HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1895-01-04, Page 4`, 1 r 111°11::;.' Mi, Alex Robert •oil, tof the Blare - vale read, received voal, the (Mier' (lay, got tlw death of his brother, the .Rev. P. U, Robertson, who was '.eta - ANC' - , tk nod ctt Mid(lleville, 11Tiehigan, Th 1e 1. gentleman 1rttS ;at one thee las t .: tor of the V inglumt Baptist church land wit.; t :.?, years +yl age. --•-The nom Mations for Reeve, Deputy- Reevt .AOT. C. H, W. Ti ELECCAP4I CO and t'otlneillora for`, tilt' township were held in tete I ore:;ter'' Ball, • :131uevale, on Monday last. There n' . Brim ick HoL.e. .vas A good turnout of electors, and VoirinotaxiaI - Out' : aet good deal of interest evinced hi the proceedings. Ma li`1u, M.Phersolr was nominated fur Reeve, by Tilos. mil l: IAN TIMES,, ;JANUARY Mr. J S. d'erorat . Dentist, \Ving-1ltrtifornily bad, not only here but at 7btlm, sty " i r111i'""8'I.Eittle 1'aancleo°n all illtirkete throughout the country. Pills are the best m the market." i XVrr• Geo. Qr 1icah11anit,Turnberr?. .'t til('. close Of the year choice es- says: '"1'bere is no Pill equ(lt to Williams' port cilueep had reenvered fl'oin the Little Dandelion .Fills." early decline, and were all of 25e, to i Mrr. 'ix;lay Anderson, Ex-Deputy-afle per cwt. higher than at this time Reeve of are the most ((t?sathave sfactory Pill 1 ver 1•akt year, Receipt; of (smelt uReel."• lambs. have been double that of last T11ofl1ais moylor, Warden for tho year, the fluty having been slightly County of .Huron, says: "I would not use decreased e(1 (lIl lambs, 118(1 consider- ' any other Pill. Oats. Proctor, 4th line of Morris, taayR: at would not bo without Williams' Little Dandelion Pills." Jas. Gaunt Ex -Warden for County of Drove, save:' "1 have fouled theta in- deed a wonderful Pill." Hundreds of like Testirnonials furnish ed an application. ' ` . + Jenkins. eee/ondedbti Henry Iawk- . tl t t' al'. 1 ant v rtrt ing. For Deputy -Reeve, Wm,Cruickshank was nominated by Geo, Pattison, seconded by Robt. Weir, FRIDAY JANUARY 4, 1895, lath concession; Robt. Miller, by Jas. - ' Elliot, seconded by Tom K. Powell. EDITORIAL A1;., TOT +'S. , b'oe Councillors, Wm. G•.emmill was MR. 1'4 M. t) IrGw s, Q. C., Crown nominated by Henry Hawking, Attorney, of Chatham, is in receipt of seconded by Thos. Jenkins ; John anent, by* John b, 11IeT<tvish at eoxnluunieatian from J. R11', Cart- secondeby Robt. it 9th con- 'wright, Deputy attorney -General, cession; John Musgrot , by Henry stating that in his opinion, magis- E Hawkiug, -seconded by Tom K. trates have no right to try a ease Powell; 'Robert Maxwell, by Alex. conning before thele for preliminary Robertson, seconded by Adam Cleg- a.xatrnination, The duty of the burn; Jas. Mulvey, by Jas. Weir, Magistrates is to see there is suf- seconded by Wm. Merkley, Mr, Atient evidence given to justify the John Burgess, the returning officer, ease going to iil,v, and is not declared Mr. A1eI'Iterson elected as villa, is visiting her parents, Mr. and rt xor there to detern-fine as between Reevoror t895, and the nominations Mrs. William Smith. -Mr. Daniel - evidence on one side or the other. closed. On motion, Mr. Burgess was Lewis and Miss Wynne spent Christ - 1 powers of magistrates has long voted to the chair, and the condi- Blas in Blllssels.-Mi s. I+'unstan and been a point to disagreement Among dates addressed the meeting. Reeve ]egal lights. This ought to be a McPherson was the first called upon. axaiiter both for the justices .and the In a short speech, be gave an ac - lawyers. ,count of the business of the county :ebuneil during the year, going into tr RO iETI+iaR, details in reference to the House of A Couneil of the Canadian Order Refuge .contract, the ,equalization of tof Chosen Friends was organized in the. assessment, :county debts, etc. "Wroxeter on Wednesday evening,. He :also dealt with the Bryce law Peter Litiklater, of 11'inghtlln, spent =January end, the same to be known suit and .other township matters, and Christmas at Mr. Walter Rather- . as Wroxeter Council. Several of dosed by thanking the electors for folecl s• the promient members of Winghanl the confidence they had reposed in (Intended for hot issue.) -Council drove over land assisted. in him the past twelve tears. AIr, Mr. R N. Jennings, merchant, of la the organization. The following of- Cruickshank, candidate for the. Palmerston, wife and son, spent fcers were elected: Chief Councillor, Deputy-Roeveship, also gave an qac- Christmas with their friends, Rev. J. .John A. Barnard; Vice Councillor, count nt the business done at/thel'i' Pring and W. J. Jennings, Esq. Joseph Thompson; Recorder, Thos. eountyEconneil during. the year, and 4xlbs6n; Treasurer, Robert Black; atao touched, upon township' affairs, Prelate, Mrs. John Barnard;; Assist- and closed by thanking the electors ant Recorder, Richard Miller; Ward- for past #livors. Mr. Robt. Miller, en, Robt. Barnard; Guard, John Barrie; Sentry, George Barnard; w. Ph.y*satin, W. H. Brawn, M D.; Past Coun illor, W. H. Brawn. This the amnia lie zooid stay in the Council opens with very good pros- field until the last vote is polled, but. peets, levviag,• {seemed upwards of he did not wish to ea(usc alt electiizn. , twenty- appliezttions.--New Years's He would give the township business day passed off, ' very quietly, sleigh his closest attention if he were elect - riding, curling and skating being ed. .ri.WWWthose nominated for coun- the zeatin Attractions. -We are going • cillors-also addressed the electors, to have an election this year for lir., Robt. Maxwell intimating that eounciflors,..there having been no he did not intend to be a. candidate. Rae than nine nominated, something Before the meeting closed, Messrs„ unusual for our quiet town, Those' Miller and Mulvey also resigned, and nominated were=:,Thomas Rae, Thos. the old council was deelai. Hemphill, John Bray, Win. Wilson, by acclamation. • Wit.( Hazlewood, Wm, Robinson, • John' Barnard, Wm. Rutherford ' LISTOWEL ably o11 sheep, Prices for Canada's were uniformly lower than last year, with the exeepticll of the closing part This Tea ii pa• cked Specia'lIy for us of the present month. '1'u -day's dens where it 1a grown. market -Offerings were 1;.5 cars, including 10 cars of Canada's, the We give you a beautiful crisp latter all choice stock. The market E.'"-* ti`s:, rather draggy, accept for prime; `‘-.% Your wife with a of our now famous IMPORTEDT JAPAk TEA. Rev. Mr, Burnett, of Alliston, per, and prices were all of 10( to 15c :11r. Mcleod, of Sartain, anclriRev. 11r, lower on the general run, which was Cooper, Of Windsor, aa'etho tierce mostly of rather common native gentlemen who ai'e really in the lambs. There remain. a good many race, --The Rev. J. II. hector, unsold, wliiell still probably go over the famous Black Krright, is billed the holiday. Canada's, owing to here for Sunday, Monday and 'Tues- light supply and better duality, were day of next week. firm. Sales were made at a 4.5() to $1.6O for good to choice, and up to 1..75 for extra.. Best natives sold 1.40, and best export wethers (sheep) sold $33;75 to $4,25. cam- 1`he Trarss, Weekly Globe, Fanners' Sun, and Ladies' Journal, for 1495 for 911.60. Balance of this year free. BLUEVALE. Mi% Treble, of Chrystal .City, Tian., is visiting her parents, Mr. , and Mrs. John Diment.---Miss Annie 'Corbett spent Christmas in Atwood. -Mrs, William McIntosh, of Strat- ford, is visiting her sister, Mrs. John Robertson. -Mrs, Dennis, of Caister - in the P1371 414.. R. A and a regular 'DFAFr17:41Pri9 Splendid value for the• money, foorc. a Tb. gar - Join our happy throng of Tea Drinkers and be convinced that we haver• the best stock in town, and sell it at Wholesale Price. Weare making great preparations for the Christmas Trade. D. M. GO'` DON MARKET REPORTS. wrxemur, Wingbam, January 3, 1805. Corrected by P. Deans, Produce Dealer. r Flour per 100 lbs 1 40 to 1 75 daughter Ella of Brussels,sent Fall Wheat spring 55 to 0 561 p spring Wheat.... 0 55 to 0 561 New Year's day with her father, Mr. ,Oats 0 27 to 0 28 I Alex. Bruce. ---Mr. Campbell, of Het- Earley 0 35 to 0 40 land, Man., was visiting at Mr. Walt- Peas 0 50 to U 51 et Rutherford'last week. -Mr. and Butter, rob.... 0 15 to 0 15 - S, Butter, rolls 0 15 to 0 15 Mrs. Stroud, of Wingbam, spent, Eggs per dozen 0 15 to 0 15 . Christmas at Mr, Thomas . Stewart's. Word per cord.... .... 1 25 to 1 50 i --Mrs. Helm and Mr. and Mrs. Potatoes er aper, bushel' 0 30 0 to 0 35 Tallow, erli 1 00" p a t Dried Apples, per lb 0 4,1 to 0 05 i0005 Chickens... 0 25 to 0 35 ; Ducks 0 30 to 0 50: Turkeys ' 0 07 to 0 08 . Geese 0 04 to 0 05 Dressed Hogs4 90 to 5 00 Beef 4 50 to 5 50 CJI\T013. 1 Fall Wheat, Mrs. Jennings is a sister of Mrs. J. Spring Wheat W. Pring and Mrs. W. J. Jennings, $' °Y of Bluevale.-The Christmas tree Oats Peas. and •entertaiuinent in connection Potatoes, per bushel........ 0 80 to 0 35 0 15 to 0 17 015 to 016: 600 to 7 001 300 to 400 thus presenting a very attractive and Wool ...............:...... 0 17 to 0 20 tempting appearance. The singing - geese __aa._..___.._..__..___-_._ ,by the small children of the school THY NOT deserves special mention, and reflect- ' ed credit on. Miss Maggie Stewart,1 organist. The readings, recitations and dialogues were all well rendered and together with some duets and solos, made up an attractive pro- gramme. A number of pretty, amusing and useful presents were THE CHAU. BUSINESS COLLEGE, 0 50 to 0 58 055 to057i 0 35 to 0 40 , 0 27 to 0 28 050 to 0511 a.is(, A. candidate for 'the Deputy.- with the Methodist S. S. on Christmas Butter Reeveship, gave a short address, and night was a success. The two trees II+-iggs, per dozen stated that if there ;tis a contest fur were tastily and elegantly dressed, Cordwood elected Robert Black. -The Gun gab had The ratepayers met in the town their weekly shoot on Wednesday- ball on Monday evening in goodly 1 incllfr. . R. Ross broke twenty clay numbers, to hear what the different *cots out of twenty-fqur, whieh is candidates had to say on town i matters. Mayor Featherstone, who had been elected by acclamation, offered the town and himself con- gratulations. Mr. R. T: Kemp, who ! is a candidate for the Reeveship, displayed lots of valor and thought the financial statement showed the town to be in splendid shape. But when Mr. W. Welch, Mr,.. -hemp's opponent for the offrce,piiiie forward, he, in a very spirited" and sensible speech, scored iter. Kemp in a way that gave ,considerable fan to the audience:• But the speeches of the eery good for a beginner,-Janles Fox, our former drlxggist, paid our tows a vistt on Ne'v Years. We are always pleasedto see you, Jim. -- Miss Elsie Alleai, who has been very site for. some thne, is now recover- ing. Miss Alien is engaged to teach in (Iilpin's school for the coming year. :1ad will not 'be able to take charge for some tilde. -Our hotel keepers have been **pulled over the coals" lately for selling; after boars; both 'houses were fined 20 and costs, --- ` 1 evening were those of Mr. J. C. Hay TEESIVATER. ' and Mr, B- Rothwell, on the Treas- On Christmas clay, the Canaairan/urer's financial statement. .Both Order of Foresters were railed.uli(in. these gentlemen designated it em - to perform the sad duty of attending phatically as a fraud. The interest of the reluains of Wm. Kemp, to their ' the whole municipal campaign will last resting place. William Kemp be centered in the Reeveship, both oined the Canadian Order of Fores:- being stannelr Conservatives. -The ars April 121h, 1387. Iris insurance Literary and Debating Club of the ee was one dollar per month, hence, Mechanics Institute is one of the ilo would pay into the Fund during popular concerns of the town and period of his tnornhcrship ninety- meets every Thursday evening, -..- three dollars, For the small invest-' Business in town daring the holiday Ment that family will receive from the season is reported to have been the )rder.tine tla nisand dollars. ---At the hest fur years. --There is a moves at regular meeting of Camp Avon- Inent on foot by Mr. W. G. Ilay•to dale, Sons of Scotland, the following imild a block of stores on the vacant cers were elected for the year lots opposite the Arlington I'Iotel, w 81)5., Chief, A. G. Stewart; Chief- which, if gone on with, will be tl+ ' in, John McRae; Past (Chief, R. most handsome and compicytfz•ifock • np:ton; Chaplain, John Armstrong; itt town. A public Josef on the fecretary, Geo. Fowler, L. D. S. ; second fi lt,is one of theehicf features. Secretary, Dr. J. R. M. Gordon; There is no Owl). in the country s Treas.. J. K. McLean ; Marshall, which is more in need of a good hall t Jahn .feint y re t Standard Bearer, than Listowel. -The annual meeting 'elan Str'aitch ; Senior Guard. .7ohtt of lino: Church will be held on 1 l ; ,Junior Guard, Tilos. IICIntyr'e; Thursday evening, and on Friday s ,PhyeCe.an, Dr. Gordon; Piper, afternoon a congregational meeting' t trid McDonald ; Trustees, John will be held for the purpose of parte- t Rae, Geo. Pringle, E. -Fulton. eipating in a enll to a Minister, the f 1 C at put on the trees by parents and CHATHAM, ONT., others, and each of Abe children was treated to a bag of candies. The Is still far in advance of its competitors: school is prospering under Mr. Wm, in thorough work and getting its stu- 1 prospering dents platen in choice ositions Smith's patient and efficient superin- A. E. YATES, from Washington, ▪ Mich.,' tendency, supported as he is by a graduate of Shorthand Dept. has bean good staff of officers and teachers.- placed by us as stenographer with Col. Rev. J. W. Pring; is preaching a Hadley, Jew York City. i „, DAVID WALKER, graduate'of Business series of sermons olt Che Lords Dept, (il former teacher) has secured an Prayer. the topic last Sabbath excellent position with atirm in Defiance, i night was " Thy Kingdom Come." Ohio. Full particulars not yet to hand. !. One of these receives 850.00 and the; 1 kilerhe TIMER, Weekly *Globe and the other $6500 per month., Farmers' bun for 189.5 for sin B I of this year free. " IT PAYS TO ATTEND THE BEST. Live Stock markets. East Buffalo, .N. Y., Dec. 31. -- Cattle --Receipts, 84 cars through, 170 cars on sale, market active, and 15c to 25c higher than last week for good butchers' and handy common steers; heavy cattle dull and un- changea; sales, choice to extra steer's at $3 to $3.40; good shipping, $-4,65 to $4.90 ;; fair, $4.40 to $4.55; light butchers, $4 to $4.35; mixed butch- ers' stock, $3.50 to $4; good fat cows, $2.40 to ,$325; common, $2 to $2.25; stockers 'firm, at $2.40 to $2.85; feeders, $3.15 to $3.65; bulls higher; fat, $2.65 to $3 extra heavy, $3.50 to $4; oxen, $2 to $4; fresh cows and springers dull and lower, $20 to :45 per head; veals firm, $6.50 to $7,25. Hogs -Receipts, 93 cars through, )0 on sale; market active, and 15e to 25e higher; Yorkers, $4.75 to $4.85; nit`,,ed packers, $4.80 t0 $4.85; good fiiedium,$c4.80 to $4.85; good to choice heavy, $4,85 to $4.90; pigs, $1.70 to $4.80; roughs, $f3.80 to $4.10. Sheep and lambs -- Receipts of beep and lambs for the year closing o -day were 14,38.`3 ears,. and ship. mews 11.938 ears ---the largest in t re history of. the trade, and the hipinents the second largest. Of he receipts 4,402 ears came in by he Grand Trunk; 2,938 by the lifiehigan Central. Trade has been School will re -open after Christmas vacation an Wednesday, Jan. 2nd. For further particulars and catalogue ad- is dress, D, MoL 10HLAN, Chatham. 1 E.' !YC& b tear I • y- i tl BE SURE you are at the right place before you buy your Xmas Ma Sly'. SERVE hot The Anchor, House Wingham,. .r* ID Cti Gra AaciNtu WINGHAM, ONTARIO. We are now prepared to clo a class of work which people of the western towns have never before had done for them. I have secured an English Artist, who was for a number of years Tutor i11 a leading studio in London, and since coming to Can- ada has been eugaged as Demonstrator and Operator in the leading city galleries. LADIES IN FULL DRESS AND BRIDAL COSTUME. will now Have an opportunity of securing a Photo' of them- selves done by a first-class city man. A specialty will be made of Photos of Ladies and Gentlemen in full dress, LARGE OPS AN FA = IIES Will do well to come now while MR. McBAIN is here. You will secure Pictures mounted on the very newest style of Cards, with a finish superior to anything ever before done outside of leading city studios. ALL OUR STOOK_ has been chosen from the very newest Toronto styles, and everything will be done to give customers perfect satisfaction. W3 HAVE MADE severalehanges in the Gallery and have fitted up a large Toilet Room, where customers will find every- convenience, PEOPLE HAVING FRIENDS spending the holidays with them will clo well to come New Year's, as I take possession on that morning. Coiue early in the day; come quickly, before the rush from outside towns, W. R. BELDEN. Brockenshire's old stand, Beaver Block. 'mss/ a al. , ,., , v, o rt "•Di0% r i;`iV ,,,Q, ,,,;,, . i ° I." ('t n ` Ce i...E.° ' .n`"'.1 , ..,>«'. i'°.E`';:` . .. n'°' K N gar C/ Lei fin ae regi., rciEJERIEDIWPIINT,, Having decided positively to ,..,GIVE UP BUSiNESS, . incl in order to reduce her stock for prospective purchaser, • *0 , WILL SELL HER STOCK AT COST AND UNDER, ''• Consisting of SEALETT1i, MANTLE' PLUSH, Sxttc VELVET, a full line of MArm.I. CLOTHES, RIrrnovs,• LACES, WOOLEN GOODS, a Goods. Felt TztIAtrirxY(5, Dd, Gxrilr, Also, all her stock of MILLINERY. All accounts must be settled on or before January kith, 1895. You will be if you go to MRS. HERDSMAN, PATTERS ' 28th, 1894. V 1Vrngllatn Ndv' KISS C. L MCKENZIE, A. T. C. M.' MSS NORMA DINSLEY r For he leads in the nobbiest and newest lines of Xmas. Presents. O tposlte Bank of Hamilton, W1NGliAM. Teacher of 'VIOL/14', ELOCUTION AND PHYSICAL Gt)•L'S'.'tfl i. t+'or full partioularstapply at the cosi. { deride of Mn. GEO. ,t1CK5arlr;, Wing- hanr. • Pupil of SIGNOR DZ,YEf.LY, of tiro Toronto Conservatory of Music la prepared to receive pupils in INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC,. For terms apply at Dinsley House.