The Wingham Times, 1895-02-01, Page 6r.rdinvAitx 1, 1805. Var. DA.IltYrrie'S COMM I•641.0.11•1111141 A ).k irnE wo iNnAm nitP F1: iN eeite it ittjaries would be It'SS eet ere. Stratford; No. S. Pearce, Lon- ' Tito Itabeoels t. lit 0 ''t1 r IWO MI US it liRtek'S 'ION No. 13, Harry White, 1[1 - would he, very alight. The remedy Oka ,„ tar the timidly wae two parts of coal Delegates ei intlustvial Exhibition: oil to olie pat or boat' blati or stair J. W. Wheaton; London exhibition, milk redneed by ten times the -T, S. Pearce- awl John Gilmour; quantity t,t veld wee r and applied Oentral Farmers' Inaltate, T. Bal - by li,1.11"t'ts 1P17111). mut a po11 or it lantyne and „I. A. James; auditors, v..i.10141. swab. It- Nene a (.heap and tive J. C. Hagler, Ingersoll, alai J. A. rt•tuetly ne I wonld ;Amu the Leath., of Nelles, Loudon, Report ralopted. Ute as well. Tee mixtuse prt•vented the 'am of warble fie being lahl, zeal colisisptently the waive; from being Int tele d. A little Sulpher aud lard pia on titwould kill by ------ ti The annual meeting of the 'Western e ' a Sllitoetttitill sile 111fIggotS inSidtl. Tilt! DfliPYIlle1I'S ASSIOC1/1001.1 v8.; held 111 non woitvil was increasing:its avernes • ;• 'Stretford, lately. President Pantile), s , rear oy year. The rt•metly was eo in hie address, said that the extenaion tem•te l ; , 1 pe at there was no excuses for . and extraordthary success of the tht, 1w.s.',. eel e pea seed:: could be ,;:s•S eheeseenaking would not have been , . held over for three years without the e possible without such organization slightest loss ht gen ninatIng quail ties:. yhs efforts: This and kindred bodies Be baeinv: over tar two years 0110 -.Va. were business organizations for the '' promotion of the business intereets bug. Place the peas in • tight ',ewe'. and the development of the dairy or cotton hags and the insects would -Industry. But they were much come out during the -first year and more than this. Along with the Dairy die of starvation because they did schooland. the Departmental and not feed on dry seed. Another insect Experimental Agencies of the Govern- hatched from an egg on the green snent they were really schools of pods was proving very injurion& agriculture which now form a part of The eeass were laid immediately after the educational work of the country, the seede'pods were formed, and email ., SeCond only in importance to our into the pod. Public school system. In holding When ate its way When full grown it fell to the ground, - 'sueh -conventions as the present and where it lay during the winter. The by local meetings the association was remedy which obviously suggested it - •?carrying on a greatand beneficent ; self was to grow the peas as far as educational work. Some idea of the • possible on the seeond year from g-reat material interests conunitted to . where they were grown the first *he charge of the association might - ey ar. .. be gathered from the fact that the• swim annual output of cheese in the die • , tact represented by it was in round ' . C. H. Everett, of Wisconsin, then aumbers $4,000;000 annually. In spoke on "Breeding, Feeding and spite. of former growth to enormous Care of Swine." a.s one prectieally ei nroportions there bad been a steady engaged hi the business he bred le xpansion of the cht•ese-making in- swine for the market. He could not -, •e dustry in Western Canada, and the afford to keep any but pure bred growth of the dairy was further swine, and he had :limeys found • evidenced in the progress of whiter that the pure bred auimal would give butter -making in connection with a greater return for a bushel of corn /ebeese. It -was just possible that the . or its equivalent than the scrub unusual interest excited in this and. would.. Headvised that the sow ether countries by the success of our ' that proved a good mother and a, slairyhig might lead to expansion of . uniform breeder should be retained the industry to the point of danger, ; on - the farm. The old sere- •was and there might be a fall in prices. - more certain to raise unlit= litters This was a contingency which should : than young SOWS were. • Great care not be „ lost sight of. All efforts ' &mid be exercised in the selection • should now be directed to raising. the . eV' the sire, as he was more than half quality and improving the position I the berd. As the litter grows the Seem now hold in the markets of thelnmther should be fed all she wants world. In batter there was an nu- et" nala-making food. The young - limited field for the production of the : ' sters ehould be ta wall t to drink {skim - gilt -edge article. The clear demands Intel milk as early as possible. . 'ef the home trade -were au iutinsation D %TRYING IX t'AN'AW . ' to makers that the day for poor Prefesaor Robertson, in -speaking -. • butter at a profit is past. on this subject, said many factories • J. 'W.. Wheaton, Secretary-Trea- were idle • to -day because they had surer of the association, in his report net adopted the method of .co-oper- , atated thatthere was a total of 23,- iition. He then touched on the 027 patrons supplying the milk of chtinged conditions of Agriculture 161,655 cows to the cheese factories and the practice of economy in re- in Western Ontario. The largest lotion to these changed conditions. amount of money received by any Ecunomy was not narrowness, but patron per cow from the cheese fac- was wisdom and breadth. 'rhe say- ' tory for 1893 was $65, and the low- in of 2 cents per day on every cow est $9.06. The average of the high- which gave milk WORK mean 11 est returns was $34.17 per cow, and cents per pound increase on all the the average of the lowest returns cheese sold in Canada. Again, if a a - $17.54, and these figures, the report cow be so fed as to give three pounds Stated, gave on a average of $25.85 more milk than she ordinarily did it per cow, which may be somewhat would mean an increase on all the :i- - i higher than it would be if all returns (Meese sold. These two savings then a , were in from all the factories. If would mean the same as an increase : 151,555 was taken as being the number of cows, the estimated Amount of money paid to the cheese factory patrons in this .territory look- ed after by this association would be $3,917,6a6. The cost Oimetier:tater- % ' itigaincluding drawing. varied frons • • one and one quarter to two and ta . lone -half emits per pound of cheese. as ..... The highest test of butter fat for slene, 181)4, was 4.9 per cent., and the lowest', awl the average test of the- vats!! per cent,. The buttetetat system of paying for milk was giving good genetal .,satisfaction. The prices obtained for. butter made at the creameries last • winter varied from 231 to 24 cents per pound, and the cost of manufacturing varied from three and one-half to four cents per pound. There were 13 cheese - factories in Western. Ontario making butter during the winter, and two being run as skimming stations. 11 The membership of the association for 1894 was 594, a decrease from the previous year of 17. asateetons istsnore. ; Prof Flete,her, of the Ottawa Ex- peritnental Farm, gave an address - oii inturiou.s. insects, in which he said • that there existed remedies for alt = ineects but before getting the remedy It was necessary to studrand under- stand the nature of the insect to be treated, The man who would use thieve remedies 'persistently and IMPORTANT ADDRESSES' IlY PROMINENT CAN 1DIA.N AND AMEBIC 1N DAIRY- MEN -- iNcipRIODS INSPPTS AND SWINE RAISING TALEED ADOVT. has an effective remedy for the pea lUngiug Matsui Iu the oars, botnet; ales r etring, buzzing sound, are (mu, by ctitirrh, taut ex- ceedingly disagt-0.•able anti very oommOn tlicellsel. Litwin of smell or hearing also result from cat arrh. II.r cl'tt Sat tower- tho groat bicod 14 a pecu- liarly tuteeossfid r:eliosty tor i414 which it cures by pu..ity tho .toto,i. Ltinto;t: Otta.s tiro the best after ilionor pills, '-.-'i -& tiNeetit licity t von sil tin - twit. liawiatt ?tremors' 7e.r.tual :La- rs:ranee Company. The 22nd annual meeting .ef the - inept bees of this cone et ny Was held, ' • 1 • T • .1'p Hz r, • ••,, day afternoon last. Fewn the re- ports submitted, the Miming may be taken layiag befbre you this 22nd annual reports your Directors cannot emigrate -late you as in former years ou the Company's imumnity from loss. During the past yeat., certain sections of the Province suf- fered very severely from thunder storms and we cause in for a share of the losses caused by lightning. Coal oil lamps have again been a fruitful source of fire waste. Other losses have occurred, the -cause of which your Directors have been un- able to -ascertain, but no definite evi- dente has been founcl to warrant litigation. Your Directors found it necessary to levy the highest rate that has been required since 1878. The average cost, however, each year on 91000 of insurance for the past 2i.t. years has been low and that on R .blanket policy, one of r,he most, if not absolutely the most, lib- eral policy issued by any insurance ,company in Ontario. Our new mem- bers, who expected to be relieved of high insurance rates, will no doubt feel disappointed to acertain extent, but we ask them not to judge too hastily'. Insurance companies as well as individuals must expect re- verses, and we only reqnest be judged by our past average rate, and not by one ps rtieular year. Let it be remembered, too, that, a blanket policy, paying full amount of lose 011 contents and for live stock killed itt the field by lighteing, and a policy covering, in buiklingesonly and pay- ing two-thirds of loss, differ very materially. The flambee of policies issued during the year was 878, and the number in• force Itt the end of the year, 2,972. insuring $4,409,98t, being an increase of :,'Aft,981 in the amount of risk. The losses sustaie- ed amount to $14,72.146. Of these, the loss by lightning 11.111011DtS tO POME OP THE tiOOD POI YTS OP PAY- ING .FOR TO VALIT slaeol) Bray, of Lima, in a forcible teltlreas itt the Nt fret Perth Farmers' Inatitute meeting in .ttwood last Santrday, set emelt the following arguments in sunpert, of• Dr, Bata coek'a system el' ming tor milk according to quality : 1. It creates a desire among pat - rows to meet the eonditions required Ito prodaee the much to be cheered I quality of t•xcellence Of eler-e. This C1111 be accomplished only by keeping !good CJIV's and taking propos core tif the milk. 2. • '• - able duties of tenting ad a check against fraud, and taking' proceed- lugs at law for adulteration. it, in a very great measure a protection to the • honest patron • against evil -disposed persons adulter- ' a ting their milk without Ode know,. ledge, mid thus making them liable to prosecution and disgrace, although they a,re inuocent. 3, The practical result is that a better quality of milk is scut to the factory, which is easier to manufac- ture and makes a more unifuem and better article of cheese. 5. The urgent need of us looking 'after our reputation as cheese pro- ducers at the present time in view of the very keen competition we are subjected to from our eastern neigh- bors, and from the Antipodes by men of the same sturdy 13rittish stock as ourselvesZareke it. iinperative that we, look after every matter that tends to Iced us .oneettel and upward as', cheese produeers. It is admitted by I all thinking. suen that quality is the ; keystone of success.' Therefore we I must be very jealous of anything. that may shave a tendency to injure t the qua li tv -of our staple product, andl gnard every means theft aide us in retaining- OM' present stauding and to advance to •a higher state of per- fection. bet quality be first, last and all the tithe. Let quality be our watchword. In relation to using the Babcock test, it is -not claimed that the Bab- cock Test is a perfect one for the cheese factory, but it is •clainted that it is nearer -imam than paying by weight only. It 'does appear that I milk does not, .always yield an ; amount of share equal in ratio to tba per eent. of butter fat contain( d [ the milk; but as 11 is claimed ly ex- persts to -come nearer to right than ' the old system of .paying by weight only, we should -patiently wait until some bettor way is found, rather than to go back to the. old system I; which. is more. unjust mi. has no-, 3 Postag'e Lanarieets. • esti. Replying to a reader wile esktel, tit) an' e:111105 the following. is the language of post - lip M41114E4; UpsitlO doWil 1 Ili' leti V011.10P 111011114 10Ye yell ; t110 ItIfle crosawiseany heart is a natlea"a; straight up and tit evn, et it -by-, sweetheart, gstocl-bye ; npshle 1:1 the rightcorner, write ea more; in the Mate et the tcp, yo-; at the bottom, no ; the rigla corner at the right angle, do yo love me in the left, hate yen; top eorner 1,11 the right, wielt you fsiendship bottom corner on the left 1 eet•k your acquaintance ; on 0 line with the i4111'1181110, aceept my love ; the same upside down, 1 ant engagea ; at right angles Itt 8111110 plaCO, long tO 800 YOU, ; in the middle at right edge • write immediately ; to write to an editor and expect a reply without enclosing a stamp mettne you are a • goose, Kidney Foots. In Jan., 1892, my son wino taken with Rainey diseabe. The u4li attended hy three play sleuths, and oho ttgo of tilt tnate he grew worse and by '91 WO fallen front 195 lbs. to 95 lbs. la 10 flays from starting to use 1)r. Chase's Kid nee Laver we were able to more hoiraL In 4 months he gained 50 ihrt, and was fully restored to health by the use ot this medieine. Jno. S. Has ino, 23 St. ul et., Mon treat. -Is V111tI.IN11111 IvEit FRIDAY 1‘101trlING - -XV T1&1 TIM OFFICE, acesestateusts Winer!' taINUIIAM, (ATAXIC). Subscripticraprice,e,:ar cx yiUttr. in advance - • ADVERTNIND RATEs: • ' ••• i.11,71.,•1! 1 1 ,) 1. I t.11.1.. -. ro 14 F,. I 1 M., tilliti(7011..i1111 I ti,,,lif), 7f.:(1.); tii`o) 1ttl .1, V;I: ta: i (,$4 (,?)g t!'ii,171'r " I '4) 00 1411.' 1 71)0 1 200 I MI? 111{74 i i) IP) :1 0.11 _.,1 7.70. L.). {X?. 1.vg:Li :1,11tt t)L.17.ne VI.4716 WIVOICIt71:11107.0.7!.)17, per line . int tit -it liceirtion, and ;,ic. pee lit, to each subset:1.mM illat,itrnoticest lee, pt.t line tor first insertion and :,... per nun ea' each sitlasequmit no.ertict . No kmal untAlg!olvgnige`;iirustrilitelloi:;',8letoholtilli11,5Sut.rayed, Situations, I anti Business Chances Waideo, not exceeding 8 lines nalloirscesVtalt 10'e‘o1:1'11:.ils.'llet ti'l Sale, not exceeding 8 linek.. il, for eta asses iine. per subsequent atonth Those oral:4.1.w be striotl millered to Special rates for Meal ad% ertitnnestits, or tot ini.‘171c igirsie:njt%.11ts and local notices without opecifte d!ruetionh, nail ie. itimattni tin forbid and (target, sceordingiv. Tra...lkory toyttrtiabitients mustb f 1,1.1 !in wit The& LI oha Igen tor c ntritet ativertirments must be Stu (Mice by %Vednesslity II0011, in order to Ripest that 'week When von look at yourself, look for fau'ts. When yon luta at others, fry to see something goad. The wise prove and the foolish eonfets by their couauct that 11 lite of employment is the only life worth D. CHASE' S THE ORIGINAL KIDNEY PILL K1 NV= LIVER THE ONLY KIDNEY -LIVER PILLS plias fordTb2`,.ws=: a7sekatrInyd-trd ieB.sallt1;1117d; grand medicine for the Kidneys and Liver. esoWniilFg. Ctloanalraertai mccai Si., Toronto, re - Star, says, Pilis act li71Cr magicfor the relief of head•ache, obrkyusmaatitlaocku acti consupation. Sold everywhere, r...cior or price, to v. cuMANSON, BATES & CO. as LOMOARD 87. 7111KINTO. 0111. anything in its favor to recornmen 1 .1.itaaor ty_five tty, it. On the other hand xyte haw 1 everything to gain by sustaining the principle of paying aceordltag to $6,140.46; coal oil lamps $2.972; un- known 82,972; other causes $1,118..1 The re:Milne- Directore, Messrs. Jas.1 For Over Fifty Years Edesar Ihouglas, were AN SCLO AND Wrait-Tanco 'litmus. -.Mrs. f re-elected. lose. :km fling :Irmo hal peon used for lire'. fin,. yoxrs bv of mothers for their chile reit while svethln,,, with porfeetsuoccss it seethes the chit mittens the gm»s, allays ell pain, co ISA tNiNtl D011.1. at;:d:s ttb...br oil; for DIarylima. • plearit,to "CRUEL ONLY TO BE KIND."— of 31 cents on every pound sst' Cana- Much unnecessary mitering is in- dian cheese sold. Prof. Robertson flieted under the above excuse. If .8 hen took up the question of food for one is not very well, feels out of sorts, cattle.. what the proper constituents has a touch of the •bile, and ex - of teed are and how they are to be periences an unpleasant giddiness, ;meowed. Food for cows should be one is immediately told to take some bulky, juicy, palatable and eheap. disagreeable medicine. It is kindness One food that could be grown to , in the guise of cruelty we are told. great advantage for feeding cattle/C., s a matter of filet disagreeable was Indian corn. The other topes . medicines are 710 longer necessary. were horse beans, sunflower etel ef,es, i Holloway's Pills and Ointment —the hay [mixed) and roots [carte ,s and world -famed remedies—will soon put ma naolds]. These were Wb cheap one right, and, moreover, thetr are foods which would accetrrplish Wet pleasant and agreeable restoratives desirable reduction teerthe cost of to health. Thousands can attest feeding cattle and selfich would be this, thousands have attested it. For equal to art Were/113V 31 cents per disorders of the stomach and liver, pound on cheese, e take the Pills; and use the Ointment Mr. Ballantine observed the for gout, lambago, rheumatism, &c. theory of tuberculosis is that it is in- haled and unit breeding has nothing GOMEL to do witleat. 11 18 simply coneump- At the last meeting of Court De - tion enclitic germ must be Waded, light, No. 1694, independent Order thou& there may be predisposing of Foresters, J. A. Uorrison, P. D. H. att upts. C. IL, installed the following offieees: rue OFFICERS, , C. D. II. C. R., Wm. liosej. C. IL, Seceetary Wheaton read the Nom- ' W. A. Irwin ; P. C. R.. E. Ring • V. inating Committee's rep" recom- C. R., Geo. Bradley ; R. S., Thos. mending the following officers for . Nash; F. S. R.11IeGrath ; Treas., R. 184-6; .. i S. Clegg; Chap., II, W. Coopet•; S. President,. A. Penult°, Woodstoek. !W., Jos. Ardell ; J. W., It. 3. King ; First vice-president A. P. Meter- S. 13., Thos. Ellis; .1. 13., R. J. Match; en. Stratford. a i Court Phyeisian, Dr, J. A. Tuck; Second vice-presideat,.. Iiarold 'Representative to High Court, Thos. Eagle, Ottercliffe. -,6.,, Nash. Directors: Div. No. 7, John 'Praha.? Ha rriston; No. 8, .I. . t iftelligently would find himself well bore; No. 9, 3. F. Williams, 'Inge,‘-': Norway Pine Syrup wires couihs, I aids, asthma. bronchitis, hoarseness, Id, The hernfly was not so bad soll: No. 10, Geo. Robertson., Luck- • sor hew and diseases of the throat year PA previous years, and thi. now; No. 11, Thos. Ballantyne, arid It . s. Price 25 and 50 cent. 4•410ms N. 1 It trover N Paget Ca s by roggists in every :part' it the : rwontv1.18.ivo.eent. a nettle. 14s vein° Is iticaloulable: 11 ii.c and ask }for Mrs. ',Winslow s Soot 101,8 rep, mid take no ot ter Wait IIOWICK. ¶11,e annual meeting of the'Itowick Agricultural Society was Lied in Fordwiltan Thursday, Jan. 10th, and was yell represented mad snore intereet than usual taken in the society. The following are the officers and directors for the .eaming years President, John Kahle; ViZE President, J. W. Johnston; Seettektrs- Treasurer, P. liepinstall ; Direetent, Samuel Ferguson, Edward Cousins, 13. I). Wallace, Wm. Evans,. Ulm Stewatsta Samuel .Johnston, IL H. Butchart, Robert Marding and Aksx. Robertson, and James Perkins, 13. S. Cook, M. athe w Jas. Mc E wen ;and David Sandet son wet* elected !-assistant dircetors. John Donaghy and Andrew Wilson were elected auditors. --One day last week, Mrs.. Miller, while at the residence of her son4n-law. Mr. Andrew Doig, of the' 2nd concession, slipped and fell heavily on the ice at the door, break- ing her leg. --On Friday of last week, Mr. .Tohrt Ball, of the C. con- cession, while working in the barn, missed his footing and fell from one of the beams to the floor and then through a trap door into the stable beneath, breaking several ribs. Doctors recommend Norway Pine Syrup because it is the best cure for coughs and colds. Price tile, mid 50o, a, druggist:4. -• THECIDOICS BEST FRIEND LARGEST SALE IN CANADA, SIN,4LS LAUNDY. Tho undersigned 11.ta open- 0 11 1. tundry 10 the BRICK BUILDING- JUST NORTH OP CHISUOL1I'S DRUG STORK, Winghatn, and is prepared 1(1 ilo ALL KINDS 0 LAUNDRY WORK In the hot style oral at the An ,pvvt rar..s. Perturb; wiled tor and d el I re! tit. Plensv call and try our 0,1 SING LE171, Wingham, Nov. 1, 1804. R. ELLIOTT Paorathron AND Puntsunni.. D ft MACDONALD, CENTRE STit EWA kv INS II AM. • • • ONTARIO.... --.^ •-•----- NAT B. TOWLER. M.D.C.M., f . Member College Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario -Coroner for County of Huron - Office 17p -stairs, mato lir Morton's office, Wing.. ham, Out. orytcs II ovits.-9 to 12 a. n:., 1 to p. tn., or a Residence, Diagonal Street. • P. KENNEDY. M. D., M, P..%8 0. Id Med tlisVour iYeoartteurnDr.ini yen' itlyilthil.ilan:e) House durw000 in London General Hospital. Special atten. tion paid to diseases of women and children. 011tue-Fortnerly occupied by Dr.' Itiolcirtun,Coruer • of Centre atm Petra! streets. 1) iiniii.tn - • ONT DR. McASIT, id. B. Toronto, :Wernher Collese 1.113sielens and Surgeons. tit.tatio. DELORAVII ON* TARIO• • ) VANSTONE, BARRISTER, SoLICITOR, Private i.nd Company funds to Ione at lowest rate interest. No commission charged, Mortgages, towtc., and ,s.rm proper4 bought anti sold 0 Ple1C3E-FIcaver Mock WINDHAM J. A. Me IITOS PA II OW*. E. L. DICKINSON, Barrieter soracrroa TO BANK OF DADIV.CON. KONEN. TR. LOAN. Wilco -Meyer Block, Wingham. • 1 D iNTISTRY.-J S. JSGO:11B, L. D, R.,111trouag.• Is manufacturing first.elass sets of teeth as cheap as thty can be made 1 tetetrtv in the Dominion. Teeth extracted • I ' absolutely without pain, by its new process, guaranteed perfet tiy safe. / OFFICE : In the Beaver Block, opposite the - Brunswick Muss. Win. H. Macdonald, L. D. S.,: DENTIST. 1 OFFICE, MACDONALD'S I Will visit Gorrie lst and 3rd 1VIondayes of each month. J CHN RITCHIE, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT W MOHAN, ONTARIet* DEANS, Jit,%Isamu', LIOENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNTIf." OF IIURON. Moderate. S0.168 attended in any part of the Co. Chargetth • 1J 011ie CialtItIE, WINGRABI, (MT., ptcnarssu AITOTIONDER FOR TRH COUNTI.DEi' 10.01011 AND DROOL. All orders left at the TINES OffiCO promptly atteffel ed to. Terms reasonable. ' j1 AMES HENDERSON, VI/ LICENNED ADUTIONRICR POR CONEILEN LIUNOM ANb. All sales attended to promptly and on the aeries& Notice. Charges Moderate and Satisfaction Guaranteed. All tieressury arrangements can be tea& at th TIMES' OMNI ONt. Money to Loan on Notes. POWDERS Notes Discounted • Coro $101f HA'AbA014111 Mut Neuralgia ; Ili izO artliurisirti, at 0 Coctod To '.its, Disri. n.tis, Biliousness:, Pain In the Side, Luitstipition, . Torpid Myer, Bad Breath. To my turod &lad regulate dim bowes. NIC '('0 Pittoxt 06 Or:NrSit Ar. OittrZBZ0101Zt..... AT REASONABLE EATS Money advanced on Mor1.ira4ea M ti pet cestiytel priritetio of paying at the end of any year. Not.. and accounts collected. norm oINDOO. Beaver illoCk 11Thahrun, Ont. Ctl J°1t To Dam The m Dairymen Ontario -secretary' London. ,dent Pat Pearce, 3 Atterelifle F. Will ,dent), Hot Laren nn 'ed as the -1835. Co -ed from Western I tion to h their rest requests the part a farmers tf more fully Tart of tin steeds of tl and to giv the best di tion Will h tions chub as follows Thomas, I Rincardin Feb. 27 ; market, 3 practical are thor dairying farming w hags. An session w It is desire as benefici ;association •eoperation 'dairymen its efforts .dairying i ,other plat to hold loc • tary will t The settin, the next ferred un Iihe me: • eat atkiryn the Unitec: •-eated with taining 'suitable 1 'Canada.,.e ward eopi, .at Strat branding 'dairymen' .and to 11 Montreal: view of g( 'orga,nizati board con T. 13. Mill tor for the retiring d begin on 'Premium Mr. A. ays:--"St Neu ralgia, highly pra them." Mr. J. urer Town Powders g :readily." Mr, Ale Welland, .excellent." Mr. Woc Pert Colbc *.do their w r. A. E f Wellar -cured me from sever when °the Price 2f medicine The a Culross held in tl Saturday was smal were el( Pres., L. McKague D. Irelan Chas. Ste lies, A. 2ringle; Treasure G. Stewa was dor question, mittee to tain their electing The folk the emu A. IkleKa cox and Negleci troubles, These tro prompt best throi World.