HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1895-01-04, Page 6r; T Zk 1WAislos I. el ui J. wits :,After the closing t'S.('.reitaee on Fri- day. December 21et, the pupils of School Section No. 10, East W'awan- • 1 1t11)AY JANVTANS 4.1R'Ja osi►, presented their teacher, Miss M. .. - f -..:...-_ W at on, with a handsome toilet set IUNI,00SS, "(1pliuto itultler. These gifts were accompanied by stn address sliowhtg On -Christmas Day the (: le :ldenee of 1 ofn 4, Kinloss the Minh esteeitr in which Miss Wet- ,. .To rn Graham, eon.Still i, held by pupils tend parents, wit the. Scene of #h, very pretty (:vent ;• n11 from her and the hive she has ly Ithiein#,r the marriage of his daughter eholttrs by her otitic,, h1udness 'Mary to Mr. IL Simpson,. real estate - p , . .s agent, Of Virden, 1ian. The bride and thoroughness. 71e address wee 1!eautifnlly attired in cream was signed by three of the pupils, on noire silk,with veil 'and orange behalf of the school. 1On Christmas day, at the hour of blcissuttis. Rev. lir, Aicl.eunatl (r- . , , p gra o'clock, I). rn,; one of those happy formed the ceremony, which Was eveuts lvliiclh bring smiles and wituesse4 by about 100 guests and patties, took , cto every counteeenco friends of the contiactin•+- al'py° looks , The happy couple left on the early tplace at the resicicneo of lichees . v 1'7 it 11 1 of this t°llr Sl Johnston, I . t , q 1 train Wednesday Der Detroit, where Defile the merriao'e of This youngest _..,,.., ••-v•-•••:::.11.:=1a.µ THE Y'i' 1N u 1 li.,12,1 TIMES, JANUARY , e <. From. Mann's Zorn. fled must have our best. If we live to (lie we die to live. Love has to die to prove that it has lived. Much doing is not so important as well doing. The furnace and the: gold are good friends. Keep your windows open toward , Jerusalem, The sin we spare is sure to become T t our master. 1 It never becomes entirely dark to those who look up. The religion that costs nothing is worth just that niuc:le not look ahead roan who does 1 0 they inters $1)(11(11110.a fell- days daughter Alice Maud, to Mr. R. II, soon has to fall back. before going to their name in Virden. 3ruwn a prosperous young farmer The first thing man needed iu this l p p young common sense of the township of Morris, near world was Christ. Myth. The young bride was taste- Nothing but con taut trust in (xod Should he used in attempting to cure :, that very disagreeable disease, catarrh. fully attired in clean satin, which can give us perfect rest. As catarrh originates iu itrlpurlties in well became her youthful appear - the blood, local applications van do no ante. Sbe was assisted by bee sister The devil is generally .close by • permanent good. The ewnmon sen"Annie, and the groom was supported I when the preacher trades horses. method of treatment is to putty than by his twin brother. The ceremonyblood, rood for that purpose there is no preparation superior to Boodle Sarsapa- was performed by Rev. Mr. Baugh, riga. a gentleman noted. for such events. Hoop's PILIs cure ,constipation by After the marriage all sat down to a restoring peribt,,itic action 'to the ali- very sumptuous supper. The pres- esentary shoal. •° ents were both costly and numerous. The hours flew by with social chat LIS7'OWEL. i and plays, until the hands of the A sad aeeident happened there on clock began to mix up with the wee Thursday last to 11'Ir. Wm. Bamford, slug' hours ayont the twal, when all one -0 the firm of Bamford Tiros., joined in a hearty good bye to the The important thing is not .how eontraetors and builders•. While bride and groom, wishing them lonewe are going to live' but how. working with a circular -saw a all the joys that accompany life's going board became cramped between the long journey and none •of its sorrows, When you go to church to .sale and the guard, Wliiiclt caused it and wondering when the next happy for a revival, don't do it ou a seat. The preacher ttaat does not. prac- tice all he preaches, preaches too Rauch. It is not the last drink that makes a drunkard, but the first. Faith is the arm that touches (God and get what it calls for. No earthly duty can take the place of duty to God. What are you doing to :answer your own prayers? t`uertitutintw; Meese.. Canadian epees(. exporters 81'e in- clined to resent tLie complaints tvltich Bi•itii•tt importers have 1„unght against them. They will, ewe think, 1)e inure' 1viser to see exactly \\quit it is 111 the method of t•ltilnuent a:• adopted in Canada of 11•hidt their friends here (lisal,prove, slid give friendly attention to the (10111811(1 for the marking of each cheese with the date of its slake. The cheese trade with this country has been built up with a eare and foresight wllicli does; Canada great credit, ar d we aI'e sure that lvhcn the eomplatnts are understood in Montreal a sensible de. sire will he shown to sheet the rea- help , to raise on the Saw and to :fly for- event will take place at Robert's ward with geeat force, striking him house, as there is only one left, and -near the stomach, causing internal certainly the best. injuries, from which deatt,h resulted . ----7- about ten boars after the ,accident. HOLLOti't'AY's Puma. — Weakness • The unfortunate loan was :about .55 and Debility.—unless the blood be The devil's principal worn` is to years of age, and leaves a wife and kept in a pure state, the ;constitution snake wrong people think they ape family. Mr. Bamford was :a pre- mast be weakened and disease super- right zninent member of the I. O. F. •So- vene. These wonderful Pills possess The only people w110 walk in the ciety of this place, who conducted the power of neutralising and reanov- dark are those who walk without the funeral services. ' ing all eontaailinations of the blood faith. • ,and.system generally. They quiet - When God says ” All have sinned," Wein Diseases. i ly but certainly overcome .01 obstrue- Skin-diseases are more or lessloocasion- ! tions tending, to produce iii -health, we are included in the number. ed by bad,bluud. B. B. B. curses the and institute regular :aetidns in There is no such thing as beconl- followinsr Skin Diseases : Shingles, organs that are faulty from derange- ingrich without giving anything Erysipelas Iteh•ieg Rashes. Salt Rheum, Scald Heaat, Ei'llptions, ;pimples, and went or debility. The dyspeptic, away. Blotches. 3y fromo re'comoving 1 trope-vibes llP. .vibeto weak and nervous,ntav rely en these! Ood never sends danger to any Pills as their best friends final: colli'- Baan to whom he has not first eivell the worst Scrofulous Sore. •e Porters. They improve the appetite pray back M0ltfliS_ ,digestive apparatus. Holloway's 1 The religion of some people imikes On Friday, the 21st December., Pills have long been known to be the ; you wonder if they were baptized i•ta Mr. Francis Wright, who resides •surest preventives of liver complaints, I ice water. about a guile east of Myth, was out .dreadful dropsies, spasms, colic, coo- IWhen: starting for Zion don't • attending to bis chores, when the .stipation, and many others diseases; stop to take a parting drink, o'r you dropped dead.. Ile was a lean of .always hovering round the feeble i•may lose your ticket. 76 years, and always enjoyed good and infirm. ,•1 o'e '.and thoroughly invigorate the; b • • health He was of •. quiet retiring iWhen you want a fresh blessing, disposition, and had the good-wiliand What He Did. - I get on your knees and thank God s, esteem of his acquaintances, and for Professor Blank, although a very for the last one. years he has been a consistent mem- dignified and courtly gentleman, bas,God didn't give the law to make Tier of the Methodist church. 1Iis fits .of absent-mindedness amounting us .good, Haat to show us that we • wife, three sons and one daughter almost to mental aberration. This, were not good. - survive • him. He has one son on faiiiaag has placed him in many em -'A eood lace in which to exercise v"`w....tahe C. F. le, at Smith's Falls; Thos. bai•iassing positions. It seemed to p R. is in the London car shops,. and the Professor and his family that the patience is in bearing the shortcom- Rev. Ti. A. Wright is stationed at climax had been reached one even- ings of other. Grand Rapids, Miele His daughter ing when the Professor, after filling The sluggard is wiser in his own • is the wife of Mr.. R. Somers. his bath tub for a bath, plunged in conceit than seven men that can with al2 of his clothes on ! But a render a reason. A Caution! A Warning •• If, on blowing the nose in the morn. deeper, because public,. mortification To be meek in spirit is not only to - inn.. lumps an.l flakl!s are discharged soon followed this alarming mental inherit the earth, bUt to possess' in - Colored with blood, especially on one lapse. The professor sometimes siun.,.oue no time in ai,pivinf; a remedy. speaks in public, and a few days corruptible wealth above. • Catarrh of the very wo)•at kind has he -After the hash room episode he was It is better to have our paradise at roan; sealed. the walls are sore and fall Y151:ed to be one of three or four the end of life than it is at the be - of smell &eer,,, sed if not stx)n. cured wilt be bard to core and eradicate. A speakers at a public meeting. His ginning of it. outl,h: in time saves nieo.” Use Chase's brief address was received with A little that a righteous man hath Catarrh Cure. great applause, 'which, to the Pro- is better than the riches of many - lessor's surprise and chagrin, was wicked, GORRIE. followed by broad grins, and even There are only a few hypocrites in The examination exercises in con- ' unrepressed tittering on the part of the church compared to the number I t l t 1 f the British m t' cAVEATS,TRADFMARiis C OPYRI G UT S. OM1 1< OBTAIN A PATENT? For a prompt answer and an bOnest opinion. write to Pt (INN .t. (•().. who have had nearly fifty years' experience In the patent business. CeininUntea. Cons strictly t•ontldential. A Iiandbook of in- formation ooneernulg Patents and how to ob- tain theta sent free. Also a catalogue of mechan- ical and setetitiao boobs sent tree. Patents taken through Bunn cC Co, receive special notice in tho Pict e n III Ile A n,eri Dap. and thus are brought widely before the public with. out cost to the inventor. This splendid paper, issued weekly, elegantlyllustrated, as lax far the largest circulation of any sCientlfic work in the world. 153 a year. Sample ao lee sent free. Building Edition. monthly, t E.60 a year. Single 000)011,'g 00003. o Avery number contains boa.. t111'ul plates', in osier's, aTld plintegraphs 0f new houses, with plans, enabling Uulldera to show 1310 latest designs and seeuro conchae, Address MUNN .v, Co.. kw Twin, 3411 BI(OAnWAY. hUlhtt , ('. (('1nt111l b (' , IC IIS 1 t Now Gazette.• is the time to buy your .,l ^n • ,;oaks,, Q Belief ill gix boons--Dintressiul; Ii1(t.I it {. -trelieved n Sx' Y.' a• u1 1 n laid ;'111:4.;1 clan , 4L r°y A none, 1,{• sue ••(art•ttt South American Iiid- nt;v Cute." ti his g. eat ientrcly in a teat . 11)1 mitis 11);11 delight to 1.hysieians On ao. VI )1 of it, c•x:;,riling prutuptness, nreliev- i &Jk.haels inn p tin its tit.. bintltler, kidneys, buck and er , r Ove,-;, IA t of the urinary passages ill reale . i <Lt vl ,ennL'r•. Il, 1'elI(\'tl9 retention of water, and hila hi passing it almost immediately. it yc.0 Walt Buick relief and euro this is your renleuy. Sold at Chishoim's drug When hen you can get them of t l air . !UM -I i Pt'i:1d iiEtl kbYMORNING -.AT T1111 -- TIMES 0 RIO , Jot4t,PHH1ivk, STREET WINO1.±AM, ON'TAltl°. subscript/ea prire,$t pea y'oar .its ndlrin>rlitl .i DVEIZTibLNO MATES: rip,., l y t. i u uu,, .1 '1()'11":3;) t. ,1 to Uau (lou,uut 5,,)) 0n ti40 ,)O 1 ($311_21:3:1. .•3 0,00 il.aa 4a o.i 1 c ,til , po .oe• snorter •' cu 0,) 12 00 no 2 00 ,, t `t1 il•n• .r u S 61(1 1) _ IA'A'Il. rt.0 other aw,1uladv,•rtisumuuts, tic. per line t••, it 0.: i..,....1 dint, c.,ut Se, Iry Hilo In ,sell subsequent ,,,,,,,0:10,01 . .••l,utiens 1'31•. 1`t. lite for lh•et insertion, and, le. tier hits for each subsequent i)INCi'tict. No fecal ..tare will be eitarged less than :me. Advertisements 011 Lost, 1000104, Strayed, Situation,,. 1 • ei livolt.••ot 0hale is tvanicd, (101 exceeding 8 linos nunptttuu, 1 pet• in . th (10)01 .,nil lr:Uao fur Male, 4)01 exceeding 8 for i, mouth, one. ,+•' v, 1t rest tl E . ctru subsequent ueut mo t n ,.1 i h These hints will b., strictly adhered to I apeoial Tates ler local advt. tisome,lt', or fox ! ',miter periods. Auvurlt,uuleots and local notices without specific. , dirc1Lims, will ee inserted til, turbid and chargged) 1 Nero I'd i.„,t. Tr..,-' otg advertisements must, be• an paid 1, .•r for s t.u.,.,,;e, ola contract advert': ^monts must be aA 131hat0 ona10cu0lt 1 y Wedhusday on, 10 order to appear t R. ELLIOTT r'RO1•Ntit•O,t MO PUBLIe111* Stare. The devil is not wasting any ani' munition on the man who is stepping over little duties looking+ for some- thing big to do for Christ. KENDALL'S SPAM CHS 'E ?;.711. T1 -0E MOST SUCCESSFUL REMEDY FOR MAN OR BEAST. Certain In its effects and never blisters. Read proofs below: ENNUI SMIN OU31 BLnrroisr, L.I., N.Y., Jam 16,1804. Dr. B. J. KENDALL Cu. Gentlemen -I bought a splendid bay horse some time ago with a Spaviu. .1 gothlm for430. I used Kendall's Spavin Cure. Tho Spaviu 18 cone now .and I have been offered $160 for the same horse. 3.only bad him nine weeks, so I got 5120 for using :$2 worth of Kendall's Spavin Care. Yours truly, W. S. MAneDEN. 'IIs ND LL9S SPIV SPAM CURE SaRLRY, Mon., Dec.16,1893. Tr. B. J. KENDALL CO. ti,•s-I have used your Kendall's Spavin Cure •wlth good success for Curbs on two horses and in is the best Liniment I have ever used, Yours truly, AuuuST FREDERICS. Price 81 per Bottle.. For Sale by all Druggists, of address J r..B. J, IEENDAZT, CODIPr1I✓Yr, ENOSBURGH FALLS. VT. A TE04,' HRUU CHILD. FOR TWO YEARS FINE QUAL,UTY,!►OUNTED ®N SHAG ROLLERS • 2 5 CENTS. ETil! PATTERNS, NEVI RESIGNS, Its Head Rendered a Volcano of 1+'Iery, Itching, Burning Pains. So speaks Maxwell Johnston, 112 Ann St., Totovto : My six-year-old daughter, Bells), twins afflicted with eczema for 2-1 months, the principal seat of eruption being behind the ears and on her face; her head was on fire with painful, burn- ing itching, which waA made worse by constant euratchir.g and tearing it with her hand. Wo epotat money without stint in constant endeavor to afford the little auger relief, every Ldvertised remedy was tried ; innumerable treat- ments with soaps and medicines and •specitic treatment by physicians having high endorsoinonts in curing such dis- eases were of no relief in her case. A short tints ago T purchased a box of Dr. Chase's Ointment, the first application of which showed the curative effect of the ointment ; only one half of the box has berm used, with the marked change of an entire disappearance of the erup- tions, and I can confidently say my child is permanently cured. Any en- quiry cheerfully answered with enclosed stain p. affection with Toner's school, just many in the audience. No sooner south of (iorrie, held last Thursday, was the Professor out of the house was in every way successful. The after the meeting' than he turned to pupils glowed themselves very pro- his wife and asked : My dear, what 1telent. and the teachers of neighbor- was the occasion of alI that smiling outside of it. , A ishan can be moral without being religious, but he cannot be re- • ligious without being moral. x.ng schools, who examined the classes, and actual giggling .after- the goner- The lean wiho thinks the world expressctd:gratification at the prompt ons applause that followed my( -1 owes him a living finds it hard now - and accurate answers given. In the dress? a -days to collect the debt. evening the school was crowded to Don't you know ? asked his wife, the doors by the large, audience who i =a little sharply. I never felt so The devil likes to see the man mita, to enjoy the programme. mortified in my life. Why don't loin the church who expects to do Prominent among the performers you keep your wits about you when all his work with his mouth. n I I Were :411r. 1i.,('r'. fierce, paisley's you are in public ? It was dread- There is no wisdom in having a , papular vehitrilopuifst and Messrs fol ! man to watch a bank who believes! . '1 r harrow and McKenzie of local fame. • NS• hy, Helen, what did I do ? th Yr. W. fl, Strong' performed the DO? Y•ou sat tip there on that plan Turd POWDERS Cure $ICI( HEADACHE and Neuralgia in 20 NIMIL esr a1..0 Coated Tongue, Dieri- : I BARRE hese, Biliousness, Pain in tho Side, Constipation @mi+ M 6 Torpid Liver, Sad Breath, To stay cur••d an • r at all prices, e8• A• CLINE it, CO, Hardware llcrcliants, STONn Broca, \\Ingham. to IIs E16"to, ,''4. ° SSI. G ••. v le s Josephine Stre"'i bI'" i::".,, era J. A. iintsrtva, J. W. SCOTT, MOuut Forest. 1J0towe1 Deposits Receive;l and Interest allowed. Money .1c1 anced to Farmers an..l I3min ess WI On long or short time, ou endtree.' notes I or collateral sec:arity. Hale notes bought 1 at a fair valum on. Money remitted to all 1 parts -of Cauadn et reasonable oharges. 1 Special Attention Given to Qat. looting Accounts and Notes. Agents in Canada- 'rho 1aercliar,ts' Bare o: Canada Mabee Messrs -Prom A a, in. to 6 p. m, A. E. SMITII, A en. I aR MACDONALD, i CENTRE STREET. WdxanAal, .. ...--.._.... ..... ... _ ONTARIO.. t ®' • B. ToWLElt, U,D.C.M., Sllumber College Physicians and Surgeons, °uteri° --Coroner for County ofIluron- OiricePp.rtaira, next to Mr Morton's office, Wing. - ham,, Ont. orrtcs II Dors.-0 to 12 a. tn., 1 to p. m., or a, lacsiden0e, Diegot al Street. 3 T P, KENNEDY, M. D„ M C. P.$ 0. (5uee,s or to Dr. J A. Mcldrunt,i G id Med dist of n•estttu University: Late 13ouee surreonin London Genert111osnital. Spacial atten- tion paid to diseases of women and children. Office -Formerly occupied by Dr.' Meldrum,Cornett of Centre nuc rami I streets. 0, (N01IAU • UFT ) 1 R• ST(,N 9, . 12.1 !IIISTlslt, SOU( 1'f 1,, Eta.. 1', ivato •a•tt Cenlparn Imola it, loan at 31.west rate 11 tUi Cut. 1.o eaunuiivmn rhombi. 1, Norte:saes, torn and '11,1111 plope,t) t .ueh1 and solo (11`F1CF:-.Eleavur tomes( VI ;,-(.11411 1 J. A. 11OSTU.y PAItkIST lrit , 13i.gh;•it. III, • t _ .Ilii• L. fIClirNs1'N, ifliartelstea• /Rte. ser.tcarea TO )1)ll( Oh' 1ISMILTOw. moony TO, L0.1N, Ulliee-a:elsr Sit1.I,, {i h.„hen,. F 1 Eti CI Tlti: -J. S. Jt:liutlL', h,. D. S.,tvtnaneN. 3 J Id wauutact urulg first.alass sets of ; teeth as cheap UN they can be ;made tc' y in t c 1)n,uinirn,. Tenth extracted absolutely without pain, by his new process(, ..uart,ntee„ porte• tly safe. Or^Ff10E: lu tllo, Beaver block, opposite than Brunswick House. Jr Wm. N. Macdonald, L. D. S. ZETLAND fi e;g• ^• fry 1r pr Ir DENTIST. ZEALAND S.ti Y+ W miLL OFFICE, MACDONALD'S BLOCK.. W11] visit Goma 1st and 3rd Mondavi GEORGE THOMSON, Proprietor. 1 of each month. Ltnm, l.Jer of all kinds, J CIN RITCHIE, First-class Shingles, GENERAL ri sITHANCL`, AGENT' and P4, e a Posts.ONTARItL der Load Orders a Specialty. WOOD delivered to any Cart of Wing - ham. RPuraulaby mull promptly Rttendj4 0.E0110E THOMSt)N, Box 126, Wine:ham , (11 /INCEJAMMILLS The lln(ae)•signed in r(•,ttrrning thanks for past favors.beg leave to any that they have a veru large stock or LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATH, LS, WOW), &a., 1"•) DEASIS. JR„ tVixoltat, LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR. THE 00 Nair OE HURON. Sales attended in any part of the Co. 0h Moderato. JOHN CURRIE, WrN(ihxAnr, Oar., LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR Tint COUNTIES DIMS AND DIIUCE, All orders loft at the Tiatis office promptiy attend! ed to. Tennis rCaaonable. I AMIIS IIENDEhlsoh, t tJ i LIeus n, Ac074eino a Foa COUNTIES tiuttoN AILD 1 BNucu, 1 All sales attended to promptly and on the Shortoef. '' Notice. Charges Moderato and Satisfaction Guaranteed. 1 g"t Allnocessa,y arrangements cart be trade at taw SIA 1cASII, egoist, the Bowels. V1 RV N)C6 TO TAKE. , i Ott hand, \faith will be sold at very close 1 ,1 Pslfog 219 'co sea A7' DRUG? 870tMat a to meet the requirements of the at stealing chickens is right, t ]tart times SurgeOne, Obtatl 3 "4I py man. form before all that great audience the devil out of the church I nerdqties andfhisttaddressirman n wasaon of the and applauded your own speech 1 at one door, and he will grit on a . ;enures of tate evening, flit.. Toner That's what you did. ---Froin the different price 1 - ( n1. 13, Toionto, ATetnbOr Collette ph sloia °NS• j First Class Shingles, $1.70 per B....0 Vu ferent coat and go its at attatltert rCONyN 21 Square. - ONTARIO j N has re igned his position as teacher Iditols Drawer. in the harpers The Christian should neves go 1 , for the purpose. of attending the Magazine for Decetnber. where it would throw a damper over [I things to mention til. • name of - riol•mal school. Ms work here WAS: things satisfactory and regrets are freely Aske i10tice•---4116 'x'110:9 suss Christ. expressed at his departure. _Take, t,ilcue WM MI scut to any address p p i c.tau:tda or the United hews, from nowt It i3 a great deal easier till .t instar}► 1st, 18011, for .one dollar, pay ! people to pray foe the pees AND sxSICKrIKADAPItr., Pin STOMACH Tr otrlmr i'ts test; It..1D. C. port. • UNDERTAKER r some =. r than'', . Wood 75cts. per Cord, delivered., Everything else equally low. Cottle and gee 00 before buying, as we will not be underr n.u. hiroz y to toan on Notes. i rtes ' scounted T' A11.tA;*nl+IAI3L11 It,A 'ffi8 `Nona)+ •rdvft,eed on 1lotteAges at 5i pet (iintwit , pr)riieoe of patinlr •1 theonof end aetount s collected. r f any year. Nott', ROUT. 1MtcYN ib4. TAKE K. D. C. iron antro sTOSi. (;r1 ablo in )advance. lit is to do their part toward lois sup -1' WING AIVYy ONT. 1ticl,lElAN & SON, +ittgiftu -- -..Iworarafiggi\Atinghan, .Jane 7th, 1893. ROM er IIIOOk avtntthatll, Ont,