The Wingham Times, 1895-02-01, Page 1I' 1 VOL. XXIV.---NO. 1206. BOYS' AND MEN'S OVERCOATS —AND- -AT— NET COST. 4i 4.4,6kb ORR ds HISCOOKS, The Only Direct Importers. THE linen. Jan. lith 1805. Marriage Licenses Issued by Plume nazi:SON, No 23, Vic- toria street, Wingham, On b. No witnesses required. .....c1," 04.41 ® II? QT Pie in Grinada to ; g a 13usiness Ede- : • " Detainees col- • lege, Toronto, ., and Stratford, Ont. 4), is at the cen- 111. #1on, Shorthand, Unquesponeibly enaciars Greatest Com- 0, mercial Schools. Cala of,ues free. Men- 40 lion this paper. Shaw & tllk,tt, Principals. 4444044,66(000,11.14<ree4000)444340 PROF. ORA 87 King St. Eas Williams' Drug Wednesday, r LAIN, Eye Specialist, of Termite, will be at C. E, e, Wingleam, Tuesday and d 6, only. Call early. Pref. Chain riain havin giVen much tiene and labor to the study of the eye, theoretically and • practically 'oas not hesita • in saying. that front ,cases whi he has attended 1 enter attention were • paid to a rays hating an expe 'armed eye specialist- Iltgdass s to their eyes as soo es required there would o fewer operations on t eyeS. As inducement to sell the ,000 pairs of gold .spec clue he has with him he wi fit the lenses or ala or pebble in thein to suit an, eye free of cost du ner the next 10 years and mak any change in .th lens° free of cost each year on . s return. ny repairing you want done to y ir glasses, you ,TO. 'have done at 03r Store at Sr Kli Street East, T. 'onto. all at Drug Store and gat paper to Wining vain. 1.6 e inforination on the eye, and '2,aoe eanediate re erences LOCAL NEWS._. Renew. Renew now. • Renew and get the Titres and Weekly eGlobe for 1895, for $1. --The Mims ieblie in Town Hall, Wingham, Tuesda eve tng, Feb. 5th, 25 lbs. Gr. sugar fS41, Kerr & Conery'S. —Town Council 1I meet on Monday --evening next. Another ton of M /ere' Royal Spice for bases and cattle at -3-riffin's grocery. S' A. W. Weber has been making • -considerable impro- omelets in his place Of business. Baby carriage runners, to fit any car- riage, at le E. Coaxes's. ' —The Weblings osvn '11aII, Tuesday -evening next, Feb. 6t, Get •teeerved seat Collett: at Boss' Boo tore. 35 cents, That Seafordh stodk has arriyed. See ea orf page Goon Thos.6. Geo. Mason els at London during -the Week attending meetings held by -Gen. 13o00, the fo der of the Salvation AMY. To bit,- Good corner stere, opposite Dr. McClure's old &fend. Apply to Wm. Btotton, Wingharce Ont. --A number of ltlie members Of the Wingham Selvatioi Army corps attended the meeting held. in Listotvel, Fridley lad, in honor of Jens Booth, the great Oundee of the A . —need, the ad Ortitement of Mr. It, Varietone, secret ry of the Wive -man Athletic° Ground Comaxty, itt another cohittin, asking fo tenders for the erection of a bridge ev,,v to Maitland river at the -so I 11 tiercob. Coughs and Col s ran be oured by ming 1Zeithfield's Healing Balsam For sale at 400. ROM Vingbeall. WING Tit VIES. / NV-INGHAM, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1895. $]. A YEA.R IN ADVANCE lea 30 lb s. wtlgar, $1, Kerr & Conery's. —The next hors4 fair will be held in Wingham on Fri*, February 8th. 24 lbs. Granulated sugar for $1, at the Star Store. 11, E. SNELL. :'—The repairs and refitting done in Messrs.al :EIalsted & Scott's Bank have greatly improve the interior of that bah nese place. ee 50e. Tea e for 35c. at the Star Store. H, E. SNELL, —WOlild it no be wise to do some more work with the sn w plow? Some of the streets are yet afmost impassable. A few dollars spent in 4ialdng the roads passable will be well spen —Private mo ys to loan on mortgages at reasonable rate of interest. Apply to tf Jong .NEELANDS. • it—The daught of Mr. Jas. Begley, of town, who was i with a mild type of diphtheria, has c pletely recovered, and is about as usual. The prompt measures taken by the hea th officers prevented the spread of the dist: Fresh oysters ceived daily at the Star restaurant, and served in any style. JAS. MoKetene. —The East Hurc Fall Fair will be held ia Brussels on the 6th and 27th of Sep- tember next. For ears this fair has been held on the first Thursday and Friday in October, bat on bocount of having ex- perienced bad wether for the past few years, the direetorE have decided to hold it a week earlier. Salmoni's English White Oils is the best family Liniment iu the world. , Good for man or beast. Price 25 cents, at Williams' Drug Store, Wingham. —The Fraser Dranatic Company played to. very small houses, during their visit to town, and left, leavin ; behind them quito a number of unpaid bi Is, as reminders of their visit. The tow: , the hotelkeeper and the printer are among those who have cause to remember tele last -visit of this ill-starred company. —G. T. R. trains for Toronto tend east leave Wingham at 6.25 a. m. and 11.20 a. m., via W. G. & B.; 0.35 a. no. and 3.25 p. m., via Clinton and Guelph. Good con- nections by eel trains. —The debate, on onday evening, by members of the Win am Debating Socie- ty, .was not very imply attended, no doubt on account of e very disagreeable weather and atmos impassable streets. The debate was we sustained on both sides, and on a vote being taken the goys ernment was def ted, and Mr. ;John Hanna was entre ted by the Governor- General with the ask of forming a new government. --Upwards of on .hundred new books - have recently bee I received by the Wing - ham Mechanics' nititute. They have been catalogued, end are now ready to be placed in the handle of the members. This public institution should be taken advant- age of bi"our towwipeople, and 'were this done, the benefi to be derived from membership woue be more appreciated than it ie to -day. The free reading room is taken advantag of by but few of our townspeople. Miss E. Bell, graduate of the Ontario School of Art, its prepared to give instruc- tion in the following branches of Art : 'Water colors, pencil drawing, crayon or oil painting, from copies or life. Miss Bell had the honor of having one of her paint- ings represented at the World's Fair, Chicago. There will be on exhibition a sample of her work with one of her certifi- cates in Mr. C. E. Williamsdrug store, Wingharre .—The basket oda' given by the mem- bore of Wingham Amnon, No. 222, Cana- dian Order a Chen Friends, on Monday evening, was a nowt enjoyable affair. There was a very air attendance of mem- bers and invited ft ends. The programme was well carried o t, and consisted of a vett* of violin aol s by Mi ee Sperling; reeitialen bylli Jennie Cargill; a solo by Mrs. W. D. Pri gb a couple of songs by Mr. B. Pork ; n instrumental duet by Misses Houghton a a Kerr, and an in- strumental selectio by Miss Hattie Ire, land, and who, 1 answer to a hearty encore, gave anoth r beautiful selection. During the eveni g, refreshments were served in 0,buitaan e by the ladies, and Were enjoyed by al The chair was 00 - copied by XL 1111 tt, who gave e. short address on the of a and objects of the Canadian Order o Chosen Friends, and pointed out the leenets of 'membership in the society, She tly after ten o'clock, a very enjoyable or tertainment was brought to a dose by the company singing "God Sae the queen." ,Ie Beablifield's Healing Balsam cures colds, —The Weblineei—Town Hell—Tuesday evening next. —A naatob bet\ sen the Wroxeter and Wingham Gun Nubs will take place shortly. Baby carriage runners, to fit any ear- riage, at T. E. Commie's. —we give in t s issue a condensed re- port of the Count Council proceedings, for which we are u der obligations to Bro. Holmes, of the Cli ton Era. Sample pairs e d liues winter mitts, at half price. go size heavy leather school bags 3 ents, for 00 days. W. J. 9LtaelLtic. Vi --The Town Cm led have decided to have the Council elhamber fitted up as required by His Hc'or Judge Doyle, and hereafter Division Courts will be held ebere. eeei —Mr. D. McKinl y, the new chairman of the Board of Wor s, is to be commended for the promptitude with which he had the snow on the Main s -eet levelled. and the street made presentrele looking. Heathfield's Healing Balsam is the surest and safest cure for colds in the world. Price 50 cents, at Williams' Drug Store, Wingham. —Seaforth Sun: Miss C. L. Mackenzie, of Wingham, teaeht.r of the violin class in connection with t1 Y. M. C. A., has also classes in Clinton at J. Mitchell. Miss Mac. kenzie is an excellen teacher on the violin andssher pupils here • re making rapid pro." gre —James Russell Lowell pronounces the Webling entertain motet "delightf ul." Professor Ruskin had not seen for many a long year an enterteenmeet "so sweet, so innocent and so delig itful as that of the Misses Webling." I Town Hall, Wing - ham, on Tuesday aeening next, 5th of February. "Where is roy watch, Melinda ?" "John-. nie's out cracking hickory nuts with it." "All right, then, that won't hurt it, for it was got at M. Patterson's jewellery store, —The post office apartment calls atten- tion to a practice prevailing in certain parts of the count y of printing upon the envelope or wra ers enclosing printed matter a reques to have such matter returned to the -ender in the event of its not being deliveeed within a certain num- ber of days. Th s request is contrary to. the regulations c" the post -office depart- ment, printed m, tter not being returnable to the sender. oh a request appearing on any wrappe or envelope enclosing printed commun ations means that the document will be romptly forwarded to the dead letter offi . —After a very s ing over several clear day on Frick work was done in bbl roads. On Pride, o'clock, a perfect bli blowing from the ' storm came from the . take the Friday nigh 1 completely block the things generally, Th P. R. did not reeoh 1 stuck in tt snow bank and Teeswater, so sev The storm continued the oldest inhabitant week when there wa ere snowstorm extend- ys, we had a splendid ast, and considerable way of clearing the night about seven ,ard set in, the wind t. The previous vest, and it did not storm very long to •oads and paralyze late train on the C. Teeswater, getting etwoen Glenannan re was the storm. until Monday, and cannot remember a. such a fall of snow. —Miss Charlotte McDonald wishes to intimate to the ladies of Wingham and vicinity that the Dress and Mantle making bueituss, formerly carried on by Miss M. Johnston, will bo continued by her in the old stand, Gregory Blook. Prof. Moody's tailor system tsught. Cutting and fitting a specialte . —Miss Lilliantelps, of St. Catharines, who is on a leotur ng tour for the W. C, T. IL, was a transie t visitor in town, on Saturday last 5 le had been snowbound nearly all week irrillyth, and came this far Saturday foonoen, on her way to Brussels, where el e was to speak on Sun- day afternoon firAelonday evening. When she arrived here sl 3 learned that the train for Brussels had b en tancelled, on account of the train of we night before being stuck in a seem d. 'ft a mile or so north of Ripley. Mies Ph pe was driven to the teeidence of Dr, acdonald, where she spent a few hours i renewing acquaint. 1 Andes fortned on p vioue *lefts to Wing- hant. After waitin ntil sheet six O'clock 1 It, m., the train for rnssels arrived and t took her and other d ainecl passengers on Itheir way. 1 —Cash for good batter end egge at IL A. I Graham's market groeery. Williams, the druggist, sells pure drugs. ,—See Brittinnia, representation of the three hingclorns, Scotland, by "The l'own Hall, on Feb. 511o. 30 We, Dereere, su Store. %.eteXiss Ketchen, position of choir Presbyterian churn resigned and left home in Whitby. Porridge— eni, Wheattheal, Core - meal, alma t and best at Kerr & Cenery's. —Congregational- services next Sanday at usu.! hours, 11 a. in. and 7. p Preaching by the p :stor, Morning subjeCt: "Deliverance from die by Christ." Even- ing subject: "God aoners those who honor Hint." A cordial eolcome to ai. —Watches, cloche and jewelry promptly repaired and fully warranted by Hereate Pena, opp. Macdonald Block, 'Whitehall:1. -Both the G. T R. and C. P, R. felt I the effects of the 1 •st storm, and both were forced to canoe some of their trains, • By the vigorous and- well-titned efforts of the employees of th e roads, the traffic on them was not great! impeded, considering the severity of the s rm. 0, —For first-olass tailoring end, cheap gents' furnishings, try Webster & Co. Remember the place, one door south of R. A. Graham's grocery store. —It is dangerous to'fool with. the lottery clause of the new (min- _nal code, and parties interested would do well to bear the fact in mind. The other due in Toronto, the cops swooped down on a n tuber of persons who where engaged in 1 tilling e. watch. The result was that one --ras sent to jail for thirty days and the ither limed 010 and costs or thirty days. Salmones English White Oils cures Ohilblaine. Rheumatism. Sprains, Bruises aiid SoreBack. For sale at 250.. at Willman& Drug Store, Winglien. ngland; Ireland and teems Webling" at the eighty eveniug next, gar for $1, at the Star H. E. Seem. who has filled the ader in the Wingham for some time, ,has n 'hursday for her Saturday County Councillo town. Amongst - test, a member of the spent a, few hours in 1000 detained here or. account of the enc., blockade were Ward, McPherson, Ree e Kerr, of l3russele; Reeve, Straoltan, and Deputy -Reeves Hyslop and Turn ull, of Grey ; Reeve Mooney, of Mori s; Reeve Conk, and Deputy -Reeves St11,beran and Grahana, of Howiok. „se Out they go—The balance of Cow Chains and Cross Cut Saws must go out at once, regardless of cost, for cash only. The early bird gets the worm. Jes. A. Cense & Co., Wingbeen. —A meeting of Ilse ratepayers of wards two, three and fc ir, of town, will be held in the Town Hall o day (Friday), et 10 o'clock a. in., to n minate candidates to fill the vacancies itethe Town Council. It is to be hoped th t good men may be found who will a ow themselves to be placed in nominee n for the vacant posh tions, and that th y will be allowed to go in by oholamatio , and thus save the expense of an elec on. G. H. Irvin, the tailor, has put in an extensive stook of tweeds, worsteds, etc. Cell and see them. Good goods, good work, good fit guaranteed. Oppostte Bank of Hamilton, —A gigantic swinele was, recently ex- pbsed. in Cleveland, sehio, in whieh many Canadians lost mone . It was conducted by a couple of men, nd they did business under the name of the Ladies' Monthly Gem, a magazine wb ch they professed to publish. The schenm of the promoters was to offer a fine bold watch and the magazine for one you for $3.25 to all who would send a correct solution to a "snap" rebus. In the few ems where watches were sent at alt the proved to be brass, worth lest; than $1. It is estineated diet their receipts were a least $50,000 during the past month. The Modern Invalid Has tastes, medicinally, in keeping with other luxuries. A. remedy must be pleasantly acceptable in form, purely wholesome itt &Imposition, truly beneficial in effect and entirely free front every objectionable (polity. If really ill he con - milts physieian ;. if constipated he uses the gentle family laxative, Syrup of Figs. --Roses! Rosen I 4..dance ef mer 110Ateril,'' a begin al and dainty per- formatee by the Mis s Webling,is only one of the many sparldi g features to be pre. eented by them at t1 Canadian Order of Chosen Friends' Concert, town hall, Feb 6th. Seats are going rapidly. Sento yore at once. Big value in Lamps at the Star Store. 1 —The annual me ting of the Huron. e Royal Templars eh! in the Methodist in town for the pas few ((aye, selling stock church, in the vil ge of of the Equitable B ilding and Loam .As- Tuesday next, Febsaary 5th, commencing: sedation, of Toron a. He has succeeded' at 10 30 o'doek a, n It is expected thalt in selling considereole stook and establish. the meeting will lee largely attended, ine ed local board if the Association in 1 business of import nce will be broughte Wingharn, before the meeting. The wide-itwahe buyer catches on quick.. l —The funeral o the late W. IL ItIe-e We give the value you are bunting for, but Donald, on Satureeey last, was net oft you must bring along the money. Co„Winehaere. largely attended 62, it othersviee wona Jas. A. Came et H. F. Sum,, Distri,1 Council of t S. 11, Snai71, of Toronto, has been, Temperance will be —Mr. J. Ross Riertson, of the Torento Telegram, and G lid Z. of the Royal Arch Masons, pai Lebanon Chapter, of this place, an of cial -visit on Wednesday evening. After t business of the Chapter had been completee, the Grand Z. was banquetted at Mr. V. A. Johns' restaurant, and an enjoyable Wee spent J. M. Turnbull, D. D. the Canadian. graduate who has eh rge of Macdonald & Irivin's dental ollf since last October - will continue the pr ice until the return of A, J. Irwin in 11.1 h. when that gentle- man will take charge of the practice in.his own name. sse4—'11Iisses McoWhir meted at a concert evening last, etas selections were hi generously appleu fel soprano voice, spend to several en as an accompanist, tion. ley and Ketchen as - Wroxeter, on Friday lelcWhinney's vocal ly appreciated and, cl. $1,e has a beauti- nd was forced to re. ores. Miss Ketohee, d her part to perfec- laave•been had It not been so stormy. Members of the . ndependent Order of Odafellows and fi lie af Seotlanil, off which orders the d -ceased was a member, attended in a body o peer the last tribute. thaliving may rentle, to the departed, —We are In receip of a copy of a special edition of Copp, 014h clt• Co.'s Canadian Almanac for 1e05, rinted for the enter- prieing corporation of H. H. Warner & Po.. Etde.of London, E !gland, who are nevi' sole proprietors of "Warner's Safe Cure." Ir istult of valuate information and fleets credit on thee ublishers as well:lea on. the enterprise of the English Company —The next Gaspe Temperance meeting. under the auspices o the local branOli of the W. C.. T. e held in the Temper,- auce Hall, on Sunda evening next, at 6,1.5i oeslock. Addresses vill be delivered byr Dr. Macdonald, M. s and Mayor Broeken- shtre, and the Iatter occupy the cheer - Music will be furni Eel by a nnion. choirs A cordial invitation %given to all to attend., Temperane Meeting. —Word was •reee ved in town, on Mon - There will be a ma temperance meet- day, of the -death of Mrs. Rookev, relio off ing held iu the Tee -Terence Hall. thisthe late E. Rockey, formerly of this town- (Friday) eventng. A. dresses will be de- She had been resi. g for some time in Wet livered by Mews. J. I. Murdoch, of Luck- village of Dela are, and. Mrs. Wrne now, E. Dawson', of eeinoardine, and, Rev. Srnyth,of town, a aligner of the deceased, D. Perrie and others i this town. There was withher it her last illness. Mr.. hockey will be re embered by many as • former owner of the flouring mill neve owned -by Messrs. ,ohn Carr ot,Sons. —On Sunday 1 miter an illness ex.. tending over seve menthe, one (af thet first residents of Wirigham, in the person. of Thos. Cornyn, sr., pained away. He, and 1ii ' brother Robert, also deceased, been held on the owned the farm on the east side of Joseph-. rrangementshave me street, on which ths. greater portion of' , ting themeetiug oa the town is bnilt. Quite tt, number of , the Lith. of Feb- yeamago„ they disnosed of this property, eakers, via: Wm. and since that time Mr. Cornyn had lived Brant e . retired. He was it_ the 55th year of his: JasArc- will idea be a good pr singing and music:. will occupy the chair. "come. remme of readings, ayor Brockenshire Every -person wel- Reform I408tthl. On account of the g eat storm and al- most impassable roads it was thought best to postpone the great Reform masa meet- ing, which was to have 29111 of .January. been completed for hol the evening of Thursd ruary, when the same Paterson, M. 13., Sent Mullen, 111. P., North ellington; Thos. Gibson, AL P. P. and Dr. Ps Macdonald,. M. P., East Huron, wi deliver addresses.. The live issues of the ay will be fully and freely discussed, and o opportunity and, reasonable time will given to any one, who wishes to speak rem. a Conservative. standpoint. Let tber be a good turnout from every part of th Aiding, and malas this aerneeting long to a remembered. Secord, past?. of the Wingleata Congregational church, was in Listeveel last week attending and assisting a the ordination of the Rea Mr. Hopkin, of that town.s While there le had the pleasure of hearing General Rood , of the Salvation Army, deliver an teddr —The Misers% Weblieg, of Loedan, Eng- land, will give -one of their unique enter- tainments, consistins of dramatio and humorous reeitala, Slitesperian selections in costume, graceful lances, dm., in the town hall, on the even ng of February 5th., They appear in W nighana under the auspices of the Cana& en Order of Chosen Friends of town. Phu of hall et A. nose bookstore, where reset e stets can be pro- cured. 0,4 le —The affairs of th age. The funeral sok place on Wedivsciay last, and service NVM held in St.. Para'n church et 2 p. ir., which was largely - attended, after w -doh the interment took place in the Witten in cemetery. Seaforth Sun: Mi ;s Ballantyne bas been. visiting friends in Wingham. Mr. A. 3. Irwin, o Toronto, was hotne during the week al tending the fnneraI of the late W. H. Mull nald. Sing Lee, of the qhinese Laundry, Veasi visiting in London 4uring the week. Miss Broadfoot, fof Seaforth, was visite ing friends in town 111018 week. Mr. Geo, Sbuai left this week fin, Walkerton, wher he has secured a situ ation. ttrling. A curling ma eh in Group, for the, Western Ontario Tankard, was played in the rink here, on Weatiesday afternoon which resulted as ollene : sidennutt. Rink No. 1. 1.Vuttfanserair, .1e.D Jno. Neelands, 3. DkkiNslo2 s!1. skp n defunct Mc casoni Mutual Renefit Assoc: bt(!kStiltililesiltr 41: ation are nearing Dr. a. Macdonald, the winding up stage. Colonel Shanty. 0, Paterson, skp, 1 Master -in- Chancery, -esented an interim. 37 4a report, dealing with general creditors At the end of the game, a tie i.estilted, claims and death clait s in ()less "A." between the °lithe but on playing of" shots. pit ' yed t ashe even.44 'mow and Wroxeter, • efeated Kumar -cline OA r was again the winner% ws ; WOOKNOW. Rink No 1, W. Skinner, 11, Rutledge, A. MePhereon, Rink No. 2. , Hunter,sk ,t4 In Reply to Oft Repeat▪ ed ILBlack, .IQuestions. Rink No, 9. Blank, , McGarry, Acts 0.4 a food as well as it medicine, eet eltp, 2 . itr:.4111Fleun'td, it mity be well to state, SOWS nrflUIS1011 11088l 'building up the wasted tissues and restorimo perfect health alter wastingieyer, WROXETEM Rink No 1. J. Bra,y, A. Paulin, T. Brock, W.M.10obinson,s1cp,13 Rink No, 2. R. Black, D. Ross, E. Mack, T. Rae, alcp, 25. The majority of the It and in the latter Clas amount tonearly 1&,0( been hectrd on the Clas "IV death claims, amount to about $8 0 and a decision will ' e.n shortly.esieThe yl/ do theselb eg shots, as foil Lucknow hattieg Tuesday. Wroxe there are 'between 1,100 and 1,200 member. v001011,214 ship claims to dispose o .8yTritaetty acionmineglaostit lip.ittetkraNvo. i. en the list, and :trier Ino hand when they tome ip for settlement I will be divided pro rat. W.M.11obinson,ekp quer were eile"ea' Wroxeter won by the dailies allowed The snal aine . Argument has ing between6 tou