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The Huron Expositor, 1976-08-12, Page 11
fps There's only a little more than a week left to get tickets for "Anne of Green Gables" at Seaforth, District High School on Sunday, August 22. The Huron Country Playhouse production will be in Seaforth for two performances that day, a matinee at 3 p.m. and an evening. show at 8 p.m., Sponsored by the Van Egmond Foundation. Tickets are $4 for adults' and $2 f?i children. Lucy Maude-Montgomery, who wrote the Canadian classic, was born at Clifton Corner, Prince, Edward Island, on November 30, 1874. Here her father ran :a country store which for' many years was a '>-landmark, later destroyed by fire. When Lucy Maude was twenty- one months old 'her mother died, he father moved to Western Cranada, and she was left, in the care of her grandpar'ents...She was Newspaper used as bedding Recycled paper may - find a place- in agriculture. Agriculture Canada is studying shredded, used paper as a possible cattle bedding material.- The study began when a company asked the 'government to cheek the shredded paper it Was ball ng for possible sale to farmers. , ','We k'now that animals in loose housing eat about five to 10 pet...cent. of their bedding," says . Dr. Louis Laflamme of •• Agriculture Canada's feed- and fertilizer. section here. "Ruminant animals Such as cattle and sheep can digest about 30 per cent of the newspaper they cat. Any harmful material in the bedding could get into the food chain and possibly affect people." • Shredded paper was analyzed for the presence of salt, sulphur, heavy metals (arsenic. mercury, lead, chromium and cadmium), and for polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) once used ,in glues and inks, but now banned. "Paper is essentially wood fibre and. is' hartdess," Dr. Laflatn -..ie says. "But inks, glues, fillers and caotings could Contain dangerous , substances. Newspapers have up to five parts per million of lead, piPked up from metal printing plates. Analyses of newspapers from a major Canadian city proved them safe for animal bedding. Therefore, Dr. Laflamme says the use of newspapers as a replace- ment straw or shavings' for bedding seems to be safe. Colored glossy paper such as that found in magazines is being researched by Agriculture Canada. It •now is known that , glossy papers -- especially those printed with yelloW inks have' • higher lead levels 'than newspaper and should not be used as bedding for livestock. • Every week more and more people discover what mighty jobs are accomplished by low cost Huroh Expositor Want Ads. Dial ' 527-0246. HE LOOKS PRETTY BIG-Monday was. bring your pet day at Snoopy Summer School and some pretty big pets arrived. The kids gathered cautiously around Donna Reynolds' horse here. Other pets who turned up, ,included a pony called Oliver Twist, a fish called Sammy, a donkey called Tinky Poo, and a rabbit named Beaver. (Staff Photo) Van Egmond to sponsor Anne of Green Gables at SD course in English literature at mom Scotia. 8y 1901. she was making a E small but adequate income = althOugh nine out of tan of her manuscripts were being returned. MOO Dalhousie College, H alifax, Nova = MOM SS '90 44. a Seaforth tr Thursday, friday and Saturday featuring Volume Daily Lunch Hour Specials MOM MEM MOM IMMO MOM tOMM WED.. THURS., FRI. and•SAT. AUGUST 11, 12, 13 and 14 HURON COUNTY'S . "Senior: Citizen's Night" 11 THURSDAY, AUGUST 1 '2 SENIOR CITIZENS ADMISSION $1. , PER PERSON WITH YOUR CARD. BARRY. NEWMAN SUZY KENDALL ADULT ENTERTALNMENT . in A SAM PECHINPAH tom "TIHIEK ALL STAR TOURS PIONEERS OF ESCORTED MOTOR COACH TOURS -New York City, N.Y. Wheeling, W.Va. • Nashvi]ipt Tenn. Ottawa, Ont,. THANKSGIVING WEEKEND Oct 8 to, Cot . /76 Boston & Pl ymouth Washington. & Blue Ridge Mt Nashv.ilTe, Tenn (4.days) Vashvil ]e,Tenn (5da.,y-s) FALL COLOUR' SPECIALS Sept & October Departures Lake Placid& Adirondacks days Haliburton &A.1 gonquin Park 3 days Muskoka LakeAManitoul in Is 3 gays Scotts Oquaga Lake Resort 4 days viro They called it od's Country ..until all hell broke loose! KRIS KRISTOFFERSON JAN MICHAEL VINCENT BROWNIE'S DRIVE-IN TUESDAY NITE SPECIAL Tuesday, August '1 7 ALLYN CAN GET UNDER ONE ROOF--; - T y y T 4( * * * *"*e• * * * * * * * * * 80X 780 SEAFORTH ONTARIO 519 527-0050 Ontario Licence #12399'97 STARTING WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 18 JACK NICHOLSON IN "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" PLUS — CLINT EASTWOOD IN "Thunderbolt and Lightfoot" "OUR BUSINESS IS GOING PLACES" LABOUR DAY WEEKEND SPECIALS Sept 3 to Sept. 6/76 11/4 T y y T At SeafOrt Manor Tibig Fre Li:m(4h t li $ high • honours. At fifteen, she •began..- „ • seeing her poems printred in the = Daily Patriot in Charlottetown, In ••... June, 1894, she received her tea`cher's lic'enee and began her ditties as teacher at Bideford. The =' 'next year, she took a selected = "Anne" author, L.M.Montgomery a shy and imaginative child, given to day-dreaming. As she had no childhood companions. she invented soh* for herself and would converse with them as she would an ordinary person. At "twelve years old she submitted a story in a competition ,newspaper. This took first 21111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111M d b Montreal arrange y a In the fall of the same year she went to Halifax to become a staff' memb er of the Daily; hoWever her grandmother needed her and she returned to Cavendish, to stay with her for nine unbroken years. It was during this period, 1904 to be exact, that the ad in the newspaper about an aged couple that were sent a girl by' mistake from an orphanage, inspired' Lucy Maude to create "Anne". • The book , written in the evenings of ter her household duties were 'done, took eighteen months to complete,. She sent it to five publishers. Four 'returned it with the usual printed rejection slips and the fifth damned it with only faint praise. She put "Anne" in an old bonnet box in a clothes closet ,•where she later came 'across it one winter's day when rummaging:. She tried; , again sending it, this time to L. C. Page Sc„.Company. of Boston where it was accepted and appeared in,the American book shops in June 'of 1908. The success of "Anne of Green Gables" was phenomenal. In a few short weeks, the author had' sky-rocketed to fame. Story after story, appeared, each well-rec- eived and adding to the author's . high standing. On July 5th, 1911, Lucy Maude was married to the Reverand swan MacDonald. They settled at Leaksdale, Ontario and for the n ext twenty-four years, shd Was the buSY wife.o,f a busy clergyman and mother of two children, Lueav Maude Montgomery • COMMERCIAL MMMt• SEAFORTH I mom MOM MOM MOM MOM Hot Beef Sandwich MEI MM M▪ OO M▪ OM MOO OMM MO MM MOO MM MM OMM OMM IMOM MON rw MOM IMM WOM M▪ OM W▪ M OM▪ M MVO MIIMO IMMI • Friday Noon SPECIAL HOTEL • • • died in April of • 1942, ahcl'*was buried in Cavendish, the home of her childhoo. Many years dater, Don Harron and Norman* Campbell adapted "Anne" as a stage musical for the Charlottetown Festival in' P.E.1. It's-; their version that the Huron County Playhouse will be presenting at S.D.H.S. Tickets are ' available at Keatings Pharmacy, and the Huron Expositor, Seaforth, the Brussels Post, die ' Blyth Standard, the Clinton Ne,ws, Record, Deigel's Departnint Store in Mitchell. Stan Blbwein Stratford, Huron Historic Gaol in Goderich • and The Ancient Mariner. ,Bay.field. .. • .... RECEPTION for Janet KLAVER [bridal couple] Seaforth Legion Hall , Job. MUNROE and mm. woo MINIM Moo MOM gonM moo IMMO IMOM NOM NOM Straight MfisS flarol0 Gardner acid Mrs, Oertje 11441 Full lipoq jilts-s, Fd>th Salo; • Awry feorri4161, Mias JJ PoNnPr Filimisminimiummommunommiumminial I Father Laragh eppdacted a service and Holy communion at Seaforth Manor on Friday morn- ing at, 10 a.m., Residents welcomed him baCk from his recent /rip and enjoyed hearing highlights of places/ he visited. Mr. and Mrs. David Andrews of Toronto, also Mr. Andrews' niece from England visited with Mrs. Leila Dundas and presented her with a lovely bouquet of gladiolas. ' Mrs. Alex Dennis of Seaforth visited with Miss A. Davidson, Mrs. L. Dundas. Mrs. M. and S. Hawley and Zachariah McSpadden. Harold Smythe was visited by Mrs. Lorna Dickinon of Etrodha- .gen, also Mr. ani(l Mrs. Robert Gibb of Glencoe. Mr. and Ors. George Bolender, Danny and Robert Bolender of Elmiik visited their brother and unclefPFler Schmehl. Mrs. Velma Adams 'and Verna Brooks of Seafot4b visited with Lin "McKellar. • Miss Tillie Dundas of Seaforth County ok's . (Continued from Page 1) his own salary' is being discus- sed), The negotiatibn committee will report to the committee of the department involved, for endor- sation, and to county council with respect to . salary n egotiations except for' the salaries of depart; merit heads, thes e • matters to be reported to the special committee for consideration and recommen- dation. A motion to reintroduce the matter of applying' for a Private Members' Bill in reduce the number of members on. county council to 36 from 45 (the. way it was before the change in the voting 'age necessitated the addition of nine deputy-reeves) was tabled until the September. .meeting. 'likely Friday. Sep,. tember 24. and Mr. •Mrs. Robert McMichael ',visited! with Mrs. Leila Dundas; . Visiting with Miss Bessie Davidson were Mrs: Mabel .Scott of .Tockersmith and Mrs. Violet Elgie of Seaforth, Mrs., Elsie•Difismore took Mrs. Ada Reid .for nice drive' on Sunday afternoon. Also visiting Mrs-. Reid were' Mr. and Mrs. Art McDougall of Goderich and Mrs. Eva McCartney of town. Bruce . Walker ',visited with Herbert Stephan and took him out for supper at Goderich. L. & H. Bloomfield visited their brother Morley Bloomfield. Lin McKellar went out with family on Saturday.- .Visiting with Mrs.,Lillie Hudie were Mrs: May Rinn of Belgrave. also Lois Rinn and Mrs. Elroy Kuntz and children-of Kitchener, Craig, Willis visited his father. Fred Willis. Winners at the Friday. after- ' noon bingo were: Full House - Mrs., Ada . Reid, Harold Smythe. Mrs. Minnie Hawley and Awry Lambkin. ,4 Corners - Mrs. Lillie Hudie, Harold Walsh, Miss Doris Wills and Cecil Rhoades. -.WEDDING RECEPTION FOR CHUCK .•BREMNER • AND LINDA WRUM EXETER LEGION August 21 9 p.m. EVERYONE WELCOME w,igaz.mpionimi*Iammiofsiom, ASH BINGO Legion Hall, Seciforth, August 13 8:15 p.m. 15 Regular Games for $10.00 THREE $25.00 GAMES $75.00 JACKPOT TO GO! , TWO DOOR PRIZES -- Admission $1.00 Extra Cards 25c or 7 for $1.00 - (CHILDREN UNDER 16 NOT PER1Vfli l'ED) —Proceeds for Welfare Work— Auspices Seaforth Branch 156 Royal Canadian Legion, Seaforth MoomMOomostomoomoommor "mos- mototo.motimotommoo ,Entertainment Friday & Saturday Mystery. Train a Fri., and Sat. Nile Chicken Wings Sat August 28a Dancing 9. Music by Royalaires Everyone welcome 4.MVSAMMX.6K:rv$640 0` . OM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM Mm ilOMM IlMom WM MM MMI IMO M▪ M MM MOO M. MM MOM WM OMM MM MOS POMO Stag for Barry GORDON ..August 14 Admission '2.00 , • and Li dgor John ;SinYt!)e; Ronald- Smythe, also , Smkt,t1V nieces, 411: of'7-cesvaterr visited with f!ato14. Smythe. WED, '= SAT, 11 to 14,AUG. FRI. & SAT. 2 SHOWS 7:30 & 9:40; SUN, to TWA, Mit 8 Pjvl' , a Re-released by BUENA VISTA DISTRIBUTION CO NC ©Wait Disney Pteclueltens Technicolor° 'IA"' WALT DISNEY'S 1- I/EWAN-MIME '" AN ALL•CAFITOON FEATURETTE DRIVE-IN THEATRE LTD. SUN. - TUES. 15 - 17 AUG. DOG DAY AFTERNOON COMING 'OMEN „ CZe* oaf " e