HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1894-12-28, Page 3G. T. L. COLUMN. leeenteiren ar enc weeniest Bunn.) P fled roe/ - Ante an :Weir° Land, ___.......,.... THE WJNGHAM TIMES, DECEMBER 28, 1894, of people everywhere. There is even The Trish Sehoolmaster. yet, after tit least half a century of In the days when, teachers were temperence effort in the United few and far between au old Melanie, States, a vast deal of ignorance in the ea Sem sow amaster went the popular mind DS to t110 real nature rounds from disalet to district. Of and the effect of liquor upon the him many storlei asei still told in the ivse rail tho attention, of the mothers and sisters t 11,-te.,a sy to the tam, th iti Woman's Christian Temper. J , stem, A knowledge of regions through width he travele(1, else ram ewes el., teed msseey 0. en. 111011th ltt thee . o'cl.wit Mari), for ono hour at Mrs. lIelm's , . 1110 trip) state of the ease 01111 but lie did an excellent work 011 Mw vo.I.1-n m, P tt-it•U stroo,„ Alt mq14,5 aro nude wol. l'OSIllt 111a vast accession to temper- whole, and trained in the " three oultio A,; thr; Edtter has itindkv given us rad at his ance sentiment. The litle4 of effort ises e /flatly mea <ma) afterwards h,,. apace, for 4wokr, we toile friends of lie cause to l mr MVO, peril:4)s, been kept to &sell came prominent in public, life, but sem Dona of interest on all, moral 'questions of the alav to mi. oi our members. , upon moral and religious groande, land the physical effects of liquor had •'!7"-'"'"'''''''''''t."'m-r.!raTe!!!!!!'!re-,: not had the attention given theni i velfich should have been done. When Temperance and. Longevity,. < the masses of American people under - There are thousands of intelligent ' stand tally the ease against all forms Talraatee on Boreclity. Now, the longer I live the more 1 blood, proud blood, humble blood, , believe in bloae-gotel blood, had 1)100(1, 4.• VS Pil LS AND 011111 E honest blood, thieving bleed, heroic: • blood, cowardly blood, writes 1110 e. Rev. T. Do Witt Tamp ill OE These remedies have stood the ten of fifty yearartao‘niZtrsiz, alid aro pronounced .the, Leht• lieoitio Decembee Ladies' ifinne Journal. . The tendency may skip a ;generation WT.' Ill pizize A Blessing to Every household, or two, but it ie enre to Comoout . Purify the blood, correct all disorders ot the 1,11'13R, STOMACH, 4(11A:rift/ AN* 141U Fi IN in a little eltild vou some times see invaluable In all comult.ints Incidental to females of all a,.s. 111S broad Irish accent was the _ 00- to similarity to it great -grand -father T'IFXIO ,OIWT.IVI,M;iWT easioa ot many laughable scenes whose picture hangs on the wall. 1 1th 1 it ht between hint and his pupils, s ....e on.y e remedy for -bad cgs Or uleers, and •old wounds.. FOR )110Noipus, That the P113,"sieta IN111 and TRIM IY(12,M) aT.Vtai,P on one occasion the master exam- moral qualities are inheritable it.1 and sold by all bledielne Vendors throughout the wor/d. toed his sehool front the spellime patent to any One WhO keeps his , book before the committeemen. He eyes open, The similarity. is so Oa Oxford Street, Loadoti, they are spurious. r.._.4?5•Turcliagersshouid look to the Label on the 13oxes and 'ot)ts. If the arldrest 230n who believe that intoxicating of alcoholie drinks it will not need always called the boys by their laet striking sometimes as to be amusing. liquore give the drinker strength and< politica' effort to stop the traffic, names, ptstmattehig their Ohristian Great families, regal -or literary, are endurance. The truth ie exaealy the overthrow the saloon, and to puiver- names last, as in it roll cal o apt to have the characterietice all oppoeite. The man wit° does not ize the liquor power.—Exchange, Brown, Payter 1 the master shout- down through the generatioes, and drink can bear up longer under ed. what is more perceptible in stich fatigue, can stand exposure better, ' Ringing Noises Peter Brown stepped forward families may be seen on a emaller can put forth a longer continued In the ears, sometimes a roariing, beating tremblingly. sound, are ancl veryThat is the pleyrul of the warned years have no posmr to obliterate effort, than he who is au habitual commontthatex-scale in all families. A thousand drinker. Equally false is the belief disease. Loss of smell or hearing also fat ? the difference. The Hp of the House that liquor enables a man to endure results from catarrh. Hood's Sarsapar- Peter had no knowledge of any of Austria is seen in all the deecen- exposure to severe eold. This has ilia, the grellt blood purilier, is a [.?eculi- been amply proved such word as fut, but he answered dents, and is called the Haspburg Hp. in the experience ar113:,thalruessrtl reruelinforhe disease, at random. Fees 1 The House of Stuart elways means of exploring expeditions into the ' • • -- in all generations cruelty and bigo- res by pull y g the . frozen north. Sober men invariably Hoon's Piers are the best after dinner 'Wrong ye aire! thundered the try anti sensuality. Witness Queen stand severe cold better than drink- pills, assist digestion, prevent =saint. master. The pleyrul of fat is fate. of Scots.. Witness Charles I and ing men. The fallaey that drink Mon. Sit down. Belt, jeems, shtand opp ! Charles II. Witness James I and WEBSTER & CO. have decided, for a short time, to reduce the price for MAKING WiEr TWEED • gives bodily bodily strength is disproven by James Bell rose. Jamee II, and all others of that bli- the experience of military men, The Poll:0ml Chameleon. Diffoine the wurrud lake. - perial line. '4.00 ................_.,.... Soldiers who are temperate make (Toronto Evening News) A lake is a large body of water. Scotch blood means persistence. Blockheads ye all aire the day 1 Datch blood means cleanliness and shouted the master, angrily; sure good breeding. English blood means then wuddent yer own slim tell ye reverence for the ancient. Welsh that a lake is a hole ia a booket o' blood means religiosity. Danish blood wather? Next b'y--Dooly Matched.! means fondness for the sea. Indian ... Wheel Dooly stepped up with a blood means roaming disposition, confident and somewhat roguish Celtic; blood means fervidity. Roman gleam in his grey eyes. He was the blood means conquest. son of a recent settler of the school- The Jewish fiteulity for accumu- master's nationality. lation you may trace clear back to The master quickly perceived the Abraham, of whom the Bible says : knowing look in the boy's eyes. kb was rich in silver and gold and An' whoy de ye luk at me wud .cattle, and to Isaac and Jacob, who the earner o' yer 01, Dooly, Moiehael? had the same family characteristics. he exclaimed. Is it that ye think i I'd be puttin.' ye a wurrud in the ' 15 'rears of Itching. 1 (, • . , . rtti i 14 04.ff' Oirish language? It's a brogue ye ' Wm. Golding, commerdial traveler, 130 i '.!: *.• • i 1 . • 1 i 1 i r 1 1 " 1 '..1 • • • • • ; ( ' • - ' '- ' ' Miehaers freckled features betray- : Esther street, Toronto, says i For 1.5 '. 4,-• ,,..7- .,*. Till iib's 0 D years I suffered. untold misery f MHO Itching Piles, sometimes called pin E.1--- ,.!. ,, I. -..4. t; .1... and- ir4 4 bv,1 • a lif expeet of me. is it ?. ed a grin, though he tried to suppress Al 4 't ' COAL Ji• -',-,1 '4.g-- worms. Many and many %%Ewa:4 lame it by keeping his lips shut together had to lay off the roau Croat the trouble. ill... very tightly indeed. :I tried eight other pile ointments and so atilt- .. F011. ALL SIZES OF BUILDINGS .. • ,.... Fats, ye shall have ut, said the eahed remedies with no perwsnent reCapaciubic Stet -1 lief to the Ditenee itching* and stinging, I Z.: schoolmaster. Spill and defoine me whieh tl) from 10,000 to 80,00 C -.40 long marches better, with less fatigue Who all I? than do those who drink ; they enjoy I'm George, a higher degree of health, bear the Frederick exposure of camp and march better, Muter 1 and are far less liable to yield to • If you don'e like my style • I can change it Quicker'n you can say much I think separate schools should be wiped out -- sickness. Notwithstanding these facts, there are,- as we have stated above, very many who believe the reverse. There is a reason for this error. It And then again I don't is found in the exhilaration which- I believe 111 total 'prohibition— follows as the first effect of imbibing. And then again I don't! liquer. The alcoholic poison acts as I'm the most convenient an excitant of' the entire system, and Duck gives a fictitious strength; but this That never played at polities. is as surely followed by a period of I was dead, right on the school depression, unknown to the non- question, drinking man. Those who recall But somehow or other only the period of excitement natal-- I didn't catch on, ally fall into the error of supposing As to prohibition- -4'4ot the pleasurable sensations are a Well, siga of added strength given by the That gene.°talk. temperance— liquor, instead of merely an un-' And vote Grit, What this party wants Is Votes We must Conciliate! That's the word ! Let us stand Pat With the Church And the man behind the bar. Separate schools must go— But not just now— Prohibition flatlet come— Sometime. That fellow Hobbs Gives Me a Pain Where the Chicken Got the Axe. Brethren, let us pray! I'tn dead tired 1 Excuse my frankness, change. Hence it is clear that it But yoa fellows don't know most have a maga influence upon What it is to be knocked out in the duration of hainan life, which the first round. naturally depends upon'the -bodily In feet WW1. If the latter is injured, it think • follows that life mast. be shortened, The People .Don't • natural and unhealthy phenomenon: This effect of any intoxicating beverage is duo to the alcohol it con- . tains. Alcohol is a poison, pure ancl es.lesimple : tend its poieoneas and direct - I; ly proportioned to the amount taken into the system, and the fre- quency of the dose. Its habitual use injures every organ. It sets up a chronic and obstinate inflammation of the stomach ; its evils effects upon the liver frequently results in an in- curable disease, commonly known as "hob -nail -liver" or "whisky liver„" it is one of the most common causes of incurable kidney troubles; it in- jures, the brain and nervous system, deranges. the circulation; destroys digestion and interferes with the • functions of assimilation and tissue That this is correct, is amply proved by the following table, taken from Mei report of Mw investigations pncleretenci of Mr. Nelson, the act•aary of the kb. ' Mc dicaflavalict and General Life ---- --t4t. insurance Oonitrany of London, held 'Ute Pains Of Rheumatism 17. N • &OD by Dr. Jarvis, in the tenty- According to MA best authorities, origi- i nate in a mobid. condition of the blood, tliird registration report of Massa -,Lactic; acid, caused by the decomposition Otia.SettS. Given 200,000 -persons at , of the gelatinous and albuminous tis - the age of 20, of whom 100,000 aye! sues, circulates with the blood and , iemperate and 100,000 are intern- 1 attacks the fibrous tissues, particularly in "8 joints, and thus causes the local perate, there will remain living the ' 1 inanifestations of the disease. Tlae back following number &each, at the ages . and shoulders are the parts usually given I affected by rheumatism, and the 3oints ' eller she was began at I ertsmouth. b AGE. IXTEMPERATE. TEMPBEATE. i at the knees, ankles, hips and wrists are The Majestic is in only a littleless for- Weekly Notiee -.., rhe Timm; and v ,...„°-_- people have found in Hood's Sarsaparilla in otilc.Illyn•Gialoohrettiowill tTi:11t (,81 A, t sl t a tr. ttl . saufyroandtdirieos: At 25 81,975 9,;,,ii , also sometimes attacked. Thousands of state. Both ships. have beaten the 1 , 0 64,114 91,0 iv a positive and permanent cure for rhea- record in rapidity of eonstruetion. till .lan for one dollar, pay. Ats85 50,746This will soon be in turn beaten by able in tin'tIllv. 'i.i, tli Li.: 1890' 86,880 inatiem. It bas had remarkable Slatl- ' /t 40 -- 39,671 82,082 Gess in curing the most severe cases. the speed with which two more • ---"'""'''r-'"''''-''''''.r1--"--"""--"."-"".. At 50 21,938 70 666 The secret of its success lies in the fact battleships are being built by private yr 00)398 PliOsvlickinDM. s 40000 ' disease by neutralizing the lactic acid t At Og, 11,586 ‘ „ „)„, , that it attacks at once the cause of the contract on the Clyde and atThe GreaEnglish Retnedr Birken- , At 74, 5,075 . 85,220 0)1(1 purifying the blood, as well as Stx Packages Guaranteed to 'nate tale tell its own story. 876 111,,r1060 i ttorggthenina every fUnetiOn of the promptly, and pertaanen* cure all ferrag Of Nervous VeaknessibuissionsaPerns- iv; 80 eztorrhea, /topknot/denial! tlh he starte intemperate drop ieffects of Abuse or Excesses, nto the grave faster than the. teniperate;' If you are poor, you may expekt Mental 'Worry, excessive hes somethin,g• terrible to eoriteirtplate, Take Notie Truss end 11.clief in six "marg.-Distressing. ,Rid. 1 '4:736/Csije evre'enlan;;Y: el trli s'ileed.:C.:"e reftn:stach:ealr".6:4461a8Pn:lialrea Sa7;88irtdoilt It: ate is to be watched and suspekted. months later. and the inereased death r 'Ralf the original number of intempe- , '31(reiltly Globe will be ;Lilt% any address noy ana Dlatitler &email reliever rate men. are dead at 85 While half . illeanade. or the tinited States, foul new hours by the “Great South Arne aim': itsidix. rneseoeicers.idtistoshm:od-orititolli 1.112t.ofloitabLtto_ol,not iroftea Median!: of the number of temperate do not ' telelejtsrliaTelteeleaet, 1890) lot onb "1"t pay' IsluerYpCrir U'i'id delight to physicians on ac- Ititlese price In intter, on s ItnYeeitaerlbuf 1:11:tiele"e1;1:111its, This great remedy is a great k pass away until 55 ; and over thir-1 trta vtawnitiottdbq taunt teen times as many temperanee men ' It 1.z very difficult to find ft man 'want of its exeeedieg promptness in roliev. inan. Pries.. 050 IluOkaglet $it Att st't On° wili ing pain in the bladder, kidneys, book end raese, damn cute reenemats tree to tow addres*. and female. It relieves retention of water 'Me Wiled Coreptter, Winater, Out., Canadti. are still In the land of the living at that rz &nix sitz cond.ishnn in life. every part Of the urinary pesetges in male 80 years of age as there are of in- I, A rata/ Attack. and pain in ravaing it nimest areinediately. ld l Wingbaniby C. II, Willianas, Druggist. temperato ones. Sobriety leads 101 A. fatal n ttck o f rop .. a 4tint Xf you warittplok relief and intro this is _ . _ Son e— -- . length of life, while • the drunkards1 ocaurreriaAtationcr:bikini:46.ft. kiveer - Your romeoY. Sold at Chisholmes drag do not live out half their days on an 1 household ehould be guarded by keep. store. i ing Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam at band. II n with too many projects on avert e It is the filets of this nature which ' ereun, foot 'requently beeemc pocket -sore. It breaks up colds, coughs, 1 cotl. to be brought to the attention filtlige8te "a b"chitill i" Milarkable X. ri il -. -. MEM. Mg ltEAD AMIE, GASH. If you have any Tweeds at home, now is the time to save a dollar the making of each suit, and get a peel fit. First-class Trimmings ,supplie at wholesale prices for spot cash only. ...MrVl7C.fae•0..r.a.a...a•t=a•r.r..r.za If you want to buy a Suit or Overcoat you can save from 33,00 I81.0.00 on each, by purchasing 'front us. WEBSTER & 00., Merchant Tailor;, Opposite the new 111acdonald Bleck, Wingham. bleed and Ulcerate. One/ nlclialftsa box) ot blifeitbanahnuible This real word from the Irish lan- Chase's Ointmentutt u10 (.1).upletely guage, which means transgressions, ' The man who keeps Ids own eoun- WU* 100 trach even for the special sel usually does not pay as large law - knowledge of the bright Irish-Ameri- yer fees as the other fellow. eau boy, and Dooly, Michael! went down with the rest. "Health. Insurance." The committeemen were convin- eed that they bad a schoolmaster of That is ainioet as necessary as life wonderful erudition and capacity. insurance. It means reasonable eare and occasionally a. little medicine -- Sound as a Dollar, , not much. A Ripens Tabule is S01110 people are lucky in findi4g the enough iu most cases. right remedy at the right time. A case ...W... 64%. in point follows, and is worth reading : A great many people use the About three months ago ini aiid privilege" more than torture from it. 1 took three opinion. . bottles of your valuable medicine, .Bur - desk 'Blood Bitters, end now 1 foal all O. Some six years ago I took a few bottles of B. B. 13, and found it the best medicine I had ever used. 1 had the , very best of health until this attack of Rheumatism, but now I am glad to say that 13. B. B. has made me as sound es a I dollar. Kenatiutoh, Ont. 1 A. MCCONACHI.B. EXeinples of the speed with which battleshipsof enormous tonnage can Triod and Recommended. be built in English dock yards are I have used with beneficial results . furnished by the Magnificent and K. D. 0, and have recommended it Majestic, whose keels were laid less to a great many of my friends, all of than twelveenontbs ago, The Mag- whom speak very highly of it. To nificent, with all her enemy plating all who suffer from indigestion I can on, her boilers fitted, and a good deal of her machinery on board, will , heartily recommend it as the best. be floated out of her dock on next Secretary-Treasn'rer, Wednesday week, exactly a year , and Publishing Co., Montreal, P. Q. 'When Baby wits sick, gavo her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried Lor Castoria. Wlion site beco.ata Miss, she citing t Castoria. When sho had Children, she,garo them Castoria. head. The nava' alarm Will result in five first-clase battleships being ready for commission next year, which, ordinarily, would not be finished within at least eighteen "CYCLONE STEEL. RADIATOR 0 ES,Wliktik Alk tl4 East CC111en Syrup. rrlso440 Geod. tor In Om*. hold b Itts '''',..:INi7itYMPPTION,' CM' " OXFORD WOOD FURNACC wow) FURNACE HEAVY GRATE, especially adapted. for wood burning •1 Heavy Steel Plate Fire Box Dome and Radiator, which heat quicker and are more durable RADIATOR of Modern Construe. tion and Great Heating Power LARGE ASH PIT • COAL FURNACE Large Combustion Chamber Long Fire Travel,enciroling radiator Large Heating Surface Large Feed Door Sectional Fire Pot Rotating Bar Damning Orate DEEP ASH PIT Full Guaranteed Capacity 1,11.1fg.1.,*1;*r. and rEsTli002PAR ait.4,- • ....111anufactured by.... Cass - The G131111E1 FOLItiOnv COMPAHY Ltd., l'70 - !A 111 A d A dA "WA AA4kilibkiAilk ••.„ FOR SALE BY D. SUTHERLAND, Wingham, Ont. HARNESS AND GOLLARS. Having bought out the Ambler Harness Business and started in his oia stand, am prepared to furnish the public with everything usually kept in a harness shop such as HEAVY, LIGHT and TRACK HARNESS, NETS, DUSTERS, WHIPS, CURRY CCNIBS, BRUSHES, SWEAT COLLARS, TRUNKS, VALISES and TRAVELLING BAGS, &e., 1 teaks all uty owa Oollarsaad guarantee satisfaetion. Give me5 trial and 1 will use you right. Itinghakt WANTED SALESMEN "fl ' I and complete lino i Of Nursery t•to it or eed Potstors, or both. Per. marmot and mint positions t', Load mon. WY, C31) piVe vou exclusive te.ritory 0 sott wish. It will pay you to *rite us tor tdrills. AddeOPR, The Hawks Nursery Co" Rochester, N. Y. WAtiTE0,--ig'U,Nr,ttv/Vat,gr., GrOtitt ursery 'Stock. We guarant:M s distortion to repretentativos and Customers. Cur Nurseries itre the largest in the Dominion —0Ver 100 ovrts, substitution in Orden-, Exclusive territory and libms eral terto whole or tos,rt ENO 41.4Onts. Write US. STONE VELLINGTOlt, (Head OilletaTaronfo, The Only Nutley in CM''Ji hMitgtetting oprobodo. YOUNGLADIES ANY) GENTLEMEN. Stind 0 tents in stsinps, or 10 eontl:snfltr, And we will gond You by return mail the PERFECT LETTER WRITER/ A neat little tioolt, 'being tt psdeet Gtide in the mt. of Low. writhist. 11 contains letters et Lora, ltrienlithin and burliness, A46., With r amble Worn& tientand ativico Every Nounut roan and *them thaulti have this hook. Attire, NOVEXAlt PlItttaii11:112S, tasuessik, •