HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1895-01-11, Page 1VOL. XXIV.---NO. 1203.
—AND -
The Only Direct Importers
Tar Bann, Jan. 10th 1895.
_ . .
Marriage Licenses
lamed by PRANK PATNRSON, No 23, Vic-
toria street, Wingham, Ont. No wituesses
"Brooms, 2 for 25c at Kerr & Conery's.
Renew now.
Renew and get the Times and Weekry
'Globe for 1895, for al.
—Mr John Elder s confine& to bed with
an attack of La G pe..
80 lbs. Demers sugar f $1, at the Star
Store. H. E. SNELL.
G A Phipper , while out hunting,
last week, shot a bl k squirrel that weigh-
ed four pounds,
To let,- Good corner store, opposite Dr.
Chisholm's, McClure's old stand. Apply
to Wm, Botton, Wingham, Ont.
—The Sabbath S
Taul'aoliurch, Wing
a sleigh ride and tea
hool scholarof St.
arn, were treated to
ona Wednesday after-
noon. They had a j lly thrte.
That Seaforth stock has'. arrived. See
ad on page 5. Goon Bitos.
—Tenders are askal for the erection of a
'bridge in the townsa p of Turnberry,known
as Bolt's bridge. T nders will be received
by Mr. John Burges , the Township Clerk,
Bluevale, up till Jan tory 21st.
Coughs and Colds can be cured by tieing
Heathirelci's Healing Masora. For sale at
.50c. at :Williams' Drug Store, Wingham.
—Courts for the revision of the Domin-
ion Voters' Lists in East Huron, by
Judge Doyle, alov sing Barrister, will be
held as follows : eaabireelererlith;
i./.., Jae. CAl;
Wingham, Jan, 22nd ;
Wroxeter, Jan. 24th ; Morris, at Belgrave,
Jan, 25t1Turnberry, at Bluevale, Jan.
29th t Howiok, Jan. 28th.
Salmoni's English White Oils is the best
amity Liniment in the world. Good for
. man or beast. Price 25 cents, at Williams'
Drug Store, Wingham.
—The anneal nting of the County
Loyal Orange Lodge of North Huron will
be held in Wingham on Tuesday, Feb-
ruary 5th. It is expected that there will be
•a large attendance at hie meeting, as it is
at this meeting the lace of holding the
• next celebration of he "Battle of the
• Boyne" will be decid d upon. A. special
meeting of the R B ?.10 126, w' e hold
in the evening.
The wide-awake buyer es on quick.
We give the value yu ar nting for, but
you must bring along the oney. Mr. Geo. Tye, Mr.
JAS. A. CLINE it Co., Wingharn.
Clarke, Jas. Times
,9 inch plates, 60e a doz, Kerr &Ornery's
B. powder, pure, 15o lb, Kerr & Cienery's.
V-3.1fr. Wm, Bober n, of town, D. D. G.
—Messrs. Walter ylor and R. Elliott,
of town, attended e Ontario Poultry M., has been busy i tailing the officers in
Show at New Halal) g, last week. • / the different Odd rowe lodges in bis
Williams, the dru 'et, sells pure drugs.
—The West Hur Farmers' Institute Big value LartiPS a
meeting will be held in the Temperance
Y A party of townspeple drove out to Mr.
Hall, on Thorsday n t, ommenoing at 10
W. 3. Deyill's, near Zetland, on Monday
o'clock a. na
Ce Star Store.
. E. Seem
24 lbs. Granulate
Star Store.
ugar for $1, at the
evening and enjoyed t emselveain tripping
R. B. slam. the light fantastic, Lac d
Baby cerriage runners, to fit any car-
-We are not yet a e to give the date of
riage, at T. E. COMM'S.
the Liberal meeting t be held Wingharn
shortly, We hope t be able to make ,‘,0L -We are having spl
just now, and farmers
full announcement ne t week.
Mixed pickles lac a qt., Kerr & Conery's
,..2—Concluetor R. D
brother of Mr. John
town, is seriously ill,
Heathfield's Malin
—The Independe
intend to apply to th
ment to have their
50e, Teas for 36o, a,t
174-1‘fr. Barton, wh
in Lower Wingham
ndid winter weather removed to Mildnxa
re other, are tatting . the drug business.
advantage of the sleighing to get in wood, Kincardine,
Fresh oysters received daily at the Star
logs, Etc. ap' has been
restaurant, and served in any style. Lower Wingharn.
JAS. McKean& —Cash for good butter and eggs at R. A. :t,
.4 -The Brussels
—Messrs. John W I on, V. S., and Jos. • G_ lahanatramarket gtr, °eery. hands, Mr. James 1r
Golley, V. S., wore in'Linton on Tuesday V.—Quite a number of- the members of the Mr. James Moore, a
attending the annual eating of uron Independent Order o Foresters of town taught school in Gre
Veterinary Medical ,A. ociatio . e„a attended a grand bang (et given in honor past three years. M
of some of the High Cart officers, in Luck- stand, returns to the
Out they gn—Theb14ci Cow Chains
and Cross Cut Saws ijt go out at once, now, on Tuesday last. fat
regardless of cost, fo cash only. The —Private moneys to loan on mortgages
early bird gets the worm. at reasonable rate of interest. Apply to
JAS. A. OWNS & Co., Winglisen. tf Jane NEELANDR.
--The Fraser re -emetic Coropany, ,—The Clinton New Record says their
which made a great with our amuse- new Cdeall wres e with the following
ment lovers last sea a, will be at the
Town Hall ever ig t next week. The question)) this year : he securing of "a
company is lar and stronger than ever !
town k, better .reets, a system of
before, and 1 ars of hal:natio art have a ' waterworks, a pork actory, a furniture
factory, and lower axation." If the
treat in store for thcaa Prices of admis- ; Council of Clinton ca r fill the bill, there
Mon have been reduce to 10c, 16e. 15 d
' ant is no doubt but peopl of the surrounding
"Where is my watch, Melinda ?" "John-
1 towns will be anxiouito know how "the
trick is done."
nie's out cracking hickory nuts with it."
—Watches, clocks and jewelry promptly
"All right, then, that won't hurt it, for '
'repaired and fully warranted by HALSEY
it was got at M. Patterson's jewellery
Pane, Meyer Block, Wingham.
store, Wingham."
e 1,---Severel times dui ng the past thre
—The following ofars were installed in
Maitland Lodge, No 119, I. 0. 0. F., on weeks the store of Ir. John cLean,
general merchant, of seawater, has been
Thursday last : N. G J. W. Dodd; V. a,
J. A. Mowatt; Rec. i -c., John F. Groves ; broken into during th1 night and thefts
Per. Sec., T. J. Elliot ; Treas., J. H. His-
committed. An old ercoat, left by the
cooks ; Warden, J. loans ; R, S. V. G., thief in. exchange for new one, cased
Jas. Hunt; L. S. G., John Hrirdie ; suspicion ferepon o e William Cousins,
jr., and he was arreste in Wingham on
R. S. N. G., W. F. B ookenshire ; L. S, N.
G., Thos. E. Cornyn Con., W. Hough; I. • Friday last, chargedith the offences.
G. N. McGregor. 1 He was taken back to eeswateron Friday,
• and on appearing befo4e J. K. McLean, 3.
—G. T. R. trains for Toronto and east P., he pleaded guilty, d wee committed
leave Wingham at 6.25 a. m. and 11,20 a.
ria, via W. U. & B.; 6.85 a. . and 3.25 to Walkerton jail to aw it trial on charges
p. m., via Clinton and Guelph. Good con- ' of housebreaking and r bbery. Since the
nections by all trains.
above was in type, we 3arn that Cousins
was brought before edge Barrett, at
—The next mont y Gospel Temperance
meeting' will be he/in the Temperance ' Walkerton, and sentenc d to the Central
Hall, on Sunday ening next, commencing Prison, Toronto, for six !months. 'ea/
at 8.15 o'olook. A dresseswill be delivered ! Salmonils English White .Oils cures
by Rev. Dr. Giffor , and Arr. D. M. Gordon. Chilblains. Rheumatism. Sprains, Bruises
SoreBack.For sale at 25o. at Williams'
Choice and approy-_--iate selections of music and
will begiven by a nion choironacie up ironDrug .
Store, g.
I e--
members of the different choirs of the • "Winter" and "Sumer" were never
more charmingly plot •ed than they are
town. These me ting are held under the
this season on Hood's a.rsaparilla auspices of the lo al W. C. T. IJ., and all
dar. This calendar i made in the shape
are cordially invitai to attend and assist
of a heart and is orn ented with two
child faces, lithograp d in bright and
OV WINOnatural colors,one pe ing out, amid the
thank you snow fle.kes, frominty cap, and the
ave me in g
other lighted up with 1 the glory of the.
e usual information
ages and other as-
s given, and the
Ig "a thing of beauty"
ay of the year. It
the druggist's, or,lf
ted, six cents in stamps
I. Hood tit Co., proprie-
arilla, Lowell, Mass.,
a calendar fres. For
dare will be sent,
this good work etc lg.
for the hearty sup ort yo my
late contest for the Mayo alty, and I pro- summer sunshine. T
mise you that if M . Brockensbire does not about the lunar eh
do something to eamloy labor or bring
trade to our town, will eontest the seat tronomical events
With him next yewi calendar, besides bei
G. McKettzre. is also useful every
—The annual nting or the Canadian may be obtained a
Legislative Buildiu , Toronto, on January
his supply is exhau
Press Association will be held in the
should be sent to
tors Hood's Sars
31st and February 1 t. The gathering this
year will take the f •rn of a journalistic who will forwar
reunion, and amon st the old-timers ex -
ten cents two cale
pected to be preset) and take part in the —Miss Chariot M.c.Doneld wishes to
proceedings are: r MacKenzie Bowell,
intimate to the ladies of Wingham and
vicinity that the Dress and Mantle making
Jackson, Rev, W. P. b
nose, formerly carried on by Miss M.
M. P., and Rev. E. EL Johnston, will be continued by her in tne
Dewart, as vvell as umereus others who old stand, Gregory Block. Pref. Moody's
tailor system taught. Cutting and fitting
are actively engag in the printing and
publishing busin s. There will be a a speoialte
banquet held on
day, at Webb's.
Ithe 1%lethodist church
—Anniversary ser
'bath, Jan. 18th, 1
Oiffe'rd, Ph. D., of th
Michigan, and broth
ahurch here, will pre
evening, and deliver
ing Monday evenin
author of several
volume of sermons e
ces will be held hiWingharn, on Sab.
5. The Rev. M. W.
Detroit Conference,
of the pastor of the
oh both morning •and . on Wednesday ate
furnehinge, try Webster & CO.
an elle"
lecture on the ollow-
o'clock. There WAS
—For firstifiass tailoring a
Dr. Gifford is the Remember the place, one door south of ladies, and the Secre
(Ake, including a R. A. Grails -nth) grocery store. presented very eneou
titled, "Laws of the —At the meeting lot Camp Caledonia, vfork done during the
•Sonic" and is ono the most, popular No. 40, Sons of Scot and, held on Monday for the year were MO
preachers in the Det it conference. Don't evening last, the f ;flowing officers were 652,60 was eontribute(
fail to hear him. S dal collections in aid installed for the Jurrent term : T. M. ing meeting. The
.of Trust fund. Henderson, Chief; Charles Elliott, Chief- creased, also the atte
In 01 n Tirade , tain ; Walter Tay or, Post Chief; D. M. ings. The following
Gordon, Chaplain; Peter Deans, Record- for the ensuing y
People overlooked the importance of per- ig Seeretary ; Jdoni Murray, Financial Petrie; 'Vico-Presi
matently beneficial effecte and were setts- Secretary; J. fl, 1Amur, Treasurer; Wm. Mrs, Liftklater and
" A fled with transient action; but now that it 11, scat, marsh, ; Gavin Davidson,
le generally known that Syrup of rigs will
permanently enre habitue' constipation,
ill not buy other
a time, but finally
the evening of the first —The eighth annu4 meeting of the W. F.
M. S. of the Presbytetman church was held
oon, Ian. 2nd, at 3
good attendance of
ry and Treasurer
aging reports of the
ear. The receipts
6. Of this amount,
at the Thankoffer-
embership has in.
lance at the, meet.
facers were elected
r: President, Mrs.
nts, Mrs. McIntyre,
is Little; Secretary,
Mrs. Carrnth ; Asa' tant.aecretary, Mies
ugh Hamilton. Senior Annie Stewart; Tr manor, lifise Maedon.
pbell, junior Guard ; aid; Auditors, Mrs. line and Mm. Grae0y. Wannonmv, ja.s. 16—Auction Sale 1:rf Ito:neon:1 Foreign Missionary Society wt11 in the Dominion. No,„, is you time to
eedonald, Physic:lane; After the business ort of the 'meeting, Farm Stook and CJtattsl, lot 40, con. 14, be held hi the Presbyterian chord), on have *. high.ehola ph taken at Se extra.
iper. This Camp is in Mrs. Dickson gave a short address and the East Wawanosh, t 1 o'clock. Terms Wednesday, January 16th, at* o'clock p. expense„ Already neJnls are bettootog to
on, and has a member- Secretary.. reading entithicl, "Veleta of oeslit Peter De 0, auctioneer. John ni. Ladle* of all delMinindlotta requested come great distances avail thenesirlasst idll
fifty, the Women." 'Brunt. f to atttend. Jrstun Casual., Sec. this opportunity.
t %
el) -informed people
laxatives, Which act f
injure the systent.
Pooh Fish at 1
r & emery's.
Standard Bearer:
• Guard; Axel), C
Peter and Jas. 11.
Angus Stewart,
a flourishing -condi
Ship of upwards 0
0ulmage, of London,
L Drainage, of this
Balsam mares colds.
The Elect
The election on 111
little excitement in
contest in only one
Mayoralty. At the close
found tbat M. W. F,
t Order cf Foresters baen elected Mayor b:
Dominion Govern- the vote in the differen
t of drporation follows':
e Star Store.
H. E. Sena.
has taught the school
for some time, has
where he goes into
r. Hogarth. lately of
ngaged as teacher in
erald has changed
•n having sold it to
entlernan who has
township for the
Irwin, we under-
ry-goods business:
Primulas (Chinese Primroses), white and
colored, blooming. Get one from the Iron
Bridge Greenhouse. T. C. Gnaw:,
• Lower Wingham.
very pleasane'event (recurred ou
Christmas day at the residenoe of Mr. J.
Carter, Wingbam, it _eing the marriage of
his only daughter, _lannie, to Ur. J. C.
MoCreight, of Turnbeary. The ceremony
-tvas performed by Rta. Mr, Kennedy, of
London.(/the bride
cousin, Minnie. Me
while the groomsma
Mannus, of Winghtt
bridesmaid were taste
cashmere, with lace
and wore bouquets
be happy couple we
many beautiful and c
s assisted by her
ibbin, of London,
was Mr. 3„ J. Me -
The bride and
lty attired'in cream
nd pearl trimming,
• white carnations,
the recipients of
stly preseuts.
Ward1, Beeeitex
Ward 2, 53
Ward 3, 41 .
Ward 4, 65
ns. 1 r meet ng of Court, Maitisaaite
day caused but ! Canadian Order of Foresters this (Friday,
n, there being a evening. install/4m of eficere
rd and for the general business. •
f the polls it was —Congregetions, church subjects fert
rockenshire had next Sunday's seri ces. Morning; "
a majority of 68, paring the way c the Lord." Event
wards being as elm:at love does or the world," Thet.e
pastor will preach. A. cordial welIcome to
its. McKenna a10
l3aby carriage r utters, to fit may care
59• riage, at T. B. Cors'.
—A. meeting of kl,ie members of thet
Literary and labatiea Society will be held.
in the Council Chan.cer, on Friday even-
ing, the 11th inst., at 8 o'clock, for the
purpose of making rrangements for ther
81 debate to be held .or Monday, the 14th
07 inst. All are request ad to attend.
55 —The first dobeae of the Wingharn
been read by the Literary and Debatieg Society will be held(
oil Chamber, the in the Town Hall, oz- Monday evening,. the
ix o'clock, they, 14th inst. This debeie will be in the form.
interested in of a Mock Parliamen , and will likely prove
than hearing very interesting. Al are invited to attend;
r 1895 will be as aindssion free.
. Brookenshire. Heathfield's Healing Balsam is thee
248 115
Majority for Brookens •ire, 63.
The contest far Count llors in Ward 3
resulted as follows:
J. A. McLean,
R. Arscott,
Thos. Forbes,
Peter Deans,
'After the returns had
Town Clerk, in the Coe
electors dispersed,it bein
apparently, being nior
partaking el their suppe
speeches. efl‘The Council f
ollows •I'•',latayor, W.
eeve, 1. C. Sparhtng
Deputy Reeve, Wm. Holn
Councillors—Ward 1, Jo
Neelands, R. Herdsmai
Ward 2, A. Dawson, 0.
Hill (acclamation.) War
Lean, R. Arscott, T.
D. McKinley, C. J. Re
—The School Bora
composed as follows
Abraham and Allan G
Wm. Moore and J. A.
J. H. Hiscocks and
C. N. Griffin and Wil
named in ettoh ward
s (acclamation.)
. Golley, John
A. Newton, R.
3, 3. A. Ma-
orbes. Ward 4,
ding, T. Gregory
for 1895 will be
sorest and safest cure for colds in the -
world. Price 50 cents, at Williams' Drug
Store, Viiieglan.
ea —There is a mild4se of diphtheria- int
town. A young .1, ughter of Mr. Jas.(
Begley, who had bee) visiting at Dungann- •
on, where diphtheria is quite prevalent, re—
torned home on Tharsday and nets taken
ill on Saturday. Ten Board of 'Health
have placarded the Leese, and taken every -
precaution to continalthe disease
Ward 1—Thos.
lbraith ; Ward 2— —The officers of aorquay ioodgei No.
Morton ; Ward, 193, Sons of England Benevoleni Society
os. Bell; WardT—
for the current term
President, W Chap
Batton. The last
Manuel; Vice-Presi
re the newly elected.l
Notice to C tractors. Chaplain, Win Pei
Tenders will be received by the under •
signed till Friday -the ltlth iastant, for the That Pale Paee, Treasurer,
geon, Dr. Tamlyn; 1 .; Guide, Geo Walker;
erection of a briolt atone school house •
on lot 25, con. 7, Culross. The lowest or For Nervous Prostration and Anemia.
2nd Guide, Fred Hualies; 3rd Guide, Fred
d' t • '11 • tl
any tender • aot necessarily accepted. there is no me mine la wt so pi omp y
Tiplady; 4th Guide, Isaac Rupee; Inner -
Plans and specifications can be seen at the and infallibly restore vigor and strength
house Peter Clark, lot 26, con. 7, Culross. as Scott's Emulsion. Guard, Robt Mitche; Outer Guard, Gem
PETER CLARK, Town: Managing Oo _mitten, Geo Hughes',
Celross, Jan. 3rd, 1895. Teeswater P. 0. Geo Town, Geo V- raker; Auditors, Geo)
—At the last meting of Wingham a
Corinail, No. 222, eisinad i am Order of
Chosen Friends, the f 'lowing officers were
elected for the ourren. year: Jos Galley,
Chief Councilor; R. Elliott, Past Chief
Councilor; Mrs. R.( lire Vice Councilor;
J. B. Ferguson, Reaarder ; Alex. Ross,
re as follows: Past
au; President, Thom
nit, Robt Marlow;
Int; Secretary, G
eorge 'Hughes; Stir -
Treasurer ; Miss E.
Mrs. T. M. Hendersot
Ireland, Marshal; W.
enderson, Prelate;
Warden ; Geo. L.
). Pringle, Assistant
Recorder ; D. Mahe On, Guard ; F. H.
Roderus, Sentry ; 3. ,)•a. Kennedy, 11.1.1)
Physician; R. Elliot ; Representative to
Grand Connoil ; R. liason, Trustee. The
installation will take place on Monday
evening next.
VA -Some time betwesei Saturday iiigli
and Monday morning est, the bookstore of
Mr. Geo. Mason, of to m, was entered and
$25 in cad) and nom jack knives, cuff
holders, &c., taken. Mise Deya Mr.
Mason's assistant, hat_ closed up the afire
on Saturday night, M . Mason being away,
and she left the mono' in the cash register.
On entering the store in Monday morning,
she notioecl that the c sh register had been
tampered with, and on opening it her
worst fears wore realszed, for the money
left on Saturday eve dug was gone. It
was found afterward) that the burglars
Miss J. Wright, 0
at Mr. J. E. Swarts'
Miss Mabel Ken
where she intends t
mutb Ladies' College
Mr. T. A. Reid, P
Sound Model Scho
the holidays, returne
on Monday.
Mr. C. F. Fitsgeri
Sun, of New York,
V. s., of London,
W. F. Dulmage, last
Vanatter, of
a few days during
, Mr. Jas. Elston, o
the High Scbool at fl
on Monday.
Miss Mary *fleet. of Culross, who was
home for the bond .ys, returned to the
Goderioh Collegiate Institute on Monday.
•,,,.',J3ressels Herald: , the Misses Plenty, of
Brantford, is a guest
has gone to London.
king a course in Hel-
'lidera oftile Owen
who was home for
to resume his duties
Town, Fred Hughes Trustees, W J Chap..
men, Wm Peasant -.Wm Dore.
—The annual the leg of the Tnrnberry
Agricultural Soeiet was held at Korman's
hotel, Wingham, Thursday, the lOtit
inst. There was e. f ir attendance of mem-
bers. After the r ,tdin, of the minutae,
the Auditors' and 3 eretatty's rep.':ts were
submitted, which s owed that the society
d, Sporting Editor had experienced a osperous year, the re -
id Mr. C. F. Fitzger-
ceipts exceeding le expenditure some -
were guests of Mr. what. Both the re orts were adopted, on.
motion. The folio ing officers were Sleet-,
etdleteker.iesivleek, visitine
was in town', rid for the current y ar : Charlet Header-
?eon, President; Geo. offat, Vico-President,
Direotors—Por Tur berry and N'Itinglitian„
A Tipling, Wm Ma vela D MoKinuty, W
F Brockenshire and Malndoo; foe airoatee...,,
John Elston; for Ert Wawarosh, tonital
Taylor and M Hod son; for Culross, I
Keiffer; Auditors, Prior Fowler, jr., R. El-.
l4 -This week the c rpenters, painters and -ea
Wingharn, *pent. N w Year's day with' ,calciminers have be n busy at W- 11, Bel -
friends in town..Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Pergu7i "lien's photo studio 4aking cljt, necessary
son, of Wingharn, boas been visiting friends alterations and i p vementsa.'Maais bus
in town -Edgar and Frank McGuire, of not interfered
Wingho.rn, spent thei holidays at the home negatives;
of Geo. llogers...3 that he
Listowel Banner; ; Halpenny, of Wing- busy op
be fat
Morris, is attending
rriston, going there
bad gained an entrate to the store by 1 bon, spent a couple -1 days in town this
pushing off a board wi ich was nailed over! week.
a window in the baser' ent and unlocking Seaforth Expositoa: Miss Annabel and
the basement door. cece in the basement Master Harry, son Ind daughter of Mr.
they could easily iteeend to the store. I and Mrs. Henry Wilem, West street, epent with everything tha is found in a city
Suspicion fellon tine young lads of town, 1 Christmas with theft sister, Mrs. Mitchell,1 gallery. An ham 0 snow scene taloa
named Frank Cnrri. Amos Agar and el *Ingham. 1 toboggan slide back ound and others will
the liveries and drove 3 Lucknow Monday' ville this veeek ate:le-mg the ordination of 1 atoBain is a native elf the Scottish High.
P 1 room, Mr
juries Forbes, who hired a rig at one of 1 Mr. and Mrs. Geo. ocock omit: }lagers be placed iu the userating
morning. Chief Buhl rd telegraphed the their son, William P •cook. ; lands, and has apent &keep. t portion of hiela
Chief of Police of Imo now to arrest them. Mildmay Gazette i Miss Netterfield, of : time in the leading • studios of England,
That officer soon p donned that duty Whigharn, is spendi
and on Monday evening chief Bullard and her sister, Mrs. J. E.
Mr, Joint 0. Groves dr )ve over to Lucknow Clinton New lire:
and brought the boys back. On Tuesday wife, of Witightlm,
evening they were bre ight before Mr. W. sister, lilta. lahtzler•
F. Brockenshire, 3. P , and as the proseen- Miss T Galbralt
tiori was not prepared to go on, the trial after spending the Nolidays with her uncle, was a patron. Classe
was postponed tuiti: Tuesday evening the Bev Dr Galbra ral, of Qucon's Avenue, platinotypes, opals,
Toronto turned out. Those no
Teeswater New Miss 8 Aikens, of before seen in Winghs,
Wingham, is visiti g this week at Mrs A , of the work is per
reit sale bills printed McAllister's, Cult 0. 'Canada. Mr Belden sparing no expense
1 bave a free notice 'nor pains to gain for al* !Steal() the ve-
to the tinie of tale. --The Union Icetuig of the Women's pntation of turning 01 the finest work
tit the work of tatting
i act ,4r. Belden imamate us
Mr. f_TeBain have been kept
ting. TE reception room will
up in el& orate style. On the:
wall will be an oil p luting by Mr. AlcBain.
9 x 16 feet. Off tl..-41 room will be the
dressing room, wh oh will be provide&
g the holidays with Ireland and Scotland studios which are
fulholland. ! patronized by Her Ilajesty the Queen,
ate. H. Kerr and his 1 the Prince of Wales a d the highest no-
vere the guests of mai bility of Britain. II was SAO et member
his week. of the Edinlmtgb. P otographic Society.
• has returned home of which 11 It 11 the uke of Edinburgh
of work, such se
c., are now being
styles were never.
, and the exoellence
ape unequalled in
next, tiP
All parties getting
at the 'Poise office wi
inserted in this list n