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The Wingham Times, 1895-01-04, Page 3
THE \VING U. MM T1.1' E,%, JANUARY 4, ``,;/5, 4 . O. T. U. COLUMN. ' we seeking to utilize the lcnowledge !that more conceptive minds than outs I (envoi=(` ao 131' Tfif". 11'ZNefft5f srwlNCli.) have gatiiersil in i' P.' (r.itl a)vl ?lr,),rr nrtd 'Y"'lie" ,8rtr I,rlll. Oh leu us cultivate a loving spirit. , Let us be willing. to give the cup of Well call fhe [Wootton. nt the mothers anti sisters cold water. to thn tier,, that the lvoinnn's Christian Temper. , have we not setio.,'llt to :let the de - ones Umar Inerts too third .sandy everymonth voters of drink free? Perhaps there. at three (Moon•harp, tor one hew, at biro, nolnt's l resldrn•'o, Nat.lode ours„. All Indies aro trade wet. are others to be set free from long tow., established rules of servitude. Where As tee Editor has kindly {riven ae part of his Apru•e, for our worts, we ash friends of the cause to slavery is, vice in F01110 101.111 will scudi! tcuaa 41 intcrebG nn alt moral questions of the arise. Where freedom is, virtue will 1lav o sus uP nnr tncutheb. i reign. , ---,. _ - :..---- Some day 'when the full meaning i of the kingdom of heaven shall be The Polyglot Petition. ! explained it will be found that, un- l3oston, Dee. `?1.. -It has been de- consciously to themselves, the women of the W. 0. T. U. have been work- termined by the general officers of; ing out the literal ;reaping from the the 'World's s Women s Ohristian Tem-, beginning. perance Union to present the poly-! 6 g' got petition to representatives of the bir;s• Ar,3inA LIVIIGST(rN1a, United States Government in Wash- i , Tilsanburg. ing ton on February 15. • Tlais pets -1 I rovincial Superintendent of Press, tion is signed in fifty languages, and i " by people of as many nationalities,: zne Pains of Rheumatism throughout the world, and asks th Lt i According to the best authorities, origi• - nate in a isorbid condition of the blood. the protection of Government ;nay Lactic acid, caused by thedecompusition ]]o more be vouchsafed to the sale of of the gelatinous and albuminous tis - intoxicating liquors and opium, or to sues, circulates with the blow and I attacks the fibrous tissues, particularly 1 legalization of social vice. It is to be in the joints, and thus causes the local presented to representatives of the manifestations of the disease. The back Btitisli Government at the World's and shoulders are the parts usually I - W. 0. T. U. Convention, to be held affected by rheumatism, and the joints in London next June. Miss will,.,„, fit the knees, ankles, hips and wrists are also sometimes attacked. Thousands of President of the association, and people have found in Hood's Sarsaparilla Lady Somerset, Vice -President at I a positive and permanent cure for rheu- large, with other leading white rib- mutism. It has had remarkable sac- large, warren, will address elle officials I cess in curing the most severe oases. The secret of its success lies in the fact in Washington and London. 1 that it attacks at once the cause of the disease by neutralizing the lactic acid Our Speoiai Duty. land purifying the blood, as well as strengthening every funztion of the Has the W. 0, T. U. of to -day a I body. i special duty ? The question is con- _I- stantly coming to us in one or an- It is not what we read, but what other way. It is a question the fro- we remember that makes us learned.' -quant repetition if which is one of the Take Notice.—The TIDIES and 1 characteristics of our clay. weekly Globe will be sent to any address Mlle time is long past where an in- in Canada or the United States, from now I dividual party or organization Can till January lst, 1800, for one dollar, pay- i 'live. a past record, be it even so able in advance' glorious. Whatever be the past, If we must answer for our idle i To resist the healing power of Look Out for It, more advanced, more aggressive, words we must also answer for our time, and strive to keep alive the 11 you are troublec1 with a cold or must be the present. The workers I idle silences. I sadness which might of itself fade cough. however light the attack, look must assert their individuality, and Heart Disease Relieved in 30 away, is to do a wrong to our own out for it, do not allow it to settle on the• thus put actual life, and energy Minutes.—All cases of organic or sym- nature and to our usefulness its the lung; break up the cough by loosening pathetic heart disease relieved in 30 , the tough phlegm with Hngyard's Pec wiletie inertia has • been graduallyworld. All sorrow is weakening, toral Balsas). a •4 \•. �zn s '>.``.h_.'.a:+.r�a'hi=.�1.Y,�.'�.• �If'4;�,-'!.'Mr.`s ..�., i. H for I�Infantf and Children, Hr .' ' iz' years' observation of Cr st orm i df h tl�aiaa J• simony n eaP millions of persona, permit un to speak of a without guessing! Et is unquestionably the best x e uetIy fear Infants ,art,? Children the world Tans ever known. rt is harmless. CIailulrc dike •ffi, it gives theca, health. It will save 'Heir lives. In it 11"lotbers ltFaVe something which fs nIasolntely sato and practically. a. erffo?, tae child's snoa'heine. Castoria destroys Worms. Castorie, allays Feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Soar r"'±.-451. Castoria cures Dlarnccaa antl Win/ Co'.e. Castoria relievesTeething Troubles.. Castoria mires Cloal+;ttOiltioza and Flatulency, Castoria neutralizes tho efoots ox carbonic acid gas or noisorv9-•s r -3r. Castaria does not oontti r n ao"phino, opium, or outer nn.rnntie p ,..per+ y. Castoria assimilates the ;'noel, rognladn't rile stemma% nuns; bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. ©r*storia is put rip in 0111,P -rd -o bottles only. rt is not no".1 in' -n''., Don't allow any One to soli you anything else on the 9rIsn Or rrontise thnt`,it is "just as good" and. "will answer ovary T,a:•ror,-," Soo th t vin e.ot ffJ-!{1-S-"i'�Q••T��1(^ 4i.. . The fee -simile ta?` burro rA h r m -t weirs N .`s'°F �Owy.tad4t creeping in. "Art m the living pre- e ° eteuiendSoidekiy cured, by pr. Ag- and to indulge it is selfishly to de' Chisholm's Drug , ^ sent" is the motto by which con- store, W iegham, stray our value to our friends and to . It is well to note the difference -AeitMsl;r, or llnconsQiously, all things • the community. i that is claimed to exist between the are to -day measured, Disdain hatreds ; hear both sides,! effects of innculation for diphtheria What grave you done ? . I� aded in- and delay ,judgment until reason Are you Car -Sick when Travelling? and small -pox. In vaccination, the to insignificance before the SLl eritlr has had time to resume her sway. j Car• -sickness is as trying to many p y people as sea -sickness. It comesfrom patient is given a slight degree of importance of the correlative ques- Take Itiotice•—The- TIMES andsmall-pox in order to make him tion: What re, you doing? The Weekly Globe will be sent to any address, of Itipans Tabuso stl le sorts iesur:Cne ilee proof against its more violent forms, world no loner exalts the dead in Canada or the United States, from now but diphtheria serum makes the +assit has learned that for its weal till Januar sat, 1890. for one dollar, ,gafnst`i ., and a box of them should 1 ;y , pay-' b . , •,body impervious to the disease b / e In every y ti Ivclel s outfit i - Y or woe it must look to the living ably in adv, ice. removing all membranes wherein heart throbs of the present. Again 1 r Says Professor I. P. Roberts, in the 1 the microbes can thrive. and again, much more frequently as gllanr ;lien. claim to be firm in,l _w- _— the yeltrsgo on must our•organiza- their principles when really they are Grange Home, and we believe it: Look out for Cold Weather lion meet his que'stiolg. only obstinate in their prejudices. I "All the milk' and butter that is pro-' bu't ride inside of the Blectrit Lighted and Steam Heated Vestibule Apartment trains Iihedmatism Cured in a day.—South : donees to -day, eoul.d easily, under m - The causes contributing to our American Rhenmatio Cure of Rheamatiam ' telligent management, be produced first being are unhesitatingly. eon and\euralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 clays.. from one-half of the cows that are ceded. The good We have so far ! Its action on the system is remarkable and ' now used." It will pay every dairy - accomplished is generally aeknow- mysterious. It removes at once the cause . man to do his utmost to bring about of the disease immediately disappears. The ledged, but --and ,here we are often first aose greatly benefits. 75 cents. the above mentioned condition of Warrantee(' at Chishom'sdru•i store. things, met with this assertion—that there are often agenciei which are covering the same ground that we are striving to rover, and therefore the W. C. T. Sincerity is speaking 'as we think, Marathon People say of Stark's believing as we pretend, acting as Powders : we profess, performing as we promise ?Ir. Farmer, Alderman and Barrister, U. is an.unnecessary society, or has and being as we appear to be. says: "I experienced almost immediate relief from the use of Stark's Powders otltlirgd its usefulness. Show me where there has been a real live W. Catarrh relieved in 10 to GO minutes.— tier Sick Headache, Biliousness, Neural - C. T. U. in existence, .alive with all One short puff of• the breath through gta and Liver.) Who Can ]tun. the Blower, supplied w'th each bottle of J. Temple, 46 C).thariue St. N, says : There seems to be suoh a general lack of its yearning to make the world a Dana's Catarrhal Powder, diffuses. this "I lied R Stark's Headache, Neuralgia knowledge regarding the necessary'quali- better and safer place to live in, and ! Powder over the surface of the nasal and Liver Powders a sure cure." 1 will show you a place Where it hast Passages. Painless and delightful to use, i�lr. Lancefield, librarian, public 11.. fication of a candidate for municipal not outlived its usefulness. The I it relieves instantly, and permanently brary. says :—"They are most valuable honors that we deem it expedient to en- „ „ 1 cures Catarrh, Hay•b'ever, Colds, Head- for snfferere from Headache, Neuralgia lighten the community, now that the time little emblem of itself has ,soften- ache. Sore Throat, l'onsilitis and Deaf and Liver rompinints." has arrived again when people will b ing and loving • influence. Where nese. GO cents. At Chisholni's Drug �l+'• Geo. R. Plock. Station Master G. Vve Seo the Tittle knot of white we Store. T. Railway, says : "I was troubled with lasked to occupy sueh positions of public • most severe headache for three years and trust. The proper qualification is es fol• are apt to think there is one who is unable to et more than tem or t Talents are usually shown in pre- g p wry re- lows: No person can be elected as mayor, living' out of self, living for others. o fief: Since using Stork's Powders I' fes once more or less strop,,, and upon , reeve, or councillor in towns unless he is As Mrs. Gibbs, of Port Arthur, saidhave been entirely free from :Headahe.' senses sing the close alliance between their wise and patient cultivation Price 25 coots a 1)Os ; sold bye all I rated on the last assessment roll to at the livings Daughterscse and White depends the realization of our ideal. medicine dealers. least ,51,200 leasehold or 1i000 freehold Ribbon we, Stnrles Powders each package of cede the otl of the Chicago, Milwaukee c& St. Paul Railway and you will be as warm, comfort- able and cheerful as in year own library or boudoir. To travel betweer. Chicago, St. Paul and Minneapolie,or between Chicago, Omaha and Sioux City, in these luxuriously appointed trains, is a supreme satisfaction; and, as the somewhat ancient advertise- ment used to read, "for further partioulars, see small bills." Small bilis (and Large ones, too) will be accepted for passage and sleeeping car tickets. For detailed infor- mation address A. J. Taylor, Canadian Passenger Agent, Toronto, Ont. men we are free to eon- Wheat In Ontario and Manitoba. above all charges, liens and encumbrances ' which contains two preparations, on in a i affeetinH the same. �Vhen assessed £or ,; od in each and all of I,aound wooden box, the cover of which Corp Bulletin No. 45 of the Mani- $2,00C freehold or over, olrs r a, liens ur these oliganizations, yet we cannot I norms a measure far ane close, an im• toba Agricultural Department has encumbrances do not afiac:t Ill. (irra'ifica- see the wisdom of amalgamating mediate relief for Sick Hendaohe and ,just arrived. Accordingto it there f Stomach, also Neuralgia, and all kinds tion, In incorporated villte�'..,y the gniL"i- with any other organization, We of nervous pains, and another in i np• were in 18941,010,186 acres of fication is freehold S')00 aid i.,es'hul•l $400 each apparently have our own rape- ' sales, (from 3 to of one is an ordinary wheat, which produced 17,172,883 - and in townships 6400 anti Nits) respective• sial duty or 'Work to perform, I dose) which acts on the Bowels, Liver bushels, an average of seventeen 11 Out great,• society is pre-eminently' and. Stomach, forming a never failing bushels per acre. It will be inter- I y the John tl4'e Baptist of this age cry- ;perfect perf ect h treatment i nts.orThey do not, as aHead aneating to compare, with this the in, not id words; but deeds as well, most pills and so many other medicines whole production of Ontario. The "Prepatie ye the way of the Lorci, � do, lose their• effect or produce after November bulletin of the Ontario , make His paths straight." Out . annstipatiou, and ire nice to take• 25 Department of Agriculture gave the leaders have caught the Master's cents a box, at all medicine dealers, area in wheat as 1,009,008 acres; interpretation or his own prayer, • For byes Fifty 'Ware the production 10,879,960 bushels, "Thy will be done on earth as it is in' Aa f40.1)airs yvrlru•Ttnitn OSMSI y,—arra, tris -making an average of 19,7 bushels, .lreavell. .low' S,,ntaineSyrnoltaebeen used for Over fifty It will thus be Seen thatdut`i11e 1891 years by ini11macet mothers for thelrrhildronwrote The kingdom of heaven liaS some taethie v, with perfect east ess, ]t soothes the child to mean to us not the life'after death rattans'the eume, nl1 v , l.pain. euros wind collo, and is thebrst reined v for Diarrhoea. Is pleeSanttn altogether, but the kingdom of the trate. Sold by Dtnlrelets in eery part of the �t'orla. 'rwentr•Hvs surto a nettle. Its .,nine is heaven's life, heaven s love, bassi up lnenioutahle, Igo encu and nsk for Sirs. winalow 8 here on earths worked out in faithful soothbi{; Myrup, and take no ether kind, effort by thostr h1 whose hearts and A Blessing to Every E ouse7Jo HOLLOWAY'SPiULS AND MT These remedies have stood tho test of fifty years c'xlscrience, and are Irraneunet d the ht,, 8:stilviases Kindly use. purify the blood, correct all (Prowlers of the LIVED, ST,sh1Atiff, Bibi,) EY$ AA10 1 r'i I J l+ litvaluabt�s in :all coxtplaints incidental to females of ail u;:es. QI N'T1'..�..iiirT 'bursfs t()ATS,iYCtli'GIrsrri^�iGIaR�1bad G )UT,CiE111{Tb1ATIH11,` aLtjold rLAittnMri i Ftilf 1I Is•c c'A.e) I1 t xKt> DISEASES IT HAS. till 1 i't'AI,. Manufactured only et ;slew Oxford. Late I .:;. Oxt,n•,1 Streit, rmndou. and sold by all Medicine vendors throughout the world. L 'Pur;basers should look to the Label on the Poxes and T'''ots. if the ai;:ribs is not • 533 Oxford Street, London, they are spurious. WEBSTER & CO, . have decided, for a short time, to reduce the price for WAKING MEFS TWEED (11111‘., TO 4.00 SPOT If you have any Tweeds at home, now is the time to lave a dollar oil the making of each suit, and get a good fit, First-clnt:a Trimmings supplied at wholesale prices for spot cash. only. If you want to buy a.Suit or Overeoat you can save from i3.00 $10,00 on each, by purchasing from us, WEBSTER 8 00 Opposite the new Macdonald Block, Wingham. •rlilr11111'ill't; :�•.�iil; t!1 it Id a Rri WOh and... COAL. tit, eta. ' au- 1- egu— iBfv- Cpapa CY& .•i .. FOIt ALL SIZES OF SUILFJIHCS . Merchant Tailors: M ilettili t1i91 J 'lg from 10,000 to €30,00 Cub' Seel STEEL RADIATOR" • OXFORD WOO Guaran EY FURNACE eed Capacity Send .O p y • CATALO ....Manufactured by.... FOUNDEY COMPANY WD FURNACE -i� • , HEA GRATE, especially -46 • a pted forwood burning H vy Steel Plate Fire Box Dome and Radiator, which heat -se gnioker and are more durable RADIATOR of Modern Construes, tion and Great Heating Power LARGE ASH PIT COAL FURNACE • Large Combustion Chamber Long Fire Travel,encircl ing radiator Large Heating Surface ..,� Large Feed Door Sectional Fire Pot ' etatingBar Dumping Orate "'� a HP ASH PIT •E andTESTIMONIA4130011... T.Y QrT,tr A 9 os, Lt FOR SALE Y B. SU; '_ RLAN , 1 Wiiigham, Ont. • HARNi E �: AND GOLL Having bought out the Ambler ' a am prepared to furnish the public with eY such as IIEAVY, LIGHT and TRACK HARNESS, NETS; DUSTERS, WHIPS, CURRY CG BRUSH ess Business and Ria thing usually k I make """ Give me a trial a ook'sCottonRoot COMPOUND. A recent discovery by. and(' physician. Sucectefulry aced monthly by thousands 0/ Ladies, Is the only perfectly the wheat area of the two Provinces safeandrellablemedlcrnedfa- covered. Beware of unprincipled druggists Who was almost exactly identical, but offer intortor tnedtoinee in place of this, daktot that Ontario produced about 2,700, Cook'd CottonTtodtcempound,rakeitodabatt• 000 bushels more than 11ittnitoba fate, or ineloso SI and 8 cents in postage In letter ) , and We *almond, sealed, by return Instil. Fullsealed owing to a greater averOno of `) 7 particulars in plain envelope, to Lidice only. Sl bus11e1s. Otltar o, tlterefol'e, still stamps. .&ddresd The Conn Company lives the abstract .pritteiple bad long An it is a, man who builds a holds her place as the ctreatest wheat-! wlndsor.dnt.,eanads„ h use lain a germinating seed, Are- we, o p „ ,• b •, Windham v -nit •i ithout windows and then 3. snid I I by t.. 1..lvilHnl Williams,• tit. bt. roducinM I Iov]nce of the Don]inion. clear sisters, helping' to establish this blalne3 Lied Serif lse he llas to live 111 Over $0 per cent of the last year's kingdom in our own, immediate the dark,,, crop in Ontario was fall wheat. The localities.? Are we willing to encore.- K. D. C. PILTA xHU MST ' ALL• average wheat production of Ontario age each other in giving out the of 110U 10) FAMILY 111.t MT TIM exceeds that of any other Province fulgenco of the light within us? Are MARKET. or of any State hi the Union. 4,0 • Igso'e Itereedy for Catarrh is'tele Halted attest to ittPe, and Cheapest. old by druggist* or sent by mall, rC d'. Hatelt(tw.Warrm, Pas WA of ',Inner, manent an sive you rice us pay you to write us The Hawk S, , SWEAT COLL S. TRUNKS, VALISES -+d TRAVELLING t GS, die., &e., in his old stand, in a harness shop my own Collars and guarantee satisfaction, will use you right. G. _ T'3wTO 'Piier& i t 0 SALESMEN bo acti and el • oto tine . recti ar aced P•.tn /"�' r �n tees, o •0111. Por• d mt potiltlees to go. , nee. Ivo ran , % 0✓ UNG a L�"'► D I ES rritory if a wish. It will , n Address, nn I ANI) GENTLEMEN: v U r, -....,.•- Ro • . ter, N. Y. l Send a canna in stature, or le sesta;silver, anti int , Will send you by retain mail the WANTED Local sin di; ?lntbm to hand a our h y Al ti (crown Nursery ?took, ,r a easrantee satisfaction to - -• r•`preocntntives and oustomcrd. Cur Vineries are the lamest in the Dominion—over TOO ,errs, No snbetitutinn lit orders. Exeiuslve trralter' anal liberal terms t.t whole or part time R Otlkd Write sroNl, k WELLINGTON,. (head ,;Nisi) Tutonte, tint The only Nur�asry,n f'nnode harp gtentineerehards. PERFECT LETTER WRITER, neat little stook, bailiffaperfeet'Guide in the art et Letter Wrltht-, It contains lettere of Lore, t i r 'Friendship and t ualncba etre. with valaaltteittartrtaa• r IA r Gone and ndvlco Every aria Md WOO** thnuid have this ;look. Actives, NOV21,11i Pti BLISII.E114, kototiotii. 04,