HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1895-01-18, Page 7Bits q1 Natural Elstory, Blue-eyed eats are said. by ,Darwin to be always deaf. The tail of a beaver is a regular trowel, and is used as such. Tho hog eats fewer plants than -any other herb feeding animal, Carnivorous animals seldom pro- duce more than two young at a •birth. The flesh of the boa constrictor is eaten by the aborigines of Brazil. In many tropical countries the scorpion grows to the length of a HE WIN GUAM TIMES, r'.S, eJANUARY 18, 1895. THE MURDER OF KINGS. "THE FATAL LINE" AS IT RUNS THROUGH HISTORY ANP LEGEND. Tele Rouse of Stuart in Scottish and Eng- lish Annals --Some very itetnaricalore routs catalogued by it careful Student - other oases similar to those cited, Arabella Stuart was a granddaughter of Margaret Tudor, daughter of Henry VII. of England, by the Earl of Douglass, to whom she was married after the death of • her first husband, Janice IV. of Scotland, .As snort site had a contingent claim to the English crown, Her marriage with Wil. Liam Seymour, who was of an English family also having a remote claim to the crown, excited the jealous fears of James, 1.,, who caused the arrest of Arabella and Caricas Reml,itsoenees, her husband as dangerous pretenders. The huaband escaped to the coutiue,it, bttt Arabella was confined in the Tower, and [tied there insane. And thus we close the chapter on "The Fatal Line."—S. B. McCracken in. Detroit Free Press. In The Free Press recently, under the head "The Jlurder of Kluge," is a resume , of some of the notable murders of civil ; rulers in the world's history. In speaking .f the rulers of Scotland, refereuce is made to the murder of Duncan by Macbeth, of the killing of the Red Coinyst by Bruce, .foot. and of the fate of the first and the third of the Jameses in the Stuart line, which The eggs of a crocodile are scarce- has won the title of "The Fatal Line." Tlnintellhgible, Two Scotch ladies of Stranraer were one day returning from church, when they found the town hall placarded with news of the victories in Spain, sly larger that those of a goose. , The catalogue is susceptible of au almost "Is it no surpreesin', Kirstie," said one, The strongest est 11111SC1e in a unlimited extension. "that the Breetish aye beat the French in cg'Robert Stuart, duke of Rothesay, eldest battle?" .monkey's body is found in his pre- son of Robert III, and heir apparent to the "Not in the least, Maggie," was the re - "And X seo now why it doesn't do for husband to, be kind and loving to his wife!" "My dear, will you let me speak?" "duct it wasn't a happy day when we stood at the awl" he snouted, "But, dear -e." 4,'1.'bere was no love at first sight, and. you never looked lilts an Angell" This time Mrs. Bowser held her veace, but after he had tramped around- for q moment he continued: "Impassioned appeal! Pouring forth nay love!, Kicking eft the heel of my boot, as 1 threatened to commit suicide l" Mrs. Bowser was still silent, "I may be engaged in the library all night getting .the papers .ready tor our respective lawyers to look over, but T shall see our child in the morning. Wo- man, good night!" Mrs. Bowser went to bed and to sleep, At midnight the clang of the fire bells awoke her, and she found Mr: Bowser snoring contentedly in his accustomed place.—M. Quad in St. Louis Republic, .hensile tail, Scottish orown, was starved to death by ply, "Diana ye ken that the Breetish aye ' Ms uncle, the Duke of Albany, who sought pray before gauu into battle?" Certain parts of the hippopotamus's to out off the direct succession so that he "'But canna the French pray, too?" 1 ihide attain a thickness of two inches. might succeed to the crown of his brother. "Au' wha'a understand them. if they Bird Life. Robert III., a mild vellum, instead of did?" was the contemptuous response. 1 7 SING LEE'S CEO. SHAW CHI ESE 1OQTSnOWN-THPRIC-E OFMEM LAUNORYMSTEAIC'"' ,100. PER 131. The undersigned has opened a Laundry in the BRICK BUILDING JUST NORTH Ol! CHISIIOLM'S DRUG STORE, wingham, and le prepared to do ALL KINDS of LAUNDRY WORK in the best style anti at the cheapest rates, Paresis called for and delivered. Please call and try our wo winshatn, Nov, 1, 1894, No bird of prey has the gift of '�};j� The Skin iS the only part of the cutting his brothers (the darts of Albany s) "Jabbering bOtllea!—Yolltll a Companion, j bodyND MRisnotsmallestroute by sending h a lntercep ec en y t; HOW THEY CELEBRATED THEIR held in captivity for eighteen years, but paddles. was well treated, was educated iu the WEDDING ANNIVERSARY. learning and accomplishments of the In all tropical countries the vulture is the natural scavenger. The swordfish does not use its English court, won au English wife, and All birds that live on seeds are terrible weapon as a dagger, but as was finally restored to his kingdom for The Ocea 10 t, or Itatlter the Event in An furnished with strong gizzards. A Rall. moderate ransom. His education develop- tioipatiou, flukes Some Interesting ed intellectual qualities that manifested„Wild birds do not sing more than `Students of nature have never themselves iu literature, for which the eading Owing to the Methods of the , eight or ten weeks iv the, year. ;been able to explain the chameleon's Stuarts were all more or less distinguished, we]1-Iinown Couple. change of color. but none more than Nary, Queen of Scots. There are sixty-five species of James gave a vigorous administration to "Do you know,” said Mr. Bowser the humming birds enumerated by orni- The greatest velocity attained by Scotland and was murdered because of -his other evening as he looked over to Mrs. vigor in nuishiug ?boss who had beet? Bowser, "that the anniversary of our wed- thologists. i whale when struck by a harpoon g p thug comes around prettysoon?'" � guilty of disorders dining his captivity. g The wren is nine miles and hour. • James II, unwisely tools part in the Eng- "Yes, dear," was the reply."Next • 1 'Tusks of the mammoth have been' lish "War of Roses," and was killed by j been married twelve eek Wednesday shall have nests, leaving the bursting of a cannot? during an engage- e and L1nilsecl, found of a length of nine feet meas- , English factious. "Yes, twelve years, , °�' a meat between la o "Some ured along the curve. I Some of the Scottish nobles who had Same ineu forget those things,"con. III., tinued Mr. Bowser as he melted a little possession of the yautig son of James The whole body of a boa or other raised a rebellion in his name against the more, "but I never do. I want to buy ;I constrictor is a perfect network of father, who was defeated in battle Sed yon a gift of some sort, but as I couldn't muscles. i took refuge in a mill, and was slain by his think of just the thing I thought I'd ask pursuers. The young king, James IV,, Yon about it What shall it be!" • The natural life of an elephant is upon reaching maturity, became smitten Oh, but you are so kind, Mr. Bowser. p 'Sad to be 120 years. It is with contrition because of the part which As to the gift, I'm sure you will get some - generally he had been made to play toward his thing to please me." shortened by captivity. father, and wore habitually the "peniten• i "I want to, of course, but I've been „ I wondering if you wouldn't as soon accept Some natlrralists s w.vhale was once a land animal that 1 pleases you best, of Floaaen• "You dear, good man 1" took to the water for safety. James ra died of a broken heart beof proe- I "Well, I want to do what is right, and 1 of the treachery for want (or want of pro- want to m rteyou happy. There's too Elephants annoyed by flies have per support) en the part of his nobles at ppy' ',often been known to break off a the battle of Pinkie. Though a spirited much neglect on the part of husbands. I and coarageons man, hie spirit seemed to know men who never seem to think of branch and use it as a fan. have deserted"]3im, apo retiring to his pal- their wives." Oxen and sheep are believed by ace of i�alklauc he took to his bed. The I Yes, there are plenty such, intens Yeats was.' awn brought him that his "Ab, but that was a happy day when some stockmen to fatten better in had born him Au heti ay that the tial shut. e James IV, himself fell at the fatal battle ,�, 5O 111 cash. You can then buy what g we stood at the altar I" exclaimed Mr. Bow - queen at Linlithgow to of t •compilny than when kept alone. He inquired if it werea man•ohild, and ser after a moments reflection. Yon being told that it was a fair daughter, he looked like an angel that day, but no The bones of very aged persons exclaimed, ""Adient farewell; it cam Wi a handsomer than yon have every day :etre said to have a greater proportion • lass ao d it will gang wi a lass"—meaning ' since. of lime than those of young people. that •as the crown came to his family Thank you. dear. You are so good," ' through the female line it would in like replied the blushing Mrs. Bowser. The rhinoceros has a perfect pas- "I think we have had as much happiness ! The stork has been known to per- p manner •pass from leis hoose; upon saying .cion for wallowing in the mud and . which he turned his face to the wall and as most of them, don't you?" . Leh in the flames of a burning house sly d with thick k at • never rallied "Indeed I do." often makes -a dozen all but one unfinished The birds of the south polar re- gions migrate north oil the approach of winter. The eyes of birds that fly by night are generally about double, the size of day .birds. Vultures have no sense of smell. Carcases kept out of their sight are never detected by them. No wild female bird ever sings during the period of incubation and rarely at other times. Over 27,000 pounds' weight of edible birds' nests are annually shipped from Java to China. In Athens. 400 years before Christ, a pair of peacocks were valued at 1,000 drachmas, or about $150. ' rather than to desert her young. Is. usually Covers wl a uc c co ' Of Mary, the daughter thus orphaned; "There was nothing mercenary about our of it. , her misfortunes and her tragic end at the marriage. It was love at first sight and • The secretary bird in attacking The lucre is an excellent civil " order of Elizabeth of England are well • be a all the way throtargh. I don t reinem- venomous serpents uses one wing as •£ngineer. I'Ie always secures his known. Even those who persist in aaans- in cher. of complicity iu the murder of her • r that we ever had lovers' quarrel." a shield and the other as a club. "Just a little one, T believe, she replied. ',own safety by having several en- husband may rind santificatiott for the act though site regretted her blunder an iu- trances to iiia dwelling. 1 in the fact that royal homicides were t Titan? later. • _ .. I rule, and that king murder had become a "What vas that about?" �i song softly, like a well-trained ol•atJr, 1 virtue in Scotland. But lfary's defenders "Why—why—ab°tit ions Toin-- and gradually swells to a climax. Does Advertising Pay p i o ' "Oh, yes! That fool of a Tom Brown • The nightingale always begins his will not full basic upon th]s questionable A b i entitled "`How to Get plea 1 was hanging around you, and I of course The smallest egg is that of the tiny book eri 1 e ob'ected. I remember now, The ni ht .Money," published way back in the JamehVI.1(1•amPs aI'&f England), son of d I k t , p Mexican humming bird. It is scarce - fifties, contained the following on Mary, c ung ilie ore to peace iu ma nra life, was vet ,thti'` victim of various plots ,advertising 1 aimed egainet his life or liberty, notably "Whatever your calling or oe- the Gowrie plot in his own country, slid Cupation may be, it needs support the Guy Fawkes gunpowder plot in Eng• from the public ; advertise it the- lasso. p t The head of Charles I. fell unser the ax roughly and efficiently in some shape of the commonwealth. His immediate -or other that will arrest public at- heir, Charles II. after the restoration, was tentiOn. I freely confess that what too careless and volati]e a prince to incur :sac mss I have had in life maybeenmity,f h :attributed more to the public )cess of succession, that they "are not going to I i 1 ma to make ou king."Upon e y p Y h of Charles, Jaunes beaauue ]ting, and :that do sat require advertising, but he was dethroned Laud driven into exile by 1 lI l :tl ' business will sometimes tell': made a Orta to and rotes wont to say o is C brother James, who was next its the order P 1 than tilted other sources combined. }` 1 y thee There ins ossibi be oceupiitions death his sou in-law, Williatul of Orange. James annot we 'C011Celve 'ry lar ley are descendants for one or two generations nf recgver the crown. but the you they have tried advertising and last of the house tools ceases in the Roman it did netpay. Tills is 011l ~siren , Catholic shush, leaving no' heirs, thus Y closing the chapter of " '1 ho Fatal Line, .advertising is cline sparingly and' although collaterally the heirs of the rgrudgingly. Homoeopathic doses of Stuart line still reign in England, through advertising will not • pay, perhaps ; ' Elizabeth, a granddaughter 0t James I., it is like apotion of physic, making who was allied iu marriage with the house p Y a a� of FIanover, on whom the snec.eas]wu was the patient sick but effecting nothing. ! eettlatl by act of parliament, Tc is further Administer liberally and the Cure worthy of remark that the nsn,piug dangh- wili be permanent. Some say they idlf James, M.ry and Acne, both died !, cannot afford to fclvertise. They 1 Of tltoas.se incidentally connected with the Mistake ; they cannot afford not to Scottish monnrohy, the fatality is no less .advertise, In this country where striking. Henry Stuart (Lord Durnly), everybody reads the newspapers, it I the husband of Mary, tide nd king by the wwill be seen that these are the chea *onrtesy, Was murdered by theezploaion :if p I to gunpowder mine, euntriv.d by Jama est and best medium through which Hepburn, Earl of Bothwell. Bothwell persons can speak to the public where ills Men ls]iisself succeeded to Mary's hand and to ' the title of king, wail driven from the y ato to find their Custom-, realm, and is said to have died a ]nanino in firs. lilt on the appearanco of buss- a mtnisli prison, where rte was confined follow. teas and generally the reality will for pirawies commitsea iii the Gorman follow. The farmer` plants his seed, ecettn•Janus Stuart, Karl of 14lurray, Mary's and while he is sleeping his corn and half brother by a morganattio marriage, pbtatoes are growing. So With ad. sad repels? of Scotland after Mary's de• wertising• While you are sleeping thruttement, was shit by one of the slain. or eatrng or conversing with One of iltonaa iii vengeance fee tris act of Murray Our CUStOnh('"s your advertisement in causing hie wife to be tltivon from their Y abode into the spell fiords naked on a sold %s being i's�t.f1 by hundreds and slight, `•where," the cl ronioler says, thousands of 1 t"'rsolh:t wllo never saw `'before start morning she became . furr• you or heard of Four business, and ously mad." I.ennux, rthal aueceedeci never would, had it not beer £or Murray as regent, met s late similar to your adverti ledt a4" newspapers:I ppearing' ll the . that of Murray lsimseif, A. *lose study s1 eettleh history would not winlikeltt ret we ma a up as -et you to ie uiy wi e. Do you remember where we were?" ly larger than a pin's head. "Yes, dear. We sat on the veranda in the inoonlicltt. Not a word hard been said The peacock is found in a wild for a long time when you suddenly knelt state in India, Ceylon, Madagascar at my feet and poured forth your Wipes - Africa. many other parts of Asia and taloned declaration of lura." Africa. "'What? What's that?" exclaimed lir. Bowser as he ruse up. "T knelt at your •• The robin is always • the last bird feet I" "Yes, dear, just as the chevaliers of old to go to bed in the evening. Its eyes knelt"— are large, and it can see well by a "Never, Mrs. Bowser! The chevaliers dim light. of old be haneed. I remember how` it wee as plain as day. There were fifteen mighty The great pelican often has awing - good -looking girls camped ou my trail and spread of fifteen feet. '1'h bird only that nooclleheaad of a Toni Brown p'' spooning around yo'u. I had Hurt your itself solnetiines exceeds twenty-five feelings, and in malting tip with yott I said pounds in weight. something about marriage. You jumped at it like a wolf for a bone." I It is estimated that one crow will "Why, Mr. Bowser!" destroy 700,000 insects every year. "Yes, had me fast before I realized it. The idea of my getting ditwu on my Swallows have been suet with at knees and acting like a fool!" "But aunt you remember that you said sea over 1,000 miles from Iand. They you'd commit suicide if I didn't marry were probably driven f'tbin land. by you?" storms. -'Vast? Are you talking to me, Mr.. Bowser? I get down on my knees and : ' • pour forth and so forth and talk about std. The lowest order of animal life is Bide 1 Wonsan, are yon crazy?" found in the microscopic jellyfish, It Mrs. Bowser ought to have been politic enough to remember that it was Tom is simply a minute drop of gelatinous Brown who did the kneeling and the pour- matter. ing, but she felt nettled and replied: i Yes, you threatened to take poison I Many birds' have the trice: of that very night, and father found one of tumbling along on the ground ahead your boot heels on the verandah next of a sportsman, in order to draw him rooming 1" "One of lny boot heels! 1 kicked off away from their nests, one of� my boot heels tie 1 paused fern, : buropea1 ma.rrnots reinain dormant did I?" dear, we loved each other, And during winter. Before becoming of course we had a little quarrel, told of torpid they carefully cement the course I was proud to have you kneel to entrant° to their dwelling. me, ' Mother heard your impassioned ' Appeal from her window, and alts--" 1 The outer layers of the aligator's "My impassioned bosh! I threaten to Commit suicide! Mrs. Bowser, next Wed• skin are Said to Contain a large per- nesdav wo shall lustre ben married twely. eontagt 'of silica, hence the hardness coral'" t of the animates hide. "•Yee, dear." "And they hare been years of misery to I Although on land tt etllnrsy ani- tug"! int ;east Wald-" .mal, the seat is 'wonderfully quick in i the water, Austin a fait' race can generally- Catch almost any fish, SING LEE. If you want your FALL AND WINTER 0 — t� LJ and other meats in low puoportion. PORK SAUSAGE. also on Lend. I ani prapared to pay the highest prieget for all kinds of fowl. They must be drewslt and well dressed. GBO. SHAW Wingbam, Oct, 10th, 1805. BANK of '1111,1Q1'011 WINGHAM. Capital, $1, 2,50,000. Rest, 050,00Ce- President—Joos a ttr . vice-eresidont—A. G. RAMsur. DIB.ECTOR.b ions Paa1Toa, GS). 1t )Asn, W m G•issor, M P, A. T WOOD, Al, 13. Lois (Toronto), Cashier—J. TURNr3ULT., savings Bank—Hours, to to 2; Saturdays, 10 1. Deposits of i$1 :mil upwards recap cd and intere.. allowed. a°3 Special Deposits also received at current. r—� rates of interest, Drafts o,. Great Britain and the United Stateata bought and sold made in the latest style, go to H• IRVIN.,' 1 ! G. H. yygCLUDING Rooks, Pamphlets, Pasters 131i I i lieads, Circulars, 6t".• ate., t o, sited hi the best 1 style of the act, at moderate prices, and on short; notice. Apply or address opposite Bank of Hamilton, R. BLLIOTT, Timm Office, 1Viegharn. B. WILLSON, Asyut - E. L. DICKINSON, Solicitor. JOB PRINTING, WINGHA:VI THE TIMES AND WEEKLY GLOBE' From now till the end of 1895, DJAMO TEACO. 1 ilii "Asci Jou get no present i" I, "Birt you-." W 1 (3-11 ., TEA IN PERFECTION CHOICE INDIA arid CEYL iN set✓`✓ �� " r,l �'t�c and profits saved.. from the Tea Pian: to the Tea Cup, in its Native Purity, =- tampered with, sup- plied to the public -at strictly Wh o l e s a l'e: Prices ; all modie . , QAC wCit Pei NT 71:1' Famous Selections of the pure Tea of INDIA, CEYLON, CHINA AND JAPAN are guaranteed to be of the highest quality. All who appreciate a eup of' really fine Tea, possessing pungency, briskness and flavor, are invited to salt or write for samples and contrast with other Tea. The prices range front. 20c, upwards.