The Wingham Times, 1895-02-15, Page 1VOL, XXIV.---NO. 1208. SOLD OUT. The Bear ie about to (Mango stands and the present firm wishes to thank their many Mende aucl patrons for their very liberal support during the past, and would say that in order to reduce the stock bo - fore stocktaking they will sell ell winter and heavy goods et exactly cost for cash, (or short time to cash mon) It will be necessary for all those holding Due -Bills against us to present them at once for payment. Tins will also apply to holders •of Cards in our ' Present Scheme." Our successors take possession the beginning 'of the month. We will be pleased to see all our friends during the remainder of the mouth to personally thank them for their patronage and to solicit a continuance •of the seine for our sucnessors, Messrs. Homutb & .Bowles. - Yours truly, ORR & 1-11SCOCKS, The Only Direct Importers. TAE BI An, Feb. 14th, 189 5. PROF. CHAMBERLAIN, ( 'EYE SPECIALIST. 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE, 87 Kl if# ST. EAST, TORONTO, ONT., CPUs attenti'n to fn1lnwing of blindness .ttpon using wrongly udaptti,l Spectacles, fie says, when a a consider that en en'y-tivo pet e•ent. of people with drpnctive ry. hiuht• hue ' some amount of astigmatism, at least tort, per runt. have two aid eyes, it ++•ill pc Dace tie ptpPIittrt to any ono of .eonnnen setwO that lht'y st.mnhi hare Their sight tested by same a i;ipot+-nt optIIan, It persons are presbyc.pio only and hut, bah ey«a alik+: in fal:U6, even than they are not e.tnable .of 1ndiin,r what is necessary tor them, ane no uptnu+etornrothersight- seeing apparatus has ever yet peen invented which will enable a novice to d ter urine the errew of re- fraction in the rase of te,thimatisin. Call or write for pap: rs on the eye, Ali tree. Marriage Licenses Issued by PRANK PAmaSON. No 23, Vic- toria street, Wingham, Ont. No witnesses required., • 4104®.,44vF-<iift i • ®4)®49 ,000>42 ® rl1♦i Es./ Place in Canada fo ± ,'�� J, ct a EShur flu- 4, cation, Shorthand. _ et.., Is at the Geri• `-tral Business Col. lege, Toronto, Ont., ar,d Siratforl, Ont, -y Unquestionably Conade's Greatest Com- naereialSchoobt. l,atAo+ucs free. Men- tion this paper. Shaw do Linen, Principals. Doe to �a 04404®4. 44 AO � LOCAL NEWS. • 25 lbs: Gr. sugar for $1, I rr & Conery's. —Yesterday was St V entine's day. 60 cent Teat for 35 ts. II. E. SNELL. —Lent begins on ebruary 27th, and Easter falls do April th. . Heathfield's Healing Balsam cures colds. —Kincardine cur] tiers in this district ft tion for the Ontario ng club are the win - the primary competi- Pankard. Baby carriage rut ners, to fit any car- riage, atT. E. Comma's. —The horse fair, on Friday last, was fairly well attende 1, but the greet storm interfered with b isiness, and but few animals changed h ;gds. To let -•• Good corner store, opposite Dr, Chisholm's, McClure's old stand. Apply to Wm. Button, Wingham, Ont. --A goodly numl, IT stave availed themse1 of seeing the great Reid, "The. Foredo Which is on oxhil Block. r Of our townspeople Yes of the opportunity ioture of Mr:Geo. A: ore of the Mortgage,' tion in the Beaver The celebrated clostnre of the -Mortgl R. C. A., is on exhib Bleck. Admission 1( Wm. Tucke one of his feet amp lying in a very low His leg is the cause it it to be hoped that lief soon. luting,. "The Porci- ne," by G. A. Iteid, tion in the Beaver cents. , of town, who had toted lest summer, is sondition at present. f all his trouble, and he will get some re. WINGIJAM, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1895. 94 lts Standard Gra ed sugar $1, H. B. Bette,. --Mr. S. Youhill; Real Estate agent, has sold lot No. 4, Alfr d street south, occupied and owned by Mr: James Begley, to Miss Mary M. Merles, of this town, at a fair figure, 80 lbs. Raw sugar, e1, Kerr & Conory's. --Services at the Congregational church next Sunday at usual -ours. In the morn- ing the paster will 1 reach espseially to parents. Evening s abject: "Where to find true happiness." A cordial welcome to alt. —Cash for good butter and eggs at R. A. Graham's market grocery. —Tho first eolipse ::his year is a total eclipse of the moon . n March 20tb. It will be visible in Norte and South Amer - ice. A partial eelipst of the sun, visible in Eastern Canada, tai= 3s place on Meech 25th. —Private moneys to lou on mortgages at reasonable rate of interest, Apply to tf ,Tont NiELArtns. 'eae—After the School Board meeting on Tuesday evening. la , Mr. J. A. Morton, the chairman elect r 1895, entertained the members and o .tiers of the Board to an oyster supper at r. W. A. Johns' restaurant. ed? Selmoni's English White Oils cures Chilblains. Rheumatism. Sprains, Bruises and Sore Back. For stele at 25o. at Williams' Drug Store, Wingham. . —A social wilt be -eeld on Tuesday even- ing next, in the Pore .'tern' Hail, Wingham, under the auspices o Fern Lodge, No. 19, L. Y. B. A. There will he refreshments served, and a programme and games pro- vided. All are cor Tally invited. No ad• mission, but a collei',;on will be taken up. —The enterta'm tent to be given by Court Maitland, No 25, Canadian Order of Foresters, has bon postponed until the 8th of March, on a count of net being able to complete arrang meats for holding it at an earlier. date. T. e programme will con- sist of vo el and inietrutnental music, rani. tations, enitinegs, addresses, &c. Salmoni's English White Oils is the best family Liniment in the world. Good for man or beast. Price 25 cents, at Williams' Drug Store, Wingham. Johu,l4li11 , of•Lttoknow, and Mrs. ••Cuyler, the return lady inissionary, io nary, not being able -tie rea Wing-ham,on account of the stornt,'Ilev. Dr, Gifford preached the Missionary serm• ns in the Methodist (hurcb, on Sunda ' last. Notwithstanding the bad weather, 1 iere were large congre- gations both moriatg and evening, and the meetings were vet successful. .4.,, • ll1ot Crud Material, m Oto niutilsioli is o Cod Liver oil per, fated. and is mew' d upon the principle bf he digestive arid ttssimilation in the 'Mitten system t i tune it is given without disturbing the titutnauh. • —G. '1. treite traitsfor Toronto and eastt leave Wingham at 0.25 a. m. 'and 11.20 a, m:, via W. G. & B.; 0.35 a. m. and 3.35 p. en„ via Clinton and Guelph. (food con- notations by all trains. • —Brussels Post . In the ten Voters' List Courts in the Ea t Riding of Huron the results are as foil ws : Total Reform ap• peals to add, 131 ; oa:ried 75. Reform appeals to strik off, 204; carried 109. Conservative app als to add, 221; carried 93. Conservativ, appeals to strike off 165 ; carried 52. If the above figures are correct, as we think they are, the Liberals gained 39 over their opp rnents in the courts. --Mies Charlotte McDonald wishes to intimate to the ladies of Wingham and vioinity that the Dress and Mantle making business, formerly carried on by Miss M. Johnston, will be continued by her en the old stand, • Gregory Block. Prof. Moody's tailor system taught. Cutting and fitting a spe'cialti • —Rev. Robert Johnston, B. D., of Lindsay, received unamions call from. St. Andrew's congre time, London. The salary is fixed at ,S00 per annum with a free manse and s t weeks holidays each season, The Pre : Press has the following to say of the "Ea rid rise of a brainy n►an." "Who was here a a student six years ago" : "Graciously and with every evidence of good will, the cot regation of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Chr ich last night extended a unanimous call ti Rev. Robert ;Johnston, B. D., of Lindsay to the pastorate of their church. The call will be a popular ono not only in St. And 3w's. While here as a student six year ago filling, the pulpit during the late Re . J. A. Murray's absence in Europe, Mr. do naton made many warm friends, and his ri ng position since then has been noted wi h muck pleasnre by his numerous friends.' Me. Johnston's many friends in Wing& m, particularly in the sowell Where he is � 'an chs alt e res kari P by t Iand favorably kn vn, will rejoice over his growing pop f o ulari g and rester usefulness. lness. Williams, the _ ruggist, sella pure drugs Herrings by the Half reel $3.35. H. B. SEEM. Jas. Beide' who was formerly employed with Mr, Thos, Leslie for some 1 time, while walkiu _e from Brussels, one 1 day last week to 11 s fetlter's residence in Grey, had his feet •retty badly frozen. 2,9 Baby carriage r inners, to fit any car- riage, at T. B. Comex's. —The Royal Tot"tplars will hold their Ontario Grand Conn 41 meeting at Wood- stock, on Feb. 19, -.ea a demand for im- mediate restrictive liquor legislation is expected to be forth dated on behalf of the twelve thousand ' mplers who will be there represented. Coughs and Colds can be cured by using Heathfield's Healing Balsam. For sale at 50e. at Williams' Drug Storo, Wingham. nee—On Thursday voning of last week, I about 7.30 o'clock, the fire alarm was { sonnded,and our tornspeople were running! in every direction looking for the fired After a time it was earned that a chimney on 1lir. Peter Ir lay's residence, near Messrs. McLean & Son's saw mills, had 1 been on Piro. The wide-awake buyer catches on quick. We give the value you are hunting fur, but you must bring along the money. Jee. A. CLINE & Co., Wingham. —Fifty-two Pie byteriau women of Napanee, Ont., were given $1 exult one year ago, which farcy invested for the ohurch and acoutnn aced in the 12 months the snug sum of 61 '50. The hnsbands of those women, wits their advice, should make Napanee the hief commercial city of Canada in a few y ars. —For first -ole tailoring and cheap gents' furnishings, try Webster & Go. Remember the plane, one door south of R. A.. Graham's grocery store. • 0—On Monday, I. , T. Bell McAndrew, while at work in Mi Thos. Bell's furniture! factory, by some mishap his right hand came in contact -fair a saw and his first finger was nearly t ,ken off. It is thought the finger may be -saved, but it will be some time before :Mr. McAndrew will be a'.?le to resume wor G, H. Irvin, the tailor, has put in an extensive stock o' tweeds, worsteds, etc. Call and see them. Good goods, good work, good fit guaranteed. Opposite Bank of Hamilton. --i1 clergyman en Meadford, Ont., lately married a yo .ng couple. At the close of the ceremony -the groom banded the minister an envelol-e, which the latter carefully placed in las coat pocket. When be got home he ope ied the envelope, and was surprised to fin nothing more than tt piece of paper on w ich was writteu the " word u Thanks. Out they gn—Thebalauce of Cow Chains and Cross Cut Saws must go out at once, regardless of cost, for cash only. The. early bird gets the worm. ;les. A. CLINE & Co., Wingham. '—Wheuever you liar a man finding fault with his local pa ler, open it and ten to one be hasn't an r_lvertiaoment in it ; five to one he has ne 'or given it a job of printing to do; three to one he does not take the paper; two o one if he is a sub - 'scriber he is a delinqu nt. Even up that. he never does anything in any way that will assist the publaher to run a good paper, and forty to on that he is the most eager to sec the paper when it comes ont. \L 'The dry -goods a d general Waimea which has been carrine on for some years in town undo: the nen-e of Orr & Hiecoeks, has been purchased by . Messrs, Homuth & Bowies, who will take possession on the Iet of Me,roh.te4Wo hope Mr. J. II. 1:iiscooks, who hes managed the business since he entered into partner:saip with the late Robert Orr, will still remain in town, as we can ill -afford to lme such a desirable citizen. Mr. T. E. B-,vles, of the new firm, is web known 1 town, at one time staving been a partner of the late W. P. Hiscoaks, and carried o e a general business in the store now ocoulend by Orr etz $fs• cocks. Mr. Bowles hu: been residing in Orangeville siuce leaviV Wingham, where he has been carrying u a dry -goods busi- nees. Messrs. Homage & Son will, of course, still carry on th +ir other business as usual. SALE 'RE 8E IL All parties getting t1 osale bilisprinted at the Tn.nts office will rave a free notice inserted in this list up a the time of sale. TmEs»AYt 1'n», 10th- -Auction Sale of 1 arrii Stock and Itnpt ,n+tints, lot 38, eon. ii, East Wawanosh; salt t� commence tit 12 o'clock sharp. Peter loans, Auctioneer. John Anderson, Proproaor. Porridge --Oatmeal, Wheatmeal, Corn- moal, oiwapest and best at Kerr ee ()emery's. —As we go to pr •s, the great Reform meeting is in progre a. A full report 'of the speeches Leeches will be iven ne t week. 2 packages Over glee • arch 15 cents. II. E. Seem. --Standing room only we he sign dis. pleynd by the Marks Bro Co. last night when the curtain went on the Gold King• This company as done the largest business Of any rapetore company that played in Ottawa this season. — Daily Citizen, Feb. 2. --Town Hall, Wingham, Feb, 25th to March 2nd. Prices 10 and 15 cents. Fresh oysters received daily at the Star restaurant. and served in any style. n .las. leIcKese n. ,-Mr, Allan M. oak, who pm -chased the Mildmay Gazeta ; a fsw months ago, has disposed of the suer Mr. L. A. Find- lay p -. + d lay being the new pi eprietor. .Mr. Book is a g:mrl newspaper i tan, and we trust he will still remain in the busiuess. We trust Zr.1Finlay will thclthe field a profit- able one, and that the .Gazette will still flonrishand prosper. —Watches, clocks at .1 - jewelry promptly repaired and fully warranted by HALSEY Pena, opp. Macdonald Block, Wingham. —Mr. Janes Coolie ne, of East Wawa - nosh, near town, wen to New Hamburg, on Monday, accompat ied by several mem- bers of his family, to attend the funeral of Mr. Christian ltitz, tf that place. Mr. Ritz was it son-in-law of Mr. Coohrane's, and died on Friday la=, after a few days' illness, of inflammation) of the bowels, in his 49th year. Sample pairs and odd lines winter mitts• at halt pride. Largo size heavy leather school bags 30 cents, for 60 days. W. J. CHAMIAN. —The Rev. Dr. Cav ;u, O. Knox College, :1'oruutn, will (1). ;'.) , oudncr, the anni ver - say services in the 1lresbyterian Churrh, on Sabbath first. Spalaicollections' will be taken up at both sr -vices for the purpose of defraying the Chu. -h debt. As there is to be no tea -meeting, i i9 Loped that all interested in this mat r will make their contributions as libera as possible. Heathfield's Healing Balsam is the surest and safeet care for colds in the world. Price 50 cents, at Williams' Drug Store, Wingham. V -1 --The worst snow Corm of the winter began on Friday for noon last, and con- tinued that day and Saturday, blocking all the railroads and 5 welled roads. 13oth the railroads were bl-ked, and there was Friday mail received to W n;,'bam from forenoon until Mon lay morning. On 5Landey both hnes of _Hawaii w were runniug as listed, and the pdelic roads are open again, but they are n bad condition with • pitch -holes. e Miss ,Tohuston, pupil of the Whale Bros., Toronto, is prepared to give leseons in 0.11 Painting. Studio -Mr. Forties, viinuie st. Terns 50 cents per lesson of three hours, or 26 lessons for 510. Tho Elevation of the Stage. The Marks Bros'. Musical and Comedy Company began a week's engagemert on Monday evening, and have steadily grown in favor since. `•It is gratifying to know that you have put on elevating, clean, decent dramas," said an Observer reporter to the manager, Mr. R. W. Meeks; "and that they have been presented he it manner with which no fault can be found." , "•1'ou.will never find yth'ng else with us," he replied with not cater to the class jest. questionable al what is pure and el be necessary for us np hie ttsio` vatjt5 $1 A YEAR —Mr. Alex. Ross d bride, of Bruce - field, were guests of Mr. Alex. Ross, of town, on Wednesday stoning. A. number of other friends wore iso preseut, and an enjoyable _evening wa spent. ---We take the foil - ing from the Guelph Mercury of last week Mr. Sellery's numer- oua friends in Wingh m and vicinity will be pleased to learn of dt success in tate Royal City : At the qua terly meeting of the Official Board of the Dublin street Metho- dist ohnreb, held on Tuesday evening, Rev. S. Sellery, M, A., ti present pastor, was unanimously invite to remain aupther year, the resolution eing of a most flatter- ing character. Mr.. ellery replied, cordial- ly accepting the i vitatiou, and stating that the time he hat spent with the con- gregation had been o the most pleasant character, and Itis aft in tate future, as in the past, would be to uild up the ]luster's work. Mr. Sellery as proved hineelf to be a preacher of rare bility, as well as a good pastor. Rev, Dr.ICaven, OF xxoZ COLLL••=15, TORONTO. On Sunday next, be,above eminent divine will conduct tl a services in the Wingham Presbyteria`L church. That being the mse, a few Rea- s in reference to the life and work of Dr: even will be in place : . William ()even was born in the parish of Kirkcolm, Wigtonsl ire, Scotland, on December nOth, 1830, `klis early educa- tion began under his 'father, Mr. John Caven, a school teacher'tnd superintendent and a man of high trental endowments and blameless life. In 1817, the family removed to Canada ane lived for many years in the Township c.. North Dumfries. In those days the prof,,ssioual studios of candidates for the =Metre, of the United Presbyterian Chureli ,in Canada were carried on in the Syn.d'ri seminary in London under the liiv. iliiasn Proudfoot, whose name sho' be held in grateful reine:nbrance, not only ; for his genuine aatlides and personal north, but also for the great and inportarA work he did in the foundation period -o£ our Church's history. In his stude4 days Dr. Caven's work gave indicationsC t the special lines in which he afterwards came distinguish- ed. In 1853, at the sge of twenty-one, lie was licensed to preach, and was inducted pastor of the congregat ns of St. Marys and Downie, in which cijarge he remained until 1860. In that year, having been previously lecturer fol several terms, he was elected to the -Chi it of Exegesis and Biblical Criticism in I_nox College. In 1870, he succeeded Dr. Michael Willis as Principal of the College which position be still holds with honour. i 3 himself an to the entire satisfaction o the Church. Some of Dr. °even'+ ported the Solemn Lea and some were among ered saints" whose bl geance on "Bloody C dragoons. In the Presbyteria Caven's standing ie. or is a prominent figure the great Presbyteria other man has the greater confidence. I for the democratie forefathers sup- e and Covenant, botland's "siauglit- d cried for von- averhouse" and his world Principal :eitably high. He in the Councils of Alliance. In no Canadian Church deed, were it not spirit of Canadian Presbyterianism, whia i recognizes worth, but holds the parity of the presbyters in- violate, he would be a 'leader," as Primal - pal Rainy is in the Fre Church of Scot- land. He has all the iu'tuteness, foresight ' and caution necessary to leadership, and ciples and great ke. Many a time, bate in whish he , has he harmoniz- and by a carefully - the support of all sig. "We do his grasp of great pr r requires coarse questions is atateemanl , anything but at the close of a tong g. Should it over inay have taken no par hall ed discordant elements quit the pnsiness. But we do not think we shall ever have any trouble on this account. Public taste is away up now, and I am glad of it. In prove of this, we have been known itt Pembroke for the pastt ten years, and are becoming more popular every year; yet we never uttered one word that would offend the most fastidious and refined." The Company on the present occasion is large, and the acting is excellent. They have le great quantity of magnificent scenery ttnd suitable co tomes s , and the plays and specialties are well put on. Ono wonders bow the Messrs. Marks can give the superior entertainments they present for the small ttdtniesion fee of tots and fifteen cents, and at the matinee on Saturday children will be d 0 • 1 admitted for 5 cents. i Pembroke ()heaven• -•-Towne Hall, Feb. 25th to'iliareli 2nd. worded resolution gaine parties. But it is as a theologi that Dr. Caven will be history. He was but he came to Knox Celle to the work of theologi• though naturally con• of doctrine and metho fug steadily every year life. But his profoun. Past nialtos lain slow t and Wont have consec edtninistration no int changes have been m method er the matter o college. The science have advanced, the air modern ideas of Bible may obtain as to the tr for the ministry. In is thought better. n and educationist 'town iii Canadian young man when and put his hand C education. Al- -rtative in matters he has been grow - his professorial reverence for the abandon what *Use ted. During Itis octant or radical do either in the instruotion in the .f Pedagogics may ay be filled with turfy, new t pews 'Hing of stfedonts pox ColIegge the old I Perm Lnckttow Fent' eel : ;f hafn, is the gues of Mrs Miss Jessie lliday from an extende visit at Mr. 11. Cargi , iii, P., visiting his Tarot er, who is Miss Rena, He vey, of Alm Thomas, is visit n; Iter friend I3ell, Robt. H:'1 and Mise visiting friend during the wee' hir. Stanley gene on a visit wood and Listo Mr. W. A. spent a clay or t Wingham friend Mitchell Advocate : Mrs. Dr. l3urritt is making.% ten d yP' visit with her uncle, Mr. 13. Davis, W ;ham. itir. Gus. McL ughlin, who bas been visiting in Seafo 1 for the past week, returned borne on l'uesday last.t5 Mrs. S. M. Smit , of Listowel, who bas been a guest of Dl 14..1. D. Sills, of town, for a week or so, i turned home on Tues- day last. Mrs. Jas. IIi.cGo ing the past few mother, who passe a long illness. Blyth Standard : Mrs. Dallas, of 'Wing - ham, is the guest o Mrs. Emigh this week - ..Mr. B. and Miss Baintau were in Wing - ham on Saturday. Seaforth Sun: t •ssEclith Good, dan;h- fee of Mr. Georg: Good, of Wingham, has been visiting oi' associates in town the past few days ..14 'es Broadfoot visited friends in Winghan last week. 'i 11fiss M. McLane lin left last week for New York city, s . ere she will spend is week or so before esuming her duties in Rochester, where - to holds the position of head milliner in a arge millinery estab- lishment.. ;sea stt,b-lishment.._ Sirs. L. Curry , wife of Mr. Lithe* Curry, a former r ident and pioneer Turnberry townshi , now residing near Virden, Manitoba, visiting friends in this neighborhood a d is at present a guest of her sister, Mrs. . Wynn, of this town, Death of Obert Clegg. Last week, Mr. . Clegg, of this town, received word of tb death of his brother Robert, who reside in Falls City, Nebras- ka. We take the flowing in reference to the deceased from t Falls- City Journal, the Republican pa; er of the city. Mr. Clegg was a stanr ch Democrat and an active lolitican: Sibert Clegg died at his residence in Fails City, Monday, ISebruary 4th, of Bright's dis ase, aged 50 years and in Seaforth a nd Miss Ida Felioi friends in Brnsse•s el. cClymoat, of Godesi vo during the week with re was at Toronto dur- eeks waiting on her 1 away last week, after 4 months. He wa weeks. Iitr. Clegg in Indiana, wher= moved to 'Missouri went to Nobr'aska, where he carried o makinp, for cou purchased a drug b continual to carry 1876 he was a can surer, and was defe ill only about three ent west, first settling he married ; then he 'or e. time, and in 1871 • •eating in I4tlls City, the busiuess ri bhoe- e of years. (Ie then tsiness in the city and on until his death. In date for county trea- ted by one vote, and in 1881 he was defeated by only nine votes for the same office. Hs was elected Mayor of Falls City five d fferent times, and bis administration of ' he city's affairs was marked by that •xecutive ability end honesty of purpose 1 hich was characteristic of "13ob." Ile has eeu chairman of the Democratic county entre comtnitte (with a few iuterims) sin 1874. Also, member of the state contra tree, delegate to the national convention , and was the acknow- ledged leader of his 'tarty in this county and tote of the recogr'izedcounsellors of bis party in the state. '.'ire Republican party recognized hint as a • ormidable, though al- ways honorable, ante; onist, and the party mingles its tears with those ofouri)'emocra•• tic friends in the loss of one in the prince iutensely* loyal to his never been stained d friend, neighbor, band, a gentleman of ter. Although start - bottom, Mr. Clegg, economy, left his e property, a $6000 and a good name. Mr. Clegg leaves a'w*e, a son, two laugh, ters, three brothers 'n Canada and a hoot of friends in grief art sorrow, Ile was le t ranks the and stood in tele fro tt to k of 1 e Order, and his funore 1 was conducted by the fraternity. Resc-ntionsof respect were passed by the Mason ei lodge, of which be Was a member, anti ruse by the eity calm • cil. of manhood, who wa friends, whose life ha by slander, a devot citizen, father and hu unimpeachable ahara fug humbly at the through energy an fixtufiy much valuab life insurance policy)