HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1895-01-18, Page 6wl: mmtc, • 101tIDAY JaeIt,A1tY is, now. • .I..5.. "Pr'lttz' henry ANOTHER FmE s 1C14 ! T1 t!"a##vt•;;t:i+ti Cletplaiu It. T. Kemp, i e. t^t't= : G. IL Ohll•utn13(a, Fin. See ,i. I.te Teens, ; Shifted Tatham, K. Over Half a Million tone up in Smoke. T() OUR READERS. A large number of our readers' fduheeripticltts will expire this month. 211 those we. W01110.1 ray that our offer, i f the Tinos, Weekly (=lobe ,tn(11 'atrnler'e Snit for one year for ti1.35, will expire on the 2,ith Of the lnoutit. Please renew before tliat date if you wish to take advantage of this ,offer. • Our offer of the TIMES and Globe, for one year for:1, we cannot prom- ise will be d ft the "1 t f this 31'.; l V.. Gardiner, 1.\V.; Jaunts Alai tin S. 11.: Jtintt's Evans', ,I, 11.---1 Miss hiti,`t. gig tlertlor,, of Sarnia, is e1\. Mhos` fi wweek with her pa -,400 Employees out of Work. tente, Mr, and. Mrs. Alex. Gordon. of :•ttnday'd eauflal;ratiou, which cost 1114• b„ 1U1(hiry met Mitis Clara God- Toronto �'ti5O,000, was followed lust lord ha4 gone to l� luraeltll(a, where the evening by another, which destroyed has been appointed teacher ill tht3 , ax10u,(k)e) worth of property, and ,• e 1lbiie, n department of the ( .e (le tl 11 n tr c 1 . 1 threw►o• eat z ttltc\4 lOt) hands out of c u1l 1 � ul t . school there, -There wits (piste a ! >lt tl.;lt) o'clock the l)��ondhy seam in town last Saturday -viten it '1 street, adjoining was reported that there 1Vals a easebuildihi, on Melinda linda ,; ,5?ls Gl ting of :malt- IaY in xl trcov(i, i !the hills of Sunday's disaster, t , 1 e ofll-pwas tl 1 Not Sieh 3sa:Ialt.th for the Doctor, 1'k S..lehn`.tel.,., it3,lLr) I)a.her 1 hear that you were in a .; J. I., + e 1.<y�r('. , . ,. •'(i flet' ff;ght last. ui�;ht,' StuaMher- k'rl't, THEY PREP elidsi) full T1U' VitOLS,V. 1 tight ! Not on \•fluff' stay new. I Ai'h(•i1 the wh't1,0 hlucl; of 1,Iti!:1 { phi :;1() •luta costs fol' it this .3, 11, intro from li. 11. tlr;iy 44. Co.'s to: j Philadelphia Inclllirer, . .tits ;est 1) tl lies; .1. t'ti ', was a H Haze, it a cued 'i til a 'It tiltsrvl (1, of •. t'. ;1 Dakota ('Dort is struggling with that Feet I(ail :if the (•it\' wale de, tilted, ,t prie,ollet' n:lla,('(1 +; l': }':'. ll'(` (1"n't It seemed. aa; though nothing: euitl(1 j '" ^ { lCt:n1•i Iniac Ile i� ('h:11'r;('tl 11'Itlt, �buC save the stl'ltet(1•t'eo leo woe), t•Ileifr''in 11is 1n11111' \\•(' F11^1te,.r t it 1.i :11)tlll- Dal ,ling Walrelu)lise some Bay ti;i't4 1 ,;•:Itt`r.._.•('•hle:l t) 1)ittll:ltel1• 111(. tenants of fi,1nle of the stores :.:1('l , olik'l's on ilay Htl'eet began to t':Irry 1 lit' a nl:lj-31'ity or 1ti. W:iikerton out their ;roods on to the otreet, 1)1;tit+lee.,,lrs ;oleo deeialedl tIUtt cotes may eonitl 11ot net far \\'itil t1Uyl1 Uw\•iil„; ,, , This . I run at lar;.,( in that town. '! ,u:' -r•iil to til` 'grt'at 4'1••t)R'lI`l wluelt throlig. d. i dispense irith the eer,'lt't'.5 Of a "ei)\V the t.IH)1'Otl:�hftll'e, • 1, lc 3 " Portions of the walls of the burn- nlg buildings on It elliii too street at this juncture fell into the street with trelnen(.lolls farce, carrying to the earth with tlhelu telegraph and tele -1 phone wires and poles in at tangled mass, it \vats fortunate that the police had seceeeded in keeping the crowd back. or some sel'ious acci- dents Haight have yeti -erred when this crash took place. As soon as the fire reached Wel- lington street it was seen that, unless every precaution was taken, the splendid block of buildings on the south side of Wellington street streams would catch fire. Several..it(,u._ of water were„therefore, kept con- stantly playing Dab alantin, Reid & Co.'s, and Bart & l:addell's ware- - houses. But a111 to no effect. The intense heat of the conflagration prevailed, and the roof of Bart & Riddell's wholesale stationery house was soots in tlalues. Now the tire. looked more serious than ever.. Some of the firemen, who had been fight - in; the flames to the north of Wel- lington street were ordered south, with a view to Salving the buildings in danger there. llany thonght that as a. result the whole 'quare, bounded by Wellington, Bay, Melinda and Jordan streets, would go, mud tenants even on the west side of Bay street began to make preparations. in Case the flanges should reach them. Merchants entered their stores- and warehouses, anti climbed o11 the roofs of their building to size uta the dangers of the situation, and put oat the great burning cinders which con- tinually fell. • THE FIRE ENGINE COMES IN. At this juncture a body of firemen forced a way through the slob with J. D. Ronald's steam fire engine, which he has been trying to sell the city for some time past. The crowd cheered lustily as the -engine swung into Bay street. A fire was built in it, and ere long a string of firemen carried a line of hose up a tall ladder to the top of Weld, Grassett & Dar- lings's warehouse. From this point of vantage the firemen played. on the Hart & Riddell building, assisting in subduing the flames, which had already got partly under control by lines of hose on Wellington street. Here the value of a solid wall in i ease of fire is shown. Between the `Hart & Riddell and Buntin, Reid & Co. esta,blishtnents, whlell are in the salve building, there is a 24 -inch brick wall. Through this the flames could not penetrate, and Buntin, Reid & Co. were saved from destruc- tion. UNDER FULL CONTROL AT 10.30 I'. M. It was now 10.30 o'clock and the fire brigade began to get the upper hand of the flames, after fighting then for three hours and a half. It was nearly daylight this morning, however, before they quit playing ell the burning ruins. To show how fast the fire gained headway, W. N. • Dawson, a street railway motorman, said that when running his ear down Yonge street shortly after 7 o'clock he looked carefully up Melinda . street, along the ruins of Sunday's fire, and alI was safe and quiet. But by the time his car had reached George street on Front the whole sky was illuminated by the flames Poor Digebtton. Lands to towcondnefs, fretfulness, peevishness, chronic: 1)�ttpepdiai and great, misery. Eiond'w Snr•sap»rillo the remedy. Tt forms the stomach. creates an (appetite, and gives h. relish to food. it makes pure Blood anti gives healthy action to a all the nr.' itis of tilt: body. Take flood's for Hood's Saarra.pa- ri11a Cu ass. :Boo'n's Pxt.ts become the favorite cathartic with everyone who tries theta. bat a little 'out of sorts. Ripens T:tbllle would serve in your ease, It is well to have them On stand for just such. occasions. TM, , s brigade when it got into the sub- 'Stantiitl J.Y. Reid lnhil(ling. Walls of solid bl'id:horh, 21 inches thiel:, effectually barred the further pro- gress of the flames, and to Mr. l�ehl's substantial structure the surrounding wltolet<ale houses owe their salvation. The firemen were enable to throw water above the fourth storey of any building and frequently only into the third. A. Ronald steam fire engine was brought into use at .) o'clock, but there was n0 need of its ser- vices. The remarkable escape of Mrs. Cann from death was one of the ex- citing features of the fire. Although an invalid, she jumped from the `fifth storey of the Osgoodby building passed through the telegraph wires in a miraculous way and landed She fell fi7 feet. tcl 1 in a fire net. safely Her husband and Miss Annie Thomp- son, her nurse, escaped by sliding down electric light wires on the side of the building. WATCHMAN CHAMBERS ON DUTY, ' Rang the alarm from box 1st on A man is generally lying when he Bay street at seven o'clock. Tit tells you he is too poor to give. fire broke out shortly before 7 o'clock. The devil will run from the man goo at er !e (r s o Ilii TURNB1:RI. , . month. The Globe management Ilav e extended it until that date, and may withdraw it then. Those who wish the two papers at this exceed- ingly low rate, should subscribe at Once. BELMORE. Mrs. Geo, Wynn, of Winghanl, is visiting relatives in this neighbor-. hood at present. • a. ,- The annual meeting of the Ep- worth League of Christian Endeavor Was held in the Methodist church on 'Tuesday evening of last week, when The following officers were elected for the current year: President, W. E,' Lucas, re-elected ; 1st Vice -President, I 'Miss Crittenden; 2nd Vice -President, I .hiss Lucas ; Secretary, Miss Bremner, I re-elected; Treasurer, John Mulvey, se -elected. Conveners of Committees; -Lookout,- Miss Bremner; Prayer' meeting, Miss Chittick ; Social, Miss 1 .Mulvey ; Literary, Mr. Crittenden. I Organist, Miss Lucas ; Assistant Organist, Miss Crittenden. The fin- , tncial report for the past year show- ed the finances to be in a most flour- ishing state, there being a balance of 4`15.36 in the trearury. HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT AND PILLS. -Chest and Stomach Complaints. -- 'The source and centre; of almost every ailment is impurity of the blood ; dislodge this poison, an(1 disease departs. Holloway's Pills. exercise the inestimable power of thoroughly cleansing mill component part of the blood, and rendering this fluid fit to perform its important functions. They cope most success- I fully with chest diseases, stoinach complaints, liver disorders, and many other maladies, which were once the: besetting- clangers of mankind at eer- I tain seasons in town and country.i The directions for use enable every i one to regulate the operation of these i Pills •with the greatest nicety.; Chronic invalids, nervous sufferers, ! and all whom other treatment has; failed to relieve, are respectfully- in- vited to try Holloway's celebrated; tflediein.e, which will strengthen and cure them. An Epworth League has beeu or- ganized in connection with the Methodist church here, with the fol - towing officers :-Hon. Pres., Rev. W. Kerr ; Pres., Hugh Thompson ; Vice Pres., Uegligions department, Miss Ada Gallagher ; Vice Pres., En- deavoe department, Chas. Kitchen; Vice Pres., Literary department, John E. Geminill ; Vice Pres., Social department, Miss Eva Bolt ; See., Miss Annie McMichael ; Tress , Wln. Thompson ; Choir leader, J. E. Gemmill Organist, Miss Lizzie Bolt; Usher, Mr. Thos. Bolt. • Truth. in a Nutshell. A soft answer will kill where a club will not. Untie the hands of sin and it will cut yow' throat. Let him that thinketh he standeth take gleed lest 110 fall. A loafer in a church is as useless as he is any where else. who is not afraid of the truth. If we keep praises alive there will be no lack of joy in the heart. Some men are more apt to be con- trolled by prejudice than by princi- ple. The sins that will keep you out of • the Bible will keep you out of Heav- `en. - I No Christian man ean think of I thither until he. has Stopped counting upion Crud for help. It is better to have grace enough t to stand the thorn than to have the thorn taken away. Obscurity on earth will not keep you from owning a mansion near the throne in Heaven. There are people who want reli- gion, but they, don't want enough to spoil them for anything else. LISTOWEL. , Successful Listowel modelites have: lecllred positions as teachers as fol- tows.: ol-tows : Percy Field at Haysvitle, Miss, Odra Uoddard aft 1''loradale, Aliiws ,sty Forbes 3rd line of Maryborough,1 Illids Jennie Armstrong at titrant( t 'Valley, John MoCutcheon at Tralee, Frank Ballard in Grey township: - Bernard Ledge, A. F. & A. M., have elected the following officers for the, ensuing term : W. giro. M. • McD.1 Fleming, I. P. M.; W. Bro. I3. F. Brook, W. M.; Bro. 11. B. Morphy , . S. W.; Bro. Wm. Irwin, J W.; Bro.' Rev. A. Stevenson, Chaplain ; W. Bro. J. Foster, Secretary ; W. Bro. Jieppler, Treasurer; I3ro. 1•'.1 Rogers, S. 0.; Bro. F. R I31e lvltt, .1. ' D.; Bro. G. H. Edgentnbe, I. G. ; I3ro. B. 13. Semis, D. of C. ; Bro.s T. Ballantyne and Jas. Torrance, Stewards; Bro. J.Scaburger, Tyler. ----.lames Armstrong, grocer of this town, received a telegram Thursday morning fromToronto informing hull that -his brother 'William had been struck by an engine. A later de- sp)atcli announced that his brother was dying. Mr. Armstrong left by the first train for Toronto. The un- fortunate man is- known in Listowel baying visited his brother here fre. fluently. He is about 65 years of hep and the father of' a large family. _-The following are the officers elected for the ensuing term in Court Rctval Oak No. 26, C. 0. F. D. Wild - fling. 1'. C. 11. ; John Torrance, C. Milk the Cow Clean. Divide the milking - as done into four equal portions, says C: R. Val- entine, and there will be ten per cent. of cream in the first part and forty per cent. in the last. Cows should • •be milked regularly and clean, the strippings being the rich- est milk of all. The milk should not be kept any time in the cow house. It would. he better to put it outside at onee, if it cannot be taken into the dairy immediately. The cream, upon being taken into the dairy, should be strained through a close sieve at once. If milk -vats cooled to a very low temperature immediately after it was taken from the cow, it would keep very much longer. The best position for a dairy is a quarter under ground, out of the way of odors of gas arising from the cow house and the decomposition of man- ure. 'lite windows looking to the north should be covered with perfor- ated zinc, and the floor paved with flags, which should be kept dry.' It is a great mistake to think, with a damp floor, the milk will keep better, because the damp tends to the devel- opment of the organic germs whieh • attack the milk. Nothing having an offensive odor should be kept in the dairy, suckno onions and,paraffin oil, which is soinetimess the case. If, in churning, the butter conies too-quick- ly`, oo quick- ly , it -will be well to add a little water to it. • The butter should I. never come under twenty five min- i Utes. Cream should never be eom- plctely covered over. Private Watchman James Chambers was closing a door that had been left open in a lane off Melinda street when he heard screams coming from the Osgoodby building near bv. Running out into Melinda street, he saw flames emerging from the top storey of this structure. He rushed to box 12 on Boy street and gave the alarm, and in a few minutes the fireflies began to arrive on the scene. Meantime, three persons -two wo- inen and a man -who were imprison- ed in the fourth storey of the burn- ing building were making desperate efforts to escape death in the flame:t. It was their screams which had first attracted the attention -of Watchman Chambers to the conflagration. One of the women, who had been confin- ed to her bed as a result of fright sustained at Sunday's fire, leaped wildly into the air from a fourth storey window, and everyone who saw the desperate jump thought she would be dashed to pieces on the ; pavement below. She caught, how- ever, on the net of telegraph and telephone wires, and after dangling among them for a moment or two ' dropped into a blanket held by half a dozen fere-laddies below. The man and woman remaining • in the building descended to the street by coming down a stout rope gland over hand. WHAT THE FIGURES LOOK LIKE. The losses and insurance- in last night's fire, as far as they could bo procured are given as follows: . Insur- • Losses ante. J. Y. Reid, building.$20,000 $40,000 Bundle Reid & Co., stock. 7,500 (10,000 Hart & Riddell, stork 35,000 25,000 Hunter,Rose & Co.,stoek 500 R. H. Gray building. 50,000 12,000 11. H. Gray, stock 30,000 30,000 Thos. Dunnet, stack 50,000 .50,000 Major Carlow, build- • ing 20,000 16,000 Wyld, Grasset & Darling, stock... (Small) 1i. Boisseau, building 15,000 12,500 Boisseau, stock•10,000 G. H. Wilson (Kean, Scarf Co.)500 R.Darling&Co.,stoek 75,000 hart ].5,000 J. S. Woods, Osgood. by building. s. , 40,000 Cohen tiros, jewellers 9,000 G. T. Gorrie..... 3,000 ( 3. Knox, personal 1,500 �Merebants Cotton Co., Montreal.. 18,000 Yarmouth Duck and Yarn Co.. 22,000 Brereton & Manning Semmens & II1,vel... 12 nr i When a voting lady calls a young man 8 bole it doesn't augur well for the fellow's chances,- Atlanta. Jotirre , til. '4'F. L. ITackey, .... 10,000 r 25,000 5,100 1,000 A man has a close call when he leave an office and is yelled after to 'iodic back and close the door. ---- 8,000 Picayune. Hoax --The question that worries 15,000 me tont is how to treat one's infer - 5,000 MOPS. De 'Tongue--- Huy beer for 'enl 12,000 !that's good enough:-•--I'hiladelph:a,. 'Record. • ;1111:lie:ition is 1.) lie made :tit• the formation of a company having for its object the running of radial electric roads from Brantford to Paris, (raft, Simcoe and fort Dover • CAVEATS,TRADE MARjts GOPYRIGhiTS. CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT? ' For a promnt answer and an honest opinion. write to 711 CNN CO.. who have had nearlyfifty years' experience in the patent business, Communica- tions lariat), confidential. Alien film ult of In. formation concerning Patents and how to ob. tain them sent free. Also a catalogue of mechan- ical and scientific books sent free. Patents taken through Munn &I Co. receive Special notice in the Scientific Anu+rican. and thus aro brought Widely before the public with- out cost to the inventor. This splendid paper, issued treaty. elegantly illustrated. bas by far the largest circulation of any scientific work in the world. 53 a year. Sample eoples sent free. Building Edition. monthly, $. b0 n year. Single copies, 1,5 cents. Every number contains beau- tiful plates. in colors, and hotograpba of neW houses, with plane, enabling ualders to show the 'asecure corn NEviYOu361 ROADWAY. 6YIfdGNG(� SAV @'11LtS The undersigned in returning thanks I'or past favaru00g Jon ve to say that they have a v.ery lnree stock of S.11i1`iel.ES, LATH, 1' 'tiOOIu, &c., un but„1, wt,irh loin b(' Fuld at very close prises to meet 010 requirements of the hard times. First Class Shingles, $1.10 per Square. - Wood Mots. per Cord, delivered. Everything else equailly low. Colne and see us before buying, a:Ii we will not be u ndersold, McLLAN S SON. Wingham, Juno 7th, 1803. in g m .thine --ISi'Prausli ri EVlala FIII11A3' Mf)llNl11`G ---AT TILE--. TIMES OFFICE, JOBt»PI1tNE EiTaccr WIN(.11IA11I, ONTAIUI). Su1Jcgrdptdonpiioe, $i iw r 3tc2r, in udvano9 • ADVERTININO HATES: Space 1 1 Ir. 1 L p.h. :. n.h. 1001 00 01"2O tit/ 15:u 0'J (2 op I ,t0 00I y0 (t/ 1 12 0'J 4 00 93) Oh1 I.3 U0 7 no 2 00 5 , d , 3J9 to 100 One Liu „ as calf Legal and nil cr casual advertisements, Ne. per Coo for Grit insertion, and ie. per line to each snbscquont Insertion. Loa' notice.) 10e. ph, line for lh'et Insertion, and• ;r. per line for each subsequent inserticr., No local notice will be thawed les., than 31ic, Advet tiseme,ts Of Lust, Fonts!, Strayed, Situations, and Business Chances Wanted, not exceeding 8 Roca nonpareil, t'1 per nonan ltousee and Farms (ur Saltf, not exceeding 8 lines, 51 for Met month, SUo. per subsequent month These twins will bu strictly adhered to Special rates for local advortlsen:oats, or tot longer,roriuds. Advertisements and local notices without specific directions, will 1'o inserted till forbid and charged. aecurdingly. Tran•t"Dry advertlsoments must bo paid in ad,.awe Uhte ngos for contract adrerti: -.ments must be rt. theolhi•u Icy 1Vech,rsday noon, u, order to appear that week It. ELLIOTT PROPRIRTOR AND PUUWeUEA R MACDONALD, #J CENTRE STREET. W INDtHAM, . ONTARIO.. 4iJ•B. TOWLElt. A1,D.C.M., Member College Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario --Coroner for County of Huron - Office Up•etairs,'next to Air Morton's office, Wing. ham, Ont. Onus dl Duns. -0 to 12 n. m., 1 to p. m., or it Residence, Diagonal Street. JP. KENNLDY, M. D., 110, C. P,S 0. (Succesvor to Dr. J. A• 8loldrunf,) acid Medalist of western University: hate House dur oo in London r tt nd n Uunural Hospital. Special otters, tim, paid to diseases of women and ehlldrun. Otllee-Formerly occupied byDr,'1loldrunh,Cornerr of Centre and Patrick streets. 11 tNt flA t urn, �R. MoASH, U. S. Toronto, Member College Physicians andt Surgeons, Ontario. 1:kaoaAVM �. V AN STON F., BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, rte.. Private '.nil Company funds to loan st lowest rate interest. No co,nmission charged. Mortgages, tow*C. - and ?arm propurt3 bought and sold OFFICE-Boaver Block 1VINouna, ONTAIi1W J. A, MORTON BARRISTER , ',l'Ingham out E. L. DICKINSON, _ -_ _ _ - ..._.. • - -- •- -_ -- - • Barrister Ete. A' TORTURED CID. SOLICITOR TO BANK 91' n„MILTON. - �- LOAN, FOR TWO YEARS Its Head Ren Fiery, Itching, Burning Pains. OtRct-Ide1•or Bruck, 11/11141 ani, Rendered a Volcano of I TlENTISTRT.-J. 8. JE,tub1E, L. D. S.iti'moUAM, , Is ruanufacturing fIrst.class sets of madefir(; teeth as cheap as they eau be ade in the llon,iulon. Teeth extracted MONEY 'TA So speaks Maxwell Johnston, 112 Ann St., Toronto : My six-year-old daughter, Bella, was afflicted. with eczema for 24 months, the principal seat of eruption being behind the ears and on her face; her head was on fire with painful, burn- ing itching, which was made worse by constant sol'atcbing and tearing it with her bands. We spent money without stint in constant (Endeavor to afford the little suffer relief, every l.dvertised remedy was tried ; innumerable treat- ments with soaps and medicines and specific treatment by physicians having high endorsements in curing such dis- eases were of no 'relief in her case. A short time ago I purchased a box of Dr. Chase's Ointment, the tirst application of which showed the curative effect of the oinirnent; only one half of the box hos been used, with the marked change of nn entire disnppearrnnue of the erup- tions, rind T can confidently tiny my child is permanently cured. Any en- quwry cheerfully answered with enclosed stamp. l„g1(f3 T rti . Itool atm Traveling Salesmen fit t Gals Wto hen'ile our Bawdy Canadian Grown Nursery Woolf, tt u can woo tdu 81Ltistae•.tor, to :we.s•artaitives and t)nsta»or•, ur Nnraerlos atw ta' 1 'Nom h, the Dominion --ores 700 ni•res. No synhstitnti"n in orders, Exclusive territory and liberal term.' to wnolo or pert tame agents. Write (15. STONE k WEL1,INtiTON, Tice only ,Nursery ht Canada'd vha(Meer b testin(tnrchards. • Cute SICK HEAbACHE and Neuralgia In at. Arm/urns a• a cuffed Tonga'e, Diari. _ rtess,13111ousn,ats, train 3u the, Side, Constipation Torpid Liver Iced Breath. Tostay anted and regulate the bowels. VE# P NICK To ?AKA'. ; i°/ttr,.as 7r C.'.ttIvr5 Il't` bRuclt STOAffilto - tilsoisita absolutely Without pain, by his neer process, guaranteed perfe.tly safe. OFFICE : In the Beaver Block, opposite the Brunswick House. Wm. H. Macdonald, L. D. S.,. DENTIST. OP ICE, M1/1ACDONALD'S BLOCK. Will visit Gorrle 1st and 3rd Mondays;, of each month. JOHN RITCIImE, d 0ENER 1.L INSURANCE AGENT. %V(MOIIA3(, V$1,4ata �. DEANS. Jo., Wn QIIAt,, LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOIL TIM COUNTY OF IIUfoN. Sales attended in any part of, the Co. Charge& Moderate. J OIiN CURRIE, Wxsanau, ONT., LIOENBEn AU07'IONLCR FOIL TRE 00I)NTIli6t 3juaON AND BIt(roi . All orders left at the Tues office promptly attend, • ed to, Terms reasot+ablo. 1 j Am s R9NPERSON, 1 Lhot)$un AUon3,li(L,R roc Con/cote, IIpRON Ants. BRUCE.• An sales attended to promptly and on the Shortest a rotfco. Charges Aloderate and Satisfaction Guaranteed, Al/necessary arrangements run be made at tlfa Titins' otlice 1VistltlAM , • Out POWDERS1 Notes Discounted Money to Loan on Ndtee; 1 AT REASONAl3LV kA Honey advanced on Mortga es at G RATES privilege of paying at the ends of ail! pe.btb NO . and aoeounts collected. y year BOBT. 11th( DOO. Nearer Block wtn,ttham, Ont. • Bits of Blue-eyed c to be always The tail of trowel ' , and ie The hog ea .any other her Carnivorous duce more t birth. The flesh of .aten by the a In many ti scorpion gr ov1' .foot. The eggs of 'ly larger that The stron monkey's body ,•ltensile tail. Certain part, ':hide attain a ti The skin is ',human body ti :age. Moles can sw sty, their broa paddles. The sword terrible weapo. a flail, 'Students of beenable to ex .change of color The greates :a whale when is nine miles ai Tusks of the found of a len ured along the The whole constrietor is: muscles. 'The natural said to be 120 shortened by c Some nate whale was one :took to the wa Elephants soften been kr branch and u Oxen and some stacktne .company than The bones o :are said to ha of lime than t1 The rhinos :tion for wailo is usually con -•of it. • The mole 'Engineer. kI =own safety b, trances to his • Does A book e .Money," pubs Aifties, contai •advertising : „Whatever .cupation may from the pub roughly and or other that tendon. I fr £uceess I hav :attributed Inot than to all of There may p' . that do not re , I cannot well: Men in basin ,you they hav it did not pay Advertising i rudgingly. 4liadvertising - it is like a po the patient si Administer will be perm' fen eannot effort mistake; the; advertise. everybody re will be seed est and best I persons can where they a era. Put on ness and gen follow, The and while It libtatocs are vertising. or eating or -your euston1( is being thousands of yeti or heard never would your adve1tf