HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1895-02-01, Page 8M. IL MVLNDOt i.' 1' 1'.tIC1X,I:TI';P,
Mr. John. A. Barnard, of theiarut of Mack 4 Oar-
nard, oatmeal tiiliers, has consented to net its intent
;tor the 'Mitsui W roxuter,and will rcccfs0 auhserip-
tlotte, etc.. for sense.
A carnival was held in the rink
on Thursday evening, the 24th,
The prizeswere awarded as follows:
'Best dressed gentleman, Jim. R. Gib-
son ; best dressed lady, Miss Jennie
Miller; best dressed girl, ltiaudio
!(Lofton ; best comics, Allen Rae and
:IL Brawn ; Men's race, R, Millet ;
I Boys' race, IL Brawn ; Boys under MUSICAL EXCELLENCE,
stock' 12 years, W. Rae; fastest couplet AR'T'ISTIC DESIGN.
R. Miller and Miss M. Paulin.---
we herewith offer t-ou your choice of Another butcher shop has been open-
ed in the village, under the manage- Catalogue sent free on appli»
any Ladies' Cloak in our House at went of Mr. Bert Sage, He occupies cation.
IR. W. McDonald's old stand. --Mr. MORRIS -��� , y
50 per cent. off, cf>mtneneing on Robt. Gibson, who has been ' homeCO
!from. Ayr on a visit, has returned.- LI[STOWE.L.
Saturday, January 12, ; Owing to the inclemency of the HALSEY PARK. Agent, WINGHAM,
weather, the C. O. F. Concert of the _
The cloak stock is still its a very' 25th was but fairly attended. The;
I programme was excellent and was
complete condition, embracing full listened to with the keenest interest. i John Shurrie, 4th Iine, has a York-
: Mr. Grenville P. Kleiser trade Ms shire brood sow that has paid her
lines of Smooth and Rough Goods, first appearance before a Wroxeter owner well. In the past eleven
in Long,Short, as well as Fur -trimmed audience. His selections were all months she has had 40 pigs, 19 in
well received and several of them February, 1894; 13 in July of the
same Jacket':, thus affording a great op ave
s� sustained their Ireputation oresters for 1895. -Josie
dB 15th
3rd n Cline 15th,
portunity to select a fine and stylish "getting up" good concerts. with a bad accident on the school
grounds at Browntown, on Wedncs-
gaiment at half price and less, at EL;1i A•: day of last week. He was wrestling
The annual meeting of the share- with one of his playmates when he
' holders of the Elma Cheese andButter slipped and fell, fracturing one of his
. R. Mc9NDCC'S. [Manufacturing Co. was held in their legs near the hip joint.
(factory on Friday, 28111 lust. Jacob Miss Carrie Simpson and Miss
Bray was unanimously called to the; Hannah Campbell, of Toronto, were
The Culture of Fruit, j chair. Letters of apology for not • visiting at Mr. J. G. Fyfe's, 1st line,
A thirtyfive page illustrated pamphlet being present were read fi'o►n Prof. ;last week. - This section of the
containing the evidence of Mr. ,Joan Craig, 1Dean end D. Plewes. The auditors' country has been visited by one of
hortieulturiet,Central Experimental Farm, ,, report was read, approved and ; the worst storms it has known for
given before the committee on Agriculture l adopted. Tho propriety of continu- some time. Traffic has been stopp-
of the House of Co nmons, has just been •ing• to pay for milk according to the ed for several days, on account of
issued. Mr. Craig, in his opening remarks,' Babcock ltlflk Test was thoroughly i the roads being blocked so badly.
sketches the rapid advancement made in ; dit3eussed and finally resolved that' But once more things are on the
all branches of horticulture during the ; the system of paying according to ' move and the merry chime of the
last 50 years, as evidenced by the intro- i test be continued, but that the Secre-1 sleigh hells may be heard as they
duction of improved methods of culture i•i tart' be instructed to add two per jingle merrily along. -All the parties
and better varieties of fruits, bowers and , cent. to all the readings in making 'I who purchased wood at the auction
shrubs. Taking up songof the Ieading :Out the accounts. Thomas Smith ! sale of the late A. Brant have been
new fruits now Leing estensiveleadvertis• was re -appointed auditor for the en- very fortunate in getting it to their
ed by nurserymen, they are described, suing year. On ballot being taken respective homes, as it would be
being recommended or condemned accord- the follrswing named persons were ' much more difficult now, as this last
lug to their merits. This information is of elected Directors for the ensuing storm has drifted the snow so badly
much practical value to the fruit grower. year: R. Parker, John A. Turnbull, that it is impossible to get along
The most important fungoid' diseases 1K, S, Ballantyne, Jas. Donaldson, jr., with ease, especially in the woods.
affecting cultivated fruits are popularly ant rt,Tllos. Dickson. When the an -
described, and well proven remedies re- nua.l meeting had adjourned the
commended for their treatment. Details Directors elect met to organize, and
of a distribution of forest trees to the unanimously appointed R. Parker
' Northwest are given with instructions Presiflent, and William Lochhead
regarding planting and cultivation. Mr, was re -appointed ?eeretary-Treas-
Craig shows the work of the year, how urer.
the farm helps the fruit growers of On-
tario and Quebec tc secure new fruits and
ornamental shrubs through the horticul-
tural organizations of the Dominion, ler. Hopkins, who has been pastor
which are furnished by the farm with a of the Congregational church here
selection of scions and plants each year. for the last year or more, was ordain-
Considerable apace is given to the peach ed as minister in the Congregational
• ind•lstry of Orkkr-iu, methods of culture, church last Thursday afternoon. ---
varieties and diseases of the peach being Wednesday evening of last week,
fully treated. Mr. John Watson and Mrs. Robert
Roth were united in marriage at
GODERIICH. Mrs. Roth's home, on Elizabeth
Last week was very eyed and street, Rev. Mr. Parke performing
stormy. ;The snow was badly drift- the ceremony. The wedding was
very quiet, only the relatives and
ed and it required the utmost en- a
men to few intimate friends being present.
ergies of the snow -plough
,keep the streets clear. Scfvera1 Mr. and Mrs. Watson have the best
times were the trains delayed; but wishes of a large circle of friends for
now they are running again as usual. their future happiness. -The estate
-The 'County Council filet here of R. Hutchison, insolvent, will pay
'during last week. -The Postlewaite the creditors 18leon the dollar. The
assatllt'ease was decided in favor of liabilities are between' $4,000 and
:b. $5,000, and t
McGillicuddy, and Postlewaite the assets about $800,--
was fined $10 and costs With the The ordination and induction of Rev;
option of 30 days. --Skating is now W. Cooper, B. A-, to the pastoral
avocation of many young people char
ee eon#Thu sday,11of thisdlw a ke
in this town; the cold weather is very The Presbytery will meet at 2 p. tn.,
suitable in this respect. --The opening and public services at 3. --John G.
meeting of G. C. L Literary Society Scott, of Treeastle, was up before
was a grand success. Notwithstand- police Magistrate Terhune last week
ing the inclemency of the weather on a charge of having his bar open
last Friday- evening, the Athletic
Christmas eve,
entertainment in the Grand Opera County Crownter hours n Attorney Idington
House turned out well ---•The annual acted for the prosecution, and lir,
entertainment of the Children Mission acted y for the defence. The Magis-
Band of Knox church was held' last trate gave his decision, convicting
Monday evening. The Band', under .the defendant and imposing a fine of
the presidency of Miss Pully, is fib; $10 and costs, in all $22.60. -George
ing wonderful worIt. The p1 proceeds E. Tune, Stratford, laid an inform -
of the evening amounted to $34.--- tion against C. Ii. Norton, of Listo-
Our toren during Monday and Tues, wee for using his bottles for holding
day was filled with deleagtes, who pop,, with his name and trade mark
tame in to attend the 23i-dean/mai ' thereon. Twenty-nine of these bot -
Sunday School Convention t of the ties were produced in court and had
Colintj~t of Huron. The convention .been found on Norton's premises.
held its meetings in Kno,a • chuwch. Ile was fined $10 and costs, --Wm.
The,meeting :were large and very. Purcell, son of Joseph Purcell, of this
lnstruetive and interesting, Mr, lace was married on the 21st inst.,
Calbick., of' this town, is the new In }larristou, by Rev. J. Cameron,
presidcm. B. A., to Minnie, second daughter of
• The increase by the Debt, Johnston '.Wilson, of this town. The
happy eouple left next day for De -
The net debt of Canada in 1878 troit, where they will take up their'
represented 8,500,000 tons of wheat, residence, Mr. Purcell having recur -
to -day it represented1120100,000 tans .ed employment in that city. The
el wheat; that is to say, it would wedding was unexxpeeted, even to
take nearly- three and it half times the immediate friends of tete parties
as minces wheat to pay off the net .concerned, both of whole are 'very
debt today at ten. ' young.
$20.00 Mantles for $10,00.
„100.1 Mantles for 05.00
$5.00 Mantles for $ 250.
to clear out every Mantle Ili
W.1.x\ G 1 I A M TIMES, FEBRUARY 1, 18 95.
On Saturday afternoon of Iast
week, a .. young man nalnecl John
Smale, an employee of Elliott's brick-
yard, narrowly escaped losing his
life while attempting to board a
train for Wingham before it stopped.
As the train was coining in, it show-
ed vary little signs of drawing up,
so Mr. Smale, thinking he was going
to be left behind, made an effort to
get on at the front of the last coach,
but the snow being deep caused hint
to stumble, and losing his hold, he
fell directly across the rail, between
the trucks, when . he grabbed the
springs and Was dragged about
fifteen rods: As the snow was deep
and solid along the rail, it kept him
up, and the wheel, instead of passing
over his body, shoved it ahead. He
is not thought to be seriously injur-
ed, as he was able to walk into the
coach afterwards; but his overcoat
and other clothing were torn into
shreds. We hope Mr. Smale may
shortly recover. He has had a close
call, and undoubtedly has learned a
lesson never to be forgotten, not ,to
try to board a railway car while it
is running. There is no need of
getting in a flurry here, as the train
must stop. Probably Mr. Swale did
not know this, but it may be remem-
bered•by'others who are tempted to
do the same. --Never for years have
the roads around here been kept in '
sues' a state of blockade .so long as
they have been during the past
week. They were filled to the
fencetops and no teams were able
to get through during the week, and
for several days none of the pupils
were able to get to school. The
railroads seem to have been given
unusual trouble in this section of the
eountry, On Monday morning
while backing out from Wingham,
the passenger coach was derailed.
The men worked hard and succeed-
ed in replacing it on Tuesday, even-
ing. -Mr. Robt. Muir and family
have been spending the last couple
of weeks visiting friends in Paisley,
and Mr. Metcalf and son David, are
on the same mission to Stanley town-
la, is+.
Purifies, renovates acid regulates the
entire syt3tem, time dosing dyspepsia,
constipation, dick headache, biliousness.
rheumfttistrl, dropsy and all diseases of
the stetnach, liver, kidneys and bowels.
It also removes all impurities from the
system from a common pimple to the
worst scrofulous sore,
Read the Plain Truths in this •Advertisernent about our Lour Prices.
.1001VITT/1711 675. SOW
Have 6•8,OOO worth of Goock4 which mut be dis-
posed of in the next three months,
and the Largest and Best selected Stock of BOOTS and SHOES in town.
And in order to move them:quick, we have marked them right dowel to hard time prices. Profits will be en-
tirely ignored, the goods being bought for cash, and being under no expense for rents or hired help, we have taken
this method of sharing the hard times with our numerous customers. Next Saturday there will be a drop in prices
of all classes of Goods in this .establishment; hitherto unknown in Wingham or elsewhere, and we guarantee
that our prices will be such as will satisfy the closest cash purebasers, Note a few of the same :
Men'slinee Boots,whole stock,grain leather,regular $8,50 now $2.00. Men's Long Boots,side seam,whole stook,regular $3.00 now $2.45
A Good Long Boot 't $2 75 "° $2.35. Men's Long Boots " $1..75 " $L29
Boys' Long Boots, whole stook,grain leather " $2.25 " $1.84. Boys' Good Long Boots, grain leather " $1.00 " $1.55
Men's Fine Bals and Congress " $1.25 " 51.15. ' Men's Fine Bala and Congress " 51.50 " $1.25
" II ++ $1.05 " $1.35. " " 1. $2.25 " 4190
" " " $2.00 " $1.05. Ladies' Dongola bats or button,tiped or plain " 51.75 " $1.26
A Largo Stock of Youths', Boys' and Children's Low Boots at Cost.
At these prices it most be distinctly understood it is for Cash and Cash only.
l'Boots and Shoes repaired in the neatest and most substantial manner at the most reasonable prices.
Wingham, Oct. 30th, 1894.
• MuitouxsoN-Ia W iugham, on January
27th, the wife. of Mr. D. Jiurchison; a
daughter.', s'
Oultnxa--Ia East Wawanosh, on Janu-
ary 22nd, the wife of Mr. W. A. Currie; a
3L/LRI{. 1 D.
" ROOERS - BLACK -- At the Rectory,
Wingham, on January 30th, by the Rev.
L. G. Wood, Mr. John .Martin Rogers, of
Wingham, to Miss Margaret E. Black, of
East Wawanosh.;
Cons --In Wingham, on January
27th, Thomas Cornyn, in the 55th year of
his age. ,,,,y
Specialist, of 8
Toronto, will be
Hams' Drug .S
Tuesday and
and 6, on
Alli', Eye
ing St. East,
C. E. Wil-
Speaking irorn ver twenty years
can sum up" in . very few words sem
of indiscrimtn
ingesit Wigradnch
glaucoma, i tis, etc. In oases of astign
suitable gi sses will cause Neuralgia pa
eyes, fro .1 headache, nausea, paraly
aceomrnatiort, resulting in permanently
yisionw ich no skill can restore. The
come. a d I hope soon, when sight -testing
will be •laced on the same footing as denti
chem' s, and have to pass an examination
Rowed to practice.
at the Drug Store and get paper en the
o use of glasses. to t
weakening 'of the good
tore susceptible to clisea
experience, I
f the results
case of odd
0 and mak.
, such as
tiam. • un -
us in the
's of the
,no will
s and
. with snap shot bargains to
suit the tithes.
Elgin, Waltham, Rockford,
Columbus, warranted for
four years,
POE $6_75.
'Prom $2.54 ups
We have the largest and
most complete stock of
.. SIL`t%E i,WAEZ
suitable for wedding and
birthday presents, in the
'axratc'4es, Clocks and
Jewelry repaired at lowest
byes, and fully guaranteed,
1Vx1 'NSHAW,
The Optician.
inghaea NOV. 1504 1894.
Cure SIODt' WIEADAOHE and Neuralgia'
in 20 Gvlmurss, also Coated Tongue, Dizz,.
tress, Biliousness, Pain in the Side, Constipation -
i Tt.rpid Liver, Bad Breath, To stay cured ancf
ii regulate the bowels. WRY NIDE TO 'TAKE.
Is prepared to receive pupils in the
above, For terms,apply at her residence,
19 Francis Street, Wingbam.
Pupil of
of the Toronto Conservatory of Music is
prepared to receive pupils in
For terns apply at Dinsley Home.
A Special ':.eting of the Shar' +ciders
of the Wingham 'emperaaoe .: all Co.,
liaitted, will be be in the em pavanes
Hall, on hlonday,the d of February,
1895, at 7 p. in., to take o cifuaideratioa
the liquidation of t• sal • +tnpany and
appoint a liqui or, and : h other
business as in come before •tl meet-
G. A. NEWTON, See.
Win g+ . , Jan, 24th, 1895.
Inventor of the farnog0
MEN FOR DEFORM S, will be in
, °at Q • EEN' - IOTEL, THURSDAY, FEB. 7th.
Ruptured Persons, 1 can fit you with • n. • Patron, Perfection and Over Ulp Trusses, ei•!eh 'hold
with less pressure and more security th nil oth and where at all passible a radical cure will result.
C.tllers who expect to sec nothing but • d style Crus will be disappointed. 'I have departed entirely trona
the old fashioned ideas, I use dater it springs, webs, ds, etc., in tact, everything. is different. I ant
probably the youngest in this.bns ess In America, but 1 ter myself that 1 have invented and manatae-
turo the best appltnncts. 1 ha • he patience, energy and p' •evoranoe necessary for success. The sante
remarks apply to my lilectrt and Surgical Appliances, iter• de at our office show remarkable cures of
rheumatism, nervous disea:.s, dyspepsia, kidney troubles, sciati sexual weakness, etc , by means of our
Electric Belts. For Defo utios, as how !cgs, knock knees, club foe, spinal curvature, etc., we make a,
superior line of iustrru • its Mothers, if you hare a ruptured or det• ed child, have it attended to'at
once and save it a li of misery. litany lives are wasted and tnrfetted ough negligence. I . shall be
pleased to hare al 'Wrested call on me at pieces above mentioned and ihves • ate. 1 ask no fanoy pr1ce1,
our motto belt • uaranteed appliances, small profits and quick returns." Remember dates.
1 1 Queen Street West, Toro ute.
References from leading physicians and patients in all parts of Canada and united States. We send
appl lances to'Europe, Africa, the Unites, and all parts of the world.
agagNM'711,4NAdra. a� ue4411 .frl; � ?� '- .",: eFlsrnr y.E•:G'ZA. "a'�.�1MAl ' eliaii+' �w
are usually made to take effect this month. Would it not be a good idea to /
=smart visa that you will save money by dealing with the Cash House during- -
the next few months. Those who traded here in 189.1 have no big bills to
pay now.
We have already announced a Large Clearing' Sale. Watch this Sale
for Money -Saving chances. Visit the store often. Lots of lines we never
advertise, because there's not enough of them, but they plight be the very -
odes you want.
We have yet a good assortment in
Printed Tea Sets, from $2.25 up;
Dinner Sets from $6.50 up;
Toilet Sets from $1.50 up,
and other lines too numerous to mention. We mean business every time
and some aro going to get the Bargains. We do .not purpose paying freight
on this stock again, so 'come early and get the first Choice,
We draw business with a ebain of big value ; every link in this chain
is Unbreakable. Try its strength. _.
:1. E.LL,
ItAcnosia.n BLOCK, Wingham,