HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1895-01-11, Page 6ietteZaiting MS THE WIN(i1. it.Y rI":.MES,, JANE1.. AWY 11n t495 ny than tete fourth story. Nicholae fleally, and inti everything possible. Ii•'ulitt's deet 'ttda house, adjoining with the plant at their disposal to the Ului,e to the riolith, [quickly fell .t stay the flames. The wind was' prey to the flames and 1V;lr& .L COM- blowing strongly frulu the tiOlith and Ftill}A K JA•NITAILY 11, 1:t395, ' ltletr ruin in 1e than all hour from East, and. the tt(1 jaeent !mlldings were the time the alarm was eon .)led. s,ull al1 :1.1)1 lze, All the firs) stations '"*'' ''' • "" j '' Front tke 1Vt' t t'n 1 of the Globe delft their hose reels Mid 1U1 (.r:4. 'r ""+* j' '( jE wr FIRE. buil ling the tire wee u;)uunnniratt'd 11'Ln want of steam flee ?I1.;i13'S Was alel'.i'(-i .lurdaat;:tl'et't to the large new severely felt, and il:atlFitllstltll(.11r]}" building let` S. 1'. McKinnon & Co., the fact that the Chief repeatedly re - 'NOM Confla g rataee to To. 3)n the ,st.tltt:ea-It ec+.ner of Jurdall quested. (etch appliances the council ens and Melinda, streets. ets, :llwats realised Ills it" r011to tilbtOry' From the tori story cif this build- The insurance and losses in detail """ lug the 1I8ult's spread downward :ire: Globe [)rioting and Publish - 'S t QI)e through ]t:( seven ttri'ier;, working ing (company estimated also on Complete Destruction of the i Establishment complete ruin as It went. The build- building, 080,000 , plant. ;;'511; Printing ]Il,, . Oi:1 '1'li.;:le ,73.1.iacatti, ! A Fumble at the altar. .).^l the %v' r1 1 ;'row:. older, I1cHtt<e- k"t'ptng• umst avow nl•i;, sink le. It ,s..ett:tilvL (1 as already' Iwo;I outdo There 'was a shadow on his face, Alicia[, he said with a trehubliug voice, I believe I made a mistake in the pt•('p'u'I"(l tr)ult 111111 friths of when 1 married you. eoinin're(•, in the :•+('\Vitt w il)'i" 111t•. 111 She. oterrlly drew herselflip her relay -111;111[• Vtothhi'::lath ln; nv other full height. useful inventions The quilt of ,),)11 Atl1e1Stan i elle 'palsied. phase, made by ;t 1.01y of .1.1 years, Yea, he proceed((. cl(•speratety. the and tri:unphanlIt (la:plat I1 :i'• the more 1 think of it the more 1 gull i)ht-ttun' country Lairs, is fl.f lu11gt'r e1 1vf11e('d that I gave tile minister in evi(lenee, It has v!.•itl:'.1 t., the ;t11 N instead (ll' tha Y 1 intrluled, 1)L&'tty whit, euclllteri::rtle 11'iltlll can 1 be height fi)1' :I song. The ili1na :ewes Qct ::iv, an 'it, 1 knitted st a•1{li) 't'(• 1V'nh9h 111 c"11'il" I' li;li1 the nr•Opie :troll till h.4re paler chn,,,e's liid1lt,v-Liver Pills to an Clays ['1.1'11• I:rt,•(li, ,rt., , (' .lir:;? d,rille .)Cher 1 1114141` in sL lit il, brat aft) 'r was allnl)st destroyed before the library, tile;, ete, 1,},•)t).). 'i'altlt1 hill^([ hale a pi8•)we;i'S' fti11, 111111 all wgnderftll pill. Jr,nd t3 dl);.on rlL.onc•n, •,.r If " about 141;).) +)e1I), Insur:inee ll't!sr•• `ol' her own 11 tllelilV3)1 k 13:11.1• 'oven •11 to ont. e n' 1 walls SI]()r\'l'll Yn\" signs l f itllli.r, sltlfl i , l It . t 1 nearly I IV / i ,. t , :ti, -iiN(t 1 by post, r as it was till' Ill) `e of tilt'- fire111et1 tlliit ern. ,i);l}'.)') ; i"lll()Ii, ::),t)1)t) ; titin, Irepla(.'.ed. by toll(' [[lila, N;(teseletilry W Ireland, Cillot•ooli. A Number of t of tl:s.n s 1 fl • pn [9 ,' the substantial walks would enable :; ,,iit)i) ; llartford, •ea,e(ao; Canted autl clJeai,el' w„Ven articles. .111ele . IontL it.115 IQ («t+1Q s. ato keep 1 t' blew within their Ul' \laI1(l11'stel', :2:),ii.i'1 : ;Il:ineliectev, 1 other things once we mestet well Little (.iirl ; Mamma says I lutist them to 1 1 boundaries, ;hitt thus prevent its '^7, 1()'); Plleonix of li,tl•if()iii. •i1 ),- infinite paths by toil -worn, feminine study g' this tel'l,l. y L71t1C Firemen Suffer in Their Heroic westward spread. Millions of sparks ()3)t) ; l et'th \[1ltual,"'. >'.it) ; .1111;incl' fruul , lei V(' passed into destitude and Boy: \\ of n that for hat s so I 1 Efforts to Conquer the Flames. One Firelma n Dead and Two Others. believed To be Mortally Injured. Tow., LOSS AIBOUT 1.000,000 ----LIST OE 'ewe PROPERTIES DESTROYED OI% DAMAGED. Toronto, Jan. (l. --The most dis- . ,strous fire in the history of Toronto occurred this (Sunday) morning.. The total loss will reach nearly 4'1,000,000. The fire originated in 'basement of the Globe building, at the corner of Yonge and Malilyda ,streets, and spread west and north. One fireman was killed and five -others were injured by falling walls, and two of then: will probably die. Robert Bowery,years, aged. _ 1 of ,No. 294 Parliament street, fireman fol Lombard street fire hall, died at were Carried to the west Gild fell hill • of Ellgl<uul, ,•7.000; i:a•.terll, w. ,e0 1 the roofs of houses a Utile distant, li,'itish America, eta,rel>); Liverpool, but the four inchee of snow which ' Landoll and (11obe,2,5'11); :i•"e...tish mantled the city extinguished them. 1 119.)11, '}i,.lU11; Mere;;Lane, i:i(i,iir)1 before they could work any injury. .Efl1 l 2,:)'1'); Pho(»'ix of torch iclen, : To the south of the (;;lobe 0D JUl'-: :':-),:lilt), ttuee 1, 1. ' )•)'); Nul'th(trn, din street were buildings occupied ' )-'2J 110 ; Wellington \lutanll, 1.(11)0 ; by Brough & Caswell, printers ; i Fire Insilranre E.xehang'•e. Cube.), sadler; Haworth, leather royal of England, • 9,1:1:1; London beltings, and Miller & :Richard, type smel Lancashire, : $3,.).i(i; Gore Ns - founders. The buildings occupied i trier Mutual, a5,0•)0. '!'uta' 1;:)1,001). • by the first two mentioned firms j Toronto • Lithograph Company, were totally destroyed, while. the (=lobe banding, estininted loss, premises of Mile' & Richard were :,1;10,000 ; insurance 65,000. pi h a Miller 1 1 badly gutted before the progress of Ilarry Webb; caterer, Yonge street, the flanges was stayed in this direr- estimated loss on contents., $17,000 ; tion, insurance, '$21,000. 111r. J. S. Willison, of the Globe, in Nicholas Rooney, drygoods, Yonge an interview, said he had beenca le' street, estimated 1os'>, tsee,00 ), in - up shortly- after the firebr broke out, surance, $55,000. and carne clow.) to the office at once, S. 1 • • [lIiiu eon &Cu., esth na tett where he met Robert Jaffray, presi- loss on buildings, `c.0,000 to 100, - dent of the company. The Globe i t.")= on stock, i'80,00() to has occupied the building since June t 00() ; insurance, $120,000. yh 1890, when they' moved in from the I Michie & Co., estimated loss, $10,- ld oflfce on isins• street which tivas 000 ; covered by insurance. .. Crenel'a. Hospital at 15. u. b ! Williamson Rubber Company, [clue like :l, new revelation to the __ _ , Chief Ardagh received a bad gash required. to open out Victoria street.' 1 l ` , , , The ondc'rsinned in returnlnl; thanks u, MCAsn, in the forehead and injuries to the The building now burned was danlage•4,000,by fall ofMcKinnon'S world at professional 11311car )1s; and, for 1111=1 c1rrsi.t,(e it, ‘.0 to say that they . building'• insllsance, a',) 000, d. a coils(1111C1iec, ill our hest b(ll0018 I3fl% 11 roe V In1:1! +.tu(1k u( .1), D. .tomato, ?Member College Physicians and'• back, formerly occupied by Hughes Bros., 1 ' Charles Smedley, No. 98 Nassau ars a wholesale dry goody warehouse, 1 Brough Printing. 1. )I 1paLnyl, Jur- some kind and degree of physical surgeons, ()'131,ie. street, fireman College street fire hall, - wee three stories in height, with : dao street, loss on plant, ;(20,000; training is now assn. uling the position LuFte i;Eaa, iililli i E'F, i. , sustained serious internal injuries and mansard roof,' L1st11 ,nee :.•,12,500. of the one hulispensable branch of ATH and was rather a 'Greek, , Malay die slight structure The Globe peotle , - , , , Inaelline Made fa10.1t•s (10 ditty in Dan laugh ;11 ell 01 N.•1 Iltakl theft' stead. M(.1:41; of these hone pro. takes. : tweet's l h:tvcl happily ;dun('. foto til, •"a °"" ' - i limbo (4' a past when women. liver: ; I ilnd died victims to work, wilier ,nc311-1 own inventions have reuderud :up- ; , Cr1ILlous. 11115 - :Jun Mi.eases. Skin ditaoo es are inure or leas oc:casion- (et1 b ' land blood. 13. rt. I. (urns the f.);1U11•ihll; Skin Diseases • Shingles, j brydlpehla, It('h3313 Hashes, itllt 1th('n in. kit aid llea.1, Eruptions, Pimple,, and 1811)1010,. by ren).)vin ; al1 impurities !Uf Cha 3)IU:)(( from a cotniti0(1 Puu;,le to the worst Seruluteus tiur(l. educators everywhere have be- !, to a1I)preciate the fact that phy- sical culture i; as truly a :.,art of the business of the sC'liool. as mental and I moral culture. The truth that char- acter to a. very great extent is de- pendent upon the development of a sound and Wcllelisciplieed body has Physieal Culture, cAVEATS,TRADE MARics COPYRIGHTS. CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT? For a ppromnt answer and an honest opinion, write to 111UNN & CO., who have had nearly fifty years' experience in the patent business. Communica- tions strictly confidential. A Handbook of In. formation concerning Patents and how to ob- tain them sent free. Also a catalogue of mechan- ical and scientific books sent free, Patents taken through Munn S Co. receive special notice 3D the l;c1OIltiac American. and thus are brought widely beforothe publiewith- out cost to the inventor. This splendid paper, issued weekly, elegantly illustrated, bas by far the largest circulation of any scientific work in the World. N3 a year. Sample eol,les sent free. Building Edition, monthly, 5:,(0a year. Single copies. •,14„5 cents. Every number contains beau- tiful plates. in colors, and photographs of new houses. l 9. with plans, Il a s enabling builders latest designs and aeoure contacts. Addressthe MUNN S CU., NEw YORK. 351 BRoeDWAY. 4 `IPdGII?,ir9 SHIN MILLS 4 Iiinc u --IS PU11LIS1r]1D 1.VI'11tY FRIDAY MUII14TNG -- .1'r 'rr'i .--• -I•IM1 OFI )C1, 3 SEPI.11NE STREET 'l\'IN0IIAM, ONTARIO. Sithspr'i.r1 toot price, $il Dor yR at', in WtVafU@ ADVERTISING .RATES; ,y'p:(e'u } 1 y r. 1 e e1,el 1 . One • 111 *10 -,4 t 4u 14uI 1 , ,t Ot, 4) du , ,,;}, 'Al d,q0 (tali 41) 0+1 1'0 1((3 12 ` 0U y01 role• 1.1r•I1 5 du t :} 3.0 g 41(3 1 00 . 0,.1tes , , t tl adv., tinenlanl 1 N per line fat lir:.. lu+'you.) 31 (.;.•. 3.41 hoe t•, ...ton nui)sequent insertion. Lor•',t a•1(iecs Uit•. pc. Ube for first irsert1on, and :a'. ler iiae for e.u'fl)4ntwlqu }n„ iimertict., No 10ea1 notice WA' be ('has3(1 11egv than die. X. Advtn't:selnr'nts of Lost, Found, Strayed, Situations, and i34o,ioes, (llmneea Wanted, Net ox.'etding 8 1ineb nonpartt(, 51121 month rrou.ea and Perms for sale, not exceeding 8 1 for Mat mantis, 334'1'. per Mub•.equ4n utonth 11411NN Wni he strict)). Ful btl'ed to Spe1811 rs.rea for local advertisements, or tot 11`)1:.41' 3.11.114(3,, direetiens,(will u!asserted tiHO local ll forbidvandtt cht argedF areordimw.. Tra114a`oty advertisements must be - . ,,.1111 iii ad% tutee' Changes for contract advertie-•monts must be n'•• til oifiee I•y Wednesday noon, nl order to appear,. 0 .tt wl'Nk R. ELLIOTT PROrRIN'relt AND PUDLISHNR .. DR 9R MACDONALD, J CENTRE GTREET: WINOnAn, • 'I F 11, TOWLEII. ONTARIO.. Member College Ph:rarcianm and Surgeons, Ontario --Coroner for County of Moron - 01110e upstairs, next to Mr Morton's office, Wing-•. hate. ('ant. O1"rice II 0rnr,,— 3) t0 13 a. m., 1 to p. m., or a Residence, Diagonal Street. T 1', KENNEDY, M. D„ M. C. P S 0. e (Succes•or to Dr. J. A. lieldrunr,) C1 Id Medalist of Wostortt University: Late Mouse - Surgeon in London Genera11.1ospital, Special anew tion paid to diseases of women and r},ildr4n. Otlice—Formo'1s occupied by Dr,'Neldrunl,Cornea• of Centre ono Patin( 3 streets. ._— H rNc;n ant . Uxr 1)ELe,eAyN ONTARIO`' t' 1 TL Alexander 8r1)lnl(r e•tilli8ted instruction. (Teel. of C3LICUIUS or ., --- 3 1 i \ 1 1' 1 1 1 i( chem: t1 U t 1 butt 1, VANSTONE, r nes 1 orsy til,. 0.337_ Rlciunond 1 000 ' insurance, $20,000. proper care, discipline and develop- on hand, winch will be sold at very close BARRISTER Sant lel TOR, Etc., ;street west foreman of (queen street : their old building, and this money }of 1 Privatc'4,Id Company fund, to luau It lowest est rate I'' •)•11(ld 1'•'11- •tl 1L lar(re at110Llrit fUl 0:55 011 Harry e b s )ui C ing :410 h 1.11a y " e optional ; rig fire hall, badly cut about the head P;GO,OUO or w70,UtJU—was put into F. M. Bell -Smith, artist, loss on mentthe p lysical man, in the hard tint's. prices to meet. the. requirements of the ' and sustainedinternalinjuries. , the enlargement of the Hughes' petal tb in \\'ebb's buildinf; x.),000 ; luclgluent of the chief educators, • 0 slloulct be ltu• lforlul • rc• Robert Foster, No. 12 Salisbury ;budding. It was run up two stories ; Inslu.lnce, $1,_ O. ) q11 ued of avenue, fireman Lombard street fire ;higher, strengthecl throughout at : Canadian Photograph Journal, loss every student. The relation between hall, left leg broken, left arminjured ? great cost, and notwithstanding this ''1,50O• gymnastic exercises, 811110110 sports :was never well spoken of by avoid- ; chi -1 and national games is so intimate and serious internal injuries. ,i that there is reason enough for as - James Davidson, fireman Portland • Wets, or insurance 1nt'n. The Toron that ting them together. street mall, :land injured. i to Lithographic •Company occupied harry Saunders, Portland street :two fiats of the Globe building, hada ' +' hooks, leg broken and foot badly 1 Marge stock of presses standing, aud A Great Rattle +crushed, ! a number of' stones, which were very The fire alarm was turned in at valuable. Mr. 'Willison says that as 1 2,48, the central station brigade res -far as he could learn, the night }onding, but when they reached the i watchman had gone through the i scene the flames were already burn- building and was in the basement, 1 ing through every window in the when, on opening the boiler room 1 Globe huildin d t' door the flames burst oat him He ilnmecliatedly stare • the alarm. An observant writer, who professes i When .Baby was salt, tiro caro her C'astorla. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she elan, to Castoria, When she had Children, s:(e;avo themCastoria, g,. an were moon ung , a a S l on . skyward with an angry roar. A general alarm was at once sounded and soon every section of the brigade. I was at work. The north wall of the building fell out into Melinda street, burying two of the firemen, Robert Bowery and itobert Foster, in its fall. These two stood on the south side of the wagon, and were caught directly be - math the heaviest portion of the fall- ing debris. Five of their more for- tq,llate cumpanions standing on the porde side of the wagon escaped in- jury, Thele quickly extricated Bowery and 11ostee, who were remov- ed to the hospital in the waiting am- bula){ee.. Chief Ardagh and a nunl - Fh'st Class Shingles, $1.70 per Square. Wood Thcts. per Card, delivered. Everything else equally low. Coale and see us before buying, Drs we will not be Is continually going on in the human I undersold. system. The demon of impure blood strives to gam victory over the constitu- • 11cL1'.AN & SON. tion, to ruin health, to drag victims to Wingham, June 7t11, 1891. the grave. Hood's Sarsaparilla is the _ r_.____ _ _ weapon with which to defend one's self. drive —"° -- drive the desperate enemy from the field, y A Stormy Day. and restore bodily health for many • The fire spread with amazing rapidityto have studied feminine huninn throughout the building. i nature, says: "A rainy day has alt- . The Globe had two •Bullock per- tractions for au woman's soul that the fecting presses in the press room,' sunshine in all its e,•lory cannot dis-, eight Mergenthaler typesetting pet. Not a day When the drizzle is ' machines, weighing between 2,500 just enough to keep one from going,' and 3,000 pounds each, besides other , out was comfort, but a day when machinery.' i there is a genuine down -pone. It is Several hundred telegraph wires on such occasions when going out is I carried along Melinda street are almost an impossibility, when the fire down by the burning of the poles, light is so winsome, 1(11x1 the brigleest and the fall of the walls. All the rooms have a twilight dioses$, that files of the Globe are burned. In ' a woman, secure fl•oin visitors, puts ftict nothing has been saved. All on a wrapper, draws it low rocking wag burned completely, including chair into the firelight,, and rips up the record; of the office. The land her last wintel•'s dre:;5. A woman! on which the (}lob[: building stood always reserves work of this kind! bel' of firemen were in the printing ' belongs to the Cawthra estate. i for just such a day, a.iid she takes 1 office of Brough & Carswell, Jordan { Robert •J'afflay, president of the ; the keenest pleasures In the tearing! street. When the walls of the Globe 1"dlu "dobe Copany, says the Globe had a: down of seam and the dust that 1 Validity fell all enormous [:lass of 1 invested nearly $90,000 in the build -1 flies out of it. When that is finished I ? jck and mortar crashedthrough 'ink and:lad over M 5(1,0:)0 fn lint. ; she ransacks every :trunk and box ' 't;lte reef and walls of Bough a Gas- there were really two strueturpl's in on the premises, .11[11 she lytic, u11 1 'wen building and -dashed several ! the C riche ----the diel Hu tYhe3 shell Ana 1 earthed stores of ftte and. silk and ] of the firemen down the elevator the structure put over it carried onvelvet, that fill the house with the strait, The chief sustained an ugly iron pillar,, ;scent of tar and camphor. She! gash on the forehead anti internal! It WAS the warping of these pillars revels in musty relfei and laces Injuries. He was taken to his -home that brought down the building so I yellowed with years, and even en - ]l carriage.. 1 ral)tdtt,added to whichwas the greatToys the strange odors that come from these long buried treasures. She Freran k'rank Forsyth, of Queen weight of the presses of the Toronto :