HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1895-01-25, Page 2'fl 1 INUZJAM TIMES, JANUARY 24, 189 5. ACCIDENTAL IEAVESDROPPING. of outer dainties for you. I alit and was iyin'' ill ill a boarding ;Iwo Stook No eB, 4+ AA to sleepy yet, Fannie, house, Aunt Kate allowed No to The colder a steer is the more • fit Ax ow colo xltt ren. Lia down here by me and take a come and nurse her. Site could still' feed he eats and the less he grows. nal)! sew, and I went for her work for i The sunny side of the straw stack is " This will do very well for an of= A. little more girlish clatter and her, and helped her with it. I am' a pretty costly eattle shed in the #ice," Dr. Arnold said, glancing then silence, •more than glad she has at Iast put end, around the room Mrs. Wisbar was The doctor's hopes rise! His aside her pride, and gone to comfort The cheek rein is the most bar- showing hien. 'I will send over Illy charmer was no great heiress, then, Aunt Kate, who loves us, both as if bar ra ' lstr i .zitor torture w i books and some additional furniture set apart from anY• poor man who we were her own cildren, In of zt ulz e l tut now n those this .horning. Now about a beet- scorned fortune-hunting! She was time tell that folly about leaving Pher u eland to the fiiaest lensnd it is used most ta litiea,tvlzo xoom? a poor girl who sewed for a city flan nothing will wear itself away. Aunt I have one vacant. Third storey and would not eat the bread of de- 'Bate knows I do not need her mon- Over a hundred and forty-two 'back pendence from even loving; hands. es-. But, and a soft blush came to {thousand Caollars was cleared in ono I,4p the stairs they mounted, and At dirmer he ..was introduced to Mabel s cheeks, you must lot me week of the New York horse show, the room being found satisfactory, her. Mrs, Wistat*,informed him that share my fortune with you until you Recent exhaustive tests show that the•doctor departed to send over his the Miss Gardiner: who was in the are the famous Dr, Arnold, as I stn g•rounil feed produced more flesh possessions, room next his had fallen on the iee sure you will be. than the same quantity fed in the It was pito ti longjob to settle and broken her h g, and Miss Mabel _ And his only reply was to kiss the . Iris office q gwas the most devoted nurse. sweet lips lifted to his caress; and f natural state. Simply crushing it > put out his sign, Dr. ; � F seems .o answer every purpose. In Stephen Arnold, unpack bis books, They're two sweet girls,•Mrs. 11 is- vow in his heart to be true till, rite ease of gruel worized horsthe tar said, though they must be poor. death to tllo woman who trusted' and get things in order. And all benefit of crushed iOr ground feed the time his hands were busy in this They sew for a living, and such love- hien, , ly embroideryI never saw as tile, was particularly noticeable. Work, his mental faculties were lead- y Suffered for Twelve Years. , lug him a dance of mingledpaiu and do. And they have a rich aunt Maast chttsetts has declared a cattle Mi. Ueo, H, Wiilitams, the extensive deli lit. Pain,because only 25 years comes in a carriage to see them, that manufacturer of Pruit baskets, 'i'horold, quarantine against the world. All gthey do say ----other folks I mean— writes: -• -1 suffer veryseverely from era 'Stock entering the state for whatever tile, his practice was vet to come, so Y' that l,rve ,•ape marriage were far- would not let then set a stitch if or over. nervoust i headaches en yrs i.n(i have biliousness lilpurpose, is t0 be (lulll'iLritlned, Sill) away visions. I?ejight, because he they would only go home with we " nlittecl to the tuberculin test, and � c, her 1 the advertised f,ilis, powders,. other , • , had met:only the evening before, a wediuiues, but „htaiued very little relief, slaughtered if found to have tuber- bad who llttd•etukezl gin captive It would be far too long a story until abort. two year ago, I began to eulosis. The slaughtered cattle for me to tell how Mabel Gardiner use Stark's Powders and since then have commission has also begun asystema- tie farm to farm inspection, and pro- poses to kilt every tuberculous animal'in the state and to keep out all such stock. it onee. won the full possession of Dr, Arnold's been like rt different man' and now se1- It wits true that,Iinlen Arnold, his darn hr+ve rt Iteaclaciie.,` if C have any conal wli.o. had, let hien see very heart. Many were the opportunities tendency that w{ry Stti •k's Powders give plain IN, more d, let• a year, that for courting, and he eagerly grasped immediate relief." Puce 25o a box; sola ]ser fair SOT and'fifty�.thousand dol - Lars each and every one, by all medicine dealers. For three months his heart bad To Busy Girls. The Now Your might be his foe: rite asking, had been at Mabel's feet, but he had not said to him : ,s.spoken when, one morning, as he Sisters can have wonderful in- Finds Hood's Sarsaparilla leading evory- I have somethinesto• tell yon about sat in his room, the furnace flttenee over blethers. Is it on the thing in the way of medicines in three Miss Gardiner the next time I see reading,o itnportaat particulars, namely : Hood's xrou , register snapped open, and a mascu- true side . Do we sympathize and Sarsaparilla has �' ' care for the boys? "Tom is such a I. The largest sale In the world. It liar, voice said: But what of that l•l Helen Arnold*ot very cold,but raw. I must brother ;" `°Jack is the greatest lice cuupiinhen • always something to tell of warm my fingers before I shake Plague of my life ;" "I never sant* hciw The ;reritestutues;in the world. It every girl with whom he danced hands. such a 1)oy;" "I wish you would 0 The largest Laboratory in the twice. One painted, another flirted, Only the doctor !our hero thought. clear out, I am busy ;" "Don't dis- I world, a third was engaged. Not onewas Now, girls, the .doctor said, turb mo"—these are expressions; What more ;;an be said ? Hood's perfect but Herself. abruptly, I have come to -day to talk brothers often hear.fi•om their home j Ssr1P lnndliiius+t sormeritFio is peculiar arsana But Mabel Gardiner, Mrs. West- to you seriously. Mass Fannie is • womankind. Have the sisters tried ! in cures. If you are sick, it is the lake's niece, this queen of girls, cer- well enough now to go out, and it is 1 to help Tom, and to interest him in inediuine for you to take. Ile knew that 11rrs. Westlake was go to Mrs. Westlake's and stay there. is a plague, when lie has, never been Excellent Rules. -very wealthy; had heard of her Stop ! Don't interrupt me ! I knew treated with love and consideration ? The following rules are so excel - adopted niece, and his heart grew all the nonsense about independence Don't be always interested in other lent that they will bear re -reading at cold as that barrier of wealth reared and toadying and such stuff. You girls' brothers, but do care and think least once a month. They will itself around, his idol, forbidding him are good girls, and can be trusted sometimes for your own. Helpful, supply enough "honeyed sweetness" to woo her. with a secret. Your aunt, in' spite loving sisters, 'who will ,y not mind to make any life pleasant and re- It was late in the afternoon when of her apparently good health, has a giving up an evening to the amuse spected: he ran lightly up the stairs to un- bad form of heart disease. She does ment of the boy • brother;who will Be faithful to your sense of right pack his trunk, and make his bed- not know it, and mind, she mast not be ready to mend•for him the kite or and wrong. xoom home -like. know it. What she calls dizzy balls, who will be interested in his Be reserved in disputes ; you don't Now, it must here ,be explained turns are really dangerous attacks. concerns, are rare, yet they are know everything, so do not talk as if that the furnace register that heated She ought never to be alone, day or found, and are bright examples for you were infallible. Mrs. Wisbar's third floor came be- night, and the attacks should be met the rest of us. The Iittle children Be brave in the battle for right. tween the front and back rooms, in immediately by the proper remedies. need us, and we all know bow we Be j ust to yourself and others. the partition wall ; and Dr. Arnold, Doctor, you don't mean she will can comfort and amuse them, as well Be discreet and circumspect in as save our mother's tired back and public. - kneeling close to the register, un- die ? packing his trunk, was startled to She may live for years with loving fingers by caring . and sewing for Be hearty in your recognitions and bear the door of the next room open, care, and some one always near. them. salutations. and Mabel Gardiner's voice, Neglected, she may die in any one • suis Diseases. Be gentle and affectionate at genie. Pshaw ! he thought, 3 must be far of those attacks. • Skin diseases are more or less occa- Be willing to listen as well as to gone when I think the first girl's We will go at once—to-day, Mabel sioned by bad blood. B. B. B. 'cures the talk. voice I bear is hers. said. You cannot refuse now, Fan- following Skin Diseases : Shingles, Be a teacher of noble truths to He did not listen • but this is what Hie ! Erysipelas, Itching Rashes, Salt Rheum, s • Scald Head,, Eruptions, Pimples, and your hon chole. be heard: No! We must go ! Blotches, by removing 'all impurities Jae not a fop nor a flipper. Here I am darling, at last. And When shall I tell . Mrs. 1'Testlake from the blood from a common Pimple Be a hero of integrity to friends bow are you ? Were 'yon very, very to send the carriage for you? asked to the worst'Sorofulous Sore.and servants.• • lonely all night? the doctor. In half an hour? Be willing to do your share of the 3 'W hen to Avoid Candy. A fainter voice, with an undereur- And everything to pack ! If you work of life. painare going there, you will tell her to Sugar is one of the best of the fat- Be willing that others should ob- rent of in it answered: Lonely enough. Bat never mind send for Fannie whenever she producing ffoods, writes Dr. Cyrus tain a share of holiors and attentions. that. Tell me all about the party. art pleases, and I will follow as soon as I Edson in the Ladies Home Journal, Be a wise counselor in your circle. What did you wear ? can pack up. in an article on "The Candy -Eating Be broad and tolerant'; all wisdom Garnet silk and pond lilies. Then Dr. Arnold suddenly realized Habit" and for that reason it is bad is not in your brain; exploded errors You must have looked lovely ! that he had again been guilty of for a person, young or old, in whom have not their dogmatists. there is a tendency to accumulate too Be notuick to take offense; often A merry laugh answered that. eavesdropping. much fat, The converse of� this is q Then followed an animated deserip- . Going away ! He knew then, if none is in ; people are not al- tion of the party, and then—could he had not fully done so before, true—it is a valuable fo od for tho..e, ways thinking of you. Dr. Arnold help hearing : what it would mean to lose Miss is young or old, who are too thin. It Be a follower of the Golden Mule; But, oh, Fannie, I must tell you. Mabel from his daily life. He sat in also valuable, because it is easily it is not. Only the highest morality, There was a Miss Helen Arnold misery white he heard, as if in digested to those who are weak, who but it is a faithful source of genuine suffle there, who met me one day at Fish- dream, the preparations for depar- and who r t need building up. Not too a lack of animal heat, justice; you owe aand is s much. to othhal but. ers er's on the staircase. I had a huge tire. He heard Fannie go, and the much of it though because there bundle, the velvet .,dress we em- bustle of packing. Mabel was atone. >, ' ere are as they owe to you. elements needed in the body which broidered last. She took one look at In a moment his resolve • was taken. me, and last evening'' she recognized Knocking at Miss Gardiner's door, sugar will not supply. Sugar is Look Out for Cold Weather Me: She had a handsome cousin he found her folding dresses, but at exceedingly satisfying to the ap- but ride inside of the Electric Lighted and' there, Dr. Arnold, and she was evi- the sight of his agitated face she petite. I know a man who was.an of the ieatoI;nd Vest bole Milwaukee Apartment St trains Paul dently guarding him, against all de- went to him. officer 01 cavalry during the Civil Railway and you will be as warm, comfort- ) War' and on one occasion daring a able and cheerful as in your own library or signing girls. Fancy her eonsterna- You are going away , he said. raid lie found an opportunity to fill boudoir. 7'o travel between Chicago, St. tion when ho danced with one of GoMabel,g do of you. life ! I must kno'w how 1peak. love ' his haversack and both saddle bags OmaPaul ha andMSioux City, in these luxuriously Fisher's sewing'girls, talked with do her, and brought her an ice at sup- you? with brown sugar. The men of his appointed trains, is a supreme satisfaction; per titnc. My dear, it was as good. ! I know, she answered softly. command did the same. It was and, es the somewhat ancient advertise - €1s a ploy to watch her faee. But T i And you? Cllr! my darling—can four days before they were able to meat used to read, "for further particulars, y see small bills,' i;matl bilis (and large diel not know the cream of the joke : you love tile? get a supply of rations, and during ones, too) will be accepted for passage and until we went home. Then Aunt A sparkle of mischief darted into that time they lived on the somal` sleeeping car tickets. For detailed infer- es Kate told me she actually had the the W,,, brown c as site said, and were perfectly contented with mation address A. J. Taylor, Canadian eyes, very the diet, This story points to one Passenger Agent, Toronto, Ont. insolence to ask her if her niece was demurely: I think I can..:.... a sewing girl at Fisher's. Two Itritrlites for rapture. Then he rule which may 'safely bo laid down It's Just Like afl Woman. Dr, Arnold ground. his teeth, but said, for all : Candy should not he eaten listened still. Tg he sweet voice, full I am afraid we must wait a Ion J immediately before meats by either To seold about li1GIe troubles and of ohild or adult because it will destroy be brave about big ones. yen Y Ira Can't ymerriment, titime before anc Aunt ray of hope, I know 1 can 1 can marry. 13u.t if you the appetite for other food, and ti a.t To overestimate their own beauty Fan- give e me a far less than they underestimate nie? i, Lssee her draw up that in tune make a home f r you. otherfod should le tanen first because of the food element found in it and their own goodness. little figure of hers till site looked six Stephen, was the grave reply, i£ 'T'o faint at mice and spank tigers feat tall;, you were very rich Iverwhich is not found In candy. In p But what did she ss o ' , y poor, other words, the supply .of sugar with a broomstick. y • l would you love me still? should be adjusted to that of other To value a baby above the world ; Sh4 said her niece Wits sewing tor ! Till death, he said, as gravely, foods in a natural and common-sense or a pug above a baby. Sizer, because she had too much I Then it makes no difference that I To keep nine commandments more �e to be dependent upon a rieh urn rick. You thought, Venni° and way proportion. easily than the tenth. nt.,, who would, gladly give her a , I were sisters, working at our need- Bey►.Ad 1 epu•e, . To look at the most undeserving home of luxury and idleness. les for bread? There is no better, eater or more pleas- of tnen through the kindly spectacles Dear Aunt Kate!. „ And are you not? ant cough remedy made than Hagyard's of pity. She 3e a ci,sr•Iing By the Silty, No, we are e+ottsins. Fannie is Sore Throat, 9Cough oColde, Bronchitf �" To try independence, suceeedirx it, :here are eomc wliit4i grapes and a lot poor, but 1 am not. When she fell and all throat and lung troubles. , but prefer it not. tainly neither painted nor flirted. her duty and yours, Miss Mabel, to somethi,tg? Do you wonder Jack Familiar sunnily.. As plump as it partridge. As poor as a rat. As strong as a horse. As weak as a eat. As plain as a pikestaff, As rough as a, bear. As tight as a drum, As free as the air. As relentless as time. As uncertain as weather. As heavy as lead. As light as a feather, As tight as an oven. As cold as a frog, As gay as a lark. As sick as a dog', As fresh as a daisy. As deaf as a post. As cool as a cucumber. As warm as toast., As blithe as a bee. As dull as an ass:, As full as a tick. • As solid as brass, As smooth as a millpond. As brown as a jug. As big as a haystack, As snug as a bug, .As white as the spow. As black as your. shoe. As poor as Job's turkey. As rich as aJews As straight as ani arrow. As round as a ball. As sweet as a nut. As bitter as gall. As high as a mountain. As deep as a well.' As weak as ditch -water. As sound as a bell. As proud as a peat ek. As neat as a pin. + As wise as a judge.• As wicked as sin. As Ioud as a cannon. As still as a mouse. As lean as a greyhound. As large as the house. As safe as the bank., As taut as a fiddle. As good as a feast. • As fat as a gribble. As thin as a shadow. As green as grass. • As drunk as a lord. ' As brittle as glass. Catarrh relieved in 10 to 60 minutes. -- One short puff of the breath through the Blower, supplied with each bottle of Dr, Agiiew's Catarrhal Powder, diffuses this Powder over the surface of the nasal passages. Painless and delightful to use, it relieves instantly, and permanently cures Catarrh, HayFever, Colds, Head- ache, Sore Throat, Tonsilitis and Deaf- ness. 60 cents. At Chisholni's Drug Store. Mach may bo done i those little shreds and patches o time which every day produces an • which most men throw away, but which never- theless, will make at the end of it no small deduction from the little life of man. Nothing more effeetually conquers mental indolence and rouses torpid powers to exertion than, the neces- sity of making decisions, united to the conscientious desire of making right ones. Relief in sax hours, Distressing x ad- ney.and Bladder diseases relieved in six hours by the "Great South American Kid. noy Cure." This great remedy is a great surprise and delight to physicians on ao- Count of its exceeding promptness in reliev- r ing pain in the bladder, kidneys, back and. ' every part of the urinary passages in male end Female. It relieves retention of water and pain in passing it almost immediately, If you want quick relief and cure this is your remedy. Sold at Chisholm's drug store. It is better to meet danger than to wait for it. He that is on a lea shore, and foresees a hurricane, stands out to seaand encounters a storm to avpid a shipwreck, No Equal to It. As a cure for Frost Bites, Chilblains, Burns and Scalds, Chafing, Chapped Rands, Inflamed 'Breasts, Sprains, Wounds, Bruises, Hagyard's Yellow Oil is the most reliable remedy on the market. Set yourself earnestly to see what you were made to do, and then set yourself earnestly to• do it; and the loftier your purpose•is the more sure you will be to make the world richer with every enricilmint of yourself, Obstinate Coughs. Obstinate Coughs yield to the grate- ful soothing action of Norway Pine Syrup. The racking, persistent cough of consumptives is quickly relieved by this unrivalled throat and lung remedy, Price.25c. and 50c. Whenever you sed ingratitude yea may as infallibly, conclude that there is a growing stock ofill-nature in the breast, as von may know that man to have the plagae upon whom you see the tokens. 4 Atter La Grippe. After la Grippe obstinate coughs, lung trouble,etc., frequently follow. 'There is ne remedy so prompt, and et the same time effectual andpleasant as Milburn's Cod .Liver 011 Emulsion with Wild Cherry and Hypopbospbites,which. is the latest and best combination of an ti•coneum ptive remedies. Price 50c. and $1 per bottle, Anything that adde to the neat- ness and beauty of the home and its belongings not only increases the owner's pleasure, but fosters refine- ment and real betterment of the household. 1imoumataem Cured in a day.—South American Rheumatic lCure of iiheutnatisrn and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to $ clay., Its action on this system is remarkable Iind mysterions. It removes at once the cause of the disease immediately disappears. The first nose greatly benefits. 74 sent.. Warrantee& at. Chistaom'.drug.store. When Baby was sick, we gave her ('aatoria. When she ,vas a Child. she oricd for Castoria, When she became 31tss, she clang to Castorta, When oho tide Children, she gave theist Castorta. Good nature and evenness of tem- per will make you an easy compan- ion for life; virtue and good sense an agreeable friend; love and constancy a good wife and husband. • To Enjoy Life the physical machine must be in good running order. A little care—the use of Ripens Tabules—will give you every morning the feeling that you are ''glad to be alive." Gracious words, sympathizing at- tentions, • watchfulness • against wounding men's sensitiveness --these cost very little, but are priceless in value. - When Others Fail Hood's Sarsaparilla builds up the sbat- .tered system by giving vigorous act)on to the digestive organs, creating au appetite tied purifying the blood. It is prepared by modern methods, possesses the greatm,t curative powers, and has the most wonderful record of actual cures of any medicine ia existence. Take only Hood's. Noon's PILLS are ,purely vegetable, and do not purge, pain or gripe. 25c. . Gems of Thought. Noble desires, unless filled op with action are but a shell of gold hollow within. • While the world lasts, the sun will gild the mountain tops before it shines upon the plain. Do not. be ashamed to confess your ignorance when ever you see an op•� portunity of acquiring knowledge. The very gnarliest and hardest of hearts has some musical strings in it; but they are tuned differently in every one of us. There are two kinds of critics, those who complain that roses have. thorns, others who are grateful that thorns have roses. Mr. J. Al ide Clertuss3` Montreal, P. Q. A Marvelous Medicine Whenever Given u; pair Tri 1$ Hood's Proven Its Merit. The following letter is from Mr. .T. Aivld° (;nttiesct,3trehiteetandsurveyor, Ice, isa Shaw. fi:reet,Montreal, Canada: "0.1.. Mod&c co„ Lowell, h'ta9a.: :ipetitIemeni-'I have beef t -'•'pie+ TTeo::'s sarsaparitta for about six ince 1tl:a and nm• Ida to say that it has done tie ;t great deal rt Last May ray weight was 158 pounds, but st::cO 9 Sarsaparilla f begat to take 1iood's S irs•tp.rilla It h:,s ln.. tressed to1yi3. I think Hood' s;,!rrrn)rrriila is rt. !m Yp0lien$ inedietne and Kin erg St1Ci, ., �utC.et.L withft.'► .1. Ar.rlrit. ('rfiAi'P4lt. 14.0d0* piths lure 11vhr ilii, eoisetipath,ht b"itlouessi.,launetee,sick heatillche,Itaril:sateen,