HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1895-01-11, Page 4- AND -. THE WING HAM TIMES, JANUARY 11, t895.. - • • • EI.oun Auemacox has withdrawn Mr. S. 'Terme°Dentist. Wing- ., WILLIA,P11 S. 11,J...flag,. from the winter earni. IANCISIDE. li)Mas,78tiulleisirl'amth014laittolAmi:Y;u4eli°n ' ATARENT REPORTS. 'We are being blest with fine! I WIN MUM Wingbam, January 10, 145. Val to be held. in Ottawa, on ;mount Iv r. Geo. cruistaertank,Turnberrv. wcather and sufficient snow to make :Corrected by P. Deans, Produce Dealer, Of the management declining to post- ELYtAtio"il'akinolVisorilit VOW to Williams' good sleighing.- -Revival meetings !Flour per 100 lbs 1 40 to 1 75 memory of the late Premier. Reeve of Bast Wawanobli. - says: "Thoy Mr. Finlay Andeison, lilx-Doputy.. pone the event Qat of respect to the DRUGGIn. ALL, hoinage that earth can be- Rath.° most satisfactory Pal I IMO ever stow has been paid to the mortal re- c Thomas Taylor, Nardenfor tho , ACT. G. N. W. TELEGRAPH. CO OI Bra:into% Nall.33. Wingiaara, — - Out oillt 0E1144am f imes • OltIDAY JANUARY11, 1895. TO OUR RE.ADRS. A large number of our readers subscriptions will expire this month. To those we would say that our offer 'o the TrMFs, Weekly Globe and Farmer's Sun for one year for $1.35, will expire on the 25th of the month. Please renew before that date if you wish to take advantage. of this Our offer of the TIMES and Globe ior one year for1, we cannot prom- bgood after the 31st of this 'month. The Globe management lave extended it until that date, and tray withdraw it then. Those who -wish the two papers at this exceed- ingly low rate, should subscribe at eace. Sa'Tbe Timms,' Toronto Weekly Globe and Farmers' Sun, one year, for $1.35. This offer only holds g_924 till the gciql J.74111 11)51 .ga-The Tmxa I1 Weekly Globe for ane year for $1. Send in your names at once, as this offer will like- ly not be good after this month — January. NQTWITEISTANDING the Toronto (Hobe su&red the total loss of its *office and. plant in the disastrous fire -which visited Toronto on Sunday morning last, it appeared as a ten - page paper on Monday morning. Every newspaper office in the city vas placed at the disposal of the Globe management and they accept- ed the offer of the Empire, from 'which office the paper will be issued until such time as suitable premises and equipment eau be secured. The Globe people will receive the sympa- thy of the entire press of the country in their great loss, EDITORIAL NOTES. Ma. .Ti. COMNEE has been again nominated oy the Liberals of West Algoma. A. PArrnos convention will be held in Brueefield, on Priday, January Ilth, to nominate a candidate for the Douse of Commons, Tim Manitoba Government is urg- ing the Dominion Goverement for eni increase of the subsidy to which Manitoba is entitled on the capital basis. The increase, it is said, will I amount to about $40,000 per an- nutn. ,ckx Ottawa dispatch says that' Viler -General Herbert, CoMmander of the Militia of Canada, has sent in his resignation, and that it has been *mental. This will be Welcome. news to the militia fore, as tite Major was cordially disliked by most Of the for • Fr WAS reported last week that Bir Mackenzie Howell was seriously in Halifax where he had gone to: attend the funeral of Sir John Thompson. He has returned to (.4- taiva- find two specialists have ex- antir;ed him and report that he will soon be restored to his usual health. He Ms laryngitis, and when he talks' bellits.on mereve coughing. morns of C'anada's late premier and aoy other rill." ou nty of Ilurcm, says) ,V'I would pot use the body wa.4 on Friday committed Chas, Proctor, 4th line of'?lards, says: "I would not bo without Williams to its tomb in Halifax. It its said Little Dandelion Pills." that. the services of St. Mary's eathe- ,,ejjairsteGoesim,42th-Warden tor. Cout!ty !dral were the most sohnenly impres- deed a wonderful Piii".: found MOM W- I sive ever seen or heard in Canada, Hundreds of like Testimonials furnish I and. IN ere a fitting termination of•the ed on application. I ubeequies held in Great Britain un- ...-e-• - . ?..'!"""..-:!"•'---7,------------"7"•-•"". der the direction of the Queen and most to help others. My prayer for the Imperial Government. THE TIMEs wishes to propose Mr. 1Vm.111,,ePhers0n, the worthy Reeve done, yon may send a glorious lee° stooix Markets. Peas of Turnberry,. fur Warden of the eternity with Him abovn. you. is that. God may make you use- ful men and women„helping others all you elm, and when life's work is are being held in the Method's church., Our pedagogue have en tered upon their duties for MI5 Miss Sarah Stewart taking charge o No. 9, and Mr. White, of Parr Sound, taking charge of No, 8..-.111 Crowston, a Wingliani, ant Mr. 1). Mitchell, of Lucknow, sun dared. at Relvin-,srrove farm. ---Mr John Hill has moved to Whitt church, ---Mr. Adam Ruttle, of Ri ley. is visiting old friends.—Mr. J A. Orowston has gone to Brander( to fill a lucrative • position,- -A box social will be held in the °rang: hall, on the evening. of the 160. The , Fun wnen,t. only fannere' banquet of the spring wheat season. j Barley ;Oats iNlve.tititonit 0551; to 0 55:1 0 27 to 0 28 .. 0 35 to 0 40 0 15 to 0 15 THE CA.NADfi BUSINESS COLLEGE,. 0 50 to 0 51 , Barley f :Peas „ r 4.. , 1 ) OHATITAX, ONT., ., . 'Butter, rolls ...... .. .. 0 15 to 0 15 '.1111,vgs per dozen 0- 15 to 0 15 1 Wood per cord.... .... 1 25 to. 1 50 Is still far in advance of its competitor s Hay per ton ...... .... ..,6 00 to 8 )30 in thorough work and getting its stu- ;Potatoea, per bushel ),.. Chickens ,- Dried Apples, per ib , Ducks 0 80 to 0 95 dents. placeo in choice positions. • : Tallow s. lb 0 013 to 0 05 I Geese . . , _turkeys 0 41 to 0 05 0 25 to 0 35 0 30 to 0 50 0 07 to 0 08 graduate of Shorthand Dept, nas been placed by us as stenographer with Col. A. E. Yrs. from Washingten, Mich.,. Dressed Hogs 0 04 to (1 05 Hadley-, Sow York City. Beef DAvin WALILMR, graduate of Business e I CLII1TON, 4 50 to 5 50 4 75 to 4 90 Dept. (a former teacher) has secured an excellent position with a firm in Defiauce, o 55 to 0 57 Ohio. Full particulars not yet to band. One of these receives s50.00 and the 0 56 to 0 58 0 27 to 0 28 other 801300 per month. _ 0 3,5 to 0 40 r IT PAYS TO ATTEND THE BEST. WHY NOT • January 7. :Potatoes, per bushel.. ...... 0 30 to 0 35 1 Ceunty of Huron for 1895, Mr, Ce. run. Montreal, Que., o 15 to 0 17 There were 800 bead of butche •s' • 13utter cattle, 400 sheep and lambs and a :Hay .............. „ 6 00 to 7 00 Reeve in the County Council, having MYTH. 3 00 to 4 00 dozen calves offered for sale at the Cordwood Eg , 0 14 to 0 16 e iuson we believe, the olc eb filled that position in Turnberry for On Monday a well contested ole- East End Abattoir to -day. The Wool .. 0 17 to 0 20 School will re -open after Christmas vacation on Wednesday, Jan. 2nd. Por further particulars and catalogue ad- dress, D. NoLA.CIII.A.11, Chatham. W1tOXETE11. the past eleven years, and before tion was held for municipal lionorsfor, butchers were present in large num- 1 Wroxeter, Jan. 9th, 1895. ,e) 0 becom0 58 to- 0 00ing Reeve he held the position 1805. At the elose of the pull the bers, but were in no hurry to buy . Fall Wheat ,} ....____ of Deputy -Reeve for a number ofe,es Spring Wheat following was the result t—Reeve, N. except at considerably lower pei Barley.. 0 57 to 0 58 .0 E .1---) years. He is a gentlemanYoung well H. 127, F. Metcalfe 04, Gene. than prevailed last Thursday and it (. y" 0 35 to 0 00 0 28 to 0 29 qualified in every way to fill the eillom, T. Ashbury 125, W. Camp_ Is probable that a considerable num- Peas 0 50 to 0 00 1 Warden's chair, and we trust his bell 124, jams meuee 1.15. Alex. ber of common cattle will not be sold Potatoes, per bushel.... 0 85 to 0 .00 S UR --, --.... honor Mr. McPherson and the Town- In the evening the elected Reeve and beeves on the market to -day and a /4 g4,8' Per dozen 0 15 to .0 00 ship he represents by electing him as Councillors were drawn around town 8 00 to 0 00 • few of the best animals were sold at Cordwood, per cord.. 1 50 to 0 00 Warden for 1895. It may be stated by a gang of men and boys, headed : that the Wardenship has never been by the band. When they got to .good stock at from Sic to ale and from 31.e to 311e per lb, with pretty , Wool Beef 4 80 to 0 00 Dressed Hogs 0 16 to 0 18 4 50 to 5 50 colleagues in. the COunty Council will McKenzie 145, Andrew McNally 155. to -day. There were really no choice putter. 0 15 to 0 00 you are at the right place before you buy your held by a representative of Turn- the square tho elected were called common beasts at about 2t and the berry, and now is an opportune time upon to give their little speeches, leaner ones clown to 2e . per lb., - ' — , .. . . . to remedy this seeming oversight. which they did. . scrubby bulls sold at from 2e to 21e. MISS C. L. McKENZ, IE A.T. NI A. 4 C. M. I Seldom indeed in the history of per lb., and large well-bred bulls , IITHITECHURCH. I rought from 3c to nearly 13e do. I The Directors of the Whitechurch t: Blyth has there occurred anything bTeacher of welch has caused such universal sor- Mr. Bourassa paid $16 for an extra lOreamery Company will hold a pub- lic meeting in the Foresters' hall here, row and regret as the unexpected •• °the.% Cominon calves sold at calf and from $6 to $8 for several on, e nes ay, the I instant, at which from l,,p8 to *() each; mixed lots of life of Arthur Hill Tierney, and sudden taking away from this ' • 2 p. itt., for the purpose of letting the event took place at his residence on sheep and lambs sold at front 3:1-c, to contract of supplying factory with Friday mornino. December 28th 9e per lb.; good ltunbs sold at from ten cords ef wood, thirty-five tons of 1894, about ten Oclock under peen- 3-4c to 4e, do. Fat hogs are more ice, drawing the cream for 1805 and liar ircumstances,he having'been in plentiful than for some time past and selling the outtermthe bestilk.• sell at about -11e, per lb. ' i. Geo. A. 'coin has opened out of spirits and apparently his! 1.1Sual. health but a w short 11(.411'01 Fil.5t Bljtralo, Jan, 7.—Cattic----Pc-1 a hardware, stove • and tin business' bf. • b edpts, MOO bead; marltct andi 1 e me. wing to ie having' ee ill. the Inaiidhlg formerly occupied by!'y out later than usual the night beforefull16c, to IWas alloWed to rest in the morning,25c lower for all .bet; lir. Soh Caillpbell, on Main street.1 attending We understand Mr. Found Is a pre& the Masonic supper, 1 geed he heavy _cattle; quality generally , tical mechanic and Miderstande his, 'very common. choice heavy. w:port aild on Mrs. Tierney's going to1steers,5 to 85.80; good heAvY ship -.I a • busy dra, 1 brickforh . • are IN ng t o eiec- I arouse him found him cold in death , ping, e4m5 to $4.90; good mediums, 84.25 te, business thOroughly.—The farmers having it is supposed, died of apo-! $4.50; light to good steers, don of the new Presbyterian church, iplexv. sum - happy disposition drawing all hearts • $3.65 to t:144.15; good fat heifers, $'3.50' to *3.85; common to fair mixed cows which will be built the coming 1Deceased was of a genial, auer.—Mr...fas. Found is getting i -n a I unto him. 1-leW ete only 29 years of Old heifers, $2.25 to $3; good, $3.25 diet. quantity of logs to Ins mill this I age, season. He pays the highest market! an Englishnian by birth, having :to e8,60; fat butcher bulls steady. at : come to this country about eight, $2.50 to.i.."2.85; good export dull, pique for good timber.—Mr. John I years aga, in comptin v with his , 83.50 to $3.85; oxen., liberal supply Mowbray has purchased a tean and ; brother., Mr. Jas. Tierney who sur- . extra export, $4.50 to $5; common td is goinc, right into the wood basiness. —Mr. E. S. Coupes has been re-en- gaged for 1895 in school: section No. e, vives him. A Reformer in polities,: good butcher, 4.50 to 84; stockers and a member of the English church, dull, lower; light to good,- $2.25 to at a salary of $400.—John Hill was married in June last to Miss $2.85; feeders, $3 to $3.25; veils low - 10, -Thompson, of the gravel road. Hal- er; sales --fair to good, $8.50 to K75; & Son have opened out a general -- re- -- pair shop in the building owned by ICtt, and it is needless to say bis be.. extra, $6.90 to $7. Mr. M. U.. Oliver, It is not known reeved Min o' wife has the unbound- : Hogs — Receipts, 2,250 head. yet how many lines Messrs. Hill in- ed sympath;o!.tl,e citizens. i Market opened dull and lower. , Yorkers, good to choice, $4.20 to tend putting in. Will let it be• LONDESBORO.I -.t.95. few extra, 84.30; pigs, $4.26; I."' - , known later on when they put up .. i• nixed and mediums, $4.30; good . their sign. --There will be no use .of Mrs. W. Geddes, from near Bel- heavy, $4.45 to $4.50; roughs, 83.50 people going to the neighboring grave,was the gest of her mother, to e3.85„ 4 towns after this, as they can be *fte.. Mrs. McKenzie, fur a• few days.— 1 Sheep and lambs—Receipts, 23,000 eommodated at home with every- Mr, and Mrs. A. Woodman were head; market active, and 15c- to 25c thing they may want in almost any visiting in Ripley • last week --J. i higher; choice native lambs, $4.60 to line.—Mr. Geo. Cottle has completed Brunsdon 4% Son are .s getting in 0! , $475; good, $4. to $4.50; common to the work on the basement of the large supply of wood tinwtnter. .,, 7 !fair, $3.50 to $3.85; culls, $2.50 to i Methodist church.—We notice Mr. A. Mr, MePadyen was prevented'rm. 83.25; •good mixed sheep, $2.50 to D. Beaton has his window lined with being here last week on account of $2.85; dryl— oods.Our new blacksmith is the death of his mother..---Thefiredge light to good, 90 to 100 ]b. wethers, $3 to tz3.25; exports, sheep, doing a rustling business. He has has laid up for the winter, theweatb- steady; wethers $3.75 to $4; ewes, more work than he can attend to er being too severe$3.40. to work lt.-- himself. The Foresters will meet on Friday to $3.75; Canada, $4.65 to $4 'rile young people of the Metho- evening. It will be for installation ,80; extra, $4.00. dist church gathered at the residence of officers. ----We are called 'upon.this ! Toronto, Ont., Jan. 9.—Trade at tho Western Cattle Yards to -day was of Mrs. Miller, on Die 29th, and pre- week to record the death of Mrs. fairly seated their leader, Aim onyje'r, Scott, wife of Robert Scott, ex -reeve active, with cattle slightly lower in price. Four or live loads with the following address and a of this township, -.which sad. event , • were taken for Montreal. Receipts occurred on Thursday. The funeral: were 39 carloads; which included puree: To Mits. OMER. DE Ut Tmiefm,---Wishing to show our gratitude to you for the manner in which you performed your duty towards us as Sabbath School teach- er, we would ask you to accept this purse as a small token pf our love and esteem, hoping thi4 while Godibommunity in this their sad bereave - spares you and as that we maybaveiment.—The Sons of Nngland lodge the pleasure of acknowledging you meeting last Friday night was, well as teacher. attended. The seeretary's report Signed on behalf of the class. for the last year was very satisthe- JOHN' AGNEW, tory. There is in the treasury Dee. 29th, 1831. GEo. COTTLE, 027.00 to pay sick benefits, while took place on Saturday at 2 o'clock. The remains were followed by a large concourse of friends to Burn's Church cemetery. The deceased was respected by all who came in contact with her, The family have the sincere sympathy of the whole there are 47.menthers DvAn Youxo Framos,---I thank in good stand- ing ing. Of these 13 have been initiated ' buywas done by Mr. Jno' Rod - yon very much for this expression gers, at about 2e per pound. In sheep and Iambs, about the only buyers were Mr. Jos. Luness and Mr. Jas. Wilson. Prices for ship-- ping sheep were steady at, 3c to file per lb. Butchers' sheep were nom. inal. In hogs offerings were not en liberal, so market remained firm. Good fat hogs were selling at from 4e to 4,e per pound. Other hogs re. mained as quoted last market day, Choice hogs are wanted, but com- mon wilt hardly .sell at all. 300 sheep and lambs and 600 hogs. In 'butchers' cattle buying was only fairly active, and the feeling may be said to be, slightly weaker, prices varying from ae te 31e per pound, mostly. One or two choice picked cattle touched 31c per pound. About live carloads of cattle were taken for Montreal at an average price of 3e to 31e per pound, Mr. IL A. Mullins bought two carloads for Montreal at 3e per pound. In stock - era and feeders only about one car- load was picked up. Most of the of your appreciation of my efforts. Sometimes I have thought you must be tired listening to me'so Often twice a week and no doubt many times repeating myself. But I shall during the year. Altogether the Lodge is doing well, Bro. Thos. Jackson, of Clinton, D. D., was pre- sent and installed the officers for this year. After the lodge was closed go to • a r refreshments were partaken of and this expression of your condoler1 1 the members spent an hour in social greetings and song. About 12 thank you for the attention you have g:ven to my words, when I have o'clock all went home after spending tiled to unfold truth to y. been one of the p'easantest evenings ever would only ay this, if I' haveou spent by this Lodge. One candidate sa was benefit to yoa, go and do your utinitiated. - VIOLIN, ELOCUTION AND PHYSICAL CULTURE. For full particulars, apply at the resi- deuce of Ma. GRo. MoKaNzte, Wing- • ham. • 118 NORMA OIHSLEY 1 7 Pupil of T� DINELL]:, bt tiye tweet() Conservatory of 11Insid ia preea to receive pupils in NSTRUMENTAL MUSIC., For terms apply at Dinsley Rouse. Ec. 9 a 1), 51 t?.14 Egkif5MH".'V" 1*0.:fit:1"".' lime; ..:14411P44 • cods. You will bo if you go to PATTERSON'S. For be leads in the nobbiest and newest lines of Xmas,. Presents, Opposite gad of Hamiltorit W1NGHA M: e� 1147.V6 ot 111) irrreeMina /1—.11--)1F7141NI 9E3; Studio, WINGHAM, ONTARIO. We are now prepared to do a class of .work which people. of the western towns have never before had done for them. E have secured an English Artist, who was for a number of' years. Tutor in a leading studio in London, and since coming to Can- ada bas been engaged as Demonstrator and Operator in the leading city gallries. LADIES IN FULL DRESS AND BRIDAL COSTUME will now have an opportunity of securing a Photo of them- selves done by a first-elass city man. A specialty will be made of Photos of Ladies and Gentlemen in full dress. LARGE ; ()LIPS AND FA • 1LIES Will do well to come now while MR. McBAIN is here. You will secure Pictures mounted on the very newest style of Cards, with a finish superior to anything ever before done outside of leading city studios. ALL OURSTOOK has been chosen from the very newest Toronto styles, ari?i everything will be clone to give customers perfect satisfaction. WE HAVE MADE several changes in the Gallery and have fitted up a large Toilet Room, where customers will find every convenience. PEOPLE HAVING 'FRIENDS spending the holidays with them will do well to conic Now Year's, as I take possession on that morning. Como early in the day; come quickly, before the rush from outside towns. W, R. BELDEN. Brookenshire's old stand, Beaver 1310ek. • k3.:t.W.MSIMFftaerfz.'omrrr,4L Is kk Value of a For many ye: were admitted without question cattle were embai earned this dim favor by the ri; had established border, and •the taken to stamp disease among pneumonia, till other—at the mo cry, Mr. (tardin British Board of . deed withdrawn treatment, and _cattle in the saint can, bat it is exp later Canadian cf ted to England, r Canada's true ini wavering adhere regulations wide cattle a right merit abroad, is from the (=eller able to establish ish opinion, but which are devek sion of Canadian pean Continent. has followell tb Britain in eml cattle—not, hot pleuro-pneamoni that they are son ing from Texas I being one of ti the Southern elk sibly arise in question is whet! ever sent to Eur adian ports. rj shipped from 13a and New Yorl the German Gc justified in em States cattle. through Canada Dominion Mini shows conclusiv( A.; American cattle , hibited from eni • !' it only- exception: '.1 the eases of catt from the line 1: . • Manitoba west Battle from that n such cases sa meal by - • 4: - days. In view the Perninien 7„ n.perial Gover German author terpretation ot as will permit distinguished ' United States, freely. That V. will be given a able a request - ed. Such is Canada enjoy from the prec: to preserve the that Denmark, followed our e tablished a United State's' hops thar'Dan being slaught( -be allowed- to for of German are as effeetiv, reason why her to share privilegq. Elea& Bayfield—1 tillers, Bailey Dr. Stanbur 'iBrassels.— Committers, -W. H. Mc, Trastees-1 Reid, Dr. Gr; R. $..Hazie, J. Elliott. Councillors, an( IlaFriston new, Jan WardNo. 5, All others rt Kincardh Deputy Ilk Commission( Frank Cc John's war William Te A. Luttrell, ward, R. B Lueknos lors, W. T. Anderson, Jas.Dough( Ryan. • Co R.:. Cole, J( pin; Soutl Whyte ;-'1' fi (