HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1976-08-05, Page 245,7 THE HURON EXPOSITOR, AUGUST 5, 1976 0 0,••••,; • leaforth Junior Fair Prize List (ctd.) INTER•CLUB COMPETITION CLASS 5 - Group dthree (3) 4-H Beef Calves from any one Club. (heifer or steers),-'to tie judged on quality and uniformity. A Club may enter more than one group-if it so desires. Prize money: 1st Group • $12.00; 2nd.'Group- $10.50; 3rd Group - $9.00; 4th Group • $7.50; Sth Group and each additional group • $6.00. CLASS 6: SHOWMANSHIP 1st. $10.00; 2nd. • $8.00; 3rd - $6.00; 4th • $4.00; 5th - $2.00. BACO MINERAL COMPANY will make anaward for a bagof mineral to the best Dairy Calf in the .Championship 4-H Dairy ,Show. CLASS 4 Group of three 4-I-ID:airy Calves; the club may enter three,. dairy calves of each breed of each age group. They will be judged on the group system. Prize moneyi 1st, $12. 00; 2nd: $10.50; 3rd. $9.00; 4th,, $7.50; 5th, 5(,.00; 7th .-• 10th, $6.00. CLASS 5: Showmanship. a. JUNIOR 4-H CHAMPION DAIRY SHOWMAN - a) The 4-H members must be 12 years of age, as of January 1st and must not have reached their 15th birthday by January 1st, 1976. b) Only three members, per club are eligible. c) The chosen members are the top Junior Showman of last year's'" Achievement Day. - (ii) or the trip Junior Showman of this year's Achievement Day (iii) chosen by the 4.11 Leaders d)He should show his 197,6 4-H Dairy Calf. B. SENIOR 4-H CHAMPION DAIRY SHOWMAN (Only three 4-H members per club are eligible). a) the 4.H members must be 15 years of age as of January 1st and must not haVe reached their 21st birthday as of January 1st, 1976. b) the ChOSen members are the 1976 Champion and Reserve of their Achievement Day this year. • - or theChampion,and Reserve of their Achievement Day last year. or chosen .by their 4-H Leaders. c) He should show his 1976 4-H Dairy Calf, • Prize Money: 1sf. $10; 2nd. $8.00; .3rd. $6.00; 4th, $4.00; 5th $2.00, , A. Y. McLEAN TROPHY: The Junior Champion and Reserve Showman and the Senior Champion and Reserve Showman are - eligible to compete for this trophy. It shall be competed for immediately following the Senior 4-I-I Champion Dairy Showman Competition. 4-H CALF CLUB EXHIBIT COMPETITION Each club display of calves will be judged as a group. Each club Should have a Sign to signify the name of the club. a) The judging of the clubs will be at 1:00 P.M. b) There Must be three clubs competiting to signify a Competition. e) A club exhibit must have at least three calves. d) The exhibit display is to be done by the dub membeis ONLY. e) Ewell calf must have a 4-H exhibit sign. PRIZE MONEY: 1st Prize, Club exhibit $25.00 2nd, Prize, Club exhibit 10:00 3rd Prize, Club exhibit 5.00 , HURON COUNTY 4-TITTORSE & PONY CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW INTER-CLUB Rules & Regulations 1. No entry fee Will be charged. 2. All entries must be-made to Seaforth Junior Fair Secretary, Len MacGregor. Clinton, by the Club Leader, not later than Friday. September 10th, 1976. Only boys and girls who are members of a 4-11 Horse & Pony Club in 1976 are eligible to compete and must show the horse, pony or colt' entered in their club project. Judging will commence at 9:30 a.m. or at the Directors decision, Exhibitors will be notified well In advance of show time: 9. Prize money won by members of Horse & Pony Clubs will he paid to Club Leaders, who will be respoesible_ for distribution of same. 4. All entities in this section will be stabled together at the Fair in space allocated by the Fair Board and/or Fair *gams.. 5. Entries will be. judged on a 1st, 2nd, ancl“.lirPRi'etroup system. 6: Transportation AssiStaneer Each group of three animals is eligible for-this assistance. There is assistance of 20c per mile one way from the central location of the Club to Seaforth, maximum subsidy of $12.00 (Club within 10 miles excepted.) Club Leaders must apply for this assistance. 7. At least three clubs must be represented in each Inter-Club class ,.in order for the fair to qualify for a Federal Grant. 8.This show is-restricted to all 4-H members who are 12 years of age as of January 1, 1976 and who have not reached. their 21st birthday by December 31st, 1976. 9. Each club Mai) enter any Oilmber of animals in each class. .10. Anyone whp is under 18 years of age may not show a stud. 11.. Anyone not having full control, „of their animal may be eliminated from any of the classes. • 1 The Seaforth Agricultural Society and the Junior Fair will not be responsible for horses„ riders, and equipment. 13. Exhibitors will be given numbered hatbands which must be worn in all the classes: CLASS 1; Junior :kitWmariship Class - 'Open'-to all 4-H Club , members 12 years of age as of January 1st, 1976 and must not have kehed ,their 1511)„ birihdayt jay, January, ,1st, 1976. Eac.ot.e ntry in Group '1 receives $5.00; Group 2, $4.00; airdt Group 3, $3 CLASS 2: Senior Showmanship' Class - Open to all .4-H, "Club members 15 years of age as of Jarinary 1st, 1975 and must not have reached their 21st birthday as of January 1st,. 1975. Prize Money: Each entry in Group. I receives $5.00; Group 2, $4.00 apd Group 3, $3.00. • CLASS 3: Champion 4-H Horse Showman - The Junior Champion and Rekerve Showman and the Senior Champion and Reserve Showman are eligible to compete for this title. Champion and, Reserve Champion Ribbons. • CLASS 4: Trail Class ••Minimum of 5 'obstacles Exhibitors in this class must have a saddle on their animal as well as a slicker (raincoat or jacket) and a rope, attached to'the saddle. Prize Money: 1st. $5.00; 2nd. $4.00; 3rd, $3.00; 4th, $2.00; 5th and each additional placing, $1.00. • - . CLASS 5: Junior Equitation - Open to all 4-H club meMbers -12 years of age as of January 1st, 1976 and must not have readied their 15th birthday by January 1st, 1976. Prize Money:- 1st, 15.00; 2nd, $4.00; 3rd, $3.00; 4th, $2.00. 5th and additional placing, 51.00. Individual work outs may be required, • CLASS6: Senior Equitation - Open to all 4-H club members.15 years of age as of january 1st, 1976 and must not- have reached their 21st birthday by January 1st, 1976. individual work outs may be required. Prize Money: I st, 55.00; 2nd, -54.00; 3rd, $3.00:, 4th, 32.00; 5th and each a'clditional placing $1.00. • • CLASS 7: Halter. Class - Walk & Trot - animals must be shown on halter. This claSs is for 2 year olds and under who cannot show' in the Performance Classes 4. 5, and 6. By the same token anyone showing in either or both Classes 4. 5 and 6-many not shoW in Class 7. Prize Money: .1st, $5.00; 2nd, 54.00; 3rd, $3.00; 4th, $2.00; 5th and each additional ''''''''''' HURON COUNTY 4•H GRAIN AND GRA1i<1 CORN CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW CLASS Champion Grain Exhibit • . a) All 4-H club 'members in Huron County ,are b) this class is restricted to 4-H membeli who are 12 years of age as of January 1st and who have not reached, their 210 birthday. by December 31st, 1976. „ el Exhibit must Consist of five lbs. of grairtin a plaStiebag which is available at the Ontario Ministry of Agricaltute & Food. Clinton. d) 4-H signS will be available to you at the ShOw, ' e) All members from each club are eligible to,compte: f) entries must be made la place by noon, Thursday, September 16th, 1976.' CLASS 2 • Champion Corn Exhibit a) All 4•H club members in Hilton County are eligible. b) this class is restricted to 4-H members who are 12 years of age as of January 1st, and who have not reached their 21st birthday by December 31st:-1976. c) Exhibit must consist of eight (8) ears of corn from your 4•Ii plef'. d) 441 exhibit signs will be available to you at the Show. e) All mentbers from each club are eligible to compete. 0 entries must be in place by noon, Thursday, September 16th, 1976. CLASS 3: Champion 4-H White Bean Exhibit ,er. a) All club members in Huron County are eligible. b) this class is restricted to 4-I-1 members Who are 12 years of age as of January 1st and w'ho ,have not 'reached their 21st birthday by December 31st, 1976. c) Exhibit must consist of S lbs. of white beans in a plastic bag which is available at the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture & Food, Clinton, d) All members from each club are eligible to compete. e) 4-H exhibit signs will be available for you at the Show, f) Entries must-be in• place by- noon, Thursday, Septeniher 16th, W. G.' THOMPSON & •SONS LIMITED Of Heniall will, ard a trophy to the 4-H member with the top exhibit in the Cbartypionship Grain. Show, RUSS BOLTON, R.R.#1,„ Seaforth will award a trophy to the 4-H member with the top exhibit in the Championship rn Show. COOK'S DIVISION OF GERBO CORPORATIO ensall will award a trophy to the 4-H member with t exhibit in Championship White Bean show. *SPECIAL NOTE* - 4-H club members in the Tuckersmith -441 - Corn. Club who wish to enter in the 4-H Grain & Grain-Corn "ahtifteefentry-other than their entry in their regular 4-H, Achievement Day. SEAFORTH 4-H CALF CLUB . Under the supervision of the Ontarie.Mlnistry of Agriculture and Food, sponsored locally by the McKillop Federation of Agriculture. CLUB LEADERSf, Gordan Papple, #5, Seaforth; Tom Melady', #2, Dublin; 'Brian Oldfield, #4, Seaforth. CLUB EXECUTIVE: President, Adrian Rehorst; Vice- PreVlent, Leslie Falconer; Secretary, Blaine Pryce; News Reporter, Ed Van Miltenburg. CLUB MEMBERS: Gordon de Jong, Willy de Jong, Clarence Dekens, Leroy Dekens, Fergus Devereaux, Joe Devereaux, Russell Eedy, Leslie Falconer. Jeff Hackwell, Glen Haney, Hughbert Haverkamp, Henry Hendricks, Peter Klaver, Don Melady, Bob Nash, Dianne Oldfield, Blaine Pryce, Adrian Rehorst, Ron Smith, Terry. Smith, Vanda Storey, Mary Ann Van' D'erp, Peter Vag Drunen, Ed Van Dyke, Ted Van Dyke, Ed Van Miltenburg. TonyVan Miltenburg, Arthur Veenstra, • PRE 4-H MEMBERS: John Klavei': James Saldivar. • BASIS OF AWARDS The awards will be made on the following basis:: 200 points ,for award on calf .at the Fair. - . • 100 points for Judging Competition. Each competitor will be -required to judge at least one class composed of four cattle and gitfe reasons for his placing. 200 points for answers to questions based on Club work and feeding and management of dairy cattle. 100 points for showmanship - manner in which the club member shows his entry in the ring (70 points); condition of the animal (20 'points); general appearance of the exhibitor (1,0 points). 100 points for and feeding methods noted at time of periodic • visits made during the season. • ' 200 points for regularity and accuracy forwarding monthly' reports. 100 'points for attendance and...interest shown- at the meetings and judging classes,:' • 1.1:00 A.M. - Arrive on ' '' 1:00 - Judging of calves and showmanship. TUCKERSMITH 4-Ii FIELD CROPS CLUB .•-• BASIS OF AWARDS Awards will be made on the 4 f011ig•ing basis; 200 points for field score. 200 points for field notes and financial statement. 200 points for exhibits 'at club fair at Achievement Day, 100 points of Judging Competition. 200 points for questions based -on club work, cultural practices, etc. 100 points for attendance at meetings. Allexhibits must be in place in the Fair Building by 12 o'clock noon "on the first day of the Fair, CLASS.,7. S'WEEp5TAKES SHOWMANSHILCOMPETITIQN 5-o' • • , Ruleaarui 1. Th4 clasp,vttjl , the folloW'ing A Champion, 4-4Iii*OtArripieriship Show„ Seaforth Champion - 4-H Beef Championship Show, Seaforth Champion, 4-H swine Club Show , Seaforth Champion, 4-H Sheep Club, Show, Clinton Champion, '4•H Horse Club Show, Seaforth 2. Each contestant will, be required to show an individual of each of these five classes of livestock (dairy, beef, sheep. swine and horse), Members to prOvide own animals: Mileage will be paid showmanship with each 1 the above classes of stock. where applicable. 1Y be declared on the basis of all around PRIZES: TORONTO-DOMINION BANK (Seaforth Branch) award to be presented to the 9re'nd Champion Showman, and ribbon: • Winners: 1975, John '7an Vliet• 1974, Barry Miller; 1973, Ken Mewhinney; 1972, Gran. Vincent; 1971, Glen McNeil; 1970,- David .,Marshall; 1969, Gerald Townsend; 1968, Ron HOwe at1967, Graeme ti Crai ... --- .... HURON COUNTY 4-H DAIRY CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW INTER- CLUB Rules & Regulations 1. No entry boaehatgedv- 2. All entries muat.helnade to S4aforth Junior Fair Secreta,ry, Len" MacGregor, Box:: 159) 'Clinton by the Club .Leader not later than Fr day, '94ptembets40th. All entries in this class must be in by 11:30 alm ,ontair Day, "September 17th. Only boys and..girls who are members of a 4-H Calf Club in 1976 are eligible to compete and must show the calf entered in their club project. Judging will cernMence at or after 12:30 p.m. at the, Directors decision. • 3. Prize money won by meMbers of Calf Clubs will be paid Club Leaders, who will be' responsible for distribution of same: 4. All entries in this section shall be stabled together at the Fair in space allocated by the Fair Board and/or Junior Fair Directors. 5. Entries will be judged on a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd prize group system. • 6. Transportation Assistance: Each ' group of three calves is eligible for this assistance. There is assistance'of 20c per mile one way from the central location of the Club to Seaforth, maximuna, subsidy of $12.00 (club within 10 miles excepted). Club Leaders must apply for this assistance.. 7. At 'least three clubs must be represented in each, Inter-Club class .in order for the fair to qualify for a Federal grant. -8.. This show is restricted to all 4-H members who are 12 years of age as of January 1st, 1976 and who have not reached their 21st birthday by December 31st, 1976. 9. Each club may enter any number of calves in each class. - • 4.11 DAIRY CALVES CLASS 1: Junior Heifer Class (born between January 1st and June 30th, 1976). (i), Holstein: (ii) Guernsey: Jersey: (iv) Other , ' Prize Money; Each entry, in Group I receives $5.00; Group 2, $4.00; Group 3, 53.00. CLASS 2: Senior Heifer Class (July: lat to December 31st, 1975) (I-) Holstein: (ii) Guernsey: (iii) Jersey:..avIcdther• Prize Morney: Each entry-in Group 1 receives•55.00;;Group 414.00; Group '3, 53,00. CLASS 3:' Champion.kH Dairy Calf Winders •and reierve 'winner of ClasseS 1 and 2 are eligible,aa• ------PiTzeqnoney: 1st $15.00;•Ind, $10.00; 3rd '$5)90. 4.4b117-• NORTH HURON 4-11 SWINE CLUB 4••• Under the "supervision of. the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture & Food, sponsored locally by the Huron Pork Producers. CLUB LEADERS: Don Dodds, #1., Seaforth; Graeme Craig, #1, Walton. CLUB EXECUTIVE: President, Ken Menheere; Wee-President, Bob, Wilson; Secretary, Janet Cook; News Reporter, John Van Vliet. CLUB MEMBERS: John Blanchard, Janet Cook, Jeffrey Cook, • Lee Dorssers, Earl Flynn, Kevin Gillis, Bruce Godkin, Brian Lobb, Ronnie McDowell, Brian McGavin, Bob Menheere, David Menheere, Ken Menheere, Stephen Menheere, Scott Robinson, Ron. Smith, Terry Smith, Bob Wilson, John Van VIM!. 'PRE 4-H MEMBERS: Joseph Dorssers, Ronald' Godkin, Tom Menheere. BASIS OF AWARDS The awards will be made on the following basis: 200 points for,awarchan gilt which willb e judged at• the Fair on the basis of . bacon type, development, uniformity and breeding , - standard. , • 100 points for Competitiop of judging of swirl 200 points for examiriatik To ,consist of questions ,based on club work, feeding, management and marketing of swine. 100'iiints for showmanship - manner in which the club members ' show their entry in the ring.(70 points); condition of the animal (20: points); general appearance,qfphiblior .(1q,,pointSV I,” ,,,,,,,, 100 points for care and feeding Methods Tidied at time Of 'perindte visits made during the season. 200 points "for regularity and accuracy "its forwarding monthly reports. . 100 points for attendance and interestshown at the meetings and judging' classes, 10:00 A.M. -, Asrive on grounds. 10130 A.M, • Judging,-of swine and shewrhanship. • claIRON COUNTY PORK PRODUCERS AWARD - The Huron • County Pork Producers will &Mate A clock (approximately valued at $18.00) to the Champion 4.H'Swine ShoWman at Seaforth Junior Fair. BANK OF COMMERCE AWARD, SEAFORTH BRANCH • The' Bank of. Cortmerce will present a, gold watch^ to the member showing the Champion 4-H Gilt. BANK OF MONTREAL, CLINTON BRANCH - The Bank of Montreal will present a silver tray, suitably engraved. The BanIt'priie will be, awarded to the top fitst year ineneber in the Huron County- Pork Producers' 4.14 Swine Club project. ' ' Under,the supervision of the Ontario .Ministry of Agriculture;St Food. sponsored locally by the Tuckersniith Federation of Agriculture. CLUB LEADERS: Stuart Wilson, #1, Brucefield. CLUB EXECUTIVE: President, Peter 'Klaver; Vice-President; Ed Van Dyke; SeereterY„ David Ste. Marie; News Reketter, Ron Smith., 'CLUB MEMBERS: Jeff Allan, Sandy Broadfo4',._Leall,_ e -Falconer. Peter Klaver, Leslie Lawson, Brian. Moore, ,Rpn Smith. Telly Smith, David Stc. Marie, Ed Van Dyke, Ted,VR.Dyke. Ed yan:hilltdinikg. `"•••;'•". Tony Van Miltenburg. '''' ". -• nylodahuttohihhmhvhehihmeehehhh.