HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1895-01-18, Page 4THE WINGHAM TIMES, JANUARY 18, . • 1 Ontario (lied Roads Aesociation will I 00000. The building and C120°ii . „.. , Fills are the best in tho market." limn sa,is: "Willims' Little Dandelion Dlr. J S Promo, Denttet, Wine- . LA. fairly well attended political GORRIE. t E WILLIAMS :.:111. al THE sPeOnil. animal meeting of the Mono lith a t c. lentme i 1 be 1( 141 in the Y. M. C. A. budding, rdy'let', too, had been bringiug • le Geo. Cruleleetia.ak,Tornberrv. meeting wile held in the Town Hall, Youge StVivt, Toronto, on the after- Little ninulelion Pills . on Tuesday night, when. rousing mono; into Canada. Out a all this says: "'nem is no Pill tsteual to Williums' 1 expenditure Wati. it surprising that addrees eve delivered by D oon and evening of Feb. 7, ard the I there ehould be some accumulation 'VI r. Finlay Ali dereon, Ex-Dty- ssn nr. torenoen of Feb. -three sessions. ;In the savings banq ke V TIC uoted Reeve of East. Wawnni,h, nays: ,oriepuley Macdonald, M. P., and Thos. Gibson, aro tho most satisfaetory Pill i lime) ever M. P. 1'. The F.peeches were well County of Huron, says: "I would not use the received, aud the Dr. will get a largo Mete will he add !S($ ond PaPers ;these figures to chow how erroneous used." Man a nand er (,f prominent men it WAS tO attribute to the Natiooal Thomas rrieyloe, Worrier' for intereeted in the movement, in ad-IPolity the prosperity of past years, vote 111 this township at the forth- dition to some of the efficers of the ;or the accumulation of money in the Ceas Proctor ath lin..4 or Morris. log Of Maitland I edge A,0 l' W ' coming election. -At the last meet - any °dee Pill." emeetionedLieutenautdlovereorKirk- I pay back thew loans by which ,the le No. 2t0,'Gror‘rie, tile following.officer's' asseciation. Among thew may be I savings banks. They would have to says: "I'woald not•be without Williague 1N ttle Dandelion Pills. patrick, Hon. Thomas liallantyne, , large expenditures upon railways of Bruce, save: "I have foetid them in ariS. Gaunt, Ex -Warden for County were elected fur the enening year : Judge Woods, of Chatham, Mr. A. F. 'and public works had been Inade. deed a woutleaul Pill." . AI. W. -T. H. Ale:Laughlin ; P. AL 1V. ---D. Sanderson • Foreman-- A. CHEM/HST -AND- ' DRUGGIST, ACT. C. W. TELECHP PH 60 on. Brunswick House Hundreds or likeTestimon furnish, 1)01411Toung ; Fin- Wi agham, Ont Wood, (x -M. P. P.. and others. Dole- 'Thank heaven it would not all have gen. ed 00 application. •gates have. been invite from the . to be paid back by the present ander -R. Ross • Reeeiver--Wm. a • .„ • • • t4tootnitlipm 11110 and the various agricultural lissome The day for borrowing has come to ;boards of trade, the municipal bodies eration of tax payers: (Laughter.) ----e-----------eeeee Dane ; Guide -J. 'Bowyer ; I. W. J. Moore ; 0. W. -J. Armstrong ; !tions and societies of the Province.. an tod-where was the ritilway of the Company as shown by the Representative to Greed Lodge -7 The nueting,, it is hoped, will be a being..lmilt or the large works. going Secretary lend Treaeurer's books, T. H. McLaughlin ' , large and•thoroughly representative on?-eand the paying day Wilt; at we Mal that at 31st Dec., 1893, the • FAIDA.Y JAM:Alia 18, 1895. . one, sueleas the importance of the band, In reply to the contention Company had 511 policies in force, "o ------ .'-' -- e- °- e—e--'-- movement for road imProvement that the volume of exports of Oneida with a risk of $723,886; at the close TO OUR READERS. had inereaeed he showed that it was of the year 1804, we have 542, with . merits. . ; By reason of the action of the not clue to the protective system, a, risk of $930,014, showing an in - A large number of our readers' revising- efficer in leaving -off . but that the increase ii!as in the pro- 'crease Of O;t2,12,1e8 in the risk car - subscriptions will expire this month. all tenants in the township •ot Tarn- • duets of.the forest, fisheries and ried. We found correct vouchers for berry, there are a great many 4143- farms upon which the Notionel ;eve.ry ,expenditure and deposit re - 'To those we "would say that our.offer . peals in that township, and a great Pelley .places burdens rather than celpts from Bank of Hamilton for of the TIMEs, Weekly Globe :and deal of unnecessary expense is cans- benefits. As to the profit which the 81000 'and interest accrued, e29.25 Farmer's Sun for one year for $1:35, ed both ;political parties. •flirmets received by reason of the and from the Post Office Savino.S . ;duties upon the products which they . Beek showing a deposit of $706. will expire on the 25th of the monde! A COLOSSAL FAILURE. :live to sell, he. madeit out to be just The 'cash on hand, amounting to Please renew before that date if you — i 70 cents .per head per year te eaeh $140.50, agrees with the correct bal- 1 THE X. -P. 80 DesoBED XV MR, I farmer, alum required. We saw that the avish to !take advantege of thislU urfeLTON .111CARTHY, m. r. ' Having thus enumerated the pro- pnemium notes in the custody of the I offer. 1 -- !fits whieli were claimed on behalf of Treasurer corresponded with the 1 D' Alton McCarthy, M. P.,.delivered the tariff, he proceeded to discuss amounts entered in the Policy Regis - Our offer of the Tines and Woe - his annual address to his constituents ' the costs. Taking cotton first, he ter. for one year for 81, we•cannot prom- .at Barrie on Friday night .of lost 'gave figures to show that the ,cotton jonx 'McRae; . t Auditors e -which be spoke_i combine eharged within a fraction ,of RODERT WATSON, 1. ' se will he .good after the 31st of •this week. The hall in was crowded. As, when Sir John the full amount of the - duty above Ross-lioss-That anditors' re- -mouth. The Globe evanagement Macdonald was alive, Mr. McCarthy !I the prices for which the foreign ,eot- port •as,just read . be adopted. -Car - have -extended it until that date, and was president .of the Conservative ton goode could be landed in Canada. . lied. As Mr. P. Clark and W. Reid's nutv iwithdekw it thenThose who Ththen, Tile same with woolens.. If, it !Il years term as Directors had expir- . . . I • Associationof Ontario, and was .club- bed by his leader, "the brains ,of the was true, Canadian manatacturers!ed and the President had. asked for wish the two papers at thisexceed- - ..teonservative ,party;" Mr. McCarthy's could not manufacture as cheaply as nominations to fill vacancy, it was angles- low rate, Should stibscribe at .declarations. on -the .great questionthe industries of England, theeques- moved by W. McDonald, seconded axe. No Equal to It. As a cure for Frobt Bites, Chilblains, Burns and Scalds, Chafing, Chapped Hands, Inflamed Breasts, Sprains, Wounds, Bruises, Hagyard's Yellow Oil is the most reliable remedy on the m urket. Live stook markets. Montreal, Q„ Jan. 14. -There were about 700 head of butchers' cattle, 250 sheep and Iambs and a dozen calves offered for sale at the East End Abattoir to -day. Beside these there were a considerable number of cattle held at the stock yards, as their owners did not choose to offer them on a glutted market. The butchers were out in large numbers and bought freely, but the prices paid were exceedingly low, good beeves selling at about a quar- ter of a cent per pound lowerthan last Thursday. Prime cattle sold to -day at from 3e to ale per pound: pretty good stock. at about 3e do., -and the others down to less than 2e MARKET ltErpJltk, WIN(4UA11. Winghani, January 17, 1895, Corrected by P. Deans, Produce Dealer. Flour per 100 lbs 1 41) to 1. 75, Fall Wheat 0 55 to 0 50 Spring Wheat 0 55 to .0 56 Oats, 0 27 to 0 28, Barley 0 35 to 0 40 Peaa 0 60 to 0 51 Butter, tub.... .. 0 15 to 0 15 Butter, rolls ...... .. .. 0 14 to 9 3.5 Eggs per dozen 0 15 to 0 16 Wood per cord. , .. .... 1 25 to 1 50 Hay per ton. . ., .. 2 t... 6 00 to 7 00 potatoes, per busbel 0 30 to 0 36 Tallow, per lb... 0 05 to 0 05. Dried Apples, per lb •0 4i to 0 06 Chickens 0 26 to 0 35 Ducks 0 30 to 0 60 Turkeys 0 07 to 0 08 - Geese 0 05 to 0 06 Dressed Hogs 4 75 to 4 90 4 60 to 5 50 Beef Fell Wheat CLINTON. 0 66 to 0 58. Spring Wheat 0 55 to 0 57. Barley ...... 0 36 to 0 4G h 27 to 0 28. Peas 0 50 to 0 51 Potatoes, per bushel.. 0 30 to 0 35 0 13 to 0 16, Eggs, per dozen . 0 14 to 0 16 6 00 to 7 00, 3 00 to 4 00. 0 17 to 0 20 Butter Hay Cordwood Wool 111:0XIMEIL Wroxeter, Jan. 17th, 1895. 0 57 to 0 68 0 57 to 0 58 0 35 to 0 40 0 27 to 028 Peas 0 50 to 0 .60, Potatoes, per bushel... . 0 35 to 0 35. 0 16 to 0 16 . Eggs, per dozen (i 15 to 0 16 • Hay 8 00 to 8 00 • 1 25 to 1 95 • 0 16 to 0 18 - Dressed Hogs 4 85 to 4 90 4 00 to 5 00, Fall Wheat Spring Wheat Barley. Oats Butter. Wood, short Wool Beef MISS C. LAcKENZIE, A. T. C. M.. Toucher of VIOLIN, ELOCUTION AND. PHYSICAL CULTURE. MISS OMA FUSLEY,., Pupil of that •divides the parties Are interest- don might be asked, why could they by N. Dunbar, that old. directors, per pound. It is probable that a For full particulars, apply at the reef- eepecially now that we auenear- inot ? He :could only give the viz:: P. Clark and Wm. Reid, be Ne, large number wilt have to be held deuce of Mn. McKenzie, Wing - EDITORIAL NOTES. ing .a general election. Mr. Mc- '.pianation :given by the manufac- ,elected for 11 years. As them were .over for a future market. Mr. ham• Seem the second great fire In To- hY .deelared that his present turers. Thelfact seetned to tee that Ino other nominations they weve 4e-• Bourassa paid ey7,20 for an extra. . Cart datedback to 1891, when he .it was futile to expect 10 hand all) ler j•elared,elected. Considerable discus- calf, 30(1$28 for 3 others. Small : .i . route, the fire underwritersopinion have . began to inquire into the whole ' many years ,to come industries i I sion tool: plac& with regard to re- •ealves sold at from .1,3 to $5 each. met •ttod raised the insurance rates eialeject. They were .now confirmed, :.this new country with he sparse !fend of inoeey to Mr. WilIikan Col- Mutton critters were higher Priced an a 1,classes of property. and bis _conviction was that the .:population. He appealed to ;his vin; also the Director's salaries. Alex. all round to -day. Shippers were -• Ma 'Moe. S. Ito elle, the newlyelect- sooner the eountry got •baek as near Audience not to be guilty of having McKenzie - R. McDonald - That paying No per pound for good large to ,awelled heads, mot to swell themselves ,directons voodoo $8 per year for ser- eheep : mixed lots of lambs and sheep ;' ed member for London in .the Local free trade as possible the bettet. (Aeoplause.) He had aided to bring • out like bullfrogs, but to take .a -vices. Moved in amendment, by sell at from 811c to 3ic, and good Legidatare, wale banquetted ley •a in tile ."N.. P.," but it had failed 111 :practical and eommon-sense view of John MeRae-J. E. Scott -That ; lambs A t about 4c per pound. nunebee of his Toronto admirers, 111 its purpose. Inquiring into its :themselves and •the country --not to Direetors xeceive same salaries as in, East Buffalo, January 14. -Cattle that ,eitr, the , other ,evening. resalts, be proceeded to .analyze the !Tersist in a system which diverted past year, 81 per day. -Amendment -Receipts, 2,400 head : market Tlie TIMES, Toronto Weekly .eenses records of 1801, the 'census ecepital and industry from mom pro- .earried. A. W. Baldenby-R. Woe, fairly active and 10e to 15c higher; :laeiug the .natiouatl stOck-taking- • &tale to less !PlIefitable channels. son -That this meeting do now ad- best heavy shipping steers, 84.85 to Globe and Fennel's' Sim, one yeer I i Whea ilee told the audience that in These were his AdeANS, and holding. .jourit-Caeried s.35;8good medium, 84.00 to fe1.80: - for $1.85. 'This offer only holds Barrie there were 131) manufactur- ,thena honestly there was no coanse The dineetors enet immediately light to fair, C.43.85, to .:$4.50 ; mixed good till the 25th Jan., 1.895. lug industries the audience burst ;for Wm but the snie the had taken. after close of annual meeting, as per butch:l ers. ,.f.5 to eel ;. fat cows and , e ' Into a hearty Is ugh. They knew it i if it was said he had :been elect&I to motion of adijournment. Seereteu'y heifers. $8.25 to $3.85; fat cows, AT TIM ...e orm Gonveu ion ie. was a colossal fraud. At best, said I euppert a Government through thiek in the chair. Dimetors was- t Ailsa Craig, on Friday last, 31r. Mr. McCarthy, not more than $ per -land dein, be would say lie had clone to select a Preeidene for this year. Valentine Ram of the Township of sons in every 100 have received..any l a good deal of that -smiles) ---bot - teittle - Reid. --tut Mr. Peter • ihe was not prepared to do so on a Clark 'be President :of this Company feeders higher. Hogs -Receipts, represent North Middlesex in the What then eould be eaid of a systeuil It has .been. said that be Iwanted to • Mr. R. E. Little ir)e President of this • 7,500 ; excited and higher • I orkers, f44. 80 to :'114 90 ; mixed andmediums, House of Commons. which made, the 92 support the 8 :.? ' turn this Into a pastoral country. IT --e Company for 1.895. Thet'e were . He bad said elsewhere that he knew wanted: to do nothing- of the kind. s4..i30 to '44..85 ; choice heavy, $4.90 THE Supreme Court has decided four vote for the -amendment and ''' . • ICY So, ronehs $3.75 to $4.25 stems that the Provinelal Legislatures of no system of law which could There were manufaeturing indus- two for motion. Seeretary declared 83;95' to fitE.7,;. Sheep and La'mbsb ' make the whole people wealthy; but tries in this country before the N. P. Mr. II, E Little elected as President ' - • have not the power to prohibit. the he did know a system winch could land there would be manufacturing !of the Company ter the year 1895. retail sale of liquor. It was also make a few rich. (Applause.) The ; industries after the N. P. was a 'Mr. Little then took the .chair and thing of the past. What was wanted thanked them for the honor conferr- was to have the people of this eoun- ed, bat ,said he woold rather not try to devote their capital. and •In- have had 'the position. Allison-Mc- dustry to those. employments which Kague-That Mr. W. Reid be Vice - they find more profitable. CA -P- President for the year 1895.-Car- plause.) ried. Minutes of previous meeting and common, $1.75 to $2.25, 82.25 to 82.75 ; bulls, $2.50 to .13.25; light to common bulls, 81.75 te$2.40; springers and Cows C42 to e3 head Stephen, was chosen as the standard benefit from the P., while t higher; light supply ; stockers and bearer in the fortheomine centest to other 92 had cleat lo been injuned.• great question like this. .(Applauee.) for 189r McKevestee Allison -That- • decided it was outside their jurisdie- question to consider was whether a tion to prohibit the importation or system which taxed 92 to _make 8 manufacture of liquor. rich, and which did not even succeed D'ALT0X MCCARTUYin hiilimaking. all the 8 rich, should be , s ". - • • coot nued m this country. annual address to his constituents in ' Ile pointed out that the N. P. had North Simece, the other clay, said not prevented the recurrence of hard that he had been offered other con- times. It had not prevented deficits m the public reyenues. It had not stituenciee, but that he had decided kept the p:ople in the Tuntry. Dur - to stand or fall in Simcoe. A motion . log the period. from 18.t1 to 1881 the endersirg Mr. McCarthy was carried aniid cheers. increase of the population was 17 per •cent; while during the decade ending taThe Teem and Weekly Globe in 1891 it was only 12 per cent for one year for 81. Send in yom. One of the stock arguments was that there was a greater amount of' names at once, as this ofer will like'. money in the saVings banka. This might lly not be good after this month -1, be very true, hut whose, was that money ? Each man who heard him January. ; would be able to answer for himself I Le 14 repined that the Imperial -how much of that money was. his? It was truecapital wns accumulating Privy Council have decided that thel • the production of wealth had that re - Dominion. Government has power ,sult; but what he would aiik was, in to grant remedial legislation to the. whosc hands was that capital ACM - Catholic% in Manitoba for the loss of ;mutating? Every man could best their schools. This report cannot be • answer for himself whether his bank mnibmed until the full text ef the; account was fatter than it was ten judgment is received. I - may rs ago. DEPUTY .111/NUTItit OF AGTfrin..1 During the thirteen years from 11880 to 1801;'.. 8182,000,000 'bad "R" JA1E5 Pr6Peses a very Pr"- been expended upon railways in this tical idea regarding the retaining of . country by the railway companies. the good name Catadiane 'ave I To this must he added 8128,000,000 meted for fruit shipments. lie , expended by the Government. The truggests that every num selling-orltotal expenditure, therefore, upon packing it be compelled to put his !railways alone during that thirteen name and address, on eaeh package Years was 8011,0000XL Where Market active ; 15c to 25e higher for lambs; 10e to 15c higher for sheep; Canada lambs, $5.15 to $5.25; choice native, $4.05 to 8,5; fair to good, $4.25 to $.4.00; culls and common, $3.25 to $4.15; export:sheep, $8.75 to $4.25; light weathers, $3.50 to $3.75; mixed sheep, 82.75 to $3.25; culls 'Were then read. McKague-Reid- jau mmu es o as m g of the market to -day was the buying laid before directors for examination all applications for insurance be now Board as just read be adopted. -Car- ried. McKague - McKagne-That be sent to Britain via Halifax, In butchers' cattle trade was not any of export cattle by Mr. Thompson to better, and a good deal of stuff was -- -Carried. Allison - Reid- That left in the pens at the close of the - " having examined two applications day. Hogs were firm. Offerings and found them satisfactory, the to -day were 50 carloads, which in - President and Secretary are hereby clu.ded436 sheep and lambs and 630 instructed to prepare and lave poll - hogs. In export cattle there were cies for same.. -Carried. Rd -Me- hogs. buying, but the right kind were Kague-That the accounts of Messrs. hard to get. Only real fat cattle can McRae and. Watson. fer auditing Beyond Dispute. Toronto, Ont., Jan. 15.----A feature There is no better, safer or more pleas- ant cough remedy made than Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam. It (tures Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis and all throat and lung troubles. --- C.ulross Mutual Piro Insurance Co The annual meeting of the mem- bers of the above Company took place in town hall, Teeswater, on January 12th. There was a very good turnout of members •and the tneeting was orderly and got through with their business early. Mr. R. E. Little, President, of the Company, SIGNOR DINELLI, of the Toronto Conservatory of Music is* prepared to receive pupils in INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC. For terms apply at Dinsley House. WHY NOT I THE ANADJk Bus INES OLLEGE; CHATHAM, ONT., Is still far in advance of its competitors in thorough work and trotting its stu- dents placed in ehoice positions A. E. YATES, from Washington, Mich.,. graduate of Shorthand Dept, bas been. Dittoed by us as stenographer with Co]. Hadley, .New York Ctty. DAvin Wamotti, graduate of Business Dept (a fernier teacher) has secured an excellent, position with a Ural in Defiance, Ohio. Full particulars not yet to hand. One of these receives 850.00 and the. other 865.00 per niontii. IT PAYS TO ATTEND THE BEST. Sehool will re -open. after Christmas. vacation on Virednesday. Jan. 2nd. For further particulars and catalogue ad- dress, books and accounts of Treasurer for be taken. Mr. Thompson MIS buy - occupied the chair. The minutesweroefr‘'er 18°4' the previous annual meeting low paid. --Carried. Allison -Me - amounting to $4 each, be read. Ross -Clark -That the min- it 'P1 G. A. I?ringle be ap- utes a last meeting as read be pointed Secretary and Treasurer for adopted, except that Mr. ,11ex. Mc- year 1895; salary, dudes and scour- Kague and •Mi... Thos. Allison's names ities to be same as last year, -Car - should appear as. being elected for ried. 31eKague - Allison -- That three years, instead of Mr. R. 11 this meeting. do now adjourn until Little ancl. John McKague, who were the last Saturday in January, to elected for two years. Minutes as meet atrain in Town Hall, Teeswater, at 2 p.°m.-Carried. amended were adopted. The chair. man then called on auditors to brine,. G. A. Pnixow; in their report of the standing a the Company, when Messrs. John Me- na° and Robert Watsen, after giv- ing a detailed statement of the re- A' • p . thereby enabling it to be traced back 1)1 al all this come from? Prom the ceipts and expenditm.es for the year, After In Grippe obstinate coughs. lung' activ' e and advanced to 4e per pound to the first party in case of fraud, English and foreign capitolists. Was reported at follows: trouble, etc frequently follow. There , . is no remedy so prompt, and et the SmI)Ping. sheep sold at fr°111 Sc to ale or intatisfaetory to give the pur-Ithere not in this one direction alone Culross, Jan. nth, 181)5, same time effectual and pleasant as per pound, with a small demand. iaiross mo. MilbillIff4130C1 LIVCr Oil trtiOlfiliOn with Calves -Not many in, and not many n SSec,-Treas. ing a few export bulls and steers, for which he paid on an average from 3c to 3c per pound. These would average about 1,800 pounds each. In butchers' tattle only picked cattle were bringing as high as 3e per pound to -day, and the market was dull. A lot of stuff was left in the pens at the close. Reports from Montreal are discouraging. The run of the prices paid was from Be to 3e per pound -the letter for good cattle. Common and poor cattle dragged, in fact they could hardly sell at all. There was a fair trade done in export sheep, and also in lambs. Lambs were exceptionally D. MoLA.CEILA.N, Chatham. BE SURE you are at the right place before you buy your Pil chaser the opportunity of eorrespon- omifficient to account for good-sized To the Directors of the • ms Goods. You will be if you go to • PATTERSON'S. For he leads in the nobbiest and newest lines of Xmas. Presents. donee for other orders. rt is a gml, Nem. 1‘foreover, in addition the tual Fire Insurance Company: .Cherry and fivImpbesphites,wIneb are wanted. Prices range frorn •.,92 I idea and one that should he put in! odes and munieipalities had been GENTLE:am, - linving made a, is the latest and be.it combinetion of to $7 pe.r head. Only choice veals WINGIM.11f. Practice. 1 borrowing' and expending. Toronto careful investigation into the alers andper anteemboetittvie remedies. Pr'iee 50e. Ieare in demand. • Pro rj Cre ley asptihoolorr:11 ano and in e fwa: ro plai sho 1911'exi and abs dal che ane res: Mr. wai dal tha fur fits ma of 1101 cot • ee' me Oro the api By mo foo tut' cd gr( clo wh ole fro lov of sts bo tlu WI of Jotth kr ces, b ell 11) a Sc51 d I a 4