HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1895-02-08, Page 1VOL. XXIV.---NO. 1207. BOYS' AND MEN'S OVEROO/A-S tet? '040111dai'f:44 AIS!tfAi CalkVkfr'44'44.4:- ORR & LUSCOOKS, The Only Direct Importers. 'TUE Biu, Jan. llth 1805. "E.J —AT -- NET COST. #.6'\ ee. 'Le asee, .11 PROF. CHAMBERLAIN EYE SPECIALIST, 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE, 87 KING ST. EAST, TORONTO, Opus ettenti^n to following of blindness upon tiding wronety adapted speetaeke. ne *aye, who consider that PM twy.lire per cent. of people with detective oyesiuht have some amount of astigmatism, at least, forty per nit. have two „odd eyes, ft, will et owe he apparent to arty ono of common sense that they should have theli• iich tested by iingi0 thill1Petetit opttelan. If persons are presbyopia only and have botn eyes alike in kens, even thee thev are not, capable of judging what, is neeessar.t for them and on eptometor nrother sight- seeing °martinis Inas ever yet hew, invented which will enemy a ht to d termone the errow of re- fraction hi the 4.1180 Pr astigmatism. Call or Waite Or pup rs on the » e. All trei.. Marriage Licenses Issued by PRAVK PATE:1010N. No 23, Vic- toria 5treot, Wingh am, On, No wituesses required. re<ses.esetetaattatere44-..oaliesataelelesavasisesi tit leiti,T;;;; Ont.,rrierchools. (.. P'.ut ,..ag 0:icsaii.;eu,06:1:rsn;,:eiiiaeliesion.scrtAs; tpdcht 1E1 toadi es .1 nnondto: et andv"- iSstr at Stratford :de, Ce0 int: 7..tui::::::pnenrb:YsT:" trat Snakiest., Se)lateaseasee:esetatieleoleeeeeeeeseeeaeaseet- ' . . 'LOCAL NEWS. • 2& -ib. Gr. sugar for $1, Kerr & Conery's. c-;--Ildr, Chas. Ablate . of Centralia, was visiting triode in ngham this week.• Heatidield's liettli g Baleen: cures colds. VI7 —Miseets May an Martha Gilehrist, of Efeasall, are visitin * their cousin, Kiss M. E..Tohns, of W ahem. Baby carriage runners, to fit any car- -tiage, at T E. COILNIVEl. —Mr. E. Wintiel , of Chicago, a for - neer employee of M . T. A. Mills,ia home -visiting his parent at Whitechuroh. To let -- Good corner store, opposite Dr. Chisholm's, McClure's old stand. Apply - to Wm, Button, Wingham, Ont. —Mr. B. Isawra ti, f Londesboro, -Was in town cn Tuejda and Wednesday, and gave the Tams a leasant call. The celebrated p nting, "The Fore- closure of the Mot g ge," by G. A. Reid, B. C. A., is on exl i tion in the Beaver Block. Admissio 0 cents. a•lel —Mr, ,Tobn Gilles ze, of town, was at 'Palmerston during ttfo week attending the • funeral of a cousin o was killed on the 'railway at Palinerst n. The deceased was :a brakeman on the . T. R. seae/f; Coughs and Colds can be cured by using Heathfield's Healing Baleam. For sale at . SOe. at Williams' Drug Store, Wingham. —Missionary ger ons will be preached in the Methodiet unit, Wingham, on Sunday next, at th usual boars, by Rev. . J. Mills, of Luel low. At the evening service, a rcturue4 lady missionary will oleo deliver an aalt ress. —G: T. IL trains for Toronto and east leave Wingham et 6.25 it, and 11.20 a. tn., via W. 0. & 13.1 0.35 a. wt. and 3.25 • p. me via. Clinton and Guelph.. Good con- • neetions by alt trains. -*Congregation 0 urch services next • Sunday at usual hient. tn. and 7 p. na. Sunday BobocJ at 2.80 p. m. Preach. in morning MO 0- ening by the pastor. !darning solleet;' A. Revival." teeming Ilttbjett: "An imp, ttarit inquiry." The ettening sermon w;11 be more especially for Young people All are cordially in - it -*hod. SO& Teas for 88e, at the Star Store. It U. Seam 1 pr� WINGHAM, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, YEBRITARY 8 1895, Si A YEAR IN ADVANC11 • • • • • • • • • • • • • 30 lbs. Raw sugar, $1, Kerr & Coney's, —A. masked carni was held in the t rink on Thursday ev ning. 24 lbs. Granulated sugar for $1, at the Star Store. H. E. Sun. —Tho Wingham rlers are taking advantage of the splen id ice just now, —Cash for good butter and eggs at R. A.. Graham's market grocery. —Mr. Geo. Cruickai ank slapped a oar I load of hogs on Wed esday, and Mr, S. Burchill shipped a ciJr load of cattle on Thursday, —Private moneys to loam on mortgages at reasonable rate of interest. Apply to tf Jo nx Neerevene. —The anniversay a .vices of the Wing - ham Presbyterian ch oh will be held on Sunday, February 1 th, when Rev. Dr. Caveu, of Knox Co ege, Toronto will preset:. Fresh oysters received daily tet the Star restaurant, and served in any style. Jim. McKie:ex.& —The next mcetinj of District Lodge No. SI4, I. 0. 0. T., w 11 he held in the Temperance flail, 13 th, on Friday next, 15th inst., commend g at 11 o'clock a. an. It is expected that here will bo a large attendance, as busin se of importance is to come before the ruse ng. Sahnoni's English White Oils is the best farrily Liniment in the world. Good for man or beast. Price 25 cents, at Williams' Dug Store, Wingham. V—The Town Cler , Mr. J. B. Ferguson, who was appointed ax collector for 1804, has completed his work, and the fano of the roll has, with the exception of a few dollars, been collo° ed. It is some years since the roll was .eturned as early in tee year, which speak e well • r the colleetor, V". especially in these hard ines. Miss dailmston, pil of the Witale Bros., Toronto, i prepared to give lessons in 0i1 P inting. Studio—Mr. Forbes, Minni Terms 50 cents per lesson of three ours, or 26 lessons for *610. —Prof, Wm. W 11 has been giving a series of lecture's o Phrenology, in the Temperance Hall, t is week. The attend. ance has been fair nd the lectures greatly appreciated by ti ose present. Quite a number have had heir heads "bumped," and the Professo has furnished a number of eharts to tho desiring them. This (Friday) evening, the Profatsor will lecture on "My Impressns of Scotland," and at the close of the eeture he will give free Phrenological aminations on tbe stage. —Miss Charlotte McDonald washes to intimate to the ladies of Wingham and vicinity that the Drees and Mantle melting business, formerly carried on by Miss M. Johnston, will be continued by her in the old sand, Gregory Block. Pref. Moody's tailor system ts,ught. Cutting and fitting o. specialty . —A. very large nun ber of ratepayers and citizens were presenbet the meeting of the Town Council, on IV onday evening last. .A. great deal of into est seemed to centre in the 'appointment ef the (Thief of Police, and it seemed to be Ate mind of the major- ity of the Camillo*" that Chief Bullard be continued in o23 le for another year. By the revised and adopted duties of the Chief, he takes the tuties of the Night. watchman, and that officer's services can be dispensed with a id some town funds saved. The new errangement should bo • yVilliarns, the druggist, sells pure drugs. Mr. Richard rdeman has been confined to the house -ty airless, the past few days. •,...1/ Beby carriage runners, to fit any ear• I elage, at T. le. 00Ittag —Prof. Charnberia'n, eye specialist, of tam a professional Wednesday of title Toronto, paid Win 'visit on Tuesday and week. 1. 80 lbs, Dement sugar .for $1, at the Star Store. HaE. SNELL. —Court Maitland Q. 25, Canadian Order of Foresters, ill bold its annual basket social on Fr lay evening, the 22ed instant. Porridge—Oatmeal, Wheatmeal, Core - :meal, cheapest and best at Kerr & Cenery's. —The revival meeth gs in the Methodist church, which are • be ng continued this week, are being well a:tended, and a good deal of interest has bee • awakened. —Watches, clocks arta jewelry promptly repaired and fully warranted by HAlaillY PA14t, opo. Macdonald Block, Wingham. experiencedra very cold snap this week, the lowest po nt which the ther- mometer registered 1 eing 38 degrees below zero on Wednesday earning. It is many years since such ac 1.c1 dip isited this part of Ontario. N Lost—I» Wing h atn,o n riclay evening. February 1st, a Fax '.e leer pop. with . two black epots on , black head and white stripe on fano • ny person inform- ing me of his wnerea outs will bo suitably rewarded. Joust McDoNonn, —We trust the Ex eutive Committee of the Town Council tlill see their way clear to offer sufficient e ouragemont to Mr. J. H. Clark, of Linwo d, to induce him to establish a flax miuI in Wingham during the coming surnmeit A fax mill would be a desirable additi to our mem:teetering industries and wo Id give employment et certain seasons o the year to a large number of hands. G. H. Irvin, the tailor, has put in an extensive stock of tweeds, worsteds, etc. Call and Bee them. Good goods, good work, good fit guaranteed. Opposite Bank of Hamilton. County C range Lodge of North Huron held its annurl meeting in Wingham, on Tuesday last. '1 here was a large at- tendance, every sectdon of the district being fully represented. After business of a private nature, the 'ollowing officers were elected and installer for tbo ensuing year : John Dane, 00011y aster; John Wilford, Deputy Master ; . W. F. Brownlee, Chaplain; W. V1 tary ; J. G. Stewart, W. J. Greer, Trawl nty, Recording &ore - Financial Secretary; er; W. McKee and W. Owens, Lecture, s ; T. 3. McLean, Director of Ceremonam. It was decided not to hold a county celebration on the 12th of July, and it is likely that the members will join th dr brethren in 13rece County in the celebn tion itt Lueknow on that day. The next anneal meeting of the county lodge will m held in Wingbam. —For first-class ailortng and cheap gents' furnishings, e:y Webster ,& Co. Remember the place, ono door south of R. A. Graham's grocery store. Reform : &feting. On account of the *eat storm and al - moat impassabla roaes, it was thought best to postpone the grea Reform mass meet- ing, which was to ha e been held on the satisfactory to tine townspeople, as in 0. 20th of January. Arrangements have law-abiding town ike Wingham, there been eompleted tor h acting tho meeting on does not seem to be .:ny great necessity for the evening of Thom ay, the 14th of Feb - a day conetable. T. e proposed reduction ruary, when the gam speakers, viz: Wm. in the charges for h tel licenses did not Paterson, M. P., Sorth 13rant ; Jas. Mo. find much favor at lige hands of the Cam- Mullen, M. P., Nort i Wellington; Thos. cillors, and, of tours , the fees remain the Gibson, M. P. P. al d Dr. P. Macdotiald, same as last year, nt tnely, $225. p., East Huron, vill deliver addreeses. Miss E. Bell, gra 'mate of the Ontario The live homes of th day will be fully and School of Art, in aced to give instrue- freely dimmed, ant an opportunity and tion the follow:I:1 branches of Art : reasonable time will he given to any ose -Water colors, pencil rawing, crayon ot oil who wishes to speak from a Conservative painting, from copies - or life. Miss 'Bell bad the honor of he ng oI standpoint. Let tl ere be a good turnout ne of her paint- ings represented atj the IVorld's Fait, from every part of lam Riaing, and make Chicago. There wil be on exhibition e this meeting one Nang to be remembered, sample of her work w th one of her certifi- • cafes in Mr. 0, E. V Mime' drug •store, • SALE :aellfiTER. Winghatn. The Modern Invalita • All parties getting their sale bills Printed at the 'fines office will have a -free notice Has tastes, medicinally, in keepihg witl - I ' inserted in tale lint up to the time of sale. other luxuries, 41. remedy met be I Tunerms, Fen. 10th.—Anetiort Sate of pleasantly acceptable in form, purelytEarrn Stock and linnIernents, lot 88, con. 1 wholeeeme in coneposition,truly beneficiall0East Wawanosle Delo to dem:nettle at 12 in effect and entirely fres from every te:olock sharp. Peter Deans, Attetioneer. objectionable quality. If rawily ill be con. John Anderson, Propretor. sults a physician; if constipated he uses the gentle fondly laxative, Syrup of Pigs. trt Reply to oft Repeated 4uestions. .,_ ..... __.,.. . It may be well to state, Scott'trituision Iteathfleld's Heeling Ilaisam is theeats es a food as well es a medicine, surest and safeet cure for colds itt the world, Frio so viallts, at Williams' Drag building up the wasted tisanes and restoring 1 toreWinneen perfect health after wasting foyer, S,. o: 10111111414L .a= , 4 1.4.126162011r2111,....E.rfilta. OM% G110, A. ICBM, IL C. A. The Fereelesuro. tho adortgaec. • A SKETCR 01' MU. Olt • A. 110/08 FANIOrS PICTI7 IT Is To 310 MUM& Mr. George. A. R artist, and son of Mr. place, is about to send "The .Foreclusure of • Wingham, where it w for two weeks. Pro know that this pietur the' World's Fair, 01 the notice of people AmeriCa, and of fore: The jury was unan that this picture wee the highest honour h position, and as there the jury to" eepreeent ot r interests it wil He makes 'i'oronto los sinter home be at onee seen that nue it 11/01.30 promPtedthe piotnresque and spends hie sw-inie e in such a decision. The deture. is 8.x.1.1 feet Catskill Mountains. "ionte of his import - and the figures are lift, lize. The interior •ent Pictures are : "Th.etwing Lots," owned of a room is represent td, in whiele by D. R. Wilkie, EN_ ; A. Story," nwued seen the farmer, with 1 is wife, children, by E. 13. Osler, Est; "Linlaby," owned and aged mother, and i t their midst the by Jas. George, Beg.; "Tho Other Side of bailiff, who . has come 10 serye upon thethe Question." owne.i by J. Browu, Esq., 'eh man the paper we .11 dep. ives I,1,tt of Brooklyn "Morttis Ong the Hotneetevii *-,Dreanaing," in Natic mil Gallery, Ottawa; i,A.clagio," owned bi Mrs, Vanderpool, restore him to that health and strength New York, and matey others. • " re'rsiteel in terepaytig Orris wile are de- ipen-lent.on him. But tt picture tells its story very plainly. It not necessary to describe it further. Pe 'CD 1g WINGnAn, about the pauper of it, the well-known some of his other pieta Adam Reid of this terest. He was horn in his famous picture, of Wingham, a little m 11 be on exhibition f4' :ogLatri1S. eCette0i :el, &t fir the Mortgage," ably all Canadians went to Toronto, Ravin • received a medal at would devote himself to cimg°e'veat and cldautatrrtacero attractcd Philadelphia, which p after several years spent n visitors as well best equipped art schoo haps a few words and a mention of os may be of in - the neighborhood re than 30 years t education at the bout eighteen he decided that lie n artistic career; • there, he went to ssesses one of the on the continent D. Itotrb, tile School Inspector, paid the Wingham school it visit this week. N!,6' Out they go—ThebaIance of Cow Oheins and Cross Cut Saws menet go oat at once, regardless of cost, for cash only. 'The early bird gets the worm. As. orma cl Co., Wingbarn. --The entertai ment given itt the Town Hall,on Pue4iay evening last,by the • Misses Webling, s as ot a moss superior . character, and Ilbe young ladies are truly it "trio of g niuses." It is hard to say which of then carried o11 the palm, the' all did so w dl in their different parts. The deeei lg. of Mise Webling and Miss Lucy, i the "dance of the summer flowers." ''as really grand, and they all excelled ite the patriotic sketch. "Britannia," and at each took- and played her part the apples se was both hearty and prolonged. T. le graceful gestures and movements of lilies Loy were most pleasing and she c eetivated the hearts • of the most of theme in the audience. Tho instrumental s dections by Miss F. M. Kenrioic wore ixcellentl,y rendered and greatly apprc dated. The piano useci on the 000119 3n was a "Morris," manufactured in Lestowel, and kindly placed at the dispose -el of the Canadian. Order of Chosen F lends of town, under whose auspices the entertainment was held, by Mr. Halsey Park, the local agent. The instrument has a beautiful tone and great volume, and 1.; irties present, who acro capable of jud. ing, say that the town hall has neve-- •been tilled with music es it was on '..teesday evening laet- 3. Turnbull, ij. D. S., the Canadian • geddnate who has litO charge of Macdonald w Irwin's dental 4llico melee last October will continue the p actice until the return of A. 3. Irwin in M relt, when that gentle- , man will take char„, of the prNetice in his, • osvn name. Hear Wm. L'f as. MoMull Gibson, M. P don't!, M. meeting in T on Thursd •14th, mous in its decision Here Ito remained thr et . years, and then - worthy of receiving spent eonie time ill Li. iope, visiting the stowed by the lila- great galleries of paint sigs, and studying vas no Canadian onitt Pavis nuder the mos ,eelebtetteil masters. his home,. at the very time when home comforts and care are most needed to "Where is my watch, Melinda ?" "John - Big value in Lamps tet the Star Store. E, nic's out cracking hickory Yalta with it." "All right, then, diet won't, hurt it, for The wide-awake ('atehes ri quhtk. it was got at n. Patterson's jewellery We give the value yon are bunting fer, but store, Winghem." you must bring along the ineney. —The Gospel I en- Perance meeting, on JAa. A. Cnesa. &•Ce., es i n gl tate. Sunday evening last, mder the auspices of —A. meeting of tl it R. 8 IS No. 120, the W. 0, T. T.1., Ayes mey largely attended, Will be held ill the Or :ego Hall, Wiagham, the large Temperances Hall beim; packed to on Monday evening next. Election of the doors. Mayor IIockenehire was the officers and other hitt artast bushy:es. chairman, and called upon Rev. D. Petrie Sample pairs Heel o Id lino: winter mitts, to reedit portion of ea 1pture and Rev. es, at half price. Loge heavy leather Hamilton for the op ming prayev. 'rhe wheal hags 80 cent& for 00 days. minimum •gave t whites, urging • . upon all the necessity oesistIng in the W. .1 011APItAN. .1 —The Mims Web' lig, who gave the , at d n tweau 4.`eniperitnee tn einent. It was a noon,t fai I 1,1vniat 01.1111 t hteoysv tiI letuse which should e dist the synni idly ie. He then intro - entertainment itt town to lateelity evening, wentiltil-fTI"‘118:11laiehlrY`Aec:Ifitee:4.. ittliCICOSti"3.)"1".rt11(1'fattltiOvIt7Itl M. P., the epeaket hat eveuieg, they were to appear.rbe:11; bf the venieg whose* 1.1resatof about an . ;,' engagement in 131j. tit or Wednesdey even. hoses- dastion, was ing had to be postpm ea, on account of the eloatest etteution by tit hall being engaged °i that evening. 1"1 ".4• tive andictuce. Ile to Salmota's BngUsji V: bite Oils mires mtend at helping hand, Chilblain& itheninatism. Herein& 13ruiee Itil Bruisesclasses of society and Sore Back. For tilde itt 2rie. at ,, hand in this gteat Drug Store, Wingliam. should aweken id the —We are in reeei from Mr, joint Armst listened to wi the huge and appreeia- la for his sabject: and Ids appeals to pat:intent. Quit "lend a helping 'emperance cease, 'milli" to become Hope lodge, 0 hearts of dime who o a Mat (tt e er . thanks was, mum imonsIy passed to the ?mod thane a &epee ' itereet in the work. aterson, M. P., P., Thos. and Dr. Mu - t the Great Liberal wi Wingham, evening next, Feb. —A fairly veil attended Temperance meeting was hod in the Temperance Hall, an Friday eveetng lett. Mayor Brocken- shire occupied. .he chair and made a short address on the 3ver-iruportant subject of the prohibition of The liquor traffic. He then introduced Mr J. G. Murdoch, of Lucknow, District Chief Pemplar of No. 24 District, who, in a fort--minates' address, pointed out the advent sges to young men of leading sober and upftlit lives. His word pietnre of the model h inse was true to life, and his appeal to yonn f men, it is to be hoped,nuty • bear abundant fruit. Mr Murdochia ad- dress was lista, d to with a great deal of \ interest by all p esent. Mr Edward Daw- son, of Kincarcli e, a gentlemen long asso- ciated with Tem eremee work, and who is at present doing tome missionary work in District No 24, vets the next speaker. Re, in forcible langut ge, pointed oet the duty of Temperance Norkers in fighting the ever -alert foe. • temperance men should ever keep the sta tdard of the grand old cause to the fore, and if perchance some bravo taptaits in he cause droops and dieei his place should ie at once taken. by others and the tight en inned notil ottr hopes are realized and the ' 'rolabition fiagfiones over our beloved (men ry. Rev D Perrin, in a few remarks, poi awl out the necessity of continuing the eeneation of the people on Temperanee, 113 bad great faith in moral suasion, and bell wed that the Tetnperanee sentiment of th i day is to be attributed to the efforts of the Temperanee workers of our country. T. e addresses were inter - Spot -sett with sin! Ing, led, by Mr 'Halsey Park. Mr M Pa, t gave a solo in good VOieer Vise B Da sat playing the accone- a number gave in their let -Acre of Anchor of T. A cordial 'vote of on, Cilma Laulf4•Fite address was one di the best Ivo ever speaker, :a, moved Dr 11 Maedongd, se. • Agent for the Lake ' entiecemiugue Dig. tended by Mr 1) Gordo listened to, and the speakee watt fresmently triet, pointing out tit Advent/tort of that and i. n ettly applant td, A Int1011 choir ; Remember t district or Ottarie 11.6•field for eettlereene. 4 The district,.he Bttv,§, pt.emieee bo onis ,61 rendered 11 0001ber 0 _ temperance seise- ' M nue, w tu, a were y e,ppteet ec , the best wheat growi parts of the Pro. WLUJ 111 vince, thedloil being 1, rich -clay, with bleck The meeting wits tight to a blest be On lits ay muck on the surface: and feet from stones Rev. D. Petrie peon encing the louselio. . and rook. • ,tion. Miss Ids, reltott pe iding at the orgen,bil• d mat Metal - To.Hall, Whighavil1/2. • instant vening lot 1