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The Wingham Times, 1895-02-08, Page 6
TUE WINU4illl31 TIMES, FEBRUARY x,l I6„5 t"?" •. ru-;ra , - • :'.!'Aisle le trou and the flutter -Maker. p dill , ' It is it Inattur of importance wiletll- I er al butter -maker should take all the blame tor poor batter that be pro - 1 duct's in a creamery or dairy. While : the butter -Maker and patron look _ . ! upon each other with distrust rind Balms a RQverlue, !suspicion. the itittereat.S of the two are ! mutual; the success of the one main- Ilon. Mr. 'Laurier in his great Iv hinges ran the Manlier in awlli('ti speech nt 11(Inrleat dealt • with the i the otner dues his share of the work, tque':it'ioIL of raisin a •sllflieient 1'e' and lll'Ithet' can derive the greatest -Venue by a revenue tariff as foliowa: , lleaslue aud -.1rotft from the business I now twine to another argument • unless both work tog ether, and then which seems to esei,1,s,'h very • ]melt on both will motive the highest re- 'ti'le minds of our co11Fe1•Wal'ive friends, , wa yds. In at creit1111ry 1 •dairy, although 1 must Say that it never eawlr has his duty to perform, ill ()r- imsdisturbed my head. All that ,,. 1 cl(t to lnatl:(> the snuc(. sful. •Coniervativeatapers and an the ('on -1 the first place, the butter of a „ rin fl :l , eet'vatr e 01 itots Fay to you, Oh, if 1 creamery or dairy NteUples 'a very you al'tegoing•to reduce 'tlle tariff, res lull5ibla' 1t1`iti()u and it is the ])Utter bit, V111011 W111 baso profit to how art you piing to get .s revenue?: duty of the an:tnitget' to secure the the 'onsets of filo erenniery. I full! (xentlenlen,it isnot necessary to make;lerviee of'a buttel'-ivaker who thor- say that the best butter makers in aLna Vel'\' F(.11011" • .LT'gllT11er4t to aIl- i cr , business, e_ the world cannot make tirr+t-ala hi uughly tlndersta•nds the. L u.ines , b Writ Oct question. We acre asked !cause newtthepatranfrets for his.milk butter fens! milk that is dirty or how twe you goiug to raise*: revenue, 1 or ed'eat. depends.n )on the ]rice the glinted; and futheOCliurt'. the paitl'o11H Rw('r' is •hits Iv this "bv n" gets I I shotikl dos to it that when the bate and the.aaa p • , - , : creamery .for .the flutter, •find a • t(1 all btl � the market I lt.t the Illuvillg>F tariff •#or revenue." The: � poor btattel-.lntil�c:r cannot untl:e aprice, tariff that we have in Canada tirst-class article. in the first place hlittne•cannut be Justly laid to the to -day is not a tariff for revenue, and he should take al 'course ill some butter -maker. If the patrons�wodnl(l .1 eould•quoteto wove dila thewordsof 1( lliil.y.scliao1 where the :most improv- ol'ly realise their responsibilities, Mr. Foster. the Finance Ifinister,. ed maehinery is •used, .and ,lealln theand'he .willing to >alaisk fur their in - which be gave utterance to,not later best methods ibr.prodneingthe ,finest tereht, the creamery would meet than last -session of Parliament. Mr.man- (with su0eeS5 and elle ;patron would Foster then said :--"The other and ; butter in the most ,economical nets and when taking 'charge of .a ' reeeitre •the highest market price for third method is the proteetirantariff, creamery, heshould be:faii• and ,,j11st 'his 'product. -•-•W. 1'.. Robison, in by which you select•a certain list of between patrons. and -should always Country Gentleman. articles and place ippon them/certain be ready to .ail and advise as to • Tates of import with- a view oftraising feeding of the •dairy cow, .and the I Prominent N1attarat.D,tsiriot People tG certain:amount orrIrnoney. . ler the best methods of handling and caring say.: merviees •.of • the • cc+entry, , but ',more for the milk or cream; .more,than Mr. •A, •E. Douglas, Druggist, Welland, tespecia'1'1•ytwith this:view, thatiwhilst this he is under obligation to „con- •says:: -•:Stark'=; Powders •flue itleatlache, 7t-ou raise the- amount .cf money :that duet his business in :a thoroughly .N frith ni....3iliraised ousne1s •.a: 1 •vLaver,w :used 3s necessary for the -country, ' you business -like manner:, *because the :them." 3nust stun it ite -the •;development of prosperity of his iptltr(ans .depends to .11 r.:7 :H.:13urgar, Druggist, .and 'Teas• the :resources of • t -e - country.' a. greater,or less .el tentulpon his ;eta •(leer Torun •of Welland. taws •-"Stack's d,rentienierr,tyoa have it •here Plainly tort in 06eltheetien. .Qn :telt ether Irret due „gtve.goud satisfaction nod sell :stated that•the o1)jeet of the tatiiff is band, the patron has duties more Mr. Alex. R,umsey. ilniperial Bunk, 31ot to raise- airevenue. That is only nunferous and :no less binding; and 'I :Welland. -says.:--"St)n•ttt's ir'ttwders are an ineiedeut ,cif the :protective tair'iff, think it will be safe :to•sav -tlnit the 'jeellent:" 'but the dime ti' feet of the tariff is to success of the te.p'Gaeteiw ,depends .as , Mr. Wood, .Manaster •tfmpentIft1 Clank. raise money so.as to • de;i-elep our -in- much a as dniln.as upon the+butter- Port Colborne. writes : '-Sttitik'sPateuiers do their wcrrk,admir441n: •fLnt in .sistaies, that is:to-say, to raise maker. %1r• A. E. Taylor, Deo eity-lteeveTown taxes not to ;plate in ' th treasu vy, of Welland. -say : ••Street: s Ptlwderei In the lint ;place the ,patron's ' Slut to place flacon in • the pockets *of duties begin 'with hhe.bl:eedin�r of the aired me atter two yearn of •srrflerinlr certain favored ..classes .,and .indiviiti- rrolu bevere:Sir.Ir Hendnt.ite:atrrl.lattomaah amis. ((<":8lcers:; �v'u►y, ar �erse the dairy cow, Ind then •tu the feeding, l evhen,other medicines failed:" abels tariff :cot for pro- which dues not end until the,milk is' :Price 25 .cents a box; •sold by all principle. p de1'vered alt'.tlte *creamery ,in good, medicine dealers. teetion, but :(implyfor retinue, condition. I+ias:xt of .all, the •.cows' '---'-- 1t is quite ,scar, nay, it 1sra=•plain as) The Polley of the Patrons. should have the !best °f,cte><e, and , ItIDAY i`1�I111UAliY s, 1895. patron who is careless ::flout itis Milk,:. and delivers it dirty and taillt- ed, is tlufug an fnjuty not only to himself and the butter -maker, but to every other patron it: well, because one can of flirty o1' tainted milk may reduce the valae of the whole quan- tity that day. Now if the creamery is in charge of 0 butter -maker who thoroughly understands his business at the sep- arator, ehurn and also. the Iiaibeoel: tester, he can find and see fbr him- self that there is 0 loss at the separ- ator orchurn by the per coot. of fat that the skim -milk or buttermilk: shows by the Babette: test. And if tt butter -maker Uti(b rstalut'e his Madness he will know where to be- girt to sage the giteatest quantity of will nave ouch. wrevenue onan, you roti `wholesome food, and :above all, ;pure j 'Mite Fartutari ' Sun pi btrishes the • water. The daisy .cow •should .never ( fallowing announcement ,over the have under'the.present streteon atYthel" t " " , present time. =esl►•ink watts that !ler ,owner would i signature of the Greed I nEstdent of mot willingly drink ;himself. 1 the 'Pa..trons, Mr. C. A. Maid?lory.: ' There is no eewtloul;y ,in 'feeding! Aa'the late frneeting of the (.rand I dairy iry cows inapurte tfuods, ;or Alm_ 1 Boautrd'in Toronto, the foiioavilag was big then) to - pick maw :tbe auulnure f prepared for publication its ithe ipress he(•lps. Such foods always invari-.of Cltinadaas an outline of the :de - a ttly taint the heli. .andii'etjure the man4s,rnade by Matrons in eateneetian • limier of the butter made .from it. with UDolninion at&airs: The new Connell ..organized on '1'iretfoods should be a, afholeseme,.and Nodlirector or stockholder 1af:ially :]]Monday, Jan. 1st, ;tat 11 o'clock, fent ties a cleanly manner. 2t is ,.carie -1 railroa(d•or other tcorporaltioln :asking ...when all made ,the -declaration of 1erdot ss at !Milking tintes,,as 1 base 1 for or ,obtaining :any emolun enc •ot I aqualification =dot Atte e andetook oft:anween, and in the after hat/Whew aid fro n:the Goaicrnnlent sliaull be ; their seats. A.coLatnlanication swas of :the milk, that eiui es the .moat{ 1 eligible !for electisen to the Houlsb.af . received front the secretary of the grief rte the butter-nlallata; :andamalLes I Commode:; and lrt'.such conditisns I Blood Roads Assoeia•tiorl, avhieh .at:'as tie business un prolittble. ;'if 0 shall occur fin the case of a rncaiiaer • .fisted. The following aeeounts Awe patron .could be presentwhwe ,h is I;already lel-acted his ,seat shall be &- Tossed and dekaenteres ordered:far milk is (delivered at the ,creaaaer•y, (elared meant. the. sante, viz: T.. (. 1ietn bill, n;a4s he would be simply asto•ntelied ea - see j It shall the declateld a breach of for ...sidewalk and oil Ifsi' •holt, 013.3;1;: the filth tfkat has accumulated in ;the !elm Indepelyilence of Parliament Aet Jnst .'once on Mewls Hall, 7..d, 60 separator:. In many eases I 11ar:see.tfar any member of she House of , Cle ;t, registering 3JirtVls, .eta„ $1.9O.; .had to stop:and clean the ttepara#+wr• i Commons :t© .accept ifees or emolti 1 J. C',cawann, one-half year sltlkattvv •aa••son ziccouut.of so much filth ;mein„ ctn •auents other talon his L early salary 'Clerk, 037 ; C. Sst der:ttnn, 'ringing rtl►e milk, ,and in emptying. este calts''or aessiona.f indemnity for any ser- I,ell't-,;:•ear; 012.50; S. x'ariis, "board dthere would.(tten be chunks of ma- vices prefonui id for moon behalf of for eseo. Smith, 87.50.Wm. laabin- :Dore, bits .of .straw or ensilage and ithe Government. . • ' :bon awas.a.ppointed endive. slay' the other foreign natter; and too often! No member of the Hods° of Com- f Coancil:t:nd W. S. MieKeeeiler 'try ;Mat milk itas foal odors, absorbed: nous shall receive a free pass from the Ireevv.. The following emanated; 'thenthe impku:e:atmosphere to which i any railroad or atea.niship company ; averse appointed, viz :---treets `W.. it,ios been exposed. Iand the "seat of any ineraOer so re-, A. Rutherford, William Wilson and 'There is no reason wiry the milk l eeiving.a free pass shall '15l proof i J. A. Barnard ; Park and 13e11. Thos. not reach the creamery entire-, thereof be immediately declared , Rae :and '!'.. 13. Sanders ; Charity. ly pure and street if proper care is I vacant soid the person so o nding TLeeae. O> motion, the Council taken in milking time and the hand- ' .hall be, disqualified ,for membership i radjGurJ ed to ,meet on Tuesday the, ling .of the milk afterwards. !in the House of Commons or for any! 29th inst. •?lie Council met on During milking iiolrrs it is Owl position in the gift of the Governenent 1 January 29th, ;pursuant to adjourn- duty of milkers to have a small fora spaee of live yearn. hent, Ali :the tnemt)ers present, brush or a clean cloth. for the par-' The Government house at Otttsva Reeve landets le the chair. Minutes pose of cleaning the udder, and if the shall be abolished, and the bar -room j of last oteeting read and confirmed. udder is dirty, it should be cleaned . in connection with the House of A eorrnunfeation from Secretary of thoroughly by washing and drying; ; Commons and Senate Chamber shalt Single Tax Afefation, with form of and not only this—the milker'a also be abolished. The system of ) petition to the Legislative Assembly hands should be as clean as when he i superannuation, gratuities and pen- in favor of locat option in raising sits down to his own meal. The sions, except for military service, taxes,was filed. On motion by Thos. Inilk should never be allowed to re -1 shall be abolished. Rae, seeonded by J, A, Barnard., the main in the cow barn any Longer The Mounted Police of the North- j i Clerk was instructed to notify the than is absolutely necessary, as la! west Territories shall be abolished, County Treasurer to cancel taxes should be earned out of the cow except in unorganized distriets, in against the following lots, viz: 1, 2, barn to a room where the atmos- i which case the expenditure shall not S and 4 on south side of h'ralick st., pliere is entirely pure, because there exceed $200,000. lot 1 on east side of Gibson st., and is danger of its beeoining tainted by ' The Military College at Kingston west part of 311, Hall's Survey. John the absorption of disagreeable odors. , shall be abolished and the expendi- Bretliauer was appointed assessor And when the milking is completed,, tun: on the militia fore° in the 1)o- ytiid A. L. Gibson, collector, The- it should be aerated and cooled at., ininion in times of peace shall be Board of Health was • appointed as once. We all know, r r should I limited to fM00,()00. fellows: Dr. Brawn, Dr. Smale, and knOw, that everything which comes, The grantinry of subsidies and It. II. Fortune, 'tvitlr the Reeve and in contact with the rniik should ire p bonuses to railread and steamship Clerk. A 'by-law was introduced, serupulously clean. Cam, pails and companies, and other corporations read three time, and passed, appoint -.strainers all should b* thoroughly shall be abolished, fug the offIcet's of. the municipatitt' • washed and st(•ainrd ord. put huff br]' The number of civil servants at' fi)r the year. :On motion the Conn- a nick in the pare air until :.gain Ottawa and their salaries shall be' ell adjourned to !!feet on the 8rd needed for use, and net t', be kept in reduced. Tuesday of Feb., or at the call of the the barn over night tt3 I have often' The High Commissioner in Great I 'U. eve. J. Cow.t v, Clerk, yt'e:r, for the tet tri no k, T ,: Ill';taia shill rceeive 0. stated salary, a ell:•'. Q.tNr''' (''i'iR. Mr. John A. Batman], of the )Irin.of jikk k & Bar- nard, oatmeal aU,itlor.,, has cemented to nest, av agent for the TIMES. in 0. roxeder, and.a ill 1•e-eeivea,u)escrip- tions, etc., ter statue. ,+�,•Www.,s..,w.,,ra.,r.,,-.,,.r..K,,.r.w•.•.�<r�+v�,..,. (hive as wee pass them by. Every night the al'ennllt is eh std. without any ' tultlitiutts for assistance ur' perquisites. 'l'he number of Oabinet ministers )shall be reduced and the Canadian Senate shall be abolished. Luxuries shall be taxed to the fullest 1•e1 ('tort produc'iu;; estent,fiuf the allowing shall be admitted free into (.'shads, viz : Cottons, tweeds, woollens, Workmen's tool :, farm illi- , pleulants, relive wire, binder twine, i t'oal oil, iron :utd corn. Signed o11 behalf of the (fraud Board. C. A. AI %1 L01ty, Gran(! President. I..:1. ]Weevil, (it'and Secretary. "Body Rested{, Mines at Ease." That Is ts•hnt it is when traveling on the Last Mies of thef..; iltltetiwlloe ; & :it. Paul !furl&.,; besides there is no chalice Lt1'•luelt," i•or the accuu)tnuUatiuuy are lit) to tele, the iridian keep moving right {along and get there on tittle •1'ilt•,8e hues ihelru ighty cover Lite territory between t"hit,o,o, La (,ruese. St. Paul, Minneapolis, Abet'deel, Jlttt;hsil, Sioux :City. Yankton, Council blurt*, Omaha and Northern Michigan. All the princi. pal cities and towns in that territory aro reached by the "St. Paul" lines, eon, fleeting at•St, foul, (Council !Huffs and Othah,. with all lines fur points in the far west. \Vrite to A. J. 'l'aylor, Ono • a,dian 1?;'RR'r Agent. 87 York Street, Tor- -onto, t., for one of their new snap Litn•e table 0 D a brochure {riving a description of the Compartment Sleep- ing Cars. Tickets furnished by any coupon ticket agent in the United States and.Canade. Tho finest dining cars in ,'the world are run on the solid vestibuled, '•electric -lighted hted anti steams -heated trains loftthe Ohlne.go, Milwaukee & St. Paul Roil way. A Shopping Inndent. 'She was a haughty dance, and being .on'a shopping expedition with a f'i'iend, happened to catch a. glimpse 'cif:tun ;aeq'llaintalteo site did not wish • 'to recognize. Let ns go this way past the silk 'counter. I„jest saw some one I do not swish to meet. Who is she ? asked her friend who did ,not see anyone near thein. (h, some horrid woman with a smirk on •het• face. Of course I have only a 'towing acquaintanme with her, and although her face is so fa•niille r. They ,finished their shopping and the two !ladies found themselves at the -salve point where one of them hard seen her disagreeable acquain- tance. I cannot •remcmbor her name. Thwte sloe is again. Why I do be- lieve she's been thele all the time, she •sane:!, :pointing to the person in question. Tilavt• woman ?--Geodness sakes, that's yourself you see in the mirror there, said ,ter .friend, choking with 1 lauglifitet . • And the mortified woman who had art filer own reflection was ob- liged to acknowledge that the dis- agreeable anairik was. her own. P'er •over ]Fifty Yearn A' SOLD ANSW,It11.-TR,RO REMEDY.— Mrs. Win slow' M.•othitix 5t'rop has boon used for over rift. years by uililens et mothers tor their children while 1t'•uthio : , with perleot stleness. 1t soothes , he eh i lti sotfens the suis, adlaya all pain, cures wind coli'. and is thehest mine ivtor Diarrhuua. Is pleasant ,0 the taste. S11dd,y Drug,eists in et cry part of the Worlu. Twenty -live seats n uottle. It; value i. iinrnluuhthle. Se „u''e :{mei ask fel' 3{)'e. WilISIDa tl Mouthing hyrup, and take no other kin.'. Gems of Thought. (One can have no greater enemy t1emt a violent temper. The eye of a master will do mel e work than both his hands. Asa evil intention perverts the hest actions and makes then sins. In the meanest but is a romance if you bort knew the hearts there. Affectation in any part of our car- riage is lighting up a candle to our defects. Buy what thou hast no need of and ere long thou shalt sell thy neces- saries. A lie always has a dagger in its hand no platter how well meaning it nay look. When a thing is hard to endure something !larder may come to snake t easier. gneheritable thoughts and unkind deeds will cause the wings of the soul to trail in the dust. 13c thou blameless of what thou rebukest. He that cleanses a blot with blotted fingers slakes a greater blot. If people would only stop talking where then stole knowing, half the evils of life would come to an ena. Sympathy is a potent power fJr hood, and to neglect it in our efforts to foster gond conduct is a fatal mis- take. We Oannot borrow tithe. There 18 no interest tte('Utuhllating on 111(1 ,�„=rl.lutiuoo:urr.Ltttl611t�.,,� r Nothing so clearly discover'; a t` tlii:i 1 . - l'1.0O1lN1NG spiritual Ilion as his tit•atulellt of an ,bL EV1';I1Y LIi`ItYII)Af:Lr`i ;►M . 'rill;.; hr tla r, I1' Sitilli to Yet -tore rather than t,) ltpllrtl1;1 lent. Neve!' reprove 11 1 1111 11 ill 11111 1w1„lit tlf his passion. All 1lassio,is are like rapid turreute ; they swell the more fel' meeting with 11 dais, The world is so full of sadness that nee should Illui'e and 11k)t'e !flake it a pant to avoid all sadness that clot'•, i net conte within the sphere of duty. Holton'. is like the eye, which ca1T- ilot buffer tht' least 110p!U'ity Wit In alt harm ; it is al preeiva3 stone, the price of which is lessened by the least flaw. Whatever you eat' under the in- fluence of excited. feelings, is rattler the attack of one who would publish, than the charity of one who would reclaim. A fault, opportunely rebuked, is like a• cure timely taken ; then both j alike are easily cured ; but when tilne hath give• strength an(1 growth, 1 they both pass from dangerous to deadly. Learn the value of a man's word and expressions and you know hiri,t. 1 Each Ulan has a measure of his own for everything. This he offers you, inadvertently in his wo>nds. IIe who has tt superlative for everything wants a measure for the great or 811)011. Health In Your Vest Pocket! A box of Ripens Tabules can be stowed away in your vest pocket. ;It costs you only 20 cents, and may save you as many dollars' wordh of time and doctor bills. (taming at the giratiu);-"Hey, C Hifilfly ! how's CItLt rue a t'I'011t tet' hailer extrys tutu ? " Hear;, Disetl,,u rte t. ,r, 1 in 30 I121nu es. -.1 Oliou. °Nit .L: ,r e)'ltl- pathetti heart, )1,0,14(,i ruct..0.i to :IJ • -.t'r tin:-- TltoCw OFF1OI, s)C)l-1':r't•,INP4 S'1 BEET S\ IN(GHAM, (117'tutlo. Subscription price, $t 10'r year. In advance AIIVERTJS(N4: R.1rtti4t Fh•c' t 1 1)). I to:.. , At- .. I imo:. 114, C.C.•I.,t •.1 r1a 540'x•, , t+tJ'1) 0 00 it t.l •, I X19 •H, I •'•/ uJ 12 00 1 803^ {..c.,'• au u.) l:t1'I. 1(1) 200 .•Ut• 1,rt11 1 f' di! I 1 911 g 111) I 100 i.e,4,1.1 ,ant? nttag' c wind :44114'.=11,1)114111.. Se, ptr line (4l ..1'. !: ❑,se,•r.i1/11, ata1:1,:. per lune f_, 04e)4 s(bsegaent Liv' 41 uovc: y 1O.:. pc, Hoe for first natation, and lc, per 1:,,t, ter each e,tlnapteor u,crtici . Nu loaai unlace will) 1 elutoree:less then :tie. ::•IrertL,emt'ars1fLost, Pmind, St yea, Situation** and Ii:rnu,r:, t'ham•es ]Punto), untcicewl(0g 8 lineb neop,uuii, r1 per month 11t.uso•' and 1•'arwn to Sale, out ext•erdin)r 8 Ihlea tT lar !tint mouth, Mk.. pet' uub,et)uent month Thest• 14. Also, all! he sitictlt :minted to sp,.it,1 rates for local nth milsements, or tot -t.+r.•rti,cnivnts am! focal not item without specific' din:talons, t..,i 1 e inserted fir, forbid and charger ee••"r,tla.'••t,. 41t0r)• advertisements Must p•0.1 in a... ase, clamant; for contract mice] mot tit -os must bo the „o„.,, 1.y. 11 ednesda) 114011, 111 order to appeal - 12.41 week rt. ELLIOTT PaoeltlxT(R A11) PUauIsua»i .' �' DR. R. 4I CDONALD. i�Y CUNTiu': srltt;t:L W,10n0R`W— -- -.Y +- _..T—..QITARIO., B. TOWLE1l. U,D.C,M.. Member College Physicim,s 111(1 Someone, Ontario. --Coroner for Count) of ituro,- 0ftice lIp-rtairs, next to Mr Morton's office, Wing.. . hum, nut. oma:R ii OURS. -0 to 12 a. n:., I, td p. m., or a.. Re1idence, Dierol.alStreet. 1'. KENNEDY, M. D., M. '1. I'.8 O. Al .uuccs or to Dr. J. A. Moldrnnt.) l IMed that of Western University: Late House,. dutroon in Louder General tfus»ital. Special amen. tion paid to diseases of women and children, 011tcu-Morula•(, occupied by Dr. Moldrum,Corner of Centro ono i'atrit I streets. 1 4411011AM • 01T i q a It 3irnsn Al. R. Forman, bendier C.dleee Physicians and Surgeons, (1,ta+ie. i(40l1RAyl, ONTARIO. ; minuttld It11_1 go tt;.ti) u.tb-L , IJi..i:(-' Haw's Ctu•e. ';i .,.1 ,tt v•lN,'Ul ..'� U. U•r ecure, 11111,.11.1:11 p t YANSTONL, dl. Laura—I cant lineable what's the BARRISTER, 1+(,):JL190I;, Ftt,, matte!' with I)OJI' tilde .111•. akitiieoe Yrhatc •.nd C:mpnrty hinds to ►„u t1 'tt tewcst rate• interest. :io enrlutisstnn (hurt,+tsl. Mortgt+,,nes, tot{D' to -!light. lie hasn't stil'l'ed from his ` and `10111 proton t, benefit and sold Seat 811100 he 01)100 itis 11U5tess•--U11, i 0I•'F100-11eavcr'Meek 11 mews! Laura, don't refer to it ; it s too _-_.__._.. -. _..._- . - - _ „ awful ! Laura—is he really ill, th )n? Hostess—Dl a No; 1. left illy t hav- ing gum on the chair and 1uraut all abou. it. DR. CI1\SE'S THE ORIGINAL KIDNEY PILL KIDNEY= LIVER :, feet b J. A. BARTON ('ARIllN7ry�tt t )ti'yh. c. etit 1:/ • L. DICKINSON, Ba rrf 81 er Etc. B)LICITOf TO nANN 01' II,1.3ZILT0\. MONEY TO LOAN. 011it c—Meter Block, 11 h,ah.,lu, 7-.1.-J. S. JEROAl5, L. D. S., V, IFOIfAa. �J Is tnanufaetur ug arst.elass sets of e•:"; ••, 11 as cheap as they can be +.fade • in tiro Dominion. Teeth extracted: a solutely without pain, by his new process, guaranteed Aerie. tly safe. 0F1"10E: In the Heaver !flock, opposite the• Brunswick House. 0 THE ONLY KIDNEY -LIVER PILLS FILLS F. DRWSON, Manajer Standard Bank, Brad- ford. Ont.. says, Chases Kidney -Liver Pills are a ter:cud medicine for the Kidneys and Liver. s W. P. CARRIER, 115 McCaul St., Toronto, re. presenting. Montreal Star says, Chase's Pills act like n,.gre for the relief of headache, bilious attack and con.)ipation. Sold everywhere, or by )nail on n aeb+• ,.' festa, to EDMANSON, BATES & CO. 45 LOMsaRt) SI. TORONTO. ORT. 1. For Twenty -fly Years DUNN'S I*1I:> C 1 Wm. H. Macdonald, L. D. S., DENTIST. OFFICE, MACDONALD'S BLOCKA.. Will visit Game lst and 3rd Monday of each month. J CHN KITCIIIE, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT W INDHAM. • O17ARIO) p. LEANS, JR„ tt11DUAH, LI0ENSltD AUCTIONEER YOB TUB COUNTY' Or IlU1tON. Sales attended 21) any part of the Co. Charge& Moderate. .J UIIN CU1t1tIL, WINO• LICENSED AUOT10)1i)lett Mit TILE COUNTIES HURON AND 1111110);. All orders left at the Timm otlice promptly-attone THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND ell to. X011118 reasonable, LARGEST SALE IN CANADA. AMES HENt1ElisON, J L,C10.00n AUCTW\)HH TOM COIMTIEa t1UR011 ALIO Et,•t"n— N.,. BROODY All sales attended to promptly 111(1 014 the Shdrteta Notice. Charges Moderate Guaranteed. necessaryniuglnt1e(adeth Tests' eftice Wixol.tn b"f• POWDERS Cure SICie HE,'tADAGHE and Neuralgia in 20 AS,Nu1•e'(4, al o Coated Tongue, Bier)• mess, Biliousness, Yarn in the Sider Constipation Torpid Liver Bad Breath. To stay cured end etc Liver, 1rg1'iv Nitta TO ?mac. P1002 20 OL'f rs A'r Crmet) Stoners. ...r n..:.,....,. ....,.-.,..,.,....r. . 11V.roney to Loan on Notes. Notes Discounted 1 tett' ItEASOZTABLE RATES !Y 1 mono WI/amid on lfortgains at 5} pct eontwit pritliege of paying at the end of any year. Neta and accounts collected... . Ro81'. MO1ND00., (dearer Meek %telihaua vet. v IIAS GIA; • WONDERFUL A CA 'Toted off n Tor --Hie Dalin Croak Mn'e Cups. The perforr and all the posing on the ing to the feat hill, a fanner Loudon, Onto,: part of the col man now, bi that snake 11' those who see He is a trifl weighs more t turesque a tig� ped from the ) men, so petrel bas always and is comfort .feral hundred 1 horses, cattle portion. As probably as lived, for, des so fleet of 1 sprinters eon prowess at jlr reputation. 14 when 20 years for hint after fields to lea, .jump or to rit ..seconds, HiS -able, and was' fug charactt knew of his f glimpse the c bilities was F1' road, now len building Marc ryhill, among the railroad I building pari ber to this Oil vation of the tion of the rc marked his s' •a good man with. Ono d bet from his: ing at sit or `vainly to pial -of an ordinal, track. "Why, 100 said. "Bet you 'struction bol The money picking up tl, with the axl( with then) an with as mud papier mac,, -giant jumps away, lcaviu looking atter ishment. That was 1 of the farm short crop, e horses to f and began 'Rome of his hard -fisted li Berryhill fi chase the qt like a fair pl hill said, fin "I'll give ,'your farm n The bargt parted. He .a sort of and began 1 i issourian' 11 to the roc ing beneat a h ton of the was wort 'market. 1 highway 11 •carried it h As a your at all raisin •a function 'When a far large outbt bers for th witations ai One of Be such occass handspring the framed The spectai •evolutions :ground on I -'rhes wide, iters, and x In the woo lax was eq) awl twice as ordinary tc that at eve wood. It I handle log would ordi position fo horses got and Were t ,giant wool hub, call t would be When nt mild as a t •gnarrolsoti Snoo of lift to crack in them abel the entniti which was miles front winter of barroom fl 'Which lino s'as's befog; Ra1lioad i London N'0 ordini sorted to 1 goons old own withl out ol! victor. `('I ba, thras •sterns We