HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1895-01-11, Page 3.N.40.0.4.*V.1•100
(CONIrn li:n I1Y THii \vINe3IAB itl•.4Neit.)
ii 4 Onfl 1 Nee and .\ciao re Land.
Well Call the at4ention, of the mothers and staters
to the Net, that the woman's Christian Temper -
h c Monday Aare tJnlon meets Ghat 11 every month
i ;!1 d ,
at three technic +harp, for one hour, at Mrs. Holm's
reaidenee, miracle streoL. All ladies aro made Vol -
M the Editor has kindly given ns part 01 his
space. for our work, we ask Meads of the cause to
send items of interest on all mural questions of the
day to any of our membort,.
TUE WINGHAM rJ..��.� �4►`f. cJANUAin 11. 1;�'i, f+
Winter Ti'iveninzs on the I1arzn. I past. Then use them as they should
Winter evenings on the fLLrin may 'be ilt;ed, and great will be the liar.
be male a source of blessing to the vest, sorm3 tinge, that.will come front
young people of the farm home, ora sowing,
they may be frittered away so that •
when they are gone there will be The Now Tear
nothing to show for the eLlopportunities
). .
which they have brought. Parents
can do much to encourage the
prevenient of those opportunities on
the part of their children, and they
do well to see to it that they do not
neglect this great responsibility.
It is acknowledged on all sides
that the farin is a grand place for
laying the foundations of character.
But we do well to remember that
even on farms criminals may be
grown, The chances that such re-
sults will follow aro reduced to a
minimum if proper oversight is•given
to the family. While such oversight
should be constant and unfailing,
there aro times when it may accom-
plish more than at other seasons, and
prominent among these are the long
evenings of the winter, when parents
and children have so =eh time to
That prix less but much abused boon, spend together.
If God's benediction you'd have, boys,1
The outside work of the is
You'll have to avoid the saloon.day
over. The children have come home
You'll have to avoid the saloon,
bu s
' school. from Their evening chores
Or sorrow and shame you will shore, o S g ,
And poverty's crust you will eat boys, such as Carrying in wood and feed -
Aryl poverty's rags you will wear. " ing the Chickens, are completed.. The
Your future will end in disgrace, boys; supper has been eaten, and two or
Your lire be cut off at its noon; three hours are available before it is
Both .body and soul will be lost, boys,r
Unless you avoid the saloon. time for sleeping. These hours
should be regarded as precious by
the parents. They are hours which,
Destroying Liquors. if rightly spent, will be spent in
The N. Y. Wine and Spirit Gazette helping to shape the character of' the
#'uture•judges, legislators, and teach -
does not approve of pouring' liquor ers of the commonwealth, or all his -
into the gatter, it would prefer that tory is false, Let the work, there -
it should first be Consumed and then fore, be well done. Let it be patient-
- if necessary, consigned with its vie- ly done. The results which hang
tis to the sewers. It recently pub- upon it are far-reaching, if not, in-
lished the following news note : deed momentous.
• "One fool slakes many" is an old'
'You'll have to Avoid the Saloon.
You stand on the threshold of youth,
Your future lies out in the years;
You're learning your parts tor life, boys;
You're planning your future careers,
You'll haus to till places of trust, boys;
Your fathers will pass away soon;
And if you'll be trustworthy teen, boys,
You'll have to avoid tbo saloon.
If you would be honorable in 1'fe, boys,
if joy and contentment you'd know;
if you would have plenty of wish, boys,
And bask in prosperity's glow:
If you would enjoy robust health, boys,
adage, yet ever new. A recent
crusade of the Rev. Saul. Jones •in
Oakridge, La.,,has led to one man
throwiug away $50, and another
'wasting .x'50 worth of good liquor
,for a chimerical idea which benefits
no budv bat the distiller, evidently
No such golden opportunities come
to the parents in the city, or, if they
do, they cone but seldom. Many of
the fathers there must needs look
after their work. 1\Then not thus
engaged, some are tempted to attend
this meeting or that. The children,
the last person intended. A Mr. all too frequently, cannot resist the
Wimberley bought a grocery store, attractions of the sidewalk or those
• with liquor business attached. The: of some entertainment; hence this
latter he did not propose to retain, precious season for character build-
beingatetnperanceman. Agentleman ing is measurably lost. In order
usher of the tabernacle, offered x$'.50 that the young people of the farm How then, if, being lame, thou canst Its action on the system is remarkable and
for the stock to destroy. Wiinberley , may duly improve their winter even- not mount to the battlements alone mysterious. It removes at once the cause
accepted this, agreeing to lose the lugs, give them every chance so to but with the hely of another it is of the diseaseiwmedia,telyoisappears. The
I)agreeing I , 1 first nose greatly benefits. 7n cents.
balance 'the stock was worth OO) I improve thein. Give them books possible ? Warranteed at Chishom'sdrug store.
himself and the spirits, wine, etc. 1 and magazines bright as the blaz- i
1 were solemnly emptied iyin the street 'ra nes as � ing fire beyond the hearthstone. 1 Wear your ]earning like your Sir Edwin : Shall we take the
in the presence of a bewildered i Make sure that they have the oppor- watch, in a private pocket, and do highroad hone, dear—I mean Lady
crowd. tuuity to read from papers and not pull it out and strike it, merely Angelina ? Lady Angelina: No ; I
books which treat of farming, and to show you have one. If you are should prefer the bridal path, I
give them good onus. It may be asked what time it is, tell it, but think.
answered that this means outlay. not proclaim it hourly and unasked
It does, but it is profitable outlay, like the watchman.
and such entertain,nent should be The man whose yea is yea and his
furnished, even though sacrifice nay nay, is, we all confess the most
impossible to be charitable and piti- should have to he made in some courageous, whethe'r'or no; he may
fol to the degraded object. other.dircction to have it thus. be the most successful in daily • life,
Yet at would cls some wonleai.good, • When a yoiing Tact becomes inter- and He who gave 'the precept has
I think, to stance and look at Alis ested in agrieultaral� literature he is left us the most perfect example of
sight—women who do not dream of not likelytoleave the farm.' His
how to live up to it.
the depths toward which they wan- love for liis calling will increase, and Work when you work, but, when
der. You, for instance, Bridget, his interest will deepen until it moors 'the measure of one's duty is done
who, gooa cook as you are, keep a him, rock -like, to the calling of his then relax thoroughly, ;There is as
b9.ttIe in you pocket, and now -and fathers. • muell virtue in refreshing soul and
then find yourself with an unsteadyyoung people of the farm, don't body by yielding up all responsibil-
anrl shad head iny
think lightly of ;�rour opportunities. ity and care as there is in the cow -
You, Mrs. A., who Duly just once The winter •even4ni s, as they pass; ageous meeting of active obligations.
• in e way•mix a bowl, of hot toddy to one by one will have more of a. bear The habit of dissipating every ser
strengthen your overtasked a�.ems '
and =solesand do not remember on your fortunes 'than you shall, ions thought by a succession of
' rba11 '. ever iknew. Then use
Finds Goad's Sarsaparilla loadiug evory
, r� .
• c ) lie-• BN l 1 three
than[, in the ti, n, (f nice to 1 t
important particulars, newel?' : Hood's
Iiarsaparilia has
1. Tho largest sale in the world. it
The greatest cures in the world. It
3. The largest Laboratory in the
What more can be i;aiil ? Hood's
.Sarsaparilla has merit ; is peculiar to
itself. and inost or all, Hood's viars;ilpar-
illa cures. If you INC siok, it is the
medicine for you to take.
Gems of Thought.
Dare to bo true nothing can need
a lie.
A friendly eye is slow to see small
Sulu up at night what thou least
done by day.
Scorn no plan's love though of a
mean degree.
Let each one obey what 18 deepest,
highest a,llcl purest in him.
Pain is one of Nature's teachers
whose lessons we cannot afford to
dispense with.
We love music for the buried
hopes, the garnered memories, the
tender feelings it can summon at a
Shrinkage or Cattle in. Shipping.
lh'..1. W. Ward, art Iowa. cattle
feeder [end shipper, gives in the In-
diana Farmer the following as his
own experience ill preventing the
. large shrinkage of Deet' cattle when
shipping to market:---
to ( better eP
In tryingfull c t, way
than the usual Custom of' shutting oil'
the grain feed twenf -four hours be-
fore [,Hipping, we shut the water off
the livening before and gave them
all the corn they could eat the horn-
ing that they were to go. having
access to plenty of good hay all of FINE QUALITY,MOUITED ON
the time, they Vero not disposed to
eat much. Now, if you have ever SPUN ROLLERS
noticed, a change of food after a con-
: stout diet on one thing is relished by
others than steers. IVe had fed a
;lot of sheaf oats once a week, and,
noticing that they left everything
else and stuck to the oats until: con -
I sulned,• we concluded to fill the car
'racks with then). Having done so,
we loaded twenty 1,300 pound steers
in each ear and shipped them 300
Indies with only 13 pounds shrinkage
per h sad. At the end of their destin-
I [Mien there was not a straw left, and
we believe they would have eaten
more if they had had it. It • will he
ae full
P corn
astomach a
noticedthat som
and oats caused them to drink better
at the stock yards than if they had
been salted at home. We never salt,
because it acts as a cathartic. This
isa great item of economy.
Look Out for It.
If you aro troubled with a oold or
It has been well observed that we
should treat futurity as an aged
friend from whom we expect a rich
Now is the tinge to buy your yo 3 (' (x/
Window 1a'
When you can get therm of
cough, however light the attack, look
out fur it, do not allow it to settle on the
lungs; break up the cough by loosening
the tough phlegm with Hagyard's Pec-
toral Balston.
It is more from carelessness about
the truth than from intentional lying Mr. Lang proposes that we should
that there is so much falsehood in the tax literature. That should bo of
world. • advantage to the exchequer, as writ-
• Pride creeps into the holiest and ers are fond of " rating " each other:
humblest exercises of self-discipline. Heart Disease Relieved in
Minutes.—All oases or organic or sym-
It is the supremest natures only that pathetic heart disease reiieved in 30
escape the taint. minutes and quickly oared, by Dr. Do not dare to live without some Ag-
new's Cure. Sold at Chisholm F.' Drug
clear intention to which your living
shall be bent. Mean to be some-
thing with all your might.
Bo not ashamed to be helped, for
it is thy business to do thy duty like
a soldier in the assault of a town.
store, IN nigh •
What piece of tableware is like a
peasant girl carrying eggs to market?
An egg -glass (egg -lass).
Rheumatism Cured iu a day.—South
American Rheumatic Cure of Rheumatism
and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days.
On the way to the Gutter.
Au intoxicated woman is, I think,
the most hideous sight in the world.
She is so repulsive that it is almost
• that when you have had a glass, or then) well. 1. Ilon't •icilow them to pass
peliaps two, you should drink no
without improving them. Some are
pnore. The two glasses leave vett so foolish as tea fritter them away, or
yoft were; the third makes you •
to spend thein in idle slumber. The
drivel; the fourth makes you sick. -
porcupine is capable of doing that.
Aid is tleis all for poor women ? olul peopiel on the farm, rise
sou* one. may ask. Indeed, no. superior to the Doraville in the hus-
WOMen, high and low, rich and poor. bantling of time
agreeablesensations is as fatal to
happiness as to virtue; for when
amusement is uniformly substituted
for objects of moral and mental in-
terest, we lose all that elevates our
enjoyments above the scale of child-
ish pleasures.
Adversity yields benefits to those
]lave need to guard themselves avell, b only who bring a willing heart and
There are bea,utifitl young 'wives. But, you answer, Tou have school an intelligent mind co-operated with
whose butlers know how angled studies to attend to. 'That is very
fortitude and resignation.As Elner-
cham agne the have sent to their; true, and it i.5 well that it is so.
p „ y scan has well said Men arc ennobled
goo is—whose maids guess the cause; Young people who Matic no studies by morals and by intellect; but those
i or sin ate mot lfl-e-
of their sick headaches, whose ,sloe- .c ul ing winter a eI gb two elements know each other, and
t for `'understand, and smile in their �y to amount to aaiaiei i when they always beckon to each other, until
sleeves, as they speak of nervous: enter upon the work of .life. They
prostration, and delicate constitu- will, probably, not get much above J at last 1°3°3.*
meet in the marl, if he is
Dewing wood and drawing
wator. IA° he :trolly great.
tions,' and these beautiful young' ; ' b _ . __�_
wire's are on their way to the gutter • But try to got a part of the evening
ass '; foh' woman needs all her senses for reading' the ngricuitura1 papers I ther
hat ride Loa/ a6�1e it the Cold
ric Lighted and
• 1r if her to guard the talisman of and ,agricultural books. ,Agriculture
Steam Heated Vestibule Apartment trains
purity --the precious (pearl of honor is a study so high that you w I of the Lhicago, Milwaukee dt S. Paul,
.—without which she is as naught. never see over it, so deep that you Railway and you will bo an warm, comfort- i
In drink she forgets her dignity, %V111 never fathom it, and soy broad I able a
'o rtravell as libetweel� our Ch library t I
and all memory of social laws or that you will never get to the other rattly'
and ihiinueepolis,or between Chicago,'
marriage vows or of food's tom- side of it. Omaha and Sioux City, in talose luxuriously 1
I t, ' ' a owted trellis, is a supreme satisfaction
niandments, Precious and priceless winter even- Anil, it the somewhat paneled[ advertise'
The wine Cup has cast many a inns ! Watch then) as they pass. meut used to read, "for fn." Small rtber partills iculars,
.tic a she reigman front ned a happy he n of wife)ome and not t e long fair seem lyoilug peoplbut e who aro o es,rtoo) will be accepted for passage and
>,1 sleeenin car ttekets Ivor detailed intrn••
li '. mother, far ,oftener than evil pro- want to prepare for the great work 1 niation sooners A. .1 Taylor, Ccanadia,t 1' _ ..___ __._ .
' i t Ocherous heart of lire They may seem to be many passoug
Certain in its effects and never blisters.
Bead proofs below:
BLEEPOINT, LI., N.Y., San. 15,1891.
Gentlemen—I bought a splendid bay horse some
time ago with a Spavi n. I got him for M. I used
and Iahavepbeen offered $150 for the sameehorse
I only had him nine wealth, so I got 5120 for using
52 worth of ICendall's Spavin Cure.
Yours truly, , • W. 5. Mutant:.
SHELBY, D11Cn., Dec. 16, 1853.
Dr. B. J. Iir5DALL Co.
Sirs—I have used your Kendall's Spavin Cure
with good success for Curbs on two horses and
Itis the beat Liniment I have ever used.
Yours truly, AUGUST FaEDERICE.
Price 51 per Bottle.
For Sale by alt Druggists, or address
Br. 73. ,T. ICI NDALL' CO:Ifi'ANYY
at all prices.
Hardware Merchants,
STONE 13rorll Wingham.
, Lg
WOOD'S P'1:10t3PHOI)�IIV'S•..
The Great English Remedy* •
Rim Packages Guaranteed td '
promptly, and permanently I
cure All forths of lvervOas
Weakneee, ottesrons,Srerm-
aterrhea, Impoteneyand all
epacts0/ Abuse or rmeaaca,
Mental Worry, exeeee4Va',, se
Before and After.of d'obacco, Optumot• �ttmu•
lents, which soon L ad to In•
;firmetty, insanity, Consumption and alt Carly grave.
Has been proscribed over 85 years in thousands or
CASCO; Is the only /reliable and [roses[ mattohte !,
known. Askdruggistfor Wood's Phosph6dtn�p;16
ho offers Some worthless medtclno in place of thea,
Inclose price In letter, And Wo *111 send by' r etura
mall Price, ono package, *Il nix, $5. 0: i6 wilt
please, atsteillcurs. tV'6ta free to
The 1► ,any,
'iiadder, Ont.,' Janada.
vnlA a i win,hao, 1„• (3, 1r, N'ililams. U AaS Tat.
13-Pa.,NI = ,S -
Josephine Street • - W'ngham, Ont.
J. A. HALSTED, J. W. Scorn,
• Mount Forest. I Listowel
Deposits Received and Interest
Money Advanced to Farmers and
Business Men, •
On long or short time, on endorsed notes
or collateral security. Sale notes bought
at a fair valuation. Money remitted to all
parte of Canada at reasonable charges.
Special Attention Given to Col-
lecting Accounts and Notes.
A New Journal for the 'Mfi
of Canada.
Young people will rend; the ('r1v tom,.'
tion is, what are they to read? ' Thi
peculiar wants are not frilly met uy ay
general newspaper,. In the -tinned logit[
several excellent periodienlsare+ prepared
for their benefit, but they are illi e�x��g�eu�.
sive. Harper's Toting People (New York)r
costs 32 a year; 'Phe Youth's anapest/cis
(Boston) $L7;.i; (;olden Days (Philatla6-
phie) 83; and tit. Nicholas (New York)
53. They are worth the money, but they
are luxuries,
The YOFNePEOPLE'RPAFEu is a weekly
(eight -page) journal just coiumenced in
Kingston, Canada, designed for the peru-
sal of young persons of both sexes be-
tween the ages of ten and twenty, with
a department for children, and issued at
a prise within the reach of all. It will
contain the cream of all the leading
American periodicals of the sane class
as well as the many publications of like
nature to be found in England, in addi-
tion to a due proportion of original:
matter. Young people like stories, and
these will be given in abundance, Among
the miscellaneous contents of the paper
may be mentioned accounts or travel,
adventure and (li•eovery', explanations of
wonderful iuveucione, iratat:c'ns of re-
niarkable inteliiget•ee in•ani animals. aoeo-
dotes,ete. Parente cuay cart assured that,
the clonal tang of the paper will be the
very highest.
Price, 50u a Tear; trial trip for two••
months, IO cents. The beat way to remit
is by postal order at a post of two cents,,
though small silver is carried safely
enough if wrapped in soft paper. Ad-,
dress T. J. Shanks, 63 Rideau st., King-
ston, Ont. .
GEORGE Tii0RISON, Proprietor.
Lumber of all kinds,
First-class Slitini;les,
and Cedar Posts."
Car' Load Orders a Specialty!'
Agents in Canada—The Merchants' Bank ( WOOD delivered to any part of Wing -
of Canada ham.
A3r0rdere by mail promptly attends
Office Hours—From 0 a. m. to b p. m.
A en .
T. E. O R
Eox125. Wingham . U
Send O•nents in satups, or 10 cents silver, and we
Iwill sand you be return mail the
,3 1A sunt little Beal, beinca pe .',.l Guide iu the art
o[ L,tter Writes-, It tallows ]ettcus of Lo e,
• IFriendship and hivainess, etc., with valuableinatru0.
tions and advice. 'Every young man and woman
i should have this Rook. Addrraa,
'Ingersoll, Ont.
A Blessing to Every Household.
These remedies have stood the test of fifty years experience, and are pronounced the hest itedicibes for
Family use.
Purify the blood, correct all disorders of the LIVER, STOMACH, KIDNEYS ANN ROW ELS and.
invaluable in all complaints incidental to females of all ages.
Is the only reliable remedy for bad egs, sores, ulcers, and old wounds. FOR RRCNCHIIIS, SORE
DISEASES IT HAS NO EQUAL. Manufactured only nt 78, New Oxford. Late 588, Oxford Street, London,
and sold by all Medicine vendors throughout the world.
Purob afters should look to the Label on the Boxes and Pots. If the address is not,
533 Oxford Street, London, they are spurious.
penslt es or a retie lel s 1 .
Women simply knows not what but they are not too many. Thev
er A but Toronto, Ont
site does when the fumes of liquor inay seen) to linger, but it well not What animal is most like the'
rise to her brain, and so starts on her be very long until they, all of then), blacksmith that has just moved into
way to the gutter. 11r, Lt, n. shall have been numbered with the town ? A gnu, sure (a, ricw sheer).
"tr S G::fVt?
Neat Cough a
intie: e Sold byrlrut
1orv®, L'ae
XON y,.
have decided, for a short time, to reduce the price for
$4.00 SCOT GASH.
If you have any TWc IS at borne, now is the time to save y gd dollar lied
the mal ing of each snit, and get a good fit, First-class 1I b
at wholesale prices for spot cash only.
If you want to buy a Suit or Overcoat you can save from $$.00
$10.00 011 each by purchasing from ns.
Opposite the clew Macdonald Block, Wingballl.
Merchant Tailor's: