HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1895-01-11, Page 5.l
Value of a Goad Name..
For may years Canadian cattle
Vere admitted into British ports
without altntail:on, while Anreriean'
cattle were embargoed. Canada has
earned this discrimination in her ;
,favor 'by the rigid quarantine site
bad cstablishea atoug the Anuerictau
border, and the measures she has
taken to sunup Out any contagious
disease among her e the -pleuro-1
pneumonia, tuber galeal:; or any
other—at the ntatnnctnt of its discov-1
cry, 11Ir. Gardiner, President of the
British Board of Agriculture, has in-
deed withdrawn the preferential
treatment, and placed Canadian
jF cattle in the same category tus Anneri- s
can, but it is expected than sooner or
later Canadian cattle will be admit-
ted to England, as in the past. That
Canada's true interest lies itt an un-
wavering adherence to those sanitary
regulations which have given her
cattle a right to exceptional treat.
.... mont abroad, is apparent not only
• frons the excellent case which she is
' able til establish is the court of Brit-
ish opinion, but also from the chalices
�►., whieh are developing for the exten-
sion of Canadian trade. on the Euro-
pean Continent. Germany, it seems,
has followed the example of Great
Britain in embargoing American
• cattle—not, however from fear of
pleuro -pneumonia, but on the ground
that they are sometimes found Buffer-
ing from Texas fever. This ailment,
being one of the pceuliar effects of
the Southern climate, could not pos-
sibly arise in Canada. The only
question is whether Texas cattle are
ever sent to Europe by way of Can-
adian ports. They are constantly
shipped from Baltimore, Philadelphia
and New York, on whieh account
• the German Government is amply
justified in embargoing all United
States cattle. But do they ever pass
through Canada? Mr. Angers, the
Dominion Minister of Agriculture,
shows conclusively that they cannot.
,a.s•,- American cattle are absolutely pro-
hibited from entering Canada. The
only exceptions to this rale are in
aI the eases of cattle for stock purposes
from the line between Ontario and
lifaaitoba westward, and pedigree
cattle from that line eastward, and
in such cases safety from taint is en -
shred by a ;, tth,rnntinQ of ninety
clays. In vat w ilii' these eirctililataneea'
the Derainion Ministry has asked the
Iinperial Government to apply to the
Gertnan authorities for such an in-
t terpretation of the word " Anicrica"
as will permit Canadian cattle to be
distinguished from those of the
" United States, and to be admitted
freely. That favorable consideration
4, will be given at Berlin to so reason-
yjable a request can scarcely be doubt-
ed, Such is the advantage which
Canada enjoys, or ought to enjoy,
„, from the precauu'tions she has taken
to preserve the health of her cattle,
that Denmark, live notice, has just
followed our example. She has es-
tablished a .' al uarantine against
United States cattle like ours, in the
hope tItarDanisli cattle, instead of
being slaughtered at Hamburg, will
be allowed to pass ou into the inter-
ior of Germany. If her regulations
are as effective as ours, there is no
reason why they .should not enabe
her to share with us the desired
Another election will be neeessary to
make the right number of eouneillor a
in south and west wards. School
Trustees, North ward, A. 13urritt;
South ward, A. 1). Smith.
Listowel. -Mayor, A. W. Feather.;
shine. .peeve, William 'Welch..
Deputy Reeve, Jr. S. Bowman. Coun-
cillors, Bisnnareiz ward, Henry Gori- '
dard, A. roach ; Gladstone ward, j
J. A. Hacking, ', J, Seabur er ; Vic
torla ward, M. liicGillivray, William
McCuteheon; 1)ufi'i.>rin'aril, 14Tilliattr !
Pelton, S. J. Stevenson ; Lansdowne
ward, .1. it. Gunther, D. 1). Cuup
bell. Trustees, 13isnrarch ward, C..
Pruter ; Gladstone ward, James
Tremain ; Victoria ward, 13. F.
Brook ; Dufferin ward, It. Seaman ;
Lansdowne ward, John Torrance.
Seaforth.---.MIayor, William, M.1
Gray. Reeve, li. B. Gunn, Deputy
Reeve, James Watson. Couueillors, i
North ward, John Weir, A, M. Catnap -
bell, R. Winter; East ward, John
Neville, John Robertson, P. .Beating;
South ward, George. Sills, James
Gillespie, F, Guttridge.
Tees water --peeve, W. R. Thomp-
son. Cottneillors, D. Ferguson, F.1
Deutsehtnann, D. Donaldson, W. • J.
Walkerton—Mayor, Hugh Birss.
Reeve, C. W. Stove', Deputy Reeve,
D. McKay. Councillors, West ward,
Heffernan, Arscott, Lippert; Centre'
ward, Wisser, Taylor, Blair ;. East
ward, Pengelly, Ritchie, Earwach.
Ontario Poultry Show.
Among the sueee3:;1'al student:a at
the Ottawa Normal School from the;
west were the following:-WawaA.
E. Carrs, Ilarriston; French, Tiled -
ford ; llardie, Devizes; Law, So,uth-
woltl ; Leers, Eat. Thomas; McArthur,
Lobo; Me11'illi€utl, Parkhill; Bead,
Millbank; Rusk, (ioderieli; 'J'hotnp.;
son, Ingersoll ; Treble, Windsor ;
Walker, 1Voodhatn; 'Wooldridge,
t'a mer:aton ; Messrs. Brown, Merlin; :
Dale, Alisa Craig; Drtttmnowt,
Centralia; Gilmour, Lucknow; Ilam
well, Kincardine; J. C. Little, 131rr;
Kollin+;'ton, Listowel, and Watson,
Following the example of tlir
Eastern poultrymen, who have for
some years held a great annual fair
at Madison ,Square Garden, New York,
the poultrymetr of the Central and
Western States have inaugurated a
similar fair, known as the Mid -Con-
tinental. The first show was held at
Kansas City December 18 to 26 ;
1,(100 birds were on exhibition and
the show proved a great success. On
all such occasions some Ontario ex.
hibitors are sure to be found, and to
be found among the winners, At
Kansas City, Messrs. William McNeil
and George G. McCormick, both of
London, Ont., represented Ontario,
and did us credit. Mr. McNeil took
190 birds and Mr. alcCormick 69,
and they both carried off the leading
cash prizes in their classes. In ad-
dition Mr. McNeil brought home the
gold medal for bantams and won a
000 piano (the leading prize of the
<tfr) for the best collection of twenty
varieties. Mr. McCormick brought
tome a gold medal for the best buff
ochin. 1Ir. McCormick swept the
prizes on White Wyandottes and
Black Jaws. It will, perhaps, be
emembered that Mr. McNeil carried
ff the highest honors of the World's
Fair with 106 awards of his credit.
The New York show is to be held
he last week of 'January and we
hall look for good results from our
Ontario breeders at that show. Com -
Omit judges declare that the col -
cotton of poultry at the recent
Ontario show at New Hamburg was
.ahead of the World's Fair collection.
n quality ; that it was, in fact, the
nest collection ever brought togcth-
r in America.
Suffered for Twelve Years.
Mr. Geo. $1. Williams the extensive
manufacturer of fruit baskets, 'Thorold,
Elections Elsewhere. l
Bayfield --Reeve, J. Burns. Coun
tillers, Bailey, E. Ger win, J. Fraser,
Dr. Stanbury.
'1Brussels.---Reeve, W. H. Kerr.
Councillors, R. Leatherdale, J. Wynn,
W, H. McCracken, R. Graham.
Trustees—Rev. John Ross, Adapt
Reid, Dr. Graham.
Clifford—`C"bulieillors, H. Graef,
.azlewood, J. Maurer and J.
J. Elliott.
Exeter�Reeve, T. i . McCallum.
Councillors, J. W. Taylor, W.
Tremble and Wm. Harding.
.1Jari'iston--Mayor--Nelson Wait,
Iteer°, James Bailey, Councillors,
Ward No. 5, Moore and Area iilleuddy. .
All others returned by acclamation.
Kincardine ---'Mayor, John Tolmic,
Deputy Reeve, E. Miller. Water
Commissioners, Andrew Malcolm,
Frank Collins. Councillors, St.
John's ward, Stephen McCullough,
William Temple; St. Patrick's ward,
A. Luttrell, W. J. IZenry; St. Gemrgo's
ward, R. Ross, R. IC.eyworth.
Laeknow—Reeve, Lyon. Council-
lors, W. T. Holmes, D. McDonald, W.
Anderson, D. McQuade.
Mitetlell—:Mayor, I. Hord. Reeve,
Jas.Dougherty. Deputy Reeve, Wm.
l.ty an. Councillors, North ward, W.
It. Cole, John Phinnetnore, Jos. Cop -
pin ; South ward, Jas. Jones, John
Whyte ; West ward, Geo. Woods.
The nine hundred and fifty
women whom the Duchess of Port-
land has gathered into her society
for the protection of birds have
pledged themselves never to wear
the plumage of any song birds.
They say it's electricity, said Pat,
as he stopped befarethe incandescent
street light but I'll be hanged if I
The annual meeting of the above
society was held in New Hamburg,
on the 3rd inst. There was a large :c
attendance. The following officers'
were elected : President, H. Knight, '
Port Hope; First Vice -President, r
Wm. McNeil, London; Second Vice- o
President, G. S. Oldrieve, Kingston;
Treasurer, Geo. 0. McCormick,,
London ; Secretary, Thos. A. Browne, 1t
London; Delegates to Industrial s
Exhibition, J. Dilworth and W.
Barber, Toronto; Delegates to West- 1 P
ern Fair, J. H. Saunders and 0. G.
McCormick, London; Directors, !
Thos. A. Duff, Toronto; S. W. Clemo, ? .
Galt; John Crowe, Guelph; John
Cole, Hamilton ; W. C. Trew, Lind- 1 fi
say ; W, T. Gibbard, Napanee ; T.
Rice, Whitby ; A. Bogue, London ;1
Q, Massie, Port Hope.
The meeting was addressed by
Messrs. A. G. Gilbert, manager of
the poultry department of the Ex-
perimental Farm, Ottawa; Prof.
..Mills, of the Ontario Agricultural
College ; C. C. James, Deputy Min-
ister of Agriculture for Ontario; 0.
T. Moore, ill. P. P., W. R. Plum,
Geo. Clare and G. G. McCormick.
Essays were read by Messrs. C. F.
Wagner, Toronto; J. Dilworth, To-
ronto ; J. Meyer, Kossuth ; Thos. A.
Duff, Toronto. The latter gentle-
man was warmly ' congratulated by
Prof. Mills and C. C. James for his
elevor essay, "Poultry, on the farm."
About 500 attended the meeting iri
the evening, when a variety pro-
gramme of songs and music, mostly
by local talent, and addresses by
several of the above gentlemen, ad-
mirably entertained the aupicnee.
Writes:—"I suffer very severely
tnnervous Leadaches and biliousness
or over twelve years and have tried all
the advertised pills, powders, and other
medicines, but obtained very little relief,
until about two years ago, 5 began to
use Stark's Powders and sines then have
been like a different than and now sel-
dom have a headache. It I have any
tendency that way Stark's Powders give
immediate relief," Price 35o a box; sold
by all medicine dealers.
Brings comfort and improvain int nn1
tends to personal enjoyment when
rightly used, Tho many, who ]ivc be':.
ter than others and enjoy life more, wit=h
kris expenditure, 'by :moro promptly
adapting the world's best products to
the needs of physical being, will attest;
the 'value to health of the euro. liquid
laxative principles embraced in the
izo: led„ Syrup of Figs.
Its excellence is due to its presenting
iii the form most acceptable and pleas-
ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly
beneficial properties of a perfect las.
r.tive ; effectually cleansing the system,
dispelling colds, headaches and fevers
and permanently curing constipation.
It has given aatisfaetion to millions and
i met with the approval of the 'medical
fprofession, because it.aots on. the Kid-
neys, Liver and Bowels without weal:-
ailing them and it is perfectly fres fr;;rz
every objectionable substance.
Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug-
gists in 75e. bottles, but it is mann-
facturod by the California Fig Syrup
Co. only, whose name is printed on every
package, also the name, Syrup of Figs.
and being well informed, you will not
. ocopt any substitute if offered.
The election on Monday last was
hotly contested, and resulted in the
return of Mr. Patterson for Reeve by
a majority of over 100. Messrs.
Scott, Sutherland and. Robertson
were elected Councillors. Mr. T.
Brown was elected Deputy.Reevc by
Mr, Charles Breen, of Grand
Rapids, Michigan, is spending his
holidays with his parents here.—The
Epworth League held an open meet-
ing on New Year's evening. A
profitable time was spent.—On Wed-
nesday evening Iast, la the presence
of a large number of guests, Mr.
William Irwin and Miss Murray had
see low it is they male the hairpin the. knot sscurely tied, by the Rev.
burn in the bottle. Mr. Kerr. They are now on a trip
to London and other places. The
Stern parent: It is no easy matter, young couple have the best wishes of
you know, to keep a wife itt these the community for a long and happy
clays. gond Lover : But your daugh- life. ---The Belmore Cheese and But.
Catherine Moore, relict of the late
John Moore, sen., cited at her resi-
dence in Listowel on Jan. 1, in her
77th year. 11Irs. Moore was a resi-
dent of Listowel continuously since
the early days, her late husband
having built the original hotel on the
site of which the Collison house now
stands, The deceased was a woman
of many fine qualities and held the
respect of all who knew her. Of her
family there are living two married
daughters, Mrs. David Barber, of
Listowel, and Mrs. John Heathers. of
Windsor, and two sons, John Moore,
of Listowel, and Robert :Moore of
The officers of Teeswater Lodge,
No. 183, I. 0. 0. F., were installed
on Wednesday evening by Wm.
Robertson D, D. G. M., of Wingham,
its follows : N. O-, Bro. L.. A. Brink;
V. G., Bro. Moore; 11. 8., Bro. J. Far-
quharson; Treasurer, Bro. Wm.
Fowler. ---A meeting of South Bruce
Farmers' Institute will be held in
the town hall, Teeswator, =Monday,
January 14th; afternoon, session at
2.30, evening session at 7.30. The
proceedings are expected to be of
great interest.—The grim reaper has
been abroad in the' village during
the week and there are vacant
chairs in two more households. On
Saturday, Mrs. Russell, relict of the
late John Russell, of Culross, died at
her home in the village, after a long
illness covering. a period of many
weeks. The funeral took place on
Tuesday afternoon, the services
being conducted by Rest. Jas. Mal-
colm. -- On Sunday morning the
death of Mrs. David McBurney, of
this village, occurred. Her sickness
lasted about two weeks. She was
the mother of ten children, many of
1 whom are of tender years. Het'
funeral took place on Tuesday fore-
noon. Rev. W. Walker condnotod
the services.
ter, sir, is not the sort of girl to run ter Company held its annual meeting
away fi'oni her husband. on Saturday last. The patrons were
Ilas my boy been a little defender' paid for their August, September and
of and kind to dumb animals to -day? October milk the same day. Never
Yes, grandma. I let your canary before in the history of the factory
out of the cage, and when my cat did the patrons appear to be so well
caught it I set Towser on her. satisfied with their different pay-
ments. The amount of cheese made
Clerk: I am to be married shortly. is a few tons in advance of last year,
Couldn't you manage to increase any and it is expected that three new
salary a little? Employer : Couldn't routes will be added next season.
really. But I'll tell yott what I'll do
for you, any boy. I'll shorten your The annual meeting of the Howick
hours during the first three months Fire Insurance Co. will be held in
so that you can spend year evenings the township hall, Gorrie, on Friday,
at home, and after that I'll lengthen Jan 18th, 1895.
them again, so that you will have an
oCeuse t0 get away.
Ithaumatistn Cured hi a day. ---South
American ithsnniatie Cure of Itheumetistn
and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to a days.
Its action on the system is remarkable and
mysterious. It retno�,,s at Duce the cause
of the diseaseinueedifately disappears. The
first nosci greatly benefits. 73 cents.
Warrautteed at (]hishoin'wrlrtaq store.
eak 4 :<� omen
and all mothers who are nursing
babies derive great benefit front
Scott's Emulsion. This prepara-
tion serves two purposes. It
gives vital strength to mothers
acid also enriches their milk and
thus makes their babies thrive.
A local option by tareo p t aaasssairgee
d motes the Makin of healthy
ful remedy for Srnaoli;tion, General
Blida Township is pretty well enc' Debility, Threat and Lung Complaints,
cited just now over the nppearanee . Coughs, Colds, Anaemia, Scrofula and
of small -pox in Newry. Mr. Peebles, ' Wasting Diseases of Chlldrbn+
the stage driver, is down with the S`eart3fol ramie Id'nSeat',itondshion.Pres.
epidemic. Scott k scene, It entwine. *11 Druggistte tee. k *t.
•t rohib
Fast Garafraxa was vote on on
the sate of liquor in the township of is a constructive food that pro -
Monday and carried by 40 majority, tissue and "boner t >s a wottider-
We will not be undersold in these :wad ; we have tl;ent in welly re
below manufactures' prices.
We are not undersold in these particular lines; a lot to (Aral' cut at one-
haif manufactures' prices; now is your chalice,
We cannot be undersold in this department. We have them at right
prices, so our customers say; don't miss them.
WOOLEN 000 .
We want you to inspect these and buy, thereby• saving from twenty
r t�`
thirty per cent.; they are going out fast.
Early in the season, we phteial orders in Faster'. Tea Centres, thereby
securing the early pick leaf, which has a strength and flavour that is- not
obtained later, anti this puts us in a position to give you Teas right,
OTat R ODS..
Groceries, Boots an(l Shoes, 1'eady-nnacle Clothing, Bats, Caps and a great
unary other lilies to clear out at a price to suit the titres.
Dress and Mantle making ..n l:u'c+n:ises. All mantic goons bought here
cut free of charge. Cutting and fitting a sl.ecialty.
WO tOCkS9'
amounting to about K000.00, rvbicll
SWT I T 14 1 E.--
laug. terea
at less than Wholesale Prices for CASH ONLY,
All Wool Overcoats $4.50, worth $6.00,
All Wool Tweed Pants $1.65, Worth $2.50,
Fine Heavy Tweeds from 25c. a yard. up..
'Call and see this stock; you will make money.
T. .... MILLS
What's the good of waiting for it to tarn up and then not be able to "fill the
bill"? In the interval, get yourself in shape by taking a course in the
1 y.
Forest City Business and Shorthand College of London, Ont,
We lay great emphasis on our practical course. See our printf, our successful
students. A. M. Stewart has received the position as travelling auditor with the
McCormack Harvesting Co., Winnipeg. Write us for catalogue and particulars,
addressing carefully,
.11. W. WESTERVELT, Principal.
College re -opens Jan. 2nd, 1895.
GOOD O'2'2 1 IR, a.
Rave deeided to close their Seaforth Store, and remove the whole stock to
Wingham, We must have room and in order to make it we will commence
on Saturday, December I5th, an extraordinary Clearing Sale of every-
thing now in stock. We realize that in order to dispose of both streks this
season, the prices must be very low. The Goods will be laid out in special
lots at special prices, from which you can take your pick. We intend to
make this Clearing Sale the talk of the County. Don't spend a dollar in
Shoes until you see our prices at this Great Sale. Commencing Saturday,
Dec. 150, to be continued until the Wingham store can hold both stocks.
. -.„ ,T #,U]VICS AND VALISES,,..t
are bulky and take up much room, and room counts just now. Our ate&
of these goods recently purchased will share in this Great Clearing Sale. If
yen are needing a Trunk or Valise on' Leather I3ag, we invite inspection elf
our stock, whieh is of the very best quality and you will not find fault with
the prices.
The New Slew Men. Whighaitt.