' ,, Wilbee,. 'London, Sandra Johnston R R #1 gllblin= 11•=• •11.1114. ••••• 1111M111 .11 =- HEAD LETTUCE 811.114- 'O RANGE Ont. Grown Goderich. Larry Mohring, Toronto, was best man. `Ushers 'were David McConnell, and •Jim Deer, . Goderich, Ray• Baker, .Mississauga and Modris MOOa saw AN& iir•• TISSUE - AIM • Jansons, Kingston. The couple will reside in = 1.,AVOUR -COOKING-ONIONS "tag 29° A.` Willowdaie. (Photo by Jim Fitzgerald, Clinton) E-; - MOP CRYSTALS Sunkist Valencia - 99' „„„ 111111.1 „ . ' ' !loll • a e 3- 11/4 Dz. PKG. 59 „. atiliIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIII11111111111111111111111111111111111111E FOR HE SUNNY SEASON... = Size 113's ; .k‘ g ORANGES ••••• = 11.1.1•1 /OM NS. MOM ••11•11, 1101•111 NE•1•• .1••• 01/ 04/1111111111r .••▪ ••• g Canada = -...46moollrir = rr AIL • '41,11,•"" Kleenex insio rs ...„%sommumiar'w MOM - -i•mora IIMIMMEM.1.111111111 = 4111111‘ H "1111111Irsy = 4111111*, -11•161111111111111111111110111Wor E McCain MO& = MN. E ANL =▪ .1•111. L. • 890 ''"41111111.17 2 Lb. Pkg. AINIO 11•••• ••••••., 1111.16 111011. IMMY. , . .... . . MON . mow r OW • mews jilli. nap ... . -----4 $11. I r ea in. OZ. "".4"" :*-CORN Fancy woo Now- ."". ANL MINN TISSUE = ••• r, vie BOX OF VW- mom PM= Old'South MOM •••••4 390 890 '121i2 Oz. • - Tin =PM =NOM 11•11.• Jug 0 54* ORANGE JUICE ‘. = 210 %,‘ MN, mom mom .10 ono Ian MIOIN litiontoikk‘ Tiotitt 04 ems Pepperidge Farm M LAYER CAKES 1111••• 1•••• ••••• =NMI 1.En 61•••. 13 Oz., mot 1011#1,, • rio •••••I Pkg. 0/01 0.11•A •••• =IMO IMO Nor OMEN in•Yff gly moo um. OW, SOW ••••• stiMen 11•101. 1,111•▪ 0 IMMO NEM. Oro mom E .4*, Schneiders ligoorook". 4114 WIENERS OMNI MeN/ MINS saline 411 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I! I I p I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I mulin111111," = via/1111r IsOnalln110111111111111111. 400%, WHITE -.Nuniminimmom.. = daft CAESSELL SIVIITH.-Sheila Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Smith of Bornholm, and Paul Chessell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Chessell of Varna, were married on June 19 in St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Brodhagen. They are residing in Stratford. (Photo by Russell Studio, Listowel) 11111111. N11111111.11111P' 7ii: SUGAR = Knechtel INSTANT COFFEE "tir 2 89 =aft • • ti = SO' Westons inealtyme Iftir. OM= = Mir 2-24 Oz. Otis. 90 m 11.1 WHIT BREAD LIQUID DETERGENT 9 79 Imps OMEN EaLr. 24 1.00zif 3/990 = efit„ - OMR , . Ni. cpmivat . . itiollitttAkk i TOMATO-ES j ... 28 st n 59e ....... gigot,80,‘ . Aylmer 1 CORN cream l e It:: 131 or 114:DOz:zTin 3/1.601 - 401".*?4,0* ' 6A' WOW WWI MOM am. IIIMMO .000 *If NNW MOM oIMP ONO elf 011W* dot •001.0 ••04•11. = A'oph. Schnstiftrs 04.°111°,00011rogs a .441f Frozen "wsuallsrammairi !M. • Att Silverwoods .4.4611.1gr .1•0000" 011••• l•••• glIONS OMR ONIMI E"'" Clover Leaf .Oranges 2 cy gEN1111111.1es = mourasommomarrosomior- • = E. 437e = MANDARIN 2/691 z. CELLO • --- ' MOO ftM MWa• • WM* CRISCO OIL a Ama STEAKETTES ""1101P-r 4- I 1.49 = moor 1161 BOLOGNA 89! ! 4 le Oz. Pkg•fk%%k 71) ROTHS FOOD, `44:4(tiolitti.04‘ ILK 38 Oz. "sr- •••• tit. 09 plus '3 Jill-. 'llePesit • 111111i11101111111111111111111a. 11M1111111111111M11111111111111111111111ffi 1.0 ;IP' Schneiders 1 8 9° .0. MEW. WINO ON.* mom WAir FOOD STORES oars o▪ r, ooposir MARKET Stott, Hours • Mon., Does., Watt,. Sat. 9-6 Thurs., 4 Fri. 919 • §1011111110101111111111111111111611111111111111111111111111111111illifilfinifinninillMillifilliffiliniunnioni • oliiiiftmomiommoolonnnitoollififilliniffill111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111118 0 oir.reie Delsey S'Oaforth Ontario NM▪ * 0.111•11Y . &ma