HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1895-01-25, Page 4" ' 4 4 O. E. WILLialS I • CHEMIST 1 1 DRUGGIST.' ACT.% H. W. TELEGRAPH CO qpp, flrouswIsk Rouse. Wingb.am, - - 01'4 .• I ' • I ain Pit1DAY JANTJA.BY 25, 1895. TO OUR READERS. ; reader. subscriptions will extrire this month. To those we would stir that our offer of the TimEs, Weekly Globe and Parmer's Sun for one year for $1.36, will expire 011 the 25th of the month. .Please renew before that date if you vish to take advantage of this offer. • Our offer of the Truus and Globe for one year for $1, we cannot prom- ise will be good after the 31st of this month. The Globe management iiave etended it • • date, and anay withdraw it then. Those who wish the two papers at this exceed- ingly low rate, should subscribe at lance. BLIT EVA L E. Ma, Ritehie, of Wingham, spent Suudny at M. R. McPherson's.-- Mr. R. N. MI went to Manchester on Monday.-- Mrs. Keehn, of Luck - now, and Mn. Yuung, of Plum Creek, Manitoba, were the guests of Mrs. Ira Etcher, this week.—Mr. and Mrs. J. Messer, of Hamilton, were visiting at Mr. Mi. Messer's, this week. --Traffie to and from the village was very limited on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. The snow drifts on the road. were several feet deep, and there was so little communication between the houses that they were more like isulation hospitalthan anything else. Anniversary services will be held in the Methodist church, Gorrie, on Sunday, Jan, 27th. Sermons will be preached at 10.30 o'clock a, in and 7 o'clock p. m., by the Rev, Dr, Car- man, General Superintendent of the Methodist Church, Free-will offer- ings will be taken up at the close of each service in aid of the Trust Funds ot the church. A grand tea - meeting will be held in the basement of the ehureh, on Monday night, Jan. 28th, after which Dr. Carman will deliver his celebrated lecture on "Tho I'Vorth and Work of Woman." Tea will be served from 5 to 7 o'clock. 1111Nv1N(P4 . 11\11sssVst 1/2-PY 2 ts9e3 e 1 k slarlutatre stoe has been opened in the Jeffrey 1.(0j• by Lane Bros., who reeentbr put in a earload ot :furniture.—rallas basement or the Methodist a:hurch is to be fitted the and seaaed ,with chairs. Revival services 'will be begun there in a couple Of weeks, and will be conduct- ed by the pastor, Rev. W. E. Kerr of Wroxeter. --The Fourth Annual eons \Tinton of the Howl& Union Sab. i bath School Organization will be held • (1). V.) in the Presbyterian Church, Belmore, en Tuesday,. Feburary 12th. Alt 'officersand teachers of Sabbath • Schools and ministers having charge of congregation s iu and adjoining the township are earnestly requested to be present. BELIWAsse. TsTr. J S. jerome, Dentist, Wiu Nun, rays: Little Dandelion Pala aro tho best iu the market." ' eaysz "note is no I'd], equal to Williatne' r• Geo. Or ince bilft.11k, Tarriberm Little Dandelion Pills." . u• t. ay Anderson, alsa. 110o of Emit Wawanoeh, kntYti: They are the most setisfactory I. have ever ueed." 'Shaman Taylor, Warden for .the County ot Huron, euys: "I would not use any other Pill.' Cna,s. Proctor, 4th line of Nlorris. nye: "I would not be without Williame' Little Dandelion Pills." JOS, Gaunt, Ex -Warden for County of Bruce sore: found ti deed a wonderful yin." n dred$ td 111{0 Testimonials r rnish. ed on Applieatiou, • was dull again, chiefly the result of MORRIS. Ain James Proctor, who bee been ill foe some time, does not impreve nearly so fast as his friends would desires—It IS our painful thaw this week to announeethedeath of another old settler in this distriet, in the per- son of Mr. Francis Stalker, which sad eventtook place at Ms late resi- dence, about two miles from Blyth, on Ftiday week, The cause of death was heart disease, which had troubled hint for the past two years. The deceas- ed was an upright and honorable citizen and respected by everyone who knew him. He leaves a widow, six sons and three slaughters ; at the age. The funeral took place on EAST WAWANOSH. • time of his death was 62 years of Jas. Murray, of the 8th concession, Monday to Bali's cemetery in Hallett was found dead in bed on Tuesday and was largely attended—the six sons acting as pall -bearers. The returned from Dakota some two deceased being a member of Court weeks ago, had been in poor health for many years past, and came home Morning Star, o, bJ, Canadian on the advice of the Dakota doctors, Order of Foresters, Blyth, the mem- bers and visiting brethren from a in the hope that change of climate distance turned out largely to pay would. be beneficial. He was about their last respects. The berea ved 38 years of age, and it is supposed death resulted from heart failure— widow and relative.: have the sym- ilmnity. On Tuesday evening of last week pathy of the com of last week. Deceased, who had EDITORIAL NOTES. Mr. Walter Sturdy of the 8th con- LUCKNOW. Hoar. MIL HAI/TY and Dr. Smythe • were nominated in Kingston, on - Monday last, for the Local lagisla- %tire. AT a meeting of Reformers of Hal - dilate -ad, held on Saturday at Cayuga, Dr. Baxter was unanimously chosen as their candidate for the Ontario Legislature. THE petition against the election. of Mr. MeN'ell, AL P. P. for South :Perth, will be proceeded with on the 30th 'natant, the trial to take place • in Mitchell. THE annual meeting of the Huron County Association, Patrons of In- dustry, will be bow in the Town Hall, Clinton, on Tuesday, Ian-I/11'Y • 5th, commeneing at 10 Welts* a. in ITAa bean anntaanns.%1 that -protest against Mr. Al. SfcLeati, t M. P. P. for South Huron, has been withdrawn. The petitioner, it Ls c said, is not in possession of such in- • f .; Nyould warrant prOeeed-1 cession, fell from a log whieh he was • On Sunday night last, someone cutting and had his shoulder bone entered Mitchell Bros.' sawmill and broken. . opened all the taps on the boiler, . s allowing the wate • •' out. 1 tr • DUNGANNON. was to have commenced in the mill The Driving Park Association on Monday. The boiler had been held their annual meeting on the filled by band on Saturday, and had lath inst. The Clerk's report show. the trick not been discovered in time ed the Association to be in a prosper. serious damage might have resulted. ous condition. ?dr. T. Smiley and __Mrs. Eva Etcher, of Bluevale, is .Tar. Whyard retired from the three- visiting her sister, Mrs. E. Kaake.— tura te, George realaY and Alm Mr. David Johnston, of this village, Stuart, Reeve of West Wawanosh, a young man of 23 years, and son of were elected in their stead. The Mr. William Johnston, Goff street, shareholders were unanimously in died on Wednesday ofpleuro-pneum- fever of having a celebration on May offia, aftera week's illness. The 94th. T1 , meeting elosed by a faintly have the sympathy of all in hearty vote of thanks to the chair- their suddeand sad bereavnent man, Air, A. Stuart. Miss Maggie The funeral tookthe n aa.( Redmond was united in the bonds family residence OP- ..D:Ptl'iltZ from qtte' noon f nmtrirnony to Id, . °Com t, of and was veva ., . , iargely attended. Over . Montana, on Wednesday, the 16th. e) es•.8 f • Mr. mneort was formerly. a 11„,,I., _ 41orilker .1."„="tpanion$ ' =idled • "s'l sin a body to the cemetery, each Wawautish, but neW Wide IAN POW -a I wearing a bow of crape on his sleeve 10n of foreman on a large ranch in in memory of their deceased friend. • Montana, for which place the young —Mr. Black, of Montreal, mechanical ouple left on Monday, followed by 'inspector of the ti T 1-1.4 was the he best wishes of their many guest last week •ef liis brother-in-law, add& in this Ideality. 1Mr. Alex. Ross, :1031. fie1100 t at t C) tested by $01130 Ci)// p 07.....L7IrT,Irrei,1110.114•MCMCW* MVPA17.011.6".0..”11.4:11., WHITECHURCH, Air. Thos, Wilson, of Culross, rai continued heavy offerings. Quite a , few rattle were left in the pens at the (nose. Common cattle would sell hardly at all, There .traei a pretty poor markat all round, in spite of- the fact that there Wel'O not so many in to -day ; not many are wauted. There were two buyers on the market from Montreal. These gentlemen bought a =pie a • carloads, and Messrs, Rongers & Halligan took two minal carloads foe that market. Prices paid for those were low, mostly from 210 to 3e per lb. only the really choice touching 3c, Taking the market all round the range was from 2c to lie mostly. In export 'cattle two bulls were bought at a price in the • vicinity of Be per lb, Better cattle . Fall neat, s- ed last season 57 'heshels of oats from one bushel sown. Mr. Wilson, got the seed front Steel Bros., s • al men, of Toronto, and the other da he received $20 from Steel 13.ros. t at prise for growing tl gronte . number of bushels front one sown o all that eompeteda—Mr. Hill has le the town and luta given up premises to Air. Oliver, who ha opened out a flour and feed store' his old stand. Mr. Oliver has bee re-engaged to make the butter for th Whitechnrch Butter *t • f' • 1 , coming season, at a salary of $0 per month. Mr. John Leggat ha taken the co t • t f 103' MAIUauT DEPOiTs. • wtsemee. .Winghane ry 24, lag. Corrected by P. Dettun, Prodt.ce Dealer. Flour per 100 11/8 1'40 to 1 75 Fall 0 50 to 0 00 'pring mat Oats, 0 55 to .0 55, (1 SS to 0 20 Barley 0 35 to 0 40 Peas 0 50 to 0 51 Butter, rolle „ (1 14 to 0 15 Eggs per armee- ...... „ 0 15 to 0 15 Wood per cord- .. • 1 23 to 1 60 Hay per tor 0 00 to 7 00' Potatoes, per bushel 0 30 to 0 35 - Tallow, per lb 0 05 to 0 05 Dried Apples, per Ib (1 4e to 0 05 Chiehees 0 26 to 0 135 . ..... 0 30 to 050 Tarkeys,... ...... 0 011 to 0 01,1• Geese 0 01 to 0 00 Dressiel ...,4 75 to 4 00' Beer 4 50 to 5 50 CLINTON. 0 50 to 0 58'. 1,s prices remained steady. Dealers are Y were not quite as firm to -day, .,. waiting for space. Prices ranged at ' front 3e per ib. for rams up to 8:te Wool and feeders practically nothing was : illa's Y 20 to 22e per lb. Shipping will bring 32e per lb, In stockers 8 11 and EP :,,,:stlet7 Zasbau ,81, -1, .: ColL'vlood , . 0 00 to 7 00 0 30 to 0 85, 0 DO to 0 51 0 13 to 0 15. 9 00 to 4 00' ' !riot; Wheat .. ... 0 55 to 0 57 0 05 to 0 40 0 e7 to 0 28, ft I per lb. for god exporters. Lamb's ; - • 0 17 to 0 20, et done, and prices are nominal at about • peaH aaioxsams siweae firmer, advancing about ie to 'baring Wheat 27 to 0 213, 0 35 to 0 40 Wroxeter, Jan. 24th, 1895; 11 e ib. weighed off ears. Other kinds Peas !trade best fat hogs bringing 4c per Oats :lc per lb, In hogs there was a slightly weaker tone to this line of Barley." to 0 .. 00 15570 5580 Fall Wheat . 0 57 to 0 58: ; Potatoes,. per bushel.. '0 35 to 0 85 0 are quiet and remain as quoted. j Butter . 0 15 to 0 10 • • • -- • -, • - .• Eggs, per clozeu ..... . . • _ 0 le to 0 le, Hay I WCod, short factory with 30 tons of ice, at 75 ets per ton. Mr. Wm. Barbour ho agreed to deliver 10 cords of woo , I Eye Spoeinllsk 20 yew's' experier ie, Si7 Kilo. street Wool emit, Toronto, ells attentiln t follOwing of blind. Dre B termilk at 17 cents for every 10d ssaeg epos sem wrongly ftd to the factory, at $1 perlcord, ant James Patterson pure ased the but 1 11841, with doeetiekier illat i poo ;INvhtri 'ea non leaia It) pe!yeenylic,4"pliTeIlle.nl:: "ebi jcc . 0%611 01011E4er aro nt Capable Of fudging what is c ni 3 " veniyillve per cent. of Beef ce pootaeles. H 3 e °P3 pounds of butter made, in the season The cream drawers are not en gagedyet, but it is supposed tha the old hands will be employed. Died, on the 19th, at her father -in law's residence, Mrs. John Kennedy and was interred on Monday; th necessary for them, On no optouretororothersighti I Teacher of ,t have some amount of per mut. have two odd o pparent to any ono of should ire,Ve their etett nt optician. If persons are MISS p •e. both oyes alike in focus, C. Lot II4 . :- 8 00 to 8 00' 1 '25 to 1 25. 0 10 to 0 10 4 85 to 4 90 4 00 tn 5 00. cKENZIE, A. T. C. M tr!Ailng alrrattote hast evr 3( -tet hete invented elhit:h. if,r.tetion in the ease et astlprnatism. qa. or W1to VIOLIN, ELOCUTION AND t ena a If ICO 0 t 4nine etrow o licus 21:TtoTut). wp1114tree. will be 7.h O. ' PHYSICAL CULTURE. I weenee2M,k1t'Lebrua.ri, Tuesday , fo e13111). 2Ist, in the Lueknow cemetery Mr. Kennedy has the sincere sympa thy of the people in this community This was a very sudden call, as Mrs Kennedy was sick only about on week. ---Mr. James Gaunt, who ha been seriously ill with plurecy and infiamation, we are glad to slate, 1 recovering slowly. • NOTICE,. A aerie() of Special General Meeting ot the For full particulars, apply at the reel. • , Mu. Geo; elogenzie, • Win Winliniu Athlete; Grounds Company: , MISS NORMA DINSLEY ham. g- • j Limited, for t1.0 purpose of considering r e ; the edvisability or constructing a bridge Piipil oi s1acroes the Maitlandver, leading to the - ; Coculriau).s grounds nd if thought ad -1 SIGNOR DINELLI, visable, to give tl irectors the news ofthe Toronto Conservatory of Music S , sary authority t m ,proceed with the sae ; 1 prepared to receive pupils in j and for any ot er business that ma , Icome before (he meeting, will be held at j Winghine. the Company's office, to 0 o Beaver Block, on Wednesday, the Oth day For terms apply at Dinsley Home. ; of Peereary A. D., 1895, a the hour of I 7.30: o'clook in the afternoon. 13y order, • R. VAN3TONE, Sec. Dated th's 19th day of jaouary, 1895. Live Stock Markets, East Buffalo, N. Y., Jan. 21.— Cattle—Reeeipts, 2,600 head. Mark- et active and steady to a shade high- er for good fat and fancy cattle. Heavy and export grades. barely steady. Common weak. Sales, best heavy steers; $4.80 to $5. Good s ipping, .) ..th $4.7_, • ta. good lsn'aleees, ta3.85 to $4.25: Oxen common to extra, :,S3.25 to $5. Bulls, strong, at $2.25 to. $3.25. Extra higher. Fresh cows stronger. Hogs —Receipts, 18,000 head. Market slow for heavy grades, but lower for light Yorkers, $4.20 to $4.25. Pigs, $4.25 to $4.30. Light mixed, $4.25 to $4-.30. ,Good mediums, $4.30 to $4.35. Choice heavy, $4,35 .to $4.40. Roughs, $3.50 to $3.75. Stags, $3 to $3.215. Sheep and lambs—Receipts, 28,000 head. Market dull and 15c o 25c lower. Best lambs, $4.60 to 4.00. Extra, $5. Fair to good, 4.15 to $4.50. Common to fah , 0.70 to tel. Mixed sheep,. good to mice, $2.50 to $3,25. Common to ir, $2 to $2.40. Export ewes, 3,00 te $3,05, Export wethers, •$4 $4,25. 4ng with a trial. 1 BELGRAVE. ' THE TISrla rt. 'plettsed io' antionhee Two slelghloads of' Gus villagers tkitt• It' hasiditlate fed Warden. . Air. , dreVe to the residence of Mr. C. Wheeler, of the 4th Itne of Morris, on Vita MisPheraoin Reciib• of Turn - berry, was, oh Tuesday last, elected to that honorable position. He had and party. They report haVilig had worthy Reeve of the Township of these Could be no lietter &en to Howick, the strongest man that ,,81,?end a pleasant evening' WWI With i could be pitted against lihn. The .°4-1'• and 31111. Wheeler and their riniEs congratulates you, Warden fandly.—Me. and Alies Armstrong IlePherson t , 1 'visited their sister, Mrs. McAsh, for la few days last week.—James FaX • WROXETER. • Brandon of Manitoba, is visiting. 'friends Isiere.---•A few of the sports a On Friday last, our curling ehtb this vicinity attended the ball at 'went to Brussels and played a match Londesboro, on Friday evening last, with the stub of that town. As usual, and report a fine time. The even - they were vietorious, the score being ,ing being stormy, was against the 33 to 30.—Owing to the stormy financial part of the programme.— .:'weather, the carnival has been post- The recent storm jhaa made the limed until Thursday evening, 2 lth roads in a very bad condition.—Our inst..—Remember the 0.0. F. concert enterprising merchant, Mr, J. AI. on .Friday evening, the 25th. It Henderson, is hustling business. Ito promises to be a grand success-- 1 intends putting' a caravan on the Quite a number of oar young people road shortly.—Airs. D. Dunbar is Offended the carnival in Brusseli:a on net improving very fest.—Mr. F. Friday evening of last week..—Com. Baines' sale of farm steak and imple- mullion S'ervice was held in tile ments, nu Thursday of' last week, Presbyterian church on Sunday proved a fair success. Prices were morning. Preparatory services were , good for this year. Me. G. Kirby conducted the Saturday previous by , wielded the hammer in his usual Rev. D. Perrie, of Winghatia—Oa good styles—Mr. Henry Johnson has Saturday, the lifth inst., a football : purchased the homestead from his isiatch Wart played here between , father, including stoek, for a fair the pablic school clubs or Uorrie and figure, we wfiel Heavy &mesa in Wroxeter. riThe home club won by his undertaking. — Messm. Davide 8 goals to O. Our boys have played , and 'Moment attended the lecture 1 matehes during the past season inlet on temperance, at Westfield. deliver. ' have, been In revery ease successfni. ed by 1[18s rhel rs, last Sunday._ They have eeored 23 goals arra havolmr, E. Livingstone is buying all teat but one, i kinds of togs this winter, as usual. Wednesday evening' of last week, and had their annual oyster supper an opponent, Mr. B. S. Cook, the1 splendid dips and all agrN Nkt LOND ESBORO. , t I Miss Clara, lt ewsley is renewing $ old aennitiganees here 'it present. Mr. Young, of Whitby town- c'PE sihip, 'ORS called here last week by' fa the iteath of his brother0 Dr. Yo ns• I .4-1* returned home on Saturday* -1 0 t G. A. ieWtell /MCI her daughter! C6ilt, of Winaliain; were in the vit.' „ rage last Wok.—Me. W. L. Ouimette ,left 'on business trip to Calgary on e' Motiktay morning. He expects to be 01 1" am about three weeks.—We are „ called upon this week to record the death of Dr. Oliver Young, whieh occurred on Tuesday- night, Jan. 15th, at 9.45 o'clock. The deceased, who was a victim to consumption,ie had been poorly for some time, but " was not confined to the house till St about ten days before be died. The late Dr. Young was a leading man in his profession and was known and respected by. a large circle of friends. The funeral was the largest ever seen in this locality and. was conduct- ed by the*Freemasons, of which or- der the deceased was a prominentmember, member, The burial service was ill conducted by the Rev. A. Handl.' i2 ton. In religion the deceased was ot ° Presbyterian, in polities 4 Reformer,. 0 and was 46 years of age. no kayos, '80 a widow and three daughters, the P eldest 14 and the youngest years of age. The faintly have the heart -11 felt sympathy of the whole neighbor- b hood in their sad affliction. " 10 There is nothing which marks N more decidedly the t haraeter of men e and of nations titan 'the manner in e which they treat Wenelell. la Montreal, Que., January 21.— here were about 550 head of but- lers' cattle, 600 sheep and lambs id 20 calves offered 1'or sale at the East End Abattoir to -day. Trade as dull. and prites even lower than le low figures of last Thursday and he almost certainty of a large limn- er of cattle remaining unsold. A w of the best beeves solcl at about :te per pound, with pretty good tock at from 21c to 31c per pound. Scrub bulls sold at about 2e per pound, and large well-bred bulls at front 2.e to 3ic do. A lot of large, fat cows were sold at 3lic pet' pound. Mr, Bourassa paid $8.30 for two superior calves and $5.40 for seven others. Small &We's gild at frons$3 to $5 each. Shippers were not buy - g any sheep to -day, owing to lack f space. Good lambs sell at from le to 4e per pound, and maxed lots t about 310 do. Fat hop are rather arce, and at about 41e per o01111(1. Toronto, Jan. 22.—If anything the utrket was worse to -day than it luta con hitherto, which is saying a good cal. There was not much buying r Montreal, and the loesd. &Mend v •••••44••••14. ••.1.••••4.0 as not much to brag about. Re. eipls to -day were 29 carloads, in hiding 600 hogs and 175 sheep and albs. In butchers' cattle trade INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC. NOTICE. likamtbia• Tenders will be receive ham Athletic Grounds (1 ed, at the office or the S stoue. Wingharm) up ) day of Februar) ne. inclusive for the construction or b idge aurora the I'vfait- 1and River, at t 'oot of Leopold street in the 'ff!wnto)ti, 7114111fiel3tlecl rOttlibel'ilt35ttg day of Muy ti(exte, andc°ti.'ecitirityy must be fri VW) to the satisfactiou of the Company. The lowest Or no tender necessarily ac- cepted. Plans notl specifications tie the proposed bridge may be seera nt tbe. Queen's Hotel, Winghtim, on and after the 30th clay of January instaut. Tnos. Reue lierisTornt. Presideet. Secretary. Dated this 10th d'ty of January, 1895. WHY NOT by the Wing. • mpany, Lirnit- cretary, (Et. Van - Tuesday, the5th -THE CANADA CHATHAM, NT., 1:13 ICI)ircf)4itirg advance n o dents placed in choir COLLEGE)... • eemeetitore geti a its stu- positio A. E. YATES, fr011) Vashingto graduate of Short ind Dept. ba been., Placed by us as at ographer with Col... Hadley, .1.•,tetv York City. DAVID. W11.1:1 graduate of Busi. Dept. (a former acher) has secured escellentpositio i with ailing in Dann e Ohio. Pull pa milers not yet to hat One of thest receives $50,00 and th month. • other 805.00 1 11 MI ED;'„,411111111111IT PAY I ' School vacation TABILY further L 0 0 K dress, Oppo te sst Office. ALL THE DELICACIES OF TRE Ste.e0N- OX HAND. Everything kept in stock that can be obtained in a City restaurant. GIVE ITS A CALL. • J. ROGERS, Proprietor. eakWomen and all mothers who are nursing babies derive great benefit from Scott's Emulsion. This prepa,ra- tips.' serves two purposes. It gives vital strength to mothers and also enriches their milk and thus makes their babies thrive. Emulsion is 4 constructive food that pro. motes the malting of healthy tissue and bone. It is a wonder- ful remedy for Emaciation* General ' Debility, *throat and Lung Complaints!, i in IleMI Coughs, Celde, anaemia, Scrofula and Opposite Bank AS 14Ono 9 Wasting Diseases of Children. a 'it teitelfortliwohlet an Stotisl Pod:ion, Pree., WEIGUAIVI. &oast Drone, thelevIlle. All Oregglitt. tech 11111,- 1 , S 0 ATTEND THE BESL, ill reopen niter Christinas. Weetnesdny. Jan. gnd. For- artieulars and catalogue ad - D. MoLAOHLAIT, Chatham: e BE SURE you are at the right before you buy your Xmas You. will be if )•oit go to M. PATTERSON'S' Por he leads in the bulkiest and 'newest lines ot Xmas. Presents, t.