HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1895-02-01, Page 2• THE WING 1 LAM rE mEs„. FEBRIT,Any- "Aye, Bill, 'tis best. rat sorry fee Ihe had borne for years,. • . The Smooths -end the "Roitelne"A Ihnow Thyself. .,;The Origin of Familiar Times,. ..._. leave you—you'tat been a good frks-nd "It's too late now, Olive,„ ecs tell Every day we hear of the lawless 1Iaook within, Keep the internal - 'Antioch'' is partly taken frotrinThe- ny lox fir. \VALIUM. to me, Bill ; but I eouldn't stay you," he said ; "L'in going t hut, ohl acts. of the "Rouges;" while cora- fires. buruing, Build tile heme.altars. Messiah' the middle portion being around here any longer—couldn't how I loved. You1 Planued and paeatively little is said of the doings Add to the time in the closet. Heat ifrom the ar„ 'Cordon ye.' The rest- , lt Was Iciew Ykar's Eve, but how bear to see her face, Iliti, after last worked and thought for Yee; nlY of the Smooths. Yet your oily, soft and efficiency do not so much, depende':of the tune is by Lowell Massone . whole being mate bound up 'in differeut everything looked in the night." Yea. spoken gentlemen, who glide noise- , upon externals as internals,. It is ': 'Christmas' was originally an air •ite little:Citlifornian towat this feetive : "I tried to argue with hint, but 1 You, didn't uneerstand my nature. eassly througl.i society, effeeting twill well to have combined effort; it is I:Siroe eNon vi piacque,') which was. .season to pile eves of one coining caw it WaS 110 use, and 1 1.4aa to let May Veal be happy ; God bless Yeu,. objects with a manner not merely I well to have bands and straps ea; . written m 1728, The air was adapt, fresh frora the cold whiter of .NeNT lihn go. He went off up eounti y. lily clear." lanobjeetionable, but faseinating, do; but it is of vast importance, to have ed to English words (1I° was eyes York. 1 bed been scut .out to over- .The place didn't eeem the BMW after He elosed his eyee, and we thought. More mischief than. the, bolder the inward life agdow with personal unto. the blinc1,1) and publiehed in a ';'• •see the laying of a, new line of rail- Jaek left, arid I sold out my claimhe must be pile ; but after a while. reseals. The Rough leas sometimes contact with the unseen and the .colleetion of Handers in 1T82'.. -way over the mountain, aud as the aud bought this plae,e; the town was he opened, them arid looked at here a touch of rude geaerosity in his eternal. Peritiaps there is over- 'A•ustria' was written from. a na. et-ork promised to be one of reverses justo- springinupthen, WhenI leftthe Sueli a look. i—full of love. Hth is SO;di nature, but your Smoovillain 0 much looking. at outside metisua'es„ tional hymn, and was afterward used. • -tend difficulty, I naturally felt some- ,,eamp I took':Teers- chair with me ; seerne.d to be speaking in that look. . . soeiety, with whom scoundrelism is a, and too little attention to the internal as the theme of a, set of variations. , , 'Bethany' is strikingly similar to the ballad, 'Oft in stilly nIght." ‘Mendelssohn' (liarie the herala angels sing') is from the cantata. 'Gott ist Lieht,' written in 1840. 'Mozart' is the 'Dona Nobis Faecal' from Mozart's First Mass, 'Seymour' is taken from Weber's opera, 'Oberon.' It was arranged as a hymn tune by T. B. Mason, a brother. if we are correctly informed, of Dr, Lowell Mason. The melody and harmony only has been incorporated into the tune, the original rhythat being entirely discarded. It can be found in the first number of the evhat proud of the confidence the heads of the great engineering firm placed in me. fp was growing dusk when the train steamed into the little :station of Mud Qreek. I was the enely passenger ni, alight, and leaving . any luggage in the station, 1 oracle i my way to the only hotel the town , boasted. After a hearty tea, the landIord—who, by the way, was one . . of the most hospitable men I ever met—invited me Into his own private . parlor to enjoy a;ismoke and a chat. . "Takes a Chan* itnd make yourself at home," he said!. • I was just about to seat myself in a comfortable -looking chair when he stopped me, • in the morning, wi lout ever !.3,peak- pretty, but more sh on le ew Year's "Nu, no! Not. that chair; that's ing to her. Ne le and. weut like day. No, she neveir married ; and I Jack's. It is onty a whim of miue, this for something . ver five years, don't think she fever will. The but I can't bear to have anyone sit and thee he came/or the last time. memory of Jack's •reat love is still I, in that chair siege Jack left. Sit It was on New Ye, VS eve; he came , too fresh. Now,, sir, that's the down here, sir, and I'll tell you the in haggard ' and tired looking. I • reason I don't care to see another story. 'Twas way back when the tried, to cheer him op, but his spirits, ; seated in Jack's chair; it may be • big mai to the gild diggings started I could see, were pretty low. He : foolish, but I can't help it. You see, that I first met 'lie boy. He was ate hardly any sapper, and then said, ' this is the anniveitsary of the last fresh from the Ord Country. and as all of a sudden: !night my pardner came back, and 1 found out aftawards, fresh from "How is she, Bi?" I his empty, chair ibrings the thing college. He belonged to a good I told him she Was well. • back to memory ;that's why I have w on the chair— like, 'cause it's tnould look like old times, thought, • . P - c gun, but was. not- flee art, is utterly remorseless. He fires that feed the outward move - and I imagined I could. see the taa's able. .She p.m he' aria round ..him is like the Vampire bat of Surinam, ment. Build up the. home altar. faee every time I looked at it. I and reused him a little, and quietly- that is said to drain .the life blood of Drill in patient Bible study. Study the traveller whom it has lulled into not only the extehnal moviugs of a profound slumber with the fanning holiness; but the life of it in thy of its wings. 1 soul, Learn, if possible, all that Against the hi,„Inva.yeaan, the ' hurts thy soul. Lea placed it there and. it's ready for he passed away him whenever he $'comes to see his her breast—the b old pardner. He Came several times that ever lived." to see me in the n t two or three "Did she =env' years; he seemed o be restless, and afterwards?" couldn't stay awe awat long from. the "No, sir; she found out that he place. He ha struek it rich was given to drinlring, and discover - though, and was making money hand ed too late that site loved .Tack as over fist; but he never went near the something more than a friend. If girl who had jilted him, though on it you walk out to he cemetery to - Sunday he wouldago down to the morrow afternoote,cou may see her ; church she went t and leek at her she decorates peek Jack's gi•ave coald not help every New Year's day"; bat for the he'd go, early matter of that, sill alwayS keeps it is head resting on et hearted. fellow the other fellow with a longing yo • but pity. Then o family—with a 4t1e, I heard --but "I'ni going to ,see her to-night,ithat little black b• • • being of a roving nature, and having Bill, to ask her one more. I'm rich kind of mourning caught the gold fever, he struck off now ; I was poor 'last time. I heard Jack's, sir." out here. • We 14d camped two or her say if she ev • three miles up thp valley from here, marry money ai and he walked into ,camp one day guess I can show about dinner time. I saw the hid . was a stranger, and a green'un itt that, so I went uti to him and asked him was be looking for work? He said he was. And as I liked his • looks, I offered then and there to take • him on as ,partner. He jumped at the offer, and off we went to my shanty for dinner. He was soft at thc work it first, bit dead grit, and soon could shovel as much dirt as the best of them. We' had fairly good . luck the first few months; then Jack -- met his fate. 'Twas down in the store one day, and Jack had gone to get some flour, when in came the daughter of a .rancher who lived down at the Creek. Jack was struek with her looks, though she was no great beauty; but there was some- _ thing pretty raid fetching about her ways, and the lad never rested till he got some one to introduce him to her. From that tine it was all over He shall never marry her, swear a very unpleasant experience and Carlyle wasn't a m6 of business, -with him, though be kept steadily at it ; by heaven. I swear it." • married, she'd : d brains, and I Rheumatism Cured hi e, day.—Routh American Rheumatic Cure of Rheumatism er both now." ' and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days. I looked at th some lie was ! word to him. "Speak, Bill," think she'll have lad. How hand- its action on the switem is remarkable and t I couldn't say a 'mysterious. it removes at once the cause of the disease imme iately disappears. The ,first rose greed benefits. 75 cents. e said "do you Wat•ranteed Obis iorn'sdrug store. me now`,'" . Why is a ma.n.twho keeps his eyes A big lump seined to rise in my ' shut like an illit*ate schoolmaster ? throat, and to sap my life I couldn't say a word. ;., I —Because he keneps his pupils in "What is it, pardner; why don't darkness. y mo ow Year , Finds Hood's Sorsa arilla leading every - you speak? Wily do you only stand Prepare for spring by using Burdock ,thing in the way f medicines in three 1 Blood Bitters to cleanse the system and and look at me 9: Oat with it i What • !tone ttrs body to vigerous health. Its important particulars, namely : Hood's is it ? Sarsaparilla. has tonic pm trying regulating work tnakes 3. The largest sale in the world. It "Jack, lad," i said as - well as I B. B. B. the greatest remedy for all accomplishes could. "I'm afeared you're too late;. diseases of the stomph, liver, bowels 2. The greatest cures in the world. It she's going to bd married." I feared and blood. 1 has an outburst, but be said, quite If your wife run away, don't run 3. The largest Laboratory in the 1 calmly : 4 ' After her; if you "To whom ?"• i two fools in the ra "Some city llow," I said. "I don't know whGlhe is, only he comes Stevenson's Uncc in here and dririks a good deal." tu "Curse him ! t urse him, Bill! She's During his last too good for auk man that drinks. try Robert Louis 5 rn, so far as burglar, the street rowdy, an honest possible, the kind Iof climate that man may arm himself; but what best suits its life. S4ek continually defence is there against the smiling, the richer spiritual pitsturage which courteous, self-pos essed individual best feeds thy soul's wants. If thou who, having disco ered the weak wouldst he of the highest service to points of his intend d victim's char- external conquest of holiness, look • eater, plays upon t em with the skill within.—Highway Almanac. of a consummate tertist. iStatk's Powders, each package of Suspicion, it may b'eaid, is a good safe -guard; but mistrust is not the " rwouinctdi (..s.0.0.riotgenisbtw.o ptrirratious,cover eouiNt opera. characteristic of tho candid and forms a measure box, ohe dose, an im - 'Herold' will be found in the over - honorable, and it i only bitter ex- mediate relief tor Sick Headache and • tare to Herold's' opera, "Zampa.' perieuce that teach And, besides, thinl what a set• of s it to true men. Lles, f nervous pains, anfl another in cap- 1• 'Luther's Hymn' (Great God, what Stomach, also Neuralgia, and all kinds (from yi to 14 of 000 is an ordinary' 1do I see and hear?) has erroneously miserable wretch we should be if dose) which acts on the Bowels, Liver I beell attributed to Martin Luther. we had no faith ii one another, and and Stomach, forming a never failing ' It was originally a secular song, and. looked upon every act of courtesy ,/13 ' oiled treatment for all ReE14.1 and ,,. I h Thod in Joseph King's GeSall - was found a snar3. Is thereno way, than, for S h most pills and so na-lia aria al easi efo'e6 bud), published in Wittenberg, 1580. good and simpl -hearted meti to do, lose their effect Or .produce after I As the hymn, drels ? escape the toils f polished scoun- constipation, and are nice to take. 25' also attributed to Luther, it may not cents a Dor, at all medicine dealers. as well as the tune, is ..._._ be amiss to state that the first stanza Yes, there aro two safeguards One Hundred Years Ago.- is by Rev. Bartholomew RingwalcIt against the arts 'of the Smooths— (1530-1509.) The remaining three Prudence and Duty. There is a Beef and pork, salt fish, potatoes !stanzas are by Rev. William Bengo . point in generosV beyond which a and hominy were the staple diet all Collver, 1). IN (1782-1854.) The ,ton of the 'Dies elist, the year round. man's duty to him elf, to bis family, hymn is an imi and. to society at I rge, forbids him • The mail of the whole country did. Trae.'—The Evan to go. There stop Let no flattery, not equal that ofl a engle second - no representations, iowever plausible, rate office now, i induce you to tak one step beyond Purifies, renovatileslita. n13d. regulates the - The onlv shoes were stout contri- it. Lay down common sense rules . ., - entire system, thus caring dyspepaia, for your guidance.; and let them be pegs or hob-uiuls, veneer of strong .natis,hide, with woeclen Constipation, sick headache, biliousness, absolute laws. De, this, and tree Wt11 rheumatism, dropsy and all disease a or never be seriously$ victimized by the? There were no pianos; the ladies Realsso remo'ves fill impurities fro& the tome& liver, kidneys and hope's. SMOoths, . of musical talent played on the spin- system from a common pimple do the net or barpsichord. worst scrofulous sore. . Buttons were scarce and. expensive ' . , there will be world" What more can he said ? Hood's Sarsaparilla has meth ; is peculiar to itself, and most of all,00d's Sarsapar- soious Adven- ilia cures. If you are sick, it is the medicine for von to take. it to this court- • Business Apethrisms. evenson escaped 'never knew it A journalist, who but he would have rnJde a success of work; but insteail of staying at He picked uphis hat and rushed knew Stevenson by his published it had he -tried it. n his writings home he was off to see his girl. It out of the housd, and. was gone be- • portraits, entered a railivay car at ono finds these lines f solid business went on nicely fore about two years, fore I could stopi him. What follow- Long 13ranch, and ,saw the famous truth: ' and he seemed to be making pretty ed, I found out 4ftcrwards from his author seated in 't corner, with a . A laugh is worth ij hundred groans fair running, arid the mine was, ravings; for w$11 he was brought !Week square boon the opposite in any market. out to beat all our expectations,when in again, his brain had given wa y. I seat and e ruble r tiabe dangling . ' Have a smile for see the girl one night, proposed. to she lived, just atelside the town, and journalist, and sai to him, pointing. her and she refused him—said she looking in at the window, there he to Mr. Stevens° • i To succeed, wor •li.lccl. hint well enough as a friend, saw her and (with his arm round but not well enough to marry, or . her) the fellow She was going to some such rubbish as that. Well, marry. How log he stood there the boy came home that night—'twas gazing at them, I don't know ; but • • early for him, and he had a dazed , the devil got in the boy, and he • look, as if some one had struck him pulled his shooter, with murder ring - in the face. He never said a word, ing in his brain., He took aim at sat down by the table, laid his arms - the girl but he never fired, for just • the crisis came. He went down to He walked out to the house where' from it. The conjactor knew the word for everybod on it, bowed his head and • sat there. I felt for the lad,for I suspeted what WAS up ; but how to comfort him I I , did not know. I ain.'t used to making 1,- , soft speeches, sir, and I was afraid I might hurt him worse. Atter a while i went over to him and laid r my hand on his shoulder. "Jack, , lad," I said, "you're in trouble, boy ; speak out and tell Your pard, and if there's anything he can do, he'll do it." Ilo raised his head and. if you'll believe Inc. sir, I never want to see sueh a look on a man's face again ; the agony in that boy's look might have touched a stone; it seemed as if his very soul was being torn. "Thank you, Bill," says he, "you ean do nothing." "Is it the girl, Jack ? "Yes, Bill ; she's gone back on inc. Leave me, Bill; I feel as if I were going mad. Leave me alone was in, and said if she, cared to see for a while; I'll feel better after a hirn alive, to come at once. She bit. Let me think it over alone, came but he didn't know her, or for pant." that matter, .anybody else. She7 York Street, Tor- s have, short accounts. Trust no man's ' i. I saw 'twoutd be better, so I ieft stayed. right 4 his bed, gave him theatre, too. Its great, ain't it? onto, Ont., for one ot their new map aPPeltralleeS; theayfilazed reofftoern eel Like a flew Man thr pecuPr: the lad and went to bed. In the his medicine and kept ice on his Vire% that man is a dandy, ain't lie? time table and a *brochure giving a tive, and. often assumed pose bf obtainingi credit. Rogitee gs, morning I noticed all his traps were forehead. Thire she learned the Ile can smoke—he can; . fulness of the love she had spurned ; you, call smoking, is it ? Sick, is he? coupoe ticket aget in the United Statee g ttaill't Wilitt big° are. Tielce f h d b dm Solon ot the Onapar.tMent Sleep- enerally dres,s 'well. The rich are I have as ood appetite, tee aa trong it.: "ver xdidAnd enjoy ported rest at night. I haso "Jack," I sap, St1reiy yoU're nevein hi for his ravings she read his *ery He does look sick. I'd like to see and Canada. The nest dining sure in I generally plain men. Be well sat's. et a I who ainet good enough for geiellS, and the look he gave her taking his Medicine. — rap gang to leave the place for the whim soul. After a. while he became con- any ono object to a man like that the world are run the aelid vestibuled, I fled before you give a credit that ATIZeualgestogrIgns itgoWri4 aro, men to be trusted. ,' those to- whom you give it are safe ""Ing63"st' cathelit"' 641'1 6' -'r6- t twirl Winn. Bold by all 4300. tio. *OA Head's PHIS are prompt and otsetent.y.6 • then the clock sfruck midnight and the bells of theo old ehureh pealed out: "Peace on1earth, good will to men ;" it was the morning of the New Year. Ja4k dropped his gun and turned away ; he couldn't do it. The sound of the chimes brought back visions ot, home and parents; he couldn't stall) their name with murder. Soneel of the boys brought him in in the etrly morning. They were coming Mame front a dance up country, and found him wandering about on the rad, dazed like. We put him to bed and sent for the doetor. "Brain fever," hesaid,when he looked at him "No, he'll hardly live," in answer to my question whether he'd det better or not. All day and ni,ghthe raved about the girl, calling rot her all the time. I sent down andtold her the State he • all, a pleasant hard, earnestly ' and incessantly. I'm going to pint that man with - . im not to, but ing. It is the al who cannot the long hair offthe train. He is r sc Alt honest men ?rill bear watch- smoking. I asked he's been at it agaiii while I've been stand it. out of the ear. Better have He is not smoking said the journ- than filled with alist; that is some device for carrying attractive goods. Lie window empty nseasonable and un - and the trousers were fastened with Listen not to the tale -beater or the pegs or, laces. 4 - slanderer, fl he tells th,e nothing. The only recognized method of out of good but hejdiscovereth. imparting information was by the of the. secrets or others, so he will of liberal use of the rod. thine in turn. All the population of a village as- . A cure for Ecoapaehe. sembled at the inn on "post day" hear the news. DEAR STRS,—.1 have' bean troubled. • with Headache for a number of years. 1 There was no threshing machines. startedtotaked B. B. and now am. an erosileat Wheat was threshed out on the barn. 1Z:iv YforcgricirtehetanT1 floor with flails. MRS. eleasenet7 MARTIN. Beaton, Ont. • The women's dresses were puffed with hoops and stood out two or Wentworth. county has a treasury three feet- on each side. surplus of OG,064.61. • A fever patient was forbidden to drink water and smallpox was treat- ed in a dark room. Belisf in six hours.—.Distressing Kid- ney and Bladder diseases relieved in six hours by the "Great South American Rid- ney Cure." This great remedy is a great t surprise and delight to hysioians on ac- count of its exceeding p •oruptness in reliev- ing pain in the bladder, kidneys, back and every pert of the urinal. passages in male 1 ane female. It relieved retention of water and pain in passing it a most immediately. If you want quick relief ard cure this is your remecty, Sold Chisholm's drug store. medicine, in the form of a vapor, When you hag a sign outside Safe Business Rules. which he inhales „in his lungs. He is your place of usiness, let it be Business men, in business hours, an invalid. That is Robert Louis original in des i and. of good attend only to business matters. Stevenson, the nolyelist. q • 5h Social calls are best adapted to the . The conductor ;,,seemed interested, Virondrous is the strength of soeial circle. Make your business but only for a militate. I don't care, known in few words, without loss of sai&. he, it doesi't matter who he cheerfulness I altogether past ealeu-your dealings with a is. I call it smol 'ng, and he's been 'anon its power of endurance. stitraranLetgerbemost carefully consider - la : Efforts to be permanently needful ed, and tried. friendship duly appre- at it after I told 1 lin not to. must be nniformly joyous, a spirit case& The journalist pried another tack.. A mean, obi will soon recoil, Did you ever read " Xidnapped ?" - of sanshme, graceful from very glad.- and a man of honoriwill be esteemed. ., ,I • - ness, beautiful bemuse bright, Leave tricks of tra4 to those whose he asked, 4 Naw, said the ,eonductor. I don'teducation Was. nolver completed, "33ody Rested Mind at Ease." care what he is; .' e has got to ohe Treat all with reispect, confide in the rules. , Y That is what it is'v hen travelin on an. ive never The journalist; persisted. Did Ja St. i . the test trains or the 0 icligo, Milwaukee few, wrong no always prompt ever read " Trea ure Island." • you chance to "kick," for tile accommodations to acknowledge an Paul Railway; sides there is no afraid to say no, a rectify a wrong, Naw, said the conductor. I don't are up to date, the tains keep moving Leave nothing; f to -morrow that ruingobst along and get tbfre on time, These read many novels; they're all trash should be done Widay. Because a thoroughly o'er the territorf , 1 , anyhow. between Chicago, La Crosse, Si. Pau, nem is polite do iot think his time told on, said the joitinalist Did. Minneapolis, Aberdee you ever read Dr. Jekyll and Mr. aChitaYaratnakettritieeelcil Hyde ? He wrote that also, pal cities and towns i What? said the conductor. Did I reached by the "S read Jekkle 'n Ilyde ? Well, / guess neoting at St, Paul, I did. Couldn't sleep the night I am,. west. Write ! 1 finished it. I seen it played at the adian Pas* eitl , *label', Sioux is valueless. }Xave?a place for every - it Bluffs, Omaha thing, and everything in its place. bthat terretory are • All thprinoi- To preserve long friendship, keep a i pew lines, eon. short credit; the say- to: get credit is ,outicil Inuits and to be punetuttl; gig way to preserve for Points in the it is not to use it inueh. Settle often; I Ta lor 0 The Freemasons of Winnipeg hkiere decided to erect a handsome temple. Lieut. -Col. D'Arcy Boulton has retired from the Canadian militia, after 57 years' service. Brollem in Health That Tired Feeling, Constipation and Pain in, the Back hppetite Find Hortltil Roctorod Hood's V..:3ar'"- tatt Itlr. Chas. Sfcete St. Otithesloe's, Ont. "C. L hood & Co., LATH, Mass.: "For a number of years / have been troubled with a general tired feciing, shortness of breath, pain in tho back, and constipation. I could got only little rest at night on account of the pain. and had no appottte whrver. I was that tired in my limbs that I gave Outbefore half tho dry WAS gone. I tried a ge t number of medicines but didnotget any permanent relief froth any HooctsOti&Cures source until, upon recommendation of a friend, I purchased a bottle of Hood's Serseparillit, 'which made mo feel better at once. I have OM - tinned its use, baling taken three bottles, and imm mu,