HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1895-01-18, Page 2I
A YOUNG WIFE'S TRIAL ing in the wicker chair, with the cat
" in her lap, while I, with tear-beditn-
It't; AMY RANDOLVII, med eyes, bestirred myself to get
sante tet fol. her
eyes. When I unite with the colony that the more newsboys' homes, digestion to it? There is no doubt if A Cunning Cobbler.,
of friends of which I spoke to thee, a the more homeless newsboys. A few those to whom the use of honey Many years ago the husband of an
few hundred dred dollars will be all that remarks en this proposition May causes sickness, would judiciously oldlady died without making Ms
I shall require. here, in this bank prove interesting: continuo to use it in small quantities, will, for the want of which necessary
1 book is elle residue of my littler " It is true that charitable food and the majority of them would find precaution Sts estate would have
long Aunt Vashti, Voorhees, iudeed: Iwidow ad
They were just lighting file 1 family i'ortune ghee is welcome to it, lodgings for boys is one cause for the themselves enabled to partake a# passed away from his h
1 • 110 between them '1 . ' not
encourage danger of sickness within a very pedient to avert the loss of her prop-
bitter' r/ she was ready me, • g g
t a b he
e oat
Miles. Here ,.
ruined nearlyoath o
n -I `L f1 the d f
carne hatue---•gran f a dots of iigbt. pmy poverty,boysyI T thoroughly erty. She cense. ie
graytwilight, wrls, resolutely sitting down, like a believed, in and to to std away from their lioness short screed. I tial tltarau hl co
Against a and frozen human wet blanket, on my poor sham thy* scrip+and thy crust cheer- when once they have run away •. Is , vinced of this by Ita� ing so many her ltttsband and prevailed on an old
But the keen wind might have been little resolves to help hint out of the fully with me. it wise to give gratuitous food and instances of it come under my notice. cobbler, her neighbor, who was in
"Bat. Aunt Vestal ! I can't take lodging, for any length of time, in I will relate one or two of a great poison somewhat like the deceased,
it !" institutions for newsboys and boot- many which I could give, if neves-Ito go to bed at her House and person -
',Thee will have to, Hannah! Thee blacks, leaving him free to earn a sary. When first I commenced to ate him, in wltieh character it was
cannot help thyself'! As for lie, I part of his subsistence by doing small keep bees, my wife, ,a rather delicate agreed that he should dictate a will
shall rejoice to be'id of the dross !" jobs on the street?� person, could not ue honey in any
said Aunt Vashti, dimly. I " Is it true that the old-fashioned considerable quantic* without result -
In the bank -boa there was an ac- newsbuys' home, where boys are well ant sickness. She fairly detested
count of a little o'er five thousand fed, well lodged, and well ..clothed, the sight of it about the house, but
dollars. In vain vias Miles's protest and made regularly to attend pray- continued to taste it occasionally,
—in vain my renoustranees. For ers, but serves for the most part to with the result that within a few
quiet obstinacy, IiI do believe a perpetuate the constant influence of months she could ettt it without the
Qual eress excels the world. She the street upon their characters dltr- least inconvenience, and at tlie pre -
went to her "Colony of Friends," ing the years these buys ought to be sent time feels lost if the honey
like a nun disappearing into a con-
vent—but site left Iter gold behind,
greatly to the, disgust of Corisande,
and of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas.
Neither slid w , break up house-
keeping. The net day after Aunt " Let us beware of those institu-
Vashti's departnreiI received a letter tions. which perpetuate street life for
from the publisher, suggesting that boys—which give street morals a
I should take the literary work large influence in molding character.
home to do. It was, contrary to his " My* argument is a statement with
usual practice, he said, but he al]- regard to present conditions in the
proved my methods; and was willing, city of Cincinnati. Including the
in my case, to make an exception.
So I got the chance to earn a little
money of my own',, after all—and I
clid a good deal of solid work, be-
tween the intervals, f pudding mak-
ing and mince -met manufacture.
And Miles contrived to tide over the
season of financial calamity, and we the most temporary care. Homeless
have a snug little sum laid away children in Cincinnati are never
against a rainy day, and all be- brought in contact with one another
cause— 1 • in child lodging houses, because the
Miles says it is because I am such grand principle that every child
a good little wife.. ,But I think it is should be'placed early in a country
because I made up • my mind to ac- family home has for many years
sept the duty nearest to my hand-- been nobly put into practice. .We
as represented by $cunt Vashti—in have therefore only newsboys and
stead of having my .own way in the bootblacks living in their own homes
exact shape that I wanted it. with their own relatives and no
And when we once snake up our others.
taws= of l utll is clown the side .freer:, hero was another of these
it o --
ti t low.' ex
without n to he col
considerable t nc 'es vt h •sot' e
• �iarcli night \viten I .vampires, w had Hannah—thee. and Miles—for thee prevalence of homeless oyquantities rtt u Y she of te, t d g
a to welcome
as thea �' Does such provision en
a May zephyr, the specks of gas •
Sloughof Despond into which be
might have been yellow banks of was gradually uallyp sitting. What was 1
daffodils, as far as the thermometer t'o do about it'Al Was it my duty
of my own heart went. I could
havo danced and •sung, out of that to submit tamely(Ito such usurpation
fullness of my joy For I hod got a • as this? ,,,
place at last. r Miles 1 eric�Cl, when the good
Miles knew noting of it. Miles, old lady was safer•` tucked up in
dear fellow, glad ;g -one solidly and bed in our tiny guest chamber, "has
steadily along his %•ay, never dream- she come to—stay ?"
Ing of the project in my head. His "Why, my dear," said my hus-
salllry base been reduced ; he had band, apologetically, "she bas no -
been obliged to s4criiice all his say- where else to go. My sister Cori-
,. to. p;iy the debts of that scampish , sande won't have ler in Chicago,
elder brother wlio, ran away to Iand my brother' Tom quarrelled
Japan, after having. betrayed his 1 with her long agog; But she is a very
• empiover's confidence ; and I had i good woman. She brought us all
secretly made up V. my mind to helps up°•Oh, yes, I know, but --what is to
pini if 1 possibly coli became of my German man translations ?
"We can board cheaper than we;
can kecp.nouse," thought I. "•I will i my fifteen dollars a week ?"
sell my piana.and. all that foolish, "I rather think you'll have to give
glittering oleic -a -bran that came to ! up that idea, Hannah," said Miles.
me as wedding presents, and I'll get ; "And settle down into a mere
something. to do. A'•;woinan's brains cook—a drudgei-- a housekeeper ?"
and fingers are worth something M! "A home -maker, dear, for Aunt
this age of the world i' { Vashti and me,". said Miles,' fondly
But it was not so {easy to "get taking my band; But I jerked it
soon discover- from him and ran away to hide my
'something to do," as I
ed. Nevertheless aftOr much search- tears in -the secrecy of the little
ing and many wear days, I found three -cornered 4upboard behind the
a book publisher \vh wanted some stairs. .
translations done his place of I cried all night long. I thought
business. He was 'fling to pay a the problem over, and towards day -
fair price, but of coarse, I could not light I made up my mind. Of what
be a house-keepetl/ and a daily use was my promise at the altar to
worker at the same*, me. love, honor and obey, if I could not
"We'll give up 1jhousekeeping," I reconcile myself: to such a question
thought. "1 amtll sure Miles will as this? Yes, I must accept Aunt
never object to thr. And I can add .Vashti Voorhees and make the best
so much to our ncoine. Oh, I'm of her. I must give up my dreams
glad I worked s ,1 hard on German of independence, a.nd work on the
when I was a irl. at boarding- old treadmill of housekeeping duties.
school." 1 It would be difficult to put into
'I could hardly
come home that
t street? Nb. He is placed in a good jar full of honey will not cost anystep upon the stales, halting slightly ; "Thee is a good housekeeper,as he sometimes (11d, when he was Hannah," said Aunt Vashti, with anyery tired, Tfapproving nod, a.S.she took her seat"Poor Miles!" I thought ; "Oh, at the table, and glanced around thepoor boy ! But he shall learn, at sunshiny little rrin, where thelast, what it is to have a -wife who canary sang and thie window-glassis a real helpmate." ; !shone like diamond sheets.'When he came in,6to my surprise, ! I ran after my besband when hehe carried a little wicker rocking started. for his offi.ce, and overtook"Oh, Miles!" I c led ; "what is ' "Miles," said I, "I've been wrestl-
that ?" ling with the evil sphit within me.""A rocking -chair, Aannah ; don't I "I saw that som4hing troubled"Where did you ge ' it ?'' !stroking my hair. ..you see ?" i: you, Puss," he ansIkvered, kindly"I bought it, to be re." 1 "But I'm conquered," I whispered."But, Miles! we (hell need it," "I'll give up the German transla-
I urged, somewhat tiungraciously. Wens, and devote mYSelf • to make Aid Society of London- recently re- At this time of the year, when the"'We have plenty of rockers already." you happy. And I'll- be very, very ceived a letter from Mr.J. J. Kelso, shield of protection care. V ry sincerelY coal begins to develop each extraor-
"None just like this.t? , good to Aunt Vashti." J.,. • of Toronto, in which somt good ideas one needing itsdinary possibilities • in the way of bit, Miles --oh, He stooped over and kissed me. are advanced its to the best method
nights in the ye, why should he bp alrevents, I rose.' early the next Suffered for Twelve 'Steers. to earn a portion of his Irving on the be quite 50 cents. 1.'Now, the same
to his sympath ' ic ears. Of all ordeal may comptehend them. At ` --4.
t wait for Miles to words the pangs which this sacrifice
ight, so anxious cost me. .Perhaps; some reader who
r tb salve ]ear
was I to impart I iy precious secret has passed th ougi� e 1 t
subject .to home influence other than supply for table use runs out for a
institutional ? few clays. . We, ase rule, always
" I hope to show that the newboys' have it on our table, and Mrs.
lodging houses can be dispensed' Myers uses as much as any member
with, of the family. A ypung lady carne
to visit us for a few; weeks, who at
first, and for some I:, time, could not
use honey without resulting nausea,
but by using it carefully at first,
and gradually increasing the quantity
eaten, she was enabled to eat it
plentifully, with relish, within a very
few weeks. I know that I am perfect-
ly justified in sayinOit is one of the
most healthful foods that can be
eaten.. I occasionally find bee -keep-
ers who do not use honey as part of
their diet. Just here there is a
great mistake being made in allow-
ing a health -giving delicacy to pass
out of their hands without participat-
ing in its benefits.
In my own fancily there are just
five persons, yet we,„annually con-
sume about 300 pounds, and we
hti,ve not had to pays $2 in doctor
bills in ten years for sickness. It
has another important redeeming
feature in its cheapness, when com-
pared with fruit. If you go to your
grocer and .purchase an ordinary
minds to leave things. to the Lord, it " What happens then to a homeless half -gallon jar of preserved fruit, or,
is surprising what good care Ike child ? Is he fed and lodged with if you like, buy th , fruit and let
others,tekes of us. it leain sharp practices and your____n_ preserve_. 11... ......4 ._.211
suburbs on both sides of the Ohio,
we have a population of 500,000—
half .a million. There are in the city
—outside of the House of Refuge
and four orphan asylums—no places
where children are kept without the
full payment of board, except for
leavingthe widow the estate in
question. An attorney was sent to
draw up the writings.
The widow, who on his arrival
appeared in great affliction at her
good man's danger, began to ask
questions of the pretended husband
calculated to elicit the answers she
expected and desired.
The cobbler groaned aloud, and
looking as much like person going to
givo up the ghost as possible, feebly
answered :
I intend to leave you half of iny
estate, and I think the poor old shoe-
maker who lives opposite is deserving
the other half, for he has always
been a good neighbor.
Tho widow was thunderstruck ttt
receiving a reply so different from
that which she expected, but dare
not negative the cobbler's will for
fear of losing the whole of the prop-
erty ;, while the old rogue in bed,
who was himself the poor old shoe-
maker living opposite, laughed in
his sleeve, and divided with her the
fruits of a project which the widow'
had intended for her sole benefit,
late en this parte alar one? morning, and prepared the daintiest Mr. Geo. H. Williams, the extensive i private home for the sweeter infill- more than. 50 cents and perhaps
At last he cam I could hear his 'breakfast I knew how to cook. manufacturer of fruit baskets, Thorold, dices and developments of family less, and it will go tulles as far as the
writes:—"I suffer very severely from sick„
and nervous headaches (and biliousness care. In this family he is visited at fruit, because it is so much richer.
for over twelve years anis have tried all
:intervals until of age by those ap-
the advertised pills, porde r, and other : pointed for the purpose." The New Year
untilabolit'two but yeas ttoor littlebnrelief, This is the work which the Chil- Finds Hood's Sarsaparilla leading every-
untilthe wayof medicines in three
use Stork's Powders anclnce then have r dren's Aid Society is designed to ae- g
been like a different ma and now sel- 1 cotnplish. It provides good homes important particulars, namely : Hood's
don have a headache, f I have Any I for homeless children '.but it does a Sarsaparilla has
+4 1. The largest sale in the world. It
immediate relief." Price �5C a box; sold 'greater work still y lnsisttng accomplishes
by all medicine dealers. parents shall not, by their neglectful -. The gretttestenres in the world. It
tendency that way Starks Pawners give i b that
conduct, make ehildi4en homeless. 3. The largest Labo atony in the
Romeless Children. In this way both the child and the world.
community is protected, and a noble What more can be said p Hood's
service rendered to humanity. 1 Sarsaparilla has merit ; is peculiar to
FAMILY HO.MEs—LETTER FROM MR. Pa God that during°the coming itself, and most of all, flood's Sarsapar-
IiEL10. prayilia cures. If you are sick, it is the
year he may put it .intothe hearts of medicine for you to take. '
The resident of' tate Children's his people to uphold yo}ir society so
1?that it may be able to,4 extend the Put Salt on Coal.
Miles, I have perhaps
so much,to tell you! I I ''My own good little 01," said he of caring for dependent children I
For Over Fifty Ye r s
rapid consumption, housekeepers are
y eagerly on the lookout for something
have such a plan'." ' That was reward eijough for me. He says: l; I AN scr) AND w,r,,•a bet, ili9edfo -hit's. tvtn
d slow' yt.othlu,ray+'ttp bus boon loess for over fifty that will at least prevent waste if it
And I poured out ,v- whole story i Miles was not a very great talker, The whole tendency ,'-of modern ,years by muhnntrof ,»others for the@bahuaren whfIn cannot b * anyother means make
into his astonished ea He heard but every word he uttered carried philanthropy is against t lstitutional i tretthtlte, with porfectsucress. It sq thes thu child ,� „
a I . sotfens the kuuls, nilays tiff pain, cues wind colic• A• ton go further. There are
ane, without a word of,! interruption i weight with it. t life for children—on 'the ground that a„ i is thvbQst maned v Pot' Diutrhtnu.i Is pleasant to
-then whistled low an long. ; I trimmed the wicker' chair with it is an artificial life, that it encour- the taste. Word by '. cwibists in et e r part of the severaloldu preparations for this purpose
Worlu. TwontyItvo cants u nettle. Its toile is sold under fanciful names, but the
"But our home, Ilan ah what is I ribbons and bought seine chintz in ages a spirit of dependency, and that incalculable. Be euro and ask fort Winslow s
e ' 5oothfn, yrup, and take no other k basis of most of them is ordinary salt.
to become of that ?" n , pretty shades of olive and maroon to it places a large burdeneof, expense --- - - If the latter is sprinkled liberally
I can earn fifteen dollars a week,) make curtains for Mint nt Vashti's upon the community, that it may by Honey as a Food.
Miles, acid we can get . comfortable 1 room. As I was hemming them, the better methods be avoided. If a
over the coal, either in the bin or as
'board on that—and all <your salary old woman herself camenin. boy or girl through misfortune of BY JoHNMYERS, STRA',FORD. it is put into the furnace, it will
to go towards dress, andt,i.the interest "Thee is making my is room very any kind becomes homeless, the true snake it burn more evenly to a clean
on the insurances, and• --4j' pretty, Hannah," said slie. friend of • the child will seek for it—. Honey is one of the oldest;, food pro- ash and will also prevent clinkers.
He shrugged his shoulders. , "I want to make it seem like not an institution—but a good private ducts of the world. 'What is it ? A Of course there is some chemical
"I had enough of boarding-houses' home, Aunt Vashti," 1 laid, smiling- home, where it may grow up natur- chemist would likely answer that it housewife does noteca et e orabout
before we were niarrie .," said he. ly. ally and happily and retain that self- has so many parts of oxygen, so
"Thee is kinder to ,me than my respect which is so essential to success many of hydrogen and so many of the reason. Sh is satisfied that it is
nephew Thomas' wife, r even my in life. That it may efficiently carry carbon, combined in such proportions So.
"Wry, Puss, I wouldn' give up this
bright cozy little dwelling --place of
ours for anything." r\
My lips quivered ; a',phoking sen-
sation filled my throat. _•, Was Miles
like all other men ? Dic be want to
bind. nye down to this pl everlasting
wheel of domestic druderr?
•`Amj. Besides," he added, nodding
at the little wicker roting chair,
"1 brought that home eaeeially for
Aunt Vashti ? She is coming to live
with us,"
"Aunt Vashti !"
At the, same moment tl
knocking at the door. ;t
up to, opttn'jt. '1'ilere, 01
threfshoid, vow a neat littl
trunk, with the unit'els
own neice Corisande i the city of on this noble work for ;children the as to form a mixture of grape sugar, ga The Tums Toronto Weekly
Chicago. I might alma;3t fancy thee Ontario Government and Legislature manna, gum mucilage, extractive, a .
my daughter. But lisf,n, Hannah : have given special ring exclusive little wax, polon, acid, andlpdorifer- Globe and Farmers' Sun, one year,
1 aim but a pilgrim a ��� ,, a stranger, powers to the Children's slid Soeicty, ous substances. rl for $i,35. This offer t'nly holds
Isere in this great, wicked Babel of and 1 have no hesitatioij; in saying honey, the saccharine sugary) gond till the 25th Jan., 18J5.
New York. 1 am on 'thhy way to that if wisely directed, aifd liberally juices of plants, is collect ley bees
settle in Vermont wh'., o there is a supported by the municipality and from flowers and deposited] lay
omb, em
For Dlphtherla. t
little colony of friends, :well known people, the Children's Aicq Society of in the waxen cella of �+
to mc. And, I have not been alto- London will not only do a great work These juices undergo some reedlike- y l3ob writes to the Toronto
gather Miles, children but will byits tion in the honey bag of the 11ee, but • Empire as follows: Please l set t the
;,other truthful with thj:;o and n tics, for neglected.+, �'aeter is following from the SeientifiAmeri-
my child, though 1 havo, in no case preventive methods eflcetht saving of though their chemical oh,'
sullied my lips with a falsehood?" thousands of dollars of pablie funds, somewhat changed, they st 1 retain can: "At the first indication of
"'Sot truthful, Aunt` Vashti ?" 1 If our � o le could only realize the the favor, and to some ex ent the diphtheria in the throat of a child
re was a No
� p
• o close;
' make
the tomthen take a
t from
the ]1 s
i of aSki
�. properties to io
main- peculiar Huai e�:1e sof to 1
tremendous annual n
'rem ou � p p
es sprang uttered,. 1 � pc•
the very "Not altogether, my held, I said; taining the vicious, crilnin?tl and pan which they were collected. 13eside tin cup, and pour into it air equal
horse -heir it has pleased Thom, , Corisande, per class, they would' generously the changes undergone in the bee quantity of tar and turpentine; then
run , t V. V." in fled Miles, all three o them, to irn- support tate Children's A1:l. Society in bag, other changes take place in the hold the cup over the fire so its to fill
ails at one nd. Close a lne---•wh I know:` not—that 1 its efforts to stay the c * se, and se- comb, known as ripening, rendering the room with the fumes. The pa -
behind it stood a small wroniau, in a was very hoer. I do of deny that cure for every child an opportunity it one of the most delicious and tient, on inhaling the fumes, will
Quaker gown and bonnet, and the in my days 1 have s '�Bred poverty; to attain to honest cltize)ship. Let healthful foods for mankind. But, cough and spit out the membraneous
neatest of mewing silk. shawls. but of late, the littl garden that I me quote bene the words of Mr, 1'. says someone, that can't be so, be- matter, and the diphtheria will pass
Thee le Hannah, I presume ? saki owned in the suburb` of St, Louis W. Ayres, of Ciaeinnati, til the Waif- cause ill 1 eat a teaspoonful it make off, The fumes of' tar and turpentine
she. I am thy husband's Aunt, - bas been cut up into ty lots and Saving Congress held in Chicago me sick. 1 would like to ask such a loosen the throat, and thus afford
'alAht1 Voorhee .�purchased of me at price that during;the World's Fair: one, did you ever try to cat it by relief that lras baffled the skill of
.Al give minuted she was rack- .seems little short of` elms in my ; " It frac' been found its New York , degrees until you accustomed your physicians."
Relief in six hours,—Distressing !Kid-
ney and Bladder diseases relieved in six
hours by the "Great South American Kid-
ney Cure." This great remedy is a great
surprise and delight to jhysicians on ac-
count of its exceeding prpmptness in reliev-
ing pain in the bladder, kidneys, back and
every part of the urinary passages in male
and female. It relieved retention of water
and pain in passing it almost iinmediately.
If you want quick relief and cure this is
your remedy. Sold at Chisholm's drug
License reduction was carried in
Mount Forest by 226 to 210.
With both the alligator and, the
crocodile the tail is the most formid-
able weapon. One : stroke may
break the legs of the strongest man.
Nogiect,s and the Regatta.
Neglect cold in the had and you will
surely have catarrh. Neglect nasal
catarrh and you will as surely induce
pulmonary 'diseases or catarrh of the
stomach with its disgusting attendants,
foul breath. hawking, spitting, blowing,
&c. Stop it all by using° Dr. Chase's
Catarrh Cure, 25 cents a beix.
Thursday evening, shortly after 6
o'clock, a man named J. G. Ander-
son, or Andrews, met with a terrible
sudden death at the Imperial Hotel
in Listowel. He missed his way and
fell down the. back stairs, breaking
his neck. He was a peddler of
harness oil, and died instantly.
Like a MSA a.de
Wonderful Results From
Hood's Sarsap4'riila.
Miss liannah Wyatt
Toronto, Ont.
"Four years ago while In the old" country
England), my daughter Hannah was sent away
from the hospital, in a very low condition
with consumption of the lungs and bowels, mut
weak action of the heart. Tho trip across than
water to this country seemed to make her feet
better for a while. Then She began to get
worse, and for 14 weeks alto was unable to get
off the bed. Site grow worse for live months and
lot the use of her !hubs and lower part of body
and if sire sat up in bed had to bo propped.
up with pillows. Physicians
Said She Was Past All Help
and wanted mo t
o send
OM '
omA f
Incurables.' But I said as long as 1 could mora
my hand up she should not go. We then began.
}Ioos'Cul. es
to give her Hood's Sarsaparilla. She Is getting
strong, walks around, is out dool'a every day;
has no trouble with her throat and no eotrgb,
rnd her tiear.t atefni to be all right WWatnp 'She
WI St first class appetite. , We regard -her cure
nit nothing Short ora miracle: 0 W. Wrier Se
Marion Street, Park dale, Toronto, Ontario.
hood's PINsr ere >ptttrols' telietah)s :4416
tperfe+tli ksxmtw., Betel 1ti7 st! tsirl, „
W. C.
(1.u>.la1t "'.•n) 1
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