The Wingham Times, 1895-02-08, Page 4t.
A. 83 (tic'1(,„a te,
t T'ri Itl srn.if rit)xs.
t111•. J. S. 11'iili oll, ehair111a11 of the
eCInttlittee t1n roslilutio;is, reported
• that it 1t(1 been. cit'(, kti d t() adept
._ Aetp _- the resolatituis passed at the National
,s•;eral Ceuvt!ntion held at Ottawa,
D ( i ;f p and in addition €t resolution had
been framed expressing eonii(lt'1.e•.'
ileol. Wilfrid Laurier. This hist
ACT. Q. A'ds % a T6: .E'CIR` i '1 `, Itali.(d resolution was as fi)llows:
ar,+ r v; N t'();+;i '>:,L?. cs I i Tun t.,:.}nan.
apt. Brunswick Hose
This convention t'.esit't•:i `•t) plitet
on record .ts stelae- of the tine judg-
` xA "31 i _ 1 FYI I meet, courage and tlmiser:[; nutni-
, ti'stetl by the lion. Wilfrid l.aurjt,r
.....,... «-'-- - - sinee his itee('ssion to the leadership
• '• . . , 44. of the ILiliihll party of Canada, and
1 i. '. y t ' x yi t. of the three: and clearness with
li. -i 4 MIL, 'i ( which he hits presented the princl-
J plea of Liberalism to the people,
• The convention believes that the
en(is aimed at in tile. confederation of
Canada can be achieved only by the
hearty co-operation of-'Ca:nadians of
every race, creed and province, and
rejoices, therefore, to know that by
FItlt)AY Pinilti' It? i , 15t13.
Royal r!'pr.IplaT'a of Temperance.
Mr. J Jerome Dentist, Wing- all over. Ill luck to Grippe.- -Miles b1'Altlii'l,l' IU 1'Ofert4.
,) tiS1' elle"1.
liistriet Connell of the l:oy cal Tem- ham, says: "Wihtanls 'Auto Dandelion ', Charlotte :Naylor, of East Wawa-
plers olaeued at Th line:,ville, On iron -1 Mr. Geo. Cruikshank Turnberry. i r. I M I
day, lth iI'o't,. 1)ietrie:• (.•1lu)lt!illur, ,1,14ayt3: "`t'heraisnoI 11Pt1U11)t0Wi11i41n18'; 1IiIIIlhi)n: laltit .MUll(lay.--W(' are
E. Tom, in the chair. int.:: 1'M, i?nut, Little Dandelion Villa" -
ills," glad to learn tluLt 111.1s Nellie Me-
t , Mr. Finlay Anderson, Ex -Deputy -Donald is .1iglltly improved in
retie and E. Jervis }\'('Ilk ill)pU11xtC(1. i. IReeve of East Wawanosh, sage: ""`.i -hey 1l(' lltll. '`1'll(? iltt(',l1(lillle(' attile51i0{11
(1 cdezltial committee. , [ c)11xI111111.' are the most satisfactory Pill I Have ever i
t' ti(,hi frond .I, 1+. Lucas, 'f'orotlto, 1 used,,, ;Wits rather' small this last week or
' "
st}n the market. l!(,)51' )lli(I 8 1lvi11 t'i) to J. (i
wit.' read, 1'eglICStln,"'' tvvoral change's 1 Thomas 'Taylor, WarOon for the two because of the very etltl'111y
County of Huron, says: "I would not use ;weather.
to be mole ill the constitution of 1 ,. „
any other I til
2"b'r, A. committee }vas appointed I Chas. Proctor, 4th line of Morris, l
to consider the matter. The follow- ;says: °I would pot be without William' { II()lVIOK,
110 ea1a11lllttee , were appointed:: Little I)andellon bills, Y The 1i)11u1't'I11g is the reln(d't of I'.
Distribution of reports and paper': ) of f ru G eu}st' ` I h averfound tho m i1% '' S. No. 13, Ilowick and Tnrnl)err,}•,
Blois. Penhale, Fear, Davis, Sisters deed a wonderful Pill,"; for the month of January :
Ivisotl and Piekard. Temperance I IIuudreda of like Testi mon ialsfuruiah. 1 .$enicr Fifth -•-- Ruby (.'rittcndeu
Work—Bros. Butt, Jacke.-, sisters ed OA application.
j (r,, : gnes 1''artune 6r;, i.Ila Neill u1.
Leech and Fotheringh:un. Corms- „ ,,,,,,,,,:,,,,.....,r7.7:,..,.77„..._
- ,,--_ _ .,... _. ; Jr, h'iftll---llni4v Barton :' 1_), llilz'y
ponclence and Memorials - Bros. I 1i0111ti5. i fI(,uty 180, Lillclsay Weir)>(1i),
I)el ;att; , Pennington, Nelson Sister, t earth --Joseph Underwood _ 1 e,
.Allan. AIii.:eals and Decision(:----: The newly elected members of the I Charlotte McMichael 218, Samuel
Bros. Me(alinln, Johns and T. C. Municipal Connell, viz: 11. .!looney, j Willits 141, . Sr. Third ---William
Pickard. State ot'the Order ---Bros. Reeve ; Geo. Kirkby, Deputy -Reeve, 'Abram 1(10, Waldo Weir 1191,Frank
McRoberts, J. J'., Reid, Allan and and Thos, Code. Jas. I3ownnan and i (ie nnlill 125. Jr. Third—Mary
Sister C)nitelon. finance --- Bros. Wm. Isbister, Councillors, met at the i Willits 12d, Dennie Anderson 121,
Read, 1i e , McCallum Io um an( Butt. Opening.
• and Resuscitating' Councils --Bros.
1' Town Hall, Jan. 21st, 181)5, pursuant James Barton 113. Second --Fred.
Tin Young Liberal Convention to statute and subscribed the neccs- I McIntosh 41, Robert Underwood 25,
Yield 111 Toronto, this week-, was,ii his own COUSPiCiOns merits, his stain- ilial', II. Elford, .tieDclllald and sary declaration of office and qualifica- I Belli! Fortune 25. Part Second—
less eharacter and iris rare abilitie(;, Sister Ale:ienzic. Speeiitl Committee tion. The Reeve occupied the chair. Armond McIntosh 311, Howard
grand success in. every respect. Up- 'It French-Canadian has risen to al1(---13ro . Naftcl, Davis, Penhale and The minutes of last meeting for 189.1 Hooey 33, Edna McIntosh 29. I''irst
position of leader of a great Cana- Sister I.'Yard. The District t ' i-- Wroxeter, Feb. 7, 1805.
wards of six thousand were present,
Wingham, 1!'ebrl t vy 7, 1895,
. corrected by 1'. Desi,, P
Flour per 100 lbs.. ....
Spring Wh(•at
Butter, rolls
Eggs per dozen ...... .. .
Wood per cord... , .... .
Hay per tor..
Potatoes, per bushel
r()dil(. e .Uoalcr,
., 1 l to 1 75
)'i to 0 50
1) 55 to 050
0 27 to 0 28
035 to 040
050 to 051
0 14 to 0 1fr
, . „ 7 ('0 to 7 50
030 to 035
't'a11ow, per 1b () 05 to 0 05•
brie( Apl,k•n, per lb 0 4 ; to 0 05
Chieltelr4 0 '21 to 0 35
1)u&s 0 30 to 0 50
'1'nr3teys 0 08 to 0 00
Geese 0 05 to 0 00
Dressed lIal,,4 75 to 4 90•
Beef 4 00 to 5 00
Fall Wheat. 0 50 to 0 58
Spring Wheat 0 55 to 0 57
1.3arley 0 35 to 0 40
Oats 0 27 to 0 28•
Peas 050to051
Potatoes, per bushel0 30 to 0 35
Batter 0 13 to 0 16
Eggs, per dozen .... 0 14 to 0 16
Hay .............. G 00 to 7 Of/-
Cordwood' •3 00 to 4 00
Wool 0 17 t0 0 20
tT , .• .e i •I 1C., LOui1C11- t} CIC Ica( and pas CU lIo} ed by \ e1) •ter li 1111t, 13, It thcl How
and the addresses by Hon, Wilfrid diaa1 party and has received the for tied Secretary gave a detailed re-• Win. Isbister, seconded by Jas. 7.
Laurier and - other Liberal leaders loytil and enthusiastic support of port of their work during the term. BowIllan, that Wm. Clark be re- JOHN IIAIt7'I.l?}', Teacher,were atatt`stnenlike 1 tterancee,. Lige els in every Province of the"Tlle election Of officers then took appointed clerk, at a salary* of +130
'I'IIr^ Toronto- Empire was alilalga- Dominion. I place, re ultili ' as follows :—District —Carried. Moved by Thos. Code, , _ „
hated, with the Toronto ilial, on EQUAL HIUHALL. TOALL.; Councillor, J. E. Tom, Uoderich; seconded al
by W., Isbister, that
Thurscla} and the new paper .Ll'
That the spirit thus shown, which ; Vice Councillor, -Hiss Fotherinollaln, Richard Johnston be reappointed gr. John A Barnard of the firm of Mark .c n:r-
the ' ° hconveution believes 18 not confin- Brumfield; Chaplain, Rev, E. A. Auditor—Carried. The Reeve then
Reared as the Mail and Empire. ed to the Liberal party, is a recogni-, fear, Ilolmcsville; Secretary, Bro. appointed Chas. McClelland second
The Mail and Empire will be the tion that the -highest places in the , Butt, Centralia; Treasurer, Bro. Wan- Auditor. Moved by Geo. Kirkby,
(ouservativc organ in Toronto. By . gift of the Canadian people are open , less, Varna; Herald, Sister Ivison, seconded by Jas. Bowman, that Jno. odist church are eoutinuing this
mud, Oatmeal Miliers, has consented to aetas.ment
for the Thins in tVroxetor, anti will receive subscrip-
tions, etc., for same.
The revival nxeetiugs in the lieth-
, Fall Wheat 0 58 to 0 58
Spring Wheat 0 57 to 0 58
Barley . ............... 0 35 to 0 35
Oats 0 27 to 0 27
Peas 0 50 to 0 52
Potatoes, per bushel0 35 to 0 85
Butter... 0 13 to 0 13
Eggs, per dozen0 14 to 0 14
Hay 8 00 to 8 00
Wood, short 1 50 to 1 50
Wool 0 16 to 0 10
Dressed Hogs 4 60 to 4 60
Beef ' 4 50 to 5 50
this amalgamation, the newspaper to all, without distinction of race or i Kippen; Guard, S. Stanley, Hay P. Watson be reappointed Assessor, at a week. They are under the direction ..
situation will be greatly improved creed, and gives promise of the ' 0.; Sentinel, Bro. Augustine, Dun- salary of $$80—Carried. Moved by of the pastor, Rev. Mr. Kerr ---Mr. ,
in Toronto, and the merchants and happy union and hearty combination i Bannon; Past Councillor, Bro. Pen- Wm. Isbister, seconded by Thos. and Mrs. A. Munro, who have been ADMINISTRATORS
"business men will have one less paper of all in the work of building up out bale, Exeter. Code, that -Geo. Hood, W. J. Johnston on a visit to ,Milverton, have return- NOTICE TO O EDIT01tS.
to support. ' of the North American British pray TEIA'ER4NCE WORK rommITTEE, and Thos. Laidlaw be appointed to ed, --Miss Lottie Brawn has returned _.__
inees, a free, happy and prosperous The report of the Committee on act along with the Reeve and CIerk from Toronto, where she has been Notice is hereby given, pursuant to net'sett
TALL the zudications point to a gen- nation, Temperance work was handed in
erai election before another session THE NAME. `by W. S. Butt, chairman, and was as
of the Dominion Parliament. The The committee on organization follows : -- Your committee recom-
Ministers Woe been looking over the then reported, and recommended
ground, and making preparations that the organization should be call-
forthe coaxing struggle. The Liber- ed the Ontario Federation cif Liberal
ails have also taken the movements ofClub_. The officers of the f~a deeat . n
the Ministerial party to mean an ap_ together with delegates e'ee€ed bypeal to the people at an early day, the Federal Association., elton e n
ie the council dr the
and have arrangements well iu hand
for the fray, and scent vidtory in the The convention then broke up amid
airmuch enthusiasm_
YOUNG LIBERALS! r Toronto, Feb. 5—The mass meet-
ing of L.beerals at 3lassey Hall this
LARGE AND ENTHUSIASTIC GATHERINGevening was a monster affair. In
AT TORONTO. spite of the intense cold weather the
great hall was packed from platform
Toronto, Feb. 5.—The convention to gallery, and there were between
of Young Liberals met this morning x,,000 and 6,000 people present, mast d 1 `
ly- men, though a s .rink! m of ladies , aT at the. Town Hall, on the 18th Feb- stock yards as it was not considered
in Temperance Hall between 200 P ,m - _ `.Y parliament. The report
and 300 strong. Stewart Lyon,
had ventured out. - i r:.:s adopted. d 1 ruary at one o'clock p. in. --Carried. wise to crowd them on a, lutted mar -
president of the Toronto Young' Lib- The speakera were Hon. Wilfrid id EE mrr Iso• l onse1TaEE (JN D1STIII0L'- 1 On application being made for bonus let. The butchers wore out 111
era! Club, presided, and all parts of Laurier, Mr. (neo. C. Gibbons Lax1 ara,N E REPORTS ETC.
1 for building of wire fence, it was large I>umbers, and bought freely as ,
the Province were represented. don), Hon. Geo, W. Ross and Mr. ' This efmmittee recommended the I moved b, Jas. Bowman, seconded by the prices were about a quarter of a
The morning was spent by the! T4 tti. Paterson, li. P., of Brant. piecing of a copy >f the Royal Tem- Wm. Isbister, that• no genuses be cent per pound lower than on rhurs
delegates in listening to short speech- rhe chair was •occupied by Mr. plat. in each home, and also the read- i granted for the. building of wire day, but they were not so low as
es from representatives from various Stewart Lyon, president of the Tor- ing of such temperance literature as fences in this; municipality during they were two weeks ago. The best
parts of the Province as to the advis- onto Young Liberal Club. The Ten Years of Temperance," "Zan- the present year—Carried. A peri- beeves sold at about 3 ce per lb.,.
lability' of forming a permanent or- platform
b florin was filled. with prominent guard.,- etc - tion was presented by D. Kelly and i with
pretty good stock from 3e to
ganizatIp11. The proposition was
Liberals of the c.ty and district. REi' 3nT t,F [ i,_IMITEE 01' 3 mi,RIALS others, asking to be withdrawn from ase do.; oxen and bulls sold at from
viewed with extreme favor. Sir Oliver Mowat, Hon. A. S. Hardy, ' S. S. No. 5 and attached to L'. S. S. Ile to 3C per lb., and the leaner
• Ross ` ` beasts at from 2e to 2? c do. ; Com-
- .AFTERNOON PROCEEDINGS, Hon. J. M. Gibson, Hon U. Ti'. Lrrs<' .loved by Bro. Butt, seconded by oto. 3, Morris and East Wawanosh. inion calves sold at from $2.50 to G
o The Young Liberal Federation Han. John Dryden, Hon. Win. Harty Bro. Uelgaty, that we lnenlor€Mize Moved by Wm. Isbister, seconded
Convention to -day was attended by and Hon. R. Harcourt represented the (rand Connell to instruct the by Jas. Bowman, that said petition each, and good ones at from $7 to
some 300 delebates, and the proceed- the Ontario Government, editor of the Royal Templar to be be laid over far further consideration 1 X14 each. Shippers bought a few
lugs' throughout were characterized --`— more temperate in his editorial cater_ —Carried. Accounts were presented ;good large sheep at 3 ;e per lb.
.. by entire unanimity and much en- LUCKXOW. ' lances, especially in reference to as follows: John Mooney, Collector's ;Good lambs sell at about 40 per lb.,
i tli.usiasm. Thos. Girvin, an old and esteemed other journals which have for years salary, ?85 ; A. McAllister, box :and mixed lots at about 3 c per lb.
favored and su > drain across road allowance, $2 ; II, . A drover from New Brunswick lead
The convention indorsed the feeler- resident of the village, passed away pI ort(.d th(. causL of Hawthorn, placing est under Forbes
anon idea, adopted a constitution iafonclay week. Deceased. bad been temperance. An amendment, that p gp , a carload of 135 slice and lambs on
and elected the following troubled with heart disease for some the matter be con-idered in six bridge, $1.50; Municipal World, . this market to -day. He sold 75
OFFICERS : Lima past, but }vas in his usual health months, was introducer!, and after election forms and poll books, $7.20; !head, weighing 8,525 lbs. at Sic per
President --Stewart Lyon, ri'oron- and was down street an hour or two discussion, carried. It was 7decided Misses Exford, charity, $8; Jno.;lb., and the balance of his load at
.to. b f h ` d tl 0 h to memoralire the Grand f' -I
as a Board of Health, also that I)i'. taking a course at the ( 0113Ci't'atory Statutes or (hl,nrio, 1.-3i, chapter si sec, . hat
all persons hiring olaims against the a to of
McAsh be appointed Medical Health of Mu ie —1I 7tirlea drunmist nshlp of
1, yeoman,.
Lith day of
out thousand
re requested to -
the undersigned,.
dmh,lsh'ator of the.
Wiughan.l'. 0. on or
eh, A, 0., 1S91, their
uams, addresses crrptlons, fall part(cnlars
Itemises or places where liquor is sketch of work t0 the offices of the with Landoll. --Dr. Wilson,D. D. G. of their claims and ti nntu oP the security, (t!
auti guard against any new Post and Herald Brussels and the M., of Tara. paid! his official visit to a4 )d ad1,i11iotratcr will prose df to dintrihl`,1111,;11a°
T T T 1 '
I n
e s of tale s ld dCCeas' 0.111 n•• t o /a i •
•._ .c, s . cd o h rt is en.itled
c being granted. Forest ' 7 ... ,
n e Standar —bctn rat d Elite
ned i o Blyth•L•' I 't ,
T •ceic 1( 1
We mom-. Carried. s Lodge, ; o . 1 c 1
g • oP w1n)eh
< l James Fox, Archibald Brunt, (or Brent) late of the t
druggist, East tt'awanosh, to the County of Ilur
Officer—Carried. Moved by Thos. of Brussels, was in the village this deceased, woho died on or shout.
e ' December in the ear 01 nnr L0
mend all temperance people, with the Code, seconded by Geo. Kirkby, that week. — Lovers of the ' roarin eight hnudred and )nicety .ur,
Royal Templars, to ask all town and the Township printing far the cur- game " here are jubilant over the tend by post prepaid or de •et
solicitor for John )3rtmt, he •
township councils in each municipal- rent year be let by tender and that victories wolf in Wingham last week. estate of the said deceas
ity te reduce the number of liquor the clerk be instructed to submit a Our club expects shortly ,,to play . before oho 5th day of
• thereto, having regard to the aloins only -
n: rd ail trustees of Public and High Moved by 11 m. Isbister, seconded by Masons, on Monday evening l st.. - 1 he shall then hm-e notiep.
SeL.Kr to be temperance men, a ncl Jas. Bowman, that the plans and
food they use their influence to en- specifications for rebuilding Forbes' rive Stook lnar.r3tB.
geese teachers who are total abstain- and Clarks bridges as prepared by
er , an wherever practicable, to use Jno. Ainsley, be adopted, and that Montreal, Que., Feb. 4.=There
tie ter,,px:ranee Illedge among the the clerk be instructed to advertise were !bout 800 he [d of butchers
elm',; We recommend Royal for tenders for rebuilding the same.
T eu la i*:s to use their influence to Plans and specifications to be seen at
ei€ -t men who are known to be total the Reeve's office on and after the
a1,?•: za-I.c„ 0,3 Municipal eflicers and 4t 1 February. Tenders to be opened
cattle, 300 sheep and lamb:, and' GO
calves offered for sale at the East
End Abattoir to -day, and a good
many more cattle were held! at the
e ore is ea 1. n going ome, x an f unci to
First Vice-President—Hugh Guth- he went to the barn to look after the ' permit a reduction of the capitation
tie, Guelph. cattle and not coming back for some' tax, when several of the same family
Second Vice -President — 0. K. time, Mrs. Girvin went .out to see belong to the Order. The members
Fraser, Brockville. what }vas keeping ]xim, when she; of the Council declared their willing-
Secretary—J. 13. Holden, To- was horified to see her husband lying !less to stand by the decision of the
route. dead in the stable. He was imme-, prohibition convention in Montreal,
T,reasttrer--•George M. Reid, Lon- diatcly carried to the house but life, namely, to support candidates for
dc)lI, }vas extinct, he evidently having ex-' political honors regardless of fealty
Executive ---Messrs. Lindlay, Hain- pirod shortly after going to the barn.' to party. Mr. Penhale, of Exeter,
Ilton, Cowan, London; Rudd, Wind- Deceased was in his (9th year and a was elected representative to the
sor; Carruthers, Kingston; Fraser,
Ottawa; Gross, Welland; Woodruff,
Niagara Falls; Dunbar, Guelph;
Gillespie, t'xbridge; Biggar, Belle-
ville; Thos. Reid, Toronto; S. 11. Mc-
Donald, Orillia; Wm. Kennedy,
South Micldiesexk- liiundle, Prescott;
Pardee, Sarnia.
TIM i'inEsIn1;NT.
Air. Lyon. protested against accept-
ing the pre's'idency, but was com-
pelled to yield, and finally accepted
mild much enthusiasm. Mr. Lyon
was made temporary chairman of the
convention, and briefly explained the
objects of the gathering and the ad-
vantages of a provincial federation of
'Young Liberals and the cause of re-
A committee on resolutions anti, on
organizations was then appointed,
and the rest of the time spent in
lfetening to addresses from 'various
Hays keeping County ward $12 50. 3 c per lb. Fat hogs continue to
Jno, Ansley, plans and spec • ifications
for Forbes' bridge, $10 ; P. Cantelon,
keep of Fisher, $16 ; Dr. McNaugh-t
ton. medicine for Fisher, $1.50 ; W.
II. Kerr, balance of printing account, 1
$1.50 ; W. Clark, nomination ex-
penses and posting financial state -1
ments, $5. Moved by Geo. Kirkby, II
seconded by Jas. Bowman, that the 1
foregoing accounts be paid ---Carried.
man well known and highly Tiroocl ' By-laws Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 1895, were
respect- I Grand Council, to be held at
eel lir ("`ruin has the stock, on the 19th 20th and List dul read and passed The Council
Mrs. xl sincere
sympathy of the whole community in i inst. The hearty, thanks of the
her sad and sudden bereavement:—
i council were tendered the friend4 of
Mr. John West, of Ross street, this I3olmes} clic, for their cordial recep-
village, who has endured the most tion and kind hospitality to the visit -
intense suffering from cancer in the visit-
ing delegates. The Select Councillor
face and neck, for many months I of Holmesville Couneil, replied in a
past, died at his residence on lion- 'few words, and said it was a pleasure
day week, at an early hour. De- to have the meeting them, and hoped
ceased was for many years a resi-
dent of the village, and was a man
greatly respected and esteemed, and
all were made woleome. The of-
ficers were then installed into their
respective positions. The next his -
his widow and children have the trict convention will be held in' Cen•
sympathy of all in their great loss of traiia, between the first ane .'20th of
a loving husband. and kind father.' June next
He was a member of both the Ma- •---•-•'-•--•. ,'y
sonic Society and Canadian Order of Remember the great Liberal
Foresters, and the funeral was con- M
ducted bythe members f th
s a e Meetingin To all,sV in bam
Masonic Society. The remains pwere _ ` i
interred in the Dungannon eeme- On Thprsday ening next, lith
tery. instant
then atljou n o me ag m 01 e
18th day of Feburary next.
W. CLARK, Olerir,
13y the time this is in print—so
rumor says --one of our fair young
ladies will have joined the ranks
of those who have no longer any
use for single blessedness. The
young man who is to participate in
this event, more particularly than
any one else, is very fortunate in
securing such a prize, for she is very
highly esteemed in the neighbor -1
hood. ---La Grippe has not forgotten
tis this winter and as a result of this
malevolence some of our young pea
plc are going around complaining of
"sore throat," "sore head," "sore
body," yes, in faet there is an ache
sell at about 4le per lb.
East Buffalo, N. Y., Feb. ..--Cat-
tle—Receipts, 2,600 head. Market
10e to 150 higher or good butchers.
Slow for medium grades, and steady
for choice heavy export cattle. Sales,
good to prime heavy cattle, $4,75 to
$5.20 ; good shipping, $-1.50 to $4.65;
good mediums' $4.15 to ,$4,40 ; light
to good butchers' steers, $3.65 to
$4.25 ; cows and heifers, $2.75 to
$3,85 ; extra fat heifers, x(3.90 to
I $4.15 ; bulls, stags, oxen, rough and
plain cattle slow, at 10e 'to 15c
decline ; buds, fair t0 choice fat,
$2.25 to $3.50 ; oxen, $2 to $4; extra
fancy, .425 ; veals stronger, $6.50
to $7. Hogs—Iteceipts,16,500 head.
Market active and 5e higher. Sales,
Yorkers, $4.25 to $4.80, mostly 41.30;
pigs, $4.30 to $4.35 ; mediums, $4.30
to $4.35; choice heavy, $4.35 to
$4.40 ; roughs, $3,50 to $3.90 ; stags,
to 5,3.50. Sheep and lambs—
Receipts, 15,200 head, Market active
and 10c to 15c higher for both good
sheep and lanibs. Sales s -•-Pitney
Iambs, $5.60 to $5.65 ; good to choice
$5.40 to $5.55 ; fair to good, $4.75 to
$5.25 ; culls and common, ;3 to
$4.50; good mixed sheep, $4 to $4.25;
fair, $3.50 to $4; export coves and
wethers, $3.75 to $4.75 ; culls, sheep,
$2 to $2.50.
R. VANSTONE, Wingham,
Solleitor for tho said administrator'
Dated at Winham this 7th day of February, A.
D., 1805,
Notice is hereby given pursuant to Revised Statu-
tes of Ontario, 1SST, chapter 119, section 30, that all
persons bavin, claims against the estate of Isaber
Eadie, late of the Township of Turnberry, in the
County of Huron, spinster, deceased, who Bled on
or about the 27th day cf November, 18.)4, are request-
ed to send by Bost prepaid or deliver to. Andrew
Mitchell, of the said Township of Turn berry, (Wing -
ham P. 0.), on or before the 20th day of Nubruary,
1895, their names, addresses and de..ciij.tim,s, and
full particulars of their 01011114, and the nature of taw
security (if any) hold by tlem ; and that after tho
said day the said Executor will pi tweed to distribute
the assets of the deceased amoi.;; the parties entitled
thereto, haying regard to the chin s only of which
he shall then have notice.
Dated at win,h tin this 31st day of January, 130x.
Two very supor(r 'ouna Shorthorn
Bulls for Nile. at
s to sort 1 he times.
Color red. one
n months old and
one twelve.
Whitechurch P. 0.
Cannot•supply etduatesfromitsSHolt.T-
HA1VD DEPAttrbLE2)T fast enough to meet,
the demand for them.
10 of the latest pnSitiotls filled wore filled with
undergraduates. rl'ss Alice Murdoch,' an under.
gradute of this department, has just been picked as
Stenographer with the firm of tom. White & Co.,
Lumber Dealers, of Boyne City, Mich , at a good
It Pays to attend a School that has the con.
Hence of the business public, 005 ran find you a.
good lt on when 0lndtled trti18Iodhi1,npnii s naycommence
at any time. For eat,dogues, address
0. McLAC11LaN,
Chatham, Ont,
Tho djournetl Annual M.: ing of the
liluecale Cheese and 13 ter Factory
Co. advert d to be bel n the Foresters'
Hall, l3luevik u)i M. , clay, January 281h,
was again adjo (• to meet in the same
place on Puesd , ':bruio•y 121h, 3895
at J.30 o'eloo - :p, tn., t : the drawing
of the mil on the differed ilk rontes
will be I: if satisfitetory bidoffer;
also t delivery at the factory o about
(70) evonty cords of wood will be lot it
te i s are suitable, and any other (mei.
nese transacted that tnay come before
the meeting.
/ !i'•,