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CliiKinsman ; best gent's fancy dress—Mr.
Manley Morden 2nd, D. Dingley ; best
comic dress (get;;)—William Varney; 2nd
'.Thos. and Wm, Dodds.
—G. T. B. trains for Toronto and east
'leave Wingham at 0.25 a. m. and 11,20 a.
m., via W. Goat B.; 0.35 a. M. and 3.25
p. m., via Clinton and Guelph. Good con -
motions by all trains. -
-The meetings 0
last week, held by th
VOL. XXIV.---NO. 1204.
The Only Direct Importers.
'THE BEAR, Jan. llth 1895.
Marriage Licenses
Issued by FRANK PATRRSQN, No 23, Vic-
toria street, Wingham, Ont. No witnesses
Brooms, 2 for 25c at Kerr & Conery's.
:Renew now.
'Renew and get the Thies and Weekly
Globe for 1805, for 911.
' —Mr. W. H. Hains, foreman at the salt
block, has been laid Itp for te past few
weeks, suffering fro
Another ton of Mye
:horses and cattle at G
'Royal Spice for
tin's grocery.
—The Rev. A. K. irks, of Teeswater,
will preach in th Methodist church,
Wingham, on Sum by next, both morning
and evening.
Baby carriage runners, to fit any car-
.riage, at T. E. ConNts's.
—A. regular meat' )g of 112aitland Presby-
tery was held in th Presbyterian church,
on Tuesday last. There was a good at-
tendanne of minist rs and laymen.
That Seaforth stock has arrived. See
.ad on page 5. Goon Bnos.
C..? -Judge Doyle is ite ill, and the hear-
ing of the voters' st appeals at Blyth,
Brussels, Ethel, an Cranbrook, which was
to have taken pleat this week, were indefi-
nitely postponed.:IV
To let.-- Good corner store, opposite Dr,
Chisholm's, McClure's old stand. Apply
to Wm. Button, Wingham, Ont.
--A meeting of di Western Veterinary
.Association will be held at Listowel, on
the 24th and 25th of January instant.
The first session wil commence at 3 o'clock
in the afternoon of he 24th inst.
The wide-awake buyer catches on quick.
'We give the value you are hunting for, but
you must bring along the money.
JAS, A. Came & Co., Wmgbam.
—.A. special meeti',g of Enterprise Coun•
nil, Royal Templar - of Templars, will be
held this (Friday) evening. Business of
importance will be. up for consideration,
:and the members - re specially requested
to be in attendant- at 8 o'clock.
Salmohi's English White Oils is the best
family Liniment in the world, .Good for
man or beast. Price 25 Dents, at Williams'
Drug Store, Wingham.
—A. well-attende
the rink on Tuesd
awarded as fol1oW
lady—Miss L. Ha
:Miss Ada Roderuj
--Miss Mated _ leuty; 2nd, Miss Ella
carnival was held in
evening. Prizes were
For the best dressed
ly, of Luoknow; 2nd,
best comic dress (lady)
the week of prayer,
Baptist and Congre-
unitedly, were well
11/ IN G
30 lbs. Demers sugar for 911, at the Star
Store, H: E. Seem.
—Huron County Council will meet in
Goderich on Tues ay, 22nd inst., at 8
Heathfield's Healing Balsam cures colds.
—Rev. D. Perris a Rev. A. MoNab, of
Whiteehnroh, exeha ed pulpits on Sun-
day evening last.
Mixed pinkies 15o a qt., Kerr & Conery's
1 —County Sabbat School Convention
will be held in Godo oh on Monday and
Tuesday, Jan. 28 an 29.
—Cash for good butter and eggs at R. A.
Graham's market grocery.
—Rev. L. G. Wood
on Sunday last, Rev.
taking Mr. Wood's wj
reached in Mitchell,
1. E. Hall, of Ripley,
ark here.
Fresh oysters received daily at the Star
restaurant, and served in any style.
JAS. MCliefvi :.
-The case agains the three young boys
charged with breal ng into Mr. George
Mason's store, a sh rt time ago, was dis-
missed, on Tuesda , by Mr. W. F. Brock-
enahire, J. P. T re was no evidence to
in any way ineri .nate the boys. iv;
G. H. Irvin, the tailor, has put in an
extensive stook of tweeds, worsteds, eto.
Call and see. them. Good goods, good
work, good fit guaranteed. Opposite Bank
of Hamilton,
—For some reason ' the scow plow was
not brought out unti Tuesday last, and
the most of the etre, is in town are pretty
well blocked. We hope that those in
authority will not b. so negligent of the
people's comfort an convenience in the
—Watches, clocks and jewelry promptly
repaired and fully warranted by HALsnY
PARK, Meyer Block, Wingham.
—Anniversary ser ns were preached in
the Wingham Metho st church, on Sun-
day last, by 'the Rev. r. Gifford, of Caro,
a were both chgrao-`1
and great research,
large and appreoia-
Williams, the druggist, sells pure drugs,
-We are sorry to le rn that Kr. Sextus
Iient, sr., is confined to the house by ill.
nese. G'
• —Mr. John Elder who had a pretty
severe attack of la gri pe, is, we are pleased
to say, able to be ar nd again.j.,
B. powder, pure, iso lb, Kerr & Conery's.
—If parents do nojwish to suffer the
penalties of the Trt ancy Act they had
better see to it that t ;air children aro sent
to school.
—The Goderioti ratepayers, by a con-
siderable majority, decided to allow the
streets of the town r be a cow pasture for
the present year.
—Private moneys to loan on mortgages
at reasonable rate of interest. Apply to
tf f ,Joey NELLANns.
—The annual m eting of the Wingham
Presbyterian church will be held on Mon-
day evening next. - large attendance of
metebers and adher-its is requested.
—The Lncknov, Caledonian Society
have issued invitations to their. 21st
annual ball, which will be held on the
25th of January (B erns' anniveasary.)
—The horse fair,
out quite a number
a number of buy-
uyhorses changed hanfl
very low. t
m Friday last, brought
-+f horses, There were
rs present, and a few
s, but the prices were
1• Salmoni's English White Oils cures
Chilblains. Rheumatism. Sprains, Braises
and Sore Back. For sale at 25.3. at Williams'
Drug Store, Wingham,
—Congregational hurch services at 11
a.m.and 7p:rn. E
m. The pastor will
Morning subject : '
all.." Evening sub;
A cordial welcome t
JANUA.11Y 18, 1895.
Fresh Fish at Kerr & Conery's.
—The Misses W ling in Town Hall,
Wingham, Tuesday ening, Feb. 5th.
9 inch plates, 00o a oz, Kerr & Oenery's
—A special meeting f the Town Council,
for general business, has been palled by
Mayor Hanna, to be held this (Friday).
Big value in Lam ,s at the Star Store.
1-I. E. Same.
—The Misses Weblfig's entertainments
are highly spoken of to Prof. John Ruskin
and Jamee RussellLo-•e11. In Town Hall,
Wingham, Feb. 5th,
--.The private bat _ting firm of Lucas,
Tanner & Co., of BI th, is in financial
trouble, but it is thoeght they will pull
through. -
Baby carriage runners, to fit any car-
riage, at T. E. Co$NYN's.
—What' have th�
street, north of John
snow plow has not 1
this winter ?r
I —The Fraser Dra,
playing in the Town
are giving a good sh
is not very large.
Michigan. The sermo
terized by deep though
and were listened to bl
tive audiences. /
—For first-class $ailoring and cheap
gents' furnishings, try Webster & Go.
,Remember the places one door south of
R. A. Graham's grocery store.
proclamation ppears in the Canada
Gazette bringing nto force from the lst
inst., the amend -ent to the Criminal
Code passed last rasion, enacting that,
notwithstanding at y law, usage or custom
to the contrary, re yen grand jurors, in-
stead of twelve, as heretofore, may find a
true bill in any p evince where the panel
of grand jurors is lot more than thirteen.
24 lbs. Granulated sugar for 51, at the
Star Store. H. E. Seem,.
sad event oo rred at Clinton Wed-
nesday evening las in the death of the eldest
son of Mayor Ho es, a promising boy of
twelve years: A w days since, while at
school, he fell on naii,making an ordinary
wound on his ee. The injury was
dressed and apps ntly healed up, but a
few days after a Atoms of blood poison-
ing manifested tl emselves, which resulted
in his death, n twithstanding the most
careful and con ant medioal attention.
The Tines cxtenc its sympathies to Mayor'
Holmes and. Mr Holmes in their afflic-
Coughs and Colds can be cured by using
Heathfield's Healing Balsam. For sale at
50c, at Williams' Drug Store, Wingham.
—The Gospel T perance meeting held
in the Teeraneq�Hall, on Sunday even-
ing last, was fairy well attended, and the
audience was a very appreciative one. Mr.
G. A. Newton fill d the chair very accept-
ably. The meeti g was opened by singing
by a union choir, with Mies 1 etchen pre-
siding at the ora. Mr. Secord read a
portion of soril,nre and prayed, after
which. Rev. Dr, C' fford delivered a forcible
address, and olos d by reading a resolution
which he had prepared, to the effect that
petitions be pre
of the townspec
town Council to
•gational churches • betterment of t;
Attended, and also goad and enjoyable in force. Mr.1
t neetings. Mr. Ila 'ilton led the meetings r resolution in a
in the Baptist cltur h Tuesday and Wed- tion was also a
ttesday evenings, nd Mr. Sword those in ald, Rev. D. P
the Congregation 1 church on Thursday shire, in short
And Friday event gat but both took part being taken its
in All the meetin , The meetings wore The matter o
,gi'Ven over to pra:
And we think td
fidpecially more 1i
Wise have been
!Mt two evening
.0.4oe kept np all
4160ttied to be to .
er more than is usual,
re better enjoyed and
1pfnl than would other.
110 case, Although the
yore stormy,the attend.
.' +yen greater interest
red, and the signatures
le secured, asking •the
ave certain laws for the
morals of the town put
M. Gordon seconded the
at speech. The resold•
ported by ])r. P. Madden-
rrie and W. F. Broeken-
peechea, and on a division
was carried unanimously.
getting up the petitions and
*Wiring the si,natures and also presenting
the petitions s the Connell, was left in the
hands of the aardent ministers, with two
laymen hot- each. congregation. After
singing, the i .ecting was brought to a close
by the propDing of the benediction by
gmDr. Gi ord, of Caro, Mich.
naay school 2.30 p.
preach next Sunday.
Ihrist out all and in
of : "Degeneration."
copy of a iristmas Souvenir of
Southwestern Manit ba, being a historical
sketch of the tops f Boissevain, Delo-
raine, Killarney and Crystal City, has been
received. In it wefind a well-written
notice of Boissevain'Ipioneer firm, Messrs.
E. Nicol & Son, formerly of this town.
Out they gn—Thebalance of Cow Chains
and Cross Cut Saws must go out at once, ,
regardless of cost, for cash only. The
early bird gets the warm.
,7As: A. CLINE & Co., Wingham.
—After the regul meeting of Olivette
Lodge, Rebekah Dgree, I. O. O. F., on
Tuesday evening 15t+ mthe °rnebers were
entertained at the 1 eine of the Past Noble
Grand, Mrs. Johr Elder. When full
justice had been one the good things,
some time was spei s in social converse, &c.
—Mr. Thos. For es, one of the Coun-
cillors -elect for No 3 Ward, finding that
he has not the req ired property qualifica-
tion, has disolainn 1 his right to a seat at
the Council Board A new election will
be required to ill the vacancy, Mr. Peter
Deans, the canc.-date polling the next
highest vote, rein; ng to accept the seat.
—The second annual meeting of the
Huron Veterintar Medical Association
was held in the t•-wn hall, Clintou, on tate
9th inst. Quite a number of Veterinary
"'Surgeons from va.rious points in the county
were in attendan e. The following officers
were elected for be year just beginning,
viz: President, dr. Clarke, V. S, ; Vice -
President, Mr. 4olley, V. S. ; Secretary,
J. J. Walker, . 5, ; Treasurer, J. E.
Blackall, V. S. dr. Blackall, V. 5,, placed
an interesting specimen of cerebral hemorr-
hage before th meeting, showing two
large clots at tl ; base of the brain, which
caused the de+ th of the patient, a fine,
yigorous mare. He also gave a minute
description of tl J case, which was listened
to with -interest, ;ooh cases being somewhat
rare in veterine y practice. Mr. Walker,
V. S., presents two specimens of dentiger- -
ous cyst., or to h bearing tumors,owhioh
he had relriov from the ear of a three
mnonths,'Ad fo and a four year old mare 1
respectively. hat' from the foal's ear
cdnpliined seve teeth, one a fully develop-
ed molar, and le remaining six in various
stages of ilev opment. The Treasurer
reported a 11 rishing condition of the
finances of the ssooiation.. Thea meeting '
then adjourn to meet sometitno in
Maroh, at the o 11 of tlie'presidont.
Iia Olden Tintes
lacople overlooked the importance of per-
rnanohtly beneficial effects and were satis-
lied with transient action; bat now that it ,
is generally known that Syrttp of Figs will
permanently cure habitual constipation,
well-informed people will not bey other
laxatives, which sot for a time, but finally
injure the system,
residents of Shuter
Street, done that the
en along that street
ratio Company are
all this week. They
, but the attendance
"Where is my watch, Melinda ?" "John-
nie's oat cranking hiokory nuts with it."
"All right, then, that won't hurt it, for
it was got at M. Patterson's jewellery
store, Wingham," '
—Rev. Dr. Giffone, of Caro, Michigan,
delivered his celeb .,ted lecture, "How
Small Men Climb," to a fair audience, in
the Methodist churel , ou Tuesday evening
—Well attended neetings of the West
Huron. Farmers' In aitute were held in the
Temperance Hall, i t this town, on Thurs-
day. Addresses on different subjects were
delivered by Messt . D. W. Beadle, A. E.
Wark and John °Millan, M. P., and
others. We will gib an extended report
in our next issue. -
-The members f Wingham Council,
Canadian Order of hosen Friends, intend
holding a basket so 'al in their Caunoil
room, on Monday ening, 28th instant.
Iuvit.btions will le issued shortly. An
attractive program to of vocal and instru-
mental music, rean)gs, recitations, &c.,
will be given, wit an intermission for
Heathfield's Healing Balsam is the
surest and eafeat cure for co;ds in the
world. Price 50 cents, at Williams' Drug
Store, Wingham.
—A telegram fronrChicago appeared in
some of the Torun o papers, last week,
stating that one "A- Ill. Stephenson,an ex -
supreme chief ram= of the Illinois Fores-
ters, and H. Rosea Baum, of the Canadian
Order of Foresters were arrested." Neither
of the above parti hay e not, nor never
had, any oonnec on with the Canadian
Order of Foreste
—A. public Ter _perance meeting will be
held in the Tem 'erance .Hall, Wingham,
on the evening o Thursday, January 24th,
to be addressed t - J. G. Murdoch, District
Chief Templar, o Lucknow, and Rev. Dr.
Gifford. The pullic are cordially invited;
no admission fee harged. Mr. Murdoch.
is one of the allies speakers on this question -
in the we''t, and i r. Gifford is an earnest
advocate of the cause.
—Miss Charlotte McDonald wishes to
intimate to the ladies of Winghain and
vicinity that the Dress and Mantle making
business, formerly carried on by Miss M.
Johnston, will be continued by her in the
old stand, Gregory Block, Pref. 1Moody's
tailor system taught. Cutting and fitting
a speoialtt.
-The salt produo s of Western Ontario
have had several m tinge lately, at Lon-
don, with a view o organizing an assooia•
tion to prevent,un' c eompetition among
themselves and to mprove their positions.
It is altogether lik• y that there will be it
Slight rise in the price of salt, as a con-
sequence ofthe 'fot-viatiou of the associa-
tion. For a anuli" of tnouths back salt
has been sold at ruinous prices to the
—The Misses Vzbling; of London, Eng•
land, will give onatf their delightful en-
tertainments in tl- : Town Hall, Wingbam,
ort Tuesday even. g, February 5t13, in( er
the auspices of Wortgham Connoil, Olrna-
diail Order of Cho en Friends. The enter-
tainment will be sae . of the most varied
ever given in to n, and will Consist of
scenes in tihar ter, graceful dances,
Shakesporian sole ions in costume, drama-
tie and bumerous - ecrtals, &c. The three
sister's-•llireaes it alind, Peggy and )buoy
Webling, with the aesiatance of a pianist,
will give the enti programme.
Wingham De ting Olub. we thank His Excelle oy for theexpressio*
> Insx rvsnr Aar I Tlxn. t of bis..confidenoe and -, ll address ourselveve
to theta with Honesty if purpose, earnostF.
On Monday evening est, the first public
meeting of the Wingieam Debating Club
was held in the Town Hail, before a large
and appreciative auc 'ence, The debate
was oonducated in j irliamentary style,
Mr, Wrn. Clegg being die Speaker, and the
debaters were divided,
here being the sup.
porters of the Geyer lent and also the
Opposition, (j'ie lett r occupied seats to
the left of the Speaker, while the Govern-
ment supporters sat ma his right. The
speech from the thron , as • read by Mr.
Speaker, was as follows
Gentlemen of the HousS.of Commons,
• It affords me much gr ;trficatiou to meet
you at the commenceme t of the parlia-
mentary session and to b able to congratu-
late you upon the cotnpa five prosperity of
the Dominion, and upoi the fair harvest
with which providence has' blessed all
parts of the country.
The lamented, untitael and tragic death
of Sir John Thompson s aroused among
all classes a feeling a rofound sorrow.
The sympathy with La y Thompson and
her family has found pression in re-
spectful messages of con olence from Her
Majesty Queen Victori , my Ministers,
from the Provincial Gov •nments and from
many other represented e bodies.
Important measures will be laid before
you during this sessic .i for your careful
consideration. -
It is proposed to int eaduce a Bill to re-
peal the present Franc-iise Act and the
present method of preparing the voters'
lists, and to substitute therefor: Manhood
Suffrage, and to preparf the voters' list by
a system of registration
It is proposed to repo .1 the present law
relating to Chinese -mmagration, by
which 350 are charged upon every China-
man arriving in the co ntry. A Bill will
be introduced this seas )n removing this
and placing Chinese innuigration upon the
same plane as immigation from othee
countries. -
It is believed that the assumption of the
Dominion railway and telegraph lines by
the government wou1e- be in the general
interests, of the Dom nion, and a Bill to
accomplish that end till be submitted for
ynur careful considera ion.
The accounts- for .he past year will be
laid before you, as we as the estimates for
the ensuing year. T ese ,estimates have
been prepared with d e regard to economy
and the requirements •f the public service.
Gentlemenof the Ho se of Commons:
I commend these i portant subjects and
all matters of publi• interest which may
be brought before yo , to your best con-
sideration and I feel 3sured that you will
address yourselves ) them with honesty
of purpose, earnestn so tLnd assiduity.
The reply to the s : eech front the throne
was the following address, which was
moved in a neat sp ech by Mr. Wm. J.
1st. That we rete e with much pleasure
His Excellency's ex ression of gratification
at meeting us again at the commencement
of .the radiomen + session, and rejoice
that His Excellent is able to congratulate
us upon the comps
Dominion and upot
which Providence
the country.
2nd. That we s re the feeling of pro-
found sorrow arous among alt classes by
the lamented and untimely death of Sir
John Thompson, a. are pleased to' learn
the sympathy with Lady Thompson and
her family has foun expression in respect-
ful messages of condolence from her
Bfritannic Majesty Queen Victoria, His
Excellency's Mini ers, from Provincial,
Governments and f rn many other repre-
sentative bodies.
3rd, That we will carefully consider the
important tleaSnre referred to in His
Excellency's speed from the throne, viz:
The extension of th Franchise, Chinese
immigration, and t e assumption by the
government of the r. ilways and telegraph
lines of the Dominic) .
4th, That we drat~ His Excellency for
informing us that he accounts for the
past year will be lak.1 before us, as well as'
the estimates for t -e ensuing year, and
that the said estima ?s have been prepared
with a due regard to economy and the re-
quirement of the pub
5th. That itis
assured that these lin
all matters affecting t
which may be broug
oeive our beat oonsicb
tive prosperity of the
the fair harvest with
s blessed all parts of
o service. 1
kcelleuoy may rest
ortant subjects, and
e public interests,
t before US, will re.
atien. And that
nese and assiduity.
Mr, J. D, Stewart, in a few well.ohoss>IAt.'
sentences, seconded be address. The..,
debate was then cont-tued, the members" •
speaking in the follo ng order : T. Bel�El.
McAndrew for the Op osition, followed by -
H. F. Gorton for the. overnment; the.
W. F. Brookenabire or the Opposite)**
and who was answers by Roy. lar. Gifford
for the Government; hen A. H. Muegrove,
the leader of the Opp sition took the floor,
and was followed b Dr. P. Maeclous46,
the leader of the 'over:merit. Mr..
McCracken, of the L position, after speak-
ing a few moments, moved the adjourn-
ment of the debate and the meeting wast
soon brought to a i ose. The speeches of
all taking part we • really good, and were:
greatly appreciated by the audience, who
were liberal with Weir applause. During;
the debate the lee ler of the Opposition,
asked some pertialent questions of the
Government,. an the questions and.
answers were reoeici with delight by the
audience. It bas ,ot been decided yet
when the next deba will take place. Mr.,
Wm. Clegg filled tt , onerous position of
speaker in a most in -)artial manner.
Reform M s Meeting; `
Arrangements ha - been completed for
the Reforms meeting t be held in the Town
Hall, Wingham, on Tuesday evening,
January 20th. Adore. es will be delivered.
by Wm. Paterson, E -q., M. P., South:
Brant; James McMillen, Esq., M. P,
North Wellington ;-Th.. Gibson, Esq., M.
P. P., Past Huron, an/Dr. P. Macdonald„
M. P., East Huron. reasonable time
will be allowed an o position speaker
The meeting will comm es at 7.30 o'clook;
sharp. All are Cordia y invited, and a
special invitation is ext e4 to the laches,. ..
for whom seats will be r erved. -
Handsome F tures.
Some times unsigbtl blotches, pimples;
or sallow opapue skin, destroys the attree-.
tiveness of handsome features. In all such
cases Scott's Emulsion will build up the
system and impart freshness and beauty.
Per nets.
Miss Wills, of Tor ntn, isa guest of the
Rev. L. G. Wood.
Seaforth Exposito : Mise Nellie Cline.
of Wingham. paid a isit to Seaforth thin '
week: nee
Mrs. John Marti of Detroit, •spent a
couple of days wi her daughter. Mrs„
Wallace, during the eek.
- -Mrs. R. Elliott nd Pet returned oit
Saturday last, fro a ,week's visit with
relatives and friend in Listowel.:
J. W. Scott, Esq. ,,and Mrs. Soott, of -
Listowel, were the guests of Mr. S. B.
Webb, a couple of ys during the week.
fee -Mr. Fred. W. Yo g, of Banff, is at pre-
sent on a visit to fr nds in Ontario. He ie
this week the gues of his sister, Mrs..
Mrs. Baskerville, f Winnipeg, who has
been a guest of r sister, Mrs. Thus.
Forbes, for a few %seeks, returned to her
home on Monday.
Brussels Post : - -*eve Sparling and wife,
'of Wingham,' We visiting in .town on.
Tuesday,sMiss M ry Carrut9,ars, of Wing..
ham, is visiting in town. ,
50o. Teas for 35o. at the Stet Store. '
—There are not, rhaps, in the Domin«
lou of Canada to -da three more talented
eutertainers than Rosalind, Peggy and
Lucy Webling- -mea, Hamilton, Ont.
dill appear in To ni Hall, Wingham, ala
Tuesday evening, 1 eb. 5th.
—Gen. Booth at 3 staff, of the Salvation
Arany, will visit Ltetowel on Friday after-
noon, Jan. 25th. The General, who is.
,known over the oivilized world as the
founder of the Sr vation Army, will leo-
ture in the Meth- fret ohurOh the sane
evening. All the ells in the town will Ian
rung when the .::neral arrives. It is tic
petted large nun .ere will be .present aft
the gathering. 1.As mayor has been re- '
quested to act as ;-•hairntan and the mem.
ben of the staff .: All be entertained by
some of the loadi;Z; citizens.
The *lain Truth Tsai,
Constipation. headache, Bllioatinelea,
and End Blood, are promptly caved b7
Burdeok Blood Bitters, which note upon,
the etounteh, liver, bowels, and blood,
caring all their dieeaselr.