HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1976-08-05, Page 8.1 h s MVCA has bird info t Iligi-44,9* EXPOSITOR, AU,GI ST, 5, 1976 ,.,plans xtrHa -er1 show- .us3 t3s.46' "Green Gables" Cavendish, Prince Edwa rd !Mad made famous in the writings of L.M. Montgomery "Anne" director did "Hello Doi)," fast year att, tote .(..• t it .'Ittc 40' • .4. • f . mit . IN THE SWING OF THINGS-Midhael Segeren tried putting a good lean into the hulahoop competition, while Paul Henderson tried the more upright method. The hulahoop competition was part ,of an over all day"of competitions at play school on Friday. (Staff Photo) Local Briefs 11, F,Itie BLYTfj SUMMER FESTR,AL The Blood is Strong by Lister. Sinclair ;Aug. 5, TO Shape'by Jim Schaefer Aug, 6..' MOrstIY.J.n..C.LeYer„. by Harry J. Boyle Aug. 7 .8:30 p.m. Curtain Turkey by Jim Schaefer Childre s Show - 2:00 p.m. Aug. Adults $3.00 Sr. Citizens $2.25 Children $2.00 Call (519) 523-4452 or write.Box '291 'Myth. 1WitioNne.-igMiMFAMMAZ The family of John and Marian WALLACE inviite you to celebrate with &ern at a reception on the occasion of their, parents' 40th WEDDING ANNIVERSARY ,Frtday, August 20 8:30 pan. at Kirkton-Woodham Community Centre Best wishes only. ,„ e•WmieMinnWii.MON:M.cmiiiPg et•• 7 • 1,) - i'n Brussels, the 'Blyth Standard; Huron Historic Jail in Goderich, Stan Blowes- in-Stratford and at the door. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, .Stag for Barry GORDON August 14 Admission $2;00 ; Sit Exhibits , in p‘ace ,t4"os ,, • „Viewing 3 p.m, to ,8 Tea Seriied,commenctng Have a cup of tea then view the exhibits Silver collection •sot• .0) .11,11•,.••• • ,I4r1 141.1.4441.1.11 JIJZJIJ J 0 00 Won't you Join us in ••• • PA THEATRE G ODER ICH 5 NOW PLAYING 'Till THUR.'S SHOWTIME 8 P.M. • ,, EASTWOOD CLINT 2 4-78 1 AUG. 's, 1 WEEK FRI. - THUR. 6 to 10 AUG.' SAT. 2 SHOWS FRI. &RK SUN. to THUR. 8 7:30 M. ,, & 9:20; 1 - What the song didn't tell you " . ,....,-,,,,... th emovie will., . . ' Ode „ -, '' 1110 Joe A ' WED. - THUR. 11 to 14 AUG. WARM. FRI. & SAT. 2 SHOWS 30 & f:40; SUN.to THUR. Wait r, D isne 8 P,M: POUONWIEB 330,51/ $i ,- ' . . ...,,, ,kr,,,,, ,.. F) itsil, ,f 7 iltr...400 \ ., ' caPture. ,,,,t,......„,,,,.., / : : , 4„,,,i1. y li an Adult Entertain , r, •'-' • army k, .inh, . '4 • of one. ,..... eri•-- ...:..7==.., , • , ';‘,! . fr,.4 ' ' ,... ' • . 4,:::'• " Ti IAL" ,,,... 4, • 1 ' •,-•.e- M., ., or '" ' ie 114.1.1•0 NOKIA V4Siq pctilliflos,d0 Pr OOP NU, Po. tot Technic ,.;,. ' THE OUTLAW )0SEY WALES . r ' 2/ ' f.tf..• ' 1 44, ' ..,. 4 . . - , 9 . . , --...,-,: I ' , III t • i ' tottutt• it 4 • PY 's., ',rt. '.,• sot ''';') ' ,,1 •7 4' 4---IANPJ i.A. 4 WALT DISNEY'S / ,—,0E1El\TANTro ...... AA I ALL-CWOON FEATUREITE 411 Preranit # Ho t II CONEIESENI f30;( ., flit at the \ ' 1 '.k- There's ,':.? nothing but i".7 , ctiun at the 3 Drive-In DRIVE=IN Iubject 'io 0591/1#0' RE 4 . plow r..if F i(E OPENS THURS. Ici4 , ... ‘,- • -600/tiCH Drive-ln thono• 524 MI AT I 00 5 AUG. Henry e 011 ,HorrlotaiEvn P I6'dla#403 .,....t4,.•,.•........• soowitroo • - dusk PM . . . - ' FRI. lies a outrageous 0-UK I 1111:11E3.1I to vl., hilarious A 1-111641 I. • THUR. road -I 131_/L1110,1- ., v 6 to 7 race.‘ _,_.._A 12 AUd. , ‘,„...,.. .. , • ..;._ - " 4' 7' ,:e,-"‘.• ' , to Juni, .0,1, .. Illmomillnielliminimoli FRI: to THUR. 13 to 19 AUG .' , „ - :';!1:•< /- d ' 1 1 I ,I \ • i An Extraordinary 1.1 1(;,(, .' Adventure • '. ' (,,, ' 4 ', into the Unknoivn • , .p • . ' '"'"" SAMOW „f ,„ OFTHE ' A HAWK ..k ' % ,''r ' elf 1PG140 %.4.4 94'1 as .oi '? , , ADULT • Adult drortritAmot 'TERZItt9iiiii• ENTERTAINMENY :1 10 , _ ' 12? , • '.;<'.!;,4 \ , J lifisa. 4 41.1 ,,:,144i\)J 4 ,, . 1 ,...' i •,.....4 4kti.Lofiriqui!""114-,,f, .C1411. 11'401441d of ihnilzet ' , n • •,,,,,,,,,MARIOCECCRI GOAT *4(1114 SICARNi ;hat roo.00,11,PPI.EASENCE 1.0,..51kort ir 0 it tat It1104110 t IllttOgisIIIIIcio ,*.,•411t1.114101,441101116961 ,11rAln ' imiribliiiiiiainbioto onooK.004,01111.114 110111% 101611111100 401tritatIlt.41, •S, /1 •, IL/ The Elmer rule broken here is number '7- J MAIL BEFORE AUG15 TO ELMER CONTEST c/o The Huron Expositor Box 69 Seaforth, Ontario NOK IWO NAME 7.--A)131111ESS • (Town •ctly octst,11 ccde , TELEPHONE AGE qov HOW TO ENTER 1. Show which Elmer rule is. being broken atrave trod 4414141r_ the picture. 2. Fill out entry form.Print clearly. 3, Cut 'out -along dotted lines and mail to address shown. 4. Any Ontario child betwar' and 14 may enter. All entries become Oooerty Of Elmer the safety Elephant. Judges deci- sion final, 1 ONTARIO •SAPETY LEADugH , d ' CO elP6t4Y (1071 wi th 110114L CANADIAN LEGION .'611/41TA1410 .,t• • S. VE tu..st Elmer's six rules 1, ways heir)/ V,6(I C)5S 010. road 2 Ki!ep away horn all . fial kit(' cars. 3. Ride Your bike safely and 01?ey all signs and signals. 4. Play your4omes in a safe otace awayl from traffic. • 5. Walk, don't run, when you crass the road, 6. Whom() ther&are no side- walks, walk off the road to the left and face oncoming •., 1 At) . .. The Hly.th Summer Festival is. PlcOed to announce that due to the.eyerwhelndng box office res-._ , Mae, -Mostly in Clover by Harry J. Boyle. will be held over for one . performance only on Monday,. August 9,' This rib-tickling comedy about Huron Comity life in the 20s and 30s was the Festival's most suc- cessful play last season and now is even breaking 1975 attendance records.. .and with good reason. This year's production is truly a bigger and better show. Opening ,,.1' night drew a capacity rowd and won the actors wel -deserved Vi),..,..... OrganizatiOns throughout 4t %Owe. Canada and the United State have The most popular method Of been studying the migratory banding ducks and geese is by the patterns of ducks and geese for use of a ''bait trap"., It's very easy to pick up a book Sport Fisheries .fInd. Wildlife, eat-thb grain barb ,that 4;,cft. for. and , read 'about the habits of opeating from the Migratory Bird them, theiArOMAIActo:eserapo,„ migratory waterfowl in CAnada. Populations Station at Laurel '.D.U. staff visit. he cageS each But, have you ever woncleted4i6w..:.'lvjaryland:,The:ftationalso.aets as morning to band And release the all - that informati w„, ert , ..',.,,as, ,vpay„%re99,.rgl,":" lihr,,ary, '',Witli duplicate birds caught duripg thp night. collected?' 4'. If . • 'inforination copies going -.•"to you're interested in finding . -furtberinformation about this and other' DAL programS,write':: ' Miss Margaret Harris of Toronto' spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Janies F. 'Scott. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Wanless of Viroqua, Wis. were guests of Miss,Mae Smith of town and Mr. press approval. Remaining per- formances are Aug. 7 and 9. Turkey, a play especially writ- ten for children, will be presented on August 7 at 2:00., p.m. This play, which was written by Festival actor Jim Schaefer, is a beguiling comedy about a turkey • who says no to the 'farmer's axe. . It delighted many yottng aud- iences in Vancouver this spring and is sure to be a great hit with Huron County children and their parents. Ticket prices for. this show are adults $3.00, senior citizens $2.00 and children $1,00. and Mrs. George Smith in Hullctt. Mr. and Mrs. Herman ,Lindsay. of Ingersol and Mrs. George Stewart of Toronto were guest's of Miss Gladys Thompson, "Anne of Green uables" is coming to SDHS for 2 shows, at 3 p.m. and 8 p.m. on Suaday.• Augu-st 22. The Van Egmond Foundation is sponsoning . the Huron Country Playhouse pro- duction, Lucy Maude Montgomery's classic talc of an orphivp,,,gjrf who is mistakenly sent to a home" that "clearly requested a boy"! Manilla Cuthbert and her.brOther Matthew accept Anne into their home, much to Manilla's dismay. But Anne's pluck and personality eventually lead her into their hearts, and the hearts of eVer'yonie in the town. Even her fiercest competitorii, and ‘Vorst enemy. Gilbert Blythe, has a change, of heart and conies to love her. Canada's home-grown classic, "Anne of Gr"en (,airs" is Lt.ii Mrs. Archie Smith and Bruce Smith have returned home after vacationing' the past few weeks in New Harbour, Newfoundland. • Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Coleman were Mr. and Mrs. Morley Coleman. Ottawa, Mr. and Mrs. Harry' Baker, Bayfield and Mrs. NI. Towers. ISlington. Andy and Susan White spent the weekend at Bogie's Beach with Mr. and Mrs. C.H. White, heart-warming show, ideal for the entire family • 'The 'Musical, by 'Dorn Harron. and Norman Campbell features" Patricia Carroll Brown as Marilla, Marylu Moyer. as Anne, •George Murray as Matthew, James Saar .a.s-• Gilbert and Theresa Cas- -ringtiziy, Anne De Villiers. Day' Dtalithiffr, ° Carol Forte., Alicia Jeffery..' Gatihenirre • Leckie, and Charlene Shipp. The music is played by mem- bers of the London Symphony Orchestra and director is Don Fleckser who directed last year's sell out "Hello Dolly". Tickets at $4 for adults and. $2 ,for children arc available at the 1-ritr9n Expositor. Keatings, Sea- Diegcls in Mitchell, the „,iNeviiS Record in Clintah. the Xost- Birmingham, Michigan and Chad White, Troy, Michigan. Over the week-end Rev. J. Ure and Mrs. Stewart were guests in Moorefield with the former's daughter. Mrs. 'Alvin E._anci, Mr. Hammond. Mr.. Stewart preached on Sunday at the special service on the ball diamond of the fine Park in connection with "the celebration of -the Centennial ' plus-25 of, MaryborOugh Town-, ship. Around 800 were in -the bleachers. Ca. COAST'R esim.e.s 1NNO 130s(S' TWO GIRLS' • ACCE:SSOR7C -KaS ii. abte",. Each kit coniains var items 40,r, ii_gyr bike • Local Briefs many years. One of these North American agencies is Ducks Unlimited (DU), an organization dedicated .to retain waterfowl habitats in North America." -- i,r;afiach Year, DU biologists band 2* hundreds of ducks and geese. To date, banded waterfowl number Well over 160,000,. By recording where the banded birds are found, biologists learn factural . information about waterfowl habits. Most importantly. they-can calculate changes in . bird 'population, Migratory patterns of the birds can also be plotted. Bands for North Amerkan are distributed by' the U.S. Bureae.,qz:e.,,: CASH BINGO Legion Hall, Seaforth Aug. 6 8:15 p.m. 15 Regular Games for $10.00 THREE $25.00 GAMES $75.00 JACKPOT TO GO ! • — TWO DOOR PRIZES — Admission $1.00 Extra Cards 25c or 7 for $1.00• (CHILDREN UNDER 16 NOT PERMITTED) —Proceeili for Welfare- Work— Auspices Seaforth Branch 156 Royal Canadian, Legion, Seaforth A cage,' constructed of chicken wire, is placed in marshes where waterfowl nest. The entrance to the cage is`funnel-shaped so that when the birds enter the SEAFORTH HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY Annual • "war Show cage to ugust, 18 det".• at SDHS Ducks Unlimited (Canada) 1495 Pembina Highway, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3T 2E2 or contact the Maitland Valley Conservation Authority, Box 5, Wroxeter, Ontario NOG 2X0 O O *.e)seeeteemmoomes000moseee 000000000000000000000 escooce)se)ose)estmg,eme i .. i . EVERY 50th CUSTOMERr i GETTING MARRIED? 1 1WILL DINEIREE OFCHARGO ? Let Mrs. Watkins prepare your i 1 } Bridal meal, at prices only a i .... compliments of Mrs. Watkins • t mother can appreciate. i FOR 1k1UIRIES CALL: THE, VANASIRA SHILLELAGH 482-3809 482-3644 s rs. Watkin -Country Kitchen' at VANASTRA SHILLELAGH Vanes-tra Park- Clinton' , Ontario Now open every second Sunday, beginning August 8th. ,You will enjoy our excellent buffet. CHILDREN -0'28, under) :1 . $ 49 FILL -YOUR;-'PLATE! ADULTS $3." ' , 'SMORGASBORD CALENDAR .• „"''"AbdtiST 8, 1976 OCTOBER 24, 1976 AUGUST 22, 1976 O 7,, 1976 ' 1 , SEPTEMBER 5, 1976 NOVEMBER SEPTEMBER 19, 1976 NOVEMBER 21, 1976 OCTOBER 3, 1976 DECEMBER 5, 1976 •i OCTOBER 10, 1976 DECEMBER 19, 1976 • (THANKSGIVINGG DINNER) (XMAS DINNER) Come -dine in my kitchen, and take 'a tour through our spacioUs banquet facilities. Seating for up to 700 people. 1.•••-.....;•••••••••••-...........11-••-s-•"•-•••••!-•,•.••••-••••••••-•••-•••••••••r., • -44,-)LiT,44.,)1,44..a.szaJTJI„z4j1,t 9 ra 1,4 DOORS OPEN AT 4:00 P.M. FIRST COME ... FIRST SERVED -- 4). I • o • I.