HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1895-02-01, Page 5TILE WINGILAM TIMES, FEBTUTAR
-001.11431' ODUNCI14 PROCIBUD- refunded during the year, the total 'is C1395, of the+ female teachers $297.1
INGS. • investment being $160,496, with The highest salary paid to any male'
$10,538.79- sinking funds uninvested. teacher in the rural distriets is $500,1.
itusixass IN A NITTSIIELL. ROME 010 REFI:GE COMMITTEE, an(i to any female teaeher ia $105.
Your committee luta considered the The highest aalary paid to
advisability of erecting a barn and Public School teacher in this division!
other outbuildings, on the preMies, is $825.
during this summer, and we recom- The qualifications of the teachers
mend as follows : That D. Patterson, for 1891 were 1 first clast4, 61 second
reeve of East Wawanosh, and Jas. class, 60 third class and 1 old county,
Girvin, deputy -reeve of West Wawa- board second.
nosh, prepare plans and speefficatione Ten schools changed teachers at
for a bank barn 30x50, with stone mid-summee and twenty-seven at the:
wall under, not to exceed. in cost end. Of the year. Last year the 4 -sea
$700, and a pig and ben house not changes were twelve and twenty-six.1
exceeding $100 in cost, and that your Many of these changes were caused;
committee have the power granted to by the expiration of certificates.
During the year 79. students re- ahanas comfort and improvoment
eeivedtends to personal enjoyment vlsen
training at the two Model
Sehools, of these 76 obtained coal- Totthalyed. The many, who live bct.
others and enjoy life more, ith
ficates. About half of these sue- + lssa ezpanditure,, by more prompt1;,,
adapting the world's 'host products to
the mods of physical being, will attest
the value to health of tho pro
laxative principles cm:braci4 i the
rtmiedy, Syrup of Figs.
Its oxvellence is duo to its presorting
the form xnost acceptable. and pleas-
ant to the taste, therefreshingand truly
beneficial properties a a perfect lax.
ative ; effectually cleansing the system,
dispelling colds, headaches and fevers
Dud permanently curing constipation.
Ib has given satisfaction to millions and
mot with the approval of the =died
profession, because itact on tho Lzd-
:keys, Liver and Bowels without
cuing them, and it is perfectly free fr...0
ovary objectionable substance.
Syrnp of Figs is fur sale by all an -43-
gists in 5c. bottles, but it is maw.-
factured by the California, Fig Syrup
filo. only, whose name is printed on every
package, also the name, Syrup of Figs.
Ind being well informed, you will not
ept any substitute if offered.
liatelt reeve and deputy will be pro-
vided with a copy of the Ontario
P. Holt, Geo. MeEwan and W. II,
Kerr. were appointed on the house of
refuge. counnittecan the place of those
menthols dropped out at the late
The proposed by-law for the regu-
lation of the house of refuge was
referred to the building committee
for revision, after which a sufficient
number Of copies are to be printed them to advertise for and receive
and distributed amongst the coun- tenders for the ercetion of such
eillors before the June session. builaings, and award the contract
The House of Refuge Committee for the construction thereof. Your
was instructed to advertise for ten- committee further recommend that ceeded in obtaining schools.
ders for the erection of suitable farm the farm be rented for the corning The time has come when no teacher
buildings, also to receive same and season, reserving about five acres holding lower qualification than that:
award contracts so as to have these around the building site, tis well as of a second class certificate should
buildings completed at the same time the road leading thereto, and under be given charge of an entire school,
as the house. such other restrictions as to your cent- unless the average attendance is less
W. II. Kerr was asked to act with mittee may seem advisable. In re- than 25. Js assistants and princi-
the 'clerk in preparing 0 new tender &meet to proposed by-law to pals of the smaller schools, these
for the county printing, to be pre- authorize the appointment, payment beginners usually do very well; and
sented at the June. session, the pre- and duties of an inspeetor, keeper, it is in these schools that tbey should
sent form having proved unsatis- matron and physician, and for the gain the necessary experience to take
factory. superintendence, care and manage- charge of an entire or larger school.
Motions to establish entrance ex- ment of the House of Industry, and Unless some change is made in the
amination centres at the followingto prescribe rules and regulations for present regulations many experienc.'
places were referred to Education the government of the same, we ed teachers will be driven out of the
.Committee, via.: St, Helens, Blyth, would recommend that so soon as profession. Not one-quarter of the
Kintail, Grand Bend and Fordwich. this committee has completed the model class next year will be able to
•The Committee reported against it, supervision thereof, that the same obtain schools. Such avast disparity
but Council decided in their favor. . shall be printed, and the clerk cir- between supply and demand must
A motion that Bannockburn bridge culate them among the members of ultimately reduce teachers' salaries,
in Stanley remain under county this council no later than May lst to a point not much in advance of
jurisdiction until rebuilt was referred next, and that the same be filially that of the ordinary farm laborer.
to the Road and Bridge Committee, passea at the Juno session. Notwithstanding the gloomy out -
but Council decided to take no action. ROAD AND BRIDGE COMMITTEE. look the teachers, as a whole, are
Messrs. Cox and Gibson moved that Recommended that the Commis -
two valuatoas be appointed under sioner's report be printed in the mina- this is the number sent up to, and
Municipal Oct for valuing the real tes. That no delegates be sent to the passed at, the varlets Departmental
and personal property within the Good Roads Association to be held on examinations,
county, as a basis for equalization. the 7t1i of' Feb. In addition to thew sent up to the
Referred to Executive Committee, The committee examined the ten- Entrance and Public Selma Leaving
who reported against it ; the Coun- dors received for the following' Examinations, the Public Schools of
eil, however, decided that the Clerk bridges, which will be erected dur- this division passed 25 candidates at was over 13 per cent greater than
should write to other counties who ing this year viz., Hohneaville Bridge, the Primary'. examinations in July in the hi
at of' 1893.. Thenumberincleof yaseupidls
kaare valuators, and on the strength ghei elass, es has
of their en/fir/elm, prepare a report
for jtifle
The Trettaarea Was lestracted to
Ispen a separate account for all monies
expended in connection with the
House of Refuge.
The County Engineer was instruct-
ed to have a fence put across the
approaches left open by the removal
of the old Bayfield bridge.
'The County School Inspectors were
requested to furnish statements in
detail of the cost of presiding at
+examinations, examining papers for
either High or Public &heels, and
the amount of salary received by
them, from all sources, for the years
• 1893-94.
A motion to increase the cost of a
hawker's and peddler's license from
$25 to $50. AIMS lost.
It was moved by Mr. Holt, second-
ed by Mr. McDonaldsthat the Coun-
cil learns with regret of the serious
illness of A. Meaturchie, Reeve of
Clinton, and A. Milloy, Reeve of Col-
borne, old and valued members of
this Celina% and trust that they may
soon recover, and that a copy of this
Tesolution be sent to each—Carried.
The. sunrof $10 was granted for
the planting of flowers around the
Court House, $25 was granted to
the West Hardn Teachers' Associa-
tion. Tenders for the County print-
ing wore received from the offices of
the Goderich Signal and Star, Clinton
News -Record, Exeter Times and Sea-
forth Sun, that of the latter being
accepted. -
The ememittee reported that they
had examined the jail and found
everything clean and itegood •order.
ed their positions, and their places
doing good work. One evidence of were taken by beginners. It is to
be regretted that our most energetic
teachers are forced to leave the pro-
fession, on account of the low salary
paid them.
The average attendant for 1894
Bluevale Bridge and Bridge. on the 1894.
Oth line of Howick. Mr. L. Hardy's • d!) candidates wrote en the En -
Whit' Wing the lowest tie Mimes- trance and Public School Leaving
ville bridge, reeeiiimended his lender examinations, of which 405 succeed -
be accepted for $3750. Messrs. Gib- I ed in obtaining entrance standing
and 49 Public School Leaving.
The sum of $3,387 was spent in
building and repairs. New school
houses were built in S. S. No. 9,
Turnberry; S. S. No. 9, Grey, and
in S. S. No. 12, Howick. The school
son and Harristock's tender being the
lowest for Bluevale bridge, recom-
mend their tenders be accepted for
$345. Messrs A. Snyder, H. Shaffer,
A. S. Strome and W. J. Adair, tbeir
tenders being the lowest, we recent -
mend their, tender be accepted for grounds in S. S. No. 4, Morris, and
$240, providing that the parties give U. S. S. No. 15, Howick, were en -
satisfactory security. closed,,a•nd a new fetiO was put up
We have also examined the ten- aroundsthe'Schboi 1 t" of' S. S. No. 3,
ders received for the iron bride to be
erected in Blyth, and. found that
tender of the Hamilton Bridge Com-
Turnbeary. New' woocl sheds were
put up at schools No. 12 McKillop
and and No. 5 Grey. The sehool
It is now nearly twelve months, since we 'first opened up our doors, uns
der the present management. At that time, when we announced our Wens
tion of' doing a
The knowing ones looked very wise, and declared it could not be done in
Wingham, but we have proven clearly, not only to ourselves, but to .the
nubile at large, that it can be done in Wingham. We have had many
years experience in the LONG CREDIT SYSTEM, under every existfng
condition, and pronounce it a failure every time. Now after one sear's
experience of the CASH SYSTEM, anci that in a time of great dearession,
we have come out on top, and pronounce it a success. We have in the past ,
by keenly watching the markets of the world, carefully studying the wants .1
of our customers, small profits'and close attention to lnibine:iS, eucceeded.
our aim, in placing good Goods within the reaeh of all. We are happy to
state, that this year we are in a much better position than Mr to give ;
you the benefit of elose buying. Now before STOCK TAKING, and. in ,
order to make room for SPRIN•i GOODS, we will, during the remaining ,
days of our financial year, Make S WEEPING- REDUCTIONS in prices; all
you well to call on us during :Ale next THIRTY DAYS and see what CASH
BUYINU and cash selling will do for you.
3FV1Ht g etictoriQ
WO tocks,
amounting to about $4,000.00, which
The figures show good progress and.
of attendance. FOR. THE
marked improvement in regularity
This division is very well supplied
with school houses ; _there ore ..99,
nearly all of which are in good con-'
dition •' many may be classed as ex-
cellent. During 1894 good brick
school houses were built in Nos. 11
and 15, Hay. and No. 8, Stephen.
All of these are nicely finished, and
seated with single desks, or double
desks with divided seats. In nearly
every section the teacher sees that
the school property is taken care of,
and that the school yard is kept in
proper coadition. .
.. I visited every school twice, once . .. .
pony and that of the Stratford Bridge house of S. S. N6. 7. aiorris„ has beeniduring each half-year. In nearly
and Iron Works are same amount, thoroughly repaired and is now quite I. every school I found the teacher WAITING FOR SOMETHING TO
viz., $425. .Recommend the tender comfortable. The school houses of:: doing faithful work. There is a largelast to "ell the
of the Stratford Company be accept- S. S. No. 12, McKillop, andandtaatbgean anooutrabee
Wb atn' s tthbee i goodlltarwl of, aweatiti yourselfng folitinto s i.I. turn1pe up,37.
ed. 8, Tuckersmith; have • hadalt-he"-ii No.
onduivmisboeni: of excellent teachers in this
and their pupils are making bill"? 1
Re motion of Ratz and MeEwan ternal wood work painted. No. 16, aood progress. I am glad to find -
bei ea
NEXT :SC)) IrsbPiCar,Satio;7'
at less than Wholesale Prices for CASH ONLY.
All Wool Overcoats $4.50, worth. $6.00,
All Wool Tweed Pants $1.65, worth $2.50,
Fine Heavy Tweeds from 25c. a yard up.
Vr Call and see this stock; you will make money.
claiming $100 for townships of Hay
and. Stephen, whichamounts they
claim should have been assured to
the county by the Hay drainage
scheme. Recommend that it be left
over till June meeting, and, that the
County Commissioners' examine said
road and bridges and report at said
In reference to the payment of the
debentures maturing in 1896, we re-
commend that whatever sum may be
required to retire the , same, over
and above the amount secured by
mortgages to the county, that such
sum be raised by issuing debentures
payable in ten years, the county debt
be consolidated, and a special Act
for that purpose obtained m 1896.
A number of' accounts were also pass -
Several repairs to comity buildings ed.
were recommended, oameng which is
a new Iva to the,Caurt House. The report of the Road Commis -me as required by the school regu- ConSunAptidni
.1.=......"..7: 4.±,•^',-^^,±....17.-•
Irowick, had a new well dug,. and se many of ' our teachers training
No. 6, Hallett, has been repaired.
Daring' the comina yette new brick their pupils by example and precept,
so that they will become good men t,t.....4..2
• . ,*://tiii
4:4 L
schoolt'houses will built in S. S. and women, and worthy citizens. ,...s.s...a.---
...,.-...1-_, .„..„............„..„-asse ,.
No. 7, Grey, and. S. S. No. 6,Tucketa As in every other occupation, some .
..- ".1.. v ,....-:...":7•Pr--*•e:!'.•::°.----
±‘, ,,,,,,z,..,... -.4.r. - -• ••• •k4.±. %k.?,12;4±,:.51;:.4,%..1
01ki•,.:=Z4 „----:7:7•';',.
...11... ..i!:-.Za"
.0,i4.5 • At4)±.. ' t...... ----_-:-..-•*;.
smith. The school house in No. 2, are not well qualified for their work.
Grey, will be thoroughly repaired. I They are either deficient in' the
During the year 1894 good work literary work or aptitude to teach.
has been done in nearly every school, A few are indifferent or lacking in
in many excellent, and in but a few energy.
has the work been unsatisfactory. ----- -- - -- -
Trustees and teachers are all try- Customs Taxation Trebled.
ing to do their work; according o
In 1878 the custom taxation of the
their light—many very successf
All the schools of : this diVist n Dominion was equivalent to 640,000,-
were visited twice by your inspector 000 pounds or 320,000 tons of wheat;
—once daring thefiret•half year and to -day it is equivalent to 1,920,000,-
again duringthe second half. 000 pounds or 060,000 tons of wheat.
Three schools were closed when !In other words, measured in wheat • . •
visited in September. The teachers instead of dollars, our customs taxa- . +
had obtained the permission of their tion has been trebled since 1878.
Forest City Business and Shorthand' College of London,Ont.
We lay great emphasis on our practical course. See our proof, our successful
students. A. M. Stewart has received the position as travelling auditor with the
McCormack Harvesting 0o., Winnipeg. 'Write us for catalogue and particulars
addressing carefully,
J. W. WESTERVELT, Principal.
College re -opens Jan. 2nd, 1895.
463L4 231_1FtiPticUr
trustees to close school to attend the ----a-- -------" •
fall fairs, but had neglected to notify
stoner dealt in detail with all the lotions.
The- are at present 18 prisoners various expenditures on roads and xxseacTon Tom's REPORT. The incessant wasting,of :4 cen-
t kW'
/ .1 in jail -14 males and 4 females. bridges since bis December report. Mr. Tom's report for the year sumptive can only be Overcome by
Two are aged and unfit for work. The bridges of the county are most- 189.1 is a bulky document, but may a powerful concentrated nourish -
Of the males 1 is committed for in- ly in good repair and are likely to be summarized as follows :—The merit like Scott's Emulsion. If
decent assault ; 1 is insane ; the re- remain so, unless some unusual wheel receipts in his Inspectorate, this wasting is checked and the
mining 12 are committed for freshet should ocean from all sources, inclusive of balance system is supplied with strength to
vagrancy for terms of from 3 to 6 Connell adjourned 10 111061 in June on hand,were $70,871.63; expenditure combat the disease there is hope
.1 months. Five of them are quite next. of recovery.
• $59,386. 2.
TREASURER'S STATEMENT. REPORT. porations in this diision, employing
In 1894 there were 05 school cor-
unable to make a living. SUMMARY OF INSrECTOR Metes
=octants 91669.46 mere than was Council of the County of Huron ; and 60 females. Tho rural schools
estimated, also the sum of $3187.48 OtN'T.LtIVEN,—During* the year employed 5t, males, at an aact g
on accounts of•the Industrial House, 18')4 the total amount expended for salary of $301.15, Lima 51 tbnutles at
as yet unprovided for. The N. 0. Public School purposes:al. East Huron an average salary of $283.70. 50
R. debentures, amounting, with in- was $57,204, of this amount the sum teachers had received Normal c aso af Cod-liver 011, with Hypophos-
tercst, to f$21,300, were paid Attie of $13,870 was paid in salaries to the training ; fo'nt teachers held first-
lst of July, thus relieving the county 123 teachers employed in the Publie class professional certifieates, 48 phites, does more to cure Con,
of $2,200 yearly burden in interest Schools. Prom this it will be seen second-elass, and 77 third-class. At sumption than any other known
remedy. It is for ail Affections of
%vested hi mortgages, and $30,8241per annum. The average salary of departments changed teachers. data and
'throat and Lungs, Coughs, Colds, Brom,
Wasting. Pantilileisire
and sinking fund. $38,100 was, that $357 is the average salary' paid the end of the yeav 40 schools OP
of investments previously, invested I the male teachers in the rural schools Several experienced teaeliers resign- kilt& 11"14.0 11.116".* An Dr°091 "` 5°°'
There was expended in general To the Warden and Members of the 120 teachers, of these (10 were Malta ,
mu mon
enrna : „ Jr./64.40k kneAL61.44.014o±n
6 boo PAIRS o HOES to be SLA HTERED.
G-0033iE31:to r=rp,s
Have decided to close their Seaf h Store, and re ove the whole stock to
Wingham. We must have room a d in order t. make it we will commence
on Saturda December x5th, a .traor. fury Clearing Salo of every
thing now in stock. We realize that i yr • to dispose of both stocks this
season, the prices must be very low. T oods will he laid out in special
lots at special prices, from which you t, -e your pick. We intend. to
make this Clearing Sale the talk of ie Coun • Don't spend a dollar its
Shoes until you see our prices at is Great Sa Commencing Saturdar
Dee. 15th, to be continued un the Wingham st can bold both stocks,
aro bulky and take much room. and room counts: ju
of dime goods me tly purchased will share in this Great
you are nee in Trunk or Valise or Leather Bag, we invite
our stoek, w h is of the Very hest quality and you will not tin
the price
now. Our stock
aring Sale. If
spection of
fault with
TlurNew Shoolten, Wingha