HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1895-01-18, Page 3).ssiostfSfotsOtr71. ,11._ .4!..t.1" ff:-T.:F\7-z77-Wrrr-iTZ W. 0. T. U. minium Juet before the year began a Anil - '""1 lar vote wits taken in Prime Edward (&wes:rem we wenn anANOII.) bland MA with WSUltS. all three provinces the majorities favoring entire prohibition • were much larger than those sustaining the Goverment in power. No honest reason was left for doubt a, CO the well -understood wiehes of the ; people. It is 'almost needless to aflti 110IXi gra "110 •eleetors of Manitoba had ; given a similar verdict at theie own last Provincial election. During the year, too, the import- ; ant question of the respeetive juris.; dietions of the Dominion and Provinal &I NM:intents has been ably ord.; exhaustively argued before the Su- ; in Court of Canada -our highest legal tribunal-- -and it rests with the judges to give their judgmenty wMeli th-e people bad good right to 1 expect bottler this time. Whether .; an appeal may be made from that de- cision to the British Privy Council, so "I as to set ;ati cleubt -finely at rest, re- mains to be see% p ti onit ft rate and Nalire Land. • well call the atitotbm. of the mothers and sisters to the met, that the ilionmes Christian Temper. .Anets Union nwets the third 1.)Itay ery month at the o,1Ioh harp, 'Mr one boor, at Mrs. Ilehn's realden-e, l'at i1streei. all ladles are meth) wel- come As the Editor Ivo kindle given as part ol his epee. .,tie %mi. a., vo, wk fa lends nf the cause to seed ittnitio 111`eiThh, nit moral • questions of the tiav etre of our it101111/CVb. Temperance Ream, But of all things, if •even you. Should. fail or fall, 'don't lie still be - !cause you are -down.: get up again -efor God's sake, for your mother's sake ---get up and try again! 'The Templar publishesthe follow- lng in an editorial in -regerd to the V. C. T. U :--A study ofthe reports reveals.the vast 'Variety -and extent of 'their operations. We 'have been !prone to credit our sisters with a superabundaneo iof emotionallem, Candor, however, compelathe ; con- feeAion that, if even the charge was true, it is .no bagel. To.day, they are working along intelligent and intensely practiee gees. The 'ye- riousebranches of work pursueci afford every woman an ;opportunity ifor the ruse of her talents. Their methods ane among the most effective employed to ensure the early and complete .overthrow -of the drink traffic. They are entering society :and purifying it of its ,drink - lug customs; are ieflueneing the school system and compelling the teacbingiof scientific temperance in- struction; are securing the coopera- tion of the powerfal press, and through tleis median% disseminating the information that will prepare the eleetroate for an intelligent exereiise of the franchise; and even the Muth confesses herself debtor to the women. They preserve an aggressive re - Wien to the liquor traffic, at all times.. By organizing and maintaining Bands of Hope, they seek teenrol the children under the banner et 131.6- bibition ; and like angels of merey "they visit the home of the vietim and. seek to wit him back to virtue and to God. The afloat of these annual gather- ings upon their -members • is be- coming very evident. The business qualities and debating powers of the women may well excite the admira 1 The prospects now are that the year to eome will be one of equal importance with that just past, re- ! garding this great question. The Supreme Court decision regarding.; the constitutional question will, in all probability, be given withia the 1 next few weeks, and that will clear away an important obstacle. There 1 is good reason to believe that the ; Provincial Governments ef Ontario, Manitoba, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Istand will bow to the de- cision of the ;electors to whom they have 'submitted the question. There 1 is reason to epeet similar action in N ew B ranewi, , too, forthough a plebiseite has not been taken there, 1 the Provincial Legislature, fresh 1 from the people, uuanimously adopt- I. ed a resolution at lest year's session I . _ .. . .. .. ._ .. ..... . • . . „ There is reaeon to look for some! . in favor of a prohibition law. • Few Bald Women. Catarrh relieved in 10 to GO minntes.- important step on the part of the ' Interview in Chicago Tribune : One short put! er the breath through the lAllower; supplied with each bottle of D01111I11.011 Parliament during this I Few women are bald, and I never re ae this Pliorwn edwe rB 0 vCeartatl;rohstilli rfutro derr;hdiff uses, year, too. That Roy.al. Commission ' heard of a bald-headed woman. Pi report, which is now two years over- ; headgear of women tends to make passages. Pai n ;Ma and del ig loitf u letoCt HUSSaS, due, must be presented within a few their hair grow. Indians wear no it relieves instantly. and permanently Catarrh, Hay Fever, Colds. Head - weeks at most. No kind of excuse headgear except as they become eivi- curesac, Sore Threat, Tonsilitis and Deaf can be given for any longer delay. I lized. In my opinion nature ititend. nese.ieCO cents. At Chisholm's Drug That will take away the last vestige . ed us to be bareheaded. The an- Store. of excuse some have been making i dents wore fight wraps about their Some men go to extremes -but for inaction in the Dominion Perna- !beads, There is no record that I very many persue a mean course.- ment. . I know of whieh refers to any head. Plain Dealer. ' In all probability a 'general Do- I gear worn by Christ and his disciples. minion election will take .plaee daring II have been waiting for yen. to ask the year, and that question cannot me if men's Mr would grow as . • 2112R111ioT1toto1ITr 4.ati Atts1 ll 14.44,101 hat is Oastorla, ifi Dr. Samuel Piteher's prescription for Infente end C'ealdrene, It contains neither Opium, 1Zorphiuenor other Narcotie substance. It is 0. itarnflosS Substitute r T.''ar.egorle, Drops, Soothing Syrups, anti Castor OIL kt is Peasant, Its guarantee is thirty yorirs' use by 311111°r -s orillothers. Castoria destroys 'Worms and allays feverishness. Casteria prevents vomiting, Sour CurIlis cures Diarrhcea n4 IVind Colic. Cnstoria relieves teethine• troubles, eures constipation and iflatit:encee Cc:store,. afteentliates the food, reerulatce the atottmeie bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Casrs torL L to Catildren's atmeea-the Mother's Wrictiol. Car.taria. '''.-Castmia is an cmolleatsuedleino for eh!), &cm. 7lothera halls repenteely ttdd mo of its gond effect upon their children." Do. G. C. •Oronor), LoWell, "fats. "'Castor:al:3 the bi re...twly for children of *Flea 1 nra artynnated. 1hopeto tby .1.1 1 ot far tGszaat whrothors will Gonsi.ler tito rer.1 inter..nt et veer eauaren, raid 1=0 C...1StOria stead of the variounquacknostramewh1chra destrbying their loved ones, by forelagoplum, morpline, soothing syrup and other 1111,:trla Agents down their throats, thereby sending man to prematuro graves." An, J. F. '17.4cnr-t.on, Conry, Caatori2., .,e4,,torb,bpo well adapted to children thas ',recommend it nasuporlor toasty prescription "mown to me." IL A. Averring., I. D., 111 Co, 03'r1 1.rom4yn, E. Y. "Our physicians fa Van ch road hard c:/..cit 1.4.;!...ly 1'... r c::prri encs la their outt.ido yr.m ). ‘'... and although wo only bar,* a roux •••-- medical supplies what b known as products, yet we aro free to confess that tto merits of Co-storia has wqn us to look with favor ;iron it." VoNITUD HOSPITAL ,AND DISPENUICY, Doston, Mas. l..Z.LEZi C. 85fITII. Pres., `no CO2t C0=vr...z.-7, 71 Murzra7 Stroot, Noir Tork Mrr;'Avrtvrz Lr.lasAithstaholoan• • • Mffirt'AZVI.t.tfrolirirt..70. Aro • A' PE Now is the time to buy your Window Shades When you ean get them of FINE QUALITY,MOUNTED ON A Now Journal fo; of Canada. SPRING ROLLERS 25 CENTS. - HEW PATTERNS, NEW DESIGNS, at MI prices. CLINE 84 CO, Hardware. Merchants, STONE BLocn, Wingbarn. Rhenmatiqm Cored iu a rlay.—Sonth American Rhen math) Go r» of Rheumatism andNeuralgia radically cures iu 1 to 8 clays. tion of their brothers. They have ; be ignored as successfully as in past ; 'men women s Its action on the system is remarkable and , not spoil its growth by cutting it. T mysterious. It -removes at once the cause mastered the rules of ordsr aud de-; elections. The next Parliament will, bate, and, self-possessed, contend !without doubt, have a larger number I answer yes, provided the diseases of of the disease itninediately disappears. The . which I speak do not interfere to) rattea= aretisimileTtlitieest7o1...eeme. cleverly for' the triumph of thoee of Prohibitionists in it than this, and prevent. Singing hair to prevent ' II t• (.1 ming, It mutat!' lett of the cause so dear to their hearts. :13and of Christain workers,. The diction iis decided, there is good' views which they believe will help the questiou will be more .determin-1 Sisters of tbe white ribbon, a noble the c.onstitutionai question of Y 1 ' . N • • '1 • jaati,. ;started to tarn an extra quarter. t way ;its growth is a barber's humbue 1 Some men seem to think there is • What is the proportfou of bald liquids.-Calveston News. nO solid eornfort in anything but .1 t04:::Idnier ey., wits') va' HALSTED & SCOTT 3A., :ET= LE; EZ Josephine Street • - W1ngtem, Opt, J. A. HALSTIM, W. Scow, /dour' t Forest. Listowel Deposits Received and Interest allowed. Money Advanced to Farmers and Business Men, On long or short. time, on endorsed notes or collateral sectiVity. Sale notes bought at a fair valuation. Money remitted to all parts of Canada at reasonable charges. Special Attention Given to Col- lecting Accounts and Notes. Agents in Canada-mtie Merchants* Sauk of Canada Office Rours-From a. m. to 5 p. nt. A. E. SMITH, A en. e Young people will read; the age Wit is, what are they to revolt, peculiar wants are not folly oast 0 general newspaper. in the Thing) ; severalexcelleat periodiews arts pre , for their benelit, but they ore till ox ;isive. Harper's 1"oungy..ople ( New loosts $2 a year; The loam's amtioit. (Boston) .81.75; tiolden. j .4914 (pie phia)83; ancl8t. Nicholas ('ew . 4Vhey are worth the money. Imo 1.er are laxuries, f.'.'• Mee YoustoPsoeee's PAPER is a w......,. r , e. ...',.., (eight-pagel journal lila (situation(' Kingston, Canada, designed for the per u-, . ., . sal of young persons ot both sexes be 't , twee° the ages of ten and twenty, with a department for children. and Issued atE.M,t9' n pries within the reach of all, it wig , contain the creatn of alt the leading American periodieals of the sante elasit*' .$ as well as the many public:alines of IfIte• nature to be found in kIngiand, iv midi- den to. a due proportion of original reamer. Young people like stories, and these will be given in abundance. Among the miscellaneous contents of the luaper may be mentioned tweounte of travel, adventure and discovery: explanations tat wonderful inventions, instances of re - marinade intehigerce in animals. twee.. flotes,ete. Parents may rest assured. that the moral tone of the p..,,er will be the. very highest. Pire.. le n i ear: trial tlij, for •two. coon lie, 1 cents. `rite be:tt... ,,y toretnit is by postal order at a cost of two cents, enoughthoighirsisrvurcalippseildveirn i,sio4arxr!tie.riev,slafAedly. dress T, J. Shanks, 03 Rideau st., King. sten, Ont. ZETLAND SAW MILL. GEORGE THOMSON, Proprietor, Lumber of all kinds, First-class Shingles, • and Cedar Posts. Car Load Orders a Specialty.; WOOD delivered to any part of Wing - ham. FreOrders by mail promptly attend ) GEORGE THOMSON, Box 120, u Ingham . 0 .... .......„„„.......,...._1 YOUNG LADIES.. • ly .AND GENTLEMEN. . ii ' - --- ' Send n ao .14 in st lials8, 0 • 10 cents silver, and we T , , _ { wilt bend ,:k on in return mat the 41 . o PERFECT LETTER WRITER. UNDERTAKER areMplar id die name of our common reason to expect forward action at Master, salutes you. Ottawa, If the decision is that the v. Ram's Horn : Seek wealth, and ;nrisdictIon lies entirely with the you will find. anxiety and Care. Seek Dominion Parliament, then ali 'A- PO, and. yen, will find love, joy and tention and efforts will be directed p ellee there. Or if it is decided that large Lutheran Observer If a young powers lie with the, Provincial Legis. man ever needs to:realize the pres- %tures and they proceed to Mace once of fled, it ie. when, like Jacob, enactments . there will be good be leaves the home of his father and reasons fee looking fer all necessary men to a le omen • Five hundred to one. I have sold ; in a given time $13,000 worth of! , medicine to raise hair. Of that emount $108 was paid by women. j• . out for fluid Weether but ride inside of the Eleettle Lighted and Steam Heated Vestibule A.partrnent trains of the Chicago, Milwaukee , St. Paul Railway and you will be as warm, comfort. • turns his face- toward the city of eeneurrent legislation at Ottawa. I able and cheerful as in your own library gr strangers. _ ,.. 4,- The times are certainly potten -7----- 'nee and Minueapolis,or between' Chicago , boudoir. To travel between Chicago, St. , Vie Interior : A weinall cannot times. They demand unusual Italy.' ()maim and Sioux City, in these luxuriously' I be hired to keep a tidy and inviting ity and earnestness on the part of the 1 appointed treins, is a supreme satisfaction; THE ilOUSO. Only a wife will do that, friends of the great reform. Never , annlefil N at anoient advertise. MOST SUCCESSFUL REMEDY and she will not do it for money but , was there a year 'when. Wise a,ncl 1 see smtall bills." Smell bills (a)td large i tesisbehdetoe°rIeria7,11"for further particulars, I FOR MAN OR BEAST. for love. And she has grot to do it united efforts were, more needed and . ones, too) will be accepted for passage and ' Certain Mgr gustnbdeitAr busters. ••••:01•111••••6 .M••••••••••••• . ; WIN GH . KENDALL'S\ .SPAVIN CURE 1't herself, She can not get it out of were inore likely to be crowned ! sleeeping car tickets. For detailed infor- KENO Passenger Agent, Toronto, Ont. • servants. You can see that she has with success. motion address ,/i., J. Taylor, Canadian ALL'S SPAVIN CURE Dttizrontr, L, N.Y., .7an. 15,1894. Dr. D. S. ItramAtt Co. pUt IOC illtO the drape of a curtain T. W. CASEY, in Citizen. and Home' aunrimet-i bought a splendid bay horse some • time ar With a Swap. gothim f or M. / used Guard, • •• • : The annual meeting of the L. O. net I have been offered WO for the same horse. only had .him nine weeks, so I got $120 for using or the location of a chair. 14 • 0 • L. Kends. Spavin Cure. the &Amyl's is gone now $2 worth of KendalPs8pavIn cum. 9111 IIIIDl l'b.e Year's Progresa and Prospects. I:3 -The TIMES and Weekly Globe District lodge of Howick was held in Yours trulY) The Pant year bas been one of , for one year for el. great importance ixt the 'history of 1 ' l - names at once, as this the temperance movement of Canada I Important pretetioal steps were tiek-I ly not be good after iday of the year the Ontario plebis. mum V. 'Bro. Woods, who °couple le ett in advance. On 'the vet,' first • Semi in your offer will like - this month - I fe • ie Orange baIl on Tuesda KENDALL SPAY tie me of last week. Tho Meeting was well , Dr. B. J. ICaNDILL Co._8_1121.13T'Xica., nes. 16, 1891 attended and was one of the best wisr—join WV your Kendall's SpavinsCure Meetings otter held in the district. 1 bet 111;14844 liZe?"se "id The departure from' the district of • reueYit tai:rn"Bluez hasd tl 1 For Oa*O 07 alt 1 dd Dr. -B. <T. YCEN.71.4.7.Z COMPANY' cite vote took Aide, which settled in 0. Y. B. position of W. D. M. ..for the past 1 11401111URGH Miss. Vt. most tandid. minds the important , The annual county meeting of year, was greatly regretted and the question on WM:eh many entertained' 0. Y. Britons of the united counties best wishes of all the brethren go (1 le jam tribute was paid to tbe memory of OOK S uquelloot doubts, whether the majority of the of Wellington, Huron and 13rttee was; with him to his new home. A high ; people really favored prohibition or held in Harriston on Monday, net. Oat of that vote came the as- 7th, %viten the following officers were the late Brother. John Watters, who A recent diacovety by mum since its formation, After routine Fordwieh - D. C. M. -J. A. Strong., eurance of the Ontario Premier elected: -W. C. M. -W, MeXee, has been treasurer of the district COMPOUND. pledging himself and his Govern. ment to give the country all the pro. 'Whitton legislation that it shall be legally decided lies in their power to give. We have every reason to expect the fulfilment of that pledge. Devine; the year Nrova, Scotia, too. bas had its popular vote on the pro- hibition question, and the Verdict in favoreof fetch legislation was even more sweeping than that of Ontario. The Government of that Province, too, along With Manitoba, haNc givett asghtlttice <if a determination to give! all the pretninton that may lie itt thole Ogee. ph/detail. ‘Sueecaafullsr used . business bad been done, the following Orangehili ; C. Chap -W. Corbutt, monthly by thousands of 1 officers were elected: W, D. .1I.- I Ladies. It the Only perfectly 101 Vi. , C. R. S J • 1II"Youn S. • ip i sato andretiable Medicine dia. liarriston ; C. D. of C. -W, Hunter, Bro. John Donaghy; D. D. M.-Bro.' enveerrehtl. 13eware of unprincipled drilggitta who Mt. Forest; C. Leet. -Higgins, 130. W. G. Strong; D. Chap.-Bro. W. F. offer 1, tinier niedleineS In place of this. Ask for more' Brownlee; D. R. S.-Bro. A. Gra ham; Cook'a Conon Root Cenutound. tabo'no *subset. tnts, or Incloser and 6 contain postage in letter D. Ir. S.-Bro. W. 3. Greer; D. , sealed, by return titian. tittliseated D. Lea W. Bridge, Belmor4; L. Mahood, Foedwich ; ; 'Preas.---Bro. R. FolIis• D. D. of 0.-- eertruutiViirtre Lane vi:11,,litootiot, tzotknudies only. 2 J. A. tetron„o• and W. lichee were Bro. B. D. Wallace; DI Lecture .s.- a"'"'• appointed delegates to the Grand Bros. W. McKee and ;Tames WI d ilni.' oo s. ; I Sold in %Ingham hv K. willitents. Druggist.. Windsor, oat., anadA. Ledge, Nwhielt will be held la Thoreld Di e eteneved its 80 ''''` --------- - - - - in Jime next. Heart SEAS Milatit02.-All Meg of organic or one good's Sarsap net, acting throve h pathetto heart disease refievell . in tle the blood, reaches every part, or the minutes and quickly eared. by Dr. Ag. system, and in this way positively euros newet Cure, Sold At Ofiislieltiee Drug- , catarrh. &ores Wingbine. Plao% Itmnedy for Catarrh is the 1,..tu*Ni in /'se, Oheiglett, ••• 001.1 w n.:onts-ar, Mira 1))' 041*. X. '1` llasenteo Worrell, Tit, IA neat Rook beiwz a perfect Gniie 111 the or; should hare thi's liotk.erxerset.man and woman • • NOVELTY Pil BLISHInfeRvsoSn: ont A Blessing to Every Household. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS AND DIKTMENT These remedies hp.ve stood the teat of fifty yearg experience, and are proneunced the best Family use. 2'11M ra_r_a.,s edieinea for Purify the blood, correct all disorders of the LIVER, STOTI ACH, XI DEES S AND rows ELS invaluable in all complaints Incidental to females of alt age.s. • 11'1-1M 40.11\TTI1IRaNT and Is the only reliable remedy for bad cgs, sores, niters, and old wounds. FOR URONCHIIIS, SORE THROATS, COUGHS, con RFEIDNIATISNI, GLADULAR SWELLINGS AND ALL SEM DISEASES IT HAS NO EWA", Manufactured only at 78, New Oxford. Late'583, Oxford Street, London,. and sold by alt Medicine Vendors throughout the world. r....,k'Purehagers should look to the Label on the Boxes and Pots. If the address is not, 533 Oxford Street, London, they are spurious. WEBSTER & CO. have decided, for a short time, to reduce the price for MAKINC MEN'S TWEED SUITS TO $4.00 SPOT GASH. yott have any Tweeds at 110111e, now is the time to sate a dollar on the making of each suit, and get a good fit. First-class Trimmings supplied at Wholesale prices for spot cash only. If you want to buy a Suit or Overcoat you can um &du oa.00 $10.00 on each, by purchasing frone us. WEBSTER & 00., Oppesite the new Macdonald Block, Wingbarn, Merchant Tallore