HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1895-01-25, Page 31 O T.:.: U>, COLUMN, •'(Cotiltp,tf I1C Tvls wxxti taidiit:a. cit•) (%'+t (?.0 .and ({:nine and .1'c€N(ra Land, well call thoot entlon, of the pothers and sisters .to the fact, that the Woman's Ohri4tlan Temper. ;Mee Union Ines% the third Monday every month :at three 0'61001: +harp, for one hour, ww Mrs. !loin's rreshlence, retrials street. All l:idiesiro matte wet- rca+ne As the Editor rhea kindly given AIN part of his space. for our work, we ask t:lend% d' rho cause to rasad items of interest on all tnorut retiesttans of the day to any of our loathers, UTE WIN&,,,�' ,• AThe eolrlecrn the United States ft'otnl a I The 'Marto be Pitied. ditniniShed ceonsuin tion of ardent STAGE HEATHS. IN,41 s il'ltsalio `v iii he a Miner of a theail- r. !Boody once said: "I .glad i 1,1wmiL p - n 1►tetutn+l auAliorltA alerdly,os xtl®y <(1ak- therm i6 a depth in the I3ilale I know steer alv vane ve xatpro, sartd;foltl Witte health, wealth, and t A lienal. dramatic =critic, with some nothing abcyct; that there is a happiness Of the people—Justice ,choly of MCC Ca Jitcnvledge, sepresetits height there I cannot climb to if I Greer, U, S.'Supreme Court„ that nearly 1111 uetors land actresses out- should live Una as old as Methuselah; "It is true 'I cannot prevent 'thedo ie o� sea h. Ile � is in cal oi�',icjou I venture un site, if I should. live for iw'troduetion•of the flowing poison ; or iris charge, un, customary theatric,ti ages all the earthI would only have gam -seeking and corrupt men will'1, death of Camille, in the younger Duma 's An profit and sensuality, defeat IIn3' f o'Accictiitliug to emotional he at theiof r that heroine is wishes; but•nothing will induce me affected witli pulmonary consumption, to iilerive a nevduue fi oto the vice and. and nn cillei tel tattack of hemorrhage of _ ,...4.‘_ -__ ._ --.... _,..._.... rnlsery of my people."--Entiael'.ar of the lungs eating Males be life, '!.'here is Cilias, absolutely nothing :dramatic to be made The spending of five cents per day out of this mode at dying; •if fidelity to 'for tobacco twould amount In twenty- •"Gentlemen, I cannot permit a feet be obeyed, 'rhe gushing of R stream lave years to $11,001.25. In fifty . question of mere revenue to be :eon- of blood from the inouth wotildbe realistic, •gears it }votild bo 5,278.5O, with stelered alongside of a questionslut the imitation of Snell as Omni -let= is taf never made by actors male or female, nor Interest. it._•* Why, said he, that is my Smoke - 1 ouse. Your smoke -house! What (.o you mean-? Why, I •lnea.n that twenty years ago I left off smoking ; ;and T have put the money saved from smoke, with the interest, into my tease, Renee I call it In:y smoke - louse. 4 rlir All our oektlists are of one opinion that the greatest enemy to•the eyes of young :men is the cigarette, There eidats ;a .disease among smokers Which 'is.d angerous, and which our best -authorities were for a long time lit tai floss to !understand. It is now knottv�n:a$ the ".eigarette eye;" and regains for its.care a very long and careful tueatlllent. Its symptoms are diiimulaaess:and ff'Shuliko :gathering over the eye, which appears and disappears at intervals. A leading chemist says,: There are five *gradients iti<every+eigaretfbe, each one of which is calculated to destroy human life. First there is the oil of the tob'iece. Next, the .oi4 in the imported paper, which is nearly as destructive. 'Thiud the ;trsenie introduced to male the paper burn white and add a peetaliar.tlsvol:. Fourth the saltpetre put in the to- bacco to prevent it from moulding, and, finally, tile, opium that 38 spray.ed sustain ill that direction."—Sir ,Jtaf- only pay their welters nothing, in exact from them at premium of sometimes as on the tabalceo to giro it the insidious( ford Northcote, Chancel! or of the much as half a sovereign for the privilege influence which it possesses over the Exonequer,—Hamilton Leaflet. of attending to the wants of customers and -• performing other duties for twelve or "HE PROSECUTED." sixteen hours a day. In those restaurants OUGHT TO 131J largely patronized by Euglishuten and ---The indignant words fell from the Americans it seems that these lass aro lips of a young girl who stood help- able to earn a. more or less meager income, less! 1vatebillo a drunken cabman even though their masters impose a fur- y then tali upon them by charging for at - brutally lashing his horse, It is, tendnnoe in the bill, but where the cus- indeed, appalling to think !tow much tourers hail from colmtrir fi in trhicit tip- cruelty goes unpunished ill this ping does not obtain they iiucithe strnggle world. Why are there . so many for existence both bitter and disappoint - weakly children in all grades of lug' morals but • give me a sober pop- any discreet manager' tolerate such a Niece R'1atiOn, not 'lvast111g their earnings of stage business, .. gtda, the over- on strong drink' and I will know whelming suitocetiou which .produces the rapid. death in Cnndlle"•s •ease is neverwhere to get •my revenue."—(u ad- accompanied by cen%ulsione, such as her stone, to the Brewers of London. dying representatives on the stage almost "Ituxury, my Lords, is to be taxed, •aibis 1w,Lyscatlnsossunto. Intt'ntraal. .death from rr atuply but vice prohibited ; let the difficulty .front failure ofthe tttesuveiteal !towsin{ers, collapses in be law bo %what it will, would you Theatrical poisoning scenes •are also us- uallyularly lay:a tax upon a breach Of the ten ir sci that when a fa ta1untrue to nature. Td a t iis of Iaudan- eonit'mandnlents'f4 Government s11�f)1111�, .uni orinotphitie is savallcweti,.the victim not for revenue, mortgage the mora'% irOaediaLtely sinks into a death-Iike sleep, and health of the people."—Lord 'as is commonly seen on thestage, whore• .as the fiix' effect of this poison taken in. Chesterfield. "Should the wages of iniquity be put into the treasury ? They are the primal blood, and in their aggregate would Ibe inacleul-uate to buy fields enough to bury the multitudes who are the victims of the deadt'nl traifie for whole profits they sell the peoples sanetion.:"—State Hoard of Charities of Pennsylvania, 1870.. . "If the revenue diminishes from increased habits of temperance the amount of wealth 'web a ehango like quantity is invariably to ,excite and •enliven. Nor Is the mode of dying •atter the hack- neyed cardiac stage -stab in ,conformity wrath the laws of nature. The actor sim- tpky,fails at full length, ,or in a heap, Whereas the every -dray member of society gives a spring when the heart le struck before entering eternity by ails unhappy gate. Even the modern Othello has not 'awaited enough of Shakcspe,aro"s '.,von. derftil'Adelity to truths to die naturally after. a stab through the heart.-.Ciaeiuuati Ea quJ.ter, Sweating. Waiters. Welters in the foreign restaurants of would brintc','the nation, would utterly Loudon '$ave distinct grievances that throw into the shade tit,e amount of should be reuteciiea, if the statetny as.of a Gernuui waiter in a contemporary fire to revenue that is now derived from ho !relies ed: Re makes complaint of the the spirit duty ; and we ;should not annoywce and anxiety sttf%recl bylilrti- to.nly see with satisfaction A dimin u- self, to eotllmcia with other meutbevs of his tion of the revenue from such tt class; gtriag to r1 system of stveutiug of .the most obnoxious kind which, he asserts, is Muse, but we sriioald find in various 1)racticeci in restaLnrnalts that are kept and ways that the exchequer would not mainly frequented by foreigners. The suffer from the losses whieh:it might pcopiietors ?e these establishments not brain. Can you wonder that the animal life of a young man is killed? A Judge's View of the Liquor Traffic. e. In sentencing a murderer to death, Judge Johnson of California, made use of the following. language : "Nor shall the place be forgotten in which occurred the shedding of touched its !sui'f tee. I pity tlic rasa who knows all the Bible, for it is a pretty good sign he doesn't know himself. A 'than carne to rile with what he thought w,iis navvy difficult Passage, .and. he saki, Mir. Moody, how do yeti explain it? I said, 'I don't explain it,' 'But how do you interpret it'?' 'I don't interpret it,' 'Well, how do you understand it?' 'I don't understand it.' But what do you do 'with it ?"1 don't do any- thing with It.' 'You don't believe it ? ''Yes, 7: believe it. There are lots of things that I believe that I do not understand. In the: third chapter of John, Christ says to Nicodetnus, `If you do xiot understand • earthly things, how can you understand heavenly things ?' „ The undersigned iu returning thanks for past favors,beg leave to say that they bane a very large stock of LUMBER, SHi,NCLES, LATH, BARRELS, WOOD, &c,,, on hand, which will be sold at very close hrices to meet the requirements of the ard times. First Class Shingles, $1.70 per Wood tats, per Cord, delivered. Everything else equally low. Coarse and see us before buying, as we will not be u ndersold. MCLEAN a SON. Wingham, June 7th, 1803. WANTED T,nca+ ar,n Trat'elh,, iloeamee to ham,le sur Ilardr f:nnndi:u, Grown Nursers Stock, N v g„arant1 satisf.avAl, to and you will not have rheumatism. the largest Ii the Dominion --over 700 aerie. No Rood's Sarsaparilla gives the blood substitution in orders. Exclusive ter•itory and vitality and 1'1Cha.ess liberal terms to w Jule or pert tante a-enra write Keep your blood pure aucl healthly r,.presentatiresand Custn:uers , are Nnrse,Ie' are • IIe who recklessly injures his health does not talus prove his un- selfishness—be simply curtails his power of doing good; and he who in- jures his character by welcoming evil influences is thereby inflicting a stili gteater'evil upon the commun- ity, Heart Disease ttelieved in 30 111111111T E.S.—A11 cases of organic or sym- pathetic, heart disease relieved in 30 minutes. and quickly cured. by [)r. Ag- new's Cure. Sold at Ohisholtu'r Drug store, Wioghnin. • People seldom improve when they have no other model than themselves to copy after. KEHDALL'S SPAVIN CURE It• f the thousand t Th explanation simple.the Old Czar and the New.THE 11 which mar 1' blame with the thought- REMEDY blood. was one o society , e exp an 1 n is Almost tst the hast thought of thelate rte Czar MOST SUCCESSFUL ante -chambers of hell,The ams lies wi 1 loug lfr 33,��,y for the theatre employes, who, in a FOR MAN OR BEAST. !ills plague spots the ftl'OF fiice of our lessness and selfishness of parents. ti o.:au on+r the chief losers b Certain in Its effects and never blisters- p °,� p wdry, WO • 1). 1 o y Read proofs below, >a1te, You- nest! not bo told that r While men and women netlet}t their 1118 death. Opsninghiseyeswttban effort, y mean the tippling-shop-theiiieeting health they Cfinnot e?tpeet to have a signed_ to L:1r C2tarowitzt tit tapproach. KENDAL oth PAYtN anCUeRE place of Satan's minions, and the foul strong and robust children. Fathers Do not let the theatres suffer oil UM/lint' wishs t' bro. B• J.>,rnnT> Lo ntlt a a lendtd ba horse some of the long mohiming. 1 do not wish so enttentepr b g y cesspool, which by spontaneous gen- and mothers, be warned in time. many people should be reduced to misery oration breeds and matures all that is loathsome and disgusting in profanity and babbling, and vulgarity, and Sral)�, .th-breaking. I would not be f ai groggery for the the best and safest of family meds- they it'ere to be out of emptcymetat• Dr, s: J. KEsasrr co. the owner 9Y + Sirs—I have used your Kendalrs Sptwin Cure e fats. lW d uocess fo Uttrb on two horses and env 1 ted into 7'h new CZOEL' has received Llano n owith a • �atvin. gothim tora80. I used 8endan' Spavin �a.e. The 4pnvin Is gine now and Z have been oRePed ,x50 for same horse. I only had him nine weeks,•stl pot $120 Yor using Clear .your systems of biliousness, on account of my death." The new Em - indigestion, nervousness, and the pel'ol' diel not forget his father's dying $2 worth of Kendall's Spavin Gide.words, for one of his first acts was to give Yours truly, W. S. tur.1,:;�• like ; restore your vigour and your 500 006 rouhles,towara the support of the KENDALL'S SPAVIN . CURE strength by taking Holloway's Pills, ' !actors and actt'esses curring the time that 1 anELBY ELIC$ 7)00.30,1808. his its+3 i tl price of this globe �.. .Jr ones, tv r see a r e d 1 with tortg v Ili ecious ore. ''t31t the pitiful §lll1! of . 1 w 8 'Ministers ilii! Warmth, and Osage the best Liniment I have ever used. •a ='== when M. De Giers, the :Minister for For- Yours truly, Aettle. asnanteS. a dime he furnished the pol$dil Miit;i ' ernes (n1 per sts, or . Better 'Whistle Than Whine. i eignAfaim, regUeated permission to re• For gale by allDru'gglsts,oraddress made the deceased a fool, and this tire from his post on account of ill health, nr. 7D. ,r. J »43 z colft P�IxY, trembling culprit a demon. TIHW As 1 was taking a walk early ill ,;kolas l I. expressed a hope that they gNOieURGH FALI.s. VT. •paltry a sum for two hara,,,n lives I December, I noticed two little boys might work together for many' years to '` his,,t affie is tolerated, fon their way to school. The small- come. But 1\I. De Giers replied, "See, av law, and er one tumbled and fell, and though your Mn arty, my feet can no longer carry . therefore the v iso. 1t i not our feet but your head c,t1Et01 has committed 1 he was not very!sash hurt, he . be- y ' call AGtt nbt O.fifl'ili7.al)iC be earthly Io£ which I heave need," responclecl the Czar. Irlbiztlttlt, blit in the sight of Kiln gen to whine in a babisll way—iiu� 1 ilibsie and the Moneymaker.; . • 'tVlltf' is unerring wisdom, he' who a regulate' roaril1g boy cl'r, as though � The belief that bees van hear, and that 'tt-1 he were half killed, but as little ®t'0Ilyi they find music in $itkOSidswlliCli to human deliberately furnishes the inn:di � _ whine The older tiey took his beings are hideous, is at least as old as in draught which inflames men into Velem and anger and blood shed, is 1'ARTICI':PS OnIA IVIS in the moral turpitude of the deed. Is it not high. time that these sinks of vice •and crime should be held rigidly ficeoatn- table to the laws of the land, and placed.ttnder the ban of an enlighten. ed and virtuous public opinion." - Hamilton Leaflet r 118 uteri of Mood:, S t3t11i�,Q ons'ent,, :AS �t,1ht' queen, to take lyevent; a from that 'which de- sttylys tit's. souls and r betties of my l the whistle will drive the whine • ait.0 sets .' seep of 1M1--atiagascar. away, "The , di hint it hoist sums for the So he did, and the last I saw or revenue fi iii t the tdiiter' suffering and heard of the little fellows, they were grinding. 'patipetiii;tn' of the people is a whistling • away as earnestly as terrible r+D`f'e'lltie.1'---Cai1On Wilber- though that was the chief end of life. force. I learned a lesson which, I hope, I "To sell Pain 'for a livelihood is shall not soon forget, and it called hand, in• a kind and. fatherly way, � Virgil, and lilodesc descy a ribed-and d eaveal d• we Has g and Said t not all beard in otir childhood -how any - Oh, nevi` mind,• Jimmy,. don't one Can°persnade bees to swarm by bang. Whine; IN a good deal better to ing a gong in an intelligent and insinuat- - whistle. ing manner? 13eekeepers, it is true, have of late years abandoned the practice, but, th And he began in e merriest way, the belief in its efficacy still prevails to ti A cheerful whistle, Jimmy tried to considerable extent. At lost, however, Sir John Lubbock comes to knock the I1 join in the whistle. I Can't whistle as nice as you, lnsion on the head. He made some expert- ' nitwits with honey and a musical bov,wish- Charlie, said he ; my lips won't ing to ktiow whether the tinkling tunes would have the same effect upon bees as peeler ftp good. O11 that is because you have not the sound of the dinner ball has upon a all the whine out yet, said hungry terrier. He, found that the bees, gothowever hungry, never rose to associating Charlie. But you try a minute, and the icleit of the music with the idea of meals, and he draws the inference that they cannot bear. The argument certain- ly sounds Conclusive, bat Sir John could hardly have surprised us more if he had told us that bees could not sting, Stone That is Nlextbie. It may be safe,„said that no speChuen in a geological eolloctioti is nloro curlons titian the bar of ilexiblo sandstone, which Can be tient With less pressure that% that bald ef!<itigll, )blit for a whole cont- out these few lines, which may ue a required to braid a1 pisco of wet leather of • nutnit'y to share the responsibility sibly speer another whiner of mature the satire size. In an article ttpon the sub- rlcl gillit'of such a traffic seems a years, as this class is by no means Scot in the Mineral Collector we are told - itvorse+lanrgtzin thanthat of nye or confined to the cbiidl•en • . that "when a thin slice of the stone is •i looked at �lt�nder a lens by transmitted �,Tttilts :'-- Iloreee Greeley. It it bettereter whistle than toi ry, light the fragments are seen tO be locked It is better to laugh than to cry, together like the parts of a sectional toy, "tlf'ibe traffic in ardent spirits -is li'or'though it be cloudy, the sun will fixed, et' ly loos!+ly. 'xbe sectional toy, `iillinaral, then of necessity are the ' soon shine of e.tplailiittgholo this steno was formed `ItIWs. Which authorize the traffic, iln-' Across the blue, beautiful ski'. is to say that grains of sand were once :t1loral, And if~theiawsaroimnlori1, 'litePI'ata'Fruth''elic cemented 'lftinly together by another Constipation. Headache,. Biliousness )eavin al, which has been partly dissolved, ,then we mug be immoral if we do' p + tcnvin;iC a:otar.less mantel ball -anal -socket ' not protest against theni,"--Gerritt - slid Bad Blood, are promptly cured i)y jornts oP;iageicsl,tapo behind."Smith. Burdeok Blood Bitters, whiob nets npor, the stomach, liver, bowels, and blood, "And if a loss of revenue should during all their diseases, cAVEATS,TRADEMARKs COPYRIGHTS. CAN 1 OIl'i'AIN rATEN i P For a prompt answer and an honest opinion. write to )IU NN at CO.. who have had nearlytlfty years' experience in the patent business. Communica- tions strictly confidential.. A Handbook of In. formation concerning Patents and how to ob- tain them sent free. Also n catalogue of mechan- ical and scientific books sent free. Patents taken through Munn tc Co. receive 5peclal notice in the Scientific A meri can. and thus are brought widely before the public with- out cost to the inventor. This splendid paper, issued weekly. elegantly illustrated. bas by far the largest circulation of any, scientific work In the World. 83 a year. Sample eoples sent free. Building Edition. monthly, 5:,50 a year. Single copies, Z:i cents. Every. number contains beau- tiful plates. in colors, anti builographs of note houses, with plans, enabling handers to show the latest designs and smile conducts. Address MUNN S CO.. any Yuan, a61 BItoanWAY. STONE k WELL1NOT•1':, (Head Oaiee.)'l+ roma, Ort, The only Nursery in Canada havi, a; test hre•urehertle. YOUNG PEOPLE'S PA. A New 'Journal for the Ye ' of Canada. Young peoples will read; the onlyqq tion is, what are they to read." '.Cn peculiar wants are not fully met by air* general newspaper, In tl,o Hinted l tates+• several excellent periodicals are .praptined for their benefit. but they are all e�xr,1.� 'sive. Htarper's Young People (New Ylorl3)a costs $2 a year; The Youth's compaaitotn (Boston) $1.75; Golden Days (Philestsl- phia) 83; and St. Nicholas (New York, 83. They are worth the money, but they are luxuries. The YOUNOPEOPL8'8PAPF.lt isa weekly (eight-pagel journal just connnenoed ice Kingston, Canada, designed for the peru- sal of young persons of both sexes be- tween the ages of ten and twenty, with. a department for children. and issued at a price within the reach of all. It will contain the cream of all the leading- Aatericau .periodicals of the sante class as well as the many publications t)t like nature to be found in England, in addi- tion to a due proportion of original matter. Young people like stories, and these will begiven in abundance. Among the miscellaneous trnntents of the paper may be mentioned accounts of travel, adventure and discovery, explanations of wonderful inventions, ingtasees of re. 1111rkaislo inialtio,r•artl in Holm/Lis. enee- dl,tes,etc, Pt, tag Itaa rutty rn„t u:+Kra red that the morn) tune or the paaier will be the very highest. Price, hoc a year; trial trip for two mantl)s, 10 cents. 1?he best w„y +aremit is by postal order ata east of two cent, though small silver is earned safely enough if wrapped in soft paper. Ad- dress T. J. Shanks, iia Rideau at,, King. ston, Ont, RALSTED&SCOTT Josephine Street - - Wingharn, Ont, J, A. IIs LSISD, J. W. ScoTT, Mount Forest. ( Listowel i , Deposits Received and Interest i ZETLAND S° ' W N. 'ILL allowed, Money Advanced to ranters and i �%EQQGE ,FHOMM.SO , Proprietor, Business Men, j On long or short time, on endorsed notes . Lumber of all kends, or collateral security. Sale notes bought at a fair valuation. Money remitted to all , First-class Shingles, parts of Canada at reasonable charges. and Cedar Posts, Special Attention ,Given to Col - looting Accounts and dotes. 1 Car Load Orders a Specialty. 1 WOOD delivered to any Fart of Wing. Agents in Canada—The Merchants' Name t ham' of Canada 1 £5'Ordersby mail promptly attends, 1 Office Hours -From 9 a. Ln. to 5 p. m. I A. E. SMITH, 1 GEORGE TIROMSO !, Hos 125, Wtnghans . 0 Agin. YOUNG LADIES 1S •. .•., :s.1CCIDSSMTIC • ac m.r,• 1 WOOIy'8 PHOSpXXO'31•i1Y1C. The Great English. Remedy Sfa, Packages Guaranteed to promptly, and permanently Cure all forms of ',erbous 'Weakness, Emisstons,Sperm- atorrhea, Impotency and alt effects of Abuse or Excesses, Mental 'Worry, excessive use Be Ord and ll f for. of Tobacco, Opiton o7 Stimtl- ,f tants, which soon read to In. inrmftv1 Insanity. C'onsu,npUon and an early grave. Has been prescribed over 85 years Its thousands of eases).is the only Jetiabte and Honest Medtotnt k,toton. Askdruggiitfor Wood's Pho*phodfnes It iiooferesomo worthless medicine in place of this, Inclose price In letter, and Wo will tend by return avail. Price, one package, Ell six, $5. Ont tont please, get wilt curve pam1 Mott tree to any address. The Wood company', 'Windsor, Oat., Canada. Sold In lfinttham hy(I. 14. Witham'. Vintorist, Te E. CORM UNDERTAKER WIN GHA1VI, ONT. sal—�n, .,-.:tNtuiw+ui+i ,ru+Aw�anrrw ai:-I 1 AN D GENTLEMEN. Send il cent, in stalurs, or 10 cents silver, and We •wilt send you at , eturu mail the PERFECT %F.TTER WRITER, , A neat little Hoole, beige a perfect Guide fu the art of Letter Writing• it contains letters of t)ove, 'Friendship and nosiness, etc., with valuableinstrue- tiona and udriee. Every young man and woman should have this i)ork. Address, NOVELTY PTJ BLISHERS, A Blessing to Every Household. ' HOLLOWAY'S PILLS AN Famil•use • v, "iUIE l$. ori .... (ht 1' 7: rat >tiLfi ..,,..,,,•:.,.....,...•...„,„„„0„,.,..,,,4. la.,11, • ,Y,1, 2 518 ay �tix�t'�e.�aw,,.«4��Il�t� Ingersoll, Ont D Oli T ENT These remedies have stood the test of fifty years experience, and are pronounced the hest Mcdi,•ines for 1 , THE PII ]1S Purify the blood, eorreet all disorders of the LIVER, STOMACH, KIDNEYS ANS BOW ITS and invaluable in all complaints incidental to females of all ages. TIIE OINTMRJ1\7T Ia the only reliable remedy for bad egs, sores, ulcers, THROATS, COUGHS, r,OLDB, GOUT, RHEUMATISM, DISEASES gold aIll Medicine VAS NO endors throughout AL. t eonly orl d. 7&, t_I'nrcbasers should look to the Label on the 533 Oxford Street, London, they are spurious, 0 and old wounds. FOR IiRONSIII7IS, SORE GLADULAR SWELLINGS AND ALL SKIN New Oxford. Late 588, Oxford Street, London' Boxes and Pots. If the address is not . CCS. WEBSTER& have decided, for a short time, to reduce the price for MAKING MIEN'S TWEED SUITS TO $4.00 SPOT GASH, If you have any Tweeds at hone, now is the time to save a dollar o'n the making of each suit, and get a good fit. First-class Trimmings supplied at wholesale prices for spot cash only. If you want to buy a Suit or Overcoat you can save from $3.00 $10,00 on each, by purchasing front tis. WEBSTER & 00., Merchant Tailors. Opposite the n1+'ty lltacttenald Block. Wingllain.