HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1895-02-08, Page 2* THE WINGI1AM TIMES, FEBRUARY 8 1.
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iest nouncedinmother,"
asks'se de-
dear," and other homely, pitying married, though she ba,d a natkilmatonnnatisin dropsy and all diseases; of
refinement that kept her ever above stomach', liver. kidneys and bowels.
It also removes all impuritioa from the
It would have astonished. the vulgarity.
friends of Ethel Merdaunt to have
He was not mercenary, to do him
seen her presently sobbing like a justice, and did. not care so much for
. 8jOrso!rogioau:.°6kniLl PlinPle to the
child in the caressing arms of "such money in bis einidren, s choice of 1110 Professor (to medical stu(lent)—
a very common looking person" ag , partners as for gentle birth and "Mr. Doselets, will you please name
Mrs. Foster, her new friend. Self.' standing in society. But a shop girl! the bones of the skull?" Student
contained, proud and yet keenly Ilerror ! (perplexed)—"I've got them ail in
seneitive, the girl had eased herself Ile had thought sometimes he my headcprofessor, but the names
in an armor of reserve, for with should like to find again Miss Ethel don't strike me at this moment."
orphanhood she had inet other trials. i Mordaunt, his mother-in-law's cern- Propitte for spring by using Burdock
• Letters found amongst her father's panion in her ocean voyage, Ile Diood Bittoto to elesnse the system and
proved that he had lett hen:milted known, Mr. Mordattrit slightly in tont the body to vigorous health. Its
II . the remedy for ali
tinsumial tanglet of magni• been people of position in Earful d thgrettteste ituttrathl Hyatt bovrele
to save oxpetise, and weather I business, and rte knew that they had tot s gutfyiug regulating work makes
B. g
, was in brokea health., and two generations Wok, Wino MM.
y •
suffering from the acts of dishonest A jocular eyclist, well known in
Protection has done notating tiro Copenhagen sporting world, bad
it impedes every other industry that church. The andge thundeied out•
for to answer a summons for riding on
the cheese industry but impede it as the foot -path leading- to Lyngby
Butter has not had the same advan- the words, 'You have been cycling
stands on its own legs, and a bonus
will not better the butter business,
is a comparatively young en Ttre
tap as cheese. The Creameries As-
sociationorganization, but it is on the right
track and will eventually do for the
butter trade 'what its sister organiza-
tion has done foe cheese. At its re-
cent session the association passed a
resolution asking the Dominion and
Provincial legislatures to aid in estab-
lishing a steady weekly transport of
butter products across the Atlantic
and so confident is the association
that this once established would con-
tinue of its own motion that all it
asks is assistance) for a year, Let
--:;.nce a weekly refrigerator car be
es\tblished, with vessels at Montreal
or .1.itlifax with refrigerating eom-
parvoents read. to receive the
freight Mini the oats, and. in a very
short time the trade would go on
from its own momentum. It is it
natural industry, an industry indi-
genous to the country, and once es-
tablished will need nothing further
than the watchful attention of the
Creameries Association and the con-
scientious work og the butter makers
of the country to take its place be-
side the cheese industry.
We have to look lelsewhere for the
success of the Canadian cheese
manufacturers. '1 le growth of the
industry is not to be found in pro-
tection but in the adoption of the
principle of co-operation and an
earnest recognition of the fact that a
great industry could only be created
by a constant striving after the best
reaults. Uniformity of quality is the
swat of the wholeibusiness, and the
' influential factor •in bringing this
about was the formation of the
Canadian Dair mch's Association in
1867. This organization has been
the guide, philosopher and friend. of
he al ' It dri a ed becturcrs
and instructors, interested the Legis-
lature in the businas. secured laws
dd p • 't f. d
a,dulterations fraiW the Dominion
Parliament, and in :J. every way lab-
orect to establish 'and maintain a
repatation for Ganalian. ebeese. The
Ontario Legislature, has been speci-
ally active in promaing theinclustry.
Grants are made totbe Eastern and
Western Associations, dairy schools
aro maintained, a travelling. dairsr
journeys about the eountry, the in-
structions in which, though mainly
directed to butter -making, are use -
hi to the theese industry in teaching
farmers and their wives the hand.
ling and OM Of milk and in prae-
tice with the Babcock tester in
analyzing milk. The Dominion Par-
liament too has done its share to
passing stringent acts Waisted in
'You will have to pay a fine of 4
The tiered took four coins out or
his pocket and laid them on the bar.
'But tell me, your worship, have
Prince Waldenmar and Princes
Marie permission to cycle on the
path in question ?'
The judge rubbed. his nose.
`Um ! No,. certainly not. Is this
your first offense?'
"Yes, your worship, and my last,'
answered the culprit.
'Well, then, I will let you off with
a caution this time.'
Our cyclist gathered up his money,
made .his bow and walked off. But
when be had got to the door the
judge called out to him:
'Hello, you there, did. you actually
see Prince Waldenmar and Princess
Marie riding on that path?'
! No, your worship,',replied the
cyclist, with a twinkle in his eye,
and was gone.—Handelstidningen
Xt Never Fails.
Norway Pine Syrup cures coughs
colds, asthma, bronchitis, hoarseness,
sore throat and diseases of the throat
and lungs. Price 23 and 50 cents.
"HOW TO BE TIAITY, THOUGH His Choice of Two Evils,
MARRIED,"—That is a secret which It was two o'clock in the morning,
many would like to possess. 'And and colder than tour kinds of charity,.
yet it is so far out of our reach ! when the policeman saw the man
After all, health isthe best guarantee:standing on the street earner, shiver -
of a happy married life, and with
g until his heels rattled on the
sound health on both sides it will be sidewalk.
mainly one's own fault if happiness "What's the matter ?" asked the
does not ensue. Then, husbands and offider, approaching him.
wives, purify your blood, invigorate "I—I—I'm cold," shivered the
your nerves, promote the healthy
action of your liver, cure 7,7our head. nia„n*
What are yOu standing out -here
aches. restore your appetite, banish for r -
flatulency, indigestion and low spirits "Every place is shut up."
by the use of the world -famed Hol- „Have you a home ?,,
loway's Pills. if at any dine you „yes.t;
suffer fram gout, rheumatism, bron-
"Can't you get in there ?"
chitis, asthma, or sore throat, • use
freely Holloway's Oititmerit. . It has / ""s,Vell, why don't you ?" You'll
cured millions ; it will cure you. freeze here."
"I wouldn't be surprised," said. •
A New Arithmetic. the man, bracing up to a degree of
The lady who came into the book- firmness, but I'cl blamed sight rather
store was one of the very primmest -be froze tharbe roasted, and my
and most particular, wife waiting for me, because the.
"Have you any arithmetics ?" she light was turned up full when I was
inquired stiffly. 'round there awhile ago."
"Yes, madam," repliecl the polite ' "Um," grunted the policeman, and
cicrk.. invited him to remain where he was.
"What kind ?" • —Detroit Free Press.
"Any kind you wish, madam. We
keep a complete stock."
"Well, I want an expurgated
edition." •
"I beg your pardon P" gasped the
"I want an expurgat&I edition, I
desire it for my daughter, who is
just; beginning. that branch . of
"I don't think I quite understand
you, madam," stammered the poor
The lady showed, some slight traces
of annoyance,
"Don't you know what an expur-
gated edition of a book is ?" she
"Certainly, madam ; but not of an
"You must be very stupid," she
said, starting to go gut, "if you don't.
know that it means one from which
etliiievautlegaefractions ..have been
The clerk lot her go at that.
Catarrh relieved in 10 to 60 minutes.—
One short puff of the breath through
the Blower, s uppliedw!th each bottle of
Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder, diffuses
this Powder over the surface of the nasal
passages. painless aud delightful to use,
it relieves instantly, and permanently
cures Catarrh, Hay ever,
ache, Sore Throat, Tdnsilitis and Deaf.
nese. CO cents. At Chisboles Drug
Helpless Thing.
Just as the papdra say there are a
great many thing woman can't do --
keep a Secret, carob a tree, cte., etc.
Here are a few things that -a matt
can't do:
Take a pin by the head and put it
into a cushion without pricking hini
Light a tire in a cold kitehenrange
without burning himself before he is
Tie anybody's necktie but his own.
llold a baby.
Open a hot boiled egg.
Carry more than one item of
memoranda in his mind at a time.
Find anything he looks for.
hands and Ankles Raw.
For years I have been a great sufferer
from itchy skin trouble and salt -rheum.
My bands and ankles were literally raw.
The first application of Dr. Chase's;
Oitrnent allayed the burntug, itching.
sensation. One box and a half entirely
cured me. It is also 4 instant relief for
chilblains. Henry A. Parmenter, St.
Catherines, Ont.
Religion ancj. Reform.
God's supply trellis are never be-
hind tinie a minute.
The devil gets a good deal of help
from the stingy man.
Whatever sin ha 4 caused in others
it may cause in you.
Heart work cannot, be paid. for in
God can do most for him who
trusts him most.
The good do not:die, they rest in
Success is sure in any work when.
we have God for our beginning.
Keep your heart shining and you
will soon have a face to match it.
One of the greatest foes a devil,
ever had is a Christian mother.
When Baby was sick, Ivo gave her Maoris.
When sato WWI5 Child, she cried for Castoria„
onion she became )1Iss, alio clung to Csustoria.
When oho had Children, sho kayo ;lent CastOrla:
The first drink cannot be taken
without giving the devil a mortgage
on the soul.
Doctors recommend Norway Pine
Syrup because it is the beat cure tor
coughs and colds. ?ride 25c. Mitt 5066
at druggists.
Little Dolty has been sitting op-
posite a guest with a waxed mustaehe.
After gating at hint for several ttio•
metits, she exclaimed, "My kitty hat
smelters, too,"