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The Wingham Times, 1895-02-01, Page 4
E THE WINliUUAM TIMES, FEBRUARY 1, I.895. � "1 1 I' y� r ifitruu r, and Eats bad great e:gieri- Ra Ea ., cnet• tie it breeder, feeder and Alp' pec` o1 live stock, rt8 well as in other departineut:: of farm work. Dr. Alae- ! (an.tht \vat in the audience at the - A - at'derlluun as well as the •evening meetings, anal safely he is not to be DRUGGIST. blalnt'd floe saying a\ few words in be- half (if the formers of the country when he was retjuested to do so by �y ., the chairman. It is true that Mr. I). A T�Ca I4■ Js TELEGRAPH C A. Forrester, t11C? I'fItrc.0 candidate CHEMIST opp, Bransraelt Souse. ingh..an, - - - 0 t v. 4 Fktli)t1i' F1.BIaUARF 1, 1895. for West Iluron, was present and de- livered a short address, but none of these gentlemen alluded to politics L in any way, and it is left to the Ad- vance to introduce that subject and try to score a point against the Farmers' Institute, and if possible injure it. EDITORIAL NOTES. MR. .3.16s. CoysIEE was .elected in Int Algoma, on Monday., :by 'a nia- ,jarity- of upwards •of 200. Mn. W. Plume/km has -been re- nominated by the South i3erth Con- servatives. es. THE election in Kingston, on Mon - (lay, resulted in .the return of •Hon. Itrtu. Harty, over Dr. Smythe, .by majority of 432. TzrE North Middlesex '(onserva- tives clave -renominated 1iTr. 'W. H. EMutchins for the Nouse ,avf Com - IT is not et •all probable tkat. Icon. J. C. Patterson :will offer for To -elec- tion in West',Huron. He is Basting about for -another ,eonstituenes=.. IT is reported that Hon. Geo. E. Foster, Minister'of Finance, •wl1 not seek re-election ;in Icings county, N. B., seeing-defeatstarislg him la tbe face, but will run for .another .con- stituency* in that:pro.vinee. THE Eighth Annual :meeting of. the Central Farmers' Institutes of :On- tario,. will be held in the parlors , of 1haftesblaryr Hall, 'Taronte : colnmmen- eing,on Tuesday, slue 5th Februaey, .at 2 p. nl- Br the telectioit of Mon. Wm. Harty and Mr. .1:as. •Comuee, on Monday, Sir..Oliver Mowat -ia 'assur- ed of a good. working =delete, and tl$ere are. 0350 .constilt:iexu les •.vacant • •Which will Le pretty wertiiiu .to re- tnl'n him supporters. THE indieati ns are Iuotwthat;there will be a general elee iou ;fQr .the Dominion Parliament beir,e ,ane.her tsession is held. The 1\litluhisters ;.are on a tour titraugli Western •Orta cio, and :everything ;p,©i.Ilts to .all. ,eleetten as soon as it can he held on thevet- ers' lists that are being revased. FElltstJARy 2.=tt11, 26th alas) 2:7.tt, :are the dates deeidcd upon for :hold- jug the 3lethodist Ettoa incial Young 'eoplt,'e Convention. :in Toronto It may yet be arranged to make i,t,;a 3lumiui4lh gathering*. Dr. Shell, ,ot0 Chic go, d. <elleral Seci!etary of viae Epworth League iu the United States, wild preach in ,the Metropoli- tan Church the Sabbath preceding the t;onvt;>sidion. (treat interest is being taketl in the a teoleg annual re -union. TII ,deeisie*,a of the Inalaeri<af Privy Council, on the .31anitobai, eehcol case, whichaw.att given 011 'Tuesday laid, is to the V•ilect `seat the Doreiniien Government may grant the Cath.olies of that J?rotlece remedial legistation for the lobs of Separate selrooJs. Their Lordshipstdeeline to point out the remedy, leaving that duty to the ]Government of Canada; but they suggest that right could be done, not by abolishing the 'Manitoba School; .Acts, but by passing an act sup-; plemental thereto. CULROSS. The Municipal Council met at the Town Hall, Teeswater, Jan, 21, ae- cording- to statute. The necessary declarations of ,qualification and of office were Inde and subscribed by J. Welwood, as Reeve, .Henry Me - Kay, as Deputy -Reeve, :and Messrs. Peter Kuntz, Wal. Reid, and Joseph Johnston, as conneillolu. The •coun- • en being organized, the Reeve took the chair. P. Kuntz—W.. Reid -- That the minutes of last aneeting of couneil, as just read, be adopted— Carried. J. Johnston -=Wm. Reid— That the several standiug,committees • of the municipal.council of, the town- . ship ot Culross be composed of the several members, the same .for 1895 . as for 1894—Carried. Roads <and • bridges—The whole 'oouncil, Wel- t.:wood chairman. Finance—Kuntz, Reid, Johnston, Reid 'chairman; _-Schools and Education --I elwood nand Kuntz, Kuntz •cliairnaan; Print- ,ing—Welwood, Johnston :and Mc- Kay, McKay chairman; Petitions amid B,r-Laws-- Welwood, Kuntz .and Reid, Kuntz cheirnlarn; .t1.5sessment • ---The whole ,council, Welwood chairman. H. McKay—J. Johnston —That the Treasurer `;patio Mrs. Tancher $4. per month, to.assist to keep Patrick T,auchen and •pay for the„ first four months in:advance and in advauce for every twe.months.nfter --Carried. Welwood—j. Johnston --That Messrs. 31oKay, Reid, Kuntz :.and .Welwood eom:pose :the :local Board of Ilealth farthe,eurrent year, . and that Dr. Gillies, M. D., be Medi- cal Health Officer --Carried. .H...Me- Xay.—P. Kuntz—That.a .petrtion be •fbrwantled to the Leea,l Legislature, throng;, IZ, E. Truax:, K. P. P., ne- atttesting that the selhool law .be ..auuendedl. so as to enable .councils •to Annex idly lot that belonged :to.a, ;ateparate school supporter purchased .by a noi-supporter to :any public sseb.00l section—Carried. Win Reid--- P..Kuntz--That Robert Watson :bei- ,eepointed ,Auditor to audit :thee, Tr-tsurer'si&books and aezountts ibr. ,the ;year 185.!4, also to examine rale' Collector's real, .and that they be laid` R,8.e ch for their services and than a byelaw be drawn up eonfirmang .their .appointment—Carried, W. Reid—H. McKay—That five .dollars • ,be granted to Mrs. Wolfe for relief Canted. H McKay—J.. John-; :r?tela---`. chat by-law No. 1, of 1895, . tae now read first, seeond and.; ;tiiircl time, passed, signedandaealed, ,being a:by-law for the appointing of 4;aditors ;to audit the accounts of 18194—Cttlr'ied, J. Johnston -•-H. tiJ,e•K ty—'1 at by-law No. 2, of 11395, lad itao:Fv read a fll•st, second and Wed time, passed, signed and sealed, being a litalaw for appointing a Board of ,llealirh for the township of Culross for 1804 — Carried. Win. Reid --1'. Kuuttr—That a cheque for forty dollars be issued to Geo. Mee Kay, as part payment of his contract, the money to be paid on lir. John- ston's certificate that the job is com- pleted —Carried. Kuntz—Johnston •---That the salaries of the different paid officers for the year 3 895 be as follows: Clerk, $100 and no extras, erecpt Registration; Treasurer, $100 and no extras whatever; Assessor, 870, including equalization of Union Schools; Collector, $50 --- Carried. Win. Reid—J. Johnston -=-That P. Clark be treasurer, GI a s. Button clerk, John Armstrog assessor, D. A. Ireland eollector, and that a By- law be drawn up eonfirnufng their appointments --Carried. The Fi- nance Report was then read, as fol. tows : Finance Report—John 13. Hardie, balance of account forrepairing 25th r side road, Con. ] 9.aU • Mrs. Lan - cher, aid for the m�wontihs f Januatry, February, March and April, $t6; Mrs. Ernewainc for Mrs. Wolfe, relief, a"•,:) ; A. G. Stewart, bal- anee of account for printing for • I 18i4, as per contract,F14; Ferguson { Mr, J 8 • Jerome, Dentist, Wing - bine, Nays: "\\'illiiuxis' Little 1)antloliun rim aro the best in the market. I n r• Geo. 0ruietteuan.k,Turnberrv. e i says: ""'There is no fill equal to William's' . d Little Dandelion Pills.' d 1VCr F'illlaxy A.ndersoxl, Ex-1-)epnty- Reeveof I•,nst 1\'awanoah, says: eeThey B are the most satisfactory Pill 1 have ever 's ut,td." S Thomas Taylor, \Vareen for the County of Humn, says: "I would not use f any other Pill." Chas, Proctor, 4th line or Morris, - says: "I would not be without Williams' Litho Dandelion Pills," of Bruce, asays' "K have found den t�the nr �tin,- deed a wonderful Pill," o- Iluudreds of likeT'estimonials furnish. Bros., spikes for bridge, Con. 0, $2. 32 ; Geo. McKay , for gravelling lots 1.5 mid 1t1, Coro A, 40. T McNay --. J, Johnston — That ill mance report as just read be adopte --.Carried. J. Johnston—J. Welwoo _--That the clerk send for six topic of the Municipal World mail, 7 topic of tbe Ditches and Watercourse Act, hi pamphlet form, for the use o the Councillors and that the Trea surer pity the Clerk the amount re qutired-•---Carried.--•- H. McKay — J Johnston --That the taxes on part o lot 6, Con. 12, non-resident, be can- celled, as the part of lot its not pr perly described and world only cause expense --Carried. --P. Kuntz lileliay—That this eonncil do now : adjourn to sleet again in the Town Hall, Teeswater, at 10 a, in, on Fri_ day, 150 of Fehurary---Carried CJIAS. BUTTON, Tp. Clerk. EAST WAWANOSH. Tho roads are becoming passable • since the great storm.—Mr. S. C: Howlett, of tbe 12t11 ,concession, had the thumb and forefinger of the. left hand badly injured, in a turnip puiper, the other day.—(tluiteat nuts- : ber •of names were .added to the • voters' list, and also a number struck off, at the Judge's Court at Pelgrave, on Friday last. This Dominion Franchise Act is 'one of the worst abuses the Dominion Government has .planed on a long-suffering ing people. —Albert and Arthur Fothergill have purchased their father's interest in his Wawanosh property.. , The Municipal Council of the Township of East Wawanosh met in the Council Room, .en January 21st, pursuant to statute, the members elected being Donald :Patterson., reeve; Thos. Brown, ,deputy -reeve; and Messrs. David Robertson, sr., Walter Scott, sr., and Wm. Sather - land, Councillors. Havingeach duly subscribed and signetl'the•deelaration of @ualif]cation and .of office, the Reeve•in•the chair. The minutes of last Council meeting, Dee. 15th., 1894, were read, approved .and signed. P. Porterfield was again .appointed Clerk ifor the current ;year, salary $80. Moved by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Brown, that James .Nicol, con. 'T., 'be.appointed auditor on be- half ,of the Council --Carried. • The Reeve then .appointed Matthew Lock- hart, ,1st 20, -con. 2, theaotiher:autlitor. The appointment of an .assessor was deferred till next meeting of Council. Board of Health for 1895: The Reeve and Clerk, Messrs. Walter McGowan,- James McCallum and James McGee,•con. 10. i)r,..McAsilr, Beigrame, :medical health. ,oftieer:. T. M. Walsh presented an aeaount for ,deepeningtdratimancl piping iaa:eastern gravel road, ojposite Iot 42, , eon. :amountii g• to $6. Moved by Mr - Scott, seeonded by Mr. Brown, that the same lie now paid, Morris •Coun- eil to pay. one Half—Carried. Corir- eatunicatiou from Township Clens .of Morris, betty :statement of amount .between the tmvo ,Municipalities for 1. 4, received, shoving that a bat ranee of 83.44 was due from lforr is to East Wawanosh uu,to lst January, in—Filed. Bylaw No. 1, 1895, test. tea errin the lle ? 1 t O 42, con. from B. S. No. 13, : Union nion S. S. No. 3,, Last Wawanosh and Morris, read a Pest time. Printed ,circular from See etary of Good Roads Association St. 'Themes, regarding read making, etc-, l,eeeived and Ifled. Communi- cation from D. E. Munro, Auburn, representing the Trustees of Union S. S. No. 5, Hallett, etc., ,on matters regarding proposed new Uinion S. S. south end (cf the township, also re- ceived and filed, Petition of Thos. H. Taylor, >tr., and 35 other rate- payers of Union S. S. No. 0, East • Wawanosh, requesting that B. H. ' Taylor, representing half of lot 32, eon. 6, be withdrawn from &aid Sehool Section, (on account of im- passable roads to No. 6 school at times in the winter season) and be annexed to S. S. No 13. The Clerk was instructed to attend to this ' matter in the usual way, and notify! all parties concerned. Moved by Mr. Sutherland, seconded by Mr. Robertson, that a by-law be read and passed at next Council meeting repealing by-law No. G, 1894, and all other by-laws affecting the same,. for the purpose of abolishing the bonus of 10e. per rod for assisting and encouraging the building of wire fences throughout the Township after the ist dayof June next—Carried. Annual cireular from Registrar - General, Toronto, received, certify- ing that the Clerk in his capacity of Division Registrar had in 1894 re- gistered 45 births, 4 marriages and 15 deaths, entitling hit. to be paid Tito attempt of the Advance to in- jure the West Huron Farmers' In• alititute, by the statement that it is a political institution, is anything but trreditable. The Farmers' Institutes are doing a grated work in the coun- try in assisting in the education of the farmers in the better and more mod - ori • methods of� conducting their bnsineos, utid should receive the ap- proval and 'hearty support Of all, M. Y it - � � 11I len Mr. J lili•� C it , I ., did not xt.tencl. the meeting here as a politi• caill,•'but„l,ecatu-e he is a practical A• � • ed on application. $(L1() for the sante. The following debentures were issued, viz : T. M. Walsh, for deepening drain and piping ou Eastern boundary, lot 42, , con. 6, a'6. Elam Livingston, Bei - grave, 549 feet rock elm plank for bridge on creek, lot 35, cons. 8 land 9, $6.58; Thos. Edwards, for cedar and repairing bridge on creek, lot 3a5, -cons. 8 and 9, f 6;. Benj. Ander- son,iflling up hole•at bridge on creek, sideline 3.) ail d 40, con. 8, & 1.50; James Young, Auburn, 343 feet rock elm plank per H. Govier, pathmastcr, in 1891-, $4.11; P. Porterfield, ex- penses of last municipal election,)1t32; do., do., salary as Clerk in 1894, $80, postage, stationery, ete., $4, in all $84; do., do., services as Division Registrar in 159.4, $0.40. Moved by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Suther- land, that this Council now adjourn till Tuesday, 12th February next— Carried. P. PORTERFIELD, Clerk. SALEM. The annual meeting of the Turn - beery Congregational church was heki last week. The report furnish- ed by the financial secretary is most satisfactory, all indebtedness being paid and a balance in the bank. The membership has increased and the societies of the church are in a prosperous condition. It is proposed to organize a Juvenile Missionary Soei y next week. WEST WAWANOSH. The municipal .couneil of West Wawanosh, in compliance with statute, met in the town hall on Mon- day, the 21st.. All the members present. Officials appointed for 1895, viz: Clerk, It,. K. Miller; Treas., J. 0. Ward; Assessor, W. A. Wilson. Some minor business was disposed Council meets :again • on Feb. 23rd, at 10 a. m. TEESWATER, Kadin, late of the Township r .mutt of Ltmnn,snlnstnt., cam{ week. None carafe in to -day. All - told there were only 102 hogs on the , market, and were sold before 10 o'clock, Prices were steady and un- changed, at •le to •1Hc per lb. for the best fat hugs. As a result of the ' lack of offerings prices for butchers' cattle were firmer. Prices were , from 02 to 85 per head better, ]East 13uffitlo, N. Y., Jan. 29. -- Cattle -Receipts, 38 ears through, 5 on sale. Market easier foo' all kinds, with common and rough medium weights 15c to 25a lower. Sales Of rough 1,150 to 1,300 lb. steers at 1:4.10 to 04.50; good fat 1,350 lbs. act 04,75 to 0.4,80; cows and heifers at 02.75 to 03.50; fat bulls at 02.85 to 03.50; light to good butchers' steers at 03.80 to 41,10. Hogs ----Receipts, 24 cars through, 10 on sale including 6 cars held over. Market active and steady, with a very light supply. Sales of good to choice Yorkers at 04.55 to to $4.62i, mostly 04.00; good medi- tuns at 04,50 to 04.55; no choice heavy here; pigs at 84.50 to 0-i.60; roughs, $3,50 to Si;3.80; stags, 03 to 83.50• Sheep and lambs—Total oi%rings to -day were 58 car's; market closed fairly active at opening prices. Only 3 cars Canada sheep and lambs on sale. Choice Canada sheep sold. at 03.75 to 04; prime would sell at $4.15 to „a4.25. Only one load ,of lambs sold at $5.40 to $5.50. Can- adas arrived late. PROF. CHAMBERLAIN Eye Specialist, 20 yenrs' experience, :'7 Kinn. Street East, Toronto, cells rap:ntbu to following of blind. 110%8 upon asinn wro�'gly adapted Spectacles. fle says, when we consir;cr that sm•ent)'.fivo pct cent. of people with detective eyesight have some amount of astigmatism, at least forty per cent. have two odd eyes, it will et oboe be apparent to any one of common sense that they sbonld heave their sight tested by s.,u,o competent optician. if Hereon, aro presbye,ple only and have botit uvea alike in focus, even thea they are not capable of judging what is necessary for them, and no optnnlctorneothcrslyiht- steaili ,pptu•ntns has ever yet beet. invented whivh will enable n novice to d tei mine the ....row of re. 0,.rtlnn in the ease of astigmatism. Call or wtite for pap rs r t, the e� e. All free. Ile will be at. C. E. 'Villin,,,,' Uro„ Stora, 1\'inglaant, Ont., Tnu,day and '+'((Acord,(, February 9th and 0th, only. Wait for hint. MISS MeW INNEY, SOP 'A 0,. pupil of Sig. D't ria and Mr. Elliott Harlem. Open for Concert Engagements. • WI�iO1IAM, - ONTARIO. _ EXECUTOR'S NOTICE TO CHBCI.TON. Notice is hereby given purulent t Revised Statu- tes of Ontario, 1847, chapter 110, a • tion 30. that, all estate of tsnl,nI nenhneey, in the axed, who diad nn er, 18th, are resent. /o• deliver 1 t to Andrew in of Tnn,berre, (Wing. , persons having claims acninst the At the last regular meeting o Court Vietoria, N0. 52, C. 0, 1+'., ;the following officers were installed: C. R., Bro. H. G. Baker ; V. C. R., Bro. R. McDonald; Chap., Bro. Geo. More ; R. S., Bro. Geo. ]fowler ; F. S., Bro. W. J. Howson ; Treas., Bro. R. N. Thurtell; S. W., Bro. D. T Ross ; J. W., Bro: V4 . Johnston ; S. ' 13., Bro. D. Ballagh ; J. B., Bro. D. �Fraser.—The Epworth League of ;the Methodist Church at its semi- annual meeting a few evenings ago j:cluly,elected the following officers for the ensuing term : Hon. president, Rev. A. K. Birks. B. A.; Pres., Geo. Yeo co 1st i •res . I . 'IeHard V ce C P •, . Y, and Vice -pros., Miss L. Copeland ; Rec. see., Miss L. Thompson ; Treas., 1 Miss S. Cook; Organist, MissoB. Nixon; •Cor. See. Miss M. Nixon. Full reports Count f or abort the 2, th day ' 1 No ed to send by post ;were 1 Mitchell• of the cold Tow ham 1'. 0 ), ort or before e 20th dayof F ubrnary 1$nG, their pontes, addr,,ssrs and dnrc•rit.tfors, and full particulars of their claims, and the nature of the security (if any)held by them; and that after the said day the said Excentor will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased amongthe parties entitled thereto. haringregard to the claims only of which he shall then have online. ANDREW MITCHELL, Executor. Dated at Wingham this 31st day of January, 1805. from the officers of the past term were submitted which makes a very gratifying showing.. The League in every department of its work has made progress in the past six months • so that at the present time it is in a very healthful condition, numerically ! financially and spiritually.—While Mr. F. Lal+'rance, of Teeswater, was working with a circular saw in Mr, F. Deutsehlnantl's saw mill, on Tues- day afternoon ot last week, his right hand tante in contact with the swiftly revolving disc of steel. The thumb and part of the fore finger were taken off and the second finger was pretty badly damaged. LW* Stook otarlcate. Toronto, Ont., Jan. 29:—On ac- count of the storm there were hardly any offerings at the Western cattle yards to -day, the railway tracks having being blocked to a consider- able extent. There were only five carloads all told. Two more car - Toads were expected before night. There are several loads on the way here,and it is expected ected that they P t (,y will keep arriving in dribbles all the week. The offerings included 66 lambs and 19 sheep, all of which were bought at 02.50 per head and five over on the deal. These sheep I and lambs had been over from last 1 NOTICE. The adjourned Annual .Illuevnle Cheese and Co. advertised to be' sir n tho Foresters' Hall, Blnevaie. on h n ay, January 28th, : Wan again g n ad'ourn • d 'o meet in the a place on Tuesday ^:bruary-12th, 1895, at 1.30 o'clock p. when the drawing of the milk on e different, milk recites will be let if satisfactory bidders offer; also the delivery at the factory of about (70) seventy cords of wood will be let if terms are suitable, and any other bnsi- nese transacted that may come before ' the meeting. 1 -JOHN BURGESS. eetine of the tter Factory Secretary. MORTGAGE SALE —ot— FARM PROPERTY. MARKET 1t1�11'O.tl'i'S. \rIKt:1Lt't.. \Viiu 1i. n, ,lanual 31, 1895. Corrected by 1'. Dearne, 1'roti ,Dealer. Flour per 100 lira i 40 to 1 75 1r'all Wheat tipring Wlleat (tats Barley 0 05 to 0 50 0 55 to ,0 56 027to028 035 to040- ' :Kean• oro to 000 5l 1 Butter, rolls 0 14 to 0 15 !Eggs For dozen 0 15 to 0X5 Wood per cord.— , , ....... , 1 2 a to 1 50 Ifay per col. 701 00 to 701 50 t 1 otatoos, per bushel 0 30 to 0 85 i'1'aliu\v, per lb 0 05 to 0 05 Dried Apples, per lb 0 4i to 0 05 C%hicltcus 0 25 to 0 35 Decks 0 8i) to 0 50- 'Tnrltt,ys 0 08 to 0 09 Grose 0 0.1 to 0 06 ' Dressed Hogs 4 711 to 4 90 Beef 4 50 to 5 50 CLINTON. 4 Pall Wheat 0 5(3 I Spring Wheat 0 65 Barley 0 85 Oats 0 27 !Peas 0 50 Potatoes, per bushel0 30 •Butter 0 13 Eggs, per dozen , , .. 0 14 Hay ...... , 0 00 Cordwood 8 00 Wool .. • . 0 17 wltexkTPa, Wroxete , •1an. 30th, 1895. Fall Wheat 0 57 to 0 58 Spring Wheat ..... 0 57to 0 58 Barley,... 0 75 to 0 40 Oats 0 27 to 028. Peas 0 60 to 0 50 • Potatoes, per bushel0 86 to 0 85. Butter.... 0 15 to 0 15• Eggs, per dozen 0 15 to 0 15 Hay 8 00 to 8 00, Wood, short 1 25 to 1 25. Wool 0 16 to 0 18• 'Dressed Hogs 4 85 to 4 90 4 00 to 5 00, to to to to to to to to to to to 0 58. 0 57 0 40 028 0 51 0 85 0 15 0 00 4 00' 0 20 Beef Win Limite the advis across the Company's gr visatllie, torive miry authority to and for any oth come before the meeti tho Company' i!lice, in t \vinghain, o Wt'dnesdny, of Februr ' A. D., 1895.a 7.30 o'c : 'k in the afternoon. By order, R. VAN 'TO eo.. tea th's 19th day of• January, 189 NOTICE. Special General Meeting tin Athletic Grounds C or the purpose or c lily of construe itland River ds, an D the pony,. sidering: g a bridge, eading to thei if thought ad-- ectors the neces-- ('t>d with the same,. sinesn that may' will be held at. e Beaver Blook, the Gtb day he hour of NOTICE. Te. ▪ ors will bo rec- eived by the Ing- ham A :tic Grounds Compan , Limit- ed, at the o e of the Secreta , (R. Van - stone. Wtngh .,) up to Tu day, the5th day of Februal, nest in usive, for the construction of a rid • = across the Mait- land River, At the of Leopold street in the Town or \V' tam. The bridge• • will require to h" cote; eted by the 15th, day of May u- , and a;, 'urity must be• given to the ,atisfactieu ' the Company.. The lowest r no tender :cessarily ac– cepted. ' ons nod specific, tions of the - propose . bridge may be e a at the Queen .EIotel.' Wiugh am, on .d after the 3 h day of January instant. TIT ' Bi rn, I2, VANSTON President. Secre Dated this 19th duty of January, 1895. • UNUN flTA1A7?L. TA LYIN ,STOCK Opposite Post (Mice. r ALL TILE DELICACIES OF THE SEASON- ON EASONoN HAND. Evel;ythin„ kept in stock that can be, obtained in a city restaurant. GIVE iUS Al. CALL. ,. a J. ROGERS, Proprietor.. ' e e --...:,, f,. .s4.,JRE Under and by virtue of a Power of Sale contained in a certain mortgage ,earing date the first day of December 1888, to the Vendors, there will be s by Public Auction, at the you are at the right place before you buy your QUEEN'S TEL, TOWN01" INGHAM i Xmas ON— t Thursday, F''' ruary 14th, 1895, ! AT 12 O OLOOK NOON. The South halt of Lot No, Four, in I the First Concession of the Township of Kinloss, in the County of Bruce, contain- You will belt ou r contain- ing by admeasurement forty-five and ;) gb tcf'' seventy-seven one -hundredths of an : r acre. ' 7,'he above farm is about three-quarters ot a mile from Whitechurch Station. in �� PATTERSO ., Ns a good farasing locality;nearly all cleared.! excellent land, and in a good state of I'or he leads in the nobbiest cultivation. and newest lines of .Xmas. Presents, or on application toTent Terms Lill'►eranl And will be made known on day of sale, A Bank of Hamilton PARKE at PURDO1i•, t r 1 Vendors' Solicitors, WINGH�IM, London, Ont„ ....,4„,m A e- Goods. • { { 3 C OUsQOUN( INC TIIIT t134INEss IN Each Peeve and d vided with a copy Statutes. I'. Bolt, Geo. Mel Kerr. were all,poiute, refuge colnlllittee,ln members dropped election. The proposed by- lation of the house referred to the bui for revision, after n number of copies al and distributed am cillors before the JD The House of R. was instructed to ai der, for the ercetior buildings, also to re award contracts so buildings completed as t(lo house. W. II. Kerr was the clerk in prepari for the county prii rented at the June. sent form having factory. Motions to establ amination centres places were referee Committee, viz.: St Kintail, Grand Ben The Committee rept but Council decided A motion that Bal in Stanley remail jurisdiction until re' to the Road and Bi but Council decided Messrs. Cox and two valuator s be Municipal ct for and )erso a h� l prop P P county, as a basis Referred to Exec - who reported agai eil, however, decide shoplcl write to oda Ji. the valuators, and of their etil;orieiiee, for ,luno sussiofl. The Treasurer is open a separate acct expended in coni House of Refuge. The County Eng` ed to have a fence approaches left ope of the old Bayfield 'The County Schc requested to furni: detail of the cost examinations, eaan either High or Pa the amount of sal. them, from all soul 1893-94. A motion to ince hawker's and pedd $25 to 050• was lost It was moved b3 cd by Mr. McDona til learns with reg) illness of A. Nell Clinton, and A. Ali borne, old and vt this Council, and ti soon recover, and 1 resolution he sent - Thc. sum° of ,,;10 the planting of flo Court House, $2 the West Hate:hi ' 'tion. Tenders for ing were received the Goderich Sign: News-Reeord, Exe forth • Sun, that of accepted. COUNTY 1'aoi'E' The committee bad examined t everything clean a Several repaiirs to were recomrnende a new rgag to the, JAILER'( There are at in jail -14 nitfle Two are a o ane Of the males 1 is decent assault ; 1 mining 12 t M vagrancy for t( months. Five o unable to make a TREASURER' There was ex aee0unts $1659A estimated, also th on accounts ofth, as yet unprovide, B. debentures, CS, al terest, to $21,80( ist of July, thus of 02,200 yearly arid sinking ft invested hi merti of investments t