HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1895-02-08, Page 3re •
W. 0, T. U, COLUMN.
(flONPITCTEn BY TIM alsawm awaln.)
Pay (14, !, and Hour and xatire
Well call the atoention, of the mothers and sister,
to the fuer., that the Wouras Chrintiun 'remper.
Imre Union ieeetsi the third Monday e% month
at three o'cleek .harp, for one hour, at Mrs. Itehn's
resorm, Patch:it streei,. All ladle's aro made we!.
As the EdItor has kindly Oren ,14 Olt cI l'18
•spare, for our work, we ask h of the cause to
semi items of interest on all 11113N160118 4the
day to ant of our Inembern.
',LAN ov WORK OF W. O.
.'OR 1806.
The committee has recommended :
1st. That a Ohildren's Crusade
Day be appointed, and that .each
member of Band of Hope be urged
'to bring at least one new member -
date of said day to be lst Saturday
after New Year..
2nd. That physicians be asked to
give health talks to the Band of
3rd. Believing that the more
children are taught the principle of
kindness to animals, the less likely
they are to become hardened to
crime we would urge the introduc-
tion of Bands of Mercy into Bands
of Hope, and Sabbath Schools,
wherever possible, and ask that the
two well-known books "Beautifal
Joe" and "Rlack Beauty" be placed
in the hands of the children.
onnantex's PA PER.
4th. We endorse the proposition
of the Royal Templar Publishing
House (subject to the .approval of
Prov. Sub. -Executive, when final
Arrangements are made) and suggest
that if such enterprise bo undertaken
Canadian W. C. T. U. talent be
utilized as far as possible.
5th. That the observance of the
quarterly Temperance Sabbath be
continued, and that the opportunity
it affords, to train up a , generation
pledged to total abstinence, instruct-
ed in the mind 'nd will of God,
prepared to present a united front of
defiance to the abominations of the
liquor traffic, be improved to its
greatest extent. That a temperance
departmentbe established in every
Sabbath school library and supplied
with the brightest and best, the
strongest and newest temperance
eians, 1it discontinued by our women;
and that greater diserinduation be
used by physicians in prescribing
121,1). Greatly alarmed at the in-
creasing use of opiates, and believ-
ing the action of the Dominion Gov-
ernment in imposinga duty of
per lb. on prepared opium to be con-
trary to the best interest of the
country, recommended that we
petition the Dominion Government to
prohibit its importation antl sale.
senooi, mums.
'13th. That a special effort be
made this year to elect women 0111
school boards, and to procure their
appointment as high school trus- •
Uth. That the Provincial Sub. -
Executive be authorized to represent
to the Provincial License Inspector,
the enforcement of the law in regard
to the sale of liquors during pro-
hibited hours, and to minors, and
to gambling in hotels ; further, that
an effort be made to secure the re-
moval of drinking closets from Lar -
15th. That Franchise be made a
separate department of work.
16th. That the evangelistic work
and prison and police bo made sep-
arate departments.
17th. That every W. C. T. U.
woman constitute herself a vigilance
committee to visit book stores and
keep watch for prohibited papers and
that where anything objectionable is
found she communicate with the
local superintendent of this depart-
ment of her Union.
18th. That each county super'
tendent shall receive and forward.
without delay, to the local Unions in
her county, the plan of work for-
mulated by the provincial superin-
tendent of her department, and any
other commuuications that shall,
from time to time, reach her and
require to be passed an to the local
workers, thus keeping the chain of
connection unbroken between pro -
books that stray facts and argu-' vineial, county and local superinten-
Anent may all be utilized to fortify
iirin the temperance princi- Personal letters to the provincial
And con
superintendent from local workers
Ales of our pledged army of grow-
ing girls and boys. will be answered direct, and without
passing through the hands of the
SCIENTIFIC TEMPERANCE. .county superintendent.
,6tb, That A, committee from each Each county superintendent shall
UW1 'union, accompanied by the be held responsiblefor forwarding,
ktelentific Temperance Instruction to tilt provincial head of her depart-
- Superintendent of the Union, wait mont not later than the 16th day of
upon the school boards iti their see- October of each year, a full report of
tion and urge upon them the advis- all work done in her department in
Ability of employing, as teachers, the local Union of her county.
only those who do not use liquor or Each county superintendent shall
tobacce, or indulge in profane lan- procure, and forward to her provin-
. guage, tial superintendent, early in the
7th.. Realizing; that the subject of year'the names and addresses of all
Scientific temperance is not given its the local superintendents of her de -
due importance in the papers set for partment in the county.
promotion. eXaminations in our pub-
6 1
i .A stout old lady, seeing at one of : , • - . . : . I TOTINCN":t
PEOPLES ,,,i:1
nu., work may. be taken up and Taken While You Wait,
the railway stations an automatic • • - •
25th. wem
o would again phasize machine from which by dropping 1 _ PAP.
the benefit to be derived from the a penny in the slot you receive the i The undersigned in returning thanesJ
' A •pi ..-...
' . l fthe, ila
temperance libraries oar Unioncarefully rm
e- , for past favobeg leave to say that they . n n ew ournaor
also from the free cireulation of our connoltred She dropped the coin ; have a very large stook of .
allot literature furnished by the in, and posed herself in front of the
erature department at Ottawa, , machine for a few seconds, opened LUMBER, SIIII4GLES, 11 1 11
the door and drew out a portrait,
A. `Selfish World. 1 Adjusting her spectacles and look -
George ----No matter how things go .111g at it, what should meet her 1on band, which will be sold at very am
; I
-the poor always suffer. - astonished gaze but a portrait of a prices to meet the requ!retnents of the
Jack -Yes, the nabobs who own lady acrobat in costume ! • hard times,
Broads don't think anythieg of "Well l" she ejaeu)ated, "so this is
down a poor mart's horse. line, eh ? Ti) I don t speak to the First CI
Maria Jenkins !" Square
of Canada.
Young people a;iiiA; the only_
twins, what are they to read? T
peuuliar wants. are not fully net by any
general newspaper. In the United ki,tates
several excellent periodic:ale urs prep*rell
for their benetit. but they are all expft..
sive. Harper's Young People (New York)
costs $2 a year; The Youth's Elotrfpanion.-.,
(floston) $1.75; Golden Days (Philadel-
phia) VI; and St. Nicholas (New York) •
are luxurieS.
aning Yes, and the man who can afford
ass Shingles $1.10. per .
authorities about this, my name's notf W. They are worth the money, but they
own a horse runs down the poor The Yonne Psor 1,e's PArou is a weekly
Wood Nets, per Cord delivered
Yes, and the man who can afford! Cause and Effect.
fellow on. a bicycle.
(eight -page) journal just commenced in
I • Kingston, CUR ads, designed for the porn-
bicycle runs down the poor ehap Neglected colds cause coughs, throat sal of young persons of both sexes be-
tween the ages of ten and twenty, with
ho has to walk. troablss, bronchitis and consumption. Everything else equally low. Come and
a department for ehildren. and itsued at
That's it. And the man who These troubles can only be cured by the , a price within the reach of It will
see us before buying as we will not be
u uOTBOat.
morupt use of Norway Pine Syrup, the coi3tain the cream of all the leading
Mks stumbles against the pool best throat and lung remedy in the
ipple who goes on- watches. world. NcLEAN & SON. American periodicals of the same Ouse
lie schools, therefore
Recommended that the Provincial 19th. That we pledge ourselves,
Superintendent of this department be as we did last year, to answer
authorized. to write the Inspectors' 1 promptly all communications either
section of the provincial teachers' printed or written.
association, asking them to prepare SCHOOL OP METHODS.
.questions on this subject with the
same care they give to those mother
studies prescribed,
Sth. That the department of cur-
few bell be created and added to that schools, wherever and whenever every •week. The lamp is apt to
of legislation and petition. possible. smoke • unless this is .done. Then TNOLUDING Books, Pamphlets, Posters, 'Bil
Heads, Circulars, &n., &a.,executed in the best
Oth. That our Unions. be request -l PRISON AID ASSOCIATION. never cut your wick. Your eye for style of the art' at moderate prices, and on short
1 e
I ' dd .
cd to co-operate with the superinten- 21st. That we co-operate with a curve may be excellent, but I will . notice. App $ or
dent of Neglected Children, Mr. J. the Prisoners' Aid Association in their warrant the arc of your flame will R7ELT,IOTT. Times Office, Wingham.
J. Kelso, in his efforts to carry out endeavor to establish inebriates' asy- never be perfect if sissors have been
the provisions of the Gibson Act. lums and poor houses in every county. called into play. When the wick is
as well as the many publications of like
That's the'way. And the cripple Wingbarn, June 7th, 1893. nature to Ile found in England, in addl.-
crutches spends most of his time•
One Sunday, while a Scomatter. Young eople like stories, and
baillie tion to a due proportion of original
coming his sticks down on other was superintending the collection these will be given in abundance. Among
eople's corns. It's a sadly selfish plate an old lady came, and, drop -
WANTED -Loral arm Traveling Salesmen
„ to handle our Hord v Canadian
Grown Nursery Stock. We guaraetoe satisfaction to
representatives and Customers f•ur Nor,•eries are
the largest in the Dondoion-over 700 oeres. Ne edrentOre and discovery, explanations ot
the miscellaneous contents of the paper
()rid. 1 ping a penny- in the plate, passed into may be mentioned accounts of travel.
the church. In a short time she • •
re -
Relief in six bours.-Distressingappeared and lifting her penny out
.fid -
nay and Bladder diseases 'relieved in six „
Or the plate, went out. The baillie
hours by the "Great South American Kid-
ney Cure." This great remedy is a great , asked for an explanation of her
surprise and delight to physicians on ao- ''strange conduct." "Oh," says she,
count of its exceeding promptness in reliev-
"I am in the wrong kirk."
ing pain in the bladder, kidneys, back and
every part of the urinary passages male
anct female. It relieves retention of water A Curo for Ileadache,
and pain in passing it almost immediately.
If yon want quick relief aril oure this is ,DEArt SIRm -I have been troubled
yourremedy. Sold at Chisholm's drug
started to take 13. 13. 13. and now I am
eadache for a num er o years.
b b f 1
l•perfectly cured. It is an excellent
remedy -for Headache and Dizziness.
The Virgms and. the Lamps.
"To the wise virgin whose lamps
Ellerton -"I should like to know
burn undimmed through the long
a where the bright girls of the past
winter evenings" went recently
Bronson -"I should say that
correspondent of the New -York , are?"
Advertiser, and inquired as to her 'Some of them are administering
cautious closes of paregoric to the
practice, receiving the following
reply :
"'Why do my lamps give a more , Rheumatism Cured hi a day. -South
brilliant light than those in other American Rheumatic Cure of Rheumatism
houses?" she repeated. Possibly ' andNeuralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days.
because I take better care of them. FI_s0iCetrii0011,3 so n teresnylsoteziastio7outennlhtaeblecaaunsde
Lamps are not to be lighted and ofYthe disease immediately disappears. The
looked at merely, neither are they first nose greatly benefits. 76 cents.
ing. Most housewives spend their A Boston girl spoke of a tight
I Warr
to be of less value than their cover- anteed•at Ohishom'sdrug store.
morning in concocting new shades, !rope performance as "an inebriated
making over old ones or fastening cordage entertainment."
fresh flowers to the one in use. I .
That is not iny way. I prefer to
devote my time to seeing that the
lamps are rewarded for thir genial
help of the night before.
Few women boil out their burners.
This should be done at least once a .•
week. I rub mine off first with
paper, then place them all in a
saucepan of boiling water and soap-
suds. There they remain for 30
minutes, •when they are rinsed off
with clear hot water, laid to draM,
and afterwards carefully rubbed and,
polished with a bit of flannel. I find
this the.only way to prevent smok-
ing, or unseemly greasiness.
In my large china lamps, where a
brass tank holds the oil, 1 boil out
this metal receptacle as well as the
burner. fill the tank itself with
warm water, letting it come to a
forceful boil on the range. This
plan removes every suspicion of dirt,
as well as odor from the brass.
After rinsing off, dip it in a weak
solution ot ammonia and water, then
polish off with chamois skin and
20th. The value of schools of This is my systematic weekly
bright girls of the future,"
methods having been fully demon-
strated by this year's report, we
would urge upon county presidents
the advisability of holding such
Washing schedule.
As to the wicks, I fancy in most
lamps they are not changed frequent-
ly enough. I put in a new one
'II. •
Certain in its effects and never blisters.
Read proofs below:
BLIIEPOINT, 5.1., N.Y., Jan. 15, 1894.
Gentlemen -I bought a splendid bay horse some
time ago with a Spnvin. I got him forS80. I used
Kendall's Spavin Gore, The Spavin is gone now
and I have boon offered $150 for the same horse.
I only had him nine weeks, so I got $120 for using
$2 worth of Kendall's Spavin Cure. '
Yours truly, W. S. MARSDEN.
SHELBY, MICH., Dec. 16, 1853.
Sirs -I have used your Kendall's -Spavin Curo
with good success for Curbs on two horses and
His the beat Liniment I have ever used.
Yours truly, AUGUST YEEDER108.
Price Si per Bottle.
For Sale by all Dmiggists, or address
substitution in orders, Exclusive territory and '
liberal terms to whole or part time attents. Write
(Head Office.) Turman, Ont.
The only Nursery in Canada having testingorehards.
Josephine Street • - Mighain, Ont,
• 10th. Because the present Tobac--
co Act has been proved to be most
difficult of enforcement, we recom-
mend that the Provineial Union
inemorialize the Ontario Govern-
inent to amend said Act, so as to ren-
der buyer, as well as seller, subject
to the penalty of the law ; also that
the clause forbidding minors to smoke
Th public places be introdueed.
llth, We recommend continued,
faithful work in distributing anti -
Also inserted, simply burn the end off.
(a) For the reorganization of the The blaze will make its own path- WOOD'S PE[OsPHODIN.
county jail system providing for bet- • artistically than you The Great English Remedy.
ter classification of and industrial could do, and the after light will Six Packages Guaranteed to
employment for prisoners. have no ragged. edges. Every promptly, and permanently
curo all forms of Nervous
(a) And the employment of police mOrning nip all the burnt edges wvaine.18,.evassivta,sperm.
away with a flannel cloth. atorrhea, Intpotcney andel!
Areas of Abuse or Excesses,
Mental Worry, excessive 1436
J. A. 11.31,s'otc, J. W. SCOTT,
Mount, Forest. Listowel
Deposits Received and Interest
Money Advanced to Farmers and
Business Men,
On long or short time, on endorsed notes
or collateral security. Sale notes bought
at a fair valuation. Money remitted to all
parte of Canada at reasonable charges.
Special Attention Given to Col-
lecting Accounts and Notes.
matron where female prisoners are
incarcerated. A vital point for the maintenance .. Jo Tobacco, Opium, or Sam*.
of a strong glow is the daily replen- Beforeand.After. rants, which, soon read to in-
WONEAN 'S JOURNAL. ishing of the oil. Never let the wick oirmity, Insanity, Consumption and en carry grave.
22nd. That united special effort strain for its sustenance. Without Ilevatiscreins ixescorniteldizoevzfarbl365 ayrarsInnetlattousmaendlosineof
be continued to increase the circula- good. nourishment, wicks, like ;mown. Ask druggist for Wood's Phosphodine; if
tion of the Woman's Journal. mortals, will emit a very feeble Moe
Inclose price in letter, and we will send by return
-cm some worthless Medicine in place of this,
TEMPERANCE PATRONAGE, flame, man. Price, one package, 81; sir, 36. One wilt
tobacco literature; would again di- Of course my chimneys are polish- Ouse, at win cura Patnphlets free to any address.
23rd, Believine• that every W. C. The Weed Company,
reet the attention of local Unions to T. U. " ed every morning. They are soused
woman should feel it her duty Windsor, oat., Canada.
the "Anti -Tobacco Gem" (price 10ts, -into a generous pan of hot water and
per in chibs); and suggest the for- soapsuds and polished off with ti,l5 1,, Winglunn hv 0. o. wiiitura enured.
to patronize temperance grocerEi and
illation of anti -cigarette clubs in our ' b chamois. . . .. . .
merehants. we ure•e each Union to
bring this matter before its Members. ,
towns and villages. As the morphine Mere is no denying that lamps
habit is, we fear, gaining ground PARLOR. NEEETINDS. require much attention, but they are
Amongst the women of our provinee, tlath. That special effort be made grateful and respond. in such a
we would urge that the use of such , in the line of holding parlor Meetings brilliant manner that one never be -
&rigs. unless presclibad by physi- ! (living the winter, where depart- grudges thetinie spent on them,
Agents in Canada -The Merchants' Bomb
of Canada
Office }lours -From 9 a, m. to 6 p.
A en .
. 1 ....lila ELI d I, I 1,111
o-sonnosa.,' • o
vvontlerful inventions, instances of re-
markable intehigerce in anirnals, anew-
dotes.eto, Parente may rest assured that
the moral tone of the paper will be the •
very highest.
PACO, 50c a year; trial trip for two
months. 10 cents. The best way toremit
is by postal order at a cost of two cents,
though small silver is carried safely
enough if wrapped in soft paper. Ad-
dress T. J. Shanks, 03 Rideau st., Ring-
ston, Ont.
GEORGE *THOMSON, Proprietor.
Lumber of all kinds,
First-class Shingles,
and Cedar Posts.
gar Load Orders a Specialty.
WOOD delivered to any hart of Wing -
tIVPOrclers by mail promptly attends
Box 126, Wingharu 0
Send 1) cents; in stamps, or 10 cents silver, and wo
• will send yon by retail] mail the
A neat little l3ook, being a perfect Guide in the art
of Lettt.r Writing. It contains letters of LOve,
Friendship and Business, etc., with valuable instrue.
tions and advice. Every young man and woman
should have this Book. Address,
Ingersoll, Ont
A Blessing to Every Household,
These remedies have stood the test of fifty years experience, and are pronounced
Family use.
the best Medicines for
Purify the blood, correct all disorders of the LIVER, STOMACH, 'KIDNEYS AND
invaluable in all complaints incidental to females of all ages.
TIIF CDI1N-1111/1T...111"11
B01\ELS and
• Is the only reliable remedy for had egs, sores, ulcers, and old wounds. FOR ERONCHIIIS, SORE
DISEASES IT HAS NO EQUAL. Manufactured only at 78, New Oxford. Late 533, Oxford Street, London,
. and sold by all Medicine Vendors throughout tho world. '
1'Burcbasers should look to the Label on the Boxes and Pots. If the address is not
533 Oxford Street, London, they are spurious.
Best usual Syrup. a`sson Good. Cee
In thud. Sold by dni I,• lets
:,;,i•54 '7
have decided, for a short time, to reduce the price for
$4.00 SPOT GASH.
If you have any Tweeds at home, now is the time to save a dollar on
the making of each suit, and get a good fit. First-class Trimmings supplied.
at 'wholesale prices for spot cash only.
If you want to buy a Suit or Overcoat you can mire from $3.00
$10,00 on each, by purchasing from us.
'Merchant Tailors
Oppealqh the new Maedonaid Block, Wingham.