The Wingham Times, 1895-02-15, Page 44
C. E. WI LL,hf i8
DR t G G IE T.
RCT, L. it. W. TELF.eliUW i CO
opp. Qru svi e! HOi Sti
- - - Gut
FiiI.17AY FEBRUARY 15, 1805.
L.ter Saturday's Canada Gazette
contained a proclamation further
proroguing Parliament, until Mon-
day, Marrth 25th.
THE. i)onduion Alliance Executive
have decided not to hold a Provin-
cial ('onvention until after the de-
cision is given on the test ease by the
Privy Connell. A. manifesto is to be
issued, recommending temperance
workers to attend nominating con-
, Vt'tlti011s to seelhl'e the nomination of
prohibitionists to oppose candidates
who are not prohibitionists, and
where no prohibitionists are nomin-
ated to nominate independent prohf-
bitionist candidates.
'Trig: papers have been snaking
' great fan of Hon. J. C. Patterson's
threat in his Toronto speech, the
' other night, that " the young Con-
+ sere atives would fight their efforts to
EDITORIAL NoTES• secure power with their ballots, and,
FAR RI('HAIW CARTWRIGHT has if necessary, with their bullets."
1-4n re -nominated for South Oxford.
The Hon. gentleman did not seem
THE petition against McNeill, thesuch a wonderfully bloodthirsty in-
t dividual when he was in Wingha'm a
Patron -P. P. A. member -elect for ; month or so ago. Perhaps the out -
South Perth for the Ontario Legis- i look for retaining his present post -
"attire, was dismissed, last Thurs-1 tion and salary is making him des -
day. i perate.
IT is reported that Solicitor -Gen- THE condition of the Dominion
eras Curran will bo raised to the ' finances is becoming worse and
Superior Court bench, to fill the
vacancy caused by the death of Sir
Francis Johnson.
REV DR. Carman, General Super-
intendent of the Methodist Church,
has decided to remove to Toronto
from Belleville, where he has resided.
for nearly half a century.
THE Town of Berlin is petitioning
the Legislature to prohibit local bo-
nuses to factory -owners. It is time
the municipalities took action to save
themselves from this growing evil.
THE petition against the Hon.
Richard Harcourt, Provincial Treas-
urer, has been withdrawn. The
petition was said to have been ori-
ginally entered by thePatrons of In-
dztstry in the constituency.
ONTAIuo continues to add to its
reputation as. a steady, well ordered
Province. In 188.1 the committals
for drunkc•ith,er:: were one to four
hundred of the population, whereas
f:'r• the past year they were but une
to nine hundred, a. decrease of' G per
J. A. CiHIPMAN, a leading Nova
Scotia ..saiservative, head of a big
businese firm,, and until recently an
active cairi signer, has resolved that
can hio longer support the party
with which be has been allied. This
annouulcr•ment has caused a sensation
in the Maritime Provinces.
C 1' ;EfAL BOOTH, while in Toronto.
the other day \'sherd upon Sir Mac-
1>,enzie 1-01teil and asked the Govern-
n.allt to support n scheme for settling
issiestiee .Truly immigrants 00 a
tract of land either hi the Edmonton
or Prince Albert district. Sir Mac-
kenzie said if this scheme were put
in writing, it would receive every
OfRrlt;Lrlt 11:15 been issued to
the chief constables. county constabl es
and the public regarding the pro-
posed organizas.tioe of n provincial
constabulary by the consolidation of
Ontario's comity constables, the Sims
81I4 objects of' the organization being
better proteE'tion in the country, and
the centralization of power by an
executive head.
Suite, of the Ministerial tourists
have ventured to se enis of the free
breakfast table. Let us see how
free it is. Tt, is eaten of a table tax-
ed 20 ver rents the table -cloth is
taxed 25 per cent., the crockery 30
per emit„ and the sugar 20 per cent..,
'Alli!, not one-half the taxes go into
the public treasury, but are collect -
e(1 by our privatetax-masters for
tl eir per: onal benefit.
1It 'SVIt.LTAst VAS Heintz, who
has just returned from England,
arrived in Montreal on Monday in
the best of health. He laughed at
the AAtlantie railway scheme; said the
present Wa13 a bad time to advance
the Atlantic fast *nail service; that
lie expected that traffic would im-
plr( on the Canadian 1'aclfle rail -
wan and that the men 'whowere
dropped wogrte-employe.
Loon be employe.
worse as each monthly statement
appears in the Official Gazette. The
revenue up to Jan.1 was $19,254,832,
as compared with $21,414,552 for the
same period last year, a decrease or
F2,159,7.20 for 1895, the expenditure
for the same period is $738,310 in
exesss of what it was last year,
leaving a shortage at both ends and
• a total deficit for the seven months
of nearly $3,000,000. This will mean
a deficit for the current eat fi,.ca 1 year of
$5,000,000. The expenditure for Jan-
; nary exceeded the expenditure for Jan-
uary, 1894, by half a million dollars.
. The startling announcement is made
that the public debt increased during
the month by $3,743,000, so that the
debt is now in round figures $250,-
TIIE GLOBE : Mr. Patterson is in a
dreadful frame of mind. All over
Western Ontario he has been dream-
ing of treasons, Stl'iltage111S anti'
:poi's, and has more than once given .
voice to his dreams. He believes
the Liberals the not true to the old
flag, ar:d evidently meditates turning
out the militia on election day. He
speeched" at the ceremonies con-
nected with the opening of the rooms
of the Young Men's Conservative As-
sociation in this fashion : " He charg-
ed the Liberals with being untruthful
to the country, and the country
wonted none of them. The young
Conservatives would fight their ef-
fforts to secure power with their bal-
lots, :Ind if necessary with their bul-
let.~." We are not told whether the
Minister spoke with a uniform on, a
sword by his side and spurs as big as
saucers on his heels. To be it char-
acter that should have been his cos-
tume. Alliteration has many eharms,
but she is a siren that has led many
ellen to their doom, as witness that
clergyman who helped Mr. Cleve-
land into office by his famous declar-
ation anent Rum, Romanism and
Rebellion. Ballots and bullets is a.
good phrase, but bullets and balder-
dash i5 just as good.
AI I. John A. Barnard, of the firm of Black & Har•
mars, i) twe:al Aliliers, has consented to act AS a_rent
for 5..'rimss in Wroxeter, and will receive subscrip-
tion,, etc , ter ?Ant.e.
()n Thursday of last week a curl-
ing match was held here between
Tho Delayed Session.
Tlie Dominion lxovernmeut InIs
gained nothing by its departure from
straightforward, busfneslikemethadss
in regard to the general elections.
As every one knew that the event
must come this year it was useless to
attempt to spring a. surprise upon the
electors. The right course would
have been to call Parliament early,
expedite Wetness by abstaining from
all but necessary measures, and then
held the elections as wolf afterwards
as was convenient for the farmers.
]3y that time the lists would have
been completed and in the hands of
of all parties ; and the electors would
have received through the proceed- ---°�°°•-`',SMAII*
ings of Parliament the freshest pos- TURN BERRY.
Bible information as to the condition
of the finances and other public
business. That, at least, is the course
that would have been pursued by a
Government that had nothing to
conceal and nothing to fear. It
would have been, even for a Govern-
ment that has much to conceal and
to fear, a more politic course than
has been pursued. As it is now, the
best time of the year for the holding
of the session is being wasted ; the
whole country will be inconvenienced
by throwing the meeting of Parlia-
ment forward into the spring or
summer; and the election, even if
announced this very day, can be
held only a few weeks sooner than it
might have been held after an early,
brief and businesslike session.
The question from the first was
not whether there should be an
early dissolution, but whether there
should be another session of Parlia-
ment before dissolution ; in other
words, whether the Ministers were
prepared to do their duty by calling
Parliament at the regular time and
giving the people, through their rep-
resentatives, the information as to
public business to which they were
entitled. They have shirked that
duty, and yet they have failed to
win the party advantage to which
they were prepared to sacrifice duty
and the public convenience. The
country has witnessed few more
humiliating spectacles than the
dreary farce which is now being
enacted at Ottawa; the disputes be-
tween Ministers who wanted to evade
the session and Ministers who wanted
a session for the purpose of gerryman-
dering Quebec ; the assertion—per-
haps to be regarded as a sort of
dismal joke—that the question of
session or no session had never been
considered in the Cabinet. 'Think of
the great business and industrial
interests of this country being at the
mercy of men who are making such
an exhibition of feebleness, vacilla-
tion, trifling and evasion.—Monday's
Mr. J. S. Jerome, Dentist, Wing -
ham, says: "Williams' Little Dandelion
Pills are the best in the market."
v. Geo. Craiwy,tiank, Turnberry.
says: "There is no fill equal to Williams'
Little Dandelion Pills,"
Mr. lc'inlay Anderson, Ex -Deputy -
Reeve of East Wawanokh, says: "'Toy
are the most satisfactory Pill I have ever
Trues Taylor, Warden for the
County of Huron, say's: "I would not use
anv other Pi11,"
ThoIW heat Situation. MARKET i REPOlL l .
ryt id'rASt.
There has been ver • littee improve -
went in the wheat situation. A
striking feature of the situation is
Mutt, in spite of the fact that wheat
has been gelling as low as 50e. per
bushel in (Chicago for rnnliths, and
has scold according to The American
Miller, as low as 20e in the extreme
northwest, the winter wheat acreage
Chas. Proctor. 4th lino of Morris. in the 17 lilted. States has increased.
Pays: "I would not bo without Williams' In 1891 it was :331 518,795 acres, this
Little Dandelion Pisses" year tnefal.•uh'r in that country have
JR,s, Gaunt Ex -Warden for County
of Bruce, says:' "I have found thea( in- planted 24,:3:31,9358 acres. "NOW,',
deed a wonderful Pill," says the paper quoted, "if the (iovern-
Hundreds of likoTestimonials furnish. heist statistician is right in bis
eel on application.
John Henderson, Main street, -had
a slight paralytic stroke on Friday
of last week, but he is, however,
making a good recovery. Mrs.
Perry, of Stratford, his sister, is visit-
ing slim at present. --At the skating'
carnival here the ether night the
first prize was awarded to Miss
Louise Smith a young girl who re-
presented a fairy.—A Horticultural
Society has been organized with the
following officers: President, A. W.
Featherstone ; vice-president, Wm.
heith, of Ehna; directors—Geo. V.
Poole and Mr. Hemsworth, Wallace ;
Jas. Fenton and A. McAllister, EIrna;
Amos Smith, Grey ; Graham Jaek-
son, Maryborough ; Il. Goddard, T.
Male and Jas. Perrin, Listowel. . A.
J. Collins, Listowel, and S. S. Roth.
well, Elm, were appointed Auditors..
----Miss Mary Scott is visiting in
is rnia for a fere days.—The Webling
Sisters entertainment given under the
auspices of the I. 0. 0. F., last Fri-
day evening was well attended and
the 13russels and Wroxeter clubs. It everybody bseerned well pleased.—
resulted in a tic. --Mrs. Dow, of Three councilors Henry Goddard.
North Dakota, is at present visiting Win. McCutcheon and Jacob Sett -
her parents, Mr. and Mrs, John Me- burger have received notice that
Invish.--The annual Howiek Union they are not entitled to sit. The ob-
S. S. Convention was held in Bel- jection to the first two named is
more on Tuesday last. Our schools insitftictent property qualification and
sent a large representation.—Mr. the latter that he is under salary from
Jno. Hamilton shipped a car load of the town as a fireman. ---Will V.
cattle and hogs to Toronto this week. Bellwood, of Listowel, late with A.
-A !lumber of our young people Macdonald, Market street, Stratford,
attended the carnival in 'Wingbanm, intends launching forth for himself,
on Thursday evening, the 7th. ---This• having purchased a large dry goods
week it is our duty to record the store At Port Elgin. ---'There are 118
death of one of our young Men. pupils on tato roll of the Listowel
Mr. Andrew McXenzte, of Turnbcrry, high school and the average attentd-
died on !friday, the 8th inst., aged ince is 109.
25 years. The deceased was a,
young man who ways MUCH11'espected =GRAVE.
by all. He was a victim of lung f
trouble and had been unwell for' Mr. (;lam Livingston, of this place,
some months previous to lois death. f has a contract to manufacture 80,000
The burial took place in the demo• f rollers for the Liverpool, •l•:ngland,
eery' there on Monday. market. .
figures, that the average cosi. of pro
ssesesse clueing an acre of -wheat is 4311.50, t
large part of our farming population i
need guardians; nothing but' over-
I3lnewale oil 'Monday, Feb,'1 1 ng financial loss can help fol-
• Wingham, February 14, 1895.
Corrected by 1'. Dean::, Traduce Dealer.
!'lour per 100 lb�r 1 •40 to 1 ?5
• Vali Wheat 0 55 to 0 56
Spring NV heat 0 55 to 0 56
Oats 0 18 to 0 20
Barley 0 115 to 0 40
0 :t3 to 0 53
Butter, rills ........ 0 14 to 0 15
Eggs per dozen ... 0 15 to 0 15
aloud l:er curse............1 25 to 1 50
Hay per tats...... .... 7 00 to 7 5�.
Potatoes, per bw.liel 0 110 to 0 3�
Tallow, pi- i1? i 10 ti:) to 0 05
Dried Apple:,, par lb 0 14 to 0 05
i Chickens 11 '2:) to 0 35
I Ducks (1 30 to 0 50
Turkeys 0 0:S to 0 09
i Geese 0 05 to 0 06
475 to 490
400 to 500
i Dressed Hots
L Beef
The Council (net in McDonald's rr le nn•
11th, 1895. Dtenubers all prevent lowing them, But of course he is
r • wrong. The fact of an increase in
rhe Reeve in the chair. The win- acreage wort Id sewn sufficient to refute
utes of last meeting were read op -
.his figures. But what can have
tions were read from Single T� that haveprices, got so lore that they
1i and segued •
I •Communic•at
a -
caused the increase. It is the hope
Association re Local Option in assess- °"
must improve, or is Secretary Morton
'Hent-- Filed. Also bill of costs in right in shl.ying that wheat is a lazy
Bryce Law • Suit. Moved by Mr•1 man's crop, and the American farmer
grove, that by-law No. 6, 1895, be the least trouble and require, the
of the city of London Engineer l
ander the Ditches and Watercourses belief that the next crop will be a
Cruickshank, seconded by Mr. Mus-
insists on raising the crop that gives
passed, appointing C. A. Jones, Esq., 'least manual labor ? Possibly the
s ;
short One and prices advanced has
Act, 1894, at a salary of $6 per day 'something tq do with it.
and no extras—Carried. Moved by
Mr. Musgrove, seconded by Mr.
Diment, that by-law No. 5, 1895, be On Friday evening an express
passed for the purpose of naming I train on the Midland Division of the
fees to be paid to Clerk under the G. T. R. ran into a snow -plough
Ditches and Watercourses Act, 1894
Carried. The Auditors' report for
the year 1894 was laid before the
Council. Moved by Mr. Cruiskshank,
seconded by Mr. Diment, that the
Auditors' report be received and _..-..._...
adopted and that they be paid $10 Five Stook til nrLets.
each — Carried. Moved by Mr. East Buffalo N. Y., .Feb. 11.—
Cruickshank, seconded by Mr. Gem- Cattle—Receipts, 2,300 head; market
mill, that the Clec
get one hundredred
steady to firm for good rides
copies of Abstract printed—Carried. " g '
Moved by Mr. Cruielcshank, seconded shade easier for cows and common
M Mr. Mi'. C, that the Clerked stock ; but few buyers here owing to
bythe storm and blocked road; ship -
instructed to write to each of the inents very light, which has a bad
parties that 'tendered for bridge ask- effect on all branches of the trade
ing them to send in new tenders on and restrains trading; few sales extra
or before the 25th day of February 1,800 -lb steers,$4.85; fair to good
at 4 o'clock, p. 1n., on the amended mixed butchrs' ggrades, $3.15 to
plans which can be seen at the $3.90; fat cows, $2.45 to $3.80 fresh
Clerk's office on or after the 18th coyc's,� steady, -; $25 to $52 a� head.
Inst — Carried. Moved by Mr. Bogs -Receipts, 15,550 head; market
Cruickshank, seconded by Mr. (:rens- at a standstill, outside of a few local
mill, that Messrs. 'McPherson, Diment deals;.good light Bogs, 1.0 to 160
and Musgrove be a committee to pounces, sold at. $4.00 to $4.70; heavy
award tenders for bridges and that -weight Yorkers, :;4,30 to°;.i-.50; good
they meet in the Clerk's office on mediums, +4.35 to ;,,4.50. • Sheep and
Feb. 25th at 8.30 p. m.—Carried. lambs—Total offerings Were 112 cars.
The following accounts were passed Closed firm and a good many unsold.
and orders on' Treasurer issued : Primo Canada sheep and export at
John Woods, clearing flood wood $2.55 to w'5. The railway blockade
from Gray's bridge in 1894 and is being raised.
1895, $10 ; Robert Leggatt, remov- Montreal Feb. 11. --There were
ing stones from road, $1 ; D. Fraser, about 250 head of butchers' cattle
Auditors' salary, $10; Alex, McEwen, 100 sheepand lamb, and 30 calves
Auditors' salary, $10; Wen. Ue- offered athe East End Abattoir to -
Pherson, attending audit, $2 ; Robt• day. The bntchees were out in eon -
Lowry, charity, $4 ; John Elford, siderable number but trade was
charity, $4. Moved b; :lir. Mus- very slow, as the 'prices asked were
grove, seconded by Mr. Gemini'', I too high to suit the butchers who are
that the meeting clo now adjourn to hoping for larger supplies and lower
meet in McDonald's hall, Bluovalc, on prices. The best cattle sold at
Monday,y March - 18th, at 10 o'clock frons 32c to 4e per pound,
a. m. Car led. 1 with pretty goad stock at from 3 c to
JOHN BuRc.Ess, Cask. ,4c, and rough, half -fatted beasts at
, from 21,s to 3c per pound. There
Tho Genuine Merit were a number of' milkmen's strippers
01 TIocd's Sarsaparilla wins friends on the market to day, and prices of
wherever it is fairly and honestly tried. these were from $21 to 84G each, or
To have perfect health, you must havo from 3e to 3=;e per pound. Good
pure blood, and the best, way to have pure s P 1
blood is to take Hood's Sarsaparilla, the lambs were rather higher in price, or
best blood purifier and strength builder. at about 4e pet' pound, and lots at
]t expels all taint of scrofula, salt rheum about 3A,c per pound.' .fat hogs 6ol1
and all other humors, and at the same at frons Ola to -1 e per 1 ound.
time builds up the whole system.
'Moo's PiLL'i are prompt and efficient.
train, wrecking it badly, killing the
engine driver and seriously wound-
ing several i'ailwaN hands. The
passengers to the number of 30, es-
Patrick McCasey has sold his
house and ten acres of land hear the
village of llcigrave for the stun of
$600. Wm, Wightmau was the
purchaser. Mr. and Mrs. McCasey
intend going to reside with their son
in Kansas. ---On Wednesday of last
week Win. • T, Mooney, of Indian'
Head,. N. W. T., eldest son of Reeve'
Mooney, of this township, and Misr; i
Mary Donald, of Wide-awake, N. W.
T., were united in the holy bonds of
matrimony at the house of the bride's
'mother. Mr. Mooney has been in the
Fest for about three years and as he ;
has been keeping Bachelor's Ilalll
the most of the time, he is to be con-!
gratulatod on securing the necessary I
outfit for a home, a good. wife. Mr.
Mooney's old friends wish himself and
bride many happy and prosperous
years of joy and bliss. --Township.
Council will meet on Monday, 18th !
inst.—Adam Scott, sr., has had a
stroke of paralysis, but we hope he
will soot be better again.
nA' tit
USE u1R "t
0 �
et SN is
AP tfurnoH$
i Fall Wheat 0 56 to 0 58
Spring Wheat 0 55 to 0 57
I3nrley (1 40 to 0 45
Oat; 0 '.7 to 0 28
Peas (1 50 to 0 51
Potatoesy, per bushel.... (1 30 to 0 35
HButter 0 13 to 0 15
Eggs, par clozon .... 0 14 to 0 16
, 600to700
1 Cordwood 3 00 to 4 00'
Syool ... 0 17 to 0 20
Wroxeter, Feb. 14, 1895.
Fall Wheat 0 58 to 0 58
Spring Wheat 0 57 to 0 58
Barleys... 0 :35 to 0 35
Oats 0 27 to 0 27
Peas 0 50 to 0 52
Potatoes, per bushel.... 0 35 to 0 35
Butter... 0 13 to 0 13
Eggs, per dozen0 14 to 0 14
Hay 8 00 to 8 00
Woocl, short 1 50 to 1 50
Wool 0 16 to 0 16.
Dressed Bogs 4 GO to 4 60
Beef 4 50 to 5 54
Notice is hereby eh en, pursuant to Revised
Statutes of ()Mario, 1957, chapter 110 sec. 06, that
all persons having claims Against the estate of
Archibald Brunt, (or lirent) ince of the township of
East Wawauosh, to the County of Huron, yeoman,
deceased,who died
about the • h
nut day of
Decembr in the year of our Lord one thousand
eight hundred and ninety four, are requested to
Fend by post prepaid or deliver to the undersigned,
solicitor Inc John Brunt, the ndmiIistrator of the•
estate of the said deceasednt n'inghnn. P. 0. on or
before the 5th day of Alarch, A. D. 1905, their
Haines, addresses and dcsc)iptions, full particularw
of their claims and the nature of the security, (if
au)), held itv them; and that after the said day, the
said administrator will proceed to distribute the as.
sots of the snid deceased ttlno1:1; the parties entitled
thereto, having regard to the claims only of which
ho shall then have notice.
1t. VANSTONE, Wingham,
Solicitor for the said administrator
Dated nt r1'intiham this 7th day of February, A.
D..1895. '
NO ICE 70 'R " `TORS.
Notice i otoby ermine punt • t to Revised State,
tos of Outa., 1887, chapter U, section 36, that all
persons Karin claims agn' . t the estate of Isabel'
Eadie, late of le Tow in o Tarnberrv, in the
County of Uurm spi .to; ,,io eased, who died on
or about the 87th t rf November, )894, are request•
ad to send by po prepaid or deliver to Andrew
3liteholl, t.f the nit 1eu mahip of I'uti.berry, (Wing.
ham P. O ), on +r bet w the 2015 day of February,
1895, their na es, adds era+ and de.criitio,s, and
full partlenla . of their ni,'and the moor? of the.
semtrlty (if , v) held by th ; and that after the
said day 1.1" said Excrmtol• wilt tnrced to distribute•
the assets 1 the deceaxcd among , e part4es entitled
thereto, vine. regard to the claim. omit of which
Ire shall run have anti
A.N'1)ltEvw St1TCnF.L. Exenntor.
Dated tt Win. harn tills 31.n. dry of January, 130".
Two eery eur.erior young Shorthorn
Bulls for rale, 1s1 ;:rice'}; to sent .4.,, times..
Color red one tit toll ❑ ontlls old and
one twelve.
\%'hi1eehunth P. 0.
Cannot supply graduates from its SHoRT-
HAlxi) DSPARTMLYT fIIBA enough to meet
the demand for them.
16 of the latest positions filled were filled with
undergraduates. Wes Alice Murdock, rut under.
gradute of this department, has just been placid as
Stenographer Oea lers,toftlioyuant`ity, Dtich ,(rat Sc good
It Pays to Attend n, gahool that has the con.
fidont•o of the liminess public,. and can field you a
good position when year are qualified to accept it.
rnatructiou iv h.divi ln.d, uul pupils may commend*,
at any time. For cata ingu?a, address
(afathuuf, Out..
Opposite Post Office.
ALL brimI•: I)ELIOA(1ILti o1''rllrl SEASON
Oi 1IAhn,
Everything kept in stock that can be.
obtained in a city restaurant.
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